#Hydrur Selkie
contrastparadoxx · 3 months
[I roll over on my side to show my tummy a little]
Just a short while for little ol me, surely!
“Just for a short while~”
>You have gained +1 belly rub
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contrastparadoxx · 3 months
👀Rue are you ever.. embarrassed by how dense Snow can be at times? how little he seems to get about tact and social stuff?
“That’s part of his charm for me~ and part of why we work so well as moirails~ I am quite skilled in the social aspects of life, so I can compensate for his lack~”
“I would not say it is embarrassing, though I’m sure situations could arise that make it such ive yet to experience such~”
>They laugh
“And I had to spell out that Yahiro was trying to get into his pants once~”
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contrastparadoxx · 3 months
Say Rue, how'd you really end up owning that club? 👀
“Killed the abusive jackass who owned it previously, then Hiro pulled some strings and next thing I know I’m the owner of his club, his house, and all of his assets~”
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contrastparadoxx · 3 months
[Gives her my cutest badger look]
Are you free this evening? (said with pet and belly rub intent)
“I suppooooose I could find time in my schedule~ I’m a very busy troll you know~”
>He’s mildly charmed by your little badger face
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contrastparadoxx · 3 months
Trots in here cutely
May I chat with a Rue? Hewwo?
“Hello doll, presently accounted for and speaking~”
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contrastparadoxx · 8 months
💫 💫 Rue..
-Rue likes to joke that leopard seals are the dragons of the pinniped family. It seems much less a joke when you see the grin that accompanies the comment
-I’ve mentioned before that Rue collects tiny figurines, and likes to get specific animals for quads and other close people. They also like to get those specific ones made out of materials to match the person (a snow leopard carved from a tooth or ivory, that sort of thing)
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contrastparadoxx · 1 year
His sexuality is Whore next question
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contrastparadoxx · 1 year
Deified for Rue..
Rue is the Embodiment of the North Wind. Often seen as cruel and merciless, those who worship him know that she is a caretaker at the end of the day. The one who blankets the land in snow, so that life may rest and grow come the spring. Her domain is anywhere that snow can be found, it’s said sometimes you can even find foot prints that both start and end in the middle of a field. Like the leopard seal that is his sacred animal, Rue is often written off as cruel and monstrous because they are compared against something far more cute and beloved, but that simply isn’t true.
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contrastparadoxx · 1 year
I gotta ask for ruru ofc 🎴
Ruru has a secret little pocket where she Carrie’s some of those like fingernail sized carved animals, right now she’s got a little snow leopard she got carved from a tooth and a little eel made of marble
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contrastparadoxx · 1 year
Ruru 📂📂📂
-They love icy fruit pops and frozen yogurt
-LOVES LOVES LOVES little tiny figurines like the kind where they’re surprisingly elegantly designed but also you can hold like 20 in your hand the tiny pocket ones (totally fine with the larger ones as well but the extra tiny ones being a high level of delight). Carries around a little eel and snow leopard in their pocket that they spent a stupid amount of time and money finding
-He almost went blind once as a kid, and while she’s fully recovered now they completely retained their ability to move around with surprising ease even in complete darkness
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contrastparadoxx · 2 years
💝Ruru too, if you wanna
Ruru intends to pretend like she isn’t upset about being alone by working. It’s easy enough, she’s paid to be someone else’s date, after all.
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contrastparadoxx · 2 years
ruru! what made you start working at as above?
“Well, I was out of a job due to… unfortunate circumstances~ And they don’t care much about my fins~”
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contrastparadoxx · 2 years
Do you ever have people start trouble with you because of your um.. off-color fins, Ruru?
>They frown at this question, immediately pulling out a little metal canister which they open up before beginning to apply the content to the aforementioned fins
“…They don’t get to stick around very long when they do~”
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contrastparadoxx · 2 years
Do you have any hobbies in particular you like to do in your free time when you’re not working, Ruru?
“I got a reputation to uphold you know~”
“Can’t be spilling my secrets to just anyone~”
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contrastparadoxx · 2 years
Nice to meet you then Ruru! Can I ask how you ended up working at such a fancy night club? Seems like a place that’s hard to start working at,!
“Guy happened across me at a pivotable point in my life and invited me to try out for a job~”
>They shrug, and lean their chin into their hand
“But the rest was my own good looks and charm~”
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contrastparadoxx · 2 years
Ruru! Who do you get along with the most at As Above? Or do you tend to keep your distance with everybody there?
“Oh absolutely Mother~ She keeps an eye on me always~”
>They let out a little chirp type noise
“But I’m also pretty close to Snow~ He’s the one that first brought me here~”
“Haven’t gotten PARTICULARLY close to anyone else though~”
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