#Hypospadias surgeon
hypospadiasclinics · 1 year
My talk at the Hypospadias International Society (HIS)meeting
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I had the great privilege to take part in the HIS meeting held in Brazil a few months ago. I couldn’t go there physically due to some family commitments. So, I attended the virtual meeting for 3 days. In the meeting, I delivered a talk on 2-stage repair for complex failed hypospadias cases with the use of oral mucosal graft. I was among the very few doctors from India to attend this meeting and deliver a talk at this prestigious meeting.
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Hypospadias is one of the most common congenital anomalies. Unfortunately, there is not much awareness in the general public or even among many doctors about this problem. There are several reasons for this:
Hypospadias is an external anomaly and is not usually life-threatening. So, most people think that it is a minor problem.
Many doctors also don’t realise that hypospadias surgery is a technically demanding operation and has to be only done by the best surgeon.
Most people have little awareness about the far-reaching complications of hypospadias, which not only affects urination but can potentially disrupt the normal adult life of the person and the family.
The social and psychological stigma associated with hypospadias. Being a genital problem, most parents are not ready to share the information with family and friends and take their help to search for the best doctor for hypospadias surgery.
Once the child grows older, he becomes shy and doesn’t discuss the problem with the parents anymore.
Most parents and many doctors think that hypospadias is a minor problem and seek a solution from the local doctors; if the surgery is successful, it is ok. But more often than not, the operation may result in failure, and only then do the parents start looking for an expert. This results in the child undergoing multiple operations, including more complex reoperations, which could have been avoided if an expert surgeon had been involved from the beginning.
Thus, hypospadias remains a common and neglected problem. In addition, many surgeons of many specialities perform hypospadias surgery, and there are hundreds of techniques for hypospadias repair. This makes things more complicated for parents to choose the best surgeon and for family physicians to refer these cases to the best surgeon for hypospadias!
The purpose of the Hypospadias International Society (HIS) was to disseminate proper knowledge about hypospadias correction techniques among its members. Many enthusiastic surgeons from across the globe participate in its annual meetings. The latest meeting in Brazil was attended by over 100 hypospadialogists. Various techniques of hypospadias repair, including primary and complex failed hypospadias repairs, were discussed by experts. The pros and cons of various techniques were debated by experts in a scientific atmosphere. The long-term follow-up and results of hypospadias repairs were also discussed. 
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My talk in the HIS meeting was about the most complex cases of hypospadias, which come after multiple failed operations elsewhere. These cases are very complex and require the expertise of the best hypospadias surgeon. Typically, a 2-stage (sometimes 3-stage) repair is performed utilising the skin taken from inside the oral cavity (mouth) as a graft to prepare the deficient urinary tube (urethra). We have done more than 100 such cases over the past 8 years in Hyderabad, with over 90% success of such complex operations. Our patients come from all over India, including Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Orissa, West Bengal, Bihar and UP. We also performed complex redo hypospadias repairs on international patients who underwent their initial failed hypospadias operations in other countries.
My talk about the technique and results of complex hypospadias reconstructions at the HIS meeting was highly appreciated. I received positive messages from many surgeons across the world congratulating us for our work and the good results. However, an ideal situation is where no child requires such complex reconstructions for failed hypospadias. This is possible if the initial hypospadias surgery is performed by experts only. When choosing the best hypospadias surgeon for their child, parents should spend some time identifying the best surgeon with the best results in hypospadias repair. Remember, even the best surgeon can have complications (like the best driver can have an accident), but the complications will be a small percentage, usually minor and easily treatable. I discussed a few tips for parents in my earlier blog about how to choose the best hypospadias surgeon for their child. That blog may be referred to by those interested in knowing more about this.
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hypospadiasclinic · 6 days
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Urethral Stricture is one of the most common complication of Hypospadias repair surgery, the condition of narrowing the urethra , the tube connected to the bladder from which the urine outflows from the body
Leaving the condition untreated does not let you to empty the bladder completely and c eates the urgency of peeing all the times. leaving it untreated makes you uncomfortable, increase UTI, fertility problems…
Then what are the effective ways to treat the same
Urethroplasty Surgical procedures - Performing the surgery to reconstruct the urethra structure which would be considered as the most effective treatment to make the functionality normal and improve the quality of life
Dilatation - The process of slowly improving the diameter of urethra to get it back to the normal position
Optilume drug-coated balloon (DCB)
This is a minimally-invasive alternative to traditional treatments that offers immediate relief.
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Hypospadias is a clinical group of best Hypospadias Surgeon in Hyderabad and as a surgical issue has enchanted the surgeons and the patients since time immemorial. In the past, hypospadias operations have had very poor success rates. Then after some time, the fact was accepted that the Hypospadias surgery needs to be done by a Surgeon who specializes in Hypospadias Surgery, namely a Hypospadiologist. One of the best Hypospadias Surgery Doctor in Hyderabad are available at Ankura hospital.
Hypospadias is a congenital (birth) defect found in a male child. In this condition, the opening of urethra is not placed at the penis's tip. The urethra originates abnormally during 8-14 weeks of pregnancy. This abnormal opening is usually anywhere, beginning from just below the end of the penis to the scrotum. The condition can only be treated by the best Hypospadias Surgery in hyderabad.
Types of Hypospadias: There are three types of hypospadias:
Subcoronal: The urethral opening is placed somewhere close to the penis head. Midshaft: The urethral opening is placed along the penis’s shaft. Penoscrotal: The urethral opening is placed where the penis meets scrotum.
Symptoms of Hypospadias: The common signs and symptoms of hypospadias are: Beneath curved penis (chordee).
The opening of the urethra is placed in other sites than the penis's head. The hooded appearance of the penis when its upper half is covered by the foreskin. Unnatural spraying while urinating. These conditions can only be treated with the help of hypospadias surgery by the best Hypospadias Treatment Doctors in Hyderabad.
Cause of Hypospadias: For many pediatric urologists, it's difficult to find the main cause of Hypospadias. Our Best Hypospadias Surgery Doctor in Hyderabad at Ankura Hospital have recognized some of its main causes: Being obese or Overweight in pregnancy. Family history of Hypospadias Pregnancy after the age of 35. Undergoing IVF fertility treatment Errors or mutations in Genetic sequencing. Best Treatment for Hypospadias in Children In the case of mild hypospadias, when the urethral opening is just a little down from regular and there is no bending of the penis, treatment may not be required. However, in most cases, operation is needed to fix the hypospadias. It can be done in one operation. But, if the condition is more complicated, there may be a requirement of two operations. The best Treatment for Hypospadias in Children is majorly done when the child is about 6-18 months old.
Book an Appointment Now!
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prashantjainsblog · 5 months
Best Pediatric Urologist in Delhi - Dr. Prashant Jain
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Are you seeking the utmost care and expertise for your child's urological needs in Delhi? Look no further! Delve into the realm of pediatric urologist in the capital city.
With a blend of advanced medical prowess, compassionate care, and a dedication to ensuring your child's well-being, Delhi's pediatric urologists stand out as beacons of excellence in the field.
Dr. Prashant Jain is the best pediatric urologists in Delhi and their exemplary skills and dedication to excellence are highlighted by his achievements as a gold medalist in both pediatric surgery and urology.his specialized expertise in pediatric urology and minimal invasive surgery indicates a keen focus on advanced and precise medical techniques for treating young patients. The opportunity to work at Great Ormond Street in London likely provided him with invaluable international experience and exposure to cutting-edge practices in his field.
With such a robust education, specialized training, and international exposure, it’s evident that Dr. Prashant Jain is a highly qualified and experienced professional in pediatric surgery and urology. His dedication to his field and continuous pursuit of knowledge and expertise make him a valuable asset to the medical community, particularly in the realm of pediatric care.
Dr. Prashant Jain’s accomplishments in the field of pediatric surgery and urology are truly remarkable. His success in performing reconstructive surgeries for congenital anomalies showcases his exceptional skills and dedication to improving the lives of young patients with complex medical conditions. Successfully treating previously failed cases of urological anomalies like hypospadias and bladder exstrophy speaks volumes about his expertise and innovative approaches.
Why Choose Delhi's Pediatric Urologists?
Expertise: Each of these specialists possesses extensive training and experience in pediatric urology, ensuring the highest standard of care for your child.
Compassionate Care: Beyond medical expertise, these doctors prioritize the emotional well-being of both children and parents, fostering a supportive environment throughout the treatment journey.
State-of-the-Art Facilities: Collaborating with leading hospitals and clinics in Delhi, these pediatric urologists have access to cutting-edge technology and facilities, facilitating precise diagnoses and effective treatments.
Continued Innovation: With a commitment to staying abreast of the latest advancements in pediatric urology, these specialists continuously refine their skills and techniques, offering innovative solutions for even the most challenging cases.
Take the First Step Towards Your Child's Health:
When it comes to your child's urological health, trust only the best.  Best pediatric urologist in delhi with combine skill, compassion, and innovation to provide unparalleled care for your little ones. Take the first step towards ensuring your child's health and happiness by scheduling a consultation with one of these esteemed specialists today.
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catboybiologist · 6 months
Hi I'm a former high school science teacher and now a doctor. While teaching, I was officially advised to explain that current understanding of gender is that it is complex and that sex is not necessarily the same as gender. I also got told not to mention intersex people outside of explaining that they exist, because tbh 14 year olds need to understand the normal stuff first.
I can also confirm that during medical school I was officially taught that "we refer to patients as male or female because man and woman are complex terms that do not adequately describe our patient population". We also did not use the term intersex at all, we generally referred to either "sex variants" or (in newborns/paediatric patients) we would refer to "disorders of" or "differences of sexual development" (DSDs).
There's not a hard and fast difference between "disorder" of sexual development or "difference", but generally it got called a disorder if it mandated surgical correction (e.g. vaginal agenesis, cloacal exstrophy, severe hypospadias, urethral atresia etc). If you didn't have to operate to prevent irreparable harm, it usually got called a "difference". We try not to recommend operations that aren't biologically necessary, but parents are currently permitted to request them and generally it'll be approved - though if I were the surgeon (which I'm not) I would probably request a different person perform it because I am not comfortable with unnecessary genital surgeries on unconsenting children.
Medicine currently recognises that sex and gender are not synonymous, that correlation is not causation, and that intersex conditions come in a wide variety of forms and functions. We also do not have a clear idea of whether something like hypospadias or imperforate hymen even COUNT as intersex disorders, even if they're definitely DSDs, and it's not very important because "intersex" isn't really a medical term.
Thank you so much for this perspective! I'm really happy, honored, and excited that I got the opinion of a doctor on this stuff.
I do have a couple of poorly articulated, rambly thoughts here, which I hope don't come off as criticizing you, because I'm just trying to build off of what you're saying and possibly get your perspective.
"male" and "female" are still interesting terms to me, and still have some of the same pitfalls as "man" and "woman". This is purely my own opinion, I don't want to falsely represent how scientists and doctors use them, but I personally use them more frequently as adjectives for individual parts of a body. Mostly, I do this to refer to myself. Because... Am I currently male, or female? I have a typical male height, male genitalia, but female physiology, female fat distribution, female hormonal systems, etc. It's hard for people to think of biological sex as dynamic and changing, but if you want to accurately describe me, that's what I am currently.
And yeah, you can totally use male and female to refer to individuals who dominantly have those male or female traits overall. But you have to be ready to get nuanced about it- which is exactly what you're doing here, which I appreciate.
It's also somewhat useful when referring casually to hermaphroditic organisms, although by that point you're probably just using more specific terms. I digress. I'm rambling.
I have a barely-relevant tangent here that I'm gonna put under the cut. There's an interesting parallel here between another linguistic quirk of terminology in genetics.
When a gene varies by a single base pair (eg, one of the As, Ts, Cs, or Gs is something else, or has been deleted or added), it can change the function of the gene. Sometimes, this is called a mutation- which, yes it is. Mutation implies a deviation from the general population, a distinct molecular event that happened which now exists in the gene pool in small numbers.
The trouble lies with assuming what the "default" form of the gene is. When gene A is say, 50% G at a certain location, and 50% T at that spot, it's called a SNP- single nucleotide polymorphism (often pronounced as "snip").
But what's the cutoff? 80-20? 95-5? 99-1? More extreme? What about SNPs
This is purely a linguistic thing, and in scientific contexts, people know what you're talking about based on the context around the words you use.
SNP as a term has p much been around for as long as genetics as a field. Within the field, I don't think anyone cares much, except as a discussion topic to get undergrads interested. However, I do think it's important for scientific communication- mutation has a much different connotation in people's minds than SNP, a term they may have never heard or feel neutrally about. The same can be applied to sex- the way we talk about male/female traits is extremely relevant to public perception. It's very similar to the terminology you're talking about here. And I'm really glad that medicine acknowledges that!!
In general, I think that these linguistic debates can seem trivial to professionals- but it dramatically affects public perception. There's whole other rambles here about how scientists and doctors generally don't know how to talk to non-scientists and non-doctors, but that's a whole other thing.
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medtour2023 · 1 year
Hypospadias Surgery: Correcting a Common Congenital Anomaly
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Hypospadias is a common congenital condition in which the opening of the urethra is located on the underside of the penis instead of at the tip. It is estimated to affect around 1 in 200 newborn boys. Hypospadias can vary in severity, with the urethral opening positioned anywhere along the underside of the penis, from the glans to the scrotum. Surgical correction is typically recommended to restore normal urinary and sexual function. In this article, we will explore hypospadias surgery in detail, including its indications, surgical techniques, considerations, and postoperative care.
Indications for Hypospadias Surgery
Hypospadias surgery is typically recommended for the following reasons:
1. Urinary Function: Hypospadias can affect the direction and flow of urine, making it challenging for a boy to urinate standing up. Surgery is performed to reposition the urethral opening at the tip of the penis, allowing for improved urinary function.
2. Cosmetic Appearance: Hypospadias can result in a penis that appears abnormal, with the urethral opening located on the underside. Surgical correction aims to enhance the cosmetic appearance of the penis, creating a more natural and symmetrical appearance.
3. Sexual Function: In severe cases of hypospadias, where the opening is located near the scrotum or perineum, sexual function may be affected. Surgery can help restore normal sexual function by repositioning the urethral opening to the tip of the penis.
Surgical Techniques for Hypospadias Correction
There are different surgical techniques available to correct hypospadias, and the specific approach chosen depends on the individual case and the surgeon's expertise. The two primary techniques used are:
1. Snodgrass Technique: The Snodgrass technique, also known as tubularized incised plate (TIP) repair, is the most common surgical procedure for distal and midshaft hypospadias. It involves creating a tube using the inner lining of the foreskin or other available tissue to extend the urethra to the tip of the penis. The tissue is shaped and sutured to form a neourethra, restoring normal urinary flow.
2. Mathieu Technique: The Mathieu technique is commonly used for distal hypospadias. In this technique, the urethral plate is incised and flipped to create a tube. The edges of the incised plate are then sewn together to form a neourethra. This technique is particularly suitable when the urethral plate is healthy and of adequate length.
Considerations and Preoperative Care
Before undergoing hypospadias surgery, certain considerations and preoperative care steps should be taken:
1. Age of the Child: Hypospadias surgery is typically performed when the child is between 6 and 18 months old, depending on the severity of the condition and the surgeon's recommendation. Early intervention allows for optimal surgical outcomes and helps minimize psychological and social impact as the child grows.
2. Anesthesia: General anesthesia is usually used for hypospadias surgery to ensure the child remains still and comfortable throughout the procedure. The anesthesia team will provide specific instructions regarding fasting and any necessary preoperative testing.
3. Circumcision: In some cases, circumcision may be performed concurrently with hypospadias surgery. The decision to perform circumcision will depend on the surgeon's recommendation and cultural or personal preferences.
Postoperative Care and Recovery
After hypospadias surgery, proper postoperative care is crucial for successful healing and optimal outcomes. The following guidelines are typically followed:
1. Catheter Placement: A catheter is often placed to allow urine drainage during the initial healing period. The catheter may be left in place for a few days or weeks, depending on the surgical technique and the surgeon's preference.
2. Dressing and Wound Care: The surgical site will be covered with a dressing, which should be kept clean and dry. Specific instructions will be provided on how to care for the dressing, clean the area, and apply any prescribed ointments or medications.
3. Activity Restrictions: Strenuous physical activity, such as running or jumping, should be avoided during the initial recovery period to prevent damage to the surgical site. The child should be encouraged to engage in quiet play and avoid straddling activities.
4. Follow-up Visits: Regular follow-up visits with the surgeon are essential to monitor the healing process, remove any sutures or catheters if necessary, and address any concerns or complications that may arise.
Outcomes and Complications
Hypospadias surgery generally has favorable outcomes, with high success rates in achieving normal urinary function and cosmetic appearance. However, as with any surgical procedure, there are potential complications to be aware of, including:
1. Fistula: A fistula is an abnormal opening that can occur along the surgical site, leading to urine leakage. It may require further surgical intervention to repair.
2. Urethral Stricture: Urethral stricture refers to the narrowing of the repaired urethra, which can cause difficulty with urination. It may require additional treatment or surgical correction.
3. Cosmetic Irregularities: Despite efforts to achieve a natural appearance, minor cosmetic irregularities may occur, such as mild curvature or differences in skin coloration.
Cost in India
The cost of hypospadias surgery can vary significantly across different countries due to variations in healthcare systems, economic factors, and local pricing structures.
Hypospadias surgery in India is generally more affordable compared to Western countries. The cost can range from approximately USD 1000 to 3000 or more, depending on the hospital, the surgeon's expertise, and other factors. India is a popular destination for medical tourism due to its lower healthcare costs.
Hypospadias surgery is a common procedure performed to correct a congenital anomaly in which the urethral opening is located on the underside of the penis. Surgical correction aims to restore normal urinary and sexual function and improve the cosmetic appearance of the penis. Various surgical techniques are available, and the choice of approach depends on the severity of the condition and the surgeon's expertise. Proper preoperative care, surgical technique selection, and postoperative care are crucial for successful outcomes. With early intervention and appropriate management, hypospadias surgery can effectively correct the condition, allowing affected individuals to lead normal, healthy lives.
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dhanvantarihospital · 2 months
Pediatric Surgeon in Mumbai - Dr. Bhavesh Doshi
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When it comes to ensuring the best medical care for your child, finding a reliable and experienced pediatric surgeon is paramount. Pediatric Surgeon in Mumbai - Dr. Bhavesh Doshi stands out as a trusted name in the field, offering exceptional surgical care for children. With a commitment to providing compassionate and comprehensive treatment, Dr. Bhavesh Doshi has earned a reputation for excellence.
Who is Dr. Bhavesh Doshi?
Dr. Bhavesh Doshi is a renowned pediatric surgeon based in Mumbai, specializing in a wide range of surgical procedures for infants, children, and adolescents. With extensive training and years of experience, Dr. Doshi is dedicated to providing the highest standard of care. His expertise covers various areas, including neonatal surgery, pediatric urology, and minimally invasive surgery, ensuring that young patients receive the most advanced and effective treatments available.
Why Choose Dr. Bhavesh Doshi?
Choosing a pediatric surgeon for your child is a critical decision. Here are some compelling reasons why Pediatric Surgeon in Mumbai - Dr. Bhavesh Doshi should be your top choice:
Expertise and Experience: Dr. Bhavesh Doshi's extensive experience in pediatric surgery ensures that your child is in capable hands. His proficiency in handling complex surgical cases has earned him the trust of numerous parents in Mumbai and beyond.
Comprehensive Care: Dr. Doshi offers a wide range of pediatric surgical services, from routine procedures to complex surgeries. Whether your child needs a minor procedure or a major operation, Dr. Doshi provides comprehensive care tailored to their specific needs.
Advanced Techniques: Staying at the forefront of medical advancements, Dr. Bhavesh Doshi employs the latest surgical techniques and technologies. His expertise in minimally invasive surgery ensures quicker recovery times and minimal scarring for young patients.
Compassionate Approach: Understanding the anxieties parents and children face, Dr. Doshi adopts a compassionate and patient-centered approach. He takes the time to explain procedures, answer questions, and provide emotional support to both the child and their family.
Services Offered by Pediatric Surgeon in Mumbai - Dr. Bhavesh Doshi
Dr. Bhavesh Doshi offers a comprehensive range of surgical services for children, including but not limited to:
Neonatal Surgery: Specialized surgical care for newborns with congenital anomalies or other medical conditions requiring immediate intervention.
Pediatric Urology: Treatment of urological conditions such as hypospadias, vesicoureteral reflux, and kidney stones.
Minimally Invasive Surgery: Utilizing laparoscopic and thoracoscopic techniques for various procedures, ensuring minimal pain and faster recovery.
Congenital Malformations: Surgical correction of congenital anomalies like cleft lip and palate, diaphragmatic hernia, and more.
Emergency Surgery: Prompt and efficient surgical care for pediatric emergencies, ensuring the best possible outcomes.
Patient Testimonials
The success and dedication of Pediatric Surgeon in Mumbai - Dr. Bhavesh Doshi are reflected in the positive testimonials from parents and patients. Many families have shared their gratitude for Dr. Doshi's exceptional care and expertise. Here are a few excerpts:
"Dr. Doshi's expertise and compassionate care made a world of difference for our child's recovery. We are forever grateful for his dedication."
"Choosing Dr. Bhavesh Doshi was the best decision we made for our child's surgery. His professionalism and kindness put us at ease during a stressful time."
When it comes to pediatric surgery, trust is essential. Pediatric Surgeon in Mumbai - Dr. Bhavesh Doshi combines expertise, advanced techniques, and a compassionate approach to provide the best surgical care for children. Whether it's a routine procedure or a complex surgery, Dr. Bhavesh Doshi is dedicated to ensuring the well-being and speedy recovery of his young patients. For parents seeking a reliable pediatric surgeon in Mumbai, Dr. Bhavesh Doshi is the name you can trust.
What types of surgeries does Dr. Bhavesh Doshi specialize in? Dr. Doshi specializes in neonatal surgery, pediatric urology, minimally invasive surgery, congenital malformations, and emergency surgeries.
How can I schedule an appointment with Dr. Bhavesh Doshi? You can schedule an appointment by visiting Dr. Bhavesh Doshi's official website or contacting his clinic directly.
Is minimally invasive surgery available for all pediatric conditions? While many conditions can be treated with minimally invasive surgery, the suitability depends on the specific case and Dr. Doshi's assessment.
What should I expect during my child's surgical consultation? During the consultation, Dr. Doshi will explain the procedure, answer your questions, and provide detailed information about pre-operative and post-operative care.
How does Dr. Bhavesh Doshi ensure the comfort of his young patients? Dr. Doshi adopts a compassionate and child-friendly approach, ensuring that both the child and their family feel supported and comfortable throughout the surgical process.
Take the Next Step with Pediatric Surgeon in Mumbai - Dr. Bhavesh Doshi
Ready to ensure the best care for your child? Don't wait—Book an appointment with Pediatric Surgeon in Mumbai - Dr. Bhavesh Doshi today! Tap here to schedule your visit.
Have questions or need immediate assistance? You can reach us by phone or find our clinic location easily. Click here for more details.
Stay connected with us on social media:
Ensure your child's health is in expert hands with Pediatric Surgeon in Mumbai - Dr. Bhavesh Doshi.
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medicalcareinfo · 2 months
Explore the symptoms, reasons, and how to find the right surgeon before getting a second opinion for your child’s failed hypospadias repair. Click now!
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ctnursinghome1111 · 3 months
Which hospital is best for paediatric surgery in Pune?
The Paediatric Surgery at CT Nursing Home Hospital, Pune Pune. We understand the special needs of children and are renowned for our unique surgical expertise and skills. We are committed to delivering compassionate family-centred care, conducting innovative medical research, and providing the best training to our surgeons.
1. Neonatal surgery
2. Endoscopic surgery
3. Paediatric liver transplant
4. Paediatric urology surgery (bladder exstrophy, complex urological anomaly surgeries, 5. stone surgery, hypospadias)
6. Paediatric genitourinary surgery
7. Paediatric laparoscopic surgery
When choosing a hospital for paediatric surgery, there are several factors to consider. The most important factor is the qualifications and experience of the surgeons. Look for a hospital that employs board-certified paediatric surgeons with a proven track record of successful outcomes.
Pediatric surgeons commonly treat a variety of conditions, including congenital anomalies, pediatric cancers, traumatic injuries, gastrointestinal disorders, urological conditions, and Orthopaedic conditions. The Department of Paediatric Surgery provides surgical interventions for all childhood surgical diseases except that of the brain, bone and heart. It caters to children from 1 day up to 15 years of age. We provide comprehensive surgical care in emergencies which are ever-evolving and sometimes challenging. Minimally invasive procedures for select abdominal and thoracic conditions are performed with skill and finesse.
CT Nursing Home are among the best hospitals for pediatric surgery in Pune. Each hospital has a dedicated team of pediatric surgeons who specialize in various surgical procedures and equipment to ensure the best possible outcomes for young patients. Pediatric surgeons know how to make children feel comfortable and communicate with them. Pediatric surgeons are also involved in diagnosing conditions and caring for children before and after surgery. They may specialize in one of four main types of care:
Prenatal. Pediatric surgeons work with radiologists to spot problems while a child is in the womb and plan corrective surgeries after birth. Prenatal surgery, or an operation on a fetus, is a newer practice that is available at some of the larger medical centres.
Neonatal. Neonatal surgery involves the repair of congenital disabilities, or birth defects, in newborns.
Trauma. Trauma surgeries happen when a child has a moderate to severe injury such as a fracture, cut, burn, or internal injury. 
Pediatric surgery is a sub-specialty of surgery involving the surgery of fetuses, infants, children, adolescents, and young adults.
👉Visit Here For More Info: 👉  https://ctnursinghome.in/pediatric-surgery/
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hypospadiasclinics · 1 year
Hidden Complications of Hypospadias Surgery: Urethral Stricture
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An 8-year-old boy with a history of 3 prior operations for hypospadias elsewhere was brought to be with recurrent urinary tract infections. His Ultrasound (USG) examination revealed that he had swelling in both kidneys (hydronephrosis) with a thick urinary bladder which did not empty when he passed urine (over 50% of urine remained in the bladder)!  The parents of the child said that the child’s urination was ok; however, when someone tried to place a urinary tube (catheter) for doing an MCUG test, the tube simply did not go through his neourethra (the urinary tube which was reconstructed at the time of previous hypospadias operations). He was then referred to me. We put him under sedation and on careful examination, realized that the neourethra was very narrow (called stricture or stenosis). This was responsible for all his symptoms, infections and problems. We discussed the situation with his parents and opened up his narrow urethral tube till we reached his natural, normal, original urinary tube at the base of his penis. We re-created his natural opening, and all his symptoms disappeared. His kidney swelling reduced, his bladder was emptying normally now and he had no further infections. After 6 months, he underwent a 2-stage reoperation using an Oral Mucosal graft (OMG/ mucosa from inside the oral cavity). He is doing well henceforth.
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This case underscores several important points:
Hypospadias repair can cause urethral strictures (narrowing of the reconstructed urethra)
The child may not complain of typical symptoms like difficulty in urination or thin stream, especially if the stricture develops gradually over a period of time.
The most important cause of stricture after hypospadias repair is the poor surgical technique of not creating a good-sized neourethra at the time of the operation.
Other causes are that the skin tube used to create the neourethra may not expend
Some of the recent techniques create a ‘narrow’ neourethra which causes problems with urination which develops gradually over a period of time
It is important to follow the children after hypospadias repair for many years because some complications like stricture may develop gradually and may not cause many symptoms during the initial period.
Urethral Stricture after hypospadias repair can be a very serious and sometimes dangerous complication. I have personally seen some children coming to me with kidney damage after hypospadias repair elsewhere, because of urethral stricture.
Now the question arises: How can we avoid urethral stricture after hypospadias repair? The answer to this question is to create a good size (adequate caliber for the child’s age) neourethra (urinary tube) during the surgery. This requires that the surgeon should have expertise in many techniques of hypospadias repair, including some complex techniques that involve the creation of vascularized skin flaps from the penile skin to create a good caliber neourethra. Many surgeons may find these techniques difficult to perform and may resort to easy techniques of repair; such easy techniques, some of which are popular, may involve the creation of small size neourethra, thus resulting in urethral stricture. Apart from this, delicate handling of the tissues, use of magnification and fine sutures may also play a role in better healing of the surgery. Thus, the most important factor in avoiding urethral stricture after hypospadias repair is the skill and expertise of the surgeon. In some cases, other factors like poor wound healing or infection might play a role.
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Some surgeons routinely advise regular urethral dilatations after hypospadias repair, with the hope of periodically enlarging the urethra and preventing stricture. However, as I have discussed in my previous blogs also, there is no role of routine urethral dilatations after surgery to prevent urethral strictures. In fact, forcible dilatation of the narrow urethra might cause injury and make the stricture more severe. Thus, although such dilatations may cause temporary relief in a few cases, they are usually ineffective in a child with established urethral stricture. Thus, a good hypospadias surgeon would create an adequate size neourethra during the surgery, rather than rely on urethral dilatations after surgery. The hallmark of a good hypospadias surgeon is high success and low incidence of complications like urethral stricture. Parents have to search well for the expert surgeon before they plan their child’s hypospadias repair.
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hypospadiasclinic · 10 days
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Hypospadias is a clinical group of best Hypospadias Surgeon in India and as a surgical issue has enchanted the surgeons and the patients since time immemorial. In the past, hypospadias operations have had very poor success rates. Then after some time, the fact was accepted that the Hypospadias surgery needs to be done by a Surgeon who specializes in Hypospadias Surgery, namely a Hypospadiologist. One of the best Hypospadias Surgery Doctor in India are available at Ankura hospital.
Hypospadias is a congenital (birth) defect found in a male child. In this condition, the opening of urethra is not placed at the penis's tip. The urethra originates abnormally during 8-14 weeks of pregnancy. This abnormal opening is usually anywhere, beginning from just below the end of the penis to the scrotum. The condition can only be treated by the best Hypospadias Surgery in India.
Types of Hypospadias: There are three types of hypospadias:
Subcoronal: The urethral opening is placed somewhere close to the penis head. Midshaft: The urethral opening is placed along the penis’s shaft. Penoscrotal: The urethral opening is placed where the penis meets scrotum.
Symptoms of Hypospadias: The common signs and symptoms of hypospadias are: Beneath curved penis (chordee).
The opening of the urethra is placed in other sites than the penis's head. The hooded appearance of the penis when its upper half is covered by the foreskin. Unnatural spraying while urinating. These conditions can only be treated with the help of hypospadias surgery by the best Hypospadias Treatment Doctors in India.
Cause of Hypospadias: For many pediatric urologists, it's difficult to find the main cause of Hypospadias. Our Best Hypospadias Surgery Doctor in India at Ankura Hospital have recognized some of its main causes: Being obese or Overweight in pregnancy. Family history of Hypospadias Pregnancy after the age of 35. Undergoing IVF fertility treatment Errors or mutations in Genetic sequencing. Best Treatment for Hypospadias in Children In the case of mild hypospadias, when the urethral opening is just a little down from regular and there is no bending of the penis, treatment may not be required. However, in most cases, operation is needed to fix the hypospadias. It can be done in one operation. But, if the condition is more complicated, there may be a requirement of two operations. The best Treatment for Hypospadias in Children is majorly done when the child is about 6-18 months old.
Book an Appointment Now!
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prashantjainsblog · 2 months
Pediatric Urologist in India
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What Is Pediatric Urology?
Children frequently suffer from Genito-urinary disorders. Infants are not able to comprehensively express the discomfort due to these disorders. In such a scenario, a trained and experienced pediatric urologist is required. Pediatric urologists are the doctors that diagnose and treat various Genito-urinary disorders in children.
The genito-urinary system includes ureter, kidney, bladder, and reproductive organs. It has been estimated that of all the disorders requiring surgery in children, almost 50% of them are associated with the Genito-urinary system. These disorders may include both congenital as well as acquired. A Pediatric urologist in India is an expert in handling the simple as well as complex cases of the Genito-urinary tract in infants and children.
How Pediatric Urology Is Different From Adult Urology?
Pediatric urology is quite different from adult urology. The symptoms of pediatric disorders are different from those of adult urology. Most of the urological disorders are congenital disorders and requires altogether a different treatment approach. Most of these problems can be managed with close observation and may not require any intervention. Pediatric surgeons are now well-equipped to precisely diagnose and manage various conditions without any surgery. Minimally invasive surgery also plays an important role in minimizing complications.
What Are The Various Pediatric Disorders?
Following are the various pediatric urological conditions:
Hypospadias : Hypospadias is the condition in which the opening of the urethra is not present on the tip of the penis. It is rather present on the underside of the penis.
Undescended testicles: Medically known as cryptorchidism, it is the condition in which either one or both the testicles failed to descend.
Vesicoureteral reflux: This condition involves the flowing of urine in the wrong direction.
Bladder exstrophy: When the bladder protrudes outside the abdominal wall, the condition is termed as bladder exstrophy.
Pelvic-ureteric junction obstruction: This condition is characterized by impairment in the flow of urine at the junction of pelvis and ureter.
Epispadias: When the urethra opens on the upper side of the penis, the condition is termed as epispadias.
Other conditions: Various other pediatric urological conditions include Testicular torsion, Ureterocoele, Horseshoe kidney, Duplex kidney, Ectopic ureters, and Absent kidney or renal agenesis.
What Are The General Symptoms Of Pediatric Disorders?
Symptoms of pediatric disorders are presented based on the type of Genito-urinary disorder. However, common symptoms include:
· Painful urination
· Fever
· Blood in urine
· Thin urine stream
· Abdominal pain
· Swelling in testis
· Urinary tract infection which may frequently recur
· Pus in urine
· Increased urine frequency.
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dradityasharma-1 · 5 months
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Urology, a branch of medicine focusing on the urinary tract system and male reproductive organs, encompasses a wide range of conditions that affect both men and women of all ages. From kidney stones to urinary tract infections, understanding common urological issues and their treatments is crucial for maintaining optimal health and well-being.
Understanding General Urology General urology addresses a myriad of conditions affecting the urinary system. These conditions may include urinary tract infections (UTIs), kidney stones, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), urinary incontinence, and erectile dysfunction, among others. While some conditions are more prevalent in specific demographics, such as BPH in older men or UTIs in women, many urological issues can affect anyone regardless of age or gender.
Common Urological Conditions and Treatments Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs): UTIs are bacterial infections that can occur anywhere in the urinary system. Symptoms may include a frequent urge to urinate, burning sensation during urination, and cloudy or foul-smelling urine. Treatment typically involves antibiotics and increased fluid intake to flush out bacteria. Kidney Stones: These are solid mineral deposits that form in the kidneys and can cause severe pain when they pass through the urinary tract. Treatment options range from pain management and increased fluid intake to surgical procedures such as lithotripsy or ureteroscopy. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH): BPH is a common condition in aging men where the prostate gland enlarges, causing urinary symptoms such as frequent urination, difficulty starting or maintaining urination, and weak urine flow. Treatment may include medications to relax the prostate or surgical procedures like transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). Urinary Incontinence: This refers to the involuntary loss of urine, which can significantly impact quality of life. Treatment options vary depending on the underlying cause and severity of the condition, ranging from lifestyle modifications and pelvic floor exercises to medications or surgical interventions. Erectile Dysfunction (ED): ED is the inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse. Treatment options may include oral medications, injections, vacuum devices, or surgical implants, depending on individual needs and preferences. Seeking Specialized Urological Care When faced with urological issues, seeking prompt and specialized care is essential for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. Whether it's finding the best endo-urology care in Sector B, Lucknow, or locating the nearest urological hospital, access to expert healthcare providers is crucial.
Expert Care for Specific Needs Endo-Urology: Specializing in minimally invasive procedures for treating kidney stones and other urinary tract conditions, endo-urologists offer advanced techniques such as laser lithotripsy and ureteroscopy for optimal outcomes. Uro-Oncology: For individuals facing urological cancers such as prostate, bladder, or kidney cancer, comprehensive uro-oncology care provides personalized treatment plans, including surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. Kidney Transplants: Renal transplantation offers a life-saving treatment option for individuals with end-stage kidney disease. Accessing reputable centers with experienced transplant surgeons ensures the best possible outcomes for patients in need of kidney transplants. Female Urology: Dedicated to addressing the unique urological needs of women, female urologists specialize in conditions such as urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, and recurrent UTIs, providing compassionate and effective care. Pediatric Urology: Children with congenital or acquired urological conditions require specialized care from pediatric urologists trained to manage conditions such as hypospadias, vesicoureteral reflux, and undescended testicles with expertise and sensitivity. Male Infertility: Urologists specializing in male infertility offer comprehensive evaluations and treatments for issues affecting sperm production, transport, or erectile function, helping couples achieve their reproductive goals through assisted reproductive techniques. Conclusion General urology encompasses a wide array of conditions affecting the urinary system and male reproductive organs, requiring specialized care tailored to individual needs. Whether it's managing common urological issues or addressing specific concerns like kidney transplants or male infertility, seeking timely and expert care ensures optimal outcomes and improved quality of life. With access to the best urological care providers and treatments, individuals can confidently navigate their urological health journey towards lasting wellness and vitality.
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drprashantjain1 · 6 months
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indianhealthguru · 7 months
Urethral Renewal: A Deep Dive into Urethroplasty Surgery!
What is an urethroplasty surgery?
Urethroplasty is a surgical procedure designed to repair and reconstruct the urethra, the tube responsible for carrying urine from the bladder out of the body. This surgery becomes necessary when the urethra is damaged due to trauma, strictures, or other medical conditions, leading to difficulties in urination and potential long-term complications.
Urethroplasty is typically recommended in cases where less invasive treatments, such as dilation or internal urethrotomy, have proven ineffective. Common conditions that may necessitate urethroplasty include urethral strictures, hypospadias, and urethral trauma. The decision to opt for this surgery is made after a thorough evaluation of the patient's medical history, symptoms, and diagnostic test results.
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Benefits of urethroplasty surgery?
Bold advancements in medical science have paved the way for transformative procedures like urethroplasty surgery. This surgical intervention, aimed at repairing and reconstructing the urethra, brings forth a myriad of benefits for individuals grappling with urethral issues. One of the primary benefits of urethroplasty surgery is its unparalleled ability to restore normal urinary function. Urethral strictures, marked by the narrowing of the urethra, can impede the natural flow of urine, leading to discomfort and complications.
Urethroplasty addresses this issue by widening or reconstructing the affected area, ensuring a smooth and unobstructed passage for urine. This not only alleviates immediate symptoms but also prevents potential complications such as urinary retention and kidney damage. Urethroplasty acts as a catalyst for an improved quality of life, allowing patients to break free from these limitations. The surgery not only addresses physical symptoms but also positively impacts the psychological and emotional aspects of well-being.
How long is a catheter in for urethroplasty?
The duration a catheter remains in place after a urethroplasty surgery can vary based on the specific details of the procedure, the patient's condition, and the surgeon's recommendations. Typically, the catheter is used to assist in the healing process and ensure proper drainage of urine during the initial stages of recovery. The duration a catheter remains in place can vary, but it is not uncommon for it to stay in for a week or more. Surgeons may opt for a shorter or longer period based on the complexity of the surgery, the extent of the urethral reconstruction, and the patient's individual response to the procedure.
Can I sit after urethroplasty?
In the immediate aftermath of urethroplasty, it's common for patients to experience some discomfort or pain around the surgical site. Surgeons may advise against prolonged sitting or may recommend specific positions that minimize stress on the pelvic area during the initial days following the surgery. As the healing progresses, patients can gradually resume normal activities, including sitting, based on their comfort level. It's essential to listen to the body and avoid pushing oneself too quickly. Gradual reintegration of activities can contribute to a smoother recovery.
What should I avoid after urethroplasty?
Engaging in activities that put significant strain on the pelvic area, such as heavy lifting or intense exercise, should be avoided during the initial stages of recovery, follow the specific guidelines provided by your healthcare team regarding activity restrictions, during the early postoperative period; it's advisable to avoid prolonged periods of sitting to minimize stress on the surgical site.
When sitting is necessary, consider using a cushion or adopting a position that minimizes pressure on the pelvic area. Always consult with your healthcare team for personalized advice based on your specific case. Following their instructions diligently is essential for a smooth and successful recovery after urethroplasty.
In conclusion, urethroplasty surgery stands as a transformative intervention for individuals facing challenges related to urethral issues. This comprehensive and intricate procedure plays a pivotal role in restoring normal urinary function, providing long-term relief from urethral strictures, and significantly enhancing the overall quality of life for patients. Urethroplasty is not just a surgical procedure; it symbolizes a pathway to renewed well-being and a life free from the constraints of urethral issues. If you or someone you know is considering urethroplasty, consulting with a qualified healthcare professional is the first step towards embarking on a journey to a healthier and more fulfilling future.
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