#failed hypospadias cases
hypospadiasclinics · 1 year
My talk at the Hypospadias International Society (HIS)meeting
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I had the great privilege to take part in the HIS meeting held in Brazil a few months ago. I couldn’t go there physically due to some family commitments. So, I attended the virtual meeting for 3 days. In the meeting, I delivered a talk on 2-stage repair for complex failed hypospadias cases with the use of oral mucosal graft. I was among the very few doctors from India to attend this meeting and deliver a talk at this prestigious meeting.
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Hypospadias is one of the most common congenital anomalies. Unfortunately, there is not much awareness in the general public or even among many doctors about this problem. There are several reasons for this:
Hypospadias is an external anomaly and is not usually life-threatening. So, most people think that it is a minor problem.
Many doctors also don’t realise that hypospadias surgery is a technically demanding operation and has to be only done by the best surgeon.
Most people have little awareness about the far-reaching complications of hypospadias, which not only affects urination but can potentially disrupt the normal adult life of the person and the family.
The social and psychological stigma associated with hypospadias. Being a genital problem, most parents are not ready to share the information with family and friends and take their help to search for the best doctor for hypospadias surgery.
Once the child grows older, he becomes shy and doesn’t discuss the problem with the parents anymore.
Most parents and many doctors think that hypospadias is a minor problem and seek a solution from the local doctors; if the surgery is successful, it is ok. But more often than not, the operation may result in failure, and only then do the parents start looking for an expert. This results in the child undergoing multiple operations, including more complex reoperations, which could have been avoided if an expert surgeon had been involved from the beginning.
Thus, hypospadias remains a common and neglected problem. In addition, many surgeons of many specialities perform hypospadias surgery, and there are hundreds of techniques for hypospadias repair. This makes things more complicated for parents to choose the best surgeon and for family physicians to refer these cases to the best surgeon for hypospadias!
The purpose of the Hypospadias International Society (HIS) was to disseminate proper knowledge about hypospadias correction techniques among its members. Many enthusiastic surgeons from across the globe participate in its annual meetings. The latest meeting in Brazil was attended by over 100 hypospadialogists. Various techniques of hypospadias repair, including primary and complex failed hypospadias repairs, were discussed by experts. The pros and cons of various techniques were debated by experts in a scientific atmosphere. The long-term follow-up and results of hypospadias repairs were also discussed. 
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My talk in the HIS meeting was about the most complex cases of hypospadias, which come after multiple failed operations elsewhere. These cases are very complex and require the expertise of the best hypospadias surgeon. Typically, a 2-stage (sometimes 3-stage) repair is performed utilising the skin taken from inside the oral cavity (mouth) as a graft to prepare the deficient urinary tube (urethra). We have done more than 100 such cases over the past 8 years in Hyderabad, with over 90% success of such complex operations. Our patients come from all over India, including Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Orissa, West Bengal, Bihar and UP. We also performed complex redo hypospadias repairs on international patients who underwent their initial failed hypospadias operations in other countries.
My talk about the technique and results of complex hypospadias reconstructions at the HIS meeting was highly appreciated. I received positive messages from many surgeons across the world congratulating us for our work and the good results. However, an ideal situation is where no child requires such complex reconstructions for failed hypospadias. This is possible if the initial hypospadias surgery is performed by experts only. When choosing the best hypospadias surgeon for their child, parents should spend some time identifying the best surgeon with the best results in hypospadias repair. Remember, even the best surgeon can have complications (like the best driver can have an accident), but the complications will be a small percentage, usually minor and easily treatable. I discussed a few tips for parents in my earlier blog about how to choose the best hypospadias surgeon for their child. That blog may be referred to by those interested in knowing more about this.
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prashantjainsblog · 2 months
Pediatric Urologist in India
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What Is Pediatric Urology?
Children frequently suffer from Genito-urinary disorders. Infants are not able to comprehensively express the discomfort due to these disorders. In such a scenario, a trained and experienced pediatric urologist is required. Pediatric urologists are the doctors that diagnose and treat various Genito-urinary disorders in children.
The genito-urinary system includes ureter, kidney, bladder, and reproductive organs. It has been estimated that of all the disorders requiring surgery in children, almost 50% of them are associated with the Genito-urinary system. These disorders may include both congenital as well as acquired. A Pediatric urologist in India is an expert in handling the simple as well as complex cases of the Genito-urinary tract in infants and children.
How Pediatric Urology Is Different From Adult Urology?
Pediatric urology is quite different from adult urology. The symptoms of pediatric disorders are different from those of adult urology. Most of the urological disorders are congenital disorders and requires altogether a different treatment approach. Most of these problems can be managed with close observation and may not require any intervention. Pediatric surgeons are now well-equipped to precisely diagnose and manage various conditions without any surgery. Minimally invasive surgery also plays an important role in minimizing complications.
What Are The Various Pediatric Disorders?
Following are the various pediatric urological conditions:
Hypospadias : Hypospadias is the condition in which the opening of the urethra is not present on the tip of the penis. It is rather present on the underside of the penis.
Undescended testicles: Medically known as cryptorchidism, it is the condition in which either one or both the testicles failed to descend.
Vesicoureteral reflux: This condition involves the flowing of urine in the wrong direction.
Bladder exstrophy: When the bladder protrudes outside the abdominal wall, the condition is termed as bladder exstrophy.
Pelvic-ureteric junction obstruction: This condition is characterized by impairment in the flow of urine at the junction of pelvis and ureter.
Epispadias: When the urethra opens on the upper side of the penis, the condition is termed as epispadias.
Other conditions: Various other pediatric urological conditions include Testicular torsion, Ureterocoele, Horseshoe kidney, Duplex kidney, Ectopic ureters, and Absent kidney or renal agenesis.
What Are The General Symptoms Of Pediatric Disorders?
Symptoms of pediatric disorders are presented based on the type of Genito-urinary disorder. However, common symptoms include:
· Painful urination
· Fever
· Blood in urine
· Thin urine stream
· Abdominal pain
· Swelling in testis
· Urinary tract infection which may frequently recur
· Pus in urine
· Increased urine frequency.
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drchiraggupta · 5 months
Signs You Might Need Andrology Surgery: Understanding When It's Necessary
Andrology surgery, a specialized field within urology, focuses on diagnosing and treating conditions affecting the male reproductive system. While many issues can be addressed through non-invasive treatments or medications, there are instances where surgery becomes necessary.
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Understanding the signs indicating the need for andrology surgery is crucial for timely intervention and effective resolution of underlying problems.
Erectile Dysfunction: Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse. While lifestyle changes, medications, or therapy may resolve mild cases, severe or persistent ED might require surgical intervention. Procedures like penile implants or vascular surgery can restore erectile function, especially when other treatments have failed.
Peyronie's Disease: Peyronie's disease is characterized by the development of fibrous scar tissue inside the penis, causing curvature, pain, and difficulty with erections. In cases where symptoms significantly impact sexual function or cause discomfort, surgical options such as plaque excision, grafting, or penile implants may be recommended to correct the curvature and restore normal penile function.
Male Infertility: Andrology surgery can play a vital role in addressing certain causes of male infertility, such as varicocele or obstructive azoospermia. Varicocele repair, a surgical procedure to correct enlarged veins in the scrotum, may improve sperm quality and fertility outcomes. Similarly, surgeries to remove obstructions in the reproductive tract can allow for the retrieval of sperm for assisted reproductive techniques like in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).
Testicular Disorders: Conditions affecting the testicles, such as testicular torsion or testicular cancer, may require urgent surgical intervention. Testicular torsion occurs when the spermatic cord twists, cutting off blood flow to the testicle, necessitating immediate surgery to restore blood flow and prevent tissue damage. In cases of testicular cancer, surgical removal of the affected testicle (orchiectomy) may be necessary as part of cancer treatment.
Penile Conditions: Certain penile conditions, such as congenital abnormalities (e.g., hypospadias), penile cancer, or severe phimosis (inability to retract the foreskin), may require surgical correction. Surgical techniques ranging from tissue reconstruction to partial or total penectomy (penis removal) may be performed depending on the nature and severity of the condition.
While not all male reproductive issues require surgical intervention, understanding the signs that may indicate the need for andrology surgery is essential for seeking appropriate medical care. Consulting with a qualified andrology specialist can help diagnose underlying conditions and determine the most suitable treatment approach, whether surgical or non-surgical, to address your specific needs and restore optimal reproductive health. Early intervention can often lead to better outcomes and improved quality of life.
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drnitinlashkari · 2 years
What is Pediatric Urology?
Pediatric urology refers to the caring of children and adolescents who have problems with their reproductive or urinary organs. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (2000), a pediatric urologist has at least five years of specialized training in addition to their four years of medical school; they must also spend at last 50% of their professional time caring for infants, children, and adolescents with urology related conditions.
Beyond the medical training, clinical pediatric urology specialists are known for their ability to connect and communicate with children. Their medical offices are often cheerful, bright, comfortable and welcoming environments; they are decorated and arranged to capture the child's interests and imagination. Examination and waiting rooms may have a number of brightly colored toys, a movie video may be playing in the background and there are often several child friendly books to choose from. Urology Treatment in Kota
One of the many challenges associated with being a clinical pediatric urology specialist, is that children have an inherent difficulty communicating. When children communicate their symptoms, they tend to be vague. The information received by the doctor may be confounded by the interpretations of a third party, such as a parent. Reports from family may be distorted due to their own fears about the child's condition. Under these circumstances, the need for performing a thorough and detailed physical and diagnostic analysis becomes even more important.
Once a diagnosis is made, the role of the pediatric urologist can be either operative or clinical, since the medical requirements and severity of each child's condition will vary. Examples of urological conditions include; problems passing urine, urinary tract infections, and structural abnormalities from birth. Other conditions may include bed wetting and urinary tract damage from an illness or trauma.
The operative pediatric urology specialist must be familiar with all the gender specific aspects of a procedure. For instance, there are certain health conditions that are unique to pediatric male urology. A small percentage of little boys may have testes that do not descend into the scrotum, from the abdomen. This problem often corrects itself well before a child turns one year old.
However, some children require a minimal and non-invasive surgery to fix the problem; almost all of these cases can be corrected. Another common problem in pediatric male urology is a condition called Hypospadias; where the urethra fails to grow to its full length in unborn male fetuses. Best Urology Surgery in Kota
Correcting this problem involves a surgical procedure, that ideally takes place at about 8 months of age. In some cases the child's extra foreskin is used to create a new urethra, leaving the child appearing circumcised. In most cases, pediatric urology specialists are able to restore the child's penis, to a point were it looks and functions normally. Diagnostic advances in relation to pre-natal screening have enabled the clinical pediatric urology specialist to identify congenital problems, before birth. Addressing a child's urological problems as soon as medically possible, may help avoid future complications.
Operative pediatric urology can encompass both inpatient and outpatient surgeries. Current trends are moving toward less invasive approaches, including the use of laparoscopic procedures. In addition, surgical treatments are sometimes combined with the use of medications and approaches involving behavioral modification. A referral to a pediatric urology specialist should offer parents some peace of mind; it implies that the child will have access to advanced treatments, at the hands of an experienced and well educated professional.
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Director and Sr Consultant Pediatric Surgery and Pediatric Urology - Dr. Prashant Jain
Dr. Prashant Jain is a young and dynamic pediatric surgeon and pediatric urologist in Delhi, India. He has been trained in premier institutes, King Edward Memorial Hospital (KEM), Mumbai and Kalawati Saran children’s hospital, New Delhi. He has been a meritorious student throughout his medical career and was gold medalist in his training in pediatric surgery and pediatric urology. He has special expertise and vast experience in pediatric urology and pediatric minimal invasive surgery. He was fortunate to get opportunity to work in Great Ormond Street, London. He has been performing reconstructive surgeries for congenital anomalies with great skills and excellent results. He has successfully treated many previously failed cases of urological anomalies like hypospadias, bladder exstrophy etc. Over the years he has devised his own innovative techniques in several surgical procedures which have won him accolades. He has presented his innovations in various conferences and workshops for which he has received critical acclaim. He has multiple publications in pediatric surgery and pediatric urology in various national and international journals.
Presently he heads the department of pediatric surgery Dr BL Kapur Memorial Hospital, New Delhi. The department of pediatric urology and pediatric surgery in Dr BL Kapur Super speciality hospital, performs all pediatric reconstructive surgeries for complex congenital anomalies and pediatric laparoscopies.
Recently, he had privilege of heading a team of 40 super specialists doctors involved in the surgical separation of conjoined twins (pygopagus) from Nigeria, which involved major and complex genito-urinary reconstructive work. This rare and exclusive work got acknowledged worldwide.
TAG- Best pediatric Surgeon in Delhi, Best pediatric urologist in Delhi, Best pediatric surgeon in India
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aighospitalsblog · 2 years
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The Department of Urology at AIG Hospitals offers a comprehensive urology care and treatment for common urological problems like prostate diseases, urinary stones, infections, malignancies, and strictures of the urethra. The department consists of experienced consultants who have expertise in handling all type of cases and is supported by advanced technology & world-class infrastructure to deliver an exemplary service.
Minimally invasive surgery
At AIG hospitals we are doing all advanced minimally invasive surgeries including laparoscopic and retroperitoneoscopic surgeries regularly.
Surgeries offered-
Lap/retroperitoneoscopic -simple nephrectomy
Partial nephrectomy
Radical prostatectomy
Radical cystectomy
Renal transplantation
At AIG one of the most experienced best kidney transplant hospital in Hyderabad team including the transplant surgeons and nephrologists are there with exposure of more than 3000 kidney transplants.
All types of complex kidney transplant procedures like multiple vessels, 2nd and 3rd transplants are performed.
Pediatric Urology
All urological diseases and congenital malformation related to genitourinary organs are dealt, with the best of care and surgical expertise.
Surgeries offered
Lap pyeloplasty
Open pyeloplasty
Reimplant surgery
Valve fulguration
Hypospadias repair
Mitrofanoff procedure
All key hole and endoscopic surgeries for stones.
Reconstructive urology
All kind of urethral reconstruction like end -2 anastomotic, graft and flap urethroplasties are regulary performed with very good results.
Pelvic fracture urethral distraction defects are also managed well with excellent outcome.
Major ureteral reconstruction like ileal replacement and yang montie procedure, failed pyeloplasty, augmentation ileocystoplasty etc are also performed regularly as many referred cases come to us we are giving affordable kidney transplant cost in Hyderabad.
All type of uro oncological cancers are treated here with comprehensive care including the medical and radiation oncologist.
Surgeries for kidney, bladder, prostate, adrenal, testes and penile cancers are performed with latest technologies with minimally invasive approach
Urological ailments of females like UTI, urinary incontinence, ureterovaginal/vesicovaginal fistula are routinely treated in the department.
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About Dr. Prashant Jain The best pediatric surgeon in india
Director and Sr Consultant Pediatric Surgery and Pediatric Urology
Dr. Prashant Jain is a young and dynamic pediatric surgeon and pediatric urologist in Delhi, India. He has been trained in premier institutes, King Edward Memorial Hospital (KEM), Mumbai, and Kalawati Saran children’s hospital, New Delhi. He has been a meritorious student throughout his medical career and was a gold medalist in his training in pediatric surgery and pediatric urology. He has special expertise and vast experience in pediatric urology and pediatric minimally invasive surgery. He was fortunate to get the opportunity to work in Great Ormond Street, London. He has been performing reconstructive surgeries for congenital anomalies with great skills and excellent results. He has successfully treated many previously failed cases of urological anomalies like hypospadias, bladder exstrophy, etc. Over the years he has devised his own innovative techniques in several surgical procedures which have won him accolades. He has presented his innovations in various conferences and workshops for which he has received critical acclaim. He has multiple publications in pediatric surgery and pediatric urology in various national and international journals.
Presently he heads the department of pediatric surgery Dr. BL Kapur Memorial Hospital, New Delhi. The department of pediatric urology and pediatric surgery in Dr. BL Kapur Super specialty hospital performs all pediatric reconstructive surgeries for complex congenital anomalies and pediatric laparoscopies.
Recently, he had the privilege of heading a team of 40 super specialists doctors involved in the surgical separation of conjoined twins (pygopagus) from Nigeria, which involved major and complex genito-urinary reconstructive work. This rare and exclusive work got acknowledged worldwide.
Know more about our successful pediatric treatments by Dr. Prashant Jain visit our official website - http://www.pedsurgerydelhi.com/
Tags = best pediatric surgeon in Delhi, best pediatric urologist in Delhi
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Best Pediatric Surgeon, Pediatric Laparoscopic Surgeon And Best Pediatric Urologist In Delhi, India - Dr. Prashant Jain
Dr. Prashant Jain - Best Pediatric Surgeon in Delhi
Director and Sr Consultant Pediatric Surgery and Pediatric Urology
Dr. Prashant Jain is a young and dynamic pediatric surgeon and pediatric urologist in Delhi, India. He has been trained in premier institutes, King Edward Memorial Hospital (KEM), Mumbai and Kalawati Saran children’s hospital, New Delhi. He has been a meritorious student throughout his medical career and was gold medalist in his training in pediatric surgery and pediatric urology. He has special expertise and vast experience in pediatric urology and pediatric minimal invasive surgery. He was fortunate to get opportunity to work in Great Ormond Street, London. He has been performing reconstructive surgeries for congenital anomalies with great skills and excellent results. He has successfully treated many previously failed cases of urological anomalies like hypospadias, bladder exstrophy etc. Over the years he has devised his own innovative techniques in several surgical procedures which have won him accolades. He has presented his innovations in various conferences and workshops for which he has received critical acclaim. He has multiple publications in pediatric surgery and pediatric urology in various national and international journals.
Presently he heads the department of pediatric surgery Dr BL Kapur Memorial Hospital, New Delhi. The department of pediatric urology and pediatric surgery in Dr BL Kapur Super speciality hospital, performs all pediatric reconstructive surgeries for complex congenital anomalies and pediatric laparoscopies.
Recently, he had privilege of heading a team of 40 super specialists doctors involved in the surgical separation of conjoined twins (pygopagus) from Nigeria, which involved major and complex genito-urinary reconstructive work. This rare and exclusive work got acknowledged worldwide.
Tags - best pediatric surgeon in delhi, best pediatric urologist in india, pediatric laparoscopic surgeon in delhi
For more information link - www.pedsurgerydelhi.com
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pedsurgerydelhi · 2 years
Pediatric Gastrointestinal Surgery In Delhi, India | Dr. Prashant Jain
Pediatric Gastrointestinal Surgery
The paediatric surgeons have special expertise in dealing with various gastrointestinal congenital anomalies requiring complex reconstruction surgeries.  In collaboration with our Paediatric gastroenterologists, we treat many complex conditions like biliary atresia, Hirschsprung’s Disease etc.
Besides we are available round the clock for emergencies like acute appendicitis, gall bladder stones and intestinal obstruction that require immediate attention. Most of these procedures are performed by using advance laparoscopic techniques.
Common conditions and surgeries
Ano-Rectal Malformation
Hirschsprung’s disease
Biliary Atresia
Choledochal cyst
Fundoplication for Gastro-Esophageal Reflux
Abdominal cysts
About Dr.
Dr. Prashant Jain
Director and Sr Consultant Pediatric Surgery and Pediatric Urology
Dr. Prashant Jain is a young and dynamic pediatric surgeon and pediatric urologist in Delhi, India. He has been trained in premier institutes, King Edward Memorial Hospital (KEM), Mumbai and Kalawati Saran children’s hospital, New Delhi. He has been a meritorious student throughout his medical career and was gold medalist in his training in pediatric surgery and pediatric urology. He has special expertise and vast experience in pediatric urology and pediatric minimal invasive surgery. He was fortunate to get opportunity to work in Great Ormond Street, London. He has been performing reconstructive surgeries for congenital anomalies with great skills and excellent results. He has successfully treated many previously failed cases of urological anomalies like hypospadias, bladder exstrophy etc. Over the years he has devised his own innovative techniques in several surgical procedures which have won him accolades. He has presented his innovations in various conferences and workshops for which he has received critical acclaim. He has multiple publications in pediatric surgery and pediatric urology in various national and international journals.
Presently he heads the department of pediatric surgery Dr BL Kapur Memorial Hospital, New Delhi. The department of pediatric urology and pediatric surgery in Dr BL Kapur Super speciality hospital, performs all pediatric reconstructive surgeries for complex congenital anomalies and pediatric laparoscopies.
Recently, he had privilege of heading a team of 40 super specialists doctors involved in the surgical separation of conjoined twins (pygopagus) from Nigeria, which involved major and complex genito-urinary reconstructive work. This rare and exclusive work got acknowledged worldwide.
Tags = best pediatric urologist in delhi, best pediatric urologist in india, best pediatric surgeon in delhi, best pediatric surgeon in india
For more information = http://www.pedsurgerydelhi.com/
See more blogs = https://best-pediatric-surgeon-in-delhi.blogspot.com/2022/06/endourology-treatment-in-delhi-india-by.html
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Almost all living things reproduce. But while the reproductive system is crucial to maintaining a species living, unlike some other body systems it is not crucial to maintaining an individual alive.
Like various other living things, individuals reproduce. It is what helps to keep the population going.
They're completely different in structure and shape, but both are specially created to create, nourish, and transportation either the egg and sperm.
The male genitals include:
The testicles and the epididymis hang in a pouch like building outside the scrotum was called by the pelvis. This particular bag of skin really helps to regulate the heat of testicles, which have to be saved cooler compared to body temperature to make sperm. The scrotum modifications size to keep the proper temperature. When the body is chilly, the scrotum shrinks as well as gets tighter to keep in body temperature. When it is bright, the scrotum becomes much larger and much more floppy to eliminate additional heat. This occurs without a guy ever needing to think about it. The mind and also the neurological system provide the scrotum the cue to alter size.
The accessory glands, like the seminal vesicles as well as the prostate gland, offer fluids which lubricate the duct method and nurture the sperm. The urethra will be the channel which carries the semen on the exterior of the body via the penis.
The penis is really made up of 2 parts: the glans and the shaft. The shaft will be the primary part of the glans and the penis is the point (sometimes called the head). The interior of the penis features a spongy tissue which could grow and contract.
Circumcision is often done during an infant boy's very first couple of days of living. Although circumcision isn't medically necessary, parents that decide to have their sons circumcised usually do so based on beliefs that are religious, worries about hygiene, or maybe social or cultural factors.
When an infant boy is created, he's all of the components of the reproductive system of his in place, though it is not until puberty that he's able to reproduce. When puberty starts, typically between the ages of nine and fifteen, the pituitary gland - that is situated close to the human brain - secretes hormones which stimulate the testicles to make testosterone. The creation of testosterone brings about many actual physical changes.
Then, the penis gets longer and also the seminal vesicles as well as prostate gland expand.Hair starts to develop in the pubic region and also later on the face & underarms. During this particular time, a boy's speech additionally deepens.
SpermA male that has reached puberty is going to produce millions of sperm cells each day. Sperm acquire in the testicles within a method of small tubes called the seminiferous tubules. Genetic material is contained by the head (genes). The sperm use the tails of theirs to push themselves to the epididymis, where they complete the development of theirs. It takes sperm aproximatelly 4 to six weeks to travel throughout the epididymis.
The sperm and then relocate to the vas deferens, or maybe sperm duct. The penis, which often hangs limp, gets tough when a male is sexually enthusiastic. Tissue cells in the penis fill with bloodstream which gets inflexible plus erect (an erection). The rigidity on the erect penis causes it to be much easier to place into the female's vagina throughout sexual intercourse. Semen is pushed from the male's entire body through his urethra - this particular procedure is called ejaculation.
If an older egg is within the female's fallopian tubes, one sperm could penetrate it, or conception, and fertilization, occurs.
This fertilized egg is today called a zygote and also has forty six chromosomes - half out of the egg and half out of the sperm. The zygote divides over and over as it increases in the female's uterus, aging throughout the pregnancy directly into an embryo, a fetus, along with ultimately a newborn infant.
Foods Which can Fail With the Male Reproductive System
Conditions of the Scrotum, Epididymis Conditions, or testicles impacting on the scrotal contents might call for the testicles, epididymis, or maybe the scrotum itself.
Testicular trauma. Actually a gentle pain to the testicles are able to result in pain that is severe, bruising, and swelling. Most testicular injuries happen once the testicles are struck, or crushed, kicked, hit, typically during sports or maybe another stress. Testicular torsion, when among the testicles twists around, slicing off of the blood supply of its, is in addition a medical crisis that, fortunately, is not typical. Surgical treatment is necessary to untwist the cable and preserve the testicle.Varicocele. This's a varicose vein (an abnormally bloated vein) in the system of veins which operate as a result of the testicles. Varicoceles frequently develop while a boy is analyzing puberty. A varicocele is generally not hazardous, but can harm the testicle or even reduce sperm production. Take the son of yours to see his doctor in case he's concerned about changes in the testicles of his.Testicular cancers. This's among the most common cancers in males younger than 40. It happens when cells within the testicle divide abnormally & develop a tumor. Teen boys must be inspired to learn to do testicular self-examinations.
Hydrocele. Hydroceles may result in swelling in the scrotum within the testicle but are painless. In some instances, surgery might be needed to fix the problem.Inguinal hernia. When a percentage of the intestines drives through an abnormal opening or maybe weakening of the abdominal wall structure and into the groin or maybe scrotum, it's generally known as an inguinal hernia. It's handled with surgery.Conditions of the PenisConditions impacting on the penis include:
Irritation of the penis. Symptoms of redness is included by penile inflammation, swelling, itching, and discomfort.
Phimosis. It often eases with no treatment. If it disrupts urination, circumcision (removal on the foreskin) are advised.
Paraphimosis. As an outcome, blood circulation to the top of the penis may be influenced, along with a boy contains pain and swelling. A physician might make use of lubricant to create a tiny incision so the foreskin may be pulled forward. If that does not work, circumcision may be advised.
Ambiguous genitalia. This's when a kid is born with genitals which are not clearly male or perhaps female. In many boys created with this disorder, the penis might be nonexistent or small very, but testicular cells is existing. In a few of cases, the kid may have both ovarian and testicular tissue.
If your boy has symptoms of a difficulty with the reproductive system of his, talk with the doctor of yours - numerous issues with the male reproductive system may be handled. The doctor is also a great resource for the son of yours in case he's questions about sexual development and growth.
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drprashantjain · 3 years
Director and Sr Consultant Pediatric Surgery and Pediatric Urology
Dr. Prashant Jain is a young and dynamic pediatric surgeon and pediatric urologist in Delhi, India. He has been trained in premier institutes, King Edward Memorial Hospital (KEM), Mumbai and Kalawati Saran children’s hospital, New Delhi. He has been a meritorious student throughout his medical career and was gold medalist in his training in pediatric surgery and pediatric urology. He has special expertise and vast experience in pediatric urology and pediatric minimal invasive surgery. He was fortunate to get opportunity to work in Great Ormond Street, London. He has been performing reconstructive surgeries for congenital anomalies with great skills and excellent results. He has successfully treated many previously failed cases of urological anomalies like hypospadias, bladder exstrophy etc. Over the years he has devised his own innovative techniques in several surgical procedures which have won him accolades. He has presented his innovations in various conferences and workshops for which he has received critical acclaim. He has multiple publications in pediatric surgery and pediatric urology in various national and international journals.
Presently he heads the department of pediatric surgery Dr BL Kapur Memorial Hospital, New Delhi. The department of pediatric urology and pediatric surgery in Dr BL Kapur Super speciality hospital, performs all pediatric reconstructive surgeries for complex congenital anomalies and pediatric laparoscopies.
Recently, he had privilege of heading a team of 40 super specialists doctors involved in the surgical separation of conjoined twins (pygopagus) from Nigeria, which involved major and complex genito-urinary reconstructive work. This rare and exclusive work got acknowledged worldwide.
Tag = best pediatric urologist in delhi, best pediatric urologist in india, best pediatric surgeon in delhi, best pediatric surgeon in india
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healthcarejournal · 3 years
What is Pediatric Urology?
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Pediatric urology refers to the area of medicine concerned with the care of children and adolescents who have problems with their reproductive or urinary organs. A pediatric urologists have at least five years of specialized training in addition to their four years of medical school; they must also spend at least 50 percent of their professional time caring for infants, children, and adolescents with urology related conditions. 
Clinical pediatric urology specialists are known for their ability to communicate with children. Their medical offices are always cheerful, bright, and welcoming. Examination and waiting rooms have many toys, a movie video may be playing in the background and several child friendly books to chose from. 
As a pediatric urologist, one of the challenges you'll face is communicating with children. Children tend to be vague when they communicate their symptoms, and parental interpretations may be distorted due to fears about the child's condition. Therefore, it's important for you to perform a thorough and detailed physical and diagnostic analysis. 
Pediatric urologists are doctors who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the urinary tract in children. This can include problems passing urine, urinary tract infections, and structural abnormalities from birth. Other conditions may include bed wetting and urinary tract damage resulting from an illness or trauma. 
A best urologist familiar with all the gender-specific aspects of a procedure . For example, there are certain health conditions that are unique to paediatric male urology, such as cryptorchidism (abnormal undescended testes). A small percentage of little boys may have testes that do not descend into the scrotum from the abdomen. This problem often corrects itself well before a child turns one year old.  
However, some children can receive minimally invasive or non-invasive surgery to correct the condition; most of these cases can be corrected. Hypospadias is a common type of disorder found in male urology; it occurs when the urethra fails to grow to its full length in an unborn male fetus. 
Correcting this problem often involves a surgical procedure. To address the problem, pediatric urologists sometimes perform reconstructive surgery; for boys born with variations in the penis, this surgery restores normal anatomy and appearance. Diagnostic advances in relation to pre-natal screening have enabled paediatric urology specialists to identify congenital problems before birth; addressing these problems as soon as medically possible can help avoid future complications. 
Pediatric urology encompasses both inpatient and outpatient surgeries. Current trends are moving toward less invasive approaches, including the use of laparoscopic procedures. In addition, surgical treatments are sometimes combined with the use of medications and approaches involving behavioural modification. Parents should find some peace of mind in a referral to a paediatric urology specialist; it implies that the child will have access to advanced treatments, at the hands of an experienced and well educated professional. 
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1313343 
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prashantjainsblog · 5 months
Best Pediatric Urologist in Delhi - Dr. Prashant Jain
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Are you seeking the utmost care and expertise for your child's urological needs in Delhi? Look no further! Delve into the realm of pediatric urologist in the capital city.
With a blend of advanced medical prowess, compassionate care, and a dedication to ensuring your child's well-being, Delhi's pediatric urologists stand out as beacons of excellence in the field.
Dr. Prashant Jain is the best pediatric urologists in Delhi and their exemplary skills and dedication to excellence are highlighted by his achievements as a gold medalist in both pediatric surgery and urology.his specialized expertise in pediatric urology and minimal invasive surgery indicates a keen focus on advanced and precise medical techniques for treating young patients. The opportunity to work at Great Ormond Street in London likely provided him with invaluable international experience and exposure to cutting-edge practices in his field.
With such a robust education, specialized training, and international exposure, it’s evident that Dr. Prashant Jain is a highly qualified and experienced professional in pediatric surgery and urology. His dedication to his field and continuous pursuit of knowledge and expertise make him a valuable asset to the medical community, particularly in the realm of pediatric care.
Dr. Prashant Jain’s accomplishments in the field of pediatric surgery and urology are truly remarkable. His success in performing reconstructive surgeries for congenital anomalies showcases his exceptional skills and dedication to improving the lives of young patients with complex medical conditions. Successfully treating previously failed cases of urological anomalies like hypospadias and bladder exstrophy speaks volumes about his expertise and innovative approaches.
Why Choose Delhi's Pediatric Urologists?
Expertise: Each of these specialists possesses extensive training and experience in pediatric urology, ensuring the highest standard of care for your child.
Compassionate Care: Beyond medical expertise, these doctors prioritize the emotional well-being of both children and parents, fostering a supportive environment throughout the treatment journey.
State-of-the-Art Facilities: Collaborating with leading hospitals and clinics in Delhi, these pediatric urologists have access to cutting-edge technology and facilities, facilitating precise diagnoses and effective treatments.
Continued Innovation: With a commitment to staying abreast of the latest advancements in pediatric urology, these specialists continuously refine their skills and techniques, offering innovative solutions for even the most challenging cases.
Take the First Step Towards Your Child's Health:
When it comes to your child's urological health, trust only the best.  Best pediatric urologist in delhi with combine skill, compassion, and innovation to provide unparalleled care for your little ones. Take the first step towards ensuring your child's health and happiness by scheduling a consultation with one of these esteemed specialists today.
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Best Pediatric Urologist in Delhi, India - Dr. Prashant Jain
What Is Pediatric Urology?
Children frequently suffer from Genito-urinary disorders. Infants are not able to comprehensively express the discomfort due to these disorders. In such a scenario, a trained and experienced pediatric urologist is required. Pediatric urologists are the doctors that diagnose and treat various Genito-urinary disorders in children.
The genito-urinary system includes ureter, kidney, bladder, and reproductive organs. It has been estimated that of all the disorders requiring surgery in children, almost 50% of them are associated with the Genito-urinary system. These disorders may include both congenital as well as acquired. A pediatric urologist is an expert in handling the simple as well as complex cases of the Genito-urinary tract in infants and children.
How Pediatric Urology Is Different From Adult Urology?
Pediatric urology is quite different from adult urology. The symptoms of pediatric disorders are different from those of adult urology. Most of the urological disorders are congenital disorders and requires altogether a different treatment approach. Most of these problems can be managed with close observation and may not require any intervention. Pediatric surgeons are now well-equipped to precisely diagnose and manage various conditions without any surgery. Minimally invasive surgery also plays an important role in minimizing complications.
What Are The Various Pediatric Disorders?
Following are the various pediatric urological conditions:
Hypospadias : Hypospadias is the condition in which the opening of the urethra is not present on the tip of the penis. It is rather present on the underside of the penis.
Undescended testicles: Medically known as cryptorchidism, it is the condition in which either one or both the testicles failed to descend.
Vesicoureteral reflux: This condition involves the flowing of urine in the wrong direction.
Bladder exstrophy: When the bladder protrudes outside the abdominal wall, the condition is termed as bladder exstrophy.
Pelvic-ureteric junction obstruction: This condition is characterized by impairment in the flow of urine at the junction of pelvis and ureter.
Epispadias: When the urethra opens on the upper side of the penis, the condition is termed as epispadias.
Other conditions: Various other pediatric urological conditions include Testicular torsion, Ureterocoele, Horseshoe kidney, Duplex kidney, Ectopic ureters, and Absent kidney or renal agenesis.
What Are The General Symptoms Of Pediatric Disorders?
Symptoms of pediatric disorders are presented based on the type of Genito-urinary disorder. However, common symptoms include:
Painful urination
Blood in urine
Thin urine stream
Abdominal pain
Swelling in testis
Urinary tract infection which may frequently recur
Pus in urine
Increased urine frequency.
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Tag =  best pediatric surgeon in delhi, best pediatric surgeon in india, best pediatric urologist in delhi, best pediatric laparoscopy surgeon in delhi
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advicetomoms-blog · 4 years
Do You Know These About IVF Treatment?
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We know many questions about IVF treatment, which is hope for those who want to have a baby. Professor Dr. Read Nilgün Turhan 's answers to the questions that the mothers are most curious about in vitro fertilization, and there is nothing left in your head.
1. Is the woman's age important for a chance of success in IVF?
The age of the woman over 38 is a parameter that negatively affects successful results. In women over the age of 40, pregnancy rates drop much more clearly. With advancing age: Ovarian reserve decreases (high FSH).The number of developing follicles and the number of eggs obtained is reduced.Eggs are not of appropriate quality.The risk of genetic or chromosomal problems increases in eggs.
2. Are there any risks for IVF?
Normally, a slight stimulation of the ovaries in a controlled manner in IVF is a desired condition. However, sometimes a result known as ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) may occur as a result of moderate or severe stimulation of the ovaries and fluid collection in the abdomen and enlargement of the ovaries. Although the probability of severe hyperstimulation is less than 1%, the frequency of this picture decreases with close monitoring of patients during ovulation treatment. Bleeding and subsequent infection occur rarely when collecting eggs. We often stop such bleeding by using tampons without requiring any intervention. There is no proven risk of IVF treatment to affect the health of the expectant mother and the baby. According to the results of the researches, we can easily say that the ratio of congenital defects is not different from babies born by natural methods in babies born with the IVF method. In addition, the risk of multiple pregnancies can increase with IVF treatment, as well as risks such as preterm birth, increased blood pressure and diabetes.
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3. What medicines are used in IVF?
Needles that stimulate the development of daily eggs are initiated on the 2nd or 3rd day of menstruation to stimulate the ovaries in IVF treatment. Another daily needle treatment is added at a certain stage of the treatment in order to prevent premature cracking of the eggs. Then, when it is decided that the eggs have matured by ultrasound monitoring, an egg cracking needle is applied. After the eggs are collected, the drug treatment including progesterone hormone is started to prepare the inner wall of the uterus for embryo transfer.
4. Do the drugs used have cancer-causing effects?
According to research, there is no relationship between the drugs used in IVF treatment and ovarian cancer. In addition, if the drugs have a side effect, they will be eliminated in case of pregnancy. Hormones can have serious side effects; but these are temporary. There is no permanent side effect. Carcinogenic effect is not shown in large series in the world. Hormones used in treatment are controlled by strict rules and are widely consumed all over the world.
5. Is there an increase in the anomaly rate in children born through IVF?
There is no significant change. However, there may be a minimal increase in sex chromosome disorders especially in people with severe male factor and microinjection. In some studies, there is a slight increase in anomalies such as heart anomalies, neural tube defects and hypospadias, but we do not see a significant change compared to normal babies in general. In the large series in the world and in our experience to date, there is no increased risk of anomaly compared to normal pregnancies. No difference was observed in the development of these babies such as behavior and intelligence throughout their lives.
6. Does stimulating the ovaries with hormone therapy ruin the ovaries and cause early menopause?
At the beginning of adolescence, a normal woman has about 400,000 small eggs, and these eggs are rapidly depleted over the years. In the normal menstrual cycle, most eggs disappear before they develop, only one of them takes ovulation. In the treatment of IVF, 10 or more follicles are developed with egg developing needles. But these are follicles that will naturally disappear already. Therefore, in vitro fertilization does not harm the ovaries.
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7. How many days does IVF hold? How many days does the treatment take?
IVF treatment starts with the first interview and examination and goes through certain stages. Some factors that cause infertility are examined and treated.IVF treatment covers an average of 20 days and consists of several stages. Often, on the 2nd or 3rd day of the menstrual period, the ovaries are stimulated and treatment is continued with daily needle use.The second stage is the collection of the ovaries. This process takes 10-12 days, depending on the arousal status of the ovaries. The collected eggs are fertilized with sperm taken from the spouse on the same day. At this stage, microinjection method is applied. The treatment is completed by transferring the embryos that develop within 2 to 5 days into the inner cavity of the uterus.
8. What should / should not be eaten in IVF treatment? Does it matter?
Healthy eating is of course very important in all areas of life and at all ages. Therefore, a balanced diet before starting infertility treatment increases the rate of success in vaccination and tube baby. There is no need for both men and women to make changes in the nutrition program while IVF treatment is in progress. Of course, as long as they are healthy and balanced.
9. Is there a link between the number of embryos transferred and the chance of pregnancy?
As the number of embryos transferred increases, the risk of multiple pregnancy increases with the chance of pregnancy. For this reason, the number of embryos to be transferred is limited by the regulations issued by the Ministry of Health. Single embryo transfer is allowed in the first 3 trials and women under 35 years of age. Then, a maximum of 2 embryos can be transferred.
10. How many times can the IVF method be tried?
As long as the person can produce eggs, he / she can continue to apply IVF. However, the success rate generally decreases after the third application. If you have enough and quality eggs and sperm, IVF treatment can be applied as much as desired.
11. Is there any connection between weight in vitro and pregnancy chances?
Excess weight and obesity significantly reduce couples' chances of getting pregnant. Women with ideal weight can have a baby without any treatment, this is a known fact. Excess weight and obesity significantly reduce the chances of pregnancy. Again, excess weight and nutritional disorders can decrease sperm quality in men and cause infertility. Especially trans fats and foods containing heavy metal slows sperm motility, attention.
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12. In which season should IVF be made? Does it matter?
It does not matter. The quality of the eggs, the number of embryos, the attachment of the embryos, and the season of IVF treatment for pregnancy success do not matter.
13. Causes bleeding in IVF?
Bleeding during IVF treatment is not an expected condition. However, it is normal for some women to experience mild bleeding that lasts a few days immediately after collecting eggs. Here we need to talk about luteal phase bleeding. Vaginal bleeding after embryo transfer and before pregnancy test. Often people are concerned that the treatment has failed. However, even if the treatment success is somewhat decreased when these bleeding occurs, there is still a chance of pregnancy. Therefore, luteal phase supplements should not be released.
14. Is there a restriction on sexual intercourse in IVF treatment?
During needle therapy to reproduce eggs, intercourse can be established.Sexual abstinence is required for at least 3 days as the eggs are collected and sperm will be taken from the man. Therefore, sexual intercourse should not be made 2 days before the eggs are collected.After collecting the eggs, sexual intercourse can be made, but condoms should be used to reduce the possibility of multiple pregnancy. However, there may be a risk of tenderness or infection in the uterus and ovaries due to egg collection. You need to learn this by consulting a doctor.There are different opinions about sexual intercourse after embryo transfer. Generally, there is an idea that sexual intercourse and orgasm can prevent the embryo from holding on. But there is no evidence based on scientific research in this regard.We do not recommend sexual intercourse in couples with ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) with fluid accumulation in the abdomen and ovarian growth as a result of moderate or severe stimulation of the ovaries. Because bleeding and pain may occur in the ovaries during sexual intercourse.
15. Why does IVF fail?
No need to worry when the first application failed. If good embryos are given in two or more applications, but if there is no pregnancy, we consider IVF failure. In such a case, we take the couple back into treatment and examine them in detail, and investigate what causes prevent conception. Women; Intrauterine adhesions,Abnormalities in the uterus, such as fibroids or polyp, that can prevent the adhesion of the embryo, endometriosis (chocolate cyst),A fibroid or hydrosalpenx located in the uterus (enlarged view of the tubes filled with fluid after past inflammation),Hormonal disorders-thyroid gland diseases,Milk hormone (prolactin) secreted from the pituitary in the brain,Polycystic ovarian disease and the increase of insulin hormone it may cause can prevent embryo attachment. Even polycystic ovary can cause miscarriages. In such cases, there are congenital or subsequent problems related to the immune and coagulation system. It is very important to perform detailed sperm analysis in men. If there is a significant decrease in sperm count, lack of movement or deformity of sperm; Chromosome analysis,Y chromosome microdeletion test,Genetic tests such as sperm FISH test should be done. If problems occur in these tests, it is necessary to use Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGT) techniques (genetic examination and diagnosis before transfer to embryos) in a new IVF treatment.
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Why does IVF fail?
16. How old is IVF treatment?
There is no clear limit. But after the age of 40, the success rate drops to 15%. After the age of 45, we can say that the success rate is very low. The first factor that determines the success rate in IVF is age.Women in the age group of 40 and over are unlikely to improve the quality of their eggs. However, interventions such as increasing the dose of drugs used to stimulate ovulation and choosing the best among many eggs may increase the chance of pregnancy. All this may be considered a closely or the use of donated eggs from another woman does not work, but this practice is not legal in Turkey.Fertility level can be controlled. For this, on the 3rd day of menstruation, the amount of hormones FSH, E2, AMH can be checked. These results show the capacity of the ovaries.As the amount of FSH hormone increases, the probability of having an egg in the ovaries that can provide pregnancy decreases. FSH levels rise as the woman ages. However, we know that the number of eggs is low in women who are young and have high FSH levels.
17. How do you interpret the developments in IVF treatment in recent years? Is there an increase in IVF demand?
"He cannot have children in previous years." called couples can achieve their dreams thanks to infertility treatments in recent years. When we look at the history of IVF treatment, we see that it was first applied in England in 1978. Nowadays, assisted reproductive technique is widely used in many countries. 1 in every 6 women of reproductive age gets professional help due to infertility.3% of women of childbearing age use ovulation drugs.Assisted reproductive technologies are applied to 1%. We can list the reasons for the increases in the infertility rate as follows: Change in social roles and wishes,Being married late,Postponing the woman's birth age,Widespread use of contraception methods,Legal evacuation facilities,Economic concerns,Increased risk of exposure to sexually transmitted diseases,Gradually decreasing sperm count. Access to treatment methods and the widespread use of these practices in the society are also increasing. The reasons for this are;Infertility is no longer socially accepted and ceased to be taboo,Increasing the level of education,Internet, newspaper etc. media dissemination,We can think of infertility treatment centers as development and spread. Read the full article
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Pediatric urologists treat various Genito-urinary disorders in children
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Pediatric Urology
What Is Pediatric Urology?
Children frequently suffer from Genito-urinary disorders. Infants are not able to comprehensively express the discomfort due to these disorders. In such a scenario, a trained and experienced pediatric urologist is required. Pediatric urologists are the doctors that diagnose and treat various Genito-urinary disorders in children.
The genito-urinary system includes ureter, kidney, bladder, and reproductive organs. It has been estimated that of all the disorders requiring surgery in children, almost 50% of them are associated with the Genito-urinary system. These disorders may include both congenital as well as acquired. A pediatric urologist is an expert in handling the simple as well as complex cases of the Genito-urinary tract in infants and children.
How Pediatric Urology Is Different From Adult Urology?
Pediatric urology is quite different from adult urology. The symptoms of pediatric disorders are different from those of adult urology. Most of the urological disorders are congenital disorders and requires altogether a different treatment approach. Most of these problems can be managed with close observation and may not require any intervention. Pediatric surgeons are now well-equipped to precisely diagnose and manage various conditions without any surgery. Minimally invasive surgery also plays an important role in minimizing complications.
What Are The Various Pediatric Disorders?
Following are the various pediatric urological conditions:
Hypospadias : Hypospadias is the condition in which the opening of the urethra is not present on the tip of the penis. It is rather present on the underside of the penis.
Undescended testicles: Medically known as cryptorchidism, it is the condition in which either one or both the testicles failed to descend.
Vesicoureteral reflux: This condition involves the flowing of urine in the wrong direction.
Bladder exstrophy: When the bladder protrudes outside the abdominal wall, the condition is termed as bladder exstrophy.
Pelvic-ureteric junction obstruction: This condition is characterized by impairment in the flow of urine at the junction of pelvis and ureter.
Epispadias: When the urethra opens on the upper side of the penis, the condition is termed as epispadias.
Other conditions: Various other pediatric urological conditions include Testicular torsion, Ureterocoele, Horseshoe kidney, Duplex kidney, Ectopic ureters, and Absent kidney or renal agenesis.
What Are The General Symptoms Of Pediatric Disorders?
Symptoms of pediatric disorders are presented based on the type of Genito-urinary disorder. However, common symptoms include:
Painful urination
Blood in urine
Thin urine stream
Abdominal pain
Swelling in testis
Urinary tract infection which may frequently recur
Pus in urine
Increased urine frequency.
Tags: best pediatric urologist in delhi, best pediatric urologist in india, best pediatric surgeon in delhi, best pediatric surgeon in india
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