britany1997 · 1 year
Let’s Motor
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I genuinely wasn’t expecting the response to Rev Your Engines that I got, I was feeling very insecure about my writing when I posted it and I’m crying that y’all loved it so much😭 (read part one here)
I’ve also decided on subsequent fics to indicate when I won’t be writing any more parts, so this will be the final part to this series:) hope y’all love it!
Pre-read by my motorcycle expert adopted brother @pixielostboy 🥰
Poly! Lost boys x GN motor expert reader
You rolled out from under your 1953 Buick wildcat, smearing your hand across your face as you attempted to wipe it clean of oil.
When you’d finished your shift for the night, your boss was kind enough to let you use the shop’s tools to fix up your own ride.
The tune ups were going well, but you still took your Harley to work instead, hopeful you’d run into the strange group of rockers from a few days ago.
You checked your watch and sighed. Lately you’d tended to drag your feet, just in case the biker boys did drop by, but after days of waiting, you’d finally decided they weren’t coming.
That is until you heard the familiar mumbling of four motors pulling up behind you. You chuckled to yourself as you pulled a bandana from your back pocket to wipe your brow and turned around.
Your face fell as you realized the sight in front of you was not the four weirdos you were hoping to meet again, but another group of leather clad bikers.
You sighed and turned back to pack up your things.
“Expectin’ someone?”
You whipped your head around to lock eyes with a smirking Paul, leaning against a broken down truck one of your coworkers had been fixing up.
“Hello again,” you raised an eyebrow as you wiped down your tools, “where ya been?”
“Been busy sugar,” he explained, “didn’t mean we didn’t wanna come.”
Your lips turned up against your will as you shrugged in reply, “maybe I wanted to see you guys too.”
Paul’s face lit up at your words.
“Why didn’t I hear your bike pull up?” you asked.
“Got one of those silent mufflers, bike don’t make a sound,” he told you.
Your brow furrowed in confusion. Silent mufflers? “What?”
“Kidding babe, just didn’t wanna move the bikes from the boardwalk, I uh walked over.”
You scoffed, “isn’t it like a five mile walk?”
Paul rubbed the back of his neck nervously, “yeah I uh, I walk fast.”
You snorted, “whatever Paulie, you want a ride back on my bike?”
“Yes please,” he sing-songed as he practically skipped over to your side.
You mounted your Harley before Paul slid in behind you. “Hold on tight yeah?” you told him.
“Don’t gotta tell me twice sugar,” he said as his arms slid around your middle. He squeezed your sides gently causing you to flinch.
“Maybe not that tight,” you laughed.
Paul moved his hands to rest on your hips as you nudged up your kickstand with your heel before reving your engine and taking off down the road.
The short drive to the boardwalk gave Paul’s hands many opportunities to wander from your hips, but luckily for him you didn’t mind too much.
You parked your bike to the side of Max’s video as both you and Paul slid off and walked toward the three other boys loitering near the pier.
“Well, well, well,” David smirked as he took a drag, “just couldn’t stay away could ya?”
You scoffed in mock offense, “excuse me, but this one,” you jerked your thumb towards Paul, “tracked me down at work for you idiots.”
David threw his cigarette to the ground and stomped it out, “maybe we needed you to fix up one of our bikes again.”
You snorted, “they look fine to me.”
Dwayne rolled his eyes, “sorry about him, we really did just want to see you.”
You blushed as your gaze fell to the gorgeous brunette man’s shoes, “I kinda wanted to see you guys again too.”
“Wanna race?” Marko blurted out, bouncing on his heels in excitement.
Your head snapped up, “race? Race where?” you asked.
“Hudson’s bluff,” David spoke up, “you know it?”
“Yeah I know it,” you paused for a second, “what does the winner get?”
“A kiss from you,” Paul said smirking, as he leaned an elbow on your shoulder.
You rolled your shoulder, causing his elbow to slide right off you, “and what do I get if I win?” you asked.
“Four kisses,” Paul winked.
You rolled your eyes, “if I win I want…” you trailed off as you thought to yourself.
A lightbulb went off in your head, “I want that,” you decided as you pointed at David’s long black trenchcoat.
David’s jaw dropped, not usually one to be caught off guard, “…you want my coat?”
He regained his senses, “absolutely not, no.”
You pouted in mock sympathy, “scared you’re gonna lose Davey?”
He scoffed, “never.”
You shrugged, “then you’ve got nothing to worry about right?”
David bit his lip and weighed his options. There were four of them and only one of you. How could one little human beat four vicious vampires? You didn’t stand a chance.
David smirked and stuck out his hand, “deal.”
You smiled as you shook his hand, “alright then.”
It didn’t take the five of you long to clamor onto your bikes and line up parallel to each other.
“You’re going down,” Marko whispered from the left of you as Dwayne counted down.
You smirked, “we’ll see.”
As soon as Dwayne bellowed “go,” you were off.
You whipped through the beach, kicking up sand as you rode and making a mental note to clean your wheels later. Paul and David had an early lead, with you and Marko not far behind.
Dwayne trailed behind the four of you, but you suspected it wasn’t for lack of ability but more to teach David a lesson. Either way, you appreciated it.
As you turned off into the forest you pulled past Paul, flicking a wave in his direction as you left him in the dust. You smiled as you heard a soft gasp behind you from the shocked blond boy.
You leaned forward, your brow furrowing as you accelerated until you were neck and neck with David.
“Give up? You could still keep your coat,” you taunted him, keeping your eyes trained on the road.
“Not on your life.” he spit through gritted teeth.
“Suit yourself,” you replied as you pushed forward on the throttle, weaving in front of David and pulling up at the edge of the cliff.
David pulled to a stop in disbelief, “you…how did you…” he sputtered as he tried to make sense of what had just happened.
You smiled, “increased the size of my rear sprocket by two teeth awhile back, helps the bike accelerate quicker,” you explained.
“Why didn’t you say anything babe?” Paul inquired as he parked next to the two of you.
You shrugged, “you never asked,”
“Pretty smart if you ask me,” Marko admitted as he joined as well, “I woulda done that too.”
“Looks like you’ve got a jacket to hand over huh David?” Dwayne teased as he came around to David’s side, playing with the hem of the coat.
David’s face flushed red as he realized. He moved to take the coat off when you stopped him, placing a hand on his.
“No need,” you assured him, “the look on your face is a good enough prize for me.”
David grumbled as the other boys dissolved into fits of laughter.
“You’re a good time babe,” Paul nudged you with his elbow, “we live just down there if you’d like to come in for a drink,” he offered smoothly as the others exchanged knowing glances.
“Sure,” you smiled, “I could go for a drink.”
@pixielostboy @bloodywickedvamp @6lostgirl6 @anna1306 @misslavenderlady @sidefanficaccounttohidemyshame @paulxbathbomd @peachpixiesstuff @ria-coolgirl @flower-crowned-lady @lostboys1987girl @ghoulgeousimmaculate @feardot-com @softchonk @gothamslostboy @arenpath @bitchyexpertprincess @memphiscity69 @kurt-nightcrawler @solobagginses @mickkmaiden333 @arbesa-mind @warrior-616 @consuming-karma @dwaynedelight @vampirefilmlover @its-freaking-bats @dwaynesluscioushair @hallotonia
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luv4fandoms · 2 years
The Rut (Dwayne x Fem!Reader)
It is finally here! I was actually planning on writing Dwayne's chapter last but so many people wanted his chapter that I couldn't see putting it off lol, As I said before every boy will be getting his own part. (Also since I've been asked, this isn't really a poly relationship series, this is a "only (insert boy) likes reader" kinda thing).
So this series was inspired by @auntvamp 's headcannons about the boys in rut, and when I say that I couldn't help but write this after reading those lol. I'd highly suggest reading that first. I'd also like to thank her from the bottom of my heart for the help, I really wasn't sure how to write Dwayne, like all everyone says is that he is the strong silent type, but I was unsure of how he would be with a mate and she took time out of her day to message me and give me ideas for this chapter 😭 Thank you again for that!❤️
Lastly I'd like to thank @santacarlatourism for their headcanons of each boy's scent on my post
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Paul, Marko, David
Word count: 4,097
Pairing: Dwayne x Female Reader
⚠️ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬, 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬, 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐞.⚠️
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"Just don't invite him in"
That's what David had told you when he informed you to stay away from the cave for the next couple of days. You were confused when David had met you at the entrance the night before, you were fully prepared to spend the night at the boardwalk with the boys and your favorite vampire, but David had quickly shot down those plans.
"Wait…A rut? Like how animals have ru-"
"Yes just like that" he told you as he walked you back to your car.
"You see when we go into these we are very dangerous to you, if you were a vampire you would be ok but since you're a human you're far more…"
"Fragile" you finished, the boys had all told you that before, taking it upon themselves to protect you all the time because you were "like a China doll" in Dwayne's words.
"So you understand why it's best if you just stay away for a couple of days" he explained, to which you could only simply nod as you climbed in your car. Your thoughts suddenly taking a turn as you thought of him…they were all extremely attractive…him especially…and you were sure him taking a partner for a quick time was something he had done before…would that happen again? After all, if he was gonna kill them anyways why not? It didn't matter if they were fragile right? But why did that thought make you wanna cry even more in this situation?
"It's not like that" David's voice broke you out of your thoughts and you were unsure if he had read your thoughts or could just read your emotions.
"Go home y/n, don't overthink, you can come back soon" he told you as he shut your car door, watching as you started the car and rolled down the window when he knocked
"And one more thing" he told you while leaning in.
"Just don't invite him in"
So here you were, sitting in your room, listening to music and drawing, wishing you could just go hang out with the boys, you hadn't really realized just how much of a staple in your life they had become until now. Night's seemed boring without them…without him. Sighing you sat your sketchbook down on your nightstand after you realized that in your zoned out state you had successfully sketched what was probably the twentieth picture of him that resided in the book. Stretching, you got up and changed the music, putting on your newest Jimi Hendrix album, you hadn't really listened to him much until Dwayne got you into him, he would always take you aside and let you just relax in his room when the boys got too rowdy, putting a record on and just letting you both drift off into the music. You felt your body sway as All along the watchtower came on, a favorite for both of you, but your body came to a halt when you heard knocking on your window, slowly turning, your breath and heart picking up as David's words rang in your head again.
"Just don't invite him in"
You knew it would be stupid to pretend to not be here, the music was loud enough to alert anyone, and he could, no doubt, smell you.
"You gonna open up Princess?" He asked, his voice calm but you could hear the darker tone and slight gravel, telling you that he was currently vamped out.
"Um…I'm not exactly supposed to" you told him after a moment, listening as a low growl filled the silence.
"I'm guessing David talked to you?"
"Yeah…He said he would be best if I just-"
"Nevermind what he said" he interrupted you, something you weren't used to from him.
"I can explain it all but you gotta let me in Princess" he spoke again after a moment. You knew you shouldn't, you knew you should listen to David and just tell him to leave, but you also knew that out of all of them you always felt the safest with Dwayne, and you believed that even in this state, he wouldn't put you in danger. You slowly made your way over to the window, pulling back the black out curtains and peering out onto the little balcony that was attached. Golden eyes met (e/c) and you quickly took note of him being completely bare on top, usually his jacket gave him some modesty, but tonight it was gone, something that was very unusual.
"Princess" he spoke in a sort of low sigh, like he was beyond relieved just to see you. You opened the window, leaning out to talk to him.
"Dwayne are you sure this is-" but you were quickly cut off by the feeling of his soft lips on yours, the kiss wasn't rough, but firm, like he couldn't release you even if he wanted to and honestly, you didn't want him to. His hands cupped your face, tongue slowly gliding along your lips before he parted them, fangs grazing the soft skin as he consumed your every sense. Your hands gripped his arms, trying to ground yourself but only losing yourself more, you knew Dwayne was fit but you had never gotten a good look, or feel, because of his jacket, but now his warmer than normal flesh under your palms had your mind reeling..As did the smells that seemed to make your head fuzzy, the scent of leather and motor oil that always clung to him, as well as the smell of the ocean air, and the natural musk that you could only describe as him, but now they seemed to be cranked up to a hundred, clouding your thoughts and filling them with him and only him. As if sensing that air was getting limited, you felt him pull away, your own lips chasing his, before you felt him rest his forehead against yours.
"Let me in Princess" he told you, voice deeper but still soft, though you noted the restraint in his tone.
"Dwayne I-"
"I'll explain everything" he told you and you took a moment to get your brain in order, though you found it incredibly difficult.
"I can come inside?" He asked, and you could feel the smile against your lips.
"You can come inside" you repeated, unknowing just how your words affected him.
"I'll remember that" he whispered against your lips, before you were suddenly in your room again, your feet no longer touching the ground as he carried you to your bed, laying you down on the mattress before quickly climbing over you. Your lips reconnected instantly and your hands began exploring his newly exposed skin. You felt his hand leave your face, running down your sides before coming up under your shirt, his other hand quickly joining it as he began lifting the material, only breaking the kiss to quickly remove the offending article before reconnecting his lips to yours. His hands quickly cupped your breasts, claws dragging over your soft skin while he listened to your heart rate pick up, the smell of your arousal becoming stronger and this time it was his head that was becoming fuzzy. His lips left yours, trailing down your neck to mark it, he would make sure that everyone on the boardwalk knew you were his, his human, his girl…His mate. The thought had him slowly grinding down, hips digging into yours as you felt him rubbing against where you needed him. The friction caused a gasp and moan to leave your lips, which you guessed turned him on more because he began to press down harder. You whimpered as his mouth latched onto your nipple, a sound that had him growling. Your hand tangling in his dark locks before gripping slightly, pulling gently, and causing him to reattach his lips to yours, his hands shooting down to quickly take off your bottoms.
"Dwayne" you whimpered, feeling him take off his own pants, full skin on skin contact making you both sigh. You felt his hand slide down your side, fingers ghosting along your thigh before moving up to press against you, you couldn't stop the moan even if you tried, the sudden contact on your heat had you squirming under him, a fact that had him smiling in the kiss. He gently ran his finger along your core, gathering the wetness before rubbing tight slow circles on your clit, making sure to be careful of his claws.
"Fuck" you panted, hips moving up to seek out more pleasure, and you heard him chuckle against your mouth.
"You like that?" He asked, other hand brushing your hair away from your face so he could look down at you, your flushed cheeks, your blown pupils, your chest rising and falling with your quickened breath and rapid heartbeat, you were like a goddess laid out before him, and the only thought that kept running through his head was simply.
"Tell me what you want" he breathed against your neck before he returned to marking you, his hand never stopping its movement as you became wetter against his fingers.
"Shit…Dwayne" you whimpered, hands gripping his arms, nails slightly digging in as you rocked your hips in time with his fingers.
"You like this? Like me taking my time with you? Like me making sure you're soaking?" He asked, and honestly you swore you could have cum right there. You had never even thought of him being into dirty talk with as little as he spoke, but having that deep voice whisper such things right against your skin, you couldn't stop the moan even if you tried.
"Fuck…more…please" you begged, watching as he sat back on his knees, smiling down at you, all the while his hand never stopped.
"More? What do you want baby?" He asked, his other hand running along your stomach before coming up to cup your breast, lightly playing with your nipple, just enough to give you slight twinges of pleasure.
"You" you begged, hand grabbing his as you brought it up to your face, gently bringing his thumb into your mouth.
"You gonna take me?" He asked, his hand picking up speed and pressure, watching as your eyes rolled back, your whimper muffled by his finger.
"Gonna take everything I give you?" He added, his own mind starting to picture everything, and he could feel himself starting to lose control again.
"You're gonna know you're mine by the end of the night" he smiled, and watched as your legs locked up, trembling before a louder muffled moan tumbled from you, his hand becoming even wetter as he watched the pure ecstasy wash over you. He worked you through it, only stopping once you removed his finger from your mouth to whimper a please.
"Think you can give me another one Princess?" He asked, body hovering over yours as he kissed your chest, listening to your heart slow down a bit.
"Yes" you panted, hands coming up to cup his face and pull him in for a kiss, you felt his hands grab your thighs as he parted your lips with his, dominating the kiss while he slotted himself between your legs, wrapping them around his waist and slowly grinding into your heat, a feeling that had the both of you moaning.
"You want it?" He asked, looking down at you, golden gaze almost glowing as he watched you.
"Yes" you begged, hips lifting to meet his.
"Tell me" he moaned.
"Fuck I want all of you, please"
"All of me?"
"You'll take everything I give you?"
"Fuck yes!"
"You'll take every drop?" He asked, eyes never leaving yours, but you noted the yearning look in his gaze as he watched you, waiting for your answer.
"Every drop" you panted, listening as a low growl left him, and watching as he slowly dragged his length through your folds, coating himself. You hadn't given much thought to size, but now, looking down and watching him, you were starting to wonder if he would even fit. And as if reading your mind you heard him chuckle.
"I'll go slow" he told you, leaning back over you to capture your lips once more before warning you.
"I'm not sure if I'll be able to stop once I start though" you could only nod, the thought of Dwayne, cool, calm, and collected Dwayne completely losing control during sex made you wetter than you'd care to admit…Though he seemed to have known.
"You like that idea?" He chuckled, taking a deep breath before another low growl rumbled against your chest.
"You smell so fucking good when you get horny" he spoke against your skin.
"W-wait you can-"
"Everytime, everytime you came into the cave after reading one of your little private books," he started, and you felt the smile against your skin.
"Or when I pulled you away from Paul and sat you on my lap" he added, and you knew exactly what he was talking about. You and Paul had been jamming out, dancing like idiots to whatever rock song Paul had put on, you had started feeling a bit tired, and were just about to go sit down when suddenly Dwayne had pulled you into his lap, wrapping his arms around your middle and pulling you back against him. You had been so flustered and turned on by his strength and had hoped the guys would just read your flushed cheeks and rapid heartbeat as just from dancing…it seems you had been wrong.
"Last chance" he spoke again, pulling you out of your memory, your eyes meeting once more.
"Say no now and I'll leave" but that was the last thing you wanted, you wanted him, all of him, and whatever he would give you. So instead you tangled your hands in his hair and pulled him to you, lips crashing against his and that was the only sign he needed. His hand quickly lined himself up and without a second thought he was slowly sinking into you, groaning as your heat swallowed him. The pace he set was slow but firm, shallow thrusts, like he didn't want to leave your body for too long, and also to make sure he didn't hurt you, he knew he was a lot to handle, he would have to build up to that. Each thrust pulled a moan from you though, a sound he found himself drowning in.
"You like this?" He asked with a smirk as he watched you, your head thrown back and eyes closed, legs tight around his waist.
"Come on Princess, I know you can be louder than that" he groaned, watching as you reached down to grip his arm, your other hand going against the headboard to stop yourself from moving up the bed. He could feel himself getting lost in everything, the sound of your pounding heartbeat, a sound that had his inner beast clawing to get out, the feeling of your skin against his, your breasts pressed against his chest as he put more of his weight against you. The feeling of your heat pulling him in, surrounding him as you only continued to become wetter, which created a whole new sound that had him moaning against your neck. Your bed squeaking with every firm thrust and your moans now a constant, along with whimpers of his name. Your smell was making his head even fuzzier at this point, your natural scent cranked up as sweat began to coat your body from the heat.
"Gonna...Fuck...Gonna fill you up" you heard him groan, feeling him begin to push deeper with every thrust, your body welcoming him, especially when he started hitting that spot inside you.
"Gonna give you…Shit...every last drop" he panted against your skin, growling at the moan you released at the idea, he could smell it, how your body was waiting for what only he could give it.
"You want it?" He asked, listening as your moans pitched in tone, your heartbeat picking up even more, he knew you were getting close.
"Please" you begged, you knew you must have looked and sounded almost pathetic, but at that moment you didn't care, you didn't even know what he was asking, you just wanted anything and everything that he was willing to give you.
"Say you want it…Fuck…Say you'll take it" he groaned, fangs grazing your neck as he thrust forward, completely bottoming out, pulling another moan from the both of you.
"Shit…Say you'll be a good mate and take my child" he growled, and the realization of what he had been asking for hit you, a thought that probably should have made you take a moment, but instead had you locking your legs tighter around him, Fuck you really wanted to give him a child if you could, you had seen him with Laddie, you knew he would be a really good fucking dad. He lifted up, just enough to look you in the eyes, his gaze still a blazing gold but you could see the almost pleading behind the pure primal instinct. Without a second thought you buried your hand in his hair, pulling it as you brought his lips to yours for the third time that night, in a passionate kiss, only stopping to breathe against his lips.
"Put a baby in me"
You feared for a moment that it sounded too funny, your wording, or that he had changed his mind as you felt him slow down, the two of you just staring at one another.
"Say it again" he spoke slowly, sitting back on his knees to look down at you with a look you hadn't seen before, a look of a predator getting its prey exactly where it wanted it.
"Put a..baby in me?" You asked, your tone more a question as you watched a smile slowly spread across his face.
"Yeah?" He asked
"Yeah" you smiled, too distracted with his gaze to realize he was beginning to move again until he thrust forward, dragging another moan from your throat as your head tilted up, eyes rolling back. He didn't let your body move far though, hands holding your hips in a bruising grip, claws slightly breaking the skin and sending tiny shocks of pleasure through your system. His thrusts became quick but firm once more, though in the beginning they were shallow, not wanting to hurt you by having you take too much, now they were deep, his length never leaving your heat for too long as he worked you both towards your highs. The sound of skin on skin echoed in the room, your wetness and moans only adding to the lewd noises that were sending him towards his end. But it was the thought, the promise that had his own eyes rolling back, you were his mate and you were gonna give him something he had wanted for so long. Leaning forward again he kept himself up on one arm, his other still holding your hips.
"Fuck I'm close" he panted, feeling your legs bend higher against his hips, caressing his sides as you opened yourself more for him, drawing him in deeper, allowing him in closer to where he needed to be.
"Me too" you whimpered, nails dragging down his back as you held on.
"Cum for me Princess" he spoke, groaning when you pulled his hair, he could feel the coil in his stomach tightening with every thrust. You felt him bury his face against your neck, tongue dragging along the soft flesh as his hot breaths fanned it, lips caressing it, and fangs lightly dragging along it. You knew what he wanted, and honestly, you did too. Tilting your head to the side you pulled him closer by the hand that was still buried in his dark locks, pressing his face further against your neck and giving him the ok, a sign he only needed to be given once as you felt his fangs pierce the skin. The feeling wasn't uncomfortable, in fact it was the last push you needed to send you over the edge, your legs locking around his waist, one hand digging into his back while the other gripped his hair tighter, eyes closed as a loud moan of his name left you. For him it was much the same, as soon as your blood touched his tongue he was gone, hips speeding up before stuttering as he felt you lock your legs around him, his grip on your hip and sheets tightening while his mouth left your neck, head thrown back as a moan left him, blood covering his lips and chin while he continued to move, continued to to do as he promised and give you every last drop. You felt his hips begin to slow just as your eyes came back into focus, your mind becoming clearer as you came back down from your high. You looked up at him, watching as his eyes were still closed, mouth slightly ajar as quick pants left him, his hips gave small gentle thrusts as he refused to let even a drop leave your body. You watched as he blinked once, twice, before his head lowered, gaze meeting yours and you noted that his golden eyes had lost the red haze they seemed to have had before. You watched as a slow smile graced his face, hand coming down to cup your cheek before bringing your lips to his, the taste of blood on your tongue was a bit odd, but something you could get used to if it meant more kisses from him.
"Thank you" he breathed against your mouth, earning a giggle from you.
"You don't have to thank me Dwayne, I'm your mate after all right?" You smiled, watching as his gaze softened even more before he pressed a quick kiss to your lips.
"My mate"
"I honestly didn't expect you to come here" you spoke after a while, hand running through his hair as he now laid his head on your chest, listening to your steady heartbeat, but your words caused him to tilt his head up towards you, an unspoken question in his eyes.
"David said you all were going through a rut, and to stay away from you all because it was dangerous…even you have stated before how fragile I am" you told him, watching as he leaned up a bit, and whimpering as he shifted inside you, having never pulled out.
"You are," he teased.
"But I wouldn't go anywhere else" he added, making you give him a confused look.
"It's not all of us going through a rut, just me"
"What? Do you all do it at different times or?"
"No. We've only been told about this, but none of us have ever gone through it. We don't go through it unless we find our mate"
"...Wait…Your mate…so that wasn't just…sexy vampire talk?" You asked, a question that caused him to start laughing.
"You find me calling you my mate sexy?" He asked, grinning as he leaned down to kiss the bite mark he left, his hips moving to give a shallow thrust and you realized that he was hard once again.
"Maybe" you giggled.
"Our mates are like the vampire's version of soulmates" he explained, a warm feeling spreading through your body at the information.
"So…I'm your soulmate?" You couldn't help but ask, a dopey grin on your face as he unburied his and met your gaze.
"Yeah, you're my soulmate Princess" he smiled back.
"And with any luck," he spoke with a smirk after a moment, hips gently thrusting, creating a slow steady rhythm.
"We could definitely make sure that takes," you smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck as he leaned up on his arms, hovering over you to reach a better angle, one that had him once again hitting that spot inside you.
"Thank you" he told you again with a smile, leaning down to capture your lips in a passionate kiss.
"You're gonna be an amazing dad" you told him once he pulled away, watching the pure joy spread across his face.
"You're gonna be an amazing mom Princess" he told you, kissing you again before leaning back to pick up his pace a bit.
"I think we can fit in a few more rounds before the rut is over" he chuckled, golden eyes seemingly glowing again as he looked down at you, and you realized you were in for a long night.
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So there it is ladies! I hope you enjoyed this one, like I said before Dwayne has been hard for me to write since I got into The Lost Boys lol
If you'd like to be added to the taglist for the David chapter just let me know.
@its-monster-mash , @arenpath , @xxx-wounded-angel-xxx , @katpursley94-blog , @theamericanjewitch , @shewhomustnotbenamedsworld , @thelostone91 , @blazeflays , @ilikechocolatemilkh , @babyloutattoo89 , @bigcreatorwombatdreamer , @non-binary-disastrous-mess , @2525sc , @kitteebree , @besas-stuff , @justaspeachy , @faefairi3 , @its-freaking-bats , @santa-carla-boardwalk-1987 , @urmothersmistress , @misslavenderlady @heavenwoodcoco
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cotgar2 · 3 years
My last day of wearing my wrist brace has FINALLY arrived. I’ve been so antsy to draw since I’ve put this on but I’ve wanted to have my wrist be in peak condition before I did anything again >:0
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lovelyparkers · 4 years
the summer fling (1)
summary: going on a week beach trip with peter parker is both good and bad and summer is the best time for falling in love. but, the tension between the two of you is almost unbearable, much to the dismay of ned and mj.
in other words, the four of you head to the beach and you and peter begin a fling...but does it turn into something more? we shall see. y'all have just graduated in this and are 18
warnings: fluff and some spice lol this series is gonna be pretty spicy just wait a chapter! a whole 3.1k words!!!
when your best friend michelle suggested the idea that your tight knit group of four head down to her family's beach house for a week after graduation, you were off the walls excited. she had always mentioned this beach house but you'd never been there. in fact, you've never been to a beach outside of new york. so of course you excitedly pleaded that this trip actually happen, and it was going to. ned also quickly agreed but peter took some pushing. but one night when it was just you two in his room, you were able to convince him to give himself a break from spider-man and just spend a week at the beach with his friends. you weren't gonna go if peter wasn't going, end of story. you liked him so much and just the thought of spending a week with him? heaven sent. and of course, he couldn't say no to you, he was practically in love with you since freshman year. and maybe, just maybe, he thought this trip could finally be the factor needed to push you two together.
the night before you all left, you had decided to stay over peter's. you told mj and ned that it would just be more convient for her to pick up both of you in one place rather than driving around town. but really you just liked spending most of your time with peter. and of course he didn't mind at all.
you came over to his apartment at almost midnight because you knew he'd be out late trying to make up for a weeks worth of missing spider-man duties. and when you arrived he had just crawled in through his window, finding you leaning against the door frame. may was already asleep and you had a key peter gave you junior year, you know, for emergencies and all that good friendship stuff.
"hey," you said, smiling at peter crawling in the window all stealth like.
"hey y/n/n," he said, calling your favorite nickname back. he walked over to his closet to pull out a shirt as he pressed the spider on his chest. he let the suit fall down his body and just kicked it off leaving it in a hump on the floor. he tugged on a shirt, giving you a great view of his back, still leaning against the door frame and watching him. he turned back around to catch you and smiled cheesily back at you.
"whatcha looking at?"
"uh," you turned your vision over to anything but him, landing on his suit on the floor, "just your suit."
"my suit?"
"yeah," you walked over, dropping you bags and picked up his suit that was sitting in a pile, "you're a mess sometimes, you know that?"
you folded his suit nicely and put it on a shelf where he usually liked it. "are you all ready to go tomorrow? all packed?"
peter shrugged unsure, "yeah, i...guess."
you walked over to him sighing, dropping your head on his shoulder, "peter, you didn't pack a thing did you."
he groaned, "no, no i didn't."
you threw your head back and it was your turn to groan. "i'll help you."
"no, y/n/n, we'll have time in the morning before we go, i promise. let's just go to sleep before i drive you mad."
you shook your head at him and smiled, knowing he would rush himself packing in the morning. "fine."
you gave him a side hug and kicked off your shoes and climbed to his top bunk. you somewhat wished you could just share a bed with peter, cuddling with him and falling asleep with him...but that would be weird and not very friendship like. so you managed, and so did he.
he crawled into bed in just his boxers and a t-shirt and whispered a tired, "goodnight y/n/n." to which you replied "goodnight pete." within five minutes of that, you could hear peter snoring. you chuckled to yourself, knowing he must really be tired. all that crime fighting must be killing him. and you were really glad he was going on this trip to get a break and spend time with his friends—especially with you. he was on cloud nine at the thought of being on the beach with you for a whole week. sure, mj and ned were great, but he had eyes for you. peter fell asleep with a smile that night, hoping you were doing the same on the top bunk.
at 9 am your alarm rang, meaning you had to get up and beat peter's ass into packing before mj showed up and did the same. she would be pissed if he wasn't ready to go, she had a very tight schedule of driving to follow and if peter even messed it up by one minute, there would be no beach trip. so you jumped down from the bunk, full of energy and flopped on peter's bed next to him.
"peter! get up!"
he slowly lifted his head and slightly opened his eyes, rubbing them and trying to shield the sunlight. "what?"
"we have to pack dumbass."
"oh...right," he mumbled. he actually listened to you and got out of bed, picking some clothes out of his closet and drawers to bring. you helped him match some things and basically tore his closet apart looking for swim trunks.
"peter i swear to god if you don't have a swim suit mj's gonna kill us."
"why you?"
"because she knows i'm responsible!"
peter blushed, thinking that you were all responsible over him, taking care of him basically and making sure he didn't screw up as a normal human being.
"ah ha! found it!" you held up a pair of black swimming trunks.
"i don't even know if those fit me."
"well we are just gonna go with it." you threw them at peter and he folded and placed them in his duffel bag. he made sure to grab some sun screen from the hall closet as well as his bathroom necessities—for which he needed a reminder from you. you zipped everything up and then the two of you got freshened you for the day. may was waiting for you guys in the kitchen with to-go bagels for the drive as you walked down the hall with yours and peter's bags.
"have fun kids! but not too much fun!"
"may!" peter groaned.
"hey i'm serious," she added.
"uh huh."
you laughed at the two, walking out the door and to the elevator. peter followed quickly behind, stumbling after you into the small elevator. michelle was in her car right outside the lobby with ned sitting by her in the passenger seat.
"let's go! times ticking and if we don't leave now we aren't going," she yelled out the window, popping her trunk open so you could fit your bags in. peter slammed it shut and then the two of you crawled in the back seats.
"we left the back seats for you guys because...you know..." ned said making indescribable gestures with his hands.
"know...what?" peter questioned with a very confused look on his face.
"my god you two are so stupid let's go," she turned on the ignition before turning to look back at you, "but you know i love you y/n."
you smiled, "love ya more mj."
"what about me?" peter and ned asked simultaneously.
"yeah i don't know about that," mj said before pulling back onto the road and heading for ocean city new jersey. it was a good two and a half hour drive with out traffic so you were in for it. peter fell asleep about twenty minutes into the car ride after talking to you about how excited he was to see the ocean again. you were glad he was getting some rest though, he would need it for this trip. eventually you fell asleep in the car too, leaning against peter's body somehow. though the two of you bumped heads when mj honked her horn to signify your arriving. she was parked in the driveway of a cute little beach house that was only a block away from the actual boardwalk and beach.
mj and ned got out, pulling stuff out of the trunk whilst you and peter shared a confused and tiring look. nevertheless you followed them and grabbed your bags and headed to the front door mj unlocked the house and you all entered. it was so pretty and homey and nice and cool in the house, just like what you imagined a beach house to be like. she gave a quick tour, showing off the kitchen, living room, bathrooms and two bedrooms.
"okay so, bedroom situation, me and ned will take my bedroom which has the two bed and you and peter can take the master," she said looking at you. "because, well, you know," she made weird hand gestures just like ned.
"what?!" you asked."
mj just groaned and rushed to her room with her bags. ned followed, leaving you and peter in the hallway outside the master bedroom.
"so," peter said.
"guess we're sharing a um, a bed?"
"guess so," you pressed your lips together and nodded. and after a moment of semi-awkward silence, walked into the bedroom, dropping your stuff. sharing a bed was something you've done before when peter stayed over your apartment, so why was it different now? you took the liberty of making the bed with the fresh sheets mj brought for everyone while peter stood unpacking his bags into the dresser drawers, glancing at you through the mirror every so often. he also unpacked your things for you too, almost throwing your underwear across the room when he realized he picked it up. he blushed madly, hoping you didn't see his scare. but he finished unpacking and you thanked each other before going to meet the others in the living room. it was going on 5pm by the time you were all settled, the car ride being longer than intended but still within michelle's schedule.
"so how bout dinner?" mj asked.
"yeah definitely, where to? you know the place best, but oh! i wanna see the beach later."
"well i happen to know this cool little restaurant on the waterfront that's pretty good. we could go there."
"i'm down," ned replied.
"me too," you said.
"me three," peter added.
the four of you arrived to some janky little restaurant on the waterfront, but michelle reassured everyone that the food was great. you got a table almost immediately, though the summer crowd was definite. peter held out a chair for you before sitting down next to you.
"awe i guess chivalry isn't dead," mj mocked.
"shush," peter said visibly annoyed. both ned and mj knew you and peter liked each other and constantly worked to try to get you guys to just date already. it's been like that for years and still nothing. mj noticed peter was being oddly more sweet today too. he leaned his chin in his hands, watching you look at the menu and discuss what to get with the group. he was barely paying any attention to the others.
"mj are the portions big here?"
"yeah i can never finish anything but hey, leftovers!"
"okay, then me and peter will just share," you said mindlessly, still looking at the menu. why not share? plus you didn't wanna go broke on this trip.
peter pulled his head out of his hands and just looked at you. "you're cool with that?"
"yeah, we do it all the time."
"yeah, but..."
"peter has a big appetite," ned blurted out.
"but i don't mind sharing it's nice—i mean i wanna share a meal with you, but like...yeah i'm not that hungry but i'll share. with you."
you smiled, giving him a confused look, "okay weirdo."
michelle was just cracking up behind her menu.
when the waiter arrived, mj and ned both ordered their own meals and you ordered yours and peter's after quickly agreeing on what to share.
"and for you?" the waiter asked gesturing to peter.
"oh i'm sharing. with her," peter replied, pointing at you. the waiter walked off as you stared peter down.
"you good?"
"yes i just, you know i hate ordering."
"i know that's why i ordered," you said squeezing his hand. but you didn't let go. you just let your hands hang under the table while you played with each other's fingers. conversation was bouncing around the group and the entire time until your drinks arrived, your hands stayed together. it wasn't weird or anything. it was just natural between the two of you. but mj and ned didn't think so. they shared a look every once in awhile which you and peter failed to notice.
your ice cold lemonade arrived and you gladly took a sip, dying in the heat. you closed your eyes and just enjoyed it, you could get used to this trip and several glasses of lemonade.
"it's good right?" michelle asked watching you delve into the drink.
"yes! oh my god," you practically moaned. in the car before you fell asleep, all you drank was warm water bottles so this was fantastic. again, peter was sitting there leaning his head in the palm of his hand watching you fall for a glass of lemonade. "pete you have to try this."
you handed the glass to him, pushing his 'water with lemon' that you ordered for him because he was scared, out of the way. he took a long sip from your straw and you watched him intently, giving him a big smile and waiting for his reaction.
"yeah, t-that's real good," he said blushing and handing you the glass back, feeling your cool hand on his. not much longer the food arrived and you and peter shared your plate which was massive as michelle had mentioned. you scooted your chairs closer together, hips basically side by side, and the plate in between you, digging into the platter. everyone ate like animals, being starving from the long ass car ride.
peter put a hand on his chest when he finished, muttering, "i'm fool."
"yeah you are a fool," michelle called back, sipping her dr. pepper. you were laughing and leaned into peter's side. he casually wrapped an around around the back of your chair, smiling down at you.
your little moment was interrupted by the waiter with the bill and you split it four ways before heading back out to the car. you were so tired from eating, basically trudging out of the restaurant. peter placed a hand on your lower back and stopped you.
"piggy back ride?"
"oh my god please," you said, and peter leaned down a little so you could jump on his back and wrap your arms around his neck. he held his hands under your thighs and began walking to the car. michelle gave ned a look, maybe also wanting a piggy back ride.
"no, don't look at me like that," ned said. michelle just groaned and finished the short walk to the car and got in the drivers seat. peter placed you down gently and pushed you into the back seat, crawling in after you. you batted your eyes at him and whispered, "thank you." he just returned a press lipped smile.
back at the beach house everyone was beat and tired and started getting ready for bed. michelle turned on every fan in the house because it was oddly hot. you put on some comfy lounge shorts and a graduation tee shirt from midtown. though, you were literally sweating. you walked out into the living room and saw you were basically matching with mj.
"dude, it's so hot in here it's insane."
"i know, the a/c is broken," she groaned. you laughed sadly.
"well goodnight."
you walked back into the shared room to see peter rummaging through all his drawers. "what are you doing?"
"we didn't pack pyjamas for me!"
"shit! i thought we packed everything possible."
"so did i." peter went and flopped backwards on the bed still in his jeans and a white tee shirt.
you looked at him and furrowed your eyebrows, "just sleep in your boxers, there's no way i'm having your scratchy jeans rub against my legs all night."
peter blushed and propped himself up on his forearms, "you sure?"
"i don't care," you said crawling into bed beside him. you pushed the covers back but didn't get under them. it was way too hot for that. you laid back on the pillows watching peter get up and slip off his jeans and tee shirt. he was pale as a ghost except for his arms and it made you laugh. he was so cute. but also really hot. that spider bite did him well in all areas.
"what are you laughing at?" peter asked before joining you on the bed, laying on his stomach and head turned to you.
"nothing," you bit your bottom lip, not daring to look at him right now because you might decompose. you quickly hopped up and hit the light switch before joining peter back in bed. the two of you lay side by side now.
"are you excited for the beach?" he asked.
"you know it! but hey, we should get up early and get it make breakfast for us all but especially mj as a thank you for driving us down here."
"good idea. but you're gonna have to wake me up."
"of course," you smiled. he smiled back.
"c'mere." he put a hand around your waist, pulling you into him to give you a hug. you melted into it and closed your eyes, still smiling, that is until you realized he was super sweaty and so were you. you put a hand on his bare chest pushing him back.
"hey! what the hell im trying to give you a hug."
"we're both ridiculously sweaty, peter."
"don't care i want a hug," he pouted his lip. you rolled your eyes as if to say 'fine' and went back to hugging him.
"goodnight y/n/n."
you rested your head into his chest and fell asleep hugging but soon became sprawled out all across the bed from the intense heat. but you managed to somehow end up with your hand in his.
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When You Least Expect It: Part One
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Jensen x Reader, Jared Padalecki, Leo Caprini (OMC) platonic
A/N: This is a slow burn fic that I have been working on for a while. Its a story I wrote for myself and just wanted to share with everyone. Yes, the “Dee” in the story is who you think, but there is no intended hate on her or their actual marriage. It is a work of fiction, that is all.
Part one is from Jensen’s POV. There is also a playlist to go along with the series. Some are just songs I imagined playing or being played as the story took shape in my imagination, or they are songs actually being used in the series. I will link them when that’s the case. Hope you enjoy it! xo
Series Summary: After a hard breakup, Jensen decides to throw himself into organizing a Music Festival in Austin that is meant to raise money for a few of his most cherished charities and organizations. As he throws himself into planning it, he stumbles upon a spirited, undiscovered performer, who he convinces to come aboard to help plan and coordinate the event with him.
What transpires after that takes both Jensen and his new friend, by surprise. But when their respective pasts come back just before the event kicks off in Austin, they will both have to decide if the unexpected feelings are worth perusing, or if they should just walk away and go on with their lives.
Series Warnings: Language, Break-Ups, Angst, Fluff, Smut (that’s it for now)
Series Playlist: “When You Least Expect It” (Spotify)  [Youtube Playlist Coming Soon]
*Banner created by me; pics & gifs found online
“You sure you feel up to this? We can just hang out at the hotel if you want.”
“No,” Jensen said. “I need to get out, get fresh air. I need to breathe. Have I ever mentioned how much I HATE board meetings? It’s why I’m not an office guy. I would suck at it. What happened to let’s meet at a restaurant, have a meal, a drink and just talk stuff out?”
“Alright man, whatever you want,” Jared agreed and took a few tentative steps to cross the street. “But, remember, you were the one that wanted this all to happen ASAP. The guy is on vacation with his family and putting aside time for us. If he wants to set up in his hotel conference room…” Jared trailed off and shrugged before making his way across the street.
Jensen waved him off and followed in his friend’s footsteps and as they made their way up onto the boardwalk, they were both relatively relieved with how deserted it was. October at the Jersey shore wasn’t exactly ‘in season’ but it was a nice enough night that they could have encountered a lot more people.
“This is good,” Jensen smiled, as they strolled down the boardwalk. He inhaled a deep breath of the salty air and exhaled slowly. “I get that. But it's important to get this stuff finalized before I go back to Austin and start making firm plans. ‘Cause before you know it, it’s back to Vancouver. Doesn’t leave much time to get things in motion.”
“Could always push the festival back a year,” Jared suggested, knowing Jensen would never agree. He was like a dog with a bone where this festival was concerned. Once the idea to host a three-day event in Austin came about, Jensen was bound and determined to make it happen, all in a year’s time.
“No, its gotta be next year,” he said, gesturing with his hands that was his final decision. “It's fine. I’m better now that I’m out of that conference room. It was like a million degrees in there. This, this was a good idea. Maybe we find a small bar, grab a beer, some grub. Just relax a bit.”
“Until your phone rings,” Jared said unintentionally sharp.
“Come on, Jar. I don’t wanna—” he sighed and stopped walking. “It's over, alright. She left and honestly it sucked.”
“And the festival is your way to distract yourself from that.”
Jensen gave him a reprimanding look but couldn’t deny his claim.
“It was six months ago, and yeah, it took me a while to get over it. But it wasn’t like we were married, and she wanted something else. I’m done waiting for her, okay? I get it now, she’s not coming back. So, you can stop worrying. And yeah, maybe the festival is my way of moving on. Work is work, and while it keeps me busy enough, I want to do something more. Organizing this thing through the brewery, it’s gonna be great. It's going to help a ton of people and bring some recognition to a few great charitable organizations.”
Jared walked by his side quietly, listening and waiting for Jensen to stop rambling. When he did, he asked a simple question completely throwing Jensen for a loop.
“That all sounds great. It really does, and your intentions are on point, Jay. But… what happens when it’s over?””
He hemmed and hawed over an answer, sputtering and stuttering before just giving up and shrugging his shoulders. “I’ll be fine.”
“You’ll be fine?”
“Perfectly. Fine.” He nodded as confirmation. “In fact, so fine, I won’t even remember whats-her-name because I’ll be swimming in fine.” His tone oozed sarcasm, only to be made more punctuated by his expression.
“Jensen…” Jared sighed. “Just stop. It's fine, I get it. I’ll back off. Let’s go get that beer and whatever.”
He shoved his hands in his pocket as the autumn wind kicked up his hair as it rolled in off the ocean. He started to look around at the different booths, only a few of which were open and functioning that time of year. A little further down the boardwalk, Jared spotted a place that could be just what they needed.
“Come on, let’s check out this place,” he motioned his head towards a bar/restaurant called The Beachcomber. Jensen shrugged in agreement as they headed towards the building.
Walking through the front doors, they were met by a quick blast of warm air from above. There was a smattering of tables with patrons, but mostly they were empty. They made their way towards the back of the bar, where there were tables open that overlooked the ocean. Claiming one, they sat down and grabbed a menu to peruse. Not too long after, a waitress came by and took their orders. If she had recognized them, she didn’t mention it and went about her business as usual.
“I don’t want to keep bringing it up,” Jared started, after the waitress came back with their drinks.
Jensen sipped his beer. “So, don’t.”
“I just—I thought you were going to propose? You told me you wanted too. She left because you couldn’t make the commitment, Jay. Why didn’t you go through with it?”
Jensen just shrugged and looked out over the ocean to think before answering Jared’s question. “I don’t know… at the last minute, I just couldn’t do it. The idea of settling down with one person is terrifying, man. It may suit you and Gen, but I don’t know if it’s for me.”
“It’s not like you’re some playboy. You are monogamous as hell. So, what was it really?”
“Maybe I just couldn’t see my future with her. You know, settling down, kids, the whole nine.”
Jared nodded slowly, finally understanding. “Why didn’t you just say so?”
“Because that makes me sound like a dick.”
“You are a dick,” Jared teased and threw a piece of the napkin at his friend.
Jensen mocked him with a fake laugh and went back to his beer. “Yeah, yeah… moving on. Let’s talk about the important shit. I want tomorrow to go as smoothly as possible so we aren’t sitting in the pits-of-Hell conference room, so will you have a chance to look through all the contracts?”
Jared nodded and sighed. “Mhm. But really Jay, that shit needs to just go to the lawyer. I know you want everything to be perfect, to go smoothly. And I have no doubt that it will… but can’t we just concentrate on the creative stuff? Gen and I got a lot of the marketing taken care of. You and Jason, Robbie too, right? Y’all got the music covered. The festival will go off without a hitch and Random Acts will take in a bunch of money, as will the Austin Y and the crisis hotline.”
“Yeah, music is coming along. I just don’t have anyone that fits the vibe, you know?”
“No, I don’t. What vibe is that?”
Jensen shrugged. “I don’t know… this I guess,” he motioned towards the beach and the boardwalk, “I wanna bring this to the Brewfest.”
“Why? I mean, it's great here, but what makes it so special?”
“Can’t put my finger on it. Have you ever been here in the summertime? Dude, it's amazing. Just the whole vibe of the place…”
“That’s why you’re so intent on having these meetings with Leo. You want him to bring the boardwalk to Austin.”
Jensen shrugged again and nodded. “Yeah, I guess so.”
“Well, alright. I will help you make that happen then. Tomorrow, we’ll just have to convince him.”
“Well, lookit you. Being all motivational and shit.”
“Rah Rah!” Jared teased and shaking his hands like pom poms.
“How are we friends?” he asked and shook his head with a sarcastic eye roll included.
“You’d be lost without me and you know it,” Jared mocked and raised his glass in salute. Jensen nodded in reluctance agreement and clinked his glass against Jared’s.
The food was dropped not too long after that, and they enjoyed their seaside dinner as the sun set behind the houses to the west. About an hour after they arrived, dinner and drinks were finished, and they debated on staying or going back to the hotel. Deciding to stay for one more round, they settled in and kept an eye on Game Six of the World Series happening on the TVs above the bar.
Somewhere around the fifth inning, the volume got turned down, and the customer’s attention was asked to look towards the small corner stage. Behind the riser, was the backdrop of the Atlantic Ocean and a smattering of small boat lights on the horizon. Though the sun had just set a little while ago, the moon was already nearly full, hanging low in the night sky.
Jared was intent on the game playing out over the bar, even though there was no sound now. Jensen sipped at the rest of his beer and decided to keep his eyes on the stage. An older man, maybe in his mid-60s, welcomed the crowd and thanked them for patronizing The Beachcomber. His thick New York accent made Jensen smile, especially once he took in the man’s overall appearance of his slicked-back salt and pepper hair, white tee shirt and black leather coat.
Right out of the damn Sopranos, he thought and chuckled to himself.
He watched the stage, eager to see some Sinatra wannabe come out and try to charm the crowd. But when the girl with the guitar came out instead, he sat up a little straighter in his chair and glanced over at his best friend to see if he was paying attention.
He wasn’t.
Jensen couldn’t take his eyes off her, not solely because she was beautiful; which she was… stunningly so. Her beauty wasn’t what made him sit up and take notice. It was the way she held her guitar; gripping it as if it were her lifeline. He observed her closely, surprised that she seemed nervous. When she strummed the guitar and brought the melody to life her nerves faded away; she was suddenly confident and assured. Her voice carried on and as the lyrics of “Dust in the Wind” filled up the back end of the Beachcomber Restaurant, Jensen found himself immersed in the moment.
He went to the bar that night in search of a hot meal and cold beer. Jensen didn’t expect to find a solution to some, or even all, of his problems. But the longer he sat and watched her perform, he started to feel that maybe everything will work out for him after all.
She played through a short set and it was clear the other people in the bar couldn’t care less about the magic he was witnessing. At one point, Jensen looked around and was shocked how little people were paying attention. How did they not hear her voice, feel her words, or get touched by her vulnerability? He was more in shock about that, then the girl herself. Yet, the more she played, the more he was drawn in and attentive to every note, every word, every second.
By the end of the last song, she gave a slight bow and turned to scurry off stage. Jensen clapped eagerly for her, as the last few remaining patrons gave her a half-hearted attempt at applause. He was floored that he was the only one who took notice of her and turned to say as much to Jared, who was on his phone nodding emphatically.
“Yeah, got it. Ten tomorrow morning. Yup, thanks, see you then,” he said into the receiver then ended the call and tucked it away before looking up at Jensen. “You ready to go?”
“No, I… did you hear any of that?”
“Hear what?”
Jensen ran a frustrated hand over his stubbled face. “The girl, the music… did you hear it or did I just imagine that whole thing happening?”
“Oh, I heard it. It was good. I was just sort of engrossed in the game. Anyway, we should go. It’s getting late and Leo’s attorney said he wanted to reconvene by ten.”
“Can you just give me a minute? I want to see if I can catch—” just as he was standing up from the table and surveying the bar, he caught a glimpse of the guitar girl heading out of the doors and sprinting out into the night seaside air. He slumped back into his seat and sighed. “Nevermind… let’s go. I guess I can come back tomorrow night and see if she’s tending bar,” he mumbled more to himself than to Jared.
When Jensen looked back up and saw the way his best friend was looking at him, he shrugged and wrinkled his nose as if he was being chastised for something.
“Dude, stalk much? Besides, we have a two o’clock flight out of Atlantic City. Bob is expecting us back to set Sunday morning.”
Jensen groaned. “Shit, I forgot. Alright, well, it’s the modern age, I can use a phone and try to get in touch with her—”
“Jay… chill. She’s just a girl, sure, she’s cute but, what is the big deal?”
Jensen opened his mouth to explain and suddenly felt stupid. She was just a girl; a girl that had a voice that could calm the Kraken, and a mastery of a guitar that could rival most of the greats. Even just hearing a few songs, he knew she was that good; but she was just a girl.
“I’m not taking away her talent, but unless you’re sweet on her or something—”
“No, it’s not that,” Jensen started, but then opted to change the subject and waved it off. “You’re right, no big deal. It’s late and we should get some shut eye before tomorrow. If we’re lucky we can settle all this with Leo, have the contracts in place for the festival and be back home in less than twenty-four hours.”
Jared nodded and felt a bit of his concern wash away. “Ok, good. Just stay focused on the work in front of us and we may actually pull this off.”
Later that night, as Jensen stretched out in his hotel’s king-sized bed, his eyes finally drifted closed and her face was there with him. It was partially hidden in the shadows of a stage, only hints of her features could be seen through the fogginess of the room and the singular light shining down upon her. But it was her. She was humming a tune, something familiar but in his unconscious state was unable to identify what it was. Unbeknownst to him, he began to hum along in his sleep, and a smile touched his lips.
In his dream, she smiled too and reached out a hand towards him. His dream self hesitated but then slowly walked around to the climb the stairs that would take him to her. Just as he joined her, she was gone, but he could still hear her voice humming the familiar melody. From the stage, he looked out and saw the crowd of one. She was there, her face still shrouded in a gradient of darkness, but her voice was clear and comforting. A sudden hit of a snare drum made him look away, and when he looked back at her, she was gone leaving a swirl of grey smoke in her wake.
Another hit of the snare drum pulled him out of the bar, and yet another out of his REM sleep. The alarm pinging on the table beside the bed continued yanking him from a dream he would later come to realize was way more profound than he thought. As he sat up, fully awake now and rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he sighed as the last few vivid images of the dream dwindled away, leaving only the melody firmly stuck in his mind.
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The next morning’s meeting went off without a hitch. After Jared and Jensen met with Leo Caprini and his lawyer, they had a catered breakfast and stood around chatting for a while. Jensen expressed an interest to see more of the town if not for their flight out that afternoon. As if fate heard him and stepped in to correct it, both his and Jared’s phones went off simultaneously. Jensen kept chatting up Leo as Jared excused himself to check the text message that came through from the show’s EP.
No rush back. Set is closed for another three days. Will call with details later.
When Jared returned, Leo and his lawyer were in a sidebar. He held up his phone so Jensen could read the message.
“You get one too?”
Jensen nodded. “Yeah. Wonder what the hell is going on?”
“I’m going to give him a ring on the way back to the motel. But three more days? Shit. I might as well go home for that. Gen and the kids just got back from her folks’ place last night. Could do with a few days home before we get back at it.”
“Then you should. We’re all done here if you want to head back and pack up, get a new flight and all that.”
“Yeah, sounds good,” Jared said, with obvious signs of relief washed over him. “You coming?”
Jensen considered it for a moment. “Nah, I think I might just hang here. If I’m gonna do this, might as well do it right.”
“Sure you’re not just gonna get a pizza, pint of ice cream and sit in the room pining all night?”
Jensen drew in a deep breath and tried not to murder his best friend with his glare. “Positive.”
Jared wasn’t wrong though; despite Jensen’s consistent protest he was over it, he was not, in fact, over it. He did miss Dee and would find himself wishing she could come back. But then he would remember that he couldn’t commit, though he did often question the reasons for it. Was it because she really just wasn’t the one? Or was it because he knew she was getting complacent with him and someone else had caught her eye. He wasn’t perfect in their relationship, and he had certainly gone through the laundry list of his shortcomings. The feelings just felt uncertain where Dee was concerned but the distraction of the festival was to combat constantly living in that state of ‘What the fuck am I doing with my life?’. He just prayed that it actually worked.
Jared held his hands up in relent. “Alright, sorry. I’ll stop. I know what you said, you’re done waiting. And that’s good. But, I also know you can get mopey about it when no ones around.”
“True, however… I am moving on. All in to the festival and that’s it. No dating, no relationship bullshit. Just diving head first into trying to pull this off.”
Jared shook his head and chuckled. “Man, I still don’t get what you plan on doing with all this. I mean, I read the contracts, I sat in the meetings, but I guess I just can’t envision it all yet.”
“What’s the hangup?”
“I don’t know… Austin is pretty great as it is. Why bring in other flavors when you have the ultimate chocolate already? You know?”
Jensen busted out laughing and slapped his best friend on the shoulder. “That’s one way to put it. Honestly, it’s the vibe of the place. Dee and I came here years ago, and this boardwalk was hoppin’. Families, first dates, best friends… arcades, rides, food… the food alone is worth it. Yeah, Austin is fucking great, but I want this festival to be the biggest thing to ever happen there. I want people to come from all over to see how special Austin is--”
“And I get that, so why bring a New Jersey boardwalk vibe to Au--”
“Because, son, ain’t nothing else like it anywhere in the world,” Leo interrupted as he rejoined their conversations, giving the much taller man a hearty slap on his shoulder. “You Texas boys sure do got a gorgeous bit of country down there, no one is disputing that. But this here,” he turned and made a sweeping gesture towards the boardwalk ocean that lived across the street, “this is somethin’ special.”
“No argument there,” Jared mused and gave the man a curt smile. “Well, if we are gonna be changing flights, we should get back--”
“Actually, since there’s been a change of plans, I think I might stay here, spend an extra day or two getting to know the area, brainstorm on the festival a while…” Jensen shrugged trying to stay indifferent, but felt a ripple of excitement at the thought.
They had a silent exchange, which Leo watched in amusement. “You boys are somethin’ else!” he chuckled wildly as he proceeded to pull his cell from his pocket. “Since you’re sticking around, Jensen, let me call my assistant and tell her you’ll be comin’ round. I’ll have her give you a tour of some of the must-see places, get a feel for what parts of our little utopia here you wanna cart on down to Texas. Sound good?”
“Sounds, amazing,” he said as the three men moved towards the elevator bank. “Just what I was hoping for.”
An hour later, Jensen was strolling into the hotel bar and scanning the near empty room. Leo had mentioned that his assistant would be there waiting to take him on the promised tour of the boardwalk and businesses Leo maintained there. However, all he could find were two older couples having an early bird dinner, an awkward first date going down at the bar, and a lone woman in a booth pouring over paperwork.
Jensen shoved his hands in his pockets and slowly began to circle the room, hoping that the mystery assistant would reveal herself. As he rounded the corner, he looked up and noticed the woman in the booth. She had finally picked her head up from staring at the papers strewn on the table in front of her, stopping Jensen in his tracks.
It was guitar girl, the singer from the bar he saw the night before. His feet felt frozen to the ground. When he got himself moving again, he walked towards her with no idea what he would say, just that he needed to say something to her. Tentatively, he approached her table, unaware of the large, goofy grin he was unintentionally wearing.
“Hey, hi! How are you? I’m, uh--I saw you at--Uh, what was the name of the place....” Jensen stammered until he saw her confused expression.
Seeing her close up, he realized how many of her striking features he’d missed in the darkened atmosphere of the bar. He took a moment to appreciate just how beautiful she really was, before continuing with his awkward greeting.
“Oh man, uh, let me start over. Hi, I’m Jensen. I saw you sing at a bar last night, and--” he stretched out his hand then to shake hers, and inadvertently struck her glass of iced tea, causing it to splatter all over the papers that were spread out across the table.
He watched, in horrific slow motion as the mixture of liquid and ice made a rapid path across the table, soaking and smearing the ink of the pages. Jensen glanced up at the woman as her face contorted from confused to panicked, to disbelief.
“Oh… shit! I’m--I’m sorry… here, let me get that--”
Jensen lunged for the napkins and began to pat the papers dry, as the women stood and did the same. A waitress scurried over with more napkins upon seeing the mishap and Jensen took them gratefully, trying to save as many of the documents as he could.
“I’m so, so sorry,” he said, again, finally causing the woman to sigh and slid out from the booth.
Seeing that some of the tea landed on her pants, Jensen felt his face flush with embarrassment. He went to apologize again and she stopped him by holding up a hand.
“Don’t. Just… don’t. Its fine,” she said flatly, and wiped at the growing wet patch on her pants. She looked up, but avoided his apologetic gaze and called for the server. “Hey Marci, can I get a handful more napkins, please, hun?”
“Sure thing!” she called back and disappeared behind the bar.
“So, what was it you wanted?” she asked Jensen, finally taking a moment and looking him straight in the eye.
He stuttered to a smile and shrugged. “I just wanted to say I was a fan--”
“I see you two found each other!” Leo’s voice bellowed through the bar.
Jensen turned, surprised to hear him, and then quickly turned back to the woman to see her expression to be just as confused as his was.
“Well, damn, (Y/N), leave you alone for an hour and you’re already a mess!” his wild cackle made all the heads in the barn turn to stare.
“Actually, Leo, this is my fault. I spilled the iced tea, and--” Jensen stammered before getting interrupted.
Leo waved Jensen off. “No worries, son. I’m sure she understands, dontcha, sweetie?”
“Sweetie?” he couldn’t help mimic Leo’s word sarcastically. A thousand thoughts flew through his head about the nature of their relationship until Leo laughed and shook his head.
“No, no… she’s my niece! She’s a damn good assistant, too! I suppose I should make some formal introductions. Jensen, this is my niece, (Y/N) she operates as my assistant, a bartender, a coin clerk and a sometimes rock star, ain’t that right?!”
(Y/N) smirked, and nodded to appease her uncle. Despite their initial encounter, she reached out her hand to Jensen to shake it. “Nice to meet you,” she said and quickly withdrew her hand.
“This is the fine gent I texted you about.”
“Oh,” she replied and looked back at Jensen. “Well, small world, huh.”
“Yeah, I’d say,” he said with a snort, accompanied by a goofy kind of grin, but instantly regretted it. He thought that (Y/N) seemed unimpressed and, maybe even mildly put out by the entire sequence of events.
“Well, anyways, will you be able to take him around today? I have a bunch of appointments I need to keep, or I’d take him myself.”
“Sure,” she replied. “Where do you want me to take him?”
“Shit, (Y/N), you’d know better than me. This is your town, sweetie. Go on and paint it red with the boy!”
“Uncle Leo…” she chastised and shook her head. Turning to Jensen, she again gave her best professional smile. “I just need to go change, but I only live a mile away. I’ll run home, meet you back here in about thirty minutes.”
Jensen nodded as casually as he could, “Yeah, that sounds great.”
“Then my work here is done! Come on, (Y/N), I’ll walk you out. Jensen, my boy, you’ll be in good hands with this one. Any questions you have, any input you need, (Y/N) here is the girl to give it to ya! No one knows Seaside better than she does.”
“I’ll be back shortly,” (Y/N) said as she gathered up the still soaking wet papers and as delicately as she could, piled them with the envelope and slapped them with a thwamp against Jensen’s chest. “These were your contracts, by the way. Hope you don’t mind waiting for new copies.” She shrugged, her eyes ablaze with satisfaction.
(Y/N) was fierce, he could tell that right away. As he watched her leave, Leo must have said something that she found funny, because she threw her head back with a laugh. He couldn’t hear her, but wondered what it sounded like. As he waited at the bar for her to return, there were a lot of things he wondered about where guitar girl was concerned. Mostly, the tenor of her voice and the way she played stuck with him and how it felt so in contrast with the steely-eyed, guarded woman that he had just met. Jensen was more than just intrigued by her; he was curious to know how many more layers there was to this woman, to his guitar girl.
Just before she reappeared, dressed in a Ozzy T-Shirt and ripped jeans with a pair of brown suede sandals, it was then Jensen realized it was the longest he’d gone without one thought of Dee crossing his mind.
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Everything Tags: @kazosa  // @sorenmarie87  // @lefthologramdeer  // @his-paradox //  @letsby
SUPERNATURAL TAGS: @wings-of-a-raven // @negans-wife // @mrsbarnes-rogers  // @teller258316 // @spnhollis // @sweet-things-4-life // @hobby27 // @sweetlythoughtfulbird // @theoriginalvicki // @dreamchester67 // @xxwarhawk// @babykalika2001 // @superwhovianfangirl81 // @toobusynerdfighting // @missihart23 // @crowleysreigningqueenofhell // @idreamofplaid // @thewinchesterchronicles // @wayward-gypsy  // @closetspngirl // @fatestemptress // @rebelminxy  // @22sarah08 // @witch-of-letters // @cole-winchester // @rainflowermoon // @adoptdontshoppets // @waywardvalkyrie // @fandomoniumflurry // @gnrfanfic // @blackcherrywhiskey// @jessieray98  // @lyoly  // @a–1–1–3 // @31shadesofbrown // @whereismyangel-damnitdeanshare // @pilaxia // @screechingartisancashbailiff//  @kgbrenner // @holylulusworld // @deansenwackles // @flamencodiva // @jamielea81 // @coffeebooksandfandom // @logical-princey // @gemini0410 // @salt-n-burn-em-all
Series Tags: @winchest09 // @aomi-nabi // @luciathewinchestergirl // @jerkbitchidjitassbutt  // @lauravic
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CC Week Day 6: Waves
Okay so I know this was yesterday’s prompt, but I couldn’t quite finish it in time so I figured what the heck. Also, this is a bit of a sneak peek for a new installment in the Unconventional series, that I'll be starting to put up after I finish Voices Carry!!!
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“Look, Elsie, there it is,” Sara pointed up ahead to a white sand beach less than thirty feet away from where she and her four-year-old daughter were standing.
“Woah!” Elsie exclaimed, “Mommy, look, the water’s so blue!”
“I know,” she replied, “Do you know where we are?” Elsie shook her head, “We’re in Norway.”
“That’s where I’m from!” she yelped.
“Yep. Different year, though,” Sara told her as they continued down the sandy boardwalk, “We thought about taking you back to one of the beaches in Spain, but we thought this might be more special.”
“And Cece and Sammy really aren’t coming with us?”
“We told you it’s just you and me and Daddy.”
“But where is Daddy?”
“He’s just parking the car,” Sara told her, “I promise we’re not gonna, like, sneak-attack you with siblings.”
By now, they had reached a spot on the sand only a few yards away from the water. As Sara spread a pale blue blanket out on the ground, Elsie started pulling her yellow sundress over her head.
“You wanna go in the water?” Sara asked.
“Wait a second and I’ll come with you.”
“But I can swim all by myself,” Elsie said.
“I know, but I still wanna come,” she replied. She looked up and smiled when she saw Elsie hopping from one foot to the other in excited impatience, “C’mere, let me do your hair.”
Elsie went over to her and stood still as Sara began pulling her blonde hair up into a bun.
“Why’d you wanna put my hair up?” Elsie asked.
“So it doesn’t get all in your face while you’re swimming,” she answered, then added, “The water’s gonna be a little colder than at the beaches we went to in Granada, just so you’re ready.”
“Okay,” she said.
A moment later, Sara said, “Ready?”
“Yeah!” Elsie exclaimed. She took off for the water, Sara following at a more comfortable pace behind her. Elsie stumbled to a stop when she reached the water.
“It’s cold!” she shrieked.
“I told you,” Sara called to her. A moment later, she was standing beside Elsie as the cool waves lapped onto their feet.
Elsie pointed to a spot behind Sara, “Look, there’s Daddy!”
Sara looked over her shoulder to see Leonard standing by the beach blanket, watching them from the sand.
“How come Daddy’s wearing normal clothes to the beach?”
“Because Daddy’s a weirdo,” she replied.
Later, when Elsie was done playing in the water, she and Sara returned to the blanket to eat lunch with Leonard.
“You having fun, Else?” Leonard asked.
“Uh-huh,” Elsie replied, her mouth full of peanut butter sandwich. After she swallowed, she asked, “How come Sammy and Cece didn’t come with us?”
“Because,” Leonard said as Sara pulled Elsie into her lap, “it was just you and me and Mom for a while, and we love Cece and Sammy, but that doesn’t mean that we have to stop doing things just the three of us sometimes.”
“Yeah, we wanna spend some time with our little baby before she turns five on us,” Sara said.
“Sammy’s actually a baby,” Elsie said, giggling as Sara planted little kisses on her cheeks.
“Yeah, he’s actually a baby,” she nodded, “but you’re our first little baby, and we’re never gonna forget that.”
“Yeah, and then one day I’m gonna grow up and die, right?”
Sara stilled. She furrowed her eyebrows, glancing up at Leonard who was holding in a chuckle. She looked back down at Elsie.
“I’m just kidding,” she giggled.
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thorne93 · 7 years
Homesick (Part 2)
Prompt: The reader has amnesia and meets a nice man in the park...but can’t shake the feeling like she’s missing something from her past.
Word Count: 1888
Warnings: language, amnesia, nightmares (maybe), this is going to be fluff/angst the entire time
Notes: Beta’d by the fabulous @like-a-bag-of-potatoes, hope you all like it as much as I did! Thank you all so much for being so excited for this story, I hope I don’t let you down! Feel free to asks for tagging at any point in this series.
Tags: @girl-next-door-writes @katalina-from-hellbound @diana-daydreamer @buckybarnesisalittleshit
Three months had gone by since you officially met Steve. You were dating the entire time and it was wonderful. It was the one thing you looked forward to since waking up dazed and confused.
Steve may have been a super hero to all of the nation, but to you, he was just an amazing boyfriend. Picnics in the park weekly, trips to the library to catch up on whatever reading both of you missed, flowers for every date, laid back dates a few times a week, a couple of trips to the carnival and he was more than perfect.
Your relationship was somewhat private as he didn’t want to introduce you to the Avengers just yet as a group of super humans could be a little intimidating and you were already dealing with so much.
Memories were no stronger than they had been, but more came to you. More broken, fuzzy, dreamlike memories invaded your mind as time went on. This is what fed your homesick feeling. No matter how great it was in Steve Rogers arms at night, or holding his hand on the boardwalk, or dancing to old music, or cheering together at baseball games...it didn’t make the strange, longing, homesick feeling in your chest go away. You assumed it was just from not knowing your past - who wouldn’t feel like they were out of their element with no past? But something gnawing deep within you knew something was off.
A week after your three month anniversary, he decided to introduce you to his friends at Stark Tower.
“You’re Steve’s new squeeze, huh?” Mr. Stark asked as he shook your hand. “Typical, he likes the pretty and smart kind.”
“Alright, enough flirting with her…” Steve chided lightly as he steered you from the wealthy man.
“Nice to meet you!” you called as Tony walked away with a smirk.
“Likewise!” he called over his shoulder and threw up his hand in a wave.
Then, the two girls bounced in.
“Hi, I’m Natasha, or Nat,” a girl with red hair greeted as she came up and shook your hand.
“Hi,” you quietly said. “I’m Y/N.”
“We’ve heard about you,” she said sweetly. “This is Wanda and her brother is--”
“Right here!” a man said who suddenly appeared next to the beautiful brunette girl. It made you back up a step, unfamiliar with what his power was.
“Pietro,” Nat finished the statement. “Don’t mind him.”
“Seriously, don’t,” the brunette enforced. “I’m Wanda.”
“So nice to meet all of you.”
“Oh, this isn’t all of us,” Nat explained. “We’ve got Bruce who should be around here. He’s the other scientist of the group. Vision who...I think is out doing something. Thor who’s back home in Asgard...Clint who is with his wife and kids. Then there is Bucky and Sam, but they’re on a mission. They’ll return soon. You’ll eventually meet all of us!” Nat laughed and you laughed with her but something she said made your stomach turn uneasily. You weren’t sure what it was, but….the feeling was inescapable.
“We’ll leave you two to it,” Wanda said as she pushed Pietro and gestured for Nat to follow.
“They seem wonderful,” you said quietly as they left the giant, open room that connected a dining area, a kitchen, and a living room.
“They really are. Great team...So, what would you like to do? Tony has all kinds of games, movies, entertainment…”
“A movie sounds good. Something recent that neither of us have seen?” you requested with an impish grin.
“Anything for you, doll.” He threw his arm around you and kissed your hair.
The movie was really good as you snuggled into the soft couch with Steve’s arm around you, popcorn between you, and two cokes on the coffee table.
Just as it was ending you heard someone enter the room.
“Steve! You’re here,” a voice bellowed out, happily. Turning, you saw a handsome man with long dark hair, dirty and worn, but a light in his face despite it. His arm stood out as the shiny metal glinted in the light, the sight of it making a very hazy memory of metal come to your mind...but nothing was clear about it. You shook your head as Steve approached the man.
“Buck! Hey, come here, I want you to meet my girl,” Steve boasted.
“Ah, yeah!” The man you assumed to be Bucky said as he came forward toward the couch, his smile making your heart thump faster as your stomach erupted in butterflies, quickly followed by guilt.
“So you’re Steve’s--” Bucky started, then stopped as his ice blue eyes landed on you. Instantly, your heart stopped. Those eyes...You’d seen them somewhere before….
“I’m Y/N,” you said uneasily, not sure why Bucky stopped talking when he saw you. His jaw was slack as he just stared at you.
“Bucky...Bucky Barnes...You...You look like someone I know, I’m sorry for staring,” he apologized as he shook your hand.
“No problem, I hope she’s pretty,” you teased.
“She was gorgeous,” he breathed as he dropped your hand. “Right. Well, mission’s good. Bird man is putting up his costume.” Bucky clapped his hands, turning to Steve and reported, “Well, good night. I’m going to sleep...I, uh, long flight...you know…”
You nodded and said, “Sure, sure…”
Steve’s brow furrowed but thought not to question his best friend’s behavior. He offered to take you home and you accepted.
That night, dreams of strange visions filled your head. You awoke screaming a few times, only to flop back asleep to have the same peculiar sights continually dance in your unconscious mind…
The next day, you were back at Stark Tower having lunch with Steve when he got a call for a mission.
He sighed as he looked up at you from across his plate. “Hey, sweetheart, I’m sorry, but I’ve got to go on this mission,” he informed as stood up to hug you. “I should be back in a few days, at most a week.”
“Is it serious?” you asked, worry settling in your chest. Of course all of his missions were serious, but some were a lot more dangerous than others.
He shook his head.
“Not really. Tony, Wanda, and Bruce are coming with me, we’ll be fine.” He kissed your forehead as Bucky strolled in.
“Hey, man,” Bucky greeted. “Y/N,” he greeted softly, nodding at you.
“Bucky, great! Can you keep an eye on her for me while I’m gone?” Steve asked in a relieved tone.
“Sure thing, man.”
Steve left for his mission and Bucky strolled around, his hands behind his back.
“So...what do you wanna do?” Bucky asked you as you stood awkwardly in the tower.
“I uh...I don’t know…” Being alone with Bucky was not only awkward because you were strangers, but because you were insanely attracted to him. Avoiding his eyes was becoming a habit.
“Well what do you and Steve-o do on Saturdays?”
“Usually a picnic in the park but we ate in today so…”
“How about a movie?’ Bucky offered with a smile.
“Well, how about this? Anything you’ve never seen that you would like to see?”
“I’ve never seen the Statue of Liberty,” you offered with a meek smile.
“To Lady Liberty, it is!” He held his arm out and escorted you out of the tower to the Statue.
He took you to the Statue of Liberty, his eyes never leaving you on the ride there, or even during the exhibit. You felt his eyes on you but you brushed it off as he was trying to place who you reminded him of.
When the tour was done he offered to take you to around the city, for sightseeing. You agreed and happily went with him. He pointed out so many things to you, making you laugh, butterflies in your stomach the entire time. The worst part was that damned feeling that you knew him, but what were the odds that you’d met before?
Then you came upon a man selling flowers on the sidewalk. He had all kinds and you picked up some tulips.
“Oh my gosh, these are so pretty,” you gushed as you picked up the multicolor bundle.
“You always did love tulips,” Bucky said.
“What?” you questioned, perplexed by what he’d just said.
Bucky stared at you a moment before stammering, “I, uh, I said you look like you’d love tulips. You’re so cheery and sweet, and tulips are usually associated with spring…”
“Would you like them?” Bucky offered with his brows pushed together as he peered at you. Your gaze danced away from his, crimson washing over your face.
“No, you don’t have to do that. Steve buys me flowers all the time,” you dismissed lightly.
A heart warming smile spread across his lovely face as he grinned down at you. “Well, what’s one more bouquet then?” Paying for the flowers, he handed them to you and you smelled them delightfully, the aroma almost triggering a memory, a new sight just on the peripheral of your mind...but like a bad satellite connection, the image never became clear and before you knew it, it snapped away.
“So...you’re just like Steve, huh?” you asked, strolling along beside him, hoping deep down that getting to know him might trigger why you had that unusual sensation about him. “Like...you’re both from the 40’s and super soldiers.”
Bucky shrugged, tucking his long dark locks behind his ear. “Uh, yeah...essentially. He volunteered for his. I was found almost dead and Hydra brainwashed me and used the serum to make me and several other soldiers.”
“Oh...you were used for evil?” The thought of this tormented you more than you thought it would. Bucky was practically a stranger, so why did this bother you to your core?
Bucky’s jaw tightened for a moment then he relaxed. “Yeah...I’ve done some bad things to good people.”
“Steve told me you’ve also done bad things to bad people and good things to good people, sounds okay in my book.”
“You don’t know the things I’ve done,” Bucky insisted.
“No...I don’t. But I trust Steve, and if Steve trusts you and says you’re good, I have no choice but to believe him. And until you go winter soldier on me, I’ll believe you.” A short laugh came from you but he cut it short.
He whirled in front of you, pointing his metal finger at you. “Don’t ever say that. I would never...ever...activate on you….”
Taken aback, you stammered, “Oh-okay...No...yeah...I’m sorry. I know that’s not a joke. I’m sorry...I was just saying, until you give me a reason not to trust you, I will.”
Bucky’s expression softened as he smiled at you.
“I’m sorry...I just...I couldn’t hurt Steve’s girl or he’d kill me, you know?” he teased as he threw his arm around your shoulders and continued down the street.
You swapped numbers in case you wanted to hang out later on or needed any update on the mission and he walked you to your apartment. As he said goodbye, he had the most pained expression on his face...almost as if he knew something bad was going to happen.
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luv4fandoms · 2 years
The Rut (Marko x Fem!Reader)
It is finally here! The next installment of the rut series!! I'm glad everyone is liking this so far. As I said in the Paul one, every boy will be getting his own part. (Also since I've been asked, this isn't really a poly relationship series, this is a "only (insert boy) likes reader" kinda thing).
So this series was inspired by @auntvamp 's headcannons about the boys in rut, and when I say that I couldn't help but write this after reading those lol. I'd highly suggest reading that first. I also got inspired by Marko NSFW headcanons
Lastly I'd like to thank @santacarlatourism for their headcanons of each boy's scent on my post
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Paul, Dwayne, David
Word count: 4,355
Pairing: Marko x Fem! Reader
⚠️ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬, 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬, 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐞.⚠️
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"Do NOT invite him in"
That's what David had told you when he informed you to stay away from the cave for the next couple of days. You were confused when David had met you at the entrance the night before, you were fully prepared to spend the night at the boardwalk with the boys and your favorite vampire, but David had quickly shot down those plans.
"Wait…A rut? Like how animals have ru-"
"Yes just like that" he told you as he walked you back to your car.
"You see when we go into these we are very dangerous to you, if you were a vampire you would be ok but since you're a human you're far more…"
"Fragile" you finished, the boys had all told you that before, taking it upon themselves to protect you all the time because you were "like a China doll" in Dwayne's words.
"So you understand why it's best if you just stay away for a couple of days" he explained, to which you could only simply nod as you climbed in your car. Your thoughts suddenly taking a turn as you thought of him…they were all extremely attractive…him especially…and you knew him taking a partner for a quick time was something he had done before…would that happen again? After all, if he was gonna kill them anyways why not? It didn't matter if they were fragile right? But why did that thought make you wanna cry even more in this situation?
"It's not like that" David's voice broke you out of your thoughts and you were unsure if he had read your thoughts or could just read your emotions.
"Go home y/n, don't overthink, you can come back soon" he told you as he shut your car door, watching as you started the car and rolled down the window when he knocked
"And one more thing" he told you while leaning in.
"Do NOT invite him in"
So here you were, sitting in your room, listening to music and drawing, wishing you could just go hang out with the boys, you hadn't really realized just how much of a staple in your life they had become until now. Night's seemed boring without them…without him. Sighing you sat your sketchbook down on your nightstand after you realized that in your zoned out state you had successfully sketched what was probably the twentieth picture of him that resided in the book. Stretching, you got up and changed the music, putting on the Misfits album you had bought the first time the boys had taken you to the record shop, Marko had been more than happy that someone liked the same music as him. As Helena began playing you could feel your body move with the beat, getting lost in the rhythm and memories of that night, his smile and excitement as he showed you all his favorite bands. Your body came to a sudden halt though when you heard a faint tapping on your window, you wondered if you had actually heard it or was it perhaps the wind, almost ready to chalk it up to the wind you heard it again, though this time there was a slight scratch with every tap.
"Oh Y/N" you heard Marko's sing-song tone ring out, but it was different, that underlying growl and rasp told you he was in his vampire form.
"Do NOT let him in" David's stern words rang in your head as you stared at your window, curtains drawn.
"Come on baby, I know you're in there" he stated from the outside of the glass.
"Marko" you breathed, a low growl responding to your words.
"Yeah cutie it's me, wanna let me in baby?" He asked, voice dripping in a sweet tone but you could hear the danger behind it. Truth be told out of the four boys Marko had you the most on edge when he was vamped out, you had seen him feed, and even David had told you that Marko could be very unpredictable at times when he was like this…throw in the fact that he was in rut and the knowledge had you gulping…A sound he must have heard.
"What's wrong babe?" You could hear the smirk on his voice.
"I'm not supposed to let you in Marko" you told him, listening as another low growl left him.
"And why is that?" He asked, his tone losing all sweetness.
"David told me not to"
"David doesn't know shit" he stated angrily, and you were honestly shocked, you had never heard him speak about David like that before, besides him and Paul, he and David were the closest.
"Marko it might not be a good ide-"
"Let me in y/n!" He told you sternly, his voice deeping more and the sudden change and words made you jump, he had never gotten angry at you before.
"Come on baby" he spoke after a moment, his tone softer.
"I'll explain everything if you let me in" You still hesitated, unsure if you should, you hated being away from Marko but you weren't sure if this was wise.
"Please y/n" he pleaded, and you noted that his voice sounded slightly strained, like he was really hurting. Taking a deep breath you slowly made your way over to the window, slowly pulling back the black out curtains and coming face to face with Marko who stood on the small balcony. You were right about him being vamped out, golden eyes met (e/c) as he stared at you, a small smile on his lips before he gave you a little wave.
"Hey baby" you took note of the fact that he wasn't wearing his jacket, a big deal for him since you were sure that thing was part of his body at this point, you also noticed his breathing was heavier than normal, like someone who had run miles, or maybe he had just fed? That thought made you relax a bit, and slowly open your window.
"Marko I'm still not sur-" you had started but was quickly cut off as he grabbed your face and crashed his lips against yours. One hand gliding through your hair before gripping it, the other running down your side before you started feeling him tugging you out of the window, you realized at that moment if you didn't let him in, he would just bring you outside. His fangs grazed your lips as he parted them with his own, you noted that there wasn't a strong metallic taste, which meant that he had in fact, not fed that night. A thought that should have made you more worried if your brain wasn't beginning to become fuzzy. You weren't sure if it was the lack of oxygen, vampire magic, or the fact that the scent of leather, slight weed and Patchouli from being around Paul, the ever present exhaust smell from their bikes, mint and the scent that you could only describe as simply, Marko, seemed to be a hundred times stronger. He broke the kiss once he remembered that humans needed to breathe, and instead started kissing down your neck.
"Invite me in baby" he spoke against your skin, giving light nips to it while his hand joined the other on your side, tugging you.
"Invite me in and I'll explain it all" he told you, lips ghosting over yours again as you nodded.
"Words cutie" he smiled against your lips.
"You can come inside" you whispered, feeling his smile widen.
"I'll remember that" he spoke before the next thing you knew you were being pushed back into your room. He quickly gripped your thighs, easily picking you up and dropping you down on the bed.
"Marko, you said you would exp-"
"Explanation later, fucking now" he told you as he climbed onto of you and reconnected your lips, the kiss was messy, hands ripping your clothes off, quite literally. You could hear the fabric shredding in his hands as he tore it from your body, hands gripping your newly exposed skin while his lips descended to your neck, leaving dark marks to show everyone in Santa Carla just who you belonged to. You swear to yourself mentally that you should not have found his completely feral attitude as hot as you did. His hands slid down your sides, claws leaving red trails where blood began to surface, the feeling causing you to yelp at the sudden pain and you could hear the giggle from him. You felt his kisses begin to move down, his hands gripping your breasts while his mouth lowered further, attacking your stomach and hips with nips, just hard enough to break the skin a bit but not hard enough to make you bleed a lot. And everytime a drop of red surfaced, it was quickly lapped up, a growl now constant from him as he abandoned one of your breasts, clawed hand coming down to grip your thigh, sinking his nails into the tender flesh and smiling against it when he heard you gasp. He knew how much he was affecting you, he could smell it from the moment he threw you on the bed, the pure scent of arousal. It was a scent he had smelled on you many times before, times when you would come in, trying to act like nothing was wrong, but he knew what had gotten you so worked up, he had found the romance novel on your bedside table one night when he went to pick you up so you could hang out with them, you had rushed to go get ready as he sat on your bed and skimmed through it. He couldn't help but roll his eyes at how…vanilla the whole book was, and he wondered if that was really what you were into…until he noticed the book slightly peeking out from under your pillow. Snatching it up he examined the cover, another shirtless guy, but this one with blood covering his front, opening it up he quickly realized the subject…Vampires…and rough sex…the smirk on his face couldn't get any bigger as he quickly tucked it back in it's hiding spot before you came out. He knew thoughts also fluttered through your mind the one time you saw them feed, he had smelled it, mixed in with all the blood, the pure scent of you, and man did he want to just bend you over right there on the beach and show you what it was like with a real vampire, not just reading about it. You could feel his fangs grazing your skin every time he kissed it, and although the thought of fangs near such a tender area should have scared you, it only heightened everything. You were sure he could hear your heartbeat racing as you watched him with lidded eyes, watched as his tongue pressed against your thighs to lick up the blood his claws had caused.
'Fuuuck, just bite' you found yourself thinking as you watched him, your core clenching at the thought. A thought…that he seemed to be able to read, if the laugh was anything to go by. It was a very teasing laugh,that and the Cheshire grin he gave worried you that he was about to make fun of you.
"So needy" he all but purred.
"M-Marko I-"
"Marko I" he repeated in a mocking tone, body slowly crawling over you.
"You what hmm? Need me to fuck you? Need me to use you? Need me to claim what's mine?" He asked, smiling down at you, watching your every move. His words had you moaning, the thoughts they brought about were absolutely filthy. Marko holding you down and just taking what was his, because that's what you wanted, you wanted to be his.
"All mine huh?" He whispered, breath fanning against your ear.
"You wanna be all mine?"
"Y-yes" you breathed.
"My good little human?" he said, kissing back down your body.
"Yes" you whimpered, as you felt his breath on your dripping core.
"My mate" he all but growled, and the sound paired with his words had your hips bucking up towards him, you expected to hear him laughing at your neediness for him again, but when you looked down you were met with almost glowing gold.
"Say it" he told you, hands gripping your thighs tight, he already had them up, slightly resting on his shoulders.
"Say it"
"Yes what?"
"I-I wanna-"
"Say that you are" he growled, and it was only now that you noticed his heavy breaths again, like he was restraining himself.
"I'm your mate" you whispered.
"What was that cutie?" He asked, head lowering ever so slightly.
"I'm your mate" you spoke a bit more loudly, and watched as he smirked.
"Damn right you are" and with that his mouth attached to your clit, giving it a harsh suck before his tongue ran along your slit. The sudden action had your hand shooting down to his hair, fingers tangling in his golden curls while your other gripped the sheets, head thrown back as a loud moan left you. He growled against you, vibrations sending even more pleasure shooting through you. His name left your lips in a pleading moan, your hand pulling at his curls as you felt him smile against you, your neediness causing him to chuckle as he doubled his efforts, tongue circling your clit before diving inside, then running along your slit before back to your clit. The way he basically made out with your core had your moans pitching quickly, the coil in your belly tightening with every swipe of his tongue or harsh suck. But it was the feeling of his tongue paired with the feeling of his claws digging into your thighs, slowly creating crimson lines that had you tossing your head back, screaming his name as you tugged at his curls with both hands, your hips lifting to meet his tongue as you rode out your high. He let you, happily gave you your orgasm and then some, keeping you in place as you started to become overstimulated. He watched the tears start to cloud your vision as he continued his work, only stopping when you had sobbed his name enough. His lips were on yours in an instant, the taste of yourself falling into your tongue as he dominated the kiss, only breaking it when he flipped you over, pulling you up onto your hands and knees. You whimpered as you felt him undoing his pants, lowering them enough to release himself but keeping them on. You felt him lean over you, his hands on either side of your own, his breath fanning across your neck as he spoke lowly.
"Beg me"
"Marko" you whined, trying to push yourself back against him, but he held you still with a hand around your waist.
"Beg" he told you again, beginning to kiss and bite along your shoulders.
"I know you know how to, so beg for it, tell me how much you want it" he teased, slowly beginning to grind against you, the friction amazing but not enough.
"Please Marko" you panted
"P-Please fuck me"
"Such a dirty mouth" he chuckled, letting go of your waist and bringing his hand up to your lips, you didn't hesitate to start sucking on the two fingers he pressed to your them, not stopping under his glove touched your lips.
"Some other time I'll have to put it to good use" he all but purred at your actions.
"But since you asked so nicely" he started, and you felt his free hand reach between the two of you, before you felt him run the tip through your folds, gathering your wetness before pressing inside. You couldn't hold back the moan you released around his fingers as he pushed forward until he completely bottomed out, your eyes rolling back at the feeling of just how well he filled and stretched you.
"Like you were fuckin made for me" he chuckled against your skin, his voice strained as he rested his forehead against your spine.
"Though I guess you kinda were huh?" He smiled. Pulling his hand away from your mouth to hold your one hand while the other lowered to hold your other hand.
"I'm not gonna be gentle baby" he told you, watching as you nodded before he started his fast pace. Not gentle was right, you felt his hips hit your ass with his brutal pace and you found yourself being pushed forward. His hands left yours, instead grabbing your shoulders to lift your body back up, his pace never faltering as you heard him moan.
"So.fuckin.tight" he growled, claws digging into your skin as he pounded away. You couldn't stop your own moans at this point even if you tried, the feeling of him filling you again and again had you seeing stars, and had you practically sobbing his name as you clawed at the sheets for something to ground you.
"You like this baby?" He hissed
"Like me just doing whatever I want with you?" He laughed, watching as you hung your head, a moan leaving as you took everything he gave.
"Fuck" he groaned.
"Such a good little mate" he smiled, letting go of your shoulders to lean over you again, his chest pressed against your back and you couldn't help but moan at the feeling of his shirt pressed against your heated skin.
"Taking everything I give you" he hissed, hands holding your hips as he gave a harsher thrust, your body jolting forward again, and again.
"Shit you're getting tighter, are you gonna come already?" He laughed breathlessly.
"We just got started and you've already come twice" he smiled against your shoulder, his hips picking up their fast pace again. Your second orgasm washed over you quickly, your body still sensitive from the first and you heard him hiss as he slowed his motions, giving more shallow thrusts while his grip on your hips tightened.
"Fuuuck…Fuck you make it so fucking hard to last" he groaned, pulling out and flipping you back over, you looked up at him with a dazed expression, you mind slowly coming back from your sudden high. You watched as he gripped himself again, about to sink back into you when you stopped him with a whimper, his eyes shooting up to yours, looking for any sign that you were wanting him to stop. He would have to fight the rut if you did, and would probably have to leave. But instead he watched as you reached for his shirt, whining before speaking.
"You want me naked?" He smirked.
"It's only fair" you told him, watching as he laughed before quickly discarding his gloves, boots, shirt, chaps, jeans and underwear. You had only seen him without his signature jacket a few times, other than that the only peeks you got were when he and Paul were wrestling and his shirt would ride up, or if he reached for something high. But now, now he was on full display and you couldn't help but stare, you knew Marko looked good but you didn't know he looked that good, suddenly you wondered if you could draw your own vampire romance novel cover, with him as the vampire.
"Better?" He asked sarcastically, but watched as you nodded with a smile, reaching up to pull him down into a kiss, he grinned in the kiss before taking over again. Lining himself up before entering with another quick thrust that had you breaking the kiss to throw your head back. You felt him grab your legs, spreading them wide as he began his fast pace. Your body rocked as you reached for your headboard, trying to stop yourself from moving. You looked down at Marko, finding his eyes trained on where your body connected, jaw slack before he moaned.
"Shit it's like your body doesn't wanna let me go, just keeps sucking me back in, Fuck baby" he groaned, eyes shutting and head falling back as he kept his pace, mouth open as moan after moan left him while he lost himself in the feeling of you. The grip he had on your legs kept getting tighter and you knew he must have been getting close. His claws scratched down your legs, creating more crimson lines as you watched his eyebrows knit together.
"Fuck baby…Fuck…I…" he suddenly let go of your legs, his hands coming up to grab your wrists and pin them above your head.
"Shit" he hissed, eyes still closed as he picked up his speed, your bed squeaking even more in protest.
"You're gonna take it all" he growled, eyes locking with yours and you found yourself getting lost in his golden gaze.
"Right?" He asked, watching as you nodded, mouth open but nothing coming out.
"Words baby" he spoke, leaning down to bury his face against your neck.
"Every last drop?" He laughed at the needy moan you let out, his words shooting you towards a third orgasm, one that was shooting him towards his own. Being so pent up and finally getting to have you, feel your body against his, was catching up to him.
"Marko" you whimpered, legs wrapping tightly around his waist as you felt a new weird feeling in your stomach.
"Gonna, fuck.. Be my good little mate and, fuuuuck….Fuck, take it baby, I know you can, shit" he groaned in your ear, his hands abandoning your wrists to move underneath your back, coming up to grab your shoulders before you felt him push up onto his knees, your lower half resting on his legs. The new angle caused him to hit that spot inside and you couldn't hold in the scream of his name. Your mind was only partially aware of him constantly licking and sucking on your neck at that point, and you knew what he wanted, so without a second thought you leaned your head to the side allowing him more access and hearing him growl before you felt it. The sharp sudden sting of his fangs sinking into your skin. The feeling had your third orgasm rushing over you, far more intense than the others, the strange feeling intensifying until you felt your world becoming fuzzy, and then suddenly black. Marko wasn't much better, as soon as your blood hit his tongue he knew he would be addicted, but pairing that with you letting him bite you while the two of you fucked…As soon as your blood entered his mouth he snapped, his whole body froze before going into overdrive, feeling your body shake in his grip, his lower half suddenly far more wet than normal, but all he could focus on was how sweet your blood was and how good it felt to pour inside you. His lips left your neck and he let his eyes take a moment to come back into focus, body still slowly moving before stilling. Breaths fast before he looked down at you, your eyes closed and breathing quick, he panicked at first, afraid that he had somehow hurt you, before he realized that you had passed out. He couldn't help the shit eating grin that spread across his face at this, at the fact that he fucked you into a black out and the sheer amount of wetness that covered him. He watched as you slowly started coming around, peppering kisses along your face.
"You with me baby?" he laughed, nuzzling your cheek. Listening as you gave a pleased hum, shaky hand slowly coming up to bury itself in his curls.
"Honestly I wasn't sure you would be able to handle me" he chuckled, leaning back to look at your body, red lines littering your skin.
"Should have carved my name" he giggled, tapping the skin over your heart.
"You're a sadist" you groaned with a laugh, voice rough from the screaming.
"Would just be marking what's mine" he shrugged.
"Are all of you like this when you're in rut?" You asked, watching as he shrugged again.
"Honestly I don't know, I'm the first one, we've only been told about it by Max"
"Wait..What do you mean?"
"Why do you think I came here?" He asked with a laugh.
"Honestly I'm not sure…David had warned me to not let you in but"
"But you did anyways, you got a crush on me cutie?" He giggled, teasing you while you simply rolled your eyes.
"Nope totally hate you, that's why we just had sex"
"Best sex of your life huh? Not only did I make you squirt but I made you pass out" he stated, that Cheshire cat grin returning.
"You did not make me-" you started before looking down at the wetness that covered his stomach.
"Oh my God" you quickly covered your face, hot with embarrassment and listening as he laughed.
"No need to hide baby, it was hot as hell, being able to make my mate feel that good" he smiled against your neck before placing soft kisses to the skin.
"You keep calling me that"
"Cause you are" he told you, meeting your gaze when you went quiet, his golden eyes, now less red, meeting yours.
"According to Max, our rut only gets triggered when we find our mate, the one we're supposed to be with..I guess humans would call it a soulmate. That's why none of us have ever been through a rut before"
"So I'm your soulmate?" You asked with a smile.
"My one and only cutie" he told you, leaning down to capture your lips, fangs grazing the flesh before biting gently.
"Would this be the right time to tell you that I've pretty much had a crush on you since we first met?" You giggle, listening as he growled.
"Well then, I think we have some missed time to make up for" he smiled, and suddenly you felt like prey being cornered by a very hungry predator…And you knew you were in for a very long night.
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Marko had me working for this chapter I will admit lol. I'm not used to writing such rough smut. I hope everyone enjoyed it! And if you'd like to be added to the taglist for the others just let me know.
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luv4fandoms · 2 years
The Rut (David x Fem! Reader)
It is finally here! The last installment of The Rut series! I am so happy that everyone enjoyed this series, it was definitely fun to write the boys in just complete feral mode lol. I'll definitely be writing for stuff for the boys in the future!
(Also since I've been asked, this isn't really a poly relationship series, this is a "only (insert boy) likes reader" kinda thing).
I really wanna thank everyone who has commented on, reblogged, or just liked this series. Y'all really kept me going when I had writers block, and I couldn't have finished it without y'all. And a big shout out to @auntvamp who came up with the original headcannons about the boys in rut, because without them, this series wouldn't be a thing lol. I'd highly suggest reading that first.
Lastly I'd like to thank @santacarlatourism for their headcanons of each boy's scent on my post
I also got inspired by these headcanons
For this I know a lot of people write David as a rough dom but I wanted to explore something else, I don't think David would always be rough with his mate, I see him having a soft side too, so this is that, and also him slowly losing control lol.
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Paul, Marko, Dwayne,
Word Count: 5,376 (of course this cocky mofo ended up with the longest chapter 🤣)
Pairing: David x Fem! Reader
⚠️ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬, 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬, 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐞.⚠️
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"Don't invite him in"
That's what Dwayne had told you when he informed you to stay away from the cave for the next couple of days. You were confused when Dwayne had met you at the entrance the night before, usually David was the first one out and ready to leave, typically smoking while the others got ready. You were fully prepared to spend the night at the boardwalk with the boys and your favorite vampire, but Dwayne had quickly shot down those plans.
"Wait…A rut? Like how animals have ru-"
"Yes just like that" he told you as he walked you back to your car.
"When we go into these we are very dangerous to you, since you're a human and not a vampire like us you're far more…"
"Fragile" you finished, the boys had all told you that before, taking it upon themselves to protect you all the time because you were "like a China doll" in Dwayne's words.
"So that's why you need to stay away for a couple of days," he explained, to which you could only simply nod as you climbed in your car. Your thoughts suddenly taking a turn as you thought of him…they were all extremely attractive…him especially…and you were sure him taking a partner for a quick time was something he had done before…would that happen again? After all, if he was gonna kill them anyways why not? It didn't matter if they were fragile right? But why did that thought make you wanna cry even more in this situation?
"It isn't like that" Dwayne's voice broke you out of your thoughts and you were unsure if he had read your thoughts or could just read your emotions.
"Go home y/n, don't overthink ok, you can come back soon" he told you with a small smile as he shut your car door, watching as you started the car and rolled down the window when he knocked
"And one more thing" he told you while leaning in.
"Don't invite him in"
So here you were, sitting in your room, listening to music and drawing, wishing you could just go hang out with the boys, you hadn't really realized just how much of a staple in your life they had become until now. Night's seemed boring without them…without him. Sighing you sat your sketchbook down on your nightstand after you realized that in your zoned out state you had successfully sketched what was probably the twentieth picture of him that resided in the book. Stretching, you got up and changed the music, putting on your newest Billy Idol album. You had joked to David before that he reminded you of the singer, a comment that although he didn't reply to, he seemed complimented by. You had actually come across David listening to a Billy Idol cassette tape one day in the cave and it only solidified that thought even more for you lol. You began dancing around as White Wedding started to play, losing yourself in the music for a moment, before you heard a gentle knock on your window. Your body froze instantly, shifting your gaze to the closed curtains. You slightly wondered if it had been the wind, but only slightly, you knew that was definitely a knock.
"I know you're in there Sweetheart, no use hiding" You immediately felt a shiver run down your spine at the voice, a deeper tone with a slight growl mixed with it told you he was currently vamped out.
'Don't invite him in' Dwayne's words rang in your head, earning another low growl from outside.
"You don't take orders from him, understand?" Oh shit, he was reading your thoughts. You had made him promise when you first learned what they were that he wouldn't do that anymore. A promise he seemed like he had no problem breaking tonight.
"But.. David…Dwayne said it would be dangerous to-"
"Funny" you heard him let out a dry chuckle.
"I thought I just said you don't take orders from him" You gulped at his tone, a sarcastic David was a dangerous David at times, and you had a feeling this was one of those times.
"Let me in Doll, I'll explain it all better than he could" You hesitated still, true, Dwayne hadn't explained very much, and you were still curious. And if you were being honest, when vamped out David probably had the most control over himself out of all of them, besides maybe Dwayne…Maybe it would be safe if you let him in. Slowly making your way over towards the window you heard what seemed like a pleased…purr? You pulled back the curtains, meeting the golden gaze of the vampire on the outside of your window. His figure looming on your small balcony. You unlocked and opened your window, leaning out to speak to him. When suddenly your lips were captured in a searing kiss, his gloved hands holding your face, softly yet firm as he pulled you closer, fangs brushing your lips as he opened your mouth with his, tongue dominating the kiss. You weren't sure what was making you dizzier, the kiss that was quite literally stealing your breath away, or his scent. David always smelled like a mixture of cigarettes, the cologne he always stole that had a very earthy smell to it, and a scent that you could only describe as simply him. But tonight his scent seemed to be cranked up to a hundred, clouding your brain of anything but him. When he finally seemed to remember you needed to breathe he pulled away, forehead resting against yours as he watched you try to catch your breath, pupils blown and heart racing as you met his gaze.
"David," you spoke quietly.
"You're gonna be a good girl and let me come inside, right?" He asked, watching the shiver that went down your spine at the nickname, a mental note he tucked away for later.
"Right?" He asked again, watching as you slowly nodded.
"Words Sweetheart" he gave you that little smile as he ran his thumb over your lip.
"You can come inside" you spoke once you found your voice.
"That's a good girl" he spoke, before the next thing you knew you were back inside your bedroom and being thrown onto your bed.
"Clothes off Sweetheart, I'm going to fuck you first, then I'll explain everything" he commanded, staring you down as he slowly took his coat off and laid it over your desk.
"W-What?" You stuttered, looking at him with wide eyes, did he actually just say that so casually? He raised an eyebrow as he looked at you, waiting.
"I thought you were going to be a good girl tonight y/n" he spoke while slowly pulling your chair out and sitting down.
"I-I.." you weren't sure what to say at the moment, voice gone as you got lost in that golden gaze.
"I don't mind punishing you" he warned, and the look in his eye told you that part of him wanted to, wanted you to misbehave so he could. Deciding to play it safe, for now, you quickly took off your top and bottoms, leaving you in your simple lace panties, bra having been discarded earlier in the night. You watched his gaze darken as he took you in, golden eyes turning a bit orange.
"Come here" he spoke simply, but his tone told you that there was no arguing. Slowly you stood from your bed, taking careful steps over to him, stopping once you stood directly in front, your legs lightly grazing his knees. You slowly met his gaze again, those hard features and burning eyes, you knew anyone in your situation would have ran, but you knew David, and maybe some deep twisted part of you wanted this more than you even recognized. Wanted to be completely dominated by this man, this creature. Maybe you should have also not thought those things so loudly, if the absolutely predatory grin was anything to go by.
"Completely dominated huh?" He asked while leaning back in the chair, he watched as you gulped, listened as your heart picked up speed, smelled as a fresh wave of arousal hit you. It wouldn't take much to have you exactly where he wanted you, completely willing, completely his.
"On your knees Sweetheart" he told you with a low growl, and he watched as you instantly fell onto your floor, hands hovering just above his knees before lowering themselves to the ground. Good girl, you already knew to wait for his orders. He watched you watch him, watched as you tried not to show how much you were trying to gain some form of friction against where you needed it most. He could feel himself stir even more at the sight, could feel the inner beast trying to claw its way out, yelling at him to simply take you, stop these foolish games and claim what was his. He hated that feeling, hated losing control. Deciding to relieve both himself and you he tapped his belt buckle, eyes still never leaving you as you looked up to meet his gaze before setting to work undoing his belt and then pants, looking up to silently ask if you should stop or keep going.
"Well? You've been a good girl so far, are you afraid to unwrap your treat?" He smirked, watching the blush crawl up your neck and cheeks as your eyes went back to his pants. He lifted himself slowly so you could take them and his underwear off, pulling the material down to his ankles, stopping only because his boots got in the way. You went to remove them but he stopped you with a hand on your head.
"Those can wait" he told you, sliding his hand from your hair to cup your cheek, running his thumb over your lip before slowly parting them, watching as you wrapped your lips around his thumb, eyes sliding closed as you sucked the digit. David watched you intensely, feeling himself jump at the sight, and knowing that he wanted, no, needed your lips around him, now. Gently pulling his thumb away with the thinning self control he had left he opened your mouth, watching as your eyes met his.
"I have something better for you to use that pretty mouth on" he told you, watching as your eyes moved to finally take him in. He was average length, but pretty thick, a size that had you both clenching around nothing and also afraid of him not fitting. Again, reading your mind, you heard David chuckle.
"That's why we have to get both of us nice and wet, I think you know how to do that, don't you?" He asked, letting go of your mouth and leaning back in the chair, legs opening just a bit more.
"Yes sir" you nodded, sitting up a bit, hands finally touching his thighs, you could hear the low rumble leave him as he stared at you, you had taken a chance by calling him sir, but you had a very strong feeling he had that sort of kink, after all, David always loved being in charge.
"Look at that, I don't even have to teach you manners, you are already trained for me" he smirked, gathering your hair in his gloved hand as you slowly wrapped a hand around his length, feeling it twitch, before lowering your lips to close around the head.
"Already my good girl" he sighed, watching as you ran your tongue along the slit before lowering your head, hollowing your cheeks, and taking more of him in while running your tongue along the vein on the underside. What your mouth couldn't take, you hand took care of as you began bobbing your head, twisting your fist as you stroked in time with your bobs. You hadn't expected David to be a moaner or a talker, so when you only received grunts and huffs you knew not to be disappointed. You let those guide you, noting when he would tighten his grip on your hair, or when he would ever so slightly lift his hips, when he would hold his breath, or when his grunts sounded a bit more strained.
"Teeth" he grunted out at one point, tightening his grip on your hair again. You weren't sure what he meant, so you went off of what you guessed and prayed that it was right, you were doing good so far, you didn't want to fuck up now. Letting your teeth graze against his length you felt him stiffen, and instantly you feared you messed up, but that was when you heard it, the first moan, even if it was extremely quiet. With more confidence you let a little more of your teeth scrape along him as you worked, hearing his breath quicken once more. You chanced a glance upwards and noticed a sight you didn't expect, David with his eyes closed, head slightly tilted backwards, and mouth slightly open. Feeling brave after your achievement you decided to try something else. Sneaking your other hand up, you gently wrapped your hand around his balls, just as you took as much of him as you could and swallowed. Feeling him stiffen instantly, and hearing a clearly strained.
"Fuck" before his eyes met yours, orange gaze blazing before you were suddenly tossed on the bed, watching as he tore the rest of his clothes off.
"Did I say you could do that?" He asked, caging your body with his. You slowly shook your head but David caught your jaw in his now gloveless hand.
"Did I?"
"N-No sir" you replied, honestly a little scared, as well as turned on. David looked almost unhinged at the moment, like he was a breath away from just bending you over, and maybe that's what you wanted.
"So why did you think it was ok?"
"I-I just"
"Just what? You had been doing so well"
"I just wanted to make you feel good" you told him, and watched as he stopped, and blinked down at you. Honestly he hadn't expected that reply. He figured you were tired of playing the good girl role and wanted to disobey, wanted him to put you in your place, wanted him to just take you already…He hadn't expected you to tell him you were just trying to make him feel good.
"Just trying to please your master?" He asked with a smirk, watching as you nodded, eyes wide with an innocence that he knew was false, but God did you know how to play on that. He knew how dirty your mind was, he had read it so many times, times where you would come to the cave, wet and smelling like pure heaven. He wanted, no, needed to know what had gotten you that way, so he'd delve into your mind, needing to know if he'd have an easy kill that night or would it be something else, and what he'd find would cause his own stirrings. Things that you had read about in your little erotic novels, but played out by the two of you. You riding him, which he'd have to be convinced about. Him bending you over his motorcycle, that he could and would definitely arrange. Then there were the ones that filled your mind after you learned that he was originally a gunslinger before he became a vampire. It seemed your naughty little mind lived on the saying "save a horse, ride a cowboy". That heavenly smell surrounded him once again as you looked up at him, muttering such words that had his thin self control on the verge of snapping.
"Always wanna please you sir" you whimpered, slightly wiggling under him, no doubt seeking friction for the overwhelming heat that was bothering you. He decided to take pity on you, at least that's what he'd tell you, when really the beast in him was clawing at his mind for a taste of you.
"Such a Sweetheart" he smiled, leaning down to kiss your neck, chuckling as you leaned your head to the side, already willing to give him access to your blood, but that wasn't the taste he sought, at least not at the moment. Pressing gentle kisses down your collarbone, stopping to give your breasts attention, he swirled his tongue around your nipple before closing his lips around it, fangs grazing your skin as his hand came up to pinch and play with your other one, before his mouth and hand switched. Only when he felt like he had made you a breathless mess did he continue his journey down, hands sliding along your sides as he kissed down your stomach, pressing kisses to your hip bones before hooking his claws into your lace panties. His eyes met yours, a sinister smirk on his lips as you watched him tear your panties in half, the sound of tearing fabric meeting your ears while your eyes never left his. You watched him toss the pieces to the sides of the bed before he pressed kisses to your thighs, so close to where you wanted his mouth but never giving you what you needed.
"Beg" he told you, watching as your eyes met his again, having closed them for a moment.
"Please David" you whimpered, yelping slightly when his hand landed a smack on your thigh.
"Care to try that again?"
"Please sir, please I've been good" you begged.
"Have you? I don't think you have"
"I-I was just trying to make you feel good" you explained again, watching as he stared at you.
"Please sir, I promise I'll be good" you told him, gripping at the sheets, trying to will him to do something, anything to calm the fire that was slowly burning through you. Meanwhile David was fighting with himself, he wanted to tease you, have you a real begging mess, but the other part was clawing at him to just give in and take. This time he decided to give into that beast within and in an instant his mouth was on you, tongue swiping along your slit and watching as you threw your head back, a loud moan of his name tearing from your lips. He decided this time he wouldn't reprime you for it, mainly because he was becoming too lost in your taste, his own grunts muffled as he buried his face deeper, nose brushing your clit while his tongue dipped inside. He felt your legs close around his head, his hands still resting on your thighs, and again he decided to let it slide, instead grabbing your hips and letting himself explore you, commiting to memory every swipe of his tongue that had you moaning his name, every suck that had you gasping, every twist and turn that had your heart beat picking up and the beast in him clawing at the fraying seams of his control. He wanted to slam his fingers in you, listen as you moan at the fact that something was finally filling you, but he knew that his claws and that sensitive of an area shouldn't mix, so he settled on completely devouring you, being careful of his fangs as he brought you closer to your edge. Your legs tightening around him, hips lifting to try and get closer, hands grabbing at his hair while your head was thrown back, eyes shut and mouth open, begging him to not stop, telling him how good he felt and how close you were. He could push you off the edge in just a matter of seconds…could…but wasn't going to. Easily unwrapping your legs from him, he lifted himself away from you, watching as you whined and looked up at him with pleading eyes. Chest rising and falling rapidly as you slowly came down from the high he had built you up to.
"Why?" You whimpered, and David simply smirked as he wiped your essence from his face.
"You still had to be punished Sweetheart" he told you, watching as you pouted, head turned to the side while you tried to catch your breath. He chuckled at your pouting, knew how frustrated you were, because honestly he was at that point as well. He knew that playtime was up. Grabbing your thighs again he pulled you down the bed, wrapping your legs around his hips. He watched you gasp at being manhandled but he knew you liked it, he could smell that you liked it.
"Now, are you gonna be my good girl again? Or do I have to punish you again?"
"I'll be good I promise" you panted, wanting that high again that only he could bring you to, he'd make sure you knew that, that only he could make you feel this way.
"Good girl" he growled, reaching down to drag himself through your wetness, watching as your hips lifted slightly, trying to coax him in.
"Such a greedy girl" he smirked, before slowly entering you, watching as you threw your head back at the feeling of finally having him inside you. It took him a bit with how tight you were, but once he was fully seated he had to take a moment. Because right then, for the first time he felt overwhelmed. Sure he had partners in the past, but nothing felt like this, as if he needed more proof that you were his mate. And he knew that you probably wanted him to be gentle, but he knew that wouldn't be something he could offer, not this night at least.
"I'm not gonna be gentle Sweetheart" he felt he should warn you, felt you deserved to know before he just took you.
"I didn't expect you to be" you smiled, and he knew you knew enough of what was going on with him to know he was losing the control he loved so much, so he never broke the gaze you two held as he gripped your hips and pulled back, only to slam forward, watching as you threw your head back. He listened to your cries for him, your heartbeat singing as it sped up again. He watched as your eyes rolled back, mouth opened as you didn't even try to hide the gasps, and moans. He found his own eyes closing as he sped up, thrusts now slamming into you as the bed shook, his grunts were drowned out by your cries and that was ok, he didn't need to be loud, it was your job to tell everyone who was making you feel this good. Sir had long been forgotten and he couldn't find it in himself to care, wanting you to cry out his name until your throat went raw.
"Fuck" he panted out through gritted teeth, the feeling was picking up, the knot tightening in his stomach as he felt you grow tighter around him. Shit you were gonna make it hard on him to even fuckin last, especially when you were begging for him, begging for him not to stop, begging for him to make you cum, even begging for him to make you his, as if you weren't already. Your orgasm hit you both by surprise, you suddenly became like a vice around him and he immediately stopped, watched as you shook, you entire body trembling as you flew over the edge, he slowed his thrusts, gently rocking you through it, and also keeping his own orgasm at bay
He watched you blink before your eyes met his, looking up to see if he would say something about you cumming without permission, which, any other time he may, but right now he just knew he needed you to cum again, because you were absolutely beautiful when lost in pleasure. You watched as he unhooked your legs from him, instead lifting them as he pulled out and crawled over you, pressing his forehead to yours as he wrapped your legs around him again, his one hand coming up to hold yours, while his other game up to hold your jaw.
"You got another one for me Sweetheart?" He asked, not breaking eye contact as the hand on your jaw left for only a moment as you felt him enter you again, making you gasp.
"Yes" you whimpered, already lifting your hips to meet his.
"My little mate, always so willing" he smiled, fangs grazing your lips before he captured them again, he soon started thrusting again, and you moaned in the kiss, allowing his tongue to enter and dominate before he pulled back, fangs lightly grazing your lip and drawing blood, to which he quickly licked it up. His hips thrusting forward harshly as he tasted it, the flavor exploding on his tongue and heightening his sense to focus on the precious liquid that flowed just below the skin. He knew it would be dangerous to feed on you while you two were in the middle of this, he could lose any control he had left if he did, and he wouldn't know what to do if he killed his mate. So instead he focused on the other liquid you were producing, the liquid that was currently coating his thighs as he thrusted into you. Your moans were echoing against the walls and in his brain as he allowed himself to slip away, focusing on the feeling of your body sucking him in, gripping him tight in your soaking heat, God you were so hot against him. He knew his temperature was running hotter than normal due to the rut but yours was like fire. He was also losing himself in your scent, not just the scent of your arousal, but the scent that was simply you, a scent that he would never admit, but one that he loved smelling around the cave or against his pillow when you would take a nap in his spare room. He lost himself in how soft your skin was under his hands, how you completely gave yourself to him, willingly submitted yourself to a beast like him even though you had been told it was dangerous. How you were crying out for him, begging him, praising him, God your praises.
"Yeah? Only I can make you feel this good?" He panted against your lips, eyes still closed as he continued to lose himself.
"Fuuuuck, only you David" you told him
"Only I know your body like this" he growled, picking up speed.
"Only you" you panted.
"You're mine" another growl
"Shit..Only yours"
"Completely mine" he grunted
"My mate" he groaned, and you allowed your eyes to open slightly, expecting to meet gold but instead noticed that his eyes were closed, eyebrows furrowed as his mouth opened slightly, hot breaths fanning your face.
"Say it" he panted, eyes not opening as he picked up his speed again, angling himself until he was hitting that spot inside you that made you see stars
"Your mate" you moaned, eyes closing again as your head fell back as far as his hand would let it, his grip leaving your jaw to grab the back of your head, forehead never leaving yours.
"My mate" he panted, breaking off into a groan.
"Fuck" he moaned against your lips, his control a hair's breath away from being gone, the faster your heartbeat raced, the less he had.
"Cum for me" he groaned, knowing he wasn't going to last much longer. The hand that had been holding yours quickly found your clit, rubbing circles that had to shooting towards your peak.
"Fuck! David!"
"That's it baby, let go" he surged forward, panting against your mouth as moans began to leave him, the sign that he was about to finish as well you realized. Your hands shot into his hair, pulling the locks until his face left yours and buried into your neck. It was something you knew you both wanted, something you had fantasized about, and something you know the rut would most likely want him to do.
"Make me yours" you panted, officially snapping the thin string of self control he had. Instantly his fangs sunk into your skin, drawing a high pitched moan from you as your legs locked around him, your body squeezing him as your second orgasm washed over you, and he was right behind. As soon as your blood entered his mouth he was gone, he knew you smelled like heaven, but you tasted like it as well, and that paired with your even stronger orgasm had him slamming forward, hips stuttering before stilling as he filled you, a deep growl leaving him and vibrating your chest as he pour himself into you, claiming you, marking you, just like his fangs did. He gave a few slow thrusts before he stilled and pulled his mouth away, his fangs leaving your skin as he licked up the blood that trailed out and sealed the wound, the only evidence being two small marks. You both stayed like that for a moment, his face still buried in your neck while your hand was tangled in his hair, the other running along the scratch marks on his back that you didn't even know you had made, he knew though, he quite enjoyed the tiny bit of pain.
"That was really dangerous" he spoke after a moment, drawing your attention to his gaze, now far less orange and far more gold, the red hue having disappeared.
"I think the danger started when I invited you in" you laughed, watching as a smile graced his lips.
"You were told not to, and here I thought you knew how to follow orders" he tisked, causing you to roll your eyes.
"Kinda hard to know which rules to follow when my master says the opposite of others" you smirked, earning a growl that vibrated your chest.
"Always my orders"
"That's what I thought" you smiled, leaning up to capture his lips in a kiss that he happily returned.
"You really like being called that" you joked, causing him to roll his eyes.
"Just means you know your role" he stated.
"Oh? So I'm nothing more than your pet?" You asked with a pout.
"You know you're not, you're my mate" he stated as if it were the simplest thing, which to him it may have been, but to you.
"What does that mean exactly?" You asked, watching as he just blinked at you.
"No like…is that what vampires call girlfriends or.." you trailed off when he started lightly running his finger over the bite marks he made.
"Why do you think I came here even though it was dangerous?" He asked.
"Honestly, I'm not actually sure" you told him truthfully.
"I actually figured you would just go pick up some random at the boardwalk" added while staring at the skin of his arm that you were currently drawing patterns on with your finger. You tried to hide the sad tone but you knew he could easily pick up on it, knew because he was soon turning your face towards him again.
"This doesn't work that way." He started, brushing your hair out of your face.
"None of us have ever been through this before, I'm the first. We just know about it from Max telling us" he explained.
"This rut, it's triggered by us finding our mate. In human terms I guess the closest thing would be a soulmate"
"So I'm…Your soulmate?" You asked, your smile growing.
"Far more than a pet now huh?" He smirked, leaning down to kiss you again. Chuckling when you pulled him closer to deepen the kiss.
"Would this be the right time to tell you that I've kinda had a crush on you for a while?" You laughed, watching as his smirk grew.
"Oh I already knew"
"Wait what?!"
"You think very loudly Sweetheart"
"Wait…How long have you been reading my thoughts?! I told you not to!"
"Long enough" he stated, while lowering his mouth to your ear.
"Now, let's see if you can last for longer than eight seconds Darlin'" he purred, a deep southern drawl ringing in your ears and you knew you were fucked…in more ways than one.
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Of course I had to throw in some tidbits about my headcanon that David was originally a gunslinger from Texas lol.
@its-monster-mash, @arenpath , @xxx-wounded-angel-xxx , @katpursley94-blog , @theamericanjewitch , @shewhomustnotbenamedsworld , @thelostone91 , @blazeflays , @ilikechocolatemilkh , @babyloutattoo89 , @bigcreatorwombatdreamer , @non-binary-disastrous-mess , @2525sc , @kitteebree , @besas-stuff , @justaspeachy , @faefairi3 , @its-freaking-bats, @santa-carla-boardwalk-1987, @urmothersmistress , @nickangel13 , @lostboysmate1987 , @simpin-for-slashers,
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