Part 4 of Kenobi rambles:
“What do you think I should do”
“You should sleep”
Lol. Love it. Every single medic that has ever had the misfortune of treating him, every single member of the Jedi council, MARSHAL COMMADER CODY WHEREVER THE FCK HE IS (😪)
- if they are alive they suddenly got a pang of satisfaction not knowing why
-if they are dead/in the force they are doing the exasperated hand thing like LISTEN TO HER YOU STUBBORN BASTARD
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morganas-pendragons · 4 years
Light | Wrecker
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This is #1 of at least half a dozen or more fics I am gifting my Twitter kids for Christmas! I wanted to give back this year, and so I decided to write some things for characters I haven’t really tried anything for yet. Regardless of that, I hope you enjoy! 
I played around with the clones ages for this considering we don’t know how old The Bad Batch is - like with Rex physically looking like he’s in his twenties but not actually being so. 
This reader is a mom to the clones and uses she/her pronouns - exactly like the type in my headcanons - and she happens to have a favorite... 
This was supposed to be a no strings attached type of job. The Kaminoans had recruited you, a simple human, to be a caretaker - of sorts - for the hundreds of babies that occupied their nurseries within the cloning facilities. 
  “There’s no point in forming attachments, Miss. Soon enough they’ll be handed a gun and told to go play war.” 
Yeah. Well. You intend to give these children as much love as you are physically able, and that all starts with the first gaze you set upon one of the clones in the back of the nursery with the mutation. 
He’s among 3 others who are specifically mutated for purposes you are not privy to know as a civilian. That doesn't matter. You pass through lines of cradles and approach the four in the back, peering over the side to gaze into the wide and vulnerable eyes of the largest baby. 
  “Hello, sweet boy.” You murmur, grinning as he coos happily at your voice and lifts his arms upward for you to sweep him upward and into your warm embrace. “You’re stunning. I bet you’re going to be such a big, strong boy!” 
The baby’s response - despite only being old enough to hold himself upright in your lap - is only to clap joyfully and pound his tiny hands against your legs. 
Big, strong boy. You’re gonna change the world. I just know it. 
Wrecker, Age Four 
His brothers named him Wrecker. It’s fitting, given how much larger he became then the other clones, but you’re too attached to the boy to leave Tipoca City at the time that the Kaminoans have asked you to.
  “Buir!” You’ve been moved to the rooms in which they house the clones who are toddlers, and the first thing you see upon waking from your nap is a child sprinting as fast as he’s able to launch himself into your lap. “You’re awake!” 
You beam and press a kiss to his forehead. “Hi ad,” You whisper, peering over his shoulder as he wraps his arms around your neck and buries his face in your shoulder. “Something you need to tell me? I gotta go take care of your brothers.” 
  “They gave me a name today!” He says, and your eyes widen as you gaze at his three brothers who stand before you. 
  “Only because he nearly broke Viper’s nose!” 
You raise an eyebrow and gently pry Wrecker away from your chest. He’s definitely larger then the other clones despite how young he is, but he’d never use his size and strength for violence. Never. Your son is soft, innocent. He’s good. 
  “Wrecker, what’s-” Your gaze snaps back to the clone with the darker hair who then replies to your query with Hunter. It’s a fitting name. “Hunter, talking about?” 
That’s the same day you learn that the clones who will eventually make up the spec-ops team known as The Bad Batch are fiercely protective of each other. They must have learned it from the person who protected them. 
Little to the knowledge of most people, you took these four clones - the special ones, the ones who got the stares, the ones who got picked on and bullied by their brothers - under your wing. You saved them. 
And in turn they save each other. 
You are so proud to be Wrecker’s mother in that moment as he hastily recants a story of how he almost broke Viper’s nose simply because he was bullying Crosshair. 
  “Ad,” You ruffle his hair and beam with pride as you wind your arms around his body. “I am so proud of you.” 
When Wrecker climbs into bed that night, the words he never hears from his trainers and superiors rings in his mind as he burrows under the thin blanket the Kaminoans have given him and his vode. 
  “I am so proud of you.” 
As he falls into sleep, he dreams of his mother. A home, a family, and a mother standing in the kitchen unit - who gives him real food, real food he likes and he’s allowed to eat that tastes salty and sweet and sour and he’s so excited to have it - who treats her son as if he’s the whole world. The whole galaxy. 
Wrecker, Age 10 
The day he returns from a training mission with the rest of Clone Force 99 is the same day you have your first real battle with panic. According to what Crosshair and Tech tell you upon return, Wrecker was injured in a way that leaves him partially blind and with significant scarring. 
You’re terrified. He and the rest of the Batch have already had a difficult time integrating themselves in with their brothers to the point where they’ve taken to calling the non-mutated clones regs and now only associate with each other. You don’t particularly care much about that anymore. As long as they’re looking out for each other. 
When Wrecker is released from the medbay, you search the cloning facility for your son until you find him in the quietest room - the nursery - with his back against the wall and his chin resting on his knees. His face is scarred. His eye is cybernetic. 
Maker, you love him. 
  “Wrecker,” Hunter had warned you about approaching him - claiming he’d become hard of hearing with the explosion that had injured him - and had brought up a fantastic idea with Tech’s help that you were going to initiate as soon as he was ready. “Ad.”
Your son lifts his eyes to meet yours. 
  “Buir,” He replies softly, always so careful to not disturb the babies who lay in their cradles around him. “Did you need something?” 
You tilt your head and sit in front of him, parting your legs and resting your elbows against your knees. Wrecker watches you intently as you do so. He’s always been perceptive - not as much as Hunter, but enough - and with the lack of his sight, he’s having to rely more on his limited senses. 
  “Do you see this?” You take your fingers, press them all together, and rest them against the bottom of your chin before moving your hand forward. “This is sign language. It means thank you. It’ll be an easier way to talk to your vode when you can’t hear them so well. Is that something you’d be willing to learn?” 
He nodded and frowned. “I’m gonna miss blowing stuff up.” 
You reach outward, brush what remains of his hair away from his eyes, and repeat the sign for thank you and you’re welcome. He watches your hands mimic the movements before repeating them for you to see. Wrecker does them perfectly. 
  “Don’t worry.” You murmur. “You’re gonna get to blow stuff up again. I promise.” 
Your only response is his smile. It’s more than enough. 
Wrecker, Age 12  (Set during S7) 
'Сause you are loved You are loved more than you know I hereby pledge all of my days To prove it so
After a while, the Kaminoans have had their uses for you. Your services are no longer required and so you are sent back to the boring home world that you have barely stepped foot on since being sent to Kamino to be the caretaker to infant clones. 
Your experience with the formed Grand Army of the Republic is what gets you into the military, has you trained, and eventually what lands you on Anaxes. 
Though your heart is far too young to realize The unimaginable light you hold inside
  “Ma’am,” Cody’s voice rings out from behind you as you stand in the hangar bay, arms crossed over your chest with your eyes on the horizon as if waiting for the arrival of a ship. “I’ve cleaned your blasters. Just how you like them.” 
You turn to acknowledge the Marshal Commander and smile softly at him. While you spent much of your time with The Bad Batch on Kamino, the greater majority of the Commander Batch and the younger clones have considered you one of them for quite some time. 
  “Thank you Kote.” You murmur. He nods his acknowledgement and before he turns back to Kenobi, lays a hand on your shoulder and says something about the arrival of Clone Force 99 for a mission they’re assigned to do with Rex. “What?” 
The less then graceful landing of the ship known as the Havoc Marauder signals their arrival. You don’t dare move. It’s been too long since you’ve seen them, seen him, and you want to value the moment while you can. 
I'll give you everything I have I'll teach you everything I know
They had never really known the lengths you went to in order to protect them - to protect him - and give him the life, the childhood, you felt he deserved. The Bad Batch had still had it rough, but your gentle nature upon meeting them had impacted them significantly. 
  “The Calvary has arrived!” 
The first thing you see is the personalized armor. You are not the slightest bit surprised they threw in all their effort into ensuring their armor - out of the entire army - was the most notorious. Not to mention that as someone who watched them all grow up, you can see each of their personalities within the way they’ve painted it. 
Then you see him. It’s unmistakeable that it’s Wrecker considering how much taller and broader he is then the rest of The Bad Batch, but it’s not him that notices your presence first. 
It’s Tech. Ever the perceptive, constantly absorbing as much information as able, constantly recording everything, who sees you standing in the hangar and nudges his brother in the midst of speaking to Rex and Cody to point you out. 
  “Mom?” Cody asks skeptically, followed by a gasped “Buir? That’s the buir I never got to meet?!” 
Kix is laughing hysterically at the way Jesse guffaws upon realizing that you are the infamous mother to the clones, but only these four and specifically Wrecker, but the way your heart swells when Wrecker notices you standing there far outweighs the reactions of all the other vode around you. 
Instead of a greeting, Wrecker does one thing. He sees you, beams like the sun lives deep within him, and very promptly tosses you upward to sit on his shoulders. He looms over all his brothers. That doesn’t stop him. 
Oh... oh, that boy has not and will never change. 
With every heart beat I have left
I will defend your every breath
  “I get to blow it up? The whole stinking thing?” Wrecker asks, to which he then looks to you with wide eyes. “You made a promise!” 
You smirk and pat Anakin’s shoulder as you pass him. “Oh, I know I did.” You reply. “Anakin is keeping up on my promise for me.” When Wrecker begins to take the detonator, you turn to the Jedi and meet his gaze. I’ve been promising him this since he was old enough to know how to blow things up.” You coax him into fully handing over the detonator to your son. “Go on. Make his year.” 
Admiral Trench’s cruiser explodes in a cloud of sparks behind The Havoc Marauder. 
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whatisthisnonsense · 5 years
Okay you know what I am gonna talk shit in a proper well-thought-out manner because I’m salty and stressed and I may as well channel it into something fun like yelling about anime in an over the top display of angery as befitting this cesspool of a social media platform. This being said I’m gonna do it under a read-more ‘cause most of ya’ll ain’t got time for no negative nonsense and some of you genuinely enjoy Tri, and you know what, I respect you, you’re valid.
Okay so to explain how much I want to throw Bandai into a dumpster, we first need to go back and explain Adventure and the fiasco that was 02.
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Digimon Adventure came out in 1999 (March 6th in japan and August 14th in the states, which coincidentally means this show came out exactly on my sixth birthday!) and lasted for about a year, with 54 episodes. The plot was simple; seven punkass grade schoolers turned out to have been chosen by fate to defend the Digital World, an alternate plane of reality created by various forms of digital information (the wee baby internet of the era, for example), mostly to kind of justify Bandai’s V-Pet (Tamogatchis but they’re gross and can FIGHT) and sell toys. So like, Transformers but with more human characters and kickass monsters and sometimes a lesson about the Power Of Friendship. Later, they find out they were chosen because they saw their neighborhood get wrecked by two monsters and Inexplicably Forgot This, as well as the fact there’s actually a missing member of their group (which less than surprisingly turned out to be the leader character’s little sister, who had already been seen in a prior episode and had also been involved in that early monster attack). It was hokey, the english dub generally bordered on that of a proto-abridged series if not aggressively sanitizing things (turning sake into green chili sauce, for example) and it was just good dumb fun and in the end everyone was crying anyway because dammit, while it was dumb fun you still cared about these characters and loved how they grew up. And then came 02.
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Hoo boy. Digimon 02 came out in 2000 (April 2nd in japan and August 19th in the states) and lasted for another year or so. While sometimes listed as a second season, in truth it was a sequel series and it had...some interesting ideas, lets say. And I mean that sincerely! They did have some good ideas! But it was pretty clear from the lack of direction and the constant roller coaster of serious and stupid that it was being a sequel for the sake of being a sequel. For example, a whole new super secret crest turned up out of nowhere, which brings up a lot of questions in the lore but is mostly used to prove Ken isn’t irredeemable because he’s a Chosen Child ,as well as the questions about how this Crest is still present and useable and then literally gets no use. No Ultimate Form Wormmon for you, folks, NORMAL digivolution is out! I think I and @yunisverse have made our opinion on how to use that crest better clear while we’re being salty over Wizardmon, ha People have said that it’s big draw was that it had a heavier focus on character development and...yes and no? On the one hand, Ken and Cody’s arcs were genuinely enjoyable, Kindness shenanigans aside, as was occasionally exploring TK and Kari’s trauma, something often brushed over in the original series. On the other hand, more or less the whole of Adventure centered AROUND character growth where in 02 it’s...sporadic. Sometimes even random. However the main two reasons everyone was mad at 02 were these;
The original digidestined that were not Kari or TK got shunted onto the backburner, usually using excuses as they had given up their crest powers sometime between Our War Game and the present (despite that A) this is otherwise disregarding the fact they were supposedly not able to enter the digital world again until 02 and B) the power is literally inside them as part of their core, not something the digiworld actually gave to them, and while it could be diminished it could never actually be removed) or that it was the New Kids turn, often with wildly out of character personality developments. (Looking at you, Sora’s new docileness and Mimi’s lack of involvement in most of the plot period.)
The epilogue, which not only gave everyone really weird future jobs (why is Matt an astronaut?!) but also seemed pretty much out to be as aggressively Happily Ever After without actually stopping to think about any implications or actual lead-ups.
02 usually gets a pass from riding on the Adventure coattails, but everyone still tended to be at least disappointed in what had occurred. Also, more serious takes on Digimon, such as Tamers and some of the games, had been growing in popularity.
Thus Bandai, in it’s infinite wisdom, decided to cash back in on Nostalgia by focusing on the Adventure kids, making them closer to 02 so they’re older and they can therefore do more serious mature takes like Tamers, while also trying to rectify how they would even begin to come around to their epilogue jobs. They do this by killing the 02 cast in the first two minutes.
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Welcome to Tri folks! Okay, so the 02 cast isn’t actually dead, but we don’t know where they are for six movies. Six movies!! The most we know for a few years is Ken, for some reason, has reverted to evil! And he has Imperialdramon, which implies Davis is brainwashed too!
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He is basically doing this most of the series (which was initially going to be a mini-series before becoming a series of movies which then proceed to often be cut up into episodes, which that alone should tell you the problems BEHIND the scenes much less on screen) and we find out what he is (not actually Ken but an evil Gennai clone which is also out of nowhere) and what he’s doing (apparently bringing Yggdrasil, long time lore big bad of various digimon continuities and also god, into the Adventure storyline) not by efforts of the kids. Oh no. They’re too busy playing with their new friend Mei!
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God I wish I was joking. The original squad literally shows no concern for where the 02 gang is until halfway through, and it’s a handwave at best and quickly moved on from. Hell, they barely react to “Ken” and CHEER on defeating Imperialdramon! More gravitas was given to having to kill the plot coupon of the day, Meicoonmon, than someone they actually know and should be upset about. Also making Tai NOT want to rush into a fight (what?), Turns Out Homeostatis Is Also Evil Or At Least Amoral (why), a reveal one of the backstory five original digidestined went mad with grief (no), and also I guess for some reason the kids and digimon were separated again given their reactions despite 02′s ending? That’s. That’s not even keeping your own continuity. Why are you like this. Also connecting to the epilogue just seem to be on a whim (not metaphor, Matt decides to be an astronaut on a whim), the general lack of gravitas in most moments followed by moments of SEVERE gravitas (which is the 02 problem but Worse), and bad jokes. I don’t mean Good Bad Jokes like Adventure, just really not funny jokes. And the real bitch of the matter? It had a few things that should’ve made it AWESOME! Like listen, I miss these idiot kids a lot, and the concept of a virus forcing a reboot on the digiworld and thus having to explore, finally, the digimon as characters and what they would be like without the kids? That’s cool! The idea of undoing all the Perma Digideaths (like WIZARDMON goddammit, and in this own show friggin’ Leomon again) with said reboot and thus having a pretty legitimate reason to allow it? Also cool! Worldbuilding about the previous five digidestined? Neat! And lets be real, you all cried at the cast version of Butter-Fly. You know you did. But the thing is they didn’t DO anything with most of this, or did it in a sloppy way. Example; the virus was basically a means to an end for waking up Yggdrasil (I’m not calling him King Drasil, that’s stupid), right? Why? When the Adventure-verse, often to it’s own detriment, is actively tied to the Milleniumon mythos, you could just pull in that eldritch horror and finally have Ryo make sense everywhere not japan. Or heck, the Dark Ocean! Remember the Dark Ocean? Where literally cthulu is and also Daemon now? Apparently neither do the script writers since that would’ve been a golden opportunity.  Of course, this would be asking for continuity, which Tri has issues with within its own narrative. Remember when I said the reboot should’ve undone all permadeaths? Yeah, Wizardmon still shows up as a ghost later to lead Kari out of trouble. No lines or anything, just pops up facing away from the audience and leads her out, and then vanishes, despite the fact that according to the rules they made up for the reboot, he should be a cute little Mokumon in Primary Village at the moment who remembers nothing. Also it kind of low-key has the vibe that growing up is terrible and results in having to make awful decisions? Which I’m not sure is what they meant to do, but it does pretty much have that end result. And that sucks! Even Tamers didn’t do that! Growing up is HARD, sure, but there are GOOD things about it too, and being Adventure one would think that would be the main focus! Nope. I just. This should have been good and when it was announced I was super excited and now I’m pretty much exasperated by its mere existence. And now we’re getting a sequel after ANOTHER timeskip.
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Bandai if this is how you give us a nostalgia feels trip, do us a favor and let Adventure die. You’re just making the sugary memories of childhood have a bitter aftertaste. Or, if you must, just do a proper reboot. Tie up things that actually WERE wrong with the original series and do some clean ups but otherwise leave it untouched. We all know you’re trying to capture the magic twice, guys, you’re not even trying to hide it now. TL;DR, The only parts I like about Tri are Butter-Fly (cast version) and the fact Tai and Matt are gayer than ever
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Good Night Chicago - A fictional story
This is just a story about two boys figuring out how to deal with emotions, addiction, and depression. Based off “Goodnight Chicago” by Rainbow Kitten Surprise. 
I had killed a man. The tears painted my cheeks as the rain fell outside. I had killed myself. This one was no man I had met before, yet it was me. I had anticipated this turn of events but it had reared its bloody head earlier than expected. I let myself slip off the slippery slope that was my life. My family didn’t love me, I had girls but they didn’t love me, I had money but it was null. And now I sat despite myself, sobbing as if I was trying to cry my heart apart, tear by salty tear. It was this pain, this loneliness that I had anticipated but I had no idea what it would actually feel like.
I’m the type of guy who would end up lonely. Always pushing people away, closed off, suave but fragile inside. Nobody knew what was on my mind and frankly, I was too lazy to articulate my inner most thoughts and it would bore me to relay the same thing I had been dealing with for years through some sad story to a less than interested party. The polite phase of college was passing but my turmoil was only starting.
This is what I was afraid of. Finding friends who relied on me was easy. But finding someone that was a companion for me was hard. There was one girl but she had her own life. She was a temporary companion. An escape into the delight of true friendship for one night a week… It was only conversation and some cafeteria food after class but it was enough to keep me afloat. I didn’t want another relationship. I didn’t want to fall victim so some other ditzy girl’s wishes and throw my dream away. I wanted an unencumbered life, free to pick up and move whenever I needed to or just when I felt like leaving. I want an eternal bachelorship. I only want myself. But myself isn’t enough for me.
I thought once I was on my own things would be better and I could make a new life for myself. But it takes more work to manage the people around you. I made enemies fast and they were dicks. I had enemies at home too. I was a freshman. I was stuck with nowhere to go and no life to lead. An endless loop of depression and gray days.
I had started smoking and I kick myself every day for it. My friends know it, she knew it, but I couldn’t stop. The smoke gave me another escape unlike anything I’d ever experienced. When I exhaled, the worry flew from my mouth interlaced with the smoke. My shoulders relaxed and my mind quieted. I could finally relax. But when a pack a day wouldn’t satisfy me, I spent more and more on cigarettes hoping to quell my addiction and withdrawals. It was too much to quick.
Today was the apex. Today I reached a new level of low. The bags under my eyes told the tale of my tormenting dreams. My grades screamed of my addictions. My body was thin and wafish and I was doubled over crying next to my desk in my dorm room.
I hear a knock on my door.
“Wh…. Who is it?” I hesitate to wipe my eyes and steady my voice. “Cody.” He says with a serious tone. “Come in.” I slump back down. Cole was no acceptation to the small group who were clued in to my circumstances.
He sits next to me and leans his shoulder into mine. I look over briefly but can’t take the sight of him. I turn away, the tears beginning again as my depression slowly creeps back into my forehead. My neck feels heavy.
“Cody….” I let my head drop onto his shoulder and rest there. I felt so small but just him being there was enough for me to relax a little. “Niko, talk about it.” He draws me out. I just sob in return, soft cries leaving my mouth as my mind prepares to empty itself into Cole’s corresponding ears. I shook as my arms wrapped themselves around my torso.   I let myself regurgitate my sad life through story after story as Cole sits listening to me. He knew about the girls but not the nicotine. He knew about the money but not about the parents. But now I let him into my fragile self. I let him in and now I had to deal with the fear that came with that.
“I’m sorry.” Thats all he had to say. But his arms lift and suddenly envelop me in warmth like I haven’t experienced before. I cry even louder as the feeling of acceptance flows through me.
“Cody! You don’t have to-“ “Nikolas, you need this. You need someone. Don’t worry about it.” “Cody…” I trail off as he looks me in the eye, hands on my shoulders.
We stare at each other for a long while and I start to wonder why I haven’t looked away. I start to wonder why my hand finds its way to Cole’s knee. I start to wonder why I leaned forward into his gaze. I wonder why I kiss Cole.
 But he didn’t stop me.
I melt into the kiss as what little facial hair he had brushes against my clean shaven face. His lips were rough and dry and so were mine and the sensation was incredible. I try to snap out of whatever trance I’m in as Cody’s tongue slips its way between my teeth. He was my companion in this moment and I couldn’t refuse this. Not now.
My hand hesitated from where it lay on Cody’s knee but finally feels its way up to the side pockets. I scoot myself closer, never breaking the kiss. My hand finds it’s way to Cody’s belt but his hand is there first already undoing the gold buckle and slipping it out of the loops. Instead I palm him through his jeans and I feel him exhale into my lips as he finally breaks the kiss.
“Niko… Is this okay? Is this what you want?” Cody questions me.
I think about what just happened. Me and Cody are just friends, good friends. This would probably make things awkward if we were to continue now. But my sorrow, and maybe my dick, convinced me that if nothing matters then why does friendship matter? This could just be for one night, right?
Who cares, fuck it.
My breath hitches as I make my decision. “Yeah, I don’t care, just kiss me like that again.”
One of his hands snakes around my waist as the other cups my face. His thumb wipes away my still falling tears. His face contorts and for a second I think he’ll cry too but he recovers. It’s not long before our lips slide together again. This time his breath is hot and heavy and the kiss is sloppy and open-mouthed. Lust is interwoven into his tongue as it battles furiously with mine. I feel my body start to tingle with the realization that I am the submissive in this situation as opposed to every other sexual situation. I’ve never had someone lead and me be completely compliant with their desires. It was turning me on.
Cody slides his hand from the small of my back to the round of my ass and then to my upper thigh. His other hand explores my chest and starts to twist and abuse my right nipple. A jolt of pleasure jumps straight through my cock and I inhale sharply. Cody takes note and continues the motion making sure to move exactly the same. My hands that have become bunched up in Cody’s shirt let go and I let them fall to his jeans zipper. I slowly pull his zipper down and unbutton the jeans. His dick hits my index finger and he breaks the kiss again. He gasps at the release.
I slide my knuckle up his full length and feel it twitch against me. My own cock responds to my actions and I start to feel very uncomfortable in my own skinny jeans. I finally palm him again and he moans, much to my surprise.
“Oh, god. I’m sorry Niko… Let me also…” He trails off as he reaches for my belt. I tug once on his dick to distract him. I’m so hard I may not last very long so he can’t touch me just yet. My plan works as his head falls to my chest as he shivers and lets out a low groan. “I haven’t been touched in so long… I forgot how it feels.” He breathes hot against my nipple and then bites it through my shirt. I squeal at the pleasure and stroke him again. “Stop, Niko stop!” He says rather loudly.  “I’m too close….” “Touch me then.” I purr into his hair.
His hands slip my belt off of my waist and undo my jeans. His long fingers slide into my boxers and pull my dick completely out. He spits on his hand and begins moving. I feel my legs twitch and let out little whimpers from the feeling of contact on my bare skin. The sparks fly through my body like lightning and I sigh and bite my lip to keep from moaning out loud. I dip into Cody’s boxers and take out his cock fully, mimicking his rhythm. He groans loudly again as his hand tightens around me. This time I can’t help but let out a moan in response. The small amount of pain in his movements adds to the pleasure and I pant hot breath as my head hits his shoulder. My rhythm is steady, sliding up and down his full length, every once and a while thumbing his tip, the slit especially. He seems to like that based on the volume of his voice. He takes his other hand away from my chest and digs into my boxers again rolling my balls. I cry out, feeling closer than ever now.
“Niko, I’m gonna come…. I’m sorry! I have to come Niko- “ Cody twitches in my hand as heat spills from his cock and over my hand. His orgasm is intense as his head hangs back, his mouth open and muttering obscenities to himself in-between moans. I work him through his orgasm until he shakes his head for me to stop.
His hand that was stroking me was idle until his orgasm ended. He starts moving again and my breath comes in rapidly and heavily. He squeezes and caresses my balls, the lack of lube making it slightly painful. He starts to notice the friction in my voice and covers his hand in his own seed. With that as lube, he returns to his work tugging my dick with force. The pain that was there before was replaced by pleasure and my voice betrayed me, various moans and gasps I choked out along with Cody’s name. My hips bucked into his hand as I raced past the point of no return. I dug my teeth into Cody’s shoulder to silence myself as my orgasm overtook me.
Cody took his hand out of my boxers and cupped my cheek, kissing me again through my high. I came hard and fast in his hand, moaning into his rough kiss. He thumbed my over-sensitive tip, making me want to scream. I shook and convulsed as I came down from it and fell into Cody’s arms. I slowed my breathing and relaxed into his touch. His hands slid up and down my back, lulling me into peace.
He held me there for almost 3 hours he said but I didn’t remember for I finally slipped into a deep sleep.
Someday this would be resolved. Someday I would be myself again. But until then, goodnight Chicago. I killed a man to make you love me. 
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