#I AM tagging it here because I’m shadowbanned so it won’t show up anyway in their tag
niconebula · 2 years
While I’m still shadowbanned and thus won’t get dogpiled, I want to talk about my last point here with Lumity.
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It’s.. bothered me. It was fun and fine the first few times, but In Season 2B I’ve honestly grown a bit uncomfortable with how often Luz crosses boundaries with Amity and then they’re made to make up immediately. A lot of people praised it as healthy - to me it seems toxic.
First, Luz accidentally gets Amity fired at her job at the Library. Luz accidentally breaks Amity’s heart in the basement of the house thinking that she’s rejecting her. At this point it’s just shenanigans and it didn’t bother me until they kept adding onto it.
Then in Follies, Luz tries to keep secrets from Amity about her mom. Okay, whatever. Then in Reaching Out, Luz lies again about the same thing and causes Amity to be kicked out of something she’s really passionate about. The problem is that the show has an excuse for Luz’s behaviour to be ignored every time - and while she is stressed and sad, yes - but that is an explanation and not an excuse for behaviour.
The show tries to address this disconnect and have Luz admit some fault, but it ends up failing because they obviously don’t actually want her to be at fault or have to make up for it - the line is just in there so Amity feels bad.
I feel like it gets even worse when Amity says that they haven’t even been on a single date for what’s been over a month, and Luz says she’s been too busy. Which again, YES, she is busy - but not busy enough to be unable to spend a single afternoon with her girlfriend. Furthermore Amity is made to only interact with Luz out of the whole friend group and is kind of completely dependent on her.
TLDR: It feels like the entirety of Season 2 Lumity is 1) Amity doing something she likes / wanting to spend time with Luz, 2) Luz messing it up and then saying that she’s just stressed, 3) Amity saying “that’s okay” and they move on. And as somebody who has been in a relationship like this, it makes me incredibly uncomfortable that they still continue to excuse it every single time.
People praise it and call Lumity super healthy because “they never fight!”. When I was with my ex we never argued over stuff like this- because I was too scared to stand up for myself and be ‘the bad guy’ when I felt like they were being repeatedly insensitive or inattentive to me.
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rainbow--skies · 2 years
If I moved my fandom posting from my sideblog onto here would you guys care. For reference I usually post my current main media related interests which are:
Keeper of the Lost Cities (Book series, a lot of my mutuals on this account also post this anyway)
Warriors (Book series, it sucks and I hate it but also it brought me a lot of joy when I was younger and I love the characters and wish canon cared about giving them satisfying narrative arcs as much as I do)
The Magnus Archives (Podcast, the majority of this site knows what this is anyway I think because I see it on my dash a lot and some of the most popular posts about it have tens of thousands of notes)
Flicker (Roblox game like two people on this site care about that I barely even play anymore and just like the characters of)
And occasionally some other stuff but nothing that’s like commonly DNIed on here or anything. Everything is tagged well so if I’m being a little too annoying reblogging like 12 pieces of fanart of the same characters in a row or a piece of media is triggering for you you can filter it out.
The only downside is any original posts won’t show up in the tag again because I am still shadowbanned but I’m working on getting that lifted anyway and also people on this site will give notes to anything in those tags if the fandom is big enough because I’ve gotten notes for the randomest bullshit posted at 12 AM before just because I put it in main tags so maybe that is a blessing.
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scottmapess · 4 years
🔴WARNING: YouTube Is SHADOW BANNING Bitcoin Videos! + PROOF Whales Buying MASSIVE Bitcoin!
All right. Welcome back, everybody, to all Tarquin Daily Course, you subscribe to this channel for our daily videos on everything going on in the cryptocurrency space today. A lot of exciting things to talk about in today’s video. Before I get to this, I want to spend a few minutes talking about the shadow band problem that’s happening and it’s happening to the bigger Bitcoin cryptocurrency YouTube’s. So if you put the word Bitcoin in the title or description of any of your videos doesn’t apply to the past videos, but any videos in the past few days and going forward, it seems that these videos get shadowbanned for a period of time. So we did an experiment yesterday in yesterday’s video and this video right here, we did not use the word Bitcoin or anything related in the title or description. Guess what? That video performed normally, as in, it did not get shadowbanned by YouTube. So this is 100 percent YouTube’s algorithm picking up videos that mention the word bitcoin in this video. In the video, you’re watching right now. I’m sure you’ve noticed I decided to put the word Bitcoin in the title again. I mean, it’s just SVO, our channels about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. It hurts us if we can’t put Bitcoin in cryptocurrency in the title and description. So what this means is because the word Bitcoin is in the title, probably in a couple of hours after I released this video, I expect this video to get Shatto banned. YouTube will shadowban this video for a period of six to 12 hours, at least in our experience. But when I say shadow band, what YouTube is doing is this video will not show up in your subfield. This video will not be recommended to you and it won’t be recommended to anybody on YouTube. Even if you search the title of this video in the name of our channel. You will not be able to see this video because of the shadow band. After about 12 hours in our experience, the videos get put back to normal again. As in, they’re visible again. You can see them in yourself and feed they will be suggested. But as you can imagine, this kills all momentum. So I’ve been trying to email with YouTube premium support. They seem willing to help. But so far, they have yet to acknowledge the actual shadow banding problem. In my opinion, this is just speculation, but in my opinion, we are collateral damage. My theory is that YouTube is trying to crack down on these live stream scams and we and some of the bigger bitcoin and crypto YouTube channels are getting caught in the crossfire, unfortunately. And I’m sure you can understand. You know, as a content creator, this really hurts us. You know, we make videos so people can watch them. So YouTube shadowbanning us, you know, really hurts. Morale hurts our bottom line. Hopefully, this gets worked out soon. Do me a favour. Take two seconds. Hit the like button. Give this video a thumbs up. That’s what I need you to do. If you want to support the channel liking the video, it’s not going to stop the shadowban, but it will help us before and after the shadowban. And hopefully, our video can perform somewhere around normal. If everybody likes the video. So I wanted to clue you in as to everything that’s going on with our channel. But, you know, this is bigger than our channel. This is about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency in general. So anyway, that being said, let’s get into some recent news. The Bitcoin whale population has been spotted increasing in the wild. Whales have been in solid accumulation mode since January of 2020. That means whales started accumulating at the beginning of the year and then all through 2020. This is macro bullish. So whales are entities that hold 1000 Bitcoin or more. And you can see the data here. You can see how our wallets that are holding 1000 Bitcoin or more have been increasing since January. Now, to go further because it’s not all about the whales, right. Bitcoin supposed to be for everybody to go further. We’re seeing retail buying Bitcoin as well. So here what we’ve been seeing this all year, but this is updated data addresses holding more than one Bitcoin, reached a new all-time high again. So minnows are accumulating, too. Well, I guess one Bitcoin wouldn’t be minnows. I guess fish are accumulating as well. Anyways, at some point, people won’t be able to accumulate one bitcoin. I’m sure you realize that Bitcoin has this future person owning one whole Bitcoin is out of the question. People will just be able to stack Satoshi. I mean, owning one whole bitcoin is out of a lot of people’s reach already. But the data suggests that at. This time, people are still accumulating and reaching the threshold of one whole Bitcoin, and that’s also what Mike Novogratz is saying. Mike Novogratz, he’s a very he’s been very vocal lately about how he’s seeing hedge funds interested in buying Bitcoin. He says hedge funds are buying Bitcoin. And he says that you know, retail people are buying Bitcoin as well. And of course, you know, Mike Novogratz, he is the poster boy for former Wall Street turned crypto. He was on CNBC again just yesterday talking about two things. He talked about how people are buying Bitcoin because Bitcoin is hard money. And he talked about his moustache. What are you doing, Mike, with your portfolio besides growing a moustache? You know, I grew the moustache as my growing moustache, and I don’t want to keep it until, you know, the quarantine is over. I got I think it might be Christmas at this point, but I still am very bullish hard assets. I think there’ll be a push too hard assets. There is a very decent chance. Much higher than it was before some stagflationary or inflationary environment. And so I’m still on a lot of gold. I love Bitcoin. Next Tuesday, we have the Bitcoin having where the inflation rate gets cut in half. And so you talk about inflation and fiat currencies where the Fed is printing money like it’s a money-printing machine. And in the Bitcoin space, you know, there’s money supply gets cut 50 percent. And so big deal there. We’re seeing lots of new investors in that space, hedge funds that are buying it, not just as individual managers are buying it in their fund. I think you’ll see some announcements soon of that or, you know, investor lenders out. And so all positive stuff in terms of flow in that space is that’s where the bulk of my risk is. It’s been a fun environment in the Bitcoin space after a long desert. We now really have real activity. So, yeah, Mike Novogratz also brought up the Bitcoin, having now us all to coin daily. We will most likely be doing a live stream an hour or two going into the having. So going into this clock hits zero, we’re going to be having a little having Livestream party. And really, I hope you guys understand the magnitude of the having, in my opinion, that the having is a thousand times more significant than any AWALT coin partnership. This is a celebration of bitcoins, hard money policy and public hard money policy. And this is only the third having to ever happen. You’re going to be able to tell people in the future if you’re so inclined, you’re gonna be able to brag. I was around before the third having I stacked some CITO sheets before the third having think about it. Hardly anybody was around for Bitcoin’s first having a handful of people were around for Bitcoin. Second tapping. You know, would you consider those guys like the. Oh. In the future. You and I are gonna be consider the O’Jays. It’s gonna be a point of pride that we stacked some satoshi is before this clock struck. Zero. So that’s what I’m thinking. I’m really the link in the description to probably this tweet or maybe a tweet like this where we tagged at Team YouTube and we’re trying to nudge them to, you know, clear up this Bitcoin content censorship. So if you wanted to look in the description and just give the video a little like a little poke, a little nudge. And that’s it for me today, my friends. My name is Aaron at Old Quinn Daily. By the way, guys, make sure you’re following us on Twitter. You know, we’ve been updating everybody on Twitter about this Bitcoin censorship, you know, as new information comes out. And, you know, we also tweet and read, tweet, cool stuff like this. This is about the distribution of Bitcoin hash rate. And it’s just, you know, stuff that we’re thinking about in real-time in a lot of people. A lot of people follow us. And, you know, you should be following the people if you’re, you know, in this cryptocurrency space because you want to stay in tune and stay educated and figure out, you know, what are the good projects, whether that’s, you know, Bitcoin. I like to hear, like, what are the arguments for Bitcoin and against Bitcoin or maybe old coin projects you should be following, you know, the teams on Twitter to see what they’re about anyway. That is it for me, my friends. This is Aaron Adult Quinn Daily Cinnabar.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/warning-youtube-is-shadow-banning-bitcoin/ source https://cryptosharks1.blogspot.com/2020/05/warning-youtube-is-shadow-banning.html
0 notes
jeffrmayhugh · 4 years
🔴WARNING: YouTube Is SHADOW BANNING Bitcoin Videos! + PROOF Whales Buying MASSIVE Bitcoin!
All right. Welcome back, everybody, to all Tarquin Daily Course, you subscribe to this channel for our daily videos on everything going on in the cryptocurrency space today. A lot of exciting things to talk about in today’s video. Before I get to this, I want to spend a few minutes talking about the shadow band problem that’s happening and it’s happening to the bigger Bitcoin cryptocurrency YouTube’s. So if you put the word Bitcoin in the title or description of any of your videos doesn’t apply to the past videos, but any videos in the past few days and going forward, it seems that these videos get shadowbanned for a period of time. So we did an experiment yesterday in yesterday’s video and this video right here, we did not use the word Bitcoin or anything related in the title or description. Guess what? That video performed normally, as in, it did not get shadowbanned by YouTube. So this is 100 percent YouTube’s algorithm picking up videos that mention the word bitcoin in this video. In the video, you’re watching right now. I’m sure you’ve noticed I decided to put the word Bitcoin in the title again. I mean, it’s just SVO, our channels about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. It hurts us if we can’t put Bitcoin in cryptocurrency in the title and description. So what this means is because the word Bitcoin is in the title, probably in a couple of hours after I released this video, I expect this video to get Shatto banned. YouTube will shadowban this video for a period of six to 12 hours, at least in our experience. But when I say shadow band, what YouTube is doing is this video will not show up in your subfield. This video will not be recommended to you and it won’t be recommended to anybody on YouTube. Even if you search the title of this video in the name of our channel. You will not be able to see this video because of the shadow band. After about 12 hours in our experience, the videos get put back to normal again. As in, they’re visible again. You can see them in yourself and feed they will be suggested. But as you can imagine, this kills all momentum. So I’ve been trying to email with YouTube premium support. They seem willing to help. But so far, they have yet to acknowledge the actual shadow banding problem. In my opinion, this is just speculation, but in my opinion, we are collateral damage. My theory is that YouTube is trying to crack down on these live stream scams and we and some of the bigger bitcoin and crypto YouTube channels are getting caught in the crossfire, unfortunately. And I’m sure you can understand. You know, as a content creator, this really hurts us. You know, we make videos so people can watch them. So YouTube shadowbanning us, you know, really hurts. Morale hurts our bottom line. Hopefully, this gets worked out soon. Do me a favour. Take two seconds. Hit the like button. Give this video a thumbs up. That’s what I need you to do. If you want to support the channel liking the video, it’s not going to stop the shadowban, but it will help us before and after the shadowban. And hopefully, our video can perform somewhere around normal. If everybody likes the video. So I wanted to clue you in as to everything that’s going on with our channel. But, you know, this is bigger than our channel. This is about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency in general. So anyway, that being said, let’s get into some recent news. The Bitcoin whale population has been spotted increasing in the wild. Whales have been in solid accumulation mode since January of 2020. That means whales started accumulating at the beginning of the year and then all through 2020. This is macro bullish. So whales are entities that hold 1000 Bitcoin or more. And you can see the data here. You can see how our wallets that are holding 1000 Bitcoin or more have been increasing since January. Now, to go further because it’s not all about the whales, right. Bitcoin supposed to be for everybody to go further. We’re seeing retail buying Bitcoin as well. So here what we’ve been seeing this all year, but this is updated data addresses holding more than one Bitcoin, reached a new all-time high again. So minnows are accumulating, too. Well, I guess one Bitcoin wouldn’t be minnows. I guess fish are accumulating as well. Anyways, at some point, people won’t be able to accumulate one bitcoin. I’m sure you realize that Bitcoin has this future person owning one whole Bitcoin is out of the question. People will just be able to stack Satoshi. I mean, owning one whole bitcoin is out of a lot of people’s reach already. But the data suggests that at. This time, people are still accumulating and reaching the threshold of one whole Bitcoin, and that’s also what Mike Novogratz is saying. Mike Novogratz, he’s a very he’s been very vocal lately about how he’s seeing hedge funds interested in buying Bitcoin. He says hedge funds are buying Bitcoin. And he says that you know, retail people are buying Bitcoin as well. And of course, you know, Mike Novogratz, he is the poster boy for former Wall Street turned crypto. He was on CNBC again just yesterday talking about two things. He talked about how people are buying Bitcoin because Bitcoin is hard money. And he talked about his moustache. What are you doing, Mike, with your portfolio besides growing a moustache? You know, I grew the moustache as my growing moustache, and I don’t want to keep it until, you know, the quarantine is over. I got I think it might be Christmas at this point, but I still am very bullish hard assets. I think there’ll be a push too hard assets. There is a very decent chance. Much higher than it was before some stagflationary or inflationary environment. And so I’m still on a lot of gold. I love Bitcoin. Next Tuesday, we have the Bitcoin having where the inflation rate gets cut in half. And so you talk about inflation and fiat currencies where the Fed is printing money like it’s a money-printing machine. And in the Bitcoin space, you know, there’s money supply gets cut 50 percent. And so big deal there. We’re seeing lots of new investors in that space, hedge funds that are buying it, not just as individual managers are buying it in their fund. I think you’ll see some announcements soon of that or, you know, investor lenders out. And so all positive stuff in terms of flow in that space is that’s where the bulk of my risk is. It’s been a fun environment in the Bitcoin space after a long desert. We now really have real activity. So, yeah, Mike Novogratz also brought up the Bitcoin, having now us all to coin daily. We will most likely be doing a live stream an hour or two going into the having. So going into this clock hits zero, we’re going to be having a little having Livestream party. And really, I hope you guys understand the magnitude of the having, in my opinion, that the having is a thousand times more significant than any AWALT coin partnership. This is a celebration of bitcoins, hard money policy and public hard money policy. And this is only the third having to ever happen. You’re going to be able to tell people in the future if you’re so inclined, you’re gonna be able to brag. I was around before the third having I stacked some CITO sheets before the third having think about it. Hardly anybody was around for Bitcoin’s first having a handful of people were around for Bitcoin. Second tapping. You know, would you consider those guys like the. Oh. In the future. You and I are gonna be consider the O’Jays. It’s gonna be a point of pride that we stacked some satoshi is before this clock struck. Zero. So that’s what I’m thinking. I’m really the link in the description to probably this tweet or maybe a tweet like this where we tagged at Team YouTube and we’re trying to nudge them to, you know, clear up this Bitcoin content censorship. So if you wanted to look in the description and just give the video a little like a little poke, a little nudge. And that’s it for me today, my friends. My name is Aaron at Old Quinn Daily. By the way, guys, make sure you’re following us on Twitter. You know, we’ve been updating everybody on Twitter about this Bitcoin censorship, you know, as new information comes out. And, you know, we also tweet and read, tweet, cool stuff like this. This is about the distribution of Bitcoin hash rate. And it’s just, you know, stuff that we’re thinking about in real-time in a lot of people. A lot of people follow us. And, you know, you should be following the people if you’re, you know, in this cryptocurrency space because you want to stay in tune and stay educated and figure out, you know, what are the good projects, whether that’s, you know, Bitcoin. I like to hear, like, what are the arguments for Bitcoin and against Bitcoin or maybe old coin projects you should be following, you know, the teams on Twitter to see what they’re about anyway. That is it for me, my friends. This is Aaron Adult Quinn Daily Cinnabar.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/warning-youtube-is-shadow-banning-bitcoin/ source https://cryptosharks1.tumblr.com/post/617641995659313152
0 notes
heatherrdavis1 · 4 years
WARNING: YouTube Is SHADOW BANNING Bitcoin Videos! PROOF Whales Buying MASSIVE Bitcoin!
All right. Welcome back, everybody, to all Tarquin Daily Course, you subscribe to this channel for our daily videos on everything going on in the cryptocurrency space today. A lot of exciting things to talk about in today’s video. Before I get to this, I want to spend a few minutes talking about the shadow band problem that’s happening and it’s happening to the bigger Bitcoin cryptocurrency YouTube’s. So if you put the word Bitcoin in the title or description of any of your videos doesn’t apply to the past videos, but any videos in the past few days and going forward, it seems that these videos get shadowbanned for a period of time. So we did an experiment yesterday in yesterday’s video and this video right here, we did not use the word Bitcoin or anything related in the title or description. Guess what? That video performed normally, as in, it did not get shadowbanned by YouTube. So this is 100 percent YouTube’s algorithm picking up videos that mention the word bitcoin in this video. In the video, you’re watching right now. I’m sure you’ve noticed I decided to put the word Bitcoin in the title again. I mean, it’s just SVO, our channels about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. It hurts us if we can’t put Bitcoin in cryptocurrency in the title and description. So what this means is because the word Bitcoin is in the title, probably in a couple of hours after I released this video, I expect this video to get Shatto banned. YouTube will shadowban this video for a period of six to 12 hours, at least in our experience. But when I say shadow band, what YouTube is doing is this video will not show up in your subfield. This video will not be recommended to you and it won’t be recommended to anybody on YouTube. Even if you search the title of this video in the name of our channel. You will not be able to see this video because of the shadow band. After about 12 hours in our experience, the videos get put back to normal again. As in, they’re visible again. You can see them in yourself and feed they will be suggested. But as you can imagine, this kills all momentum. So I’ve been trying to email with YouTube premium support. They seem willing to help. But so far, they have yet to acknowledge the actual shadow banding problem. In my opinion, this is just speculation, but in my opinion, we are collateral damage. My theory is that YouTube is trying to crack down on these live stream scams and we and some of the bigger bitcoin and crypto YouTube channels are getting caught in the crossfire, unfortunately. And I’m sure you can understand. You know, as a content creator, this really hurts us. You know, we make videos so people can watch them. So YouTube shadowbanning us, you know, really hurts. Morale hurts our bottom line. Hopefully, this gets worked out soon. Do me a favour. Take two seconds. Hit the like button. Give this video a thumbs up. That’s what I need you to do. If you want to support the channel liking the video, it’s not going to stop the shadowban, but it will help us before and after the shadowban. And hopefully, our video can perform somewhere around normal. If everybody likes the video. So I wanted to clue you in as to everything that’s going on with our channel. But, you know, this is bigger than our channel. This is about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency in general. So anyway, that being said, let’s get into some recent news. The Bitcoin whale population has been spotted increasing in the wild. Whales have been in solid accumulation mode since January of 2020. That means whales started accumulating at the beginning of the year and then all through 2020. This is macro bullish. So whales are entities that hold 1000 Bitcoin or more. And you can see the data here. You can see how our wallets that are holding 1000 Bitcoin or more have been increasing since January. Now, to go further because it’s not all about the whales, right. Bitcoin supposed to be for everybody to go further. We’re seeing retail buying Bitcoin as well. So here what we’ve been seeing this all year, but this is updated data addresses holding more than one Bitcoin, reached a new all-time high again. So minnows are accumulating, too. Well, I guess one Bitcoin wouldn’t be minnows. I guess fish are accumulating as well. Anyways, at some point, people won’t be able to accumulate one bitcoin. I’m sure you realize that Bitcoin has this future person owning one whole Bitcoin is out of the question. People will just be able to stack Satoshi. I mean, owning one whole bitcoin is out of a lot of people’s reach already. But the data suggests that at. This time, people are still accumulating and reaching the threshold of one whole Bitcoin, and that’s also what Mike Novogratz is saying. Mike Novogratz, he’s a very he’s been very vocal lately about how he’s seeing hedge funds interested in buying Bitcoin. He says hedge funds are buying Bitcoin. And he says that you know, retail people are buying Bitcoin as well. And of course, you know, Mike Novogratz, he is the poster boy for former Wall Street turned crypto. He was on CNBC again just yesterday talking about two things. He talked about how people are buying Bitcoin because Bitcoin is hard money. And he talked about his moustache. What are you doing, Mike, with your portfolio besides growing a moustache? You know, I grew the moustache as my growing moustache, and I don’t want to keep it until, you know, the quarantine is over. I got I think it might be Christmas at this point, but I still am very bullish hard assets. I think there’ll be a push too hard assets. There is a very decent chance. Much higher than it was before some stagflationary or inflationary environment. And so I’m still on a lot of gold. I love Bitcoin. Next Tuesday, we have the Bitcoin having where the inflation rate gets cut in half. And so you talk about inflation and fiat currencies where the Fed is printing money like it’s a money-printing machine. And in the Bitcoin space, you know, there’s money supply gets cut 50 percent. And so big deal there. We’re seeing lots of new investors in that space, hedge funds that are buying it, not just as individual managers are buying it in their fund. I think you’ll see some announcements soon of that or, you know, investor lenders out. And so all positive stuff in terms of flow in that space is that’s where the bulk of my risk is. It’s been a fun environment in the Bitcoin space after a long desert. We now really have real activity. So, yeah, Mike Novogratz also brought up the Bitcoin, having now us all to coin daily. We will most likely be doing a live stream an hour or two going into the having. So going into this clock hits zero, we’re going to be having a little having Livestream party. And really, I hope you guys understand the magnitude of the having, in my opinion, that the having is a thousand times more significant than any AWALT coin partnership. This is a celebration of bitcoins, hard money policy and public hard money policy. And this is only the third having to ever happen. You’re going to be able to tell people in the future if you’re so inclined, you’re gonna be able to brag. I was around before the third having I stacked some CITO sheets before the third having think about it. Hardly anybody was around for Bitcoin’s first having a handful of people were around for Bitcoin. Second tapping. You know, would you consider those guys like the. Oh. In the future. You and I are gonna be consider the O’Jays. It’s gonna be a point of pride that we stacked some satoshi is before this clock struck. Zero. So that’s what I’m thinking. I’m really the link in the description to probably this tweet or maybe a tweet like this where we tagged at Team YouTube and we’re trying to nudge them to, you know, clear up this Bitcoin content censorship. So if you wanted to look in the description and just give the video a little like a little poke, a little nudge. And that’s it for me today, my friends. My name is Aaron at Old Quinn Daily. By the way, guys, make sure you’re following us on Twitter. You know, we’ve been updating everybody on Twitter about this Bitcoin censorship, you know, as new information comes out. And, you know, we also tweet and read, tweet, cool stuff like this. This is about the distribution of Bitcoin hash rate. And it’s just, you know, stuff that we’re thinking about in real-time in a lot of people. A lot of people follow us. And, you know, you should be following the people if you’re, you know, in this cryptocurrency space because you want to stay in tune and stay educated and figure out, you know, what are the good projects, whether that’s, you know, Bitcoin. I like to hear, like, what are the arguments for Bitcoin and against Bitcoin or maybe old coin projects you should be following, you know, the teams on Twitter to see what they’re about anyway. That is it for me, my friends. This is Aaron Adult Quinn Daily Cinnabar.
Via https://www.cryptosharks.net/warning-youtube-is-shadow-banning-bitcoin/
source https://cryptosharks.weebly.com/blog/warning-youtube-is-shadow-banning-bitcoin-videos-proof-whales-buying-massive-bitcoin
0 notes
cryptosharks1 · 4 years
🔴WARNING: YouTube Is SHADOW BANNING Bitcoin Videos! + PROOF Whales Buying MASSIVE Bitcoin!
All right. Welcome back, everybody, to all Tarquin Daily Course, you subscribe to this channel for our daily videos on everything going on in the cryptocurrency space today. A lot of exciting things to talk about in today’s video. Before I get to this, I want to spend a few minutes talking about the shadow band problem that’s happening and it’s happening to the bigger Bitcoin cryptocurrency YouTube’s. So if you put the word Bitcoin in the title or description of any of your videos doesn’t apply to the past videos, but any videos in the past few days and going forward, it seems that these videos get shadowbanned for a period of time. So we did an experiment yesterday in yesterday’s video and this video right here, we did not use the word Bitcoin or anything related in the title or description. Guess what? That video performed normally, as in, it did not get shadowbanned by YouTube. So this is 100 percent YouTube’s algorithm picking up videos that mention the word bitcoin in this video. In the video, you’re watching right now. I’m sure you’ve noticed I decided to put the word Bitcoin in the title again. I mean, it’s just SVO, our channels about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. It hurts us if we can’t put Bitcoin in cryptocurrency in the title and description. So what this means is because the word Bitcoin is in the title, probably in a couple of hours after I released this video, I expect this video to get Shatto banned. YouTube will shadowban this video for a period of six to 12 hours, at least in our experience. But when I say shadow band, what YouTube is doing is this video will not show up in your subfield. This video will not be recommended to you and it won’t be recommended to anybody on YouTube. Even if you search the title of this video in the name of our channel. You will not be able to see this video because of the shadow band. After about 12 hours in our experience, the videos get put back to normal again. As in, they’re visible again. You can see them in yourself and feed they will be suggested. But as you can imagine, this kills all momentum. So I’ve been trying to email with YouTube premium support. They seem willing to help. But so far, they have yet to acknowledge the actual shadow banding problem. In my opinion, this is just speculation, but in my opinion, we are collateral damage. My theory is that YouTube is trying to crack down on these live stream scams and we and some of the bigger bitcoin and crypto YouTube channels are getting caught in the crossfire, unfortunately. And I’m sure you can understand. You know, as a content creator, this really hurts us. You know, we make videos so people can watch them. So YouTube shadowbanning us, you know, really hurts. Morale hurts our bottom line. Hopefully, this gets worked out soon. Do me a favour. Take two seconds. Hit the like button. Give this video a thumbs up. That’s what I need you to do. If you want to support the channel liking the video, it’s not going to stop the shadowban, but it will help us before and after the shadowban. And hopefully, our video can perform somewhere around normal. If everybody likes the video. So I wanted to clue you in as to everything that’s going on with our channel. But, you know, this is bigger than our channel. This is about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency in general. So anyway, that being said, let’s get into some recent news. The Bitcoin whale population has been spotted increasing in the wild. Whales have been in solid accumulation mode since January of 2020. That means whales started accumulating at the beginning of the year and then all through 2020. This is macro bullish. So whales are entities that hold 1000 Bitcoin or more. And you can see the data here. You can see how our wallets that are holding 1000 Bitcoin or more have been increasing since January. Now, to go further because it’s not all about the whales, right. Bitcoin supposed to be for everybody to go further. We’re seeing retail buying Bitcoin as well. So here what we’ve been seeing this all year, but this is updated data addresses holding more than one Bitcoin, reached a new all-time high again. So minnows are accumulating, too. Well, I guess one Bitcoin wouldn’t be minnows. I guess fish are accumulating as well. Anyways, at some point, people won’t be able to accumulate one bitcoin. I’m sure you realize that Bitcoin has this future person owning one whole Bitcoin is out of the question. People will just be able to stack Satoshi. I mean, owning one whole bitcoin is out of a lot of people’s reach already. But the data suggests that at. This time, people are still accumulating and reaching the threshold of one whole Bitcoin, and that’s also what Mike Novogratz is saying. Mike Novogratz, he’s a very he’s been very vocal lately about how he’s seeing hedge funds interested in buying Bitcoin. He says hedge funds are buying Bitcoin. And he says that you know, retail people are buying Bitcoin as well. And of course, you know, Mike Novogratz, he is the poster boy for former Wall Street turned crypto. He was on CNBC again just yesterday talking about two things. He talked about how people are buying Bitcoin because Bitcoin is hard money. And he talked about his moustache. What are you doing, Mike, with your portfolio besides growing a moustache? You know, I grew the moustache as my growing moustache, and I don’t want to keep it until, you know, the quarantine is over. I got I think it might be Christmas at this point, but I still am very bullish hard assets. I think there’ll be a push too hard assets. There is a very decent chance. Much higher than it was before some stagflationary or inflationary environment. And so I’m still on a lot of gold. I love Bitcoin. Next Tuesday, we have the Bitcoin having where the inflation rate gets cut in half. And so you talk about inflation and fiat currencies where the Fed is printing money like it’s a money-printing machine. And in the Bitcoin space, you know, there’s money supply gets cut 50 percent. And so big deal there. We’re seeing lots of new investors in that space, hedge funds that are buying it, not just as individual managers are buying it in their fund. I think you’ll see some announcements soon of that or, you know, investor lenders out. And so all positive stuff in terms of flow in that space is that’s where the bulk of my risk is. It’s been a fun environment in the Bitcoin space after a long desert. We now really have real activity. So, yeah, Mike Novogratz also brought up the Bitcoin, having now us all to coin daily. We will most likely be doing a live stream an hour or two going into the having. So going into this clock hits zero, we’re going to be having a little having Livestream party. And really, I hope you guys understand the magnitude of the having, in my opinion, that the having is a thousand times more significant than any AWALT coin partnership. This is a celebration of bitcoins, hard money policy and public hard money policy. And this is only the third having to ever happen. You’re going to be able to tell people in the future if you’re so inclined, you’re gonna be able to brag. I was around before the third having I stacked some CITO sheets before the third having think about it. Hardly anybody was around for Bitcoin’s first having a handful of people were around for Bitcoin. Second tapping. You know, would you consider those guys like the. Oh. In the future. You and I are gonna be consider the O’Jays. It’s gonna be a point of pride that we stacked some satoshi is before this clock struck. Zero. So that’s what I’m thinking. I’m really the link in the description to probably this tweet or maybe a tweet like this where we tagged at Team YouTube and we’re trying to nudge them to, you know, clear up this Bitcoin content censorship. So if you wanted to look in the description and just give the video a little like a little poke, a little nudge. And that’s it for me today, my friends. My name is Aaron at Old Quinn Daily. By the way, guys, make sure you’re following us on Twitter. You know, we’ve been updating everybody on Twitter about this Bitcoin censorship, you know, as new information comes out. And, you know, we also tweet and read, tweet, cool stuff like this. This is about the distribution of Bitcoin hash rate. And it’s just, you know, stuff that we’re thinking about in real-time in a lot of people. A lot of people follow us. And, you know, you should be following the people if you’re, you know, in this cryptocurrency space because you want to stay in tune and stay educated and figure out, you know, what are the good projects, whether that’s, you know, Bitcoin. I like to hear, like, what are the arguments for Bitcoin and against Bitcoin or maybe old coin projects you should be following, you know, the teams on Twitter to see what they’re about anyway. That is it for me, my friends. This is Aaron Adult Quinn Daily Cinnabar.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/warning-youtube-is-shadow-banning-bitcoin/
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