#I CAN DO MY KILLING MYSELF. is such a brutal line to say to Marc.
izzysarchivedblogs · 11 months
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i still think that greer should have killed parker robbins.
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jbuffyangel · 7 years
Hey friends! Sorry. I know I’ve been MIA a lot this summer. Home life has been crazy busy. I’ve honestly had no time to blog and I feel like I’ve been playing catch up on Arrow news. Anywho, friends gave me a heads up about this. I’ve had time to read this article, but I haven’t listened to Marc’s full Collider interview yet. It’s an hour long. Generally, I don’t like to comment on second hand articles but smeh. I’m rolling with it.
If it’s not  obvious yet, I generally do not post about politics on the blog or social media. I’m very politically active and goodness knows I have opinions, but it’s just not what I use this space for in my life. That said, occasionally there is a cross section when Arrow gets political. Sometimes I comment. Sometimes I don’t. I fired off a couple things on Twitter, but wanted to purge my thoughts a little more.
As I said in my review, I wasn’t a fan of the gun violence episode. I think the intentions were good, but it was a misfire. I won’t rehash all the reasons why. They are stated in my review. In general, I wait until Arrow airs the episode until I make a final judgment. I’ve long since accepted the show is going to do what it is going to do. All I can do is choose to watch or not. If I choose to watch, I share my reactions and that’s about it. 
Speaking as a white woman from the Midwest, my experience with systemic racism is next to nothing. So, I am hardly an expert on the matter. Voices far more learned than I have spoken eloquently on all the reasons why a BLM episode is not a good idea. When a cop pulls me over I don’t worry I am going to get shot. I have no idea what that fear feels like. However, simply because I haven’t experienced systemic racism doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. The first thing people like myself can do (at the very least) is acknowledge that it does.
I also have respect for the police. Family and friends serve. They put their lives on the line every day and often must make split second decisions. However, the safety of ALL is a clear part of their job and there must be accountability.
I think talking about the issue is probably the only way we’ll solve it or at least attempt to improve things. So, I don’t mind when television shows take on social issues. It does spark debate and dialogue. I don’t think it needs to be a politically focused show to do it either. Buffy The Vampire Slayer and One Tree Hill come to mind as shows who tackled hot button political/social issues with “very special episodes” and did exceptional jobs. These are not shows I would have expected to do so, and yet as a viewer, I was deeply moved and surprised. So, I leave room for shows to rise to the occasion and surprise me.
However, given my problems with the gun violence episode I am VERY CONCERNED about Arrow tackling BLM. This is the hottest of hot button issues right now and I’m not confident Arrow is the right space to explore it. That said, my sincerest hope is that the writers, cast and crew want to do it justice. However, to me, the gun episode showed that good intent doesn’t always equal good execution. Those who are loudly arguing against this type of episode are well within their rights and their concerns are valid. If Arrow chooses to continue on this course, my hope is that they LISTEN to those concerns and make a better episode because of them.
Honestly, I don’t think we are off to a very good start because Arrow is bringing in a POC to help write the episode. Ummm… that’s not good. In this day in age, I fail to understand why a POC is not on staff already. Representation in Hollywood is real and it is a problem. Well… it’s a problem everywhere, but I’m focusing on Hollywood for right now. So, there’s an immediate red flag and we aren’t even out of the gate. Maybe this is the episode a talented POC writer gets their shot and is hired full time on staff, but I don’t think there needs to be a “very special episode” of Arrow for that to happen. While I’m sure Arrow strives for equality, we can always do better. Perhaps this needs to be their focus first before tackling this issue. Just my two cents.
And now I’m going to leave you with a couple quotes from someone far more intelligent than I. It’s from Salim Akil, who is the executive producer of Black Lightening. I would encourage you to watch the whole panel because this man is a stellar human being. He gave so many poignant and intelligent answers. I’ll transcribe two of my favorites:
“I think for us we have been so character based and we will continue to be character based. I think it’s about when this man uses his powers, how he uses his powers and why. I think that was the toughest thing. We really want people to get to know this family. And their powers, like their race, is just a part of who they are. Like the most interesting thing about this family is not that they are African American. I don’t walk around thinking ‘Oooh I’m walking around. I’m sexy. I’m African American.’ You know? I walk around thinking ‘Damn I gotta pay these bills. I gotta get this job.’ I think the challenge is not giving in to the idea that we need to be perfect. And to your point about exhibiting the problems of these communities and truth, um yes. There is definitely a problem with police brutality and we will get into that. But there is also a huge problem with us killing each other. And we don’t mind addressing that.” (X)
And… I’m going to toss this one in there too because it was awesome. 
“This is [Black Lightning] going to come from an authentic, black male voice. And there’s no filter. And I’m not afraid to talk about things we need to talk about. And I think that’s what will set this show apart from any other. I love all of the other shows. They have paved the way for this show. But I think this character is gonna add something to the conversation. We’re able to give something back to the culture. And when I say culture I mean black culture, but I also think we’ll be giving something back to American culture. When I was a kid growing up I dressed up like Batman. Batman doesn’t look like me, but I accepted him because he was a hero. What I expect by this time next year, what I expect by the time we get to Halloween, what I love is the idea that I will be able, along with all of these amazing artists, is to see little black boys and little black girls have a choice. They can either be Batman or they can be Black Lightning. They can be Supergirl or they can be Thunder or Lightning. To me that is what this is all about. Giving opportunity for other people to see themselves on television.” (X)
I am late to the conversation, which has been habitutal this summer.  I’ll try to find more time to blog this month and get some of my projects done.  Thanks for hanging in there with me. I’d prefer not to turn my blog into a political firestorm. You are free to disagree with me, but this will probably be all I have to say until the episode airs. Or maybe it won’t ever air. Time will tell.
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andydiggle · 7 years
The hardcover collection of JAMES BOND: HAMMERHEAD is on sale this Wednesday. Script by myself, art by Luca Casalanguida, colour by Chris Blythe and lettering by Simon Bowland, with covers by Francesco Francavilla. Here’s what your favourite comics creators had to say about it:
“Just read the first issue of Andy Diggle/Luca Casalanguida’s JAMES BOND: HAMMERHEAD which is taut and beautiful. Andy is perhaps my favourite writer of spy work in Western comics, so this is perfect. Luca gets a wonderful modern noir mood to it.” - Kieron Gillen
“Just read a preview of Andy Diggle and Luca Casalanguida’s new Bond comic and I’m sitting here giggling with glee! Pick this up!” - Greg Rucka
“Diggle delivers a classic Bond for the modern age; ruthless yet charming, brutal yet debonair. And Casalanguida draws it all with an economic, yet precise, chiselled line. This first issue gives you everything you want from Bond, mixing the best of the novels and the films into something only comics can do.” - Sean Phillips
“It’s like watching the best modern Bond movies. Great stuff!” - Bryan Hitch
“With big bold sequences, a dash of wit and the appropriate amount of swagger, Diggle and Casalanguida craft a contemporary Bond tale that still feels classic.” - Declan Shalvey
“I just read it and it’s a dream. RECOMMENDED!” - Mark Millar
“With Hammerhead, Diggle and team have distilled all things bright and beautiful about classic 007 into a razor-sharp, drum-tight, breathlessly modern blast of spycraft suaveness. This is peak Bond.” - Si Spurrier
“Kinetic and stylish, JAMES BOND: HAMMERHEAD by Andy Diggle and Luca Casalanguida mixes modern spy thrills with the kick of the films.” - Cliff Chiang
“Man, Andy Diggle pulled out all the stops on his JAMES BOND: HAMMERHEAD mini.” - Mark Waid
“Diggle and Casalanguida deliver the Bond you know and love right to your door in an explosive package, blending modern style with the razor-edged tension of classic 007.” - Antony Johnston
“A James Bond for our times. Agents Diggle and Casalanguida deliver action, espionage, intrigue and excitement with style, panache and a precision marksmanship that rivals that of 007 himself.” - Robbie Morrison
“Sleek and sultry, Hammerhead gives us a Bond rocked back on his heels and motivated to make it right. Diggle and Casalanguida have fine-tuned 007’s fuel-air mixture and have a story primed for an explosive resolution." - Marc Bernardin
"After reading Diggle and Casalanguida’s new 007 comic Hammerhead, as I have, you will wish they were just filming these straight away. No drop-off from the brilliant Ellis/Masters run. Best licensed book out there.”- Phil Hester
“Classic, brutal Bond from page one. It’s everything I’d hoped it would be and more.”- Chris Samnee
“This is classic 007, razor sharp and mean.” - Ivan Brandon
“Hammerhead serves up a 007 as desperate and ruthless as a dying empire. Here we have a Bond of head shots and syringe-strewn stairwells; a Bond we can love but not like. Diggle and Casalanguida have clearly been on a collision course with this venerable franchise since birth.” - Alex Paknadel
“Andy’s ideal casting on this. Get your orders in.” - Rob Williams
“Andy Diggle hits the tone perfectly, as does the art by Luca Casalanguida!” - Duncan Fegredo
“It’s everything I want from a Bond book.” - Ibrahim Moustafa
Once again, heartfelt thanks to everyone who took the time to try our book. We’re very proud of it. And the sequel KILL CHAIN starts in July...
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