#and her giving the villains a taste of their own medicine. it was fucked up and dark.
izzysarchivedblogs · 1 year
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i still think that greer should have killed parker robbins.
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grilledcheese-savage · 4 months
I just watched Jurassic world chaos theory and here’s a list of all my thoughts
Spoilers ahead
- LIMB DIFFERENCE BROOKLYN??? SHE LOOKS SO BADASS. I LOVE ALL HER NEW HAIRSTYLES. They’re so much better than the old ones (not that I didn’t like her old hair, I liked it when her roots grew in but I HATED the weird timeskip haircut at the end of cc)
- secondly, kenji getting a taste of his own medicine cause he now gets to know what it felt like to think you were betrayed by your closest friend.
- but yeah, rip kenji. That guy has been through enough. Like, if you put all his trauma in order it’s depressing. Dad abused him, manipulated him, left him on a Dino island and tried to kill all his friends. THEN he tried to make a new shady business and guilt kenji instead of just, giving him info about Brooklyn
- also Darius having a crush on Brooklyn I jokingly guessed AND WAS RIGHT
- New villain is really cool. The way she controls raptors is soooo interesting. I haven’t gotten to see any of the new Jurassic movies (I only saw Jurassic world) so idk if she’s in that one
- I really liked Mateo but I was getting flashbacks from season 2 (or was it three?) and totally thought he was gonna die. He talked too much about his daughter I totally thought he would’ve died and Darius break the news to her.
- also Darius was scaring me at the beginning, he seemed really depressed. I had seen 5 seconds of spoilers by accident of him in a bathtub and kenji walking in AND I WAS CONVINCED IT WAS SOME DARK TWIST AND THE SHOW WOULD END WITH HIM killing himself! I know it’s a kids show! But I watched legend of korra… so. There.
- Also at first I was uncomfortable with the way Yaz was being characterized as traumatized the most, but I ended up loving because it felt like a Purposeful Mis characterization only for it to be turned on it’s head. Let me explain, at the beginning us as viewers are told that Yaz has been really fucked up by all the monster attacks, and had to go to therapy in Wyoming. So we as viewers get worried that she’s going to relapse her ptsd after learning they’re being hunted. But while yes, she has normal reactions to Dino’s (fear) we learn therapy actually WORKED and she wasn’t SHELTERED. She ACTUALLY LEARNED COPING SKILLS and ended up being the most well adjusted among them. It was written so well. Because now we see Sammy who we thought was doing well, have horrible coping skills and fall into an anxious attachment style because her parents don’t talk to her anymore, her girlfriend is ignoring her (avoidant attachment kinda) and all of her friends are going through their own shit on their own and don’t talk to her. She’s having panic attacks and struggling, and Yaz got to be able to pay her back for all the compassion by showing her how she handles all the fear and sadness. I FUCKING LOVED THAT. THAT WAS SO GOOD. AND I ONLY REALIZE HOW GOOD IT WAS THE MORE I SIT IN IT. I spread out my watching because if I binged I wouldn’t have enjoyed it as much.
- I also loved that they all represented different outcomes of trauma, and different coping mechanisms. Darius with the survivors guilt (again), Sammy with keeping herself busy so she doesn’t have to think about it, Ben becoming even more hyper vigillant/conspiracy theorist. Etc.
-Sammy was season mvp. She was the best character by far for me.
-She definitely needed to give Yaz her space tho, but I also hated how Yaz just assumed Sammy thought she couldn’t handle herself only because Sammy hadn’t seen her since her breakdown after the Dinos got loose. I loved watching it tho, the argument was so needed.
- I didn’t once think “there’s no way they’d act that way” because they were all characterized so well as trauma survivors.
- the only things I was like ehhh about were Kenji being a climber (since when??) and Ben having a girlfriend 😂.
- I loved that Darius was living on his own and brand was calling a ton because he was worried about him. Because Darius has only gotten MORE independent, his way of dealing with this problems is having alone time and doing things himself. I LOVE THAT AGGHHH.
- I was disappointed kenji had a new voice actor tho. He didn’t necessarily do a bad job, it was just really distracting for me.
- Not with Brooklyn though, I didn’t notice at all, I just thought Jenna Ortega was going something different now that Brooklyn is older. Her voice actor did so well. I loved all the layers I felt in all the flashbacks.
- One thing tho, I would’ve loved it if Brooklyn was actually dead (although the way they handled it made me REALLY believe she was dead, and I was pretty positive she was alive for most of the show)
- I love brooklyn!! But I do think killing one of the main characters would’ve upped the stakes more. But all of the drama and new dinos did that by itself. I felt on the edge of my seat the whole show!
- I also liked that Brooklyn and Kenji broke up. Might get some hate for that but it’s true. I never shipped it. But this show actually did make me like the ship more if that’s insane. Because I do think the dynamic of “we’re both jokingly egotistical and we bring out each other’s worst sides in a silly way”. I also think kenji needs happiness.
- And while I’m disappointed Ben has an off screen girlfriend, hopefully she shows up as a character later. Or they at least break up so he can have his bisexual king moment (go cry about it)
- I would also love mateo’s daughter becoming a character later, like her being a part of Brooklyn’s secret crew to take down the DPW etc. I don’t usually like the new characters super late in a series, but because of the way they’ve hinted at these characters, it makes me want to see them.
- I think she’d be a hacker or someone like Brooklyn just cause of what we’ve been shown of her.
- One thing I didn’t love, was not getting to see a complete wrapped up conflict. Like, kenji and Darius got better but mostly cause the action distracted them from getting to be genuinely hurt. And ESPECIALLY Sammy and Yaz’s conflict, although by Yaz helping her breathe it did kind of solve the conflict without words. But that’s just me.
- I also thought that Ben should be a lot less well adjusted. He’s had A LOT of trauma throughout the show, basically breaking his entire original archetype and replacing it with a new one. His whole character development was going from being scared and being a burden, to getting immensely used to hurting and living in the wild just to survive. When I originally thought of how he’d be out of the island, I thought he’d really struggle getting into fights to solve his problems, (like when he got into a fist fight with kenji) and being a little too wild for “civilization” (school, work etc.) and not fitting in. We also don’t really know why he’s not in college anymore. Did he graduate? Is he taking a gap year? We saw him in a dorm and it’s only been six years. Wasn’t he like, 15 at the start of the show? Well, I guess he would’ve graduated by then, but idk it depends. We actually have a lot of loose ends I want to be explored, like where is Sammy’s family? Why don’t her parents talk to her anymore? Is it cause she’s gay? I thought she had siblings?? Idk.
- tldr, I want ben to have more violent tendencies because he can’t work through his emotions. Not everyone heals in non harmful way 🤷‍♀️
- also cause I want his pyromania to come back idc if it was a facade to protect himself.
- That’s why I liked it so much when Darius said “I don’t chase dinosaurs anymore, just one…” BECAUSE IT INSINUATED HE WANTED TO KILL A DINO WHEN HES A DINO LOVER. Him not liking Dinos as much would’ve been badass but also out of character I guess
- it also made me think of that meme from totally spies “I don’t want to kill all the world! Just half! THE MALE HALF-“
- but omg this made me realize… if his boss that he talked to during that scene was talking to Brooklyn this whole time… if brook asked how Darius was she could’ve told her about how bad he was doing and Brooklyn wouldn’t have been able to tell him at all that it wasn’t his fault.
- although… I’ll be real with u… it totally was. When we found out WHY he wasn’t there? Eyah it was his fault 😭💀. I know that’s horrible it say and if I was him I would’ve done the same (just cause it’s awkward and he wanted to give her space) BUT THAT WAS ALMOST INCEL-LIKE BEHAVIOR FROM HIM, WHAT???
- anyways I made a lot of jokes I might copy and paste in a reblog we’ll see
That’s about it for now. Thanks if you read this far.
@riftwirecrystal tag
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bonefall · 11 months
How are we feeling at the book finale? Because outside of the Sunbeam girlboss moment telling Berryheart just how bad of a family she was AND maybe possibly foreshadowing her rejecting Nightheart, I think we miiiight get some more Dark Forest cats than planned before :D (also I may be wrong but- didn't Podlight have children? Would he even be eligible as Medicine Cat in BB?)
Podlight's totally eligible in BB! He has no canon children and I didn't give him any. In BB there's also an interesting quirk in that Podlight is notoriously Mistystar's... not EXACTLY a good-for-nothing grandson, but a bit of a "fratboy" working through daddy issues. Is is extra funny for this cat to be a villain lmao.
Also: Better Bones RiverClan Family Tree
Anyway... my thoughts on the spoiler thread's ending. Mostly negative, unfortunately. I am really hoping that a lot of this is misrepresentation.
I've enjoyed every book of ASC that's come out so far, but if this thread is accurate, this is going to be the first one that I actively dislike. It sounds like there was a serious nosedive in quality.
ON THE ENDING; Park Cats, and The Berryheart Gathering.
Park Cats.
It is profoundly frustrating to me that we had TWO traveling books in this arc. Do they not know by now that traveling books are widely detested for a reason??
Frostpaw and Nightheart were AWAY FROM THE CONFLICT for most of this book, what the fuck?
The plot barely advanced at all. There's been one major conflict in this entire arc, the invasion of RiverClan, and we are 4/6ths of the way through without any other major battles. This is boring.
Riverstar is a major character through this bullshit, now with a magical perfect connection to Frostpaw through plot convenience so he can give her tutorial tips, because GOD FORBID we have a more grounded story for once. I'm so sick of DOTC fanservice. Was a super edition not enough?!
And speaking of Riverstar's Home, they pretty clearly ripped a lot of inspiration out of it. Frostpaw and Nightheart go on a journey with random human-related shenanigans before finding a cardboard cutout of a culture
I'm not gonna lie guys. I do not like the Park Cats. I HAVE TO SAY; It's a step in the right direction
They are not demonized. They are treated as good and legitimate. They are seen as having wisdom and living peacefully.
This is Good. This is Fine.
(im still kind of mad they needed riverstar to come save them back in riverstar's home, like every non-clan culture does apparently, but HOKAY fine ok it's fine)
They're boring. guys, they have one thing that is unique to them, and it's meditation. They live in perfect peace and harmony. there's nothing there.
It's easy to be a perfect, peaceful society if you have no conflict ever.
IF THE SPOILER THREAD IS ACCURATE, we don't see them address strife, how they DO handle disputes, what DOES happen when a cat engages in "criminality," or even really see what their spiritual beliefs are besides "meditating"
And that's why the idea of Frostpaw taking away a good lesson from living with them strikes me as so hollow. WHAT is she taking from them? JUST vague, quiet meditation?? Why couldn't Riverstar just magically teach her that?
It also bothers me that this culture is exactly the same as it was in Riverstar's Home. It's in stasis. Nothing has changed, nothing has grown, they haven't picked up new customs. They don't even seem to have their own history besides remembering that Riverstar showed up generations ago.
It's not a culture, it's a plot device.
I swear, I'm really trying to like them, but RH left this really sour taste in my mouth and them showing up again in this book has only made me more frustrated.
I AM happy that we're going to maybe start trying to address the violence of Clan Culture, but it is coming in the middle of a book where nothing fucking happens, and they're starting to fumble the bag on the xenophobic radicalization that I'd been praising in the past few books
And by that, I'm referring to...
Berryheart's Gathering
through the books so far, I've been praising the slow rise of tension coming from the radicalized members of ShadowClan.
I think the way that Berryheart and her little Concern Club had been slowly escalating in their bigotry and violence was (and remains) unironically fantastic.
We had started off with it just being a group to "discuss the issues," which evolved into active bullying and harassment, progressed into attempted murder, and we left off on the idea that Berryheart's Hate Group was planning something with RiverClan's murder party.
And we are reaching a turning point in that arc, the payoff of a long and well-laid escalation, with...
normal democracy.
berryheart and her supporters approach puddleshine reasonably with their concerns and intent to call for a vote to depose tigerheartstar. doing the thing the fucking code addition was made for
This comes AFTER Sunbeam has a Girlboss Moment telling off Berryheart for being a bad mom in front of the whole gathering and everyone claps, mind you, so this is clearly supposed to be the narrative's big "oooo consequences for Berryheart" moment
So anyway Berryheart brings up that they want tigerHeartstar deposed, and then Puddleshine's like "haHA THIS WAS A ROUSE"
"Actually I only told you i agree to point out how this code addition can be exploited over a disagreement with ONE issue!!!!1"
i just...
would Brokenstar training babies be One Issue? Would Bramblefake being a bully to his entire clan be One Issue? Would Leopardstar allowing Tigerstar to take over RiverClan be One Issue?
One Issue....
And MIND YOU I'm Pro-tigerHeartstar, actually, but the WHOLE fucking point of the rule is that you can depose someone who is not acting in the best interest of the Clans. Fym ONE ISSUE??
So anyway Berryheart is embarrassed in front of everyone, tigerHeartstar tells the group, "You're going to support me or get out of my Clan"
All of her supporters fall in line, but Berryheart chooses exile.
So Berryheart and her group isn't punished for the hate crimes, it didn't lead to anyone getting actually hurt, this faction of cats just settled back down and Berryheart alone was exiled for political opposition to occupation.
not the hate crimes
The hate crimes did not cause lasting damage, the radicalized group did not cause any violence at this gathering
Berryheart is exiled for political opposition to occupation.
The consequence she faces for the hate crimes was simply not having her son Spireclaw back her up because she caused trouble for Fringewhisker. Like it's on the same level as being a bad in-law and not ATTEMPTED MURDER BASED ON BIGOTRY
And tigerHeartstar, jesus christ
His consistent trait has been becoming unreasonable WHEN HIS FAMILY IS THREATENED. WHY are we tossing this out the window now?
I REALLY REALLY hope that the spoiler thread is misrepresentation, and tigerHeartstar didn't ACTUALLY exile her but said something like, "this is what we're doing. don't like it, leave. you don't have the votes"
SO FOR NOW; I'm going to reserve judgement on what the writers are doing with tigerHeartstar.
This seems like the exact sort of thing that may be worded in an inaccurate way
But that said,
I'm beside myself with disappointment in this turn of events. Why is this about legitimate political proceedings? Why did they make the CULMINATION of this arc about bigoted violence and radicalization a legitimate, peaceful attempt to use the process THEY JUST ADDED, FOR THIS EXACT PURPOSE?
Anyway, then it ends on a cliffhanger
Podlight claims to be the new medcat, pointed out as just being a political maneuver, to appoint Splashtail as the new leader.
Frostpaw watches on in shock and thinks about how bad it is that a murderer is now in charge of RiverClan, and how no one would believe her if she told them all now
I sure hope the next book contains something worth reading. like a fight or something. in the battle cat series. in the arc where theyre trying to say something about violence.
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Because I'm Bored:
Where do I rank in terms of MCU Loki Apologism?
Things I think Loki was justified in doing:
1. Killing Laufey-For all he knows, this was the man that abandoned him to die from exposure. This is revenge in its purest form and ALSO a way to show his loyalty to Asgard and Odin. And based on the original script, Loki was illegitimate and an unwanted runt abandoned to die (I also think he is not fully Jotun, and I think this played into WHY he was abandoned).
2.Lying to Thor about Odin’s death and his banishment-Loki just discovered he is a Frost Giant, like the ones Thor swore to kill, has been shown to have killed at the slightest provocation, and Asgard thinks of as monsters. Making sure Thor does not return is self-preservation. As a closeted person, I find the idea that Loki should have told Thor or known he would understand, ridiculous.Have you all not heard of living situations with bigoted relatives with a history of violence?
3. Nearly killing Thor with the Destroyer-Notice his previous attempt to keep Thor away did not involve violence and would have sufficed if Thor’s friends had not interfered… Say you have a brother that hates people like you, with a history of violent behavior towards people like you, and with the ability to fry the fuck out of you or smash you into puree with his magic hammer. Would you like to have that brother around?
4. Impersonating Odin and sending Odin to a retirement home-It’s self-preservation. Frigga’s no longer there to plead for his life. And I find it hilarious he was the only one to give Odin a taste of his own medicine. GOOD FOR HER! And how the fuck would he have known about Hela? Odin had been able to break through Loki’s magic, but he just decided to chill on Earth for some reason, and dump Hela’s existence on them.
By the way, I saw an interesting theory that Odin remained on Earth to strand Hela on Midgard so that she’d lay waste to Midgard instead of Asgard, but Loki calling the Bifrost changed that, ironically saving Earth and dooming Asgard. Technically, that would mean Loki unknowingly doomed Asgard, but I am not mad. How much like Odin to shuck his problems away for others to deal with.
5.Escaping from the TVA the first chance he gets. Self-preservation.
6. Being the Villain. Technically, that’s the TVA’s fault. They’ve pruned Lokis whenever they veer away from their ordained path. LOL I feel like Villain PR saying this and I am laughing my ass off. And although it’s for shits and giggles, it’s technically true in the MCU?
Loki’s not justified in:
1. Letting the Jotuns in for shits and giggles. I have seen way to many people claim it’s because he cared for Asgard, and that’s bullshit. He was jealous of Thor and he has no qualms sacrificing others (like the handful of dead guards and Jotuns) to fulfill his plans.
2.Attempted genocide of Jotunheim. Self-explanatory. He was only wronged by one Jotun, not the entire realm, and even if the entire realm had wronged him, genocide is NEVER a warranted option.
3. Cutting Sif’s hair. That’s just unnecessarily cruel. I headcannon he likes to sabotage relationships.
4. The attempted betrayal at Sakaar. Not sure what was going on through his head at that point. I think he got angry because Thor compared him to Sakaar, which he actually hates, and seemed to have given up on him. Or does he think keeping Thor and himself on Sakaar will keep them safer because they won’t confront Hela? I will go with a bit of both. I could DEFINITELY go into Villain PR mode and argue he was justified in trying to keep Thor “safe” in Sakaar because the Revengers didn’t really have a plan other than “go back to Asgard and try to fight Hela and die trying”. But I still don’t personally think it was “justified.”
5. Stabbing Thor. I just included it because it’s not justified based on context, since it came out of nowhere. But I would not use it to condemn how “Evil” Loki has ALWAYS BEEN in those posts complaining about Loki’s woobification. I would need more context on how grave an injury that would be for Asgardians. Is it some typical childhood game/fights wound? Asgardians survive being Hulk smashed, the void, impaled, and a freaking Neutron star. A stab seems like a slap in comparison. It has the same level of justification as slapping your sibling in the face when you were a kid. Unjustified, but not a big deal.
Things I am on the fence about:
1. Whatever the fuck happened for him to end up with Thanos. It’s unclear how much was him and how much was the mind stone, coercion, or some other kind of mindfuckery (there are altered memories (being yeeted by Thor into the Void rather than letting go) and that scene with the Other implying threats, past torture, psychic pain, or future torture). I think he wasn’t exactly innocent nor entirely willing. I think he saw Earth as his brother’s ant farm that he will fuck around with out of revenge, he approached Thanos willingly, but then the Black Order gained too much leverage and control on him, and the situation snowballed out of his control into an avalanche.
Another head-cannon I have is that Loki actually died in the void, but was brought back from Hel. He was willing to do anything to avoid returning there, and it’s why he made sure to try to die in battle in TDW and IW. The need to avoid Hel cultivated a fucked up sense of gratefulness and vulnerability that was exploited by the Black Order (maybe I will write it sometime). I think this because him and Thanos talk too much about resurrections and dying multiple times. Either of my Head cannons imply threats and therefore coercion, even if the Word-Of-God mind stone influence is not involved. But we also don’t know the how and why Loki ended up with Thanos.
2. I don’t think I can blame him for Frigga’s death. I know he blames himself, and he definitely had some malicious intent when giving directions (not towards Frigga). Giving someone the directions to the stairs shouldn’t exactly change much? It’s not like he plotted with the Dark Elves and disabled Asgard’s defenses. The elves were tracking the Aether and would have found it eventually, and Frigga was protecting Jane and willing to sacrifice herself for Jane. Frigga’s death is more on Jane for being reckless and fucking around with unknown phenomena without a scrap of PPE or caution, becoming a mcguffin for the film’s entirety. Jane has the common sense of white people from horror movies. Woman has no braincells. There, I fucking said it.
3. I don’t know how to feel about the opening scene in IW and I hate it. I just think it was a terrible plan and a waste of character development. And we don’t even know if it had any significant positive effects. It was both self-sacrificial and selfish nonetheless. Did it keep Thanos from killing more Asgardians? Did it only save Thor, and was that the only thing Loki cared about? If so, Loki sacrificed the entire universe for his brother. Very in-character, but it was a waste of sacred timeline Loki.
Things other people were justified in:
1. Heimdall being suspicious of Loki and attempting to behead Loki as the king regent. Heimdall was suspicious of the blind spots in his vision. Who can hide from him? Loki. And then he caught Loki quite red-handed.
2. I don’t know why Thor gets so much shit for not knowing what’s up with Loki in Avengers, and I doubt he could help him or that Loki thinks he would or could help him in the first place.
3. The Hulk giving him the ragdoll treatment. It’s hilarious and the best part of the movie. And I mean, he did wreak havoc in NYC.
4. Thor electrocuting Loki in Ragnarok. Loki was about to betray Thor. And again, they are pretty hardy. Loki survived the Hulk, the void, and impalement. Enough said. Could this have ended horribly for Loki? Of course and there are wonderful DEAD DOVE fics about it.
5. Sylvie being angry after he broke the Tempad and got drunk. Self-explanatory. How the fuck does this ever get called “abusive”? They both could have died because of Loki's tomfoolery.
6. Sylvie killing HWR and sending Loki away. It was not “abusive”, she’s barely known Loki for IDK how long. Compare that to having a goal for millenia. And she sent him away because she didn’t want to kill him.
7. Sif kicking him ONCE like it happened in the original timeline because he cut her hair. Self explanatory, and kinda eye for an eye. But what the TVA did was just cruel and unnecessary (and basically torture).
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chaifootsteps · 9 months
so many people on Twitter are mad because of the leaks but like are we really surprised? Vivziepop leaks her shit all the time bc she can’t keep her mouth shut.
She literally showed off the Hazbin’s true villain, Roo, in 2019. She is allowing people to watch the show a week early which will inevitably cause spoilers on Twitter and leaks. She even spoiled Lilith being the villain in the trading cards! Do we even need to bring up the fact that the trailer spoiled the entire season.
So yeah I don’t really wanna hear that people are spoiling it when Vivziepop is giving it away because she can’t stop liking peoples tweets and cannot shut up about vital details.
And while I am usually against leaking, I have to say Vivziepop deserves it. She’s fucked over every person who’s helped her so I think she needs a taste of her own medicine.
If she didn't want her former employees/current employees jumping the fence and sneaking into my DMs, maybe she should have treated them a little better than she did.
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shinelikethunder · 2 years
along with "i pine for butch!Margot but understand why the show did not want to fuck with those implications in a franchise riddled with transphobia," most of my other controversial Margot Verger NBC opinions also summarize to "this is... fine, surprisingly enough, even if there are ways it could've been much better or much worse":
the aggregate popularity of the "lesbian who sleeps with a man For Reasons" trope is appalling, and that's what makes it viciously funny that this show turned around and went "and it really was just for Reasons and neither of them caught feelings about it and neither of them ended up particularly happy about it and it was kind of shitty for everyone involved"
after hearing on the episode commentaries about the kind of romantic-subplot bullshit some of the other voices in the writers room were pushing for, i actually give Fuller and his specifically gay perspective on this 100% credit for the decision to do the trope but pointedly remove almost all of what straight dudes get out of this fantasy. "but he still got to sleep with her" yeah and when he found out about the Reasons it killed the appeal stone dead.
"fuck the way men always seem to get more interiority and emotional development" can be true At The Same Time As "it IS a reversal of stereotypes for the dudes to have a relationship that's emotional and sensual while the girls are just here to Fuck," especially when the yonic-kaleidoscopes sex scene is like. the opposite of titillating. the only gaze that scene is for is the gaze of someone who's on a LOT of fucking drugs.
but yeah the show is quite capable of implying a lot of character work in not a lot of screentime, so it IS a disappointing omission that we never really get Margot or Alana's feelings about either the hookup or the subsequent marriage of convenience, especially when they'd both be bringing a lot of baggage to it
like seriously, ~uwu soft wlw~ headcanons about how healing this relationship is for them are all well and good and consistent with what we're shown, but we're also shown two fucked-up damaged people having trauma at each other without gloves on, and i specifically want Alana's POV on sex where she's secretly being used vs. sex where she's being used overtly with a win-win proposition attached.
what Margot and Alana and Hannibal ultimately did to Mason would be pretty fucking unfunny if it weren't the final twist in an OTT Grand Guignol nightmare, wherein the solution to this guy's long history of sexual and reproductive abuse turns out to be a tiny taste of his own medicine. we're allowed to laugh at the villain getting it with a cattle prod because it IS a fitting twist in an OTT Grand Guignol nightmare. but like, spare me your "X would never" headcanons--all three of them would, and did, as soon as they had Reasons that made it a pleasing punchline with an effective payoff.
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bakusquad-assemble · 3 years
The Conference room
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Genre: enemies to “lovers”, but they’re both emotionally stunted and don’t know how to express themselves.
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x bratty fem!reader
Warnings: 18+ content, unprotected sex, slight exhibitionism, degradation, hate sex, Bakugou catching feelings
Word count: 4.7k
Description: Reader is a pro-hero tasked with working with her worst nightmare; Bakugou Katsuki. The two of them have never seen eye to eye, making it impossible to get anything accomplished. But when Bakugou jumps at her from across the table, things take an unexpected turn.
A/N: had an idea and ran with it! I’m a total sucker for enemies to lovers so I had to indulge! While this can be read as a one shot, I also wouldn’t be opposed to making it a series? Lemme know what you guys think! This is my first time writing anything like this, so please be kind.
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“God, you’re insufferable, you know that?” You rolled your eyes, falling back into your chair with an exasperated huff. There were a few things that you didn’t enjoy about being a Pro hero, like the long hours and the lack of privacy, but this absolutely took the cake.
Bakugou Katsuki, or Dynamight as he was known to the public, sat in front of you clad in simple business attire with the nastiest scowl plastered on his dumb face. The two of your agencies had found themselves working together due to an influx in connected crime, and it had been the absolute worst thing you had ever experienced. The two of you had never seen eye to eye in the best of times, constantly teasing and bickering whenever you were in each other's presence, but having to work side by side with the explosive hero was like pulling teeth without any numbing agent. The two of you just didn’t mesh well together, constantly fighting for dominance of the situation, and it made for a very tense working environment for everyone involved. You were currently in the middle of coming up with an infiltration plan for a big villain hide-out, and Bakugou kept fighting you at every turn. He shot down every single one of your ideas, but had not yet made one himself. He was infuriating, and you wanted nothing more than to just walk out of the conference room and never speak to him again. You knew that was impossible though. People's lives were at stake and you weren’t selfish enough to let your discomfort affect your hero work.
Bakugou clicked his tongue at you, only adding to your frustration.
“You’re one to fucking talk!” He snarled in your direction, his hands balled into fists on top of the white marble table placed between you two.
“You haven’t come up with one usuable fucking plan all day!” His words were like venom, corroding your patience with every syllable. He had to be joking.
“Do you really have your head shoved so far up your own ass?” You started, the prominent look of detest written on your features.
“If my ideas are such shit, i'd like to see you come up with a better one! Or is that outside your levels of expertise? Does that brain of yours even have a rational mode or is it all just explosions and violence.” You could see his eyebrow twitching in anger at your words, and for some reason that excited you beyond belief. You loved getting under his skin, giving him a taste of his own medicine. It was cathartic in a way, watching him squirm.
“What the fuck did you just say to me?” He spat viciously from across the table, his fists banging on the surface like an overgrown toddler throwing a tantrum. This time it was you clicking your tongue.
“I rest my case. I should have known working with you was going to be nothing but hell. Some pro hero you are, can’t even make a simple infiltration plan without throwing a fit.” Bakugou growled loudly, and you couldn’t help but akin his behavior to that of a feral animal.
“Will you shut the fuck up!” He seethed, but you were unfazed. You simply leaned back in your seat with an excited grin, crossing your arms over your chest as you did so. You weren't sure why arguing with the explosive man gave you such a rush of adrenaline, but you needed more. It was as if his words of resentment were a highly addictive drug, and you were itching for your next fix.
“Aww what's wrong, can’t handle a little bit of criticism?” Your confidence rang through the air like gun fire, piercing and tearing at Bakugou's skin. He was heated, you could tell by the way his pale skin flushed and how the faint smell of caramel assaulted your senses as he let off a few pops of his quirk in his fists. If you hadn’t known the man in front of you, perhaps you would have been intimidated by his crude actions, but you knew Bakugou would never lay a hand on you. No matter how heated your arguments got.
This certainly wasn’t the first time you had argued like this, it happened to be a recurring theme for the both of you whenever you were in the same room, but today something felt different. The tension laid heavy between you two, tangible, but it was laced with something you couldn’t quite pinpoint; A warmth pooling in your stomach.
“I said shut the hell up!” He screamed, standing up from his chair in a huff. You had pushed him too far, letting your teasing nature get the better of you as it had been known to do. Yet, instead of dropping it, moving on with your work, you persisted. You poked the bear once more, but this time in a way that surprised even you. You locked eyes with his piercing crimson ones, rising from your chair with formidable authority. Your chin tilting up ever so slightly as you spoke, letting the warmth in your stomach take over.
“Why don’t you come over here and make me, Dynamight”
Bakugou froze, and you couldn’t help but smirk victoriously. You knew the teasing tone would be enough to fluster him, to shut him down and win the argument so you could get back to working in silence. What you weren’t expecting was the way his breath caught in his throat, or the fervent blush that crept up his neck and consumed his features. And you certainly were not expecting the way your face reciprocated immediately upon sight. The palpable tension consuming the two of you, and the realization hitting you like a ton of bricks. It was not the feeling of complete and utter disdain that always lingered there, but instead something far worse. The warmth that had been bubbling in your lower abdomen was now yelling at you, and you couldn’t help but wonder if that feeling had always been there, simply lurking under the guise of hatred. Your eyes took in his features with a new glazed expression, subconsciously nibbling at your lower lip as you did so. The way you could see his heart hammer in his chest made you question if he was feeling the same sensation you currently were.
Your mind didn’t have much time to process that thought however, because within an instant Bakugou was throwing himself at you from across the table. His mouth on yours in seconds and his hands gripped at the back of your head to hold you tightly into the kiss, as if trying to relish in a fleeting moment. It was like a shock wave of intensity took over you, throwing all caution to the wind, and you found yourself kissing back with unexpected heat before you even had time to think. He slammed your smaller frame against the cold concrete of the office wall and you couldn't control the small yelp that slipped into his mouth. He had no idea why he was doing this. Why did your words have such an impact on him? Whatever had possessed him in the moment seemed to have taken hold of you as well. He wasn’t expecting you to kiss back with such fervor, in fact, he was fully convinced he was going to earn himself a solid punch to the mouth. But that wasn’t the case, and it made him question if those flirtatious and subtle sexual nuances had always littered your vocabulary, or if it had been a heat of the moment thing for you as well. One thing he knew for certain was that he had always found you enticing. The way you quipped back at him with ease, moving through his words as if you were bullet proof. His insults never penetrating your perfect complexion. And the way you would smirk at him, it was intoxicating. The way you knew just how to get under his skin. He hated it, and even though he’d hate to admit it, he loved it so much more.
His rough and calloused hands kept a firm grip on you, finally getting a chance to enjoy that perfect frame up close and personal. Your hands tangled up in his ash blonde locks, pulling at them roughly and putting space between your mouths so that your lips were just barely hovering above his lower one. Even still he could feel the delicious grin that overtook your features at the involuntary whimper that escaped his lips from the lack of contact. It wasn’t long before he was pulling against you to initiate the kiss again, and you did nothing to stop him, allowing him to dive back in and devour those sweet and supple bruised lips of yours once more. God, how he had always wanted this. He let his pelvis grind into yours, his hand finding its home on your hip to pull you in closer, forcing a moan to creep its way out of your throat. He wasn’t sure what had come over him; repression, pent up sexual tension, pure feral instinct, but he just couldn’t control himself. Especially not when such a lewd and sweet sounding moan cascaded from your lips like that. He had to have you now.
The faint noise of the lock clicking behind him rang in his ears like one of his explosions, and he found his head whipping in this direction of the noise as if expecting to see someone witnessing something they weren’t supposed to. Instead he saw the faint golden glow of your quirk, and upon rounding his eyes back to you, saw everything that he needed to know written on your features. You had locked it over his shoulders using your psychokinetic quirk. He chuckled darkly above your lips, before swooping back in hungrily, taking your actions as a nonverbal cue to continue. You couldn’t get enough of his taste. The sickly-sweet sensation taking over your senses, and by the way he kissed you, you could only guess you were just as intoxicating to him. Your hips moved on their own accord, desperate to feel his hard cock rubbing against you through the slack of his pants, but you could feel the resistance from the blondes firm grip on your hips. You needed more of him, wanted to get rid of this disgusting heat inside of you. You knew he noticed how much you ached for him too, you could sense it in the way his ego grew in his chest with every movement. He was always so perceptive, and you hated that about him. How dare he be able to control you like this. Have this domineering hold around you that you most certainly did not allow in your daily life. You never took his shit. Never put up with his bitching. Yet here you were, horny and writhing in his grasp, desperate for his twitching cock to fill you up.
“What’s the matter, princess?” His husky voice cut through the room. The teasing nickname you detested grating at your senses and finding a new feeling bubbling up deep inside your abdomen. God, you fucking hated him.
“Don’t have anything else to fucking say?” He ground his hips against yours again, eliciting the same noise of wanting to come crashing around the two of you. You tried your best to suppress it this time, not wanting to give him the sheer satisfaction of knowing just how much he had you under his spell right now, but the noise forced its way out as a high pitched whimper. You felt the way his cock twitched against your heat, only adding to your sheer desire. Your head fell back against the wall as you bit harshly at your lip. How could you be so weak for this man that not even ten minutes ago you absolutely despised with everything in your being. He took that as an answer.
“Did I finally find a fucking way to shut you up, dumbass?” He whispered into your ear, the soft wetness overtaking your senses and filling you with pure adrenaline. His hand gripped at the hair on the back of your head like you had done to his only moments before, exposing your neck so that he could trail rough kisses down to your collarbone. Biting and nipping at the soft skin.
“If you want my cock so bad, beg for it. “ It was like a light switch had gone off in your brain at that very moment. You couldn’t let him win, Let him talk to you like this. No matter how much it made your juices pool in your panties like some kind of whore in heat, you couldn’t let him embarrass you like this.
“In your dreams, you fucking pervert.” you spat viciously, a salacious smile biting at your features. Bakugou's head rounded to meet your eyes, an interested smirk over taking his features.
“Huh? What did you say to me?” The venom was tangible, but it did nothing to deter you from spitting back again. This time the smirk on your lips growing into a confident one, even through your ragged pants of need.
“I said...in your fucking dreams. “ putting emphasis on each word He growled into your skin, vibrating your body with his raw and feral rage.
“You fuckin’ brat.”
You knew you had just signed your death warrant but you didn’t care, in fact, it only aroused you more. You needed to feel him inside of you. You needed the release. It was as if the room was spinning and the only thing that was keeping you grounded was the aching between your legs. The desperate need to feel something. You felt his grip grow tighter on you and before you knew it your face was pressed up against the cold wall in an instant. Bakugou's hand laid on the back of your head, gripping at your hair and pushing your face against the concrete, the other tightly locked on your hip, keeping your soaking cunt up against the hard bulge in his pants. You felt your body buck against it subconsciously, sending another shockwave of pleasure pulsing through your body, and his.
“You’re gonna pay for that.” He hissed into your ear. The hand that laid in your hair coiled itself around your neck, squeezing ever so slightly as he brought your head closer to his. You let out a slight gasp, but still a smirk laid ever present on your face.
His free hand made quick work of your soaking panties, pushing them to the side under the hem of your pencil skirt. One of his thick digits slipping against your wet folds before situating itself inside without much warning. Even with just his finger you felt so full. The warmth from his hand radiating inside of you and only aiding in your pleasure. Bakugou couldn’t help the noises that escaped his mouth as he worked your pussy with his fingers. The way your walls clamped around them and left them completely soaked only made his need for you grow.
“God, youre so fucking wet for me.” His breathing was erratic, greedy. He had been overcome with lust that he was barely registering what he was saying. Normally situations like this would absolutely fluster Bakugou, or just straight up never happen. Bakugou was always so focused on his hero work that hookups were few and far between, and certainly never quite this passionate. A quick fuck with no return call and that was it. There was just something about you that made his head spin. You were always a challenge, never backing down no matter how brutal his berating and instead firing back at him with such confidence that it caught him off guard more often than not. Sure, it was so infuriating, but he had a thing for strong women. So everytime you spit back with that ungodly sexy smirk of yours, the fire in Bakugou only grew. He never thought he’d see you like this though, never imagining that he would be able to make that pretty little mouth of yours moan out for him, but he had certainly spent countless nights alone with his hand gripped around himself at the very thought. He quickly added another finger as he pounded them into you, causing you to gasp out in pleasure.
“ Yeah, you like that? You little slut.” You shut your eyes tightly, feeling the embarrassment overtake you as your head nodded against his hand like the greedy slut you were. Normally you would never accept words like that to come out of a man's mouth toward you, but there was just something about the way Bakugou said them that had you reeling with anticipation.
He curled his fingers inside of you, toying with your sensitive spot ever so slightly. Did you really think a simple nod was going to satiate his need for praise? He was going to tease you until he got what he wanted.
“What was that?” He smirked against the skin of your neck, nibbling roughly at the sensitive skin. You felt your body jerk against him, sending his fingers deeper into you. You bit your lip hard to suppress the moan that overtook you.
“Just fuck me already, Katsuki! ” you whimpered, his first name feeling foreign in your mouth. You were growing impatient, and even though your words came out as a command, you knew deep down it was desperation. The embarrassment rampantly flooded through your body, turning you a deep shade of pink, but you pushed through it. You couldn’t keep letting him play with you like you were some toy, you had to take what you wanted any way you could. You needed to cum, and you certainly weren’t going to do it on his fingers, no matter how good they felt. You needed the real thing.
“I can’t take it anymore, just fuck me!” You reluctantly begged, trying to look anywhere but at the man behind you. You could feel the shock rush through Bakugou's body at your words, clearly taken aback for a second at your bluntness and hearing his name spill from your lips like that. A wave of determination flooded through his system. He was going to make you scream his name so everyone in the office could hear it, even from the confines of the soundproof meeting room. He quickly let go of you to fiddle with his belt buckle, but you didn’t dare move to look at him. Instead you found solace in rubbing your thighs together. The friction keeping you high, keeping you blind to what was really happening. To the fact that you had just begged Bakugou Katsuki, the biggest piece of shit you have ever met, to fuck you.
You felt the tip of his cock trace your sweet hole for a second, and you braced yourself for agony. You thought he was going to relentlessly tease you, break you, find some way to have you squirming in his grasp and begging again, but instead the feeling of him bottoming out in you quickly overtook all of your senses. He was surprised he had even lasted this long in the foreplay if he was honest. He needed you, needed to feel the way you felt around him. He had fantasized about this for years, what it would feel like to finally have you in such a compromising position, but he was in no way ready for the sheer bliss your walls brought him. You had him reeling. He grunted aggressively against your skin, not moving inside of you as if to take in this sensation. Who knew when it would happen again, or If it would happen again.
“Fuckkk” he whined, and somehow his words alone had you aching for more. If you thought his finger had you feeling full, it was no match for the size of his cock. You couldn’t help but rock back onto him, rotating your hips in a way that had the both of you moaning.
“Katsuki” His name dripped from your lips again like the words sweetest song. There was something about the way you said his first name that had him teetering on the edge. It was so sweet, like honey trickling down the curves of your lips, begging to be savoured, and like hell he was going to deny himself that sweetness. Even if he knew he would probably never get the chance to taste it again. He wasn’t going to miss this opportunity to pound you into oblivion. He pulled back for a second, his dick sliding out of your entrance and leaving you with a longing and empty feeling after being so full only a second ago. Your eyes widened, about to whimper out in distress at the loss, until the fullness came back to you forcefully. The roughness of his thrust sending your body bumping into the wall in front of you and causing a loud moan to escape your lips. Your hand quickly shot up to your mouth, covering it quickly in the hopes that no one had heard you. You felt Bakugou snicker in your ear, pulling your hand roughly away from its place over your mouth, his hot breath panting heavily onto your skin.
“Let them hear you. Let them hear so they know who you belong to.” He spat out in between thrusts, head clearly spinning from the pure ecstasy you brought him.
“You wish.” you hissed, sending your ass into him to meet his thrusts. Bakugou grit his teeth in pleasure, cursing out under his breath. You were definitely right about that. You were the one person Bakugou knew he would never be able to truly control, but honestly, he didn’t want to. You were a force to be reckoned with, and an absolute powerhouse of a Pro Hero, and he admired you. Just as you did him, in your own little way.
Bakugou brought his open palm down onto your exposed ass with a grin, the pain of his warm hand mixing with the pure ecstasy of his cock and eliciting a sharp gasp from your lips. You felt your eyes roll to the back of your head, spinning from the sensation. Bakugou found himself groaning with every thrust, unable to force them down. You just felt too good, too addicting, and he needed more; needed to cum. His hand gripped at the back of your hair, pulling your head to the side so that his face was flush up against yours, his mouth inches from your ear. The sound of his erratic breathing and raw grunts of pleasure filled your senses immediately, making the warmth in your stomach bubble with excitement. You weren’t going to last much longer like this.
“Fuck” Your voice came out in a choked whimper, laced with blatant wanton lust.
“Like that, don’t stop.” You commanded, and Bakugou groaned in response. The grip on your hair tightened ever so slightly and you felt his teeth snarl against your ear, nipping at the exposed skin. He could tell you were close by the way your walls clamped around him, making it almost impossible to hold out any longer.
“Yeah” He panted in agreement, his thrusts becoming more unpredictable as he felt himself getting closer to the edge. It didn’t take much before you completely came undone around Bakugou. It was as if your body was floating weightlessly in space, a beautiful expanse of stars and colors blurring your vision, before gravity was quickly pulling you back down to earth abruptly, leaving your legs trembling from the impact.
Your hands subconsciously gripped Bakugou's, savoring in his warmth as you rode out your high around his thrusts, your head spinning with pure ecstasy and adrenaline. Bakugou buried his face into the crook of your neck, as if to hide the flush that had spread across his face from nonexistent eyes. Watching your body tense and shake around him had to be the most gorgeous thing he had ever seen in his life, and that was exactly what sent him over the edge.
“F-Fuck” His voice quivered against your skin and you felt his grip grow tighter on your hips, pulling you back into his pelvis to burry himself deeper within you. If you weren’t currently trembling from your own climax, perhaps you would’ve stopped Bakugou from coating your insides, but in the moment you didn’t seem to care. You felt your walls clamp down around him once more, desperately taking everything in without any fear of the consequences it might hold. Bakugou didn’t pull away from you, instead leaving his body flushed up against yours as the two of you attempted to regain your composure.
The room was silent, aside from the panting that still hung close to your ear. The primal lust that had just engulfed the two of you was quickly replaced with confusion, and the room was suddenly too silent. Bakugou pulled away from you at last, and his warmth that had enveloped you just two seconds ago now completely dissipated. You weren’t sure why, but you missed it immediately. It just felt so right, brought you so much comfort, and that very thought alone scared you. You quickly pulled yourself off the wall and rounded to look at the blonde man behind you as he fixed himself up. His face seemed to mimic yours, and you weren’t sure whether or not that was a good or a bad thing, but for the moment it brought you solace. You let out a shaky sigh before straightening the hem of your skirt against your reddened thighs. You could feel his eyes on you, like lasers burning your skin. You quirked an eyebrow up at him, trying your best to muster a smirk while your fingers worked tirelessly at untangling your hair that Bakugou had made a mess of.
Bakugou felt his voice rise in his throat as his eyes finally met with yours once more, he had so many questions; what was that all about? What does this mean for us? Can I take you out for dinner? but all of those questions died in his throat before they made it to his lips. The shake of your head deterring him from letting them out. You didn’t want him to say something he was going to regret, something stupid you say after the high of an orgasm. You weren’t sure what exactly that would’ve been, but you liked it better this way.
“Don’t, your stupid voice is what got us into this mess in the first place.” You tried your best to keep your voice even, calm, as if none of this had shaken you to your core. As if he wasn’t still lingering inside of you. As if you felt absolutely nothing from that encounter. Just another meaningless hook up, that was all. Or at least that was what you tried to tell yourself. You watched as Bakugou’s eyebrows furrowed, as they did whenever you spoke, but this time it felt off. Laced with something different. It would take you a while to pinpoint that exact feeling, but it would come to you nonetheless. When you were alone in your bed late at night, thinking about the way his eyes glistened, and his body tried to stay steady. Hurt.
You moved towards the tall blonde with a false sense of confidence, though to the unsuspecting eye you never faltered. Your delicate hand moving up to the tall blondes cheek and patting it roughly. The curves of your lips forming into that smirk that Bakugou loved detested so much.
“Leave the planning to me, I don’t really need your help anyway.” Your eyes locked with his for a moment, before you felt the need to break away. To slam the cover shut on those feelings that threatened to spill over the top of Pandora’s box. You sauntered past his form nonchalantly, your hips moving in a hypnotizing form that had Bakugou unable to peel his eyes away.
“Just remember...” You started, turning your head to look at him from over your shoulder.
“Meetings in the conference room are confidential.” And with a wink, you quickly turned the handle of the door and made your exit, needing to get away as quickly as possibly so that you could breathe once again. Bakugou still stood at the center of the room, confused and finally at a loss for words. He had no idea how any of that had just happened, or why he felt a heavy pang in his chest as he watched you leave the room seemingly unfazed. But there was one thing he knew for certain, one thing he was determined to do now more than ever; he was going to make you his.
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palbabor-writes · 4 years
I’m on the Dabi side of Tumblr again might as well contribute to it with my filthy mind! Let’s give that burnt sexy bastard some nsfw head cannons of him having a thicc s/o that throws back the bullshit he gives her and also edges him before he loses it on her. Give him a taste of his own medicine 😌
ooooh. hi. you’re speaking my language, nonnie.
one disgruntled villain, extra crispy & hold the sauce, coming right up
warnings: NSFW, 18+ only, handjobs, edging, overstimulation, derogatory language, degradation, femdom
Tumblr media
You’ve been meaning to fix that lock
Who are you kidding? 
Even if you fixed it, he’d still find a way to get in
His unnaturally warm hands are cupping and pressing at your curves
Dipping into soft skin and tweaking, pinching, pulling
As he passes, his staples snag on your shirt and you turn, already grumbling
“Stop. That’ll be the fifth one you’ve fucked up this month.”
“Shut it,” he groans, rutting his clothed hips against your ass, hissing as your thighs split for him, ripe and wanting
You wriggle out from under his arms, sealing your tacky, slicked, legs together. Denying him and ignoring the throb that your pussy makes when you catch sight of his eyes
They’re so goddamn pretty
You hate it
Yeah, you hate, hate, hate that cerulean 
It’s otherworldly, it’s flickering, sharp, unrelenting and you despise the power those haunting irises grant him 
The power they grant him over you
God, even now, you can’t help but reach for him
Your fingers tangle in the lapels of his tattered jacket 
Yanking him to your parted mouth
His mismatched lips drag and scrape and you suck hungrily at the battered flesh
“You’re not supposed to be here, Dabi. I told you to stop doing this. I told you I don’t want this. I don’t want you.”
“You- mmm- fuck you. What a pretty little liar you are. You like it. You like that I wanna’ touch you. That I can’t get enough of this...fuck–’ 
‘This juicy skin of yours. You’re so fucking soft and you’re such a slut for me. I bet if I tweaked your clit, you’d cum all over my hand. Yeah, you fucking like this. Why lie?” 
Your teeth nip at his broken, burnt, skin and he grunts, his hands bracketing around your hips, kneading the opulent flesh as he gets a good purchase, tumbling you forward
Perched on his lap, your hips automatically grind down, tucking that hardness you find against your panties, passing the chilly, dampened, fabric along your clit 
“Look at you,” Dabi taunts, leaning away from your shining lips, his teeth gleaming. “Such a hot little bitch. Just say you want my cock, doll. I might– ah. Oh– you fucking little cunt. Don’t– mmm–”
Your fingers have skillfully unhooked that double pronged belt he likes to wear and your hand is already slinking downward, under the elastic of his boxers, squeezing the scalding heat of his cock
“Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t quite catch that last thing you said,” you scoff, watching as his face contorts into a snarl, his hips bucking into your palm
“Awe, and I thought I was the slut? But wait, what’s this...” 
You slide the top of his pants down, lifting the heavy length of him free, admiring how the moonlight catches against his flushed cock
The gleam of his piercings are brightened by the precum that you’ve extracted from his reddened tip
It slips down the steps of his Jacob’s ladder, pausing on each rung before gliding to the next, helped along by your bobbing hand
You lick your lips at the sight of him and you arch a brow at his parted mouth and flushed face
“Look at that,” you breathe, sumptuous thighs lifting from him. “Does that feel good? Do you like when I stroke your needy dick? Hmm? Come on, Dabi. Talk to me. It’s not like you to be at a loss for words. To be so fucking speechless.” 
He growls when you lean closer, your lips tracing along the outline of his upper ear, tongue lapping along the metal he’s pierced into his mottled skin
“Bitch,” he flings, his voice catching in his throat. “You’re gonna regret this. When I– ooh. Fuck, fuck. Do that again. You– ah– yesss.”
Your fingernail has wiggled under the curve of his Prince Albert ball and you give the warm metal a sharp jerk
Dabi’s hips follow the movement and a fresh line of precum bubbles from his slit
It’s hot, too hot
But you’re used to these overheated states of his and you only let out a tiny hiss as it scalds the top of your hand, gooey and trailing
Using the extra lubrication he’s so generously provided, you return to those loose, lazy, not enough, tugs. Ignoring his sputtering indignation 
“No. Fucking– No, (Y/N). That’s not...goddamn it...harder. Give me more, you selfish...fucking...”
“What?” you question, nuzzling your nose against the dip of his shoulder, lapping at the tiny expanse of clean, unburnt, skin you find, nestled under his clothes
“Whattt,” he mocks, head turning toward yours, butting against your temple and knocking you off his saliva dampened skin. “Stop acting fucking dumb. What a joke. I don’t know what the fuck you think you’re playing at. Trying to...trying...to...mmm...”
Your fingers are clutching at the base of his tip, squeezing until he’s a dark, swollen, red
Dabi’s head falls back and his booted feet brace into your mattress, trying to shove himself into that tight fist you’ve made
“Uh-uh. Not so fast,” you smirk, pleased that you’ve worked him into this bristling desperation. “I thought you wanted it a little harder? I’m only trying to give you what you want. After all, I’m just a dumb little slut, right? So whadda’ I know? If you’re wanting something a bit more specific, it looks like you better fucking ask, huh?”
“Fucking bitch. You fucking– I–I’ll make you wish you’d never done this. I’ll break you for this. Smash you to bits, like the trash you are. Ohh– fuck, doll. That’s it. That’s it. Yes. Such a good slut. My fucking slut. God, babe. Fuck, yes.”
Your teeth sink into the shivering bob of his neck and your hand has picked up the pace, slicking over his straining cock until all you can hear is his hitched breathing and the squelching pounding you’re exerting over him
He’s close
You know him well enough to feel that searing rise and throb of his length
He’s just about...yes...there
Once that heat hits the middle of your palm, you release him, scooting away from his writhing and arching form
Denying him that blaze of release
Oh, he lets out the most delicious, hurling, gasps for you
His cock, now neglected and so, so hard, fumbles out a tiny, premature, discharge of cum
It’s milky white and it stains those dark pants of his with a splattering of blank color
Dabi’s nose is winkled, a pale speck against the pink of his flushed skin
You bite your lip and wait, curling your legs, ignoring the quiver of your plush skin and lowering a hand to your soaking panties, edging the fabric aside to rub, easing that burn within you
His eyes flash open and they fix you with a rough glare as a wicked grin spreads his lips, cracking at those first few staples, revealing the puffy pink flesh that lies beneath 
“Oh, doll,” he whispers, hands already busy, shedding his jacket and shirt
The planes of his burn riddled skin are finally bared to you and suck in a low breath
Yes. This is always your favorite part of the show 
When he strips himself down, revealing calloused patches and jagged cuts
And now, thanks to your efforts, he looks more unhinged than usual
His eyes wide, that leering grin stretching as he looks you over
“You’ve done it now, hmm?” Dabi continues, kicking off his boots and pants
His hands are on you, seconds later, cupping, grabbing, sulking in your bounty
He’s not going to be gentle
You’ll likely be covered in small bites and burns for days, fuck, weeks, to come
But, oh, this is gonna be fun
Notes: <( ̄︶ ̄)> 
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confused-stars · 3 years
For the sign au Aizawa has a clue connecting Oboro to Kurogiri but it will probably confuse him more than anything. Since Oboro is supposed to be dead??? He'll probably discuss this with Present Mic then try to investigate. Maybe he'll try capturing Kurogiri for answers though that'll be hard. Or maybe he'll search for info on Kurogiri, his history and such. He won't find much unless he manages to break into one of the Doctors labs, but those are hard to find. Or are they???
fear not, for i come bearing answers
this is a bit of a timeline hopping thing since the first part is after Shigaraki was captured and the second is after the Eri rescue!!
ko-fi link (✿◡‿◡)
He finds Hizashi on the roof. That’s the first surprise.  Shouta comes up here sometimes, because he has the destructive habit of picking at old wounds until they’re bleeding and raw again, but Hizashi has always been the opposite of that. It’s not that he ever tried to pretend Oboro hadn’t existed, but he did use to pretend his loss didn’t affect him nearly as much as it actually did. Hizashi was always pushing forward where Shouta lingered on the past. Maybe that makes him a healthier person.
Shouta clears his throat as he approaches, but Hizashi gives no indication of having heard him. He’s sitting at the edge of the roof, legs dangling and arms resting on the railing as he looks out over the UA campus. The view has changed so much since they were teenagers. Since Oboro was up here with them.
There’s about a million places Shouta would rather be at the moment, but this is a conversation that needs to happen. They haven’t talked since Shouta had All Might call up his detective friend and demanded he use his quirk on Hizashi so they could be assured he wasn’t the traitor. The vindication followed by pure hollowness of Hizashi’s gaze after Tsukauchi’s nod has been haunting Shouta for weeks now. There were no words that would have repaired the broken bridge between them, so Shouta decided to give it some time. That might have been a mistake, too. Them drifting apart has always been something that hurt both of them in the process. Hizashi would have likely much rather had a big yelling match and then hugged it out. But Shouta couldn’t do that. He’s been... punishing himself, staying away from his best friend. His ‘something’. His ‘maybe’.  Because it’s Shouta’s fault that he’s hurting in the first place. Shouta’s stupid lack of trust and paranoia. He should have never, ever doubted him, even for a second. There’s a ton of excuses there. How he was injured, how he’s traumatized, how he was always only trying to protect the students. How being cautious was the logical choice. The professional choice for a hero. But none of that actually matters, does it? Hizashi is Hizashi. That should have been enough.
Either way, that’s a problem for later. He has to prioritize right now. There’s something much more pressing, and that’s forcing him to speak with Hizashi even though he still doesn’t know how to even begin repairing their relationship. Shouta has always had this tendency of ducking away from personal conflict like this. It’s much along the same vein as leaving a cat behind in the rain. It’s the easier way, when he gets overwhelmed and doesn’t know what to do. He despises that cowardly part of himself. Usually, he can push it away alright nowadays. But that’s only because he has Hizashi and Nemuri right with him.
Nemuri has firmly taken Hizashi’s side this time, though it’s not like she’s showing Shouta the cold shoulder, either. She’s just fussing over Hizashi more. Which is fine. Shouta is the one who caused the hurt, and it’s not like he enjoys her fussing. It’s probably good that they’re not talking much right now, because Nemuri... that’s going to be another painful conversation.
Shouta sits at the edge of the roof beside Hizashi and gazes out over their school grounds. It still makes him feel nostalgic to be up here. He breathes.
“How was your talk with Shigaraki?” Hizashi speaks first. Of course he does. Even if his voice is carefully blank, void of the usual emotion.
Shouta grimaces and flexes his freshly healed arm. The burns weren’t deep, but they were still painful. “... enlightening.”
Hizashi glances at him over his sunglasses. “So you found out who the traitor is?”
That was one of the questions Shouta knows All Might and Tsukauchi asked and got no answer to. He shakes his head. “But I did find out where he learned my name.”
Hizashi says nothing, waits with a raised eyebrow.
Shouta has no fucking idea how to do this. It feels like there’s a lead weight stuck in his chest. He breathes. Almost wants a cigarette even though he hasn’t smoked in nearly a decade.
He looks over towards the dorms instead of facing Hizashi any longer. “He told me Kurogiri taught him. Apparently they’ve been together for a while.”
“Kurogiri?” Hizashi repeats, “But... then we’re back to square one, aren’t we? How does he know?”
It’s nice, to hear him say ‘we’, even though of course they’re still in this together, as heroes. As teachers at this school. But ‘we’ has always meant something different to them.
‘We’ used to be a team of three or, occasionally, four.
“Shigaraki went nonverbal because of the stress of the interrogation, I think.” Shouta has never been one to dance around the point, he’s more known for being brutally honest, but this might be his limit right here. It’s like stumbling through the dark and knowing there’s a fall coming up ahead. “So... he signed.” Hizashi says nothing, allowing him to sort out his thoughts, but Shouta can feel his eyes boring into the side of his head. Is Hizashi concerned because all this hesitating isn’t like him? He should be. That still would in no way be enough to prepare him for what Shouta’s about to say.
“He spelled it out for me first. Kurogiri. But then, when he wasn’t thinking about it, he used his sign name instead.” Shouta turns to face Hizashi, slowly moving his hands in front of him. He signs, very slowly and deliberately.
Hizashi stares for a second. Then he huffs out a laugh. “That’s ridiculous, Shouta.”
Shouta raises a brow. “Is it?”
The reaction was a predictable one, of course, but Shigaraki wasn’t lying. And how else would he have known?
“He’s dead,” Hizashi insists, shaking his head again, “There’s just... no way. His quirk wasn’t even close to Kurogiri’s!”
“Wasn’t it, though?” Shouta asks quietly, tiredly. “Clouds, mist, it’s all humidity.”
“Teleportation isn’t.” Hizashi takes off his sunglasses, rubs at his eyes. “Are you hearing yourself talk? You seriously believe this?”
Shouta knows that he’s bringing his walls up because denying the possibility hurts less. It’s an old pain brought back up that they both only just started to heal from. But they need to be facing this together. If they’re still afforded that.
“Noumu are creatures created by combining multiple quirks inside a dead body and reviving them.” At least those are the bare bones of the process that Shouta understands. A lot of it is confidential. Need to know basis only. He doesn’t want the details... except now, maybe he does.
“They can’t speak or think!” Hizashi throws up his hands. “And they don’t look like that.”
Shouta’s jaw works for a moment. He looks back out over UA. “Who knows what Kurogiri looks like underneath all that mist?”
Hizashi has no answer for that, apparently, because he just pushes himself to his feet. “This is... I... I need to go. Somewhere else. Work. I have patrol. Yeah, that.”
He’s shaken enough that Shouta knows he’s not completely rejecting the possibility anymore. It’s about as much as he could have hoped for.
Shouta leans his chin on the railing and closes his eyes. “Be careful out there.” He pauses. “... and I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have ever doubted you.”
Hizashi laughs, and it’s a bit bitter, but not as biting as it could have been. “At this rate, me being a traitor would have been a better outcome.”
Their conversation bears heavily on Shouta’s mind, even two weeks later when he’s doing his usual patrol across the rooftops. It’s dangerous to let himself get distracted like this. Not his style at all.
Shirakumo does that to him.
And Hizashi, too.
He has no idea if things will get better now or not. It would be... helpful to have Hizashi at his side for this. And he knows that, as a hero, he won’t abandon Shouta when it comes to capturing a villain. But as a friend? As... someone Shouta has hurt, deeply and recently? Maybe not.
To be fair though, Shouta was always the one pushing him away before. If this is what his own medicine tastes like, then he’s surprised Hizashi stuck around this long.
His capture cloth is hovering around his head even before the voice speaks up, his body tense and his mind... not as clear as he’d like it to be. But he knows the sound of these portals by now. He knows.
With one quick movement, he’s up from his perch on the corner of the roof and facing the shadowy figure that wasn’t there a moment earlier.
‘Oboro?’ he signs.
Kurogiri’s eyes flicker and narrow. “I didn’t come here for conversation.” He’s not signing, one of his hands behind his back.
Shouta doesn’t blink. He didn’t deny it, did he? Does he know? Shigaraki didn’t. Is Kurogiri able to keep secrets from him? “... but I need to talk to you.”
Against the backdrop of the night sky, it’s difficult to tell where Kurogiri starts and stops. It’s like he’s a part of the night itself.
Oboro liked the stars well enough, but he always preferred lazy afternoons in the sun. Shouta was the nocturnal one.
It’s all wrong.
There’s something that’s not even entirely human in the way Kurogiri tilts his head... if he even has a physical one underneath the mist. “There’s more pressing matters than the... tragedy of Shirakumo Oboro.” There’s a shudder going through him when he says the name, and part of Shouta wants to pounce on that.
If he’s still reacting to the name... then he must remember. And if he does... then he must be forced to help Shigaraki in some way. They already suspected something like that from his demeanor, but without being able to pin Kurogiri down for an interrogation, no one could be sure.
Shouta is, though. The most heroic boy he ever knew would never willingly become a villain.
He opens his mouth, but then Kurogiri is stepping aside, and revealing, behind him... Shouta freezes.
The child can’t be older than six, maybe seven years old. She’s wearing an adult size sweater that reaches past her knees, and her feet are bare. She’s trembling, her eyes big and red and filled with unshed tears that shine in the faint lights of the city below.
“This is Eri,” Kurogiri says.
Shouta knows. He’s been told about her, after all. He was part of an entire rescue operation that culminated in finding Chisaki near bleeding out in a room locked from the inside, and a missing girl. Now that part at least makes sense.
She was an asset. Did the League...? Would they? They’re not above kidnapping teenagers, but small children?
“We did not hurt her,” Kurogiri assures, and somehow he sounds almost affronted at the accusation that Shouta is sure doesn’t even show through the goggles hiding his eyes. “Chisaki took one of our own, so we decided it was time for his downfall. When I saw Eri...”
“You couldn’t just leave her behind,” Shouta concludes the thought. His chest hurts. If there needed to be any more proof, there it is.
Kurogiri makes a noise of affirmation. “I am a caretaker. I am not the kind of person who can leave someone in need.”
“An odd trait for a villain,” Shouta manages, then shakes himself out of it. Because he’s a hero and there’s a scared child.
Kurogiri pats Eri on the head gently and she seems to calm a bit.
Shouta takes a slow step closer, then crouches down, reaching out a hand. “Hello, Eri. My name is Eraserhead. I’m a pro hero.”
Eri looks up at Kurogiri. “... what does that mean?”
“It means -” Kurogiri’s voice is so, so gentle with her. “- that he’s going to help you and keep you safe. We’re unable to provide that kind of safety.”
“Oh.” Eri looks to the ground. “ ‘cause of what I did to the man with the burns.”
Kurogiri crouches now, too. “No. No, that was not your fault. I want you to remember that. And I do believe he will be fine, once he has calmed down a little. You did not hurt him. If anything... you may have healed him.”
Eri raises her gaze, eyes wide. “I... did? I didn’t hurt him?”
Kurogiri shakes his head. “He will be fine,” he repeats, “But your quirk is very powerful and we only managed to break the connection by using my portals in time, to create physical distance.” He stops himself, as if remembering he’s talking to a child. “... what that means is, you need to learn how to control your quirk, and with how powerful it is, Eraserhead is the only one I would trust with that.”
Shouta feels a little dazed. This is nothing like what he experienced from Kurogiri so far, but to be fair, he only ever experienced him on a battlefield beside Shigaraki. Is Shigaraki behind this, too? Is Shigaraki giving up on such a powerful asset out of... kindness? Human decency? Or does he simply not know how deep Eri’s powers supposedly go?
“I can stop your quirk if you ever feel like it’s getting out of control,” he promises, then looks to Kurogiri. A silent question, signed slowly in the dark of night.
Kurogiri signs back after a moment. ‘No repayment needed. This is for her.’
He hesitates. ‘Children like T-O-M-U-R-A should be safe.”
Shouta takes in Eri again. Big, red eyes. Blueish white hair. A powerful quirk. Was Shigaraki to All for One what Eri was to Chisaki? It’s possible. Even if Shigaraki doesn’t seem to see it that way.
‘Understood,’ Shouta signs, ‘I’ll protect her.’
Kurogiri nods and gives Eri a little nudge. “I suppose this is goodbye, then, little bunny.”
Eri swallows and bows her head politely. “I... will you tell them all thank you?” she asks very quietly.
Kurogiri seems to smile, in a way that’s more felt than seen. “I will. Perhaps you will see us again eventually.”
Not if Shouta has anything to say about it. But Eri nods and bravely closes the distance between her and him. Shouta pushes his goggles up so she can see his eyes, and smiles at her.
Eri clutches at her sweater and does not meet his eyes. He didn’t expect her to.
Another portal appears, and Shouta lifts his head. “... Kurogiri.” The villain pauses. “Contact me if you need to talk. It... can be on neutral grounds. Just a conversation.” It aches, to allow him to leave, but he has Eri to think of right now. And somehow, it would feel wrong to try to arrest him after all of this. After seeing him so gentle and caring with this traumatized child. Oboro always was good with children.
Kurogiri watches him for a long moment. Then he nods. “Take care, Shouta.” And he’s gone.
Shouta exhaled forcefully, feeling the tension seep from his body. “... come on, Eri. Let’s get you out of this cold.”
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winterwolf0916 · 4 years
Batboys with a Medium! S/O
Request: If you're still accepting Batfam requests; may I request Batboys having a medium S/O? It takes a toll on them if they witness things from horror movies A/N: Happy late spooky day. Also I apologize this is short. I felt really down today and I just felt so...sad for so many reasons. Anywho who cares... At the end of the day, there's a light at the end of the tunnel, right? Word Count: 1K
This man thought you were joking
A medium?
Yeah he fought aliens, atlanteans-
He was raised well enough to know to never fuck with Amazons. He knows they’ll kick his ass but they adore him like a little baby
-people, crooks, animal like people, and a couple of other beings that are just questionable.
Yeah he remembers a lot of horror movies with those sorts 
Yeah he went against some “monsters” who actually turned out to be people like an episode of Scooby Doo.
But come on, ghosts?
Oh how he ate those words
He was only brushing his teeth in his apartment until he felt the room go cold and saw a woman with a half ripped face appearing in the mirror.
-Was that Dick screaming?-
You sighed and grabbed your items for communication since you’ve figured the apartment was haunted for like a good 2 weeks
Dick tried to stop you from ever entering the room
He should’ve listened to you but nooooo
His jaw dropped when he barged in the bathroom to find you and the lady giggling.
Turns out she thought her relatives still lived here and she wanted to give them a scare
After that night he believed you and promised to never make fun of the paranormal ever again
You help him so much on patrols
You get visions of the future and warn him about secret plans from every single villain
“Aha! It seems like you have fallen for-why is my henchman in my trap?” 
-Cue Penguin hanging off of a building and police cars surrounding him-
On a special day, it was Dick’s birthday
You woke him up before the sun was out and pulled him to the couch
He was confused before you held his hands and told him to close his eyes before-
He sees his parents
He also communicated with them by your help
After a few hours, he was awakened from the couch and you gave a sheepish smile.
“Happy birthday.” 
“Am...Am I a ghost or a zombie to you?”
He was teasing of course. 
He died ok?
So of course he believes in the paranormal but he wouldn’t think they would do so much harm.
Until one night...
You pleaded him not to go out for patrol
Since earlier in the day you got a vision predicting how the night will go for Jason
He’s can’t miss patrol for the night he said
No reason to be scared of that warehouse he said
He’ll be alright, he said…
Please say sike right now 
As soon as he returned home, he was so shaken up.
Jason has always been so tough on the outside but this…
His walls were cracked open to the point where you could sense his dangerous aurora broken apart.
You were pretty angry at the spirits of what they did to your boyfriend 
He was trying his best not to act afraid in front of you and flinch by your touch
As he was fast asleep and you cleared away the bad dreams, you left to the warehouse and spoke with the spirits
Turns out those bastards were having a blast reminding him of the terrible trauma.
Oh was that how they felt?
You cracked your knuckles and gave those suckers a hell of vanishing.
How bad?
You caused a slight earthquake at Gotham Harbor giving those assholes thousands of punishments in various painful ways
Not a single soul decides to mess with Jason because of what happened that night
Like Dick, you and Jason would meditate so he could talk to his parents or his old friends.
He now believes you.
This man sometimes uses tactics to keep himself awake at night
Watching horror movies was one of them
It was a semi for believing
He would sometimes be paranoid for certain things
Like someone watching him
Then after he confessed of his paranoia, it was strange that he never encountered that feeling again.
-You scared off a spirit that has been haunting him for the past month-
You would remind him where his items are before he could even ask or notice they were missing
“You left your jacket at the library.” “Your keys are on the counter hon.” 
Or “Babe have you seen my-” You pointed at the closet while going on your phone.
There are times when Tim have to leave for patrol after countless of all nighters
Which is something ludicrous and dangerous because one slip up could cost his life.
And you being you, would sometimes expose who was the one holding masacres or the location of the criminal to Bruce.
Or ask a friendly spirit of yours to haunt a crook for a short while so Tim would get some sleep instead of leaving for the night and haven't slept for a solid five days
Making sure he doesn’t get nightmares
You would give him calming dreams and making sure he has enough energy when he wakes up.
-You debating with Tim that tea was better than coffee-
Him asking odd questions.
“Is mothman real?” “Huh?” “Yeah, you’re right that’s too extreme… How about werewolves?”
He’s too cute
In the beginning he thought you were pranking him but he slowly starts to believe you
“Beloved I told you I can’t-”
“Careful, you’re going to hit your face.”
“Wha-” the door slammed right on his face with full speed.
-Jason died that day-
Another time was when you were meditating while he was having trouble training
You helped him by asking a few favors from the spirits and the next day, his arm was better.
You were like Oracle to Damian during his missions. 
And his missions were pretty fast because of your visions
When one of his pets died, he felt so down for months.
So you did everything in your power to help him communicate with this deceased pet.
He felt better
Whenever your visions get intense and you start to get dizzy, he’ll always catch you when you go unconscious or fall back
You and Damian meditating together
Comforting him when he has nightmares and clearing them away
Damian pranking on Jon by using your tools for communication
When the Superson entered his room, there was a faint scream and sounds of furniture crashing. 
Damian was cackling as Jon came back to the living room and his face was pale
Boy, you were angry
You gave Damian a taste of his own medicine for a good 2 days before he asked -begged- for you to stop.
“Now you see how Jon feels.” “There’s a difference. I remained strong for 2 days while he couldn’t last five minutes.” “Ok then, I guess I could ask Benny to for a visit-” “L/n, put the Ouija Board down.”
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touya-is-dabi · 4 years
Well I have a question. Maybe Dabi has bad ptsd from his past same with shiggy what if Y/N helped them through with nightmares and ptsd attacks?
First of all...
This had me tearing up when writing it. I tend to imagine my OC with the two while I'm writing these and my God she doesn't want her two favorite boys to be sad anymore.
I hope you all enjoy these sad little stories.
Y/N helps Dabi and Shigiraki with PTSD/Nightmares.
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You were just barely dozing off on your boyfriend's chest. Listening to his heartbeat as some sort of personal lullaby when it started to speed up. That wasn't really too uncommon. The boy never relaxes. You lifted your head slightly and let your hands trace over his scarred chest gently. All it took was one look at him to know he wasn't doing well. He mumbled something in his sleep. He was just sleep talking right?
"dad... mm... it hurts-"
You felt your heart drop. His body squirmed a bit as if he was in some type of pain before his eyes shot open and met yours. You stared in silence before you saw the blood slowly rolling down his cheeks.
"Y/N... I-I can explain..."
You felt your heart break as you quickly got up to get a towel. You wiped off the blood carefully. Not yet having the courage to say a word. You shook your head and placed the towel down slowly before playing with his hair gently.
"Enji is an asshole... Huh bub?" You smiled warmly at him. Trying to hide your own tears as you felt him tense at your touch. "But, he's not here anymore Touya." You placed a small kiss to his forehead.
He stared at you with almost child like sadness in his eyes before nodding slowly. This was strange for him not to give out a quick comeback or insult to someone. He gripped onto your shirt. "Please stay-"
You only smiled and laid down. Moving him so that he was laying on your chest so you could play with his hair. "Lovely, I'd never leave you. I'd never hurt you, and I sure as hell would never leave you to deal with this all alone." Your voice was soft as you felt him start to relax into your touch. Carefully, you rubbed his back a bit as you whispered to him. "I've never met anyone quite like you Touya. Hero or villain. You really are something-" You paused as he kissed you softly. Something most people would find strange to enjoy considering his state. His lower burnt lip never had bothered you. You knew he tried to used chapstick and things to make it softer, but rarely did it help. But you can't fix something that didn't need to be fixed in your opinion.
"Y/N... I love you. I'm sorry if I don't express it or if I don't act like I care about you in front of them, but I do." His voice slightly cracked. He sounded like he was in so much pain.
You only smiled at him and kissed him again softly. "I don't need a daily reminder to know you love me Touya... Just promise me one thing."
He nodded at looked into your eyes. "Anything..."
You held him close and pressed small kisses to his temple. "If we have kids... Please just be a better father than your's."
He nodded and relaxed on your chest with a small sigh. "Sometimes, I look in that fucking mirror and see nothing but my father. I don't want to be him. I can't. He hurt my mom, my brother, he worked me so hard... My body couldn't handle the flames, but he didn't care Y/N. He just wanted someone to beat All Might one day."
You hugged him tightly, picturing a small Touya crying for help as his father stood over him, and felt your tears fall. "You never have to feel that way again Touya. You don't have to beat All Might. You don't have to be perfect. You don't have to be anything but my handsome man." You felt him bury his face into the crook of your neck as he cried. Gripping onto the back of your shirt as he did.
"I love you so much Touya. Never change. You are perfect just the way you are. No need to be something you aren't."
"Where would I be without you Y/N?"
The answer. Well, you'd never find out. :)
(I'm over here CRYINGGGGG)
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You couldn't help but watch when Shigiraki did something so mundane like taking a nap. Let alone taking a nap laying directly on top of you. He looked so utterly at peace and happy when he was sleeping. It brought a smile to your face every time you saw it. You couldn't help but play with his hair gently. Something the touch starved boy very rarely let you do. It's not that he didn't trust you, but he didn't trust himself. As you laid there silently, basking in the warmth and comfort of him sleeping, he started to whine and say small things in his sleep. You raised an eyebrow and watched the boy carefully. His whines soon turned to him crying a bit.
"Tomura are-"
"S-Shut up... Don't say anything..."
"But Tomura you are crying..." You watched as he lifted his head to look at you. His crimson red eyes meeting yours.
"I'm fine." He got up and made sure to stay away from you. No matter your protests.
It went on days that he wouldn't let you near him. You started to believe you had done something wrong. After a week you couldn't take it anymore. You pushed him into the storage room of the bar and blocked the door.
"Tomura! What did I do wrong!?" You couldn't stop yourself from crying as you stared at him. Your body was shaking as you spoke. "Just tell me and I can fix it! But just don't IGNORE me!" You broke into a sob.
He stared at you before looking away. "I'm fine. You are fine. I just don't want to... I don't want to date... I can't afford to lose-" He stopped himself in his tracks as he swallowed back his tears. "I can't lose you too. My quirk, it has taken away everything from me." He looked at you with his own tears flowing down his cheeks. "I can't let it take you too."
You stared at him and took a couple of steps forwards until he was held tightly in your arms. You felt his body shake as he cried into your shoulder. "When you were sleeping on me..." You held him closer and closed your eyes. "You had a nightmare... Didn't you?"
He only nodded and kept his hands off of you.
"Tomura, listen to me, you won't hurt me. Your quirk was so new when all of that happened. You had no idea what was happening... You've mastered keeping your quirk from activating. And even if it accidentally did activate on me, it's not like you'd have your hand on a place that would kill me..." You spoke softly as you played with his hair gently. Listening to him sob. You felt your heart break as you tried to comfort your lovely Shigiraki. You didn't want him to hurt anymore. You just wanted him to be happy. You cursed silently at All for One for making him so broken. You promised silently to yourself you'd pick up every piece of this boy until he was okay again.
"Why couldn't they just stay away?! Why did they come near me!? I killed them all Y/N! I didn't know what was happening! I was so fucking scared..."
You pulled away to hold his face. You made him look at you. "You. Were. Six." You wiped his tears gently. "They were all dumb for coming near you when your quirk was so unknown and new..." You took his hands carefully and moved them so he was touching you. Almost as if it was second nature, Tomura lifted his middle finger from touching you. You smiled a bit. "See? You won't ever hurt me Tomura. You know how to control this all now."
Shigiraki nodded and sniffled a bit before watching his hands closely. "Still... One mishap, and I'll lose the only thing in my life worth fighting for..."
You felt your heart melt. Sometimes the villain surprised you with how sweet he could be. You pulled him into a kiss. You've never minded his lips. You knew it was all cause of allergies. You've tried to help him with the scratching, but he hates chapstick. Something about it tasting like medicine. He still was a pretty good kisser. You pulled away slowly and looked back to him.
"You will never hurt me Tomura. I trust you with everything. Okay? I know you won't hurt me."
He nodded and hugged you tightly. Closing his eyes and sighing deeply. "I'm sorry I avoided you..."
You shook your head. "Love, you were living in your head and fears... You weren't really in control."
He gripped onto you and pulled away to look into your eyes. "I love you Y/N... I know I've avoided saying it because I didn't want to admit to myself I had someone I was afraid to lose."
You stared at him and smiled brightly before pulling him into another kiss. "I love you too Tomura."
He held out his index finger for your to link your's with. You gladly accepted and walked out into the bar with your fingers linked together.
That was a talk... That was much needed for the boy. From then on he wasn't as afraid to be near you. He'd shout that he loves you from across the bar before going back to plans or his game. His nightmares slowly grew few and far apart the more you were with him. Which was just fine by you.
(These two boys just need love for the love of fuckkkkk)
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drxwsyni · 4 years
Willing ︱Yandere Dabi x f!Reader
@riarora asked: “Could you do yandere Dabi x reader where the reader is one of those people who reads yandere fanfic and knows almost everything, including how to get out, but she doesn’t want to, cause it’s weirdly her dream?”
a/n: ahh yes some good ol’ self awareness. thanks for the request bby, i really liked writing this!
warnings: violence, swearing, kidnapping, suggestive themes
(2.5k words)
It wasn’t hard to tell where Dabi’s intentions lied.
You’d spent more than enough time indulging yourself in mindless scrolling, reading piece after piece pertaining to a certain genre. One that in reality wasn’t the healthiest, but my god was it ever alluring.
Maybe you were lonely, or just apathetic to the red flags that this behaviour presented. Either way, the developing relationship you had with the man was one that you were all too familiar with.
At first it wasn’t obvious―you disregarded his actions as him shamelessly flirting. Dabi had a habit of pushing your buttons, getting you flustered and squirming under his gaze. You could tell he was enjoying himself, seeing what his words did to you.
Once he got bored of the verbal sentiments it moved on to something much more physical. An arm lazily draped around your shoulder, a grip on your chin forcing you to look at him when you turned away in embarrassment. He seemed to enjoy the temporary fear he placed in you when he came up behind you only to wrap his arms tightly around your waist, pulling you firmly into his chest. Every time he did it took you a moment to register the guilty party, but one glance down at the semi-scarred arms and you knew exactly who had scooped you up. If that wasn’t enough, the hot breath against the shell of your ear as he greeted you would do the trick.
If you didn’t know any better you would’ve assumed it was just his personality. The teasing nicknames and lingering stares could be seen as endearing for the most part.
It was when certain attributes bled into the relationship were you able to pick up on the motivation behind his mannerisms.
He had a temper―that much was obvious.
It was never a problem until you idly mentioned in passing conversation that you were saving up money to move away for college. He just...stopped. You thought he didn’t hear you, but not a moment later and he was laughing at you.
“The fuck do you need college for doll? You know that shit is a fucking scam.”
To be fair you never thought he’d have such a strong opinion. As far as you knew you were just some side chick he’d like to mess with when he was bored.
“Well I can’t just keep a dead end job forever. I’d like to move on eventually―meet new people, make better money, y’know…”
The two of you were at his apartment, your back turned to him as you made something to drink in the kitchen. You jumped slightly as one arm wrapped around your waist, the other coming to rest atop the counter in front to you.
His frame leaned into yours, your hip bones digging into the countertop. “What, so you’re just gonna abandon me for some shitty frat boys and student debt?”
The idea almost made you laugh. He was partly correct―the piling debt wouldn’t be fun, but you would have to deal with it just like every other student. As for the college hookups, well it wasn’t something you had actually thought about. You were feeling bold tonight, thinking that perhaps he should get a taste of his own teasing medicine. “Aw, you're not jealous of a few college goers, are you Dabi?”
The hand that was placed on the countertop came to drift towards your face, moving a wayward strand of hair behind your ear. “No need to be jealous of people who I know I’m better than sweets. Just worried about a pretty little thing like you getting hurt is all.”
You smiled at his concern, “I’m sure I can fend for myself, thank you very much.”
The grip on your waist tightened ever so slightly. “Can you though?”
“I don’t―”
“You can barely fucking handle when I mess with you.”
You turned around at the statement, slightly offended, coming face to face with his cold scowl. “Well maybe they won’t be as rude to me.”
At that Dabi’s lips formed into a smirk. “Oh, you think I’m being rude? You’ve got no idea what those little shits might get up to.”
His gaze was piercing, something you could never look at for a long time. You dropped your head slightly and averted your eyes to something else in the room to distract you. “I’ll never know if I don’t go, not like there’s much holding me back here anyways.”
The sudden feeling of Dabi gripping your chin between his thumb and forefinger was momentarily jarring. It forced you to look up at his as he spoke, his other arm still pulling you close into his chest. “So you’re gonna let a bunch of strangers put their filthy little hands all over you? Not sure I like the sound of that princess.”
The closeness flooded your senses with the smell of smoke and cologne. You tried to put some distance between the two of you, but the counter was still pressed firmly into your back leaving no room for escape. “I’m not saying that―I just don’t see myself having a future here. I’ve gotta move on eventually.”
He gave a laugh in response, but it was closer to an exasperated huff. “Nah, fuck that. College is a waste of time, and I’m all the goddamn company you need if that’s what you’re looking for.”
“Listen, as boring as sitting through lectures sounds, I'll take it over my lame ass job any day. And no offence but you do tend to give me headaches with all the shit you put me through.” You made an attempt to move out of his grasp, but you were only met with him pushing you back into the counter quite roughly.
“You’re not going to fucking college.” He was still smirking, but the look in his eyes that was normally vibrant seemed...empty.
Well this wasn’t the turn of events you were expecting.
You liked to think you were a strong person, but his persistence in the matter was unnerving to say the least. “That’s not your decision to make.”
He laughed at your attempt to sound confident, “I can do whatever the fuck I want princess.”
His cocky attitude could almost make you scoff, if it weren’t for the subtle feeling that maybe, just maybe you shouldn’t push him.
...But where’s the fun in that?
“Whatever, I’m sure you can find someone else to annoy.” You turned back around to keep working on the abandoned drink, leaving him to settle his hands on your waist.
“There is nobody else.”
That made you feel a little better, having assumed he only kept you around for entertainment purposes before moving on to something―someone―more serious. But at the same time it was concerning―what was so special about you to him? “Well that’s too bad, I’m not staying here because some asshole is lonely.”
Dabi appeared to be amused with your attitude, hearing the low chuckle from behind you. He went back to having his arms wrapped around you from behind, leaning the side of his head up against yours.. “Aw, you sure dollface? I’ve heard I can be very convincing, bet I could get you to stay somehow.”
You shook your head at his response, “Doubt it. You’d have to do something pretty big to keep me here.”
“Well, I do have my ways sweetheart. Just not so sure you’d agree with what I have in mind.”
Threatening, but not explicit.
“That’s comforting.” This time when you moved to escape his grasp he let you, drink in hand while heading towards the living room couch. You settled on to the worn out cushions, sending Dabi a glare as he used your lap as a footrest when he draped his body across the free expanse of the seating.
Without another word on the subject he chose a movie, letting the room fall into a peaceful absence of conversation.
It was only in your nature to reflect on that encounter with the scarred man, given your expanse of knowledge in regards to the certain kind of behaviour he briefly held.
To be honest it was the first time he showed any real commitment to your questionable relationship. The first time he made it clear that you were his sole focus.
It was nice, but you couldn’t help but pick up on the red flags.
He was a villain. An extremely powerful one at that. He’d mercilessly slaughtered countless people―surely that had some effect on his psyche? If there was any evidence for that, it was this. Nobody with his history just implies something so vaguely ominous without being serious.
But you would never know how serious he was if you didn’t do a little more prodding on the subject.
Just to be on the safe side, you didn’t tempt him with anything that’d make him specifically pissed over one person. If he truly was the person you thought, then you’d have to avoid being the reason he killed someone.
Instead, you took the passive route.
By now you’d given him your phone number, or rather he forced you, saying he would stop teasing you if you did so. Of course he didn’t stop, but that was behind you now.
After that night he seemed a little more...insistent. Usually Dabi wasn’t very talkative, but now he’d taken a liking to keeping up with you through text.
Sometimes it was just idle conversation, but it always had something to do with what you were doing: where you were, who you were with. The talks were still short, but he made the point to ask nonetheless. It gave you the perfect opportunity to push his buttons.
You wouldn’t answer him right away, or you’d be vague with your responses to his interrogative questions. The endeavour to irritate him did little at first, but the more you persisted, the more he got attached to you, the demanding side of his personality started to bleed into your life.
He’d get angry with you for ignoring him. Dabi wouldn’t obsessively spam you with texts―no, he preferred the few he did send to simply disturb you into replying. Warning you that this wouldn’t end well for you. That he knew you were ignoring him. That he’d make you regret acting so stuck up.
Should you have heeded these blatant warning signs? Abso-fucking-lutely.
Yet as time passed and he only got worse, the more you wanted to see just how far he’d be willing to go.
In hindsight, the idea wasn’t the best. You really were going to move away for college, start a new life, maybe meet that special someone.
But Dabi had other plans.
As much as you thought you were being delicate with his temper, his destructive practices proved that everything you had done to avoid violence was in vain.
You should have seen it coming.
He could’ve killed you―should’ve killed you―but he knew this was what he needed. You were what he needed. And the prospect of watching you slip out of his grasp wasn’t something he was ready for. But you were ready for it, and that was the problem. 
So Dabi smoked you out of the only place you could call home, along with destroying anything that’d keep you living with any semblance of independence.
The putrid smell of burning materials and, what you prayed wasn’t searing flesh, was the first to hit your senses. You were awake at the ungodly nightly hour the menace chose to send your apartment complex up in flames. If it weren’t for that you were convinced you would have perished in the fire. But Dabi probably planned for that, much like he probably planned for you to be forced out of the only exit that wasn’t being slowly cremated.
Out of the back exit and right into his arms, all the while you were still choking on the air that was riddled with deadly smoke just a few seconds ago. But he didn’t care, not when he had to stifle your screams with his hand, his other arm wrapped around your lower half, pulling you away from the complex where emergency first responders wouldn’t find you.
He let you look at the building that was gradually succumbing to the devastating effects of his quirk. You knew why he was doing it, but it still scared you.
“You see baby, this is what happens when you don’t listen to me. Take a good look at it, cause you’re never fucking comin’ back here again.” His voice was devoid of empathy, but why would he care in the first place? If anything, he was having fun with the matter.
It was your fault, you’d forced his hand. He wanted to be patient with you. Let you come to him.
But no, you had to piss him off. You deserved this for how much you put him through.
Maybe it was the lingering effects of the smoke that was making you lightheaded. Or perhaps the constricting feeling of Dabi’s arm wrapped around your throat. Realistically, it didn’t matter which was the final nail in your coffin. Soon enough you were passed out, body limp and defenceless in his arms to do whatever he pleased.
And so, when you finally came to, your predicament did not come as a surprise.
A chain wrapped around your ankle, secured firmly into the floor. You laid haphazardly on a bed in what you already knew to be Dabi’s old, fairly run down apartment.
He didn’t bother to wait for you to wake up, just leave you alone in the cold room to figure out what had happened.
But you were very aware of the situation.
This is what you wanted, right?
You pushed him. And now he was pushing back.
Out of pure instinct you gravitated towards yanking at the chains, doing anything to loosen them. Only after a few minutes of doing so you remembered just how you’d done your hair that day. Nothing special, but adorned with a few bobby pins.
And yet, when you removed one to pick at the lock, you stopped. Out of curiosity you taught yourself how to use the makeshift key to open such a device, but what was the point?
He’d only track you down if you got out. And judging by his character he wouldn’t be against some less than comfortable forms of punishment. It was clear that he wouldn’t hesitate to burn down anyone or anything in his way either. 
And when you spent so much time tempting him to do exactly this, why would you ruin it?
It wasn’t healthy, but it proved how much you meant to him. In an equally disturbing and endearing way, he cared about you. More than anyone else had cared about you before. College plans be damned, you could settle for this at least for the time being.
So you put the pins back in your hair, laying back against the firm mattress.
You didn’t entirely know what Dabi had in store for you, but that made it only the more intoxicating.
Eventually you heard the telltale heavy footsteps approaching the locked bedroom door.
You should’ve been scared. You should’ve been fighting tooth and nail to escape your bindings. But as the sound got louder, and the locks on the door shifted open, you could only think of one thing.
It was dangerous, but you still wanted to know the extent of his pent up desires. And subsequently, how you had to play your cards to reveal these traits without getting yourself or anyone else killed.
But no matter what happened, you wanted this.
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sincerelybubbles · 4 years
patience || eijiro kirishima || bnha
pairing: Eijirio Kirishima x Reader
summary: Kirishima lashes out and says more then he should, but nothing can’t be resolved with some space and eventual cuddles
wc: just under k
warnings: resolved angst, slight language 
Kirishima knew he was only lashing out because he had a long day. That’s why he had avoided you within the small confines of your shared apartment, but you were so persistent and now he had said the one thing he knew would hurt you the most. Tears streamed down your cheeks as you stood in shocked silence, staring at him with your mouth slightly open. 
He knew he should call out your name, reach for you, say he was sorry, do something, and yet. . . shame filled his chest as he turned around and raked his hand through his hair, feeling pieces of hard strands between his fingers despite already having washed his hair that night. 
A headache was blooming in the base of his neck as he heard you walk away. It broke his heart more to know that you hadn’t said anything back. He had crossed the one line he promised himself he wouldn’t - it was something huge for you to even tell him, and now he’d thrown it in your face just because he was tired from a long day at work.
Frustration bubbled in his chest as he let out a long groan, storming across your shared room to the punching bag in the corner. 
He let out his day, slamming his fists into the bag over and over, not caring that he had already showered, or that he wasn’t really in workout attire. He would go into the living room and beg for the forgiveness he was sure he didn’t deserve when the fire in his chest quelled. For now, he would take out his anger in a healthy way. 
An hour later, Kirishima was drenched in sweat, his heart was pounding, and yet he felt the tension leave his shoulders. The weight of the day was finally lifting off of him, and he had just taken medicine for the pounding in his head. Ice flooded his veins at the memory of his harsh words to you, and he wasted no time pushing open the bedroom door and making his way into the living room where he expected you to be sitting on the couch. 
Except, the couch was empty.
His stomach sank at the idea of you cooking in the kitchen, despite his harsh words. Quickly, he walked into the kitchen, already announcing that he was sorry and that he would cook. But the kitchen was empty.
As was the hall bathroom, and the hallway outside of the apartment.
Panicked, Kirishima threw the sheets around for his phone that he knew he tossed on the bed earlier. It fell to the floor with a satisfying thump and Kirishima dove toward the noise, finding his phone slightly under the bed and lacking in texts or calls from you.
His fingers shook as he unlocked his phone and pressed your contact. The red heart that you put next to your own name glared up at him as he lifted the phone to his ear.
His heart felt like it was beating incredibly slow, too slow, as his listened to the phone ring. Surely, he was drowning because he felt like he couldn’t breathe.
Right before the line clicked off, someone picked up. He heard shuffling and someone breathing, and he was sure you were off somewhere, caught by a villain, and he hadn’t even noticed because he was so selfish and arrogant-
“Kirishima-kun?” That wasn’t the voice of a villain. Kirishima strained to listen to the background of the call, hoping to hear you, even for a second.
“Mina-kun?” He breathed out, “Where is she? Is she okay?” Mina sighed and suddenly, Kirishima’s heart was beating too fast, not too slow. He let out all of the breath in his lungs, slipping from his crouch to fully sitting on the ground, overwhelmed by anxiety.
“She’s fine, she’s with me.” Kirishima let out jumped thanks the moment those blessed words left Mina’s mouth.
“When will she be home?” He asked hopefully, “I need- “
“Look.” Mina cut him off. “I only answered because she told me that you’d immediately think the worst. She’s okay, she’s with me.”
Kirishima didn’t dare the breathe as Mina paused. Were you crying? He thought he heard a faint sniffle. There were the sounds of footsteps and a door shutting. All of the faint background noise disappeared, and Mina sighed.
“I’ve known you for a long time, Eijirio-kun.” Kirishima’s first name, something only you called him, made him snap to attention. “So, I’ll let you know that you fucked up. Give her space, give her time, she’ll be home. . . Just, probably not tonight, okay?”
Kirishima nodded, before swallowing around his dry throat, “Yeah, okay.”
The line went dead and Kirishima laid back, still holding the phone to his ear, as if somehow it would bring her to him.
Slowly, he felt his eyes shut as exhaustion hit him. He knew that she would want him to get up, to shower and eat, but he knew if he did that, he would cry. And, despite what she always told him, crying didn’t feel manly, especially when it was his fault that everything around him was falling apart.
He dreamed of their fight, over and over on loop. His harsh words echoed in his head. When he woke up on the floor, his back was stiff, and his phone was almost dead. Kirishima forced himself to stand and turn off the beeping clock.
His chest ached worst of all, it felt hollow and empty, and the pain only intensified as he realized that you never came home last night.
He moved through the apartment like a ghost, not making any sound as he got ready for the day. He wondered if you felt this lonely yesterday while he was ignoring you. The small apartment felt bigger than ever without you.
The traces of you, your sweater, the smell of your soap in the shower, the plates you picked out, mocked him. Screamed at him that he let one lousy day turn his words harsh. His mouth tasted sour.
He didn’t have to go into the agency today, he was only on call, and yet he forced himself to get ready as if he were going in. He put on his hero costume, feeling less like a hero by the second. Heroes don’t make pretty girls cry. Heroes didn’t let shitty days ruin everything. Heroes could fix things, not break them.
His face guard felt stiff on his face, and the gel he smeared through his hair made his hands feel almost too heavy to lift.
He couldn’t meet his own eyes in the mirror.
Kirishima left the apartment, unable to bear the thought of it empty without you anymore. He patrolled the streets, smiling at people as they noticed him, signing papers thrust at him. This, he could do. He could force a smile and act like everything was okay. He could talk and make others happy simply because he had to.
It felt like every word leaving his mouth only worsened the sour taste he spent ten minutes trying to erase with his toothbrush.
Screams interrupted his conversation with a small boy telling Kirishima he was his favorite, and the young hero ran toward the noise.
The thief wasn’t hard to apprehend, and the adrenaline pumping through Kirishima’s blood made it easier to press on throughout the day.
He made his way back to the apartment well after lunch, his stomach feeling empty, but not hungry.
He kicked off his shoes and set the small bag of groceries he bought on the table before freezing at the sound of the shower. He ran through the apartment, feet slapping against the tile, slippers long forgotten. He threw open the door, calling your name and activating his quirk in the same breath.
Your head appeared from behind the shower curtain, hair wet and sticking to your cheek. His quirk deactivated as he looked at you, mouth slightly open, and eyes searching yours.
“There’s food in the oven, it should be warm by now.”
“Huh?” Kirishima couldn’t process this. Just last night he fucked up everything, you were gone, and didn’t come back last night. And now you were here, with soap on your forehead and were talking about food.
“You should go eat.” And then you stuck your head back in the shower. He could see from your shadow that you were washing your hair. “Eiji, go eat.”
Like a mindless puppet, Kirishima left the bathroom and made his way into the kitchen. He made himself a plate and sat down, looking at it.
What should he even say? What if you weren’t here to forgive him? Where you crying earlier? Your eyes looked puffy, but it could just be the shower.
Chopsticks suddenly appeared over his plate, and he looked up to see you holding them out to him. And, shit, you were wearing his shirt. It was one of his old tees that you claimed ages ago, but it was his.
He resisted the urge to grab your hand and kiss it, to beg for forgiveness, to show you how much he missed you, despite it not even being twenty-four hours without you. Instead, he gently took the chopsticks from your hands.
“Thank you.” He mumbled, ducking his head, and picking up some of the noodles on his plate.
He ate in silence as she put away the few groceries he had brought home.
“Are you going to eat too?” He asked, giving her a pleading look.
“I already did.”
There was deafening silence for a moment before Kirishima opened his mouth to do what he should have last night. Fuck it, he should have run to Mina’s and told her how his own words made him sick to his stomach, but he wanted to give you your space.
“I’m sorry you had such a bad day yesterday.” Your voice was so soft he barely heard it, but his eyes snapped to yours immediately.
“I should have left you alone, I shouldn’t have pushed you. I’m sorry.” Your lower lip was trembling, and he could tell you were trying your hardest to avoid his eyes. “I just wanted you to talk – to confide in me for once.”
“Babe, you really have nothing to say sorry for. I’m the one who messed up. I should have never – I knew that was a sore topic and I – What I said, I should have never said it. No matter how shitty my day was.” Kirishima stood and walked over to you and gently grabbed your wrists, bringing your arms to his mouth and placing a kiss on the back of both of your hands. “I’m really, really sorry.”
“I’m not upset with you.” You admitted, finally looking up at him. Your eyes were swimming in unfallen tears. He placed his forehead against yours. “I really didn’t mean to annoy you. Just, sometimes you act like you have to do everything alone, and you don’t have to. You can confide in me, rely on me.”
“I do, babe, I really do. Sometimes, I’m afraid I rely on you too much. You weren’t even gone a whole day, and everything was a mess.” He fought a smile as you scrunched up your nose.
“I would have come back last night, but Mina wouldn’t let me. I only left to give you a bit of space.”
“Please, don’t ever give me space again.” He mumbled, nudging his nose against yours.
You smiled up at him and nodded before lifting your chin to place your lips on his. He could have cried. You were being so gentle, so sweet. The kiss was slow and soft, everything Kirishima loved about kissing you wrapped up into one moment. And yet, he forced himself to break it.
“I really really am sorry. I crossed a lone I should have never crossed-“ You cut him off with another kiss, this one on the corner of his mouth.
“Already forgiven.”
“Still, let me make it up to you.” Kirishima searched your eyes, knowing he couldn’t forgive himself that easily.
“Can we watch the movie we were supposed to yesterday? I’ll make popcorn.” Kirishima nodded, feeling the tension leave his shoulders at the idea of holding you close on the couch. He’d be able to hold you close, play with your hair, and just be near you – everything he had been craving throughout the day.
“Yeah. I’d love that.”
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sapphireemeralds · 3 years
Dude, I'm super curious about your spicy Yugiho takes for the fandom post lol
You got it! <3
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most) - Yugi Mutou, my son, sweet bean, best boy, fictional light of my life!!! I AGGRESSIVELY adore this character, always have, always will.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped) - I could also put Yugi here, honestly (as the previous answer demonstrates, lol), but to mix things up and try to give a different character for each answer, I'ma say Mokuba! He goes from an awful little gremlin in his first few manga appearances to a disarmingly charming little brat for the rest of the series. Rock on, funky lil' dude. Also the style upgrade he got for Darkside of Dimensions was A+. The twins Lua and Luca from the 5Ds spinoff are also absolute darlings. <3
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave) - I have to go with Anzu/Tea for this, cuz I hated her as a kid but have really grown to appreciate her! She and Honda/Tristan may not be the most important characters to the plot, but they both have good heads on their shoulders and balance out some of the, uh... bigger personalities in the cast. Tempted to also put most of the 5Ds cast here cuz I. Actually love 5Ds??? And don't see it getting as much love or attention as some of the other series???? Maybe I'm just looking in the wrong places, I dunno. All I DO know is when the series first aired I was fully prepared to hate-binge-watch it, but I fell in love with it instead.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week) - There's this classmate of Yugi and co. in the manga, called Tomoya Hanasaki; he shows up in a couple of chapters where Yugi and Atem (the latter still a morally-knackered mess, more alter-ego than distinct entity) save his ass, and he's even name-dropped in GX as an easter egg, I think? But he completely disappears from the story after Duel Monsters hijacks the plot, and I think that's a damn shame. It would've been fun to see the main cast interact more with their classmates, make more friends outside their tiny little tight-knit group, and do more more normal teenager shit. Also! I have questions about Ushio from 5Ds, namely whether or not that's actually the same Ushio from the first chapter of the original manga... because if that IS the same Ushio, that has some interesting (i.e., HORRIFYING) implications for the timeline of the Duel Monsters-through-5Ds continuity and the fates of some of the characters from Duel Monsters and GX. Oof.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave) - Okay. Jounouch/Joey is a divisive, love-him-or-hate-him character, I know, and the anime did him dirty - not just the dub, the anime in general. Dude's actually kind of a badass. Imperfect, still annoying sometimes, but much more interesting than he gets credit for being. At least that's my opinion. Fully prepared for people to not agree, that's a-okay.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason) - Part of me wants to give Shadi a taste of his own cryptic medicine, but he's a little too powerful and also True Neutral to an extent that... unsettles me. Fucking with him would backfire badly, I'm sure. Fucking with Kaiba would ALSO backfire, because he has too much money and NO chill. Also... kid's got issues. Even if by some miracle Kaiba didn't retaliate, I'd feel a little guilty. So I'll go for the low-hanging fruit: Insector Haga/Weevil Underwood. Fuck that twerp.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell) - Oh, what's-his-nuts, Dartz, I think??? and literally the entire Atlantean biker gang from Season 4. Their greatest sin: being boring as hell, which is an unforgivable offense for villains in a series this goddamn weird. I know there are people who love Season 4 for the sweet, sweet angst it inflicts upon Atem, but I am most distinctly not one of those people. Nothing else about that season vibes for me, at all.
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sa-nddd · 4 years
first mcyt post! this is a dream smp one! let me know what you think :)
Dream SMP headcanons: being the villain >:)
basically, reader is the chew toy of L'manburg. everyone uses her, yet treats her like crap. she's tired of being a toy, and finally unleashes her power.
takes place in the dream smp
warnings: strong language, injury, manipulation, explosives, strong themes
not proofread, it's 5am on a school night and I haven't slept :)
gender identity: cis female, she/her pronouns, no use of name
she was tired.
days, months, years of being pushed over and treated like shit, how didn't they see it coming?
it started in L'manburg's fight for Independence.
She was passionate, wanting to do everything to help her 'friends'.
she gave them shelter, weapons, supplies, and care.
thinking back, all she sees is their faces in red.
fast forward a bit, the war was done!
celebrations nightly, and never was she invited.
she didn't mind, thinking they just were distracted and forgot to send her an invite.
she does live a few miles away, anyways.
then came Schlatt's takeover.
once again, she sent pogtopia crates of her weaponry and materials, only wanting to help.
only to get left by herself, preparing to defeat Schlatt on her own.
when she saw them all walk to the battle field together, she was torn.
Once again, she was left to her own accord, almost getting hit with DREAM'S arrows.
Techno, however, pulled her away.
The only person who showed her an act of kindness.
She fought with a new determination that day.
A few days after that fight, Techno heard a knock from where he was farming potatoes.
Looking up, he saw her standing on the bottom step of pogtopia's stairs, holding an ender chest.
she walked up to him, stopping a safe distance away before placing down her e-chest and opening it.
she pulled out a few things, three stacks of pink fireworks, a few wither skulls, and netherite blocks.
he looked at her in confusion, not understanding why she gave him so many things.
he refused at first, which made her confused.
everyone always took her gifts with open arms, why wasn't he?
when he asked her why she gave him such a expensive gift, she ended up explaining her story, how she was unknowingly being used for her materials.
techno was low-key pissed.
he'd keep her in mind, he promised.
fast forward a bit more, and the two became closer.
since then, techno has taught her everything she needed to know.
how she was manipulated, used, and a victim.
after realizing what techno was telling her was the truth, she decided to stop her generous ways, giving less and less things to her 'friends' and more towards herself and techno.
the two became close, bonding over being used and their power.
the two were a powerful duo, finding strength within eachother.
they were attached at the hip, techno not being this close to anyone other than Phil.
it was surprising, but welcomed.
techno would teach her his ways in fights, and they often collected materials together.
they basically lived together at this point.
he was soft
skipping forward to Manburg's last battle, they agreed on something.
anarchy was the best B)
jk, that they would do everything in their power to destroy every government they could.
As the battle went on, they stood with their backs together, protecting eachother.
as they confronted Schlatt, techno pushed her behind him, not wanting her in reach of the mentally unstable man in front of them.
as they walked to the podium, leaving Schlatt's body behind, the duo stood proudly next to eachother.
the first government they tore apart as partners, it felt great.
they watched, their proud expressions slipping into angry ones as they watched a new government being formed in front of them.
"The fuck?" she whispered out, following techno as he stood up straight, preparing to shout his next words.
she pulled out her ender chest, doing quick work of pulling out her soul and and wither skulls, as well as some xp bottles to heal her and Techno's armour.
as techno started his speech, she handed him the materials, splashing potions in preparation for the blast damage they might take.
then, the ground rumbled beneath them.
They reacted quickly, moving away from the explosives.
Techno pulled out his crossbow and fireworks, firing at any one he saw.
she stood in front of him, her shield up, blocking the debris and blasts from them.
once the explosions passed their area, they got to work spawning in a Wither each.
"You want to be a hero, Tommy? THEN DIE LIKE ONE!"
The withers took off, heads flying everywhere.
As she looked around, she met eyes with a few of her 'friends'.
trey all looked at her with betrayal and anger in their eyes, finally connecting the dots as to why she was being distant.
she just smirked back, causing them surprise.
Techno was done speaking, it was her turn.
"You know, I don't know why I wasted all those years on the wrong side, this is fun."
they looked shocked, not expecting the usually soft girl to be so evil.
"Does the medicine taste good? Cause it didn't for me.
Betrayal is a strange feeling, isn't it?"
"Being used doesn't feel nice. But hey, you live you learn, right?"
She stared them down, eyes glazed over with dark clouds.
"Y'know, I'm a strong believer in Karma.
I'd say Karma comes in different ways for everyone, and we never know what shape or way it'll come to us."
"However, I do know how it will come back to you."
The group let her words sink in, trying to fight off the withers roaming around.
"It's by me!" she chirped.
" and I know exactly how I'm going to do it!" she smiled, pearly whites showing.
"I'm going tear you apart from the inside. just. like. you. did. for. me."
After that, everything was a blur.
she doesn't remember much, only coming back to her senses when Techno pulled her to the lake, pulling out his trident, and passing her her own.
they flew away, going to pack their things and run away.
time skip a few days, her and phil quickly became friends, the same with ghostbur.
Her and Techno are settled down in a cabin far away, having everything then needed.
things were finally good.
She had caring friends, and nice home, and left her old life behind.
it was nice.
time passed, l'manburg with a new plan to take down Technoblade.
would that happen? fuck no LMAOO
Phil was under house arrest, Techno was taken by the butcher army, and she was pissed.
actually, pissed was an understatement.
she was stood behind Phil's chimney, peaking at the scene in front of her.
she wasn't afraid, she knew techno had a totem on him, as did she. (courtesy of sugar daddy dré)
However, that didn't stop her from jumping down and gripping onto Fundy's hair, pulling it back harshly and pressing her sword into his neck.
She wasn't going to kill him, she has morals, but they didn't know that.
while they were distracted with her, Phil tossed Techno a pickaxe.
He got free, pearling away.
Quackity noticed, running after him while yelling. the rest followed, leaving her unattended with Carl. She took Carl, waving at Phil and Ghostbur before riding back home.
Now, when she went down to the basement and noticed a misplaced block in the floor, she didn't think she'd find a human down there.
Especially Tommy.
Then again, that kid is always ending up in weird situations.
she dragged him upstairs, forcing him to stay put till Techno comes back from trading with the villagers.
while waiting, the two bonded over their experiences with manipulation, Tommy apologizing to her for what he did.
She forgave him, not blaming the young one for following in the adults foot steps. He didn't know better.
Boy, Techno did not expect Tommy and her to be laughing when he stepped in, but alas, it is what it is
Time skip the preparations, the day of the festival has come.
The three were sneaking around in invis pots, going over the plan multiple times.
That was, until she witnessed the Community House, or at least what was left of it.
She fell to her knees, the memories flowing through her mind.
It had been there since the beginning, something she helped to build.
kc when things were simple, no fighting, no war, just friends hanging out.
she remembers the nights where the ogs would stay up building it, sleeping in beds pushed up together.
just her, Dream, George, Sapnap, Callahan, Alyssa, and Sam, having fun, building and joking around.
back before the fight, when Her and Dream yelled at each other over something useless.
before she ran off to L'manburg, who hated her for her relationships with the opposing team, but kept her for her things.
Her invis pot ran out, her body appearing.
Techno panicked, trying to get her to drink another, but she told him it was fine, to trust her.
He hesitated, but turned his attention to Tommy. she snuck off, watching as people slow started swarming around.
tears fell down her cheeks.
she looked around, meeting eyes with Bad.
She ran to his open arms, crying into them.
This was the only place that she had happy memories at, before she met Techno.
The only place that kept her sane.
She let go of bad, turning to Callahan, who gave her a small, sad smile and pulled her into a hug.
She looked to the side after a few seconds, meeting eyes with George, who also hugged her.
she felt someone's arms wrap around her, and she turned around, meeting Sapnap's eyes, and leaning into him.
Finally, she turned to Sam, who was staring at the destruction with tears streaming down his face.
The two of them were the most attached to the community house.
She stumbled into his arms, both of them sniffling into their embrace.
They both kept their arms around each other, turing to the scene in front of them. As Tommy and Tubbo started fighting, she knew that's her sign to go back to Techno. she let go of Sam, meeting eyes with her friends, letting them know she'd be back.
she wiped her face, quickly gearing up before jumping down beside Techno. she joined him in splashing tommy with pots.
then things took a turn. suddenly, Dream has the disks, tommy is on Tubbo's side again, and Techno and her are pearling out of a mob.
She was out of it the whole time, the Community House affecting her alot.
she decided then, it's time to take revenge.
It was the day they were going to destroy L'manburg once and for all.
She was prepared, wither skulls and soul sand filled her pockets, stacks of tnt filling chests in the sky, the black structure towering over l'manburg.
She had a smile on her face, letting out all her stress and anger.
as l'manburg went down, she could feel herself feel more alive, more free.
She stood with Phil and Techno on top of the crater that was once l'manburg, laughing gleefully.
It was over.
The thing that caused he the most pain.
now that Karma has come collect it's dept, she can be herself again.
"C'mon, let's go home."
she smiled at Techno and Phil, wanting nothing more than some tea and sweets.
Her job was done.
for now, at least. >:)
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etheshadowlord · 3 years
Spoilers ahead for episodes 11-16. It's been a while I hope this post finds you...I don't know what state it will find you in but it could be Connecticut for all we know. Anyway, it's been a long time so I had to back up pull these out of the drawer and dust them off. I"ve mostly finished season 1 already at this point and started season 2 because the filler was getting to me and then I realized, life is far too short to get impatient. So time to slow down and reflect.
As well as subject ourselves to this madness.
Episode 11: No clowning around.
We start the episode off with Kimberly, Zack, Billy, and Jason at the Angel Grove Fair with Zack showing his hip-hop stilt dancing....yeah no it doesn't really work that well and he takes a short spill only to quickly reveal today's Villain, evil imposter clowns. Meanwhile, we see Trini bringing the kid of the day....her cousin.
Kids are cute, clowns are wholesome and nothing bad could possibly happen. Right.....so short fact I love clowns. I hate evil and monster clowns because they give the noble profession a bad name anyway whoever Pineapple the clown is, the clown council is probably greatly displeased with them.
Bulk and Skull enter the picture to tease the main team and get egg on their face. The eggs came from Billy attempting to juggle eggs on offer from the villainous clown Pineapple...Not sure but it's the thing today I guess.
So we get a segue to hearing the Gloriously Evil plan for her repulsiveness. Magical Pineoctopus that turns people into cardboard cutouts and....a...fake....fair? You know if magic stuff wasn't involved I would question how the fuck the police aren't shutting these stunts down before people get hurt. I wonder if there's just an "it's not my problem" field on these things.
So the monster of the week flattens Sylvia and the rangers convince the park goers to leave thus begins the fight. Meanwhile, Trini saves Sylvia with some water and then rejoins the Rangers in time to Put this clown down....for good. Okay, he's a fruit cephalopod but that's beside the point. End of the episode Vignette and we learn never to go with strange clowns.....or strangers period.
Fun: * * * - -
Rita: Mad
These Clowns: Failures.
Episode 12: Power Ranger Punks
We start this episode with a reminder that Baboo...
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This person is actually capable of evil as well. Though not skilled at the practice of monster molding, his specialty seems to be making potions. In this case, ones to make Kimberly and Billy into....Punks.
Meanwhile, Rita unleashes the Terror Toad while they try to figure a way to correct their friends' bad behavior. Through an antidote. It works they beat the toad with a well-aimed arrow to the mouth and save the day. Sorry Baboo, no villain star today for you.
Baboo: Great alchemist....also where'd you get the Rattlesnake Lips? Share your sources please and thanks.
Drinks: Don't leave open drinks Also don't drink open drinks if you're a hero. Even if it was fine earler.
Punk: Not dead.
Episode 13: Peace, Love, and Woe.
So we start off with both Bulk and Skull causing chaos and with Rita demanding Finster to make her....Madame Woe, who is apparently almost as evil as Rita herself. Huh... also love strikes when you least expect it. Billy ends up falling for Marge who asks him to the dance and...Marge gets mistaken for a Power Ranger.
Clearly, because Rita didn't give her loyal servant the proper intel. So yeah Marge and the rangers get zapped into Madam Woe's funky dimension of Woe where she is all-powerful and send the Blue Ranger back to beat her in One on One combat, Madam Woe is defeated and we get a vignette of learning....that Bulk stores his money in his shoe.
Knowledge: Cursed.
Fun: * * * * -
Woe: - - - - -
Episode 14: Foul Play in the Sky.
We start the episode by meeting Kimberly's Uncle Steve who is a pilot and a sleeping potion.
Rita, if Monsters can't kill the power dweebs then what about flat-out gruesome murder. In fact, why hasn't she just poisoned them with a deadly poison at this point? Is it the fact she wants to look upon them as they despair? Is that the game here?
Anyway, Steve is put to sleep and Kimberly lands a plane all the while Bulk and Skull are in the back passed out because obviously you'd faint hearing that the pilot is out like a light and you're probably going to die. Rita's monster of the week is a snake man thing that fires power-draining snakes.
The plane lands and Kimberly shows us some real archery skills with a regular William Tell signature move. And we end the episode on a light note of Shakes on Bulk and Skull.
Fun: * * *- -
Plane controls: * * * * -
Rita: Wanted for attempted murder through sabotage.
Episode 15: Dark Warrior.
So another family member makes a one-time appearance. Trini's Uncle Howard is a brilliant scientist. He even made an invisibility formula. And Bulk and Skull decide to pick on Billy for....quarters for a dumb arcade...game?
Actually, we've seen Billy do some really stellar martial arts so why is he putting up with this? Seriously?
Uncle Howard shows up and....isn't wearing his glasses as he's looking for his niece. So he dumbly puts the formula on the counter. This will cause trouble later I can tell. Also, Rita sends a new monster out to find this formula. The labeled Dark Warrior. Looks more like Camo with a scarf to me. I mean invisibility can also mean camouflaging.
So Dark Warrior being a sadistic monster captures Howard, then tries to extort the formula from Trini. They fight the dark warrior and defeat him with the combined power of friendship and giant robots. Then we see Bulk and Skull get a taste of their own medicine as Uncle Howard shows off the invisibility formula that apparently can be drunk and affects your clothes as well? Weird.
Fun: * * * * -
Boxes: Marked with TNT Like this was Minecraft.
Episode 16: Switching Places.
You'll never know a person until you walk a mile in their shoes is usually how the saying goes. I think it works better if they were them for a week. You really get to know someone's life after a week of having to do things the way they do things.
Anyway, we start this episode with Squatt being the little Gremlin he is messing with Billy's Invention....the machine in question is a Machine to allow someone to read your mind...
So first mistake not going through the line of making sure everything is right before the experiment. Secondly, human experimentation is a bit....questionable in ethics.
Anyways, Kimberly and Billy get Switched. Like you know....body swapped. THIS IS WHY YOU SHOULD ALWAYS CHECK THINGS BEFORE THE EXPERIMENT!
....The same also happens to Bulk and Skull.
All while this is going on Squatt unleashes a mighty Genie to fight the rangers. Guess it doesn't subscribe to the classic Genie Rules. However, the true power of the genie is in the lamp...obviously and Alpha defeats the genie by zapping it to...wherever he zapped it to. We close out the episode with everyone getting their minds back in their own bodies even Bulk and Skull sorta learn their lesson.
Switch: eroo
Genie: Wished out.
Skull: Pretty dull still.
Thus ends part 3 of this synoptic unprofessional review of every power rangers episode that I can get a hold of at least on Netflix. The next part will be the Green With EVIL special. Hence why I went with six episodes for this part because it's a five-parter coming up. Until then, see you in the next post.
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