#I CHOOSE to forget that the series happens in the early 00's
sweetinsanebookworm · 2 years
Sometimes I feel like we should be more thankfull that Neil only cares about Exy and doesn't give a shit about fashion and this kind of stuff.
Because can y'all imagine how would it be if we had ACTUAL clothing descriptions in the books?
One word:
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hotwaterandmilk · 2 years
Thinking about future projects
So I've been spending this week ruminating on my future a bit.
I absolutely love sharing scans on here for free. It is overwhelming seeing talented artists following me for access to retro inspo pics as well as all the other anime/manga fans who just love looking at some extremely dated-looking anime faces. I want to preserve these old images as much as possible so even the tackiest, silliest, and most forgetable old titles have some presence online in the future.
However, as much as I begrudge talking about my personal life on here, my illness has been gradually making even a simple hobby like sharing scans increasingly complex (holding books in position while scanning, for example, is extremely painful).
Now that isn't to say I'm going to stop sharing scans for $0, I'm not. I plan to continue doing this until I run out of things to scan.
But I am considering spending time doing some other things as well, things that I can make a few legit bucks off just to help me with my future. My condition is chronic and degenerative, while I work full-time now it is not likely to be something I can keep doing 10 or 20 years in the future.
Like a lot of people my age I don't own anything much of value, but I'd like to think I have other things to share with the world outside of only scans. So, I'm at a point now where I'm considering what direction I'd like to go with the other content that I can provide.
Some of the ideas I've had floating around my head include
Information on my collecting processes
Product reviews
Obscure/shitty series reviews
Obscure/shitty series recaps
Reflections re: online weeb fan culture in the late 90's-early 00's
Essays or articles on the extremely random things I find intriguing
The format these could take may be something as straight forward as a Patreon with posted images/articles/videos/whatever. or something more specific I guess like proper videos posted to somewhere like YT or articles shared via SubStack. Not sure how I feel about videos though because my accent is terrible and I look like shit.
Anyway, like I said, I'm ruminating at the moment which means I haven't reached a final decision re: how I'll ultimately choose to split my energy in the future. I am happy to hear your feedback and thoughts though. I know you're not here to listen to my life story or complications, rather you're here for the pics, but if you do have anything to share regarding what you would be interested in seeing from me etc. then I'd be happy to hear it.
If you've read this far, thanks so much for taking the time. I'm just a little internet nobody but it means a lot that I can share my process like this and see what happens y'know?
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Epic Movie (Re)Watch #240 - Ice Age
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Spoilers Below
Have I seen it before: Yes
Did I like it then: Yes.
Do I remember it: Yes.
Did I see it in theaters: I don’t think so?
Format: Digital HD
1) This is one of only two films where I only own digital copies of them as opposed to hard copies. In the case of Ice Age, it happened when I linked up MoviesAnywhere and Vudu (or possibly when I linked one of those to my iTunes account). My family owns a DVD copy so I did grow up watching it but I never thought it’d be part of my (re)watch. But a digital copy is still owning it, so here we are.
2) Meeting Scrat.
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Scrap has become the most iconic part of the series and that is because (much like the Minions in Despicable Me) he is the franchise’s certified Scene Stealer™. His little adventures are so simple it’s genius: his motivation is simply to collect and/or store his nut(s). But the slapstick that ensues, the escalating sense of cause & effect, not to mention the vocals provided by director Chris Wedge have made him into an animation icon. He’s Blue Sky’s mascot and even has his own balloon in Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Opening with Scrat is a strong way to start the film.
3) The herd migration immediately following Scrat’s adventure has a lot of sharp humor I didn’t pick up on as a kid. Namely the debate of, “How do we know it’s an Ice Age?”, the kids playing “Extinction”, and the character who thinks he’s on the cusp of an, “evolutionary breakthrough,” before trying to fly. It sets the wit for the tone up well.
4) Manny as portrayed by Ray Romano.
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Manny’s character is well established immediately by his literal moving against the crowd when walking through the migration herd. He’s set up as abrasive and harsh but we’re also quickly given reason to root for the Wooly Mammoth.
Manny: “You know I don’t like animals that kill for pleasure.”
Ray Romano does great as the voice of Manny, in fact all three members of the herd are great. Romano plays against his “Everybody Loves Raymond” type of the sort of passive momma’s boy by being not only strong but assertive throughout the film. And it just feels right. It’s a good first character to meet.
5) Sid the Sloth as portrayed by John Leguizamo.
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Leguizamo is nearly unrecognizable as Sid in this film. The amount of saliva you can just HEAR in his voice, the nerdy quality, but also the warmth and humor, I think Leguizamo gives the best performance in the film. Much like Manny, Sid is well introduced from the start when we learn his family has ditched him. We get the impression he’s a bit of a pain but also we can SEE he’s well intentioned if a little much. It’s understandable why people are hard on him while we are also given good enough reason to root for him. I like Sid.
6) Thing I didn’t pick up on as a kid: the rhinos Carl and Frank are totally a couple, right?
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7) This movie is a lot funnier than I remember.
8) It is worth noting Manny’s line about, “animals that kill for pleasure,” sets up the rules of this world. There are carnivore characters we’re meant to sympathize with and root for in this movie. This line basically sets up the rule: killing for survival is fine but killing for pleasure is not. That is an important element when we’re introduced to our villain later.
9) The literal human element of the film - the nomadic hunters and gatherers - helps ground the film a little. It’s an element I appreciate and missed in the movie’s sequels which began involving dinosaurs and a flying saucer at one point.
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10) Remember in note #8 when I mentioned the moral rules this film plays by. Well, the villain Soto is immediately breaking those rules. He wants to kill a BABY of the human leader just for revenge. A BABY. It’s not food, it’s not survival, it’s a Khan-esque mission of wrath and cruelty. And Soto is chilling. We actually don’t get to see much of him in the movie, but his mere presence shows off the threat he is. I think that comes at a combination of writing, voice acting, and design for the animal. I dig it.
11) Just an observation: like the Minions in Despicable Me (who Scrat is very much a precursor to), Scrat is best used in small doses sprinkled throughout the film.
12) The plot of this film is basically Three Men & A Baby set in the ice age with extinct animals (except Sid, unless his specific brand of Sloth is gone). But that’s a plot which inherently has a lot of heart to it, the idea of bonding and found family. It helps give the film an emotional core I appreciate.
13) It’s probably just my own interpretation and desire to see more representation in media, but I feel like there’s so much LGBTQ+ subtext in the movie and I dig that.
Diego [on Manny and Sid with the baby]: “Can’t have one of your own so you decided to adopt.”
14) Diego as portrayed by Denis Leary.
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The third member of the herd, Diego is a wonderfully fleshed out character. We get the intimidating and fierce predator but we also have the heartfelt development where it is easy to root for him. It is believable that he finds a sense of family with Manny and Sid. I think this duality is well played by Leary, who is able to make Diego a threat in the beginning but also put enough heart/warmth in the performance that we like him as a character. All of this makes his changing sides towards the movie’s end feel natural, making him a nice final member to the herd.
15) The immediate Sid and Manny have with Diego is founded on mistrust, they EXPECT him to eat the baby, which creates a unique conflict at the heart of their relationship. It’s interesting seeing them overcome this conflict.
16) While strong as individuals, each member of the trio work well in the herd together. They have a fun chemistry and play off each other well.
17) The Dodos!
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This is one of my favorite scenes from the film and that’s because I get the joke so much more now as an adult than I did as a kid. WE’RE WATCHING THE DODOS GO EXTINCT! The fast paced energy, slapstick elements, and unique characters which the dodos are make it a wonderfully entertaining scene. And Alan Tudyk voices the lead Dodo! (Along with two other characters in the movie)
18) I like how each member of Diego’s pack is voiced by someone noteworthy as its made up of Jack Black, Diedrich Bader and Alan Tudyk (again).
19) This got me laughing pretty hard, not gonna lie.
Female Sloth [lovingly, after seeing how Sid is with the baby]: “All the sensitive guys get eaten.”
20) “Send Me On My Way” is one of my favorite songs and this film introduced me to it, so I’ll always be grateful for that.
21) File this one under jokes I didn’t get as a kid.
Manny [when pacing Stonehenge]: “Modern architecture. It’ll never last.”
22) I might be Sid.
Sid [when offered to go through a dangerous short cut]: “No thanks, I choose life.”
23) I love the hall of ice gag, especially the alien at the end.
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24) The ice slide sequence is really fun and one of the strongest “action” pieces in the film. It just has a sense of adrenaline and enjoyment to it that’s hard to beat.
25) The cave painting scene.
This is the heart of Manny’s character. The decision to animate this scene differently from the rest of the film helps to give it a sense of identity and almost nightmare like quality. Because it is a nightmare, but it still happened. In an absolutely heartbreaking moment we learn that Manny not only is a widower but he lost his child too. Usually in animated films it’s an orphaned kid but parents aren’t supposed to outlive their kids, so the fact that Manny had to go through that explains perfectly his isolationist tendencies.
26) A key moment of character development for Diego comes when he and the group are running across the river of lava (lake of lava? It’s lava). He realizes this herd will do something for him his pack wouldn’t: risk their lives for him.
27) This is the heart movie in one moment.
Manny [after Diego asks why he saved him]: “That’s what you do in a herd. You look out for each other.”
28) When Soto illustrates how to take down a mammoth (by backing them in a corner) there is a wonderful sense of tension. The visualization there really illustrates the stakes to come.
29) The climax of the film starts with a sense of fun and energy we’ve come to except so far, what with Sid’s snowboarding moves on full display as he outmaneuvers the tigers. But the change in tone to a more intense encounter involving Soto, Diego and Manny feels organic. There is a sense of tension here which works well and Soto’s dialogue-free death is particularly effective.
30) I think I’m definitely Sid.
Sid: “Ah, you know me. I’m too lazy to hold a grudge.”
31) The scene where Manny returns the baby to the humans carries a lot of tension. We know how badly this can go, we saw it in the cave painting. So the fact that it ends happily makes the emotional pay off even stronger.
Manny [to the baby]: “We won’t forget about you.”
But we won’t mention you ever again in the sequels.
Sid [expressing his dissatisfaction with the Ice Age]: “You know what I could go for? Global warming!” Manny: “Keep dreaming.”
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34) The epilogue which showcases that Scrat is chasing that nut of his for 2,000 years is a perfect representation of his character. I dig it.
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Ice Age is a lot of fun and, in hindsight, pretty underrated. I know that’s odd to say about a film that kicked off a five movie franchise, but the franchise became so different from the original movie and the original is still pretty unique in its setting and look. With a great wit, strong character, a good heart, and quality performances, it’s feasibly one of the best animated films from the early 00′s.
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Cairo, Alexandria, Hurghada & Nile Cruise
Cairo, Alexandria, Hurghada & Nile Cruise
Start Cairo, Alexandria, Hurghada & Nile Cruise in Cairo and get the best tours in the city where you will visit the great Pyramids of Giza which contains three Pyramids, known as Cheops, Chephren, and Mykerinus, constructed during the Pharaonic era, from 2550 to 2490 B.C as a huge tombs for the Pharaonic Kings and although the pyramid had stood along the years but the way of the construction is still a mystery. The great pyramids were built during a time when Egypt was one of the richest and most powerful civilizations in the world and considered the magnificent man-made structures in history, and scout around the mighty Sphinx and get to know more about the statue that was built as a guardian of the Giza Plateau and although the date of its construction is uncertain it is believed that the head belongs to King Khafre. Moreover you visit the Valley Temple and then get a ravishing tour to explore the Egyptian Museum which holds the greatest collection of Ancient Egyptian archaeological history in the world. There are over 120,000 artifacts, including the contents of Tutankhamen’s tomb and most of the mummies that have been discovered since the 19th century.
Alexandria was established by Alexander the Great, it was described as the pearl of the Mediterranean, because of its location at the Mediterranean Sea in the north coast of Egypt, it is also considered to be one of Egypt's top tourist attractions, as it has a long history, that dates back in 331 BC, Explore the Catacombs of Kom El Shokafa which includes a series of statues, antiques and tombs which belong to many cultures such as the Egyptian, Romanian and Greek. Kom El Shokafa is the largest and most important burial site dating back to the Greco Roman period in Egypt, get to know more about the fortress that was built upon the ruins of the ancient Alexandria lighthouse, which by the 14th century had fallen into ruins due to repeated damage by earthquakes. You will also visit Alexandria Library which was founded in the place of the influential Ancient Library which was famously burned down by Julius Caesar’s army and more.
Day 1 Arrival Egypt- Cairo airport
 Cairo, Alexandria, Hurghada & Nile Cruise
Dear guest, welcome to Egypt, once your feet touch Cairo international airport, you will be most welcomed and appreciated by World tour advice tour representative in Egypt Tours Egypt, don’t feel worry  about the arrival procedures and your bags as our deputy will help you to pass it all smoothly, then you will be carried out to your hotel,free time for leisure and overnight in Cairo
 Day 2 Giza Pyramids Tours / Memphis / Saqqara
 Cairo, Alexandria, Hurghada & Nile Cruise
 Second day for you on Pharaohs land, but first day for your tours in Egypt, So wake up early to breath Cairo history; 
get refresh and relish your delicious breakfast, World tour advice Egypt professional tour guide will meet you at the hotel lounge
to begin a fictitious Cairo day tour to scout the only thing still in exist from the ancient 7 wonders of world, Giza Pyramids, Memphis and Saqqara, We offer you some of the best deals on Egypt and Cairo tours so stop that Google Egypt tours search. We want you to spend less on your Egypt and Cairo tours from With worldtouradvice.com, you will find it simple to visit Egypt and relish Egypt and Cairo tours with itineraries matching your travel schedule. What's more,  World tour advice will make all your wishes come true to reconnoiter the secrets of the mysterious Pyramids of Giza, The ancient Egyptian pharaohs believed in the afterlife and this was why they erected such huge Pyramids to protect the bodies of the deceased after death famous Sphinx which stands proudly guarding the whole area of the Pyramids, Sphinx is a statue of a mythical creature with a body of a lion and a human head. 
Next to Sphinx located the Valley Temple where the mummification procedures happened, heading to Men Nefer the opened museum i Memphis,Memphis was the most ancient capital of Egypt, built by king Narmer Mena who unified Upper and lower Egypt 5000 years ago, During your tour to the Egyptian museum You can see Narmer palette which
represent the unification, keep moving to visit the step Pyramid in Saqqara , it was built by engineer Imhotep,the first known engineer in all the world, visit Imhotep museum, then the step pyramid dedicated for king Zoser, Built durin. During your day trip in Cairo to see your  Giza Pyramids. Memphis and Saqqara complex sure you got hungry , so your tour guide will take you during the day tour to one of our native restaurants to relish a tasty Egyptian lunch meal then switch back to your hotel to overnight in Cairo.
 Day 3 Alexandria tour from Cairo
 Cairo, Alexandria, Hurghada & Nile Cruise
Begin your day with a tasty  breakfast at your hotel in Cairo/Giza, prepare yourself for such a gorgeous day tour from Cairo to Alexandria, Worldtouradvice Egypt occupational tour guide will meet you at the hotel lounge to start a superstitious Alexandria day tour from Cairo, drive from Cairo to Alexandrai ( Al Iskandaria in Arabic ) about 3 hours, start your Alexandria tour by visiting the original location of Pharos lighthouse, which was one of the 7 ancient wonders of ancient world, It was damaged by earthquake but you will see its stones and in the same place it was built later a fortress ( Qaitbay Citadel ),pay a tour to Qaitbye fortress which  was built in the 1480's by Sultan Qaitbey, the military fortress, constructed by the Mamluk king and army leader; Qaitbey  has become one of the most important landmarks of Alexandria and among the most popular touristic visits of the city. Stir tour to scout the secrets of Catacombs of Kom El Shokafa, located just to the west of Pompey's Pillar, the Catacombs of Kom El Shukafa is the largest and most important burial site dating back to the Greco Roman period in Egypt. Proceeding to see Alexandria library,
 your lunch meal will be offered to you in one of Alexandria’s restaurants before ending your Alexandria day tour, you will be switched back to Cairo to overnight
  Day 3 Red Sea tours, Fly from Cairo to Hurghada Red Sea
 Cairo, Alexandria, Hurghada & Nile Cruise
 Relish your breakfast at your hotel, then worldtouradvice.com deputy will switch you to Cairo airport to fly to Hurghadain Red Sea, flight time is about 1 hour upon arrival to Hurghada, you will be switched to your hotel and overnight in Hurghada.
 Day 4 Free day in Hurghada
 A blooming shiny morning is waiting for you to wake up and enjoy your breakfast, then relish another wonderful day in the city of peace Hurghada , you will have a free to swim, dive, snorkel, play on beach, and skiing on water, you can do and have fun with all water sports, all beach and water activities are available for you, you can spend such a wonderful moments with your friends and your family
Overnight in Hurghada
  Day 5 Sindbad Submarine tour - Hurghada Red Sea Tours
 Cairo, Alexandria, Hurghada & Nile Cruise
 Good morning, relish your breakfast ,  prepare yourself quickly for such a nice Sindbad submarine tours in Hurghada, 
World Tour Advice Egypt and Red Sea deputy will meet you at your hotel in Hurghada, switch you to Sindbad submarine in Hurghada, check into the fabulous Sindbad submarine in Hurghada, see the amazing color reefs, colored fish, know more about & discover all the secrets of the underwater life. Sindbad submarine take around 45 minutes under the water, don’t forget to take your camera with you, shoot the stunning fishes and capture such a wonderful shoots and take selfies with the amazing underwater view. After finishing your Sindbad submarine trips in Hurghada, Worldtour advice representative will switch you back to your hotel in Hurghada
 Day 6 Free day in Hurghada
 Cairo, Alexandria, Hurghada & Nile Cruise
 Ablooming shiny morning is waiting for you, enjoy Hurghada Red sea weather and sea, or optional tour to Giftun island or safari day tour
  Day 7 Egypt Nile cruise tours - From Hurghada to Luxor - Luxor tours
World tour advice Tours Egypt  representative will meet you early morning, then drive 3 hours from Hurghada to Luxor, welcome on the land of Thebes (Luxor) inArabic ( Al Uqsur means palaces )At 11:00 am dear tourist you will pass away to your luxury Nile cruise ship, Whenyou will book your tours with us, We will offer you few names of different gorgeous Egypt Nile cruises ships to choose one of them, relish a tasty lunch meal on board, launching Luxor sightseeing tours with a guided tour to Luxor East Bank,
 visit the legendary Karnak Temple, stir tour to visit  Luxor Temple, back to your cruise ship, dinner on board & overnight in Luxor.
 Day 8 Nile cruise tours- Luxor West bank tours
Wake up early morning, as it is best time to visit West bank, relish a tasty breakfast, meet your tour guide to launch your Luxor tours to scout the mysterious sites of Luxor West Bank, guided tour to visit the Valley of Kings, El Deir El Bahary temple &  Memnon colossi, then return to your luxury Nile cruise to enjoy lunch meal, sailing to Edfu through Esna, 
have your dinner on board your Nile cruise ship, overnight in Edfu.
 Day 9 : Nile Cruise tours - Edfu and Kom Ombo
Relish a tasty breakfast, begin your tours of today with a guided tour to Horus temple in Edfu, your lunch will be offered for you onboard, sailing to Kom Ombo,view the temple of Kom Ombo which is a rare style of a temples in real a twice temple that dedicated to Sobek the crocodile god & Horus the falcon god, continue sailing to Aswan, dinner on board & overnight in Aswan.
 Day 10 Thursday: Nile Cruises Tour -Aswan Tour
Wake up early, Breakfast will be prepared for you at 7:30 am,meet your guide, tour to  Aswan High Dam. Stirring to view the gorgeous Philae Temple of goddess Isis the wife of Osiris and the mother of Horus, proceeding to see Unfinished Obelisk (Granite Quarries), have your lunch onboard, enjoy riding a felucca on the River Nile around the Kitchener Island, dinner on board & overnight in Aswan.
 Day 11 End of Nie Cruise Tours - Abu Simbel Optional tour
Relish tasty breakfast, check out, optional tourto Abu Smbel, transfer to Cairo airport, fly to Cairo, arrival Cairo, worldtouradvice representative will meet you, then drive to your hotel in Cairo, Overnight in Cairo
 Day 12 Optional tour
Enjoy your breakfast, Free day, either for optional tour to the Egyptian museum and Citadel or Safari tour to Fayoum oasis
 Day 13 End, Final departure
Relish tasty breakfast, meet Worldtouradvice rep, transfer to airport for final departure
 Cairo,Alexandria, Hurghada, Nile Cruise Tour Includes
- All airport meet and assist service
- Accommodation 4 nights in Hurghada All inclusive
-Accommodation 4 nights in Nile cruise Full board
- Accommodation 3 nights in Cairo Half board - but lunch during tours
- All tours as per itinerary
- All transfers during tours by modern AC van
- All entrance fees to mentioned places in tour itinerary
- Lunch meal during Cairo tours
-Professional tour guide during all day tours
- All travel package taxes
Mobile and what’s App:
002 012 11217070
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