sukugo · 1 year
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anicow for milky boy monday
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the-bee-is-lost · 4 years
On Top Of The World
Here is a single dad sanders sides au. With moceit.
"Dad, we have to go!" A small child whined, tugging on his father's hand. Patton looked down at one of his sons, Roman, who was the first to wake. 
"And where are we going?" The dad asked, looking at the clock and seeing it was only eight am. "You brothers aren't even up yet," 
Roman huffed, crossing his arms dramatically. "Ah i see, you wanted to leave them here,"
Roman's head shot up. "I, no! That's not it!" Hearing Patton say what Roman had been doing, even if he didn't realize it, made Roman a little ashamed. He wasn't always the best at thinking about other people all the time. "I don't want to forget them, I was just excited," Roman corrected himself. 
Patton smiled proudly at Roman, ruffling his hair softly. "I understand your excitement,  it's your first play today, but you have forgotten that your brothers are in it too," Roman nodded, looking down. "You got over excited, but that's ok. What about you go wake up your brother's and then we can have breakfast," 
Roman gave his dad a salute, running up the stairs to wake his twin, and older brothers. Strictly Roman was actually the youngest, him and Remus both being 10, but Remus being five minutes earlier. Virgil was 14, but he acted much more mature than most people his age. 
Patton stood from where he was sitting reading a newspaper, walking to the stove to start cooking. Virgil was the next son to make an appearance,  Roman still not back with Remus yet. Virgil leaned on the doorframe, watching his dad stumble around with eggs and bread, trying to make something edible for breakfast.  
"You know there is a reason we say you shouldn't be in the kitchen," Virgil said, making Patton flip around.
"Morning, Kiddo! And yeah, I know, but I wanted to try to make breakfast for once! I'm not here usually after all," Patton smiled sheepishly. 
Virgil sighed, running a hand through his purple hair, which Patton's brother, their uncle Emile, had helped him dye, dyeing his own hair a bright pink. "I know, and i appreciate it, but you're going to hurt yourself,  or burn the kitchen down," he walked over, turning down the stove which was not supposed to be smoking as much as it was. 
Patton sighed, but nodded, putting the eggs down. Virgil looked at his father, who looked defeated, something Virgil wasn't happy about. "I'll help you," he said, not thinking over his words for ages like he usually did. Patton perked up excitedly. 
"Yeah, sure," The teen shrugged. 
Patton shook his hands excitedly, getting a little energy out. He might be the parent, but he was very excitable. Virgil began sitting out the right ingredients, getting salt and pepper, and milk. 
He and Patton were almost done cooking when the twins came down, wearing almost matching outfits. Both had on button ups, Roman's red, and Remus's green, and black capes. There were paper crowns sat on their respective colors, making Patton laugh. 
"Oh so the princes finally join us," Virgil sassed, looking over his brothers. 
"Of course!" Roman said dramatically,  placing a hand on his heart. "We must be ready at any moment, who knows when a princess needs saving-"
"Or a dragon," Remus cut in, nudging Roman in the ribs. "Dragons need help too," 
"Yeah, sure," Roman rolled his eyes, but sat down at the table with Remus, Virgil and Patton bringing over the food. 
Breakfast was over quickly, Virgil rushing back up the stairs to get dressed out of his pajamas. Remus and Roman put their shoes on before running out to the front yard to play. Patton quickly rinsed the dishes, putting them on a rack to dry before going to the porch to watch over his younger sons until Virgil was ready to go. 
The play went perfectly, Virgil working stage crew, Remus being the villain's evil sidekick (he didn't want a massive part) and Roman as the main hero. Patton was the one who clapped the loudest when it was over, giving both Remus and Roman bouquets of flowers (or queen Ann's lace in Remus's case). Virgil didn't think he needed flowers, as he wasn't actually in the play, but Patton bought him a reusable Starbucks cup instead.  
They were about to leave before Virgil stopped them. "Hey dad,"
"Yes, Kiddo?" Patton asked, turning his head to look at his son, not really being able to fully turn around as he was holding both Roman and Remus's hands. 
"I want you to meet my friend, Logan. He worked stage crew with me," Virgil explained, gesturing behind him to where Patton could slightly see another teenager and their parent. 
Patton nodded, letting Roman and Remus go play with their uncle, who had come back out of the bathroom, and was going to go stay the night with them. "Of course, Vee," 
Virgil led him over, waving to catch Logan's attention.  "Hey Lo, this is my dad, Patton," Virgil introduced, gesturing at his dad. "Dad, this is Logan," 
Logan nodded to Patton politely.  "A pleasure to meet you Mr. Moral, as Virgil has already stated, I am Logan Bluff, and this is my father, Janus," he said, introducing his own father. 
Patton smiled brightly, nodding to Logan. He then got a good look at Logan's father, Janus. And boy, was Patton a little surprised.  
Janus was wearing a black suit,  and a bowler hat. He had a large burn covering half of his face, and the eye on that side was a milky white, but Patton couldn't help but find him attractive in a way. 
"Hello," Janus said, his voice low and smooth, captivating Patton immediately. "It is lovely to meet you," he extended a hand. Patton took it, shaking it politely.  
"I, uh, yes! It is lovely to meet you too, Mr. Bluff," Patton stuttered, catching himself quickly.  
"Please, call me Janus," the man smirked, making Patton nod quickly. 
"Then call me Patton," The interaction unfortunately ended almost as soon as it started, Patton needing to get to work, having a night shift at the hospital he worked at. "I apologize but I have to get to work," he said, Janus nodding in understanding. 
"Well I do look forward to meeting you again," Janus said, a small smirk still edged onto his face. 
"Can we have Logan over tomorrow?" Virgil asked before they left. Patton was slightly shocked, Virgil never wanted to have people over. "He could ride the bus with me on Monday,  we have the same bus anyway," 
Patton looked at Janus. "Well if his father is OK with it-"
"I am." Janus said, cutting Patton off, but making him smile. 
"Then I don't see why not," 
Virgil practically lit up, bouncing on the balls of his feet. "I'll bike to your house tomorrow and we can ride back together," Viegil said to Logan, who also seemed really happy. 
"That sounds like an adequate plan, I shall see you then," the other teen said, sounding more fancy, but there was still excitement in his voice. 
Virgil nodded, giving Logan a quick side hug before heading back to his uncle and brothers. Patton smiled as he watched Virgil go back, Logan heading to talk to someone else, leaving Janus and Patton alone. 
"Would you like my number so we can finalize any details regarding Logan coming over?" Janus asked, reminding Patton he was there. The first man nodded enthused.
"Of course," he said, pulling out his phone and handing it to Janus. "Thank you by the way, Virgil doesn't usually ask to have people over, especially not to stay the night," 
Janus hummed. "Logan talks about him quite a bit, he seemed to be extremely happy to finally have a friend," he handed Patton the phone back. "And Virgil sounds like a good person from what I have heard," 
Patton smiled. "He certainly tries his best to be."
"He must have gotten that from you," Janus smirked, nodding to a stuttering Patton before taking his leave swiftly. 
As soon as Janus left Patton went back to his family, his face a light pink. Emile seemed to notice, but he didn't comment, instead offering to drive. When they got home Patton and Emile put the kids to bed, Virgil opting to stay up a little bit and clean his room. 
"I need to get to work." Patton sighed, putting his coat back on over his scrubs he had changed into. Emile nodded, giving him a hug. 
"I'll take the boys to church in the morning, then I'll see you after," he promised, having not gotten much time to hang out with Patton. 
Patton nodded, going back out to his car for the third time that day. Once he got to work he didn't expect much to happen, but you never knew living in Florida,  people made some not very smart choices. 
What he did not expect was to receive a text in the middle of his shift. He reached for his phone, quickly checking the message,  his face turning pink again. 
'Hello Patton, it is Janus. I look forward to meeting you in the near future,  and hopefully getting to know you a bit better~'
Patton couldn't help the way his heart raced as he read over the text, even though It was so simple. 
This was going to be, interesting… 
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