taco-bee · 9 months
I just had a online freind who we have not texted for 6 months MESSAGED ME!!
Yd7rhfhw9jqvpandhdijw bff hfhaeiouuuufhhidnrhfpalqldnr ycuxuip
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nanasarea · 4 years
i live for you and hotlinehyuck's interactions, it's so cute, i stan hotlinearea/nanashyuck/yesna and you should too
and I live for @hotlinehyuck
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rainorsuga · 6 years
tagged by @jamjamtae tysm girl <3
1. Who is your bias? 
just one hmm I will go with Kihyun 
2. What made you notice them? 
he was bias wrecker bc orginally Wonho was bias but slowly i kept looking at kihyun more lol but it his personality that caught me 
3. What is your favorite thing about them? 
I love his smile and laugh plus I love when he gets chessy 
4. Who would initate skinship more? 
him overall I am not a touchy person and would not want to make him feel umcomfortable
5. Who would hog the blankets more?
ME!! I love blankets and hog them lol 
6. Who would be more clingy?
I think Kihyun bc he be busy a lot and want attention
7. Who would say I love you first? 
hmm i think kihyun he is more bold than me 
8. Who easily be more flustered? 
me I dont do suprises well and blush very easily 
9. What cuddling position would you two have?
oo laying on the bed with my head in his chest with our arms around eachother
10. Which colors remind you of him? 
red and purple 
11. What season would you like to spend with them?
Fall! Its my favorite season and I think it be even better with Kihyun. Plus walks in the fall are so beautiful 
12. Who would bake the cookies and who would steal them?
Kihyun would bake and then I help but steal some of the batter or a cookie and i say I was taste testing it 
13. Which one of you would make bad puns and how would the other react? 
I be making the bad puns and I think Kihyun either laugh or say how bad it was
14. Who would want to adopt 50 cats and dogs? 
Kihyun more than me idk if he want 50 but definetly getting a dog though 
15. Which one of you would nearly burn the kitchen down trying to microwave a pop tart and who would come to the rescue? 
neither I think 
16. Who likes to lean over trail railings and who pulls them back? 
i would lean over and he pull me back 
17. What would watching a horror movie with them be like?
pretty chill tbh I love horror movies so I think it be nice cuddle time 
18. Who would be the chessey flirt and who would be the smooth flirt? 
Kihyun would be both bc sometimes he is chessey but other times smooth, I am not great at flirting but would sometimes say something smooth 
19. Who would be more competitive? 
Kihyun for sure 
20. Who would have to be given constant reminders (to eat, sleep, drink, water, etc)
Both; cause I overwork myself all the time and also I also remind peopleo stuff like that bc I care
21. Who sends memes and who sends cute “ i miss you” texts at 3 am? 
Kihyun be more of the i miss you while I would send I miss you but also memes
Tagging: @calgoshi @msmonsta @jhope-seok @ameehhhhh @sailorcoco @monstax-things @minhyuukk @minhyuksfatgf
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fileors · 7 years
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@jessitale I know you’ve been having a bad time lately, so I drew something in class cause I remembered you, sorry if it looks quick it was, Jessi I know school has been tough, kids are mean mostly in highschool, you probably are feeling alone and lonely, like nobody loves you, that your ugly, stupid, pure crap. But your absolutly not, your a great girl who I see reblogs so much love, your full of a great personality who cares for others but gets hurt, and dont ask yourself why they do bully you, there’s never been a true answer, but its happened to a looooooot of people so getting a bit to a chessy part, your not alone, so if you ever want to talk im here and so are many others
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Cheer up we love you veryyyyyryryryryryry much<3
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blueuchan · 7 years
Marvel Defenders’ impressions by episodes*SPOILERS*
Episode 1: The H word
* Things I signt for: accion secuenses, conspirations, great filmatography, arc characters
Thing I don´t sign’t for: Straight boring Romance. This Episode was so straight that it hurts. Thank god Jessica doesn’t had a boyfriend. Yet.
* See the terrible new enemy a hearthquake! . Like no really, earhtquakes are terrible but not evil.
Episode 2: Mean Right Hook
* Collin is so much smarter than Danny.
* Luke and Claire are the most chessy couple to watch. Just end this straight chessinest please i’m diying.
* Misty is gold, more Misty.
*If I would be an evil mastermind with a couples months to life I would care about my evil soundtrack too.
*Hogard thak godness
*I love Foggy and Matt but can you talk with out moving the camara?
*I love minion Foggy.
*Yes! people knowing people that´s why I look this show.
Episode 3: Worst Behavior
*Tell him Luke, tell at the white rich kid about his damn privilege.
*Business woman/ninja is my dream job
* Defenders assemble!
Episode 4: Royal Dragon
*Yes!!! Friends who fight together stay together.
*I´m te only one feeling the women are evil trhope vibe?
*The heroes that eat together stay together
*Evil family is still a family
*Just to be clear, Collen just by her own defeated at one finger of the hand
* I had an army and nobody told me? - Danny
*Yeah Matt, father issues are a  totally respectafull motivation.
*OMG Danny enought with the puppy eyes the guy has a girlfriend.
*Trowing a car over your mortal enemy is the best way to come back.
Episode 5: Take Shelter
*Mother issues.
* When the evil organización is more diverse than your main heroes
* How is this inmortallity thing working? Why is Gao super old and the others dont?
* Collen is never happy.
* straigths® the show
* I swear show if you kidnap Collen to blackmale Danny I would never forgive you.
* Kidnap Danny for the love of god, is 2017 man could be kidnaped.
*Join him Collen, Join The Hand, you deserv better.
*So that’s it? Stick is the funny character? Best joke of the show by the way.
* Matt be the lider, it’s the god’s plan.
* father support, my old weakness
* The sidequick reunion is all that I wanted for you show, better up this thing.
* I love the finger who refuses to speak english.
*Matt on custome. Intimidating bad guys and making boyfriends jelous.
*All families had troubles, even the evil ones.
*Stick is doing all the work guys.
*Matt is right bitches, the zombie girlfriend remember!!
*When you are the ultimate weapon but you fall in love.
Episode 6: Ashes, Ashes
* When your brothers and sisters were right and your child is problematic
*They are right and you know it Danny.
*Worst Iron fist ever
*Damn Alexandra that you didn’t love him doesn’t mean that nobody cares. The rest looks really concerned.
*Gao is the best.
* No kid go away, teenagers don’t end well on this shows
*This bromance thing is getting out of our hands
*Why had a boyfriend when you can had a mom.
*For some one who doesn’t want attachment you are really paternal Stick.
*Matt and Jessica BFF
*I’m retracted my words. Stick is not paternal at all. Crazy old man!! Crazy old man!!
*Fucking finally. What is an evil organization if it can’t kidnaped its mortal enemy.
EPISODE 7: Fish in the Jailhouse
*This soundtrack is weird
* I was waiting for you to came to this moment Matt. “This is my life” is the best phrase of your character.
* So no Collen or Clare or Trish are going to do anything this season right?
* Yes!!  three vs three. Finall countdown.
* I really try, but I don’t get Danny. Elecktra isn’t treat him, she was talking, just keep her talking and win time Danny, keep her talking until you figure it out what is happening, you are going to be fool.
* So… Matt agains two and Luke and Jessica agains Gao? That sounds fair. Also I don’t care about Danny.
*YES!! COLLEN!! Please don’t kill her show.
* Elecktra is fooling you Danny.
*I told you.
*So Misty is not going to ask where is Matt Murdock. Or we are asuming that is super obvious that he is Dare Devil.
*True lidership Matt
* Yes, you are in Kung Lao, you idiot. Worst Iron Fist ever.
Episode 8: The Defenders
* Explotion!! At least one plan with common sence.
* Misty Kinght is a true detective, with really deductive skills.
* Page and Trish are finally talking.
* Aaww they both love you too Matt.
* I ship Collen and Claire and nobody could stop me.
* Bokuto vs Collen round 2!!!
* Put the damn cell phone on silence woman, is basic terrorism training.
* Gao is still the best
* Action secuence!!
*This soundtrack is still weird
*Gao is out.
* Elecktra for the glory
* Misty Kignt lost an arm!! Bless you show!!
* So…  side bad ass female characters team vs fail father figure, also non white character involve. Yes, I can buy this.
* If you defeat Elecktra with love I would seriusly be desapointed.
*Lets her go Matt.
* Like no seriusly, if she did evil things, and enjoy doing evil things and told you with her mouth that she choose do the evil things. Maybe she is in fact evil.
* Jessica is the best player of the team and you know it boys.
*Double suicide is not romantic. Really, you are too into Romeo and Juliet
*I don’t buy it, He isn’t death.
* At least Jessica is better… I guess. No one taking care about alcoholism?
* You should cover four face Danny, like you are quite of a famous person.
* AAAAAH! What a inesperated twist. Said nobody.
* For all the spin offs that you could do. You do one for the white straight guy with a gun problem. Yes, that said a lot about you Netflix.
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animmania · 7 years
ok ive only seen it just yesterday and guys listen i love this movie. its not perfect by any means but AAAAAAAAAAA its just such a fun movie and has so many cool things and is just awesome so let me talk about the reasons i loved it.
now im going to be honest i had no real interst in it for a long time till it came out and i started to hear about the blue ranger. youve props heard about it but the blue ranger in this movie is autsitc . and hearing about how he was actually well written and didnt just say he had autism and then thats it. they showed how it made him different and everyone in the movie was so surpporting of him.
so as someoen who has autism you have NO IDEA HOW MUCH THIS MEANS TO ME. an autisc SUPER HERO ON THE BIG SCREEN THAT EVERYONE CARES FOR AND NEVER BLAMES HIS DISABLITY FOR ANYTHING. like GUYS THATS REALLY IMPORANTED TO ME. so that was just somehting that made me so happy and honestly there was even a scene with him at which i legit cried so you know i fucking care *ALOT ABOUT THIS GUY*
and it also gives the same treatment to an lgbt ranger . they say it but they also make it more . its something big and is a huge part of why she is like the way she is and thats amazing. 
and every other ranger is just as fucking loveable. all having great momments and are even relateable in all there own ways. 
also i got to mention i fucking love rita in this movie. the actress did a fucking great job as her and really made her as hammy as she was in the orignal as she could. and thank god they dindt make her overly sexy or anything. shes just kinda silly yet super bad ass villain. 
then theres the humor which i thought was really funny and chessy. sure some jokes fell flat for me but for the most part this movie got me to laugh . and has some REALLY funny momments while also throwing in some really good character momments that honestly got me reallt attached to these characters. 
now granted. again im props over selling this movie. it has some issues i wont deny but honestly they dont mean to much to be. this is just one of those view movies or just in genral things that im getting super into and honestly kinda giddy just talking about it . like im wirting this with a big smile on my face. i love this movie so much please if you get the chance give it a try. hopefully it will be enjoyable for you or youll maybe love it as much as i did. 
also i cant forgot the biggest reason to see this movie
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itsuntouchedsnow · 8 years
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The fact that youre so far way and im on holidays makes me so damn sad. I just wanna be with you. Its so annoying how much i love you. My heart belongs to you forever and always. I may not know what true love is but all i know is i want what we have right now forever. I love everything about you. Before i met you i was miserable. I would go home every day look in the mirror and pretend to be someone else. But with you i can be myself. You love me for who i am and im so grateful for that. The truth is it kinda makes me sad to think that you wont physically be there for me now when i need you the most and your hugs. Or like hold my hand or kiss my forehead. I miss everything about you. I miss seeing you, i miss staring at you when youre driving. I want to take chessy pictures to show to our kids. I know that God put me in your life and put you in mine for a reason. I just want to be with you. I dont care even though you are 1000 miles away from, or 100000 miles away, i know in time it will happen. I cant wait to see you again, my love. I cant wait to spend my whole life with you again. I cant wait any longer, i want to finish my holidays as soon as possible so that i can meet you, date you, see you, hold you. Loving you is the only thing that makes life worth living. Thank you sayang. I love you, love. 
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