gay-yosuke · 6 months
hmm maybe ann for the asks? since you did ryuji :)
ANN!!!! once again remember i havent played p5 in years.
favourite thing about them: i mean i love that she sticks up for herself all the time. shes strong and determined and she doesnt let anybody get her down. thats cool as fuck. i think she should have killed kamoshida.
least favourite thing: i uh. do not know. so i get to use my get out of jail free card and say Atlus Moment
brOTP: her and ryuji. of course.
OTP: doesnt she have a girlfriend? shiho? her.
nOTP: shrugging emoji. iunno.
random headcanon: much like most agi users i think that ann can breathe fire in the metaverse.
unpopular opinion: i am not sure. i do not know opinions on her to know what unpopular would be. but i like her .
song that reminds me of them: ann. i am so sorry. i do not have songs.
favourite picture of them: once again youre gonna have to go look at @luuxxart's anns. go. enjoy.
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sloblesbian · 7 years
i did pretty good on my last to do list im gonna make a short one for school stuff because im very close to done & a little ahead (yay, anxiety?) and then a bigger one for stuff i want to do once school gets out
finish up powerpoint for math
write notecards
practice giving the presentation to see how long it is (but i think youre good)
proofread essay 
ask someone else to proofread essay
dec 7th do pres & hand in essay
math hw due 12/12 & also essay hasnt been assigned yet
then im going to be assigned 2 small essays i think for my english “final” but i have til the 12th & nothing else to do & i dont have the topics yet so i can’t do them..... til then........ also im not worried about them
after school
clean room !! ! !!! 
go thru clothes & get rid of everything u don’t wear
finish reading library books & read book club book
finish usum
pick up persona 4 again
write end of year list
re-evaluate review site etc (more on this later)
write that thing for sid
in general play video games 
2018 is going to be the year of the video game for me i havent really played anything in ages & i had a lot of fun with p5 this summer & i want to..... do things besides read. so im going to cut back on my reading goal and do other things i enjoy? maybe ill knit i used to do that a lot and i almost never do it anymore. watch some movies. etc. you know. do things i dont do bc i have books to get to. 
re: book site.... im thinking that im going to maybe move it to a tumblr blog & just keep the domain name because its kind of expensive & i dont really... do anything with it, besides post a review once a week for my friends, really. also i feel like... a lot of pressure to keep doing it & i do enjoy it but i want to be able to... miss a few weeks & not feel bad about it. 
plus i want to use the money for a gym membership lol 
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