cantelope · 1 year
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xiphiaarts · 1 month
Do you have any headcanons for the UF brothers for your lovebuggs AU?
Barely 😔 I've been working so much my daydreaming is down the drain and it's draining me
Draining hehe
Fell paps would be demanding and worried as all hell for their bonded, doesn't like letting them go out without an escort hell probably doesn't even like them touching the ground and carries them all the time. He doesn't feel guilty for being violent as much as he would if he weren't sick, and you can tell he's about to be violent because he goes from loud and belligerent to eerily quiet the span of moments. Still can't help but keep his bonded at their best tho, regularly scheduled meals, workout regimens and grass touching appointments are nonnegotiable
He does not sleep, beloved around or not, he has to be awake to keep watch and protect them, so he's often exhausted, and this lack of sleep may result in him seeing things or becoming paranoid, worsening his protective nature. This can be fixed by begging and pleading with him to just take a quick nap, a short rest, he'll only agree if you sleep with him in his tangle of limbs or maybe even bound in a blanket burrito to keep you from escaping. He'll sleep for a good while to recharge his bones but if you wriggle a tiny bit too much he /will/ wake up.
Id say a good way to distract him for a while is to tell him the house feels dirty or something, he'll go on a cleaning spree, nest must be spotless but you only have about forty-five minutes of freedom before he comes breaking down your door again
Fell sans would probably be a little shit, moreso than usual. Maybe even a little hyperactive, his lovebugg feeding not only off of the bond between he and his beloved but the excess magic that wafts off of him due to stress, meaning he has plenty of energy to invade his bonded's space. Doesn't care if they doesn't want him following them around, not like they can protect themselves, not like they can stop em, he's trying to keep them safe in his own, mean, bullyish way. Even if he has to hide a few bodies or delete a few contacts in your phone he's doing what's best for a weak lil thing like you
Fells general lack of self expression and the distance he keeps from others would also be changed, he'd be ontop of his bonded, constantly, cuddles kisses hugs or he gets an attitude and makes it their problem, missing belongings, grumbling in the corner until he gets what he wants, questionably harmless pranks, the whole mile.
He behaves when given the affection he craves so much tho, perfectly harmless to their beloved when his parasite is well fed and at peace, besides the occasional nip he gives them for the sake of his cuteness aggression, hes no danger to his bonded, just those around them, his distrust of every other living thing in their vicinity could prove an issue. It can come off as jealousy but it's much more akin to food guarding
A good way to distract him for a while would probably be to just hold him until he falls asleep, he'll be out like a light, but when he wakes up and realizes his bonded gone he may have some choice words for them (some whines and questions of if you even love him 😔)
God I love these guys I need to DRAW THEM THANKYOU SO MUCH FOR ASKING
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Writing Prompts! Continuation for “Here Kitty Kitty” with Aizawa and Cat Quirk Pro Hero reader.
I love this little Prompt so much i- hfcrgb.
This is the third part for it! If you would like to read the Original Prompt and Part 2 its under the CattyAizawa tag!!!
A/N. This is super soft♥️ i hope its okay that its not a NSFW thing. (Pt3!)
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Aizawa moved you into his home the day after youre heat started. He had to go back to teaching at UA soon and did not want to wait, he also did not want you walking around by youreself after a patrol while youre heat was around. You were upset that he had to go back to UA but there was nothing you could really do. He was a Pro Hero and a Teacher. When you were all moved in Aizawa brought you to his bed to hold and cuddle you . He nibbled at youre ear and you looked up at him purring loud untill he looked at you.
“Yes kitten?”
“When do you go back?”
“Tomorrow.” He answered , his voice low and exhausted. Poor guy did not want to go back.
You purred into his chest sending vibrations down to his legs . He chuckled pulling you close to him cupping youre face and kissing you gently .
“Youre making it harder for me to go back ya know. You think Nezo will believe me if i tell him my cat needs me?”
“Didint you use that line the three years i was there?” You teased nuzzling at his scruffy cheeks getting a chuckle out of him.
“Yes i did Kitten, do you know how many times id have to leave a meeting because you got into a fight with someone?”
“Maybe.. two..”
He nibbled youre ear making a “un uh “ sound and you squeaked trying to get away from him. Aizawa held you tight laughing for a minute.
“Almost every meeting i had for three years. Someone would run in and say ‘Aizawa, they are at it again’ and i would have to say to Nezo . ‘Sorry, my cat needs me.’”
You purred and couldint help but have a huge smile on youre face . Those three years of cat and mouse were youre favorite. Everytime he would drag you away from whoever you were fighting with his capture tape and just give you this tired ‘really? Again?’ Look .
“He might. Will you say it anyway and tell me?”
Aizawa laid you down getting ontop of you , he leaned down rubbing his scruff on you making you laugh and struggle under him for awhile. Aizawa cupped youre face kissing you lovingly and deeply. You purred making his face and shoulder vibrate . Aizawa pulled away to smile down at you and stroke youre cheek.
“Im pretty sure he would suspend me, kitten. I wont be here when you wake up too..”
He frowned at youre down ears . He really did not want to leave you. Running into you like this was the light in his dark world. Even when he knew you would be here when he got home , he still did not want to go. And youre heat worried him, it would last for at least a week and if he could tell it was happening .. then others could too. You purred up at him pawing at his face making him blink and lose his train of thought.
“Youll be okay kitten?”
“Yes sensei.. ill be here . I have no plans to go out when i dont need to patroll.”
He laid his head down on youre chest listening to you purr. As cheesy as it was .. it was his favorite song . The gentle vibrations mixing with youre heartbeat sent him into a very content and happy state. Sometimes he would even pull you to him placing his ear on youre chest just to listen for a minute while you ran youre fingers through his hair.
“Kitten..tomorrow im going to look up some things about youre heat. See if theres anything i can do to help while im not here.”
“Okay Sensei. I might.. have a nest when you get home. Its just a pile of youre clothes that have youre scent.”
“Is my scent that strong? I thought that was just Alphas and Omegas.”
“Well.. as long as you have a animal quirk .. you can smell it. And youres makes me crazy heh.”
Aizawa rubbed his scruff on you again with a tired smile on his face. “Oh kitten.. you make me so happy. That makes me so happy”
“You make me happy too Sensei.”
You kissed his lips and Aizawa laid his head back down listening to you purr all night. One of his favorite things about you was you stayed up all night sometimes with him . You purred for hours and sometimes would get tripped up because it tickled and you would have to stop and laugh. Aizawa would laugh and have to get up and get you some water. Sometimes he would spoon you so he could nibble youre ear and stroke youre tail too. Whichever he chose , you loved it.
In the morning Aizawa was already up watching the coffee pot. He was leaning on the counter with his arms crossed thinking.
The nest was okay, he didint mind that .
His scent could help you .
He sighed pouring his coffee into his cat cup taking a slow much needed sip. Was there anyone at UA he could ask ? He peaked in on you before leaving to see you curled up asleep purring quietly. He smiled watching for a minute. “Have a good day kitten.” Quietly he left the house and groaned up at the sky. He took another sip of his coffee and made his way to UA.
At UA Aizawa was in the teachers lounge browsing the internet for anything that could help you. The scent thing seemed to be a top result along with breeding . He laid his cheek on his palm resting his elbow on his desk groaning. He was so busy searching he did not see Midnight walk in . She went over to him to say hi but got no response. She blinked leaning down to look at him and then the computor screen. She got a huge grin on her face and she elbowed him breaking his focus.
“So whos the lucky lady?”
Aizawa looked less than thrilled , no one exactly knew you were with Aizawa. He groaned into his palm and Midnight elbowed him again.
“You cant tell anyone , no one knows”
“Sure thing , you can trust me.”
“Do you.. remember Y/N? Graduated last year?”
“Oh yeah! Where did you find her?”
“She was interning with the Wild Wild PussyCats. They made her wear their uni-“
He blinked realizing he told her to much but it was too late. Midnight was covering her mouth trying not to laugh.
“Aizawa!!!” She slapped his shoulder making him lean forward and grunt.
“Keep youre voice down.. shes in heat i dont know how to help if im not there.”
She leaned down close to his ear. “Cmon tell me , did you do it there?”
“Oouu!!! With all the students there Aizawa you naughty teacher!”
“Can you help me or not?”
Midnight giggled turning the keyboard to her typing something up . She pointed to the screen and Aizawa felt himself get aroused .
“It wont help her physically but it helps reassure her that shes youre wittle kitty cat!!!”
Aizawa closed the window and got up ignoring her , a small smile on his face.
You woke up maybe an houre after Aizawa left. You were craving his scent today and just him holding you. You had to force youreself to get up and get in the shower. When you got out you mewed all day for him . Laying in his bed wasint enough though..
You got up going to the closet pulling his yellow sleeping bag out and pulling down some of his shirts and pants. The pile of clothes fell on the sleeping bag and you crawled under it getting inside the sleeping bag mewing loud all day.
Aizawa came home to a quiet house, he went down to his room to see... a pile of his clothes ontop of his sleeping bag. He heard you purring and saw little movement in his sleeping bag. Aizawa snapped a picture on his phone and went over couching down liftinh one of his shirts to see youre sad face.
“Hi kitten. I brought you something.” He held up a little bag and you sat up falling out of his sleeping bag clinging to him.
Aizawa smiled squeezing you as tight as he could. He let out a very long sigh of relief . He was so happy to have you in his arms again. You peaked up at him mewing and he rubbed youre ear and kissed youre fore head.
“I missed you too Kitten. Here open this “
You sat down between his legs peaking in the bag . Youre ears shot up straight and you took the item out . It was a pretty light red collar with a heart in the front.
“I rubbed it on my shirt so hopfully it smells like me.”
You held it out to him and he put it on you and kissed you deeply. He wrapped his arms around you getting in the sleeping bag and turning you to face him.
“Like it?”
“..i love it.. thank you..”
He chuckled kissing youre cheek. “Youre welcome kitten”
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