cringeyvanillamilk · 4 years
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So… I made some OCs for Black Clover~! I had them for a while but I was too hesitant to post them here… But!! I finally found my resolve! I’d love to see more Black Clover OCs in this fandom tbh! It’s fun to create them and see other people’s OCs~!  I posted Adva in a different site but wanted to post her here on tumblr as well!
Here are some information about my OCs if anyone is interested!
Koli Igneus
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Blood Type: B
Birthday: November 20
Astrology Sign: Scorpio
Height: 188 cm
Weight: 79 kg
Eye: Brown
Hair: Wine
+ Protective, loyal, confident, creative, hardworking, intuitive
- Curt, aloof, judgmental, distrustful, workaholic
Physical Strength: 5
Magic Amount: 4
Magic Control: 5
Magic Sensing: 3
Cleverness: 4
Intuition: 5
Is childhood friends with Adva Euterpe. 
Grew up as a peasant farm girl.
Previously inherited her family’s farm for being the oldest child of four.
Been in the Black Bulls for 2 years.
Seems cold to those she isn’t familiar with but warms up once she’s comfortable (may take a while though).
Lacks sleep due to obsessively researching different types of weapons late at night. Primary reason why she has eye bags.
Is a weapon fanatic and a night owl.
Despite her demeanor, she has a sense of humor. People just rarely joke around her because of how intimidating she looks.
Favorite things are honest people and researching different types of weapons.
Body frequently aches from always being tense.
Her favorite Cinder Creation Magic is her Cinder Scythe.
Motives of being a Magic Knight: To increase intellectual stimulation.
Nicknames: Weapon Freak, Amazon, Old Lady
Adva Euterpe
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Blood Type: O
Birthday: October 20
Astrology Sign: Libra
Height: 190 cm
Weight: 70 kg
Eye: Blue
Hair: Green
+ Sacrificing (Before becoming a Magic Knight), easy going, whimsical, adaptive, witty, analytical, generous
- Irresponsible, lazy, fickle, cunning, self-indulgent
Physical Strength: 4
Magic Amount: 3
Magic Control: 4
Magic Sensing: 5
Cleverness: 5
Musical Talent: 5
Is childhood friends with Koli Igneus.
Grew up as a peasant farm girl.
Previously inherited her family’s farm for being the oldest child of three.
Been in the Black Bulls for 2 years.
Has an IQ of 148 but mostly uses her brain to avoid responsibilities.
Used to be very responsible before joining the Black Bulls. After being relieved of inheriting her family’s farm, she went down hill and became very lazy.
An excellent performer of poetry and musical acts.
Her hairstyle makes her an easy target to be made fun of. Despite this, she takes it in stride and even makes fun of herself to make other people laugh.
Favorite things are poetry and entertaining others.
A bard and clown wrapped into one being.
Her favorite Music Creation Magic is her Music Flute.
Motives of being a Magic Knight: To use music to ‘touch’ people’s heart.
Nicknames: Palm Tree, Pineapple Head, Seaweed Hair
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