im-s0rry · 6 months
Pocket Sand - Pilot Episode: Inkwel and Shikari
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Inkwel: Hehehe! W ll hiya the e, Mi s Shikari!
Shikari: Oh, it's yXu. Get Xut of hXre, I DXN'T want tX talk.
Inkwel: I don't me n to be rud b t I don't re lly... want t ...
Funny Stor , most of th peopl here ar n't the fr endliest... and if they ar , they pr bably want to k ll you... Hehehe....
Shikari: YeXh, and I WXll, tXo. Keep mX out of thXs you SXft littlX freak.
How'd yXu even gXt herX? You get thrXwn in here Xs a thrXwaway ItXm or sXmething?
Inkwel: Hehehe... No, I'm just l ke you. A Shadow Crystal h lder...
Shikari: ThXt's hard to belXeve.
Inkwel: It s but it's true. I als had on of those Crystals.
Shikari: Yeah but thXse don't savX you frXm lXXking likX you'd be beXten to a pXlp in less than a sXcond.
Inkwel: Hehehe, y u don't think 'm tough, don't you m ss? I'm plenty t ugh!
Shikari: I wasn't talkXng abXut that, you're a FXXKING plXshie.
Inkwel: Hey! Th t wasn't n ce...
Hmmmm... h s anyone h re told yo abo t my EYES?
Shikari: NXpe.
Inkwel: Hehehe! W ll in th t case!
*Inkwel puts his puppet in one of the holes where his eye should have been. Shikari looks on in mild amusement.*
Shikari: So? YXu don't hXve eyXs? I knXw likX five Xther DarknXrs thXt havX the same thXng-
Inkwel: Oh I wasn't b rn lik this! Mr Ro k stole them!
Shikari: . . .WhXt?
Inkwel: Ye h! He r pped them all o t and left me to d e in m set! Hehehe!
Shikari: . . .
Inkwel: And if y u don't mind m add ng to that, but wh n I did g t them b ck, I turn d int a fre ky monst r!
Shikari: . . .Huh. . .ThXt's . . .MetXl as fXXk.
Inkwel: Th t's not h w I would w rd it, b t sure!
Shikari: So lXke, are yXu tryXng to gXt rXvenge on thXt Rook GXy?
Inkwel: Oh no n no! I w uld never! R venge is wr ng and it'd be cru l of me t do that!
Shikari: . . .He lXft you to dXe. . .
Inkwel: Ye h. . .But p ople can ch nge and ma be he'll r alize that he mad a mist ke some t me in the fut ure! Hehehe!
Shikari: . . .MXn. And I thXught yXu were kind Xf cXXl for a sXcond. You'rX just anXther WXMP likX the rXst of thXm.
Inkwel: I g t that a lot. . .hehehe. . .I he rd that fr m my wife n our f rst date. . .
Shikari: Hm?
Inkwel: Oh yeah! My w fe! Sh 's the best. . .b t I can't t lk to her when I'm h re...
Shikari: WhXt? Did shX dXe or somethXng?
Inkwel: h HEAVENS no! She's j st kind f. . .liv ng in a re lm betwe n realit is all!
W it. . .maybe I c n talk to her h re! Th s ain't a qu ote- n-q ote can n story s I think she c n come ov r!
Shikari: FXXking go for it.
Inkwel: Alr ghty!
*A few minutes pass*
Inkwel: h Shikari!
Shikari: WhXt do yXu want- HXLY SHXT.
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Nora: You must be that Shikari girl he was talking about. I'm Nora.
Inkwel: I pulled some strings nd w s able to g t h r here!
Shikari: BRX.
Inkwel: what the fuck did you just call my wife?
- End of Pilot -
Bonus Fanart for making it to the end!
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Shikari by: @mercair
Inkwel, Nora, and Rustflare by: Me!
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