#I GOT THE BIGGEST GANG IN THE CITY / MAIN 02    *    (   lieutenant   )
4-0l5 · 6 years
“i thought i knew where i was going. i thought i had it all planned out. turns out i had no idea.”
if i stay     /     not-accepting for     [     @asperad   ]
                ‘     I DON’T THINK ANY OF US DO,     ‘     olivia shrugged, arms loosely crossed over her chest. when she was in the academy, special victim’s had always been the goal. on some level, she knew that it would be hard. that there would be cases that stayed with her even years later. olivia expected to face real life monsters, the kind that roamed the streets, preying on the young, the defenceless, the innocent. but nothing could have prepared her for the things she’d seen and endured, or the things she’d missed. 
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            she smiles then, something almost     …     sad.     ‘     –     ALL I EVER WANTED WAS TO BE A COP. I FIGURED THE REST WOULD COME AFTER, YOU KNOW ? A FAMILY, FRIENDS     …     '     she sighs, a slow exhale that moves her chest. lips thinning slightly, a resigned glint in her eye, olivia lifted her gaze to meet stella’s.     ‘     WE SACRIFICE A LOT FOR THE LAW, FOR JUSTICE     –     WE TELL OURSELVES IT’S WORTH IT, BUT SOMETIMES I WONDER     …     ‘
                               pushing herself away from the wall she’d made herself comfortable leaning against, olivia closed the distance between the two of them, striding closer until she’s just within reach. standing just a couple inches taller, she has to tilt her head to look stella in the eye.     ‘    …     YOU DID THE RIGHT THING, STELLA. MAYBE YOU DON’T THINK THAT RIGHT NOW, MAYBE YOU WON’T THINK IT IN A MONTH     –     BUT IF YOU NEED ANYTHING, YOU KNOW WHERE I’LL BE.     ‘     shoulders rise and her head moves in gesture to her office, because where else would olivia benson be if not here ?
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4-0l5 · 6 years
@alwaysfine   /   random
   ‘     NO,     ‘     she could not say the word faster if she tried. resigning herself to distraction, olivia turned away from her computer and the numerous emails she still had to respond to, staring at amanda standing in her doorway. the door had been closed, and she should have locked it, but she didn’t. before her detective could even open her mouth, olivia cut her off. she felt a headache coming on.     ‘     WHATEVER IT IS, THE ANSWER IS NO.     ‘
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4-0l5 · 6 years
sc   /   @o188 
            twenty years, olivia’s worked special victims. she’d been here a long time, she’d seen things no normal cop has seen. she’d crawled her way back out of hell and she’d lost more than she’d care to admit. if anyone knows, it’s her.     ‘     CARISI,     ‘     slowly, she stands beside him, back to the wall before she cautiously lowers herself to the floor. she crouches there for a moment, before she sits down and crosses her legs.     ‘     --     IT WAS A CLEAN SHOT.     ‘     
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4-0l5 · 6 years
sc   /   @equityminded 
          ‘     YOU’RE NOT GONNA ANTAGONISE A DRUG CARTEL OR ENCOURAGE A SEXUAL SADIST TO CHOKE YOU IN COURT, ARE YOU     ?     ‘     she raises her brow, tilting her head slightly to the side and narrowing her eyes at their new ada. she’s not entirely sure how she feels about replacing barba, but then     --     she’d felt the same about barba replacing casey and casey replacing alex. special victims are a closer unit than most other departments, and svu is both liv’s home and family. 
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4-0l5 · 6 years
sc   /   @whatwesacrifice 
‘     YOU MY BABYSITTER, DAWSON     ?     ‘     though she grins at him, assuring him she’s only joking, olivia can’t help but think that maybe there’s some truth the implication. she wouldn’t put it passed voight to give her a detail while she’s in chicago     --     she tends to go off on her own and while that wouldn’t be a problem in her own city     (     or so she thinks     )     the same can not be said for his.     ‘     --     WHAT’D YOU DO     ?     ‘
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4-0l5 · 6 years
TAG DROP     /     II. alt / closed verses summaries below the cut
THE END OF THE WORLD     --     apocalypse verse. liv managed to survive new york, defacto leader of a small group of survivors, constantly moving, just trying to survive.
IT’S A GIRL     --     baby bensler verse with @63l3​ set when elliot and kathy are separated and after liv comes back from her undercover stint in oregon. el and liv spend one night together and a month later, liv finds out she’s pregnant.
HAPPILY EVER AFTER     --     once upon a time verse set primarily in storybrooke where olivia works at the police station during and post the curse. in the enchanted forest, she was raised in a village with her mother. she knows her father raped her mother and she is the result but she does not know who her father is. her biological father was one of king xavier’s sons, which would make regina her cousin.
WHERE DO YOU PUT YOUR GUN ?     --     generic undercover verse. if writing in this verse, olivia will be playing a part and will not be her usual badass benson self. no one knows that she’s law enforcement. 
WE DON’T NEED ANYONE BUT US     --     pretty little liars verse with @battleincarnate​ where instead of finding a brother in simon marsden, she finds a sister in veronica hastings. liv will spend some time in rosewood where she’s constantly questioning the police and their procedures.  liv convinces veronica to leave peter and move to new york with spencer.
WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN     --     an alternative take on my verse with @battleincarnate​ where liv is removed from her mother’s care after an incident sends her to the emergency room. her biological father, who kept close tabs on liv throughout her childhood, adopted her without telling her he’s her father and she was raised alongside her sister, veronica. liv was raised rich and privileged. in her teenage years, she’s a bit more carefree and wild since she doesn’t have her mother’s assault hanging over her head. this is the only verse where olivia could possibly be bisexual. she finds out about her father when she’s seventeen and still ends up working for special victims unit.
IT’S CALLED MARRIAGE     --     closed undercover verse with @63l3​ where elliot and olivia go undercover on an air force base to catch a serial rapist assaulting military wives. they were given the case because they’re the best of the best, but pretending to be married to her partner is easier said than done. 
SEMPER FI     --     closed au verse where elliot meets liv while in the marines before he marries kathy. almost everything turns out as usual except liv has four kids with elliot and they’re not partners. in this verse, liv’s partnered with finn.
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