aguita-mineral · 5 months
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Note: for this year I’ll be drawing them doing the stuff they like(? So yeah for Terra is shampoo!
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ernicvibes · 8 months
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It was a foggy night in Paris , the moon was playing hide and seek whith the clouds, and as a background you could hear the city slowly dying.
Restaurants are closing and a drunk old man is singing old french songs , reminishing his youthness while slowly approaching the way home.
There is a middle aged prostitute in a side of the street ,she smokes a cigarette ,but it seems more like that the cigarette it’s smoking her , there are no emotions in her eyes .
She fix her lipstick while she watch the Senna flowing under the under the bridge.
She wears a pair of louboutin , an old client bought those for her , Reginald Dubois, Remì for the close friends ;
what a weird man she thought, sometimes he booked an appointment with her not to have payed sex , but just to have someone to talk to; at least he was well mannered .
She reach for her handbag mirror , but while doing so her purse falls to the ground , a young man sees the scene and intervenes , kneeling down and taking the bag for her .
They look at eachother for a second but it seems an eternity, he’ s not only watching her , he is studying her trying to cross the terrestrial phisical dimension and reach her soul.
She is feeling like her heart is stopping for a long second , she is feeling young again , an animalistic passion is burning inside of her , “What is it lavender?” she says sniffing his neck, she has no control on her action in that moment .
“You like it ?” he says , his eyes got some type of magnetism because she can’t stop looking at him, she is feeling like a teenager with her first love; “I gotta calm down”, she thinks .
She suddenly push him and take back the purse , “merci” she says with a cold tone , “Now you can go…and stop looking at me like that , what is your problem?!”
“ You don’ t like it?” he says , a big smile appears on his face
She turns around ignoring him
“Give me a chance”
“Why should I” she reply , lightning up another cigarette
“Because our soul are connected, I don’t know ho to explain it , I just feel it.”
Tomorrow at midnight , le “Chat noire club” , Montparnasse , just me and you for one night ,then if you want I will disappear from your life forever .
His voice is trembling.
“You never been part of it petit and never will”
A car stops close to them , roll down the window , it’s Mr Remì ,he has little eyes that quickly move all over his visual and small elegant moustaches dancing on the border of his superior lip , his voice it’s very calm but at the same time shows an extreme inner fragility, “Mon dieu Claudette you are as beautiful as ever , you remind me of the spring ! Could I have the honor to take you on a ride ?”
“Oui monsieur Remì” she reply and enter in the car.
“Ciao Claudette” whisper the young boy slowly waving with his hand , then put it in his pocket and proceed to walk in the opposite direction of the car .
The car is moving and Claudette put her head outside the window , she look up to sky ,then she looks around , and scream : “Bonne nuit Paris”
The morning after Claudette cameback in her little apartment in “Le Marais “, the night with Mr Remì had been “alternative” as usual, they chatted for hours talking about “Paris dans la belle epoque” and old movies while drinking a lot of wine causing Remì to fall asleep while they were starting to have sex , so she left , taking with herself the money on the sofa and a box of strawberries that the old man had in the fridge .
She couldn’ t get some sleep that night becuse she was still thinking about that damn unknown guy she met the night before .His face was stuck i her mind as a terrible nightmare.
I must forget him , she thought.
For breakfast she had croissant , strawberries and cigarettes three of the five remaining in the pack , then she had a shower and tried to get some rest , another hard night was waiting for her .
She woke up at 8 pm with a terrible headache , she missed the appointment with mr Durand , but she wasn’t mad because he was an asshole , and always tried to choke her.
At 9 pm she had an appointment with Mr Fournier at 10pm with Mr Bernard and at midnight she took service on the streets as always , she was tremendously busy.
She was gettin ready in her little room , in front of the mirror , how could he ever love a woman like me? she thought .
Claudette was beautiful , she had big green eyes ,hairs black as the coal , and extremely long legs compared to the body which made her look like a “ Danseur”.
She was a mature woman but she had a youthful fire burning inside ; you could recognize an incredible sufference in her eyes , mixed with a little bit of apathy.
She was a beautiful rose that was slowly wilting inside.
Before going out she cried a little bit , turning off the lights , because she didn’t want to see herself in the mirror. It was one of those night in wich all the emotions come out and you can’t control it.
She cleaned her face , drank some other wine and then left home .
It was one of those nights in wich only her body left her house , Claudette was still in her dark room , alone with her thoughts.
She met Mr fournier at 9 pm following her agenda , she had sex with him in a small park near her house , she looked at the sky for all the time of the short intercourse, but unfortunately she didnt see any star , just some planes .
She would have really loved to fly away too , from all her problem , to hover in the sky , and not being Claudette anymore , but just a flying body in the space .
At 10 pm she met Mr Fournier, he was extremely rude and took her violently, for the first time in her life she didn’t even felt human , she felt like she was some sort of animal , totally dehumanized .
She cameback home, and for a brief second, she thought about taking her life.
She screamed with all the voice that she had in her body covering her mouth with a pillow ,that made her feel better.
She had two hours before going back to the “streets” ; when she was sad she liked to watch “A day of rain in New York” , she liked rom-com , Timothée Chalamet and that aura of nostalgia .
She cried during the movie , she wanted some love in her life too , some happiness.
Her heart was in the ocean and everyday it sank deeper and deeper.
She thought about the unknown young boy, he had a special place in her mind , but she didn’t admit it to herself.
It was midnight, time to go back to work .
00.30, she looked up on the smartphone and sighed , she thought about the invite received, but as she always says she stopped believing in fary tales a long time ago.
After a few minutes a car stopped next to her work location, she was about to enter in the car , but then she noticed that he already had his pants unzipped ,his meat out and was vigorously touching himself, while looking at her like a lion watches the dead body of his preys.
In the meanwhile he was holding the money with the right hand pointing them in her direction .
She didn’t really know what clicked in her , but Claudette throwed up and started running , inside of her a mix of emotions , she was mad , sad , confused .
Only had one thing clear in mind :she had to find the unknown youngboy.
She called a taxi , “ Le chat noir Montparnasse s’il vous plait”.
She finally arrived after 15 minutes , she was feeling different , an inexplicable energy was moving her .
She opened the door of the club .
Some jazz music was playing , and extravagant people were smoking and drinking at their table while boldly discussing.
She looked for the boy for an entire hour , but nothing , she didn’t found him , so she cameback disappointed to her work place.
She smoked her last cigarette , but it seemed more like the cigarette was smoking her .
“Claudette”…. “CLAUDETTE “
“Who is looking for me?” she reply while turning around.
It was him. Her heart was smiling.
“I wasted an hour of my life looking for you tonight ”she scream.
“I’ ve been looking for you for all the streets of Paris where were you? he reply ,
Claudette run towards him and kiss him on the lips , then they stare at eachother for a few seconds , there is some magic in their eyes .
“I got something for you” he says ,
“what is it ?”she replies smiling
He pulls out a little box and a bouquet
It was a foggy night in Paris , the moon was playing hide and seek whith the clouds, and as a background you could hear the city slowly dying.
Restaurants are closing and a drunk old man is singing old french songs , reminishing his youthness while slowly approaching the way home.
There is a middle aged prostitute in a side of the street ,she smokes a cigarette ,but it seems more like that the cigarette it’s smoking her , there are no emotions in her eyes .
She fix her lipstick while she watch the Senna flowing under the under the bridge.
She wears a pair of louboutin , an old client bought those for her , Reginald Dubois, Remì for the close friends ;
what a weird man she thought, sometimes he booked an appointment with her not to have payed sex , but just to have someone to talk to; at least he was well mannered .
She reach for her handbag mirror , but while doing so her purse falls to the ground , a young man sees the scene and intervenes , kneeling down and taking the bag for her .
They look at eachother for a second but it seems an eternity, he’ s not only watching her , he is studying her trying to cross the terrestrial phisical dimension and reach her soul.
She is feeling like her heart is stopping for a long second , she is feeling young again , an animalistic passion is burning inside of her , “What is it lavender?” she says sniffing his neck, she has no control on her action in that moment .
“You like it ?” he says , his eyes got some type of magnetism because she can’t stop looking at him, she is feeling like a teenager with her first love; “I gotta calm down”, she thinks .
She suddenly push him and take back the purse , “merci” she says with a cold tone , “Now you can go…and stop looking at me like that , what is your problem?!”
“ You don’ t like it?” he says , a big smile appears on his face
She turns around ignoring him
“Give me a chance”
“Why should I” she reply , lightning up another cigarette
“Because our soul are connected, I don’t know ho to explain it , I just feel it.”
Tomorrow at midnight , le “Chat noire club” , Montparnasse , just me and you for one night ,then if you want I will disappear from your life forever .
His voice is trembling.
“You never been part of it petit and never will”
A car stops close to them , roll down the window , it’s Mr Remì ,he has little eyes that quickly move all over his visual and small elegant moustaches dancing on the border of his superior lip , his voice it’s very calm but at the same time shows an extreme inner fragility, “Mon dieu Claudette you are as beautiful as ever , you remind me of the spring ! Could I have the honor to take you on a ride ?”
“Oui monsieur Remì” she reply and enter in the car.
“Ciao Claudette” whisper the young boy slowly waving with his hand , then put it in his pocket and proceed to walk in the opposite direction of the car .
The car is moving and Claudette put her head outside the window , she look up to sky ,then she looks around , and scream : “Bonne nuit Paris”
The morning after Claudette cameback in her little apartment in “Le Marais “, the night with Mr Remì had been “alternative” as usual, they chatted for hours talking about “Paris dans la belle epoque” and old movies while drinking a lot of wine causing Remì to fall asleep while they were starting to have sex , so she left , taking with herself the money on the sofa and a box of strawberries that the old man had in the fridge .
She couldn’ t get some sleep that night becuse she was still thinking about that damn unknown guy she met the night before .His face was stuck i her mind as a terrible nightmare.
I must forget him , she thought.
For breakfast she had croissant , strawberries and cigarettes three of the five remaining in the pack , then she had a shower and tried to get some rest , another hard night was waiting for her .
She woke up at 8 pm with a terrible headache , she missed the appointment with mr Durand , but she wasn’t mad because he was an asshole , and always tried to choke her.
At 9 pm she had an appointment with Mr Fournier at 10pm with Mr Bernard and at midnight she took service on the streets as always , she was tremendously busy.
She was gettin ready in her little room , in front of the mirror , how could he ever love a woman like me? she thought .
Claudette was beautiful , she had big green eyes ,hairs black as the coal , and extremely long legs compared to the body which made her look like a “ Danseur”.
She was a mature woman but she had a youthful fire burning inside ; you could recognize an incredible sufference in her eyes , mixed with a little bit of apathy.
She was a beautiful rose that was slowly wilting inside.
Before going out she cried a little bit , turning off the lights , because she didn’t want to see herself in the mirror. It was one of those night in wich all the emotions come out and you can’t control it.
She cleaned her face , drank some other wine and then left home .
It was one of those nights in wich only her body left her house , Claudette was still in her dark room , alone with her thoughts.
She met Mr fournier at 9 pm following her agenda , she had sex with him in a small park near her house , she looked at the sky for all the time of the short intercourse, but unfortunately she didnt see any star , just some planes .
She would have really loved to fly away too , from all her problem , to hover in the sky , and not being Claudette anymore , but just a flying body in the space .
At 10 pm she met Mr Fournier, he was extremely rude and took her violently, for the first time in her life she didn’t even felt human , she felt like she was some sort of animal , totally dehumanized .
She cameback home, and for a brief second, she thought about taking her life.
She screamed with all the voice that she had in her body covering her mouth with a pillow ,that made her feel better.
She had two hours before going back to the “streets” ; when she was sad she liked to watch “A day of rain in New York” , she liked rom-com , Timothée Chalamet and that aura of nostalgia .
She cried during the movie , she wanted some love in her life too , some happiness.
Her heart was in the ocean and everyday it sank deeper and deeper.
She thought about the unknown young boy, he had a special place in her mind , but she didn’t admit it to herself.
It was midnight, time to go back to work .
00.30, she looked up on the smartphone and sighed , she thought about the invite received, but as she always says she stopped believing in fary tales a long time ago.
After a few minutes a car stopped next to her work location, she was about to enter in the car , but then she noticed that he already had his pants unzipped ,his meat out and was vigorously touching himself, while looking at her like a lion watches the dead body of his preys.
In the meanwhile he was holding the money with the right hand pointing them in her direction .
She didn’t really know what clicked in her , but Claudette throwed up and started running , inside of her a mix of emotions , she was mad , sad , confused .
Only had one thing clear in mind :she had to find the unknown youngboy.
She called a taxi , “ Le chat noir Montparnasse s’il vous plait”.
She finally arrived after 15 minutes , she was feeling different , an inexplicable energy was moving her .
She opened the door of the club .
Some jazz music was playing , and extravagant people were smoking and drinking at their table while boldly discussing.
She looked for the boy for an entire hour , but nothing , she didn’t found him , so she cameback disappointed to her work place.
She smoked her last cigarette , but it seemed more like the cigarette was smoking her .
“Claudette”…. “CLAUDETTE “
“Who is looking for me?” she reply while turning around.
It was him. Her heart was smiling.
“I wasted an hour of my life looking for you tonight ”she scream.
“I’ ve been looking for you for all the streets of Paris where were you? he reply ,
Claudette run towards him and kiss him on the lips , then they stare at eachother for a few seconds , there is some magic in their eyes .
“I got something for you” he says ,
“what is it ?”she replies smiling
He pulls out a little box and a bouquet
0 notes
wingsofivory · 3 years
Ok, it's not 2 in the morning so I'm typing this down so I don't forget. I might try and draw this later. Here is my au idea:
The papyrus would be Smoke and the Sans would be Mirror, a swap au. The main difference is that while there is no outright violence, it's more a conspiracy ridden world based on scams and lies. Like a Chinese period dramas. People framing eachother, making them lose credibility, gaslighting, fighting for a leg up (not phisically), and everyone has secrets. Except unlike some of the swapfell au's everything looks fine until you start to dig, and every monster learns the hard way at some point in their lives that blind trust can ruin you, and even lead to your death (always framed as an accedent).
Gaster is the father, and sans is the younger one. While some parents teach their children how this world works early, sometimes to protect them, sometimes to use them (illegitimate children are a big thing used as leverage. I have read way to many Chinese web novels so a lot of those scams happen), gaster didn't bother. Smoke is perceptive and gets things on his own. Mirror, not so much. Mirror is my favorite thing about this au. There is no judge ability.
Instead, since he was young, Mirror could hear voices in his head. The voices would tell him things about the people around them, that so-and-so is having an affair, this person is blackmailing that person, etc. Everyone's darkest secrets. So what does a five year old do when they start hearing voices telling them horrifying things about their closest friends and neighbors? They tell their dad.
Gaster listened, and told sans not to worry, and that the voices were liars. All the scarry things the voices were saying were not true, and he could prove it. So if the voices tell him something, tell gaster. Don't tell any one else, because you don't want them thinking you are the liar, right? But make sure to tell gaster everything. So he did. He told gaster everything, about everyone.
Gaster began to isolate sans after that, never teaching him to read, only letting him outside with them. The world was what gaster told him it was. The voices telling him things about people, about his father and what he's doing with the tings he's telling them? All liars. His dad is a good person.
In a world of liars, someone who knows the truth is especially dangerous, so Gaster quickly amassed quite the amount of political power over the years. Sans stayed inside, and papyrus, without gaster's supervision and with a chip on his shoulder about sans getting all the attention, becomes quite the con man. Until one day, when sans was 16 and papyrus was 22, things fall apart. Somehow (not sure how yet) Gaster is killed and papyrus learns of sans' ability, and sans learns the truth. Papyrus, a veteran liar with his own host of secrets, is struggling with the idea that sans can tell EVERYTHING about him, and his long standing belief that their dad loved sans more being more about sans being used.
Sans on the other hand, has had his entire world shattered. His solace against the voices was that they weren't telling the truth. Everyone tells lies, nomatter how small, and I think somebody who always knows the truth would actually have terrible trust issues, especially with what happened with gaster.
The real kicker, though, was what Gaster did with that information. Gaster was not a good man, and quite a few lives were ruined by the information he has, the information he gave him. That idea, it broke him.
For few days days papyrus ignores sans and his mental spiral, used to ignoring his brother, scared of his ability, and grappling whith his one problems. Sans is left alone with his thoughts and the voices. Until a few days later, papyrus smells dust and marrow. He rushes to his brother's room.
The way that a skeletons body works, is that it forms what is necessary to function the body. So what papyrus sees is sans with marrow covering his hands and neck. Sans was haunted be the idea that him telling the truth about everyone's secrets is what ruined everything.
Sans had done the skeleton equivalent of tearing out his own vocal cords.
So present time, papyrus is both guilt ridden and apprehensive of sans. His coping mechanism is lying, and he is still a massive con artist, kinda like Cash.
Sans is mute, and refuses to learn how to write or sign. He hates interacting with people, and has massive trust issues, despite litterly knowing if someone is lying to him. If he does interact with somebody, he has a look of guilt on his face the entire time. He never learned to lie after all, so his bandana hides his scars and the lower half of his face, because he can't hide his feelings.
Although Mirror knows basically every secret of everyone he meets, he's actually the best at keeping secrets. After all, he can't convey anything but the most simple ideas (Mirror himself insured that), and his trauma basically that he would never reveal even the worst of secrets. But as you can imagine, it tends to fray at his sanity, and he has gained a very pessimistic view of life.
Tell me your thoughts! I'd love to hear them.
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6 months in Japan
I feel like it has been both an eternity and, like, three seconds since I arrived in Japan to settle down for a whole year. A lot has happened, a lot has been learned, and I thought that it would be great to share my thoughts on this first half of the year in this beautiful country, honestly and without trying to edulcorate anything.  First, Nagoya is a very, very nice place to live in. I was scared of being overwhelmed by such a big city - 4th biggest in the country, it is still bigger than Paris - and, well, turns out it’s one of the best part of my experience. I just genuinely like this city : it is surprisingly peaceful where I live, and during my late-night walks I enjoy this kind of nocturnal stillness in the residencial areas, with the lighting enhancing the japanese architecture that I’ve come to love so much. Also, if you prefer to be more active, there are still dozens of places which never seem to sleep - Sakae among them, truly the heart of the living life in Nagoya. All in all, I’m pretty happy to be living where I am, also because Nagoya is between Tokyo and Kyoto, and kind of in the middle of Japan, which allows to travel anywhere without it being too expensive - it is still very expensive, let’s be real.  Nagoya University is a nice campus. It is very large, and offers plenty of services to fill the day ; I especially love the library, and there is a coffee shop where you can get free coffee/tea every two hours if you register on an app - it’s called Shiru Cafe, 100% real, tested and approved. 
However, I have been very disappointed with the classes offered. All in all, I think I’m also at fault here : my expectations were great and I had heard the Japanese education system being praised for its difficulty so many times that I foolishly thought I would enjoy myself. Well... In Nagoya and in most of the universities I heard of, classes for foreign students are created especially for them, and neither my friends in other schools nor me have found them particularly entertaining or meaningful. There is also another problem : in Japan, if you do not want to work in a scientific field, your skills at the end of uni are barely important. It’s the university you went to and the clubs you took part in which matter. That’s because basically, in Japanese companies, you always start at the bottom and climb through hierarchy as the years go by ; because companies often hire employees for life, they tend to change their allocated department every 5 years or so. Which means that even if you are specialized in Human Resources, you might as well end up in the Marketing department. Which means that your skills in one field are not particularly relevant to your employer. I don’t know how much of an impact it had, but my management classes at least were pretty hard to focus on, they were terribly boring. I also struggle with by-heart learning and... yeah, guess what ? It’s the favored method of learning in Japan. So, yeah, academically, I do not feel very fulfilled. 
The country is amazingly beautiful. Japan in autumn is a sight to see and, please, if you come then, do not simply stop at Tokyo and Kyoto ; the Japanese countryside in autumn has some of the most beautiful colours I have ever seen for that season. I fell in love with the places I went to during that time. Try and see if there are places slightly outside of the most famous one, places which could interest you and where you could see what Japan’s Nature has to offer : trust me, that is a lot.   Also, be careful, autumn in Japan arrives a lot later than in France for example. Nagoya did not start showing any sign of a red leaf until late November ; in the countryside, it started mid-November but the most beautiful colors are definitely not there before early December. Please note that it varies from north to south ; Nikko has colours as soon as October for example. 
Another thing I did not expect : I have always seen myself as a very independent, adventurous person and it came as quite a shock when I realized just how much I missed my best friend. We have a very unique relationship, very close, and I just miss her whith my whole entire soul every single day. I think, in a way, this has dampened my enthousiasm for the whole trip, because every activity and every project is accompanied by “if only we could do this together” and “she would love this” etc. Of course, there are ways, but we’ve lived in a colocation for years now and I just wasn’t prepared for the impact it would have on me. 
Being alone however taught me a lot of things, and helped me grow a lot ; as well as to face myself and the things I was running from. It allowed me to take some time to gather my thoughts and to progress in a variety of fields, to experiment and to fail without fearing it would lead to conflict with anyone. Also, it has helped me have a clearer view on my relationships and it feels really good. 
All in all, I am very grateful for this wonderful opportunity. I think travelling abroad is an amazing experience and I wish it to anyone who desires to try someday. Do it. Try, see, you will always learn. 
I am currently hesitating to go back to France ; not because I do not appreciate this great experience, but because I am not sure it will help me at all with my studies, nor am I sure if I can bear one more semester of classes - I am the type of person who simply can’t work when not interested. Also, my best friend’s absence is becoming more and more of a hindrance to my enjoying of Japan. 
At first, I was ashamed. How could I try and go back when I was given such an amazing gift ? How could I feel this way when I have been insisting that it’s all I’ve ever wanted ? I did a lot of thinking, though, and I think that it’s important for people to know that, despite everything, being on the other side of the world for one whole year, all alone, especially when you’re an introvert, can be quite taxing. I would still recommend it, because you learn and see and experience so much, but I also think that it’s important to recognize if something is bothering you/hurting you and if you have a way to stop it. 
So, yeah, here are my thoughts on my first 6 months ! Frankly, all in all, it was really amazing, and I do not regret one thing. I hope it will be at least a bit interesting for you ! 
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tessatechaitea · 5 years
Team Titans #17
Team Titans is an anagram of Fuck Donald Trump.
The joke in the caption relies on regular readers knowing that I keep doing anagrams of the title except this time the anagram isn't an anagram at all! I know some people probably didn't even have to double check, especially the really observant ones who instinctively knew that "Team Titans" did not contain an "F". But the other point of that caption is to make readers who both enjoy Donald Trump and the stupid shit I write about comic books suddenly realize that they don't like what I write at all. In half a second, they'll realize how stupidly wrong they were about their opinions of this blog. In a half second after that, they'll admit that they've always thought I was a dumb asshole who has never written anything clever in his entire life. A few seconds after that, they'll probably be jerking off to another Hillary Clinton rant by Sean Hannity. We all have to face the consequences of our beliefs and actions. One of the consequences of supporting the modern GOP lampreys attached to the tits and ass fat of Donald Trump is that you don't get to enjoy myriad entertainments. Pretty much all you've got is Last Man Standing and reruns of Home Improvement. Of course, you could try to ignore what you've now learned because I probably won't mention it again for quite some time. But it's also possible I might pull at your victim status trigger again by the next paragraph! Speaking of triggers, the NRA can eat their own filthy asshole. Unless they like doing that! They seem like the kind of organization that would like doing that! And I don't mind kink-shaming people who love to eat their own filthy assholes because the Venn Diagram of people who can eat their own assholes and people who love to eat filthy assholes is nonexistent.
This whole nineties Teen Titans thing went off the rails a tiny bit when they introduced a rapist version of Nightwing with a nipple ring.
Is it weird that I have an unrepentant love for Lobo and a slightly repentant love for Deathstork but I feel like I'd be crossing a line having any kind of love for Deathwing? I get why people love Lobo because he's over the top and his space jeans craft a nice package in his nether area. Plus the chains! So penis stiffening! And Deathstork was cool enough to have gotten an underage girl he fucked killed without the entire comic book community feeling disgusted by him. I think his old age helped. Deathstork is like a beloved grandfather who tells such incredible stories from his youth that nobody minds that 23% of them are racist. But if somebody told me Deathwing was their favorite character, I'd be frightened. Although I guess they could mitigate that fright by explaining they like the Rebirth Deathwing and then I'd just be, "Oh, sorry. I didn't know you were gay. Cool!" That probably came across as me using gay as a synonym for lame but it was meant to express my feelings that Rebirth Deathwing should be a gay icon, if he isn't already. Like the Babadook. In that picture above, Deathwing is coming out of a clockmaker's closet (so maybe he's a gay icon too?), probably to rape the clockmaker (Oh yeah! He's totally rapey, so probably not a gay icon!). Now I'm wondering why Superman doesn't stop more rapes? Or why he doesn't commit himself to stopping all rapes? He could end rape forever with his powers! I guess he just doesn't have the commitment to end rape. You know how fast rape would have been stopped if Bruce Wayne's parents had been raped in that alley? Considering how many murders still happen in Gotham City even though Batman has dedicated his life to stopping injustice, I'm guessing it wouldn't have been fast at all. Batman is a huge failure. Meanwhile back at the Long Ranch, Nightrider (as opposed to Deathrider, his rapey twin), recovers from being shot by the neighbor. Granted, the neighbor also tracked down the wounded vampire to rescue him. He didn't realize he was shooting a living, feeling creature. He just thought he was killing a stupid bat! I hope no bats read this blog! They might think I'm being insensitive to bats! And, I mean, I am! But I don't want them to know that! They might start sending me memes of their creepy little faces saying things like, "Bats have rights too!" and "Bats cry more than most human males!" and "Today is the worst day of the rest of your terrible life, motherfucker!" That last one would make a good motivational poster for the lunchroom at most offices.
Wait. Is "vampire" a derogatory term?!
I just watched a Kids React video on YouTube about whether or not "hell" was a curse word. Sydney took the opportunity to say as many near curse words as she thought she could get away with. I'm pretty sure if I were young or hip or with it (which I obviously am not as noted by my usage of "hip" and "with it"), I would now use the word stan somehow. Why is there a Kids React for "How to Cure a Hangover"? What the fuck is wrong with the Fine Brothers?! Here are some more great ideas for your dumb Internet show: "Kids React to Joe Pesci's Death Scene in Goodfellas" "Kids React to Satanic Rituals" "Kids React to Seeing Their Parents Murdered" "Kids React to Goat Testicles" "Kids React to Their First Blow Job" I should stop listing these because I could do it all day and also I think some of them would actually work. The "How to Cure a Hangover" video isn't actually a Kids React; it's an advice episode featuring all ages of reactors. The first question they must give advice for is "How do I get someone to kiss me on New Year's Eve?" According to a lot of the answers, nobody seemed to give much of a shit about consent in 2016. Although my stan Sydney is all, "Get your parents to kiss you!" Oh my God she owns the world. The next question Sydney answers is "How do I touch a rainbow?" She says to get the biggest ladder in the world so she might be kind of dumb. I mean, a ladder doesn't have to be that big to touch a rainbow! Although she is just a kid so I'll let her slide on this answer. I suppose it's more important that she gives a cute answer than a correct one. For "How do I cure a hangover?", Sydney says, "Why are you asking me this question?" After which, I'm assuming, she walked off camera and kicked both Fine Brothers in the balls at the same time. Okay, back to Team Titans! The neighbor tries to apologize by explaining that he wouldn't have tried to murder the bat if he'd known it wasn't a disgusting bat. Terry Long, the worst character in a comic book full of terrible characters (and I'm including Deathwing here!), blames the victim and Terra's angst meter tops out. She goes into a blind Tumblr rage without any regard to the neighbor's apology, explaining how Nightrider was only acting on his true nature. The row disturbs Donna's baby which becomes the worst issue of the night.
"Whith"? I've never noticed Donna's weird accent before this issue! I also love how she thrusts her baby at the others to show that they've upset it.
While the majority of the team take Nightrider to STAR Labs for treatment (can't they just let him suck the baby a little bit?), Mirage and Terra stay behind to protect Terry and the baby. Well, Terra stays behind to protect them. Mirage still suffers from the trauma of being raped while none of the others seem to give a shit. She's decided to run away and have her baby somewhere else. Hopefully she won't have the baby in the town where Deathwing grew up because you know what that would mean, right?! Ugh, I can't even type it! Mirage was raped by her own time traveling son! Okay, it wasn't that hard to type after all.
Out in the yard, four elementals are approaching to kill Terra: an elemental of glaciers, an elemental of shit, an elemental of men's farts, and an elemental of lady's farts.
Over at STAR Labs, Doctor Velcro determines Nightrider's life can't be saved because he's already dead. He's a vampire! And Doctor Velcro knows because he's a not just a vampire specialist but a vampire himself! He's one of the Creature Commandos! His prescription to keep Nightrider alive is human blood. At this declaration, the rest of the Team Titans begin acting like Nightrider is a goner. So their first thought is that he's going to die if he doesn't drink human blood? Not one of them is all, "Drink from my veins, buddy! As much as you need! Well, maybe not too much! You know, just a taste! But there are like eight of us, so you can probably get your fill by sampling us all!" Fucking jerks.
The 90s had some pretty fucking nihilistic AIDS public service adverts.
As Terra protects New York as a Team Titan by defending herself against elementals that want to kill her, the rest of the Team Titans defend New York by battling a bunch of electric beings in thongs that want to kidnap Killowat. I laugh in your face, Councilwoman Alderman! Look at all the good these Titans are doing for the city! The energy beings easily kidnap Killowat because he only had the majority of the Team Titans and Battalion defending him. Terra, all alone, just barely manages not to die in her battle right before a newly human Prester Jon (back from the Terminus Agenda!) manages to save her.
This might be my favorite panel from 1994. In case you couldn't tell by his idiotic hands or his stupid baby, that's Terry Long under the clock.
The person who kidnapped Killowat turns out to be the clockmaker's old beau, the one that taught her to work on futuristic Titans' communicators. He was a member of the Team Titans named Lazarium but he seems to have been a spy working for Lord Chaos. The leader of the Team Titans (identity still unknown!) sent him and his team back in time to die. But he survived and now he owns a good chunk of the media world. His name might as well be Rupert Murdoch because he has a media empire that's trying to turn the world against heroes and he has his own sexual harassment problems in his organization, seeing as how Deathwing works for him. Team Titans #17 Rating: It took seventeen issues but I'm finally interested in this comic book! The Lazarium story arc has momentum and ties in to the overall history of the team, hopefully finally separating them from the Titans book for a bit. I know it still relies on garbage time travel theories but it also threatens to expose Killowat as a huge racist piece of shit! That should be exciting! It's also slightly heavy on implied rape which I didn't mean to add as one of the reasons I'm enjoying the book but just as a simple fact to say, "Look. This was a comic book from 1994! Rape was an important plot point to raise tension and pull on the emotional heartstrings of an audience that didn't quite understand how writers were just using rape as a lazy way of creating drama and emotional tenstion!" What I'm trying to say is: B+! Good work, everybody!
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raflovestuffs · 6 years
That is who you are: Chapter 10
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Hi guys!!
Woah! I’m so glad to come back with a new chapter! The end is near! Only two more chapters to go! They’ll be post very soon cause as I’m going to Annecy, I’m translating the chapters whith @megtoons to give my strory translated to Dean DeBlois! 
So that’s good for you guys, cause you’ll finally how I decided to ended this story so many years ago (hopefully before the trailers comes xD)...
I want to send a big thank you to @wolfie-dragon-rider and @chiefhiccstrid who corrected it! Thank you a lot guys!
Also, here the illustration of this chapter made by my dear illustrator <3
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Now, I hope this chapter will please you!
“And if all goes well, Hiccup will be saved,” I said, confident.
I’d told them my plan; it was up to them now to decide to follow me or not.
“Your plan sounds good, Astrid, but I have a question: how do you plan on getting the plans for the Night Fury tail?” Gobber asked.
“I’ll manage,” I said icily.
I knew it would take some time, but I would get there, I would find it, for Hiccup. The twins—as per usual—looked visibly confused about the plan, especially Tuffnut.
“What is it?” I asked him.
“So there’s one thing I don’t get about your plan!” he said. “The thing about the tailfin, so that Toothless can fly on his own and go find Hiccup and all that, okay… but why send Toothless, when he’s the only dragon that can’t fly on his own? That sounds… kinda dumb.”
I stepped toward him, glaring at him all the while, and didn’t speak until I drew level with him.
“Toothless is the only one capable of bringing him back,” I said dryly.
Tuffnut threw his hands in the air, admitting defeat.
“Okay, great—who’s with me?”
Everyone raised their fists proudly, signalling their agreement.
“That’s more like it.”
It had been a month now since Hiccup was captured by Drago, a month since I’d heard any word from him, a month that we’d been apart, a month of missing him—a month I’d been searching for the plans for the automatic tailfin for his dragon. And still, nothing. I couldn’t believe how much time had passed without him.
I found myself in the forge, leaning my head on Hiccup’s desk. I had looked everywhere—in absolutely every nook and cranny I could find, and I’d still come up empty-handed. So I stayed there, mulling over all of this, alone in Hiccup’s old refuge—right up until I heard a knock on the door. I lifted my head—it was Gobber.
“Astrid,” he said, shaking his head.
“It’s late…you should go get some rest, you’ve spent all day searching again today. Come on.”
He offered me his hand, and I took it. How could I explain that this place was the only link with Hiccup I still had? This was the only place that brought me any comfort. At home, I had nightmares, terrible nightmares. Every night since Hiccup’s capture I awoke in a cold sweat, panicked, and the nightmares would start right up again—but how could I say that to Gobber? I couldn’t. He was worried enough about me as it was.
He walked me home, and I gave him a grateful hug goodbye.
“Thanks, Gobber,” I whispered.
I pushed open the heavy door to our hut and stepped inside, without making a sound. Valka came back in her old house since I was alone. She was sleeping in our room—formerly Stoick’s—while I had decided to spend my nights in Hiccup’s old bedroom, where I could feel his unique presence. Erik was lodging in Valka’s small hut. I headed upstairs, being careful not to wake her, and I threw myself across the bed. And then, I cried. Days’ worth of accumulated pressure came out of me like this every night now, followed by my nightmares. I wasn’t used to crying, but Hiccup’s absence had changed everything.
“No!” I screamed.
I was panting—all lost. Overwhelmed, I swept my gaze around the room—Hiccup’s room. I ended up calming myself and gently replaced my head on the pillow. I drew the blanket close to me in order to smell it—Hiccup’s scent still emanated from the fabric. I curled up, tightening the thick blankets against me, and went back to sleep.
When I opened my eyes, the sun was all there, so the morning was well underway… I scolded myself for waking up so late. I jumped out of bed and dressed quickly, then I left the hut without having breakfast. Toothless and Stormfly were waiting for me outside to do their morning flight. So I climbed Toothless’ back and placed my foot on the pedal to handle his tail fin. Hiccup had shown it to me so many times that now I knew exactly how to make it work. We took off—followed by Stormfly—and we went for a flight.
Flying without Hiccup, it wasn’t the same… Before, whenever we went for a flight, we always had new adventures, we always tried things we’d never tried before—we both liked that.But he wasn’t there and days were monotonous. It was like I was reliving the same day all over again and I couldn’t break free from this vicious circle. Without Hiccup, my life had no sense, my world revolved around him and him only.
We’d been flying for almost a quarter of an hour—it was time to get back, especially since it was getting cloudy. I made Toothless lean to the left to head towards Berk, and we got back to the village. We landed and I barely had the time to put a foot on the ground before the night fury was already on his way to Valka’s hut—where Erik was now—and Lifa too. I followed him in a hurry to greet Erik and his dragon—closely followed by Stormfly. But when we reached the hut, Lifa was nowhere to be found. Erik was standing before the doorstep, a smile in the corner of his lips.
“What is going on? Where’s Lifa?” I asked.
“She left with her eggs in the isle’s heights, it’s time…”
“What do you mean? She’s about to have her babies? Right now?” I said, more and more surprised.
“Night furies are very special, you know,” Erik said. “Unlike other dragons, their eggs don’t explode. They lay the eggs right after mating, and the babies lay dormant until there’s a powerful enough storm… like today. They must be struck by lightning to hatch.”
“Really? Lightning?! I guess that...makes sense… Well, I think I’ll have to ride Toothless up there then! See you later!”
Glad these eggs don’t explode… it’s one less problem to solve! So I took off with Toothless—looking for Lifa—beneath the storm. With the rain coming down in torrents like this, I could barely see anything. Even Stormfly had chosen to not come.
Toothless finally used his plasma wave to locate Lifa’s presence, and we set off at full speed towards one of Berk’s peaks. We landed near the female night fury and I let Toothless join her. His protective side—that he’d shown toward Hiccup for so long—was coming out now, in all its glory, with his family that was just about to be formed. Rain and wind were blustering all around me, I was soaking wet, but this scene made me so happy that I didn’t care.
Suddenly, the thunder rolled just overhead, and a few seconds later lightning struck the three eggs at once. It was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. Three small night furies came out of the eggs and their parents licked them clean. They were adorable, and I couldn’t believe I had the chance to be a part of this. Toothless seemed so happy… He raised his head towards me and I smiled at him, seized with emotion. It was at this very moment he realized he missed his master terribly, because he wasn’t there—next to me.
Two months had passed since Hiccup had gone. The night fury babies had all grown up, they were flying with their parents now. As for me, I still had hope, I had found one of Toothless’ auto-tail plans—it was a good start. So I was in the forge, trying to decipher Hiccup’s plan to know what I needed to built the tail.
“Twenty tons of steel… Uh… no, twenty kilos! Twenty kilos of steel!” I exclaimed. “I’m not gonna make it…” I sighed, head in hands, my arms leaning on a table.
I went back to my difficult deciphering when I suddenly heard voices raising from the centre of the village. I jumped out of my chair and rushed towards the sound of Berkians cheering. A young woman with braided ebony hair climbed down from her razorwhip to greet me.
“Astrid!” she cried, running into my arms.
“Heather? What are you doing here?” I asked, disconcerted.
“Well, I came to see you and the gang!” she exclaimed.
“You’re not in conflict with someone at the moment?” I asked.
“And no, my last conflicts came to an end weeks ago already! So I’m on sort of vacation, I guess? That’s why I came—to say hello!”
“You always have a home here, Heather. You can stay as long as you want.”
“Thank you Astrid, that’s very kind of you. Anyway, everything’s going great on Berk, I assume? I didn’t see the gang running up to meet me… Where did they all go?” she asked, jokingly, but with a worried look in her eyes nevertheless.
“Uh… Follow me to the forge, would you? I’ve got one or two things to tell you…”
So she followed me to the forge. I invited her to grab a chair and sat down next to her by my working table. I took her hand.
“Heather, what I’m going to say is hard to hear so—”
“Astrid, what is it? You’re scaring me…”
I took a deep breath.
“Hiccup is being held hostage by Drago Bludvist.”
Her face crumbled and she put her hand over her mouth.
“What? But how?” she said, shocked.
“We both got captured, but Drago wanted Hiccup for himself and Hiccup refused to go with him so Drago said if he disobeyed him, he’d come after me…”
“So Hiccup stayed to protect you… It’s so him… But what are you waiting for to go find him?”
“We can’t, Gobber and Valka made a deal to save me from Drago’s men. And anyway, we wouldn’t stand a chance, we aren’t enough to defeat them… Drago’s fleet is huge and Göteborg is a merchant town—too few people there even know that dragons exist...”
“Drago is in Göteborg? But what is he doing down there?”
“I don’t know but the fact he needs Hiccup’s help in his plan doesn’t bode well…”
“I know you Astrid, you’re not the type to give up so easily—so what are you going to do about it?”
“The deal was we never come back to Göteborg but… he never mentioned the dragons. I’m going to send Toothless to find Hiccup.”
“The only dragon who can’t fly alone? Hiccup has really rubbed off on you, you’ve lost me with your ‘element of surprise’ tactic!”
“Only Toothless can find him—plus he’s also really discreet, unlike the other dragons. And don’t worry about his solo flight—look.”
I showed her the sketches on the table. She stared at them, perplexed, then she raised her eyes and looked questioningly towards me.
“Hmm… What is this?”
“Hiccup made Toothless a tail so he could fly all alone, but Toothless didn’t want it. However, there are still some sketches and plans in his workshop that I’m trying to find in order to build this tail again so he can save Hiccup.”
“Good plan. And where are you at exactly?”
“Well, I only found the material checklist I’ll need to do it. I was deciphering it before you got here.”
“And what are the others doing?”
“They’re in charge of information. Valka and Gobber are trying to rally the other tribes to our cause. Meanwhile, the rest of the gang is keeping an eye on what’s going on in Göteborg.”
“Astrid,” she said with a smile, “I’m going to do everything I can to help you find Hiccup, I give you my word.”
She held me tight and I cracked. It was too much. She just got back and she was already offering her help. I tried to hold back my tears but I didn’t manage to do it.
“I miss him…” I whispered.
She caressed my hair, trying to console me, but I was inconsolable.
“Oh… Astrid… It’s gonna be okay… You’re strong… We will save him, together,” she stuttered.
I was strong, yes, but right now I just couldn’t be.
Spent the whole day in the forge together, deciphering the checklist of things we’d need to make Toothless’ tail. We successfully deciphered the checklist in its totality and we even started to understand the schematic of the tailfin on the list a little. Heather had promised she’d help me, and I knew she meant it.
The gang finally arrived, and were surprised to see Heather by my side. Snotlout ran into her direction and took her in his arms.
“Heather! It’s been a while!” he exclaimed.
She quickly extricated herself from his grip, but it was twins’ turn to lunge at her.
“So, Heather, what brings you to Berk?” Tuffnut asked..
“Is there a particular reason for your presence here?” Ruffnut raised.
Fishlegs approached Heather timidly in order to greet her in his turn and calm the situation.
“Hey Heather, how’s it been going since the last time we saw you?”
“Really well, thank you Fishlegs,” she answered with a fruity little voice.
“The village is throwing a party to celebrate your arrival Heather, let’s go to the Great Hall,” I announced.
“Fishlegs, will you come with me?” Heather asked.
“Who? Me?”
“Who else?” she smiled.
“Uh yeah, sure…”
So they headed together, hand in hand, for the Great Hall, I was starting to follow them when I heard Snotlout’s lamentations behind me.
“How could she prefer that to this?!” he said, gesturing to himself.
“And he still wonders why I’m not interested in him?” Ruffnut sighed to her brother.
We finally entered the imposing building. The party was in full swing inside—everybody appreciated Heather a lot on Berk and it was different from the usual atmosphere that prevailed in the village lately. We sat at a table all together and we started to talk about everything and nothing, it has been a while. I didn’t spend time with all my friends much anymore, and I missed it.
“You know Heather, you can sleep in my hut tonight if you’ve got nowhere to go? Of course, it would only be temporary, well I mean—” offered Fishlegs clumsily to Heather.
“I’d be happy to stay with you, Fishlegs,” Heather answered gently, smiling while looking at him amorously.
She was becoming incredibly dumb when it came to Fishlegs, I should tell her someday… I now had a true friend ready to help me and who supported me. Heather was my friend and I was happy she was there, by my side.
One month had passed since Heather’s arrival on Berk. We successfully found all Toothless’ tail plans despite the excellent hiding place Hiccup had chosen for them. Thanks to Heather, I managed to decrypt them all and we had started building the prototype with Gobber’s help. We were missing some elements for the processing, but we were on track to finish it soon enough to save Hiccup. Heather gave me back hope, a hope that was growing each day. I even resumed patrols—I was in great shape. I was—by the way—in the middle of a raid accompanied by Heather, Fishlegs and Snotlout. We were moving towards Göteborg in order to learn more about Drago’s intentions and projects. So we were going to check on the ships’ traffic in and out of the town. For the first time since Hiccup was gone, I was confident and I felt helpful. We had barely arrived but Snotlout had already spotted a boat.
“There’s something suspicious about this ship…” he said.
“I have a bad feeling about it too,” Fishlegs agreed. “Let’s go take a closer look!”
So we followed the boys to approach the ship to get a better look and see what was going on inside. We were concealed behind rocks to hide our presence and we observed the ship.
“Hey! Look! There are dragons in cages on deck!” Snotlout exclaimed.
“Oh my Thor! Oh my Thor! Oh my Thor!” Fishlegs repeated, panicked.
“These dragons are armoured!” I noticed.
“And those cages, those chains… They look like the ones Dagur used!” Heather noted.
We looked at each other simultaneously.
“Drago!” we shouted.
Snotlout and Fishlegs stared at us, perplexed.
“Since the beginning, it was Drago! He started his revenge much sooner than we could imagine… He’s the one who sold the dragon-proof ships to Dagur in the first place!” Heather exclaimed.
“And now, these armed dragons! He’s preparing a war by all the gods!”
“Well—girls, not that I want to interrupt you but—I think we got spotted!” Snotlout quipped.
“Let’s get out of here!” Heather shouted.
We moved away from the ship as fast as we could but men had already taken aim to shoot us down.
“Come on, speed it up girl!” Fishlegs moaned.
“What are you doing, Astrid? We have to go right now!” Heather yelled to me.
Suddenly, I didn’t feel right; everything started to go woozy on me… It must be about all these revelations—we were in even more danger now! I would have to undertake a multitude of procedures and I… I felt myself fall; I was falling from my dragon. In the distance, I heard Heather’s voice shouting my name and moving towards me into a dive to catch me, then nothing.
When I opened my eyes, Heather was standing over me, she seemed different, and she was smiling—she must have had a nasty fright. I scanned the room while passing a hand on my face, I was laying on a bed, obviously at Gothi’s. I turned my head towards Heather.
“What happened?”
“You fainted. You fell off your dragon and I caught you, barely...”
“Oh no… Did the men spot you because of me?!”
Heather burst out laughing—why wasn’t she taking me seriously?
“Astrid, everything is fine… In fact, I’ve got something to tell you…”
She was still standing there with this radiant smile on her lips—I didn’t understand.
“What? What is it? Why are you staring at me like that?” I asked, disconcerted.
She smiled again, then she took a deep breath.
“Astrid… you’re pregnant!” she exclaimed.
“What? But how?” I started choking.
“That’s why you’ve been acting so crazy lately!”
“And I don’t see anything…” I whispered.
I was surrounded by so many emotions at the same time… but fear dominated. I was afraid at the idea of losing the baby once again… I couldn't handle that a second time, especially without Hiccup.
“What is it? Are you okay?” Heather asked, worried.
“Yeah… It’s just— Heather, the last time I got pregnant… I— lost the baby…” I sobbed.
“I’m sorry.”
“You couldn’t have known,” I added.
“But it’s still good news, right? I mean, you’re pregnant! You’re gonna have a baby, isn’t it wonderful?” she exclaimed.
I smiled, on the verge of tears.
“Yes!” I acquiesced, emotional.
She put her arms around me and held me very tight against her. I was full of joy and at the same time also full of fear, but I was so happy to be pregnant again that it was all I could think about.
“I’m so happy for you two…” she whispered in my ear.
Hiccup. His comeback to Berk was vital now.
“Here, enjoy…” the man said ironically.
He came to feed me in my cell daily so that I would stay alive. He threw my bread through the bars and also dragged a bowl of soup between them, then he left. I ate my bread slowly in order to stretch out this moment that had become so precious these last four months.
I dipped my bread in the soup to restore some flavor but it was still flat and stale. However, this simple action of eating was keeping me alive, so I remained hopeful. I knew that I’d get out of here eventually. I didn’t receive any other whipping as violent as the one I had at my first day here. I got hit several times but nothing more. They used me for something else, for training their armoured dragons. Drago had visibly abused them and now, they were uncontrollable.
These dragons had become completely crazy and didn’t listen to anything, so I had spent hours with them, helping them relearn everything. I had to make them trust and listen to me, but it was extremely difficult. When I wasn’t with them, Drago invited me in his quarters and he told me about his evil projects. He was convinced I’d die before the war began and that nobody would come to save me.
I had to discuss and debate major issues with him. He was listening carefully to my remarks, but his arguments made him right—according to him, he was never wrong. Through our interactions, I learned what kind of man Drago was; a ruthless man, full of himself, believing he was above everyone else and sure to be the chief that all Viking folk had been waiting for.
Clearly, Drago was mentally ill. He was a man traumatized from seeing his family kidnapped by dragons and who wanted to get his revenge on something no longer relevant. Despite all that, at least now I knew important details of his military tactics that could help me to prepare Berk, if this war actually took place.
After a while, some men came to bring me to the training arena of the castle. I arrived in the arena and found one of the armoured dragons that I named Raspar. Drago was against naming dragons, but I had explained him the importance of a name in the climate of trust between the dragons and I and he didn’t argue. It was the only domain in which I was impressing him.
I approached Raspar, with whom I’d established a steady understanding, more or less—on account of his recent arrival at Göteborg—and I caressed his head gently. So I began the training session by showing him a few exercises. Everything was going great until he categorically refused to be saddled. I was trying to quietly calm him when Drago intervened, ordering me to hit the dragon if he didn’t listen.
“No! This dragon has been abused long enough,” I replied.
Drago flew into a rage.
“How dare you disobey my orders?! Guards! Bring him to me right away!” he ordered.
I didn’t have time to think before two of his men seized me by the arms and brought me in front of Drago. He took out a knife and asked his men to remove my shirt.
“Turn him over! You'll see what we do with guys who don’t respect the orders like you!”
He stuck his knife in my flesh, and I screamed.
“It hurts, doesn’t it?” he said.
He continued to carve my flesh with his knife, and with each new line he spoke to me.
“So do you think you’re gonna do it again?”
“No…” I answered with an inaudible voice.
“I didn’t hear, ‘no’ who?”
“No, Master,” I struggled to say.
He ripped my skin once again, letting thick drops of blood pour down my back. The pain was becoming more and more unbearable.
“Who’s giving the orders, Hiccup?” he finally asked.
“You are, Drago.”
I couldn’t believe it. After five hard months, we finally did it: Toothless’ auto-tail was done! I was in the forge with Gobber and Heather, holding them tight between my arms.
“You can’t imagine how grateful I am, I couldn’t have done anything without you!” I exclaimed. “Thank you.”
“Aw, c’mon, it’s the least we could do to save the chief!” Gobber retorted, laughing.
“Astrid, what are you waiting for? Go find him!” Heather added.
I smiled to them and slipped away outside, the gear under my arms, looking for Toothless. He wasn’t hard to find.  I approached him, but he moved away from me when he recognized the object I was holding.
“Wait! You know, we talked about this... I know you didn’t want to use it anymore, but this time, it’s for Hiccup. I want you to save him, Bud,” I smiled, eyes full of hope.
He finally approached me and rubbed his head against me, I caressed his head affectionately, then I held him tight in my arms.
“Thank you, Bud,” I whispered.
I removed his old tail and attached the new one instead.
“Come on, try it!”
He flew over me and tried several maneuvers in order to check the tail’s functionality, then he came down to see me.
“Well, everything seems to be working perfectly…”
I put a reassuring hand on the top of his head while looking straight in his eyes.
“I rely on you, Bud, everyone does and I believe in you. Please, bring me back Hiccup, Toothless.”
He licked me over my whole face—a sign of agreement with him—and he flew away to Göteborg.
I couldn’t hold on much longer in here. I had lost a lot of weight, and I couldn’t get out of my cell as much as I used to since refusing to obey Drago. I spent my entire days locked in my jail, waiting and withering. I was in rougher shape than I’d ever been—plus, Drago’s men were hitting me again and their instrument of choice was the whip. I couldn’t sleep anymore; it was like living an endless torture, both mental and physical. The only thing that kept me alive now was Astrid. The image of her smile. She was waiting for me.
Against all odds, men came to find me in my cell.
“Drago wants to see you, in the arena,” one of them announced.
I could barely stand on my feet. I finally managed to stand up, and followed the men through the narrow corridors of the castle’s tunnels. Once we arrived at Drago’s side, he told me that he wanted to see me for a special reason.
Suddenly, he was interrupted by a loud thud—and a cry I would have known anywhere. A plasma blast followed the recognizable cry of a night fury. I couldn’t believe my eyes.
In the smoke generated by the firing, he caught me in his talons and took me away from the arena—soon, we were flying across the castle. In the distance I heard the angry shouting of Drago’s men, but I didn’t care anymore. I was once again a free man. Toothless slowed a moment to allow me to climb on his back, then took off immediately, flying at full speed, without any help. I leant on him and surrounded his neck with my arms.
“Thank you Bud…” I whispered. “You saved me…”
I gently tapped his head before collapsing into nothing, I need to get some rest, and since he was able to fly alone—somehow—I let myself pass out from exhaustion.
When I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, we had not yet arrived on Berk. It took a few minutes before I could see the village’s imposing statues, situated not far from the isle’s entrance. I was finally able to make out the shape of the village, and started to hear villagers’ voices… announcing my arrival? We were very close.
I saw all these happy, relieved people but I was only looking for one person in the middle of this crowd. And I finally found her. Toothless slowed rapidly in the middle of the square. I dismounted and I ran as fast as I could to join her.
“Astrid!” I shouted.
“Oh my gods, Hiccup!” she exclaimed.
We fell roughly into each other’s arms, and I clasped her to me with all my might. I was clinging to her as if my life depended on it. I tightened my grip to feel her closer to me, I needed to feel her presence, to know she was really here, with me.
“I’m… so sorry… for not being here,” I murmured between two sobs. “I love you Astrid, I love you so much!”
“Shh… you’re here now,” she said, caressing my hair with a trembling hand.
Then, she took my head between her hands.
“And I love you…” she added, tears in her eyes.
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bipolarprobz · 7 years
Hey, i've never been diagnosed whith bipolar disorder, my grandmom was, the only thing i came close to it was that i took Depakote (i'm from Brasil). I started when i was 13, i was dealing with a strong depression, and i always been this entusiastic person, always smiling e etc. The medication started not working, i tried to reach out doctors, it didn't work,
I was finishing, but somethibg happened, i'm the depakote girl, anyway, last year i started feeling great and i joined boxe classes, started my french class, all of the sudden i felt like shit in the same intensity i was happy, i started to drink everyday for 3 months and i've had a history with drugs, nowadays, i am experiencing happiness in a short time, and then i feel sad or normal, i don't know what to do, i feel lime its wrong saying that i am bipolar since im not diagnosed, btw im 17 now
You are ALLOWED to diagnose as bipolar if that is what you yourself see as fitting to your personal experiences. Self-diagnosis is self-advocacy, and it is ALWAYS valid. You have to remember as well, that doctors are human beings as well, and they aren’t infallible. They make mistakes just like everyone else and have egos like everyone else and some of them love to sit and blame the problem on the patient when it’s their own fault causing the problem. If they aren’t properly diagnosing or treating you, then they aren’t properly diagnosing or treating you. That’s just them being human. A lot of times as well, if you’re having a terrible drug interaction and how it works with your body, it can intensify the kinds of feelings and symptoms you experience naturally as someone with a mental illness. Just as an example, lamotragine triggered mania spikes for me, when I’m normally hypomanic only (unless I have a BPD manic episode, which is totally different from my bipolar ones.) So: It’s entirely possible that your doctor fucked up, and you’re seriously on the very wrong drug here, with a very wrong diagnosis. I would seriously recommend gathering some material and some checklists that go through and document ALL of the symptoms you have been experiencing. Start tracking your symptoms every day in something like a journal, in detail, with as many descriptors as possible. Do this for a few weeks, then go into your doctor and use it as evidence that they are not treating you correctly and you need further help. If they don’t listen to you again, you need to demand they refer you to someone who WILL listen to you. You do not have to sit and take improper medical advice. You don’t have to sit and be pushed into improper medical treatment. It is a doctor’s job to listen to their patients and help them the way the patient needs best, and if they cannot do that, then they are NOT doing their job properly. If anyone else has any suggestions that’s from the same or a similar area as the anon (Brasil), please feel free to comment! As I’m American, I can’t state how Brasil’s system for health care is different and how to work in and around it as properly. Best of luck! -Sarah
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onebritneydirection · 8 years
What's your opinion on Gemma?
I guess you are asking about what happened last night. 
She was wrong. She was terribly wrong. She is smart, she has lived in this world for 6 years, and she should know how to take these situations.
I don’t agree whith what some people say about having a bad day. Sure, she could have, but why always go off on larries? In her mentions are hundreds of comments about people saying nasty things about her brother and she never has called out on them. Also, I’ve seen people say it was a coincidence that Harry ad was released yesterday: I am not sure about that yet.
What I am sure about, though, is that she uses her social media to advert things = gain money. She takes profit of her brothers’ fame to attend events and to collaborate/work for some people (and I DO NOT blame that, I think a lot of us we would gladly accept help from our siblings good situation). She deleted everything, yeah, but the damage is done and I think she was asked to do it.
Even Fizzy, who also participates in stunts, has grown up and learnt how to deal with that. One of the last times she ‘debunked’ or denied larry, she said something among the lines that she never had a problem with ‘the ship’ but with the behaviour of some shippers. She is 15 and she didn’t called anyone mental. (And also, if Gemma says she has mental issues, she should know the most how much damage using ‘mental’ as a slur can cause).
Also, she still hasn’t apologized properly.
So, that’s my take in this particular situation.
PS: Of, fucking course, and very important too, I think what the fan did, and all the fans who comment ‘larry’ ‘narrie’ ‘hendall’ ‘haylor’ ‘fuck me harry’ … on the posts of the guys and their friends and family is WRONG, and they are super annoying, embarassing, and a pain in the ass.
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