#I Hacked George&39;s Account...
tommyinnitwip · 1 year
I Hacked George's Account... you've been had Gogy.
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justforbooks · 4 years
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The 100 best novels written in English: the full list
After two years of careful consideration, Robert McCrum has reached a verdict on his selection of the 100 greatest novels written in English. Take a look at his list.
1. The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan (1678)
A story of a man in search of truth told with the simple clarity and beauty of Bunyan’s prose make this the ultimate English classic.
2. Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe (1719)
By the end of the 19th century, no book in English literary history had enjoyed more editions, spin-offs and translations. Crusoe’s world-famous novel is a complex literary confection, and it’s irresistible.
3. Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift (1726)
A satirical masterpiece that’s never been out of print, Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels comes third in our list of the best novels written in English
4. Clarissa by Samuel Richardson (1748)
Clarissa is a tragic heroine, pressured by her unscrupulous nouveau-riche family to marry a wealthy man she detests, in the book that Samuel Johnson described as “the first book in the world for the knowledge it displays of the human heart.”
5. Tom Jones by Henry Fielding (1749)
Tom Jones is a classic English novel that captures the spirit of its age and whose famous characters have come to represent Augustan society in all its loquacious, turbulent, comic variety.
6. The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman by Laurence Sterne (1759)
Laurence Sterne’s vivid novel caused delight and consternation when it first appeared and has lost little of its original bite.
7. Emma by Jane Austen (1816)
Jane Austen’s Emma is her masterpiece, mixing the sparkle of her early books with a deep sensibility.
8. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley (1818)
Mary Shelley’s first novel has been hailed as a masterpiece of horror and the macabre.
9. Nightmare Abbey by Thomas Love Peacock (1818)
The great pleasure of Nightmare Abbey, which was inspired by Thomas Love Peacock’s friendship with Shelley, lies in the delight the author takes in poking fun at the romantic movement.
10. The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket by Edgar Allan Poe (1838)
Edgar Allan Poe’s only novel – a classic adventure story with supernatural elements – has fascinated and influenced generations of writers.
11. Sybil by Benjamin Disraeli (1845)
The future prime minister displayed flashes of brilliance that equalled the greatest Victorian novelists.
12. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë (1847)
Charlotte Brontë’s erotic, gothic masterpiece became the sensation of Victorian England. Its great breakthrough was its intimate dialogue with the reader.
13. Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë (1847)
Emily Brontë’s windswept masterpiece is notable not just for its wild beauty but for its daring reinvention of the novel form itself.
14. Vanity Fair by William Thackeray (1848)
William Thackeray’s masterpiece, set in Regency England, is a bravura performance by a writer at the top of his game.
15. David Copperfield by Charles Dickens (1850)
David Copperfield marked the point at which Dickens became the great entertainer and also laid the foundations for his later, darker masterpieces.
16. The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne (1850)
Nathaniel Hawthorne’s astounding book is full of intense symbolism and as haunting as anything by Edgar Allan Poe.
17. Moby-Dick by Herman Melville (1851)
Wise, funny and gripping, Melville’s epic work continues to cast a long shadow over American literature.
18. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll (1865)
Lewis Carroll’s brilliant nonsense tale is one of the most influential and best loved in the English canon.
19. The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins (1868)
Wilkie Collins’s masterpiece, hailed by many as the greatest English detective novel, is a brilliant marriage of the sensational and the realistic.
20. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott (1868-9)
Louisa May Alcott’s highly original tale aimed at a young female market has iconic status in America and never been out of print.
21. Middlemarch by George Eliot (1871-2)
This cathedral of words stands today as perhaps the greatest of the great Victorian fictions.
22. The Way We Live Now by Anthony Trollope (1875)
Inspired by the author’s fury at the corrupt state of England, and dismissed by critics at the time, The Way We Live Now is recognised as Trollope’s masterpiece.
23. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain (1884/5)
Mark Twain’s tale of a rebel boy and a runaway slave seeking liberation upon the waters of the Mississippi remains a defining classic of American literature.
24. Kidnapped by Robert Louis Stevenson (1886)
A thrilling adventure story, gripping history and fascinating study of the Scottish character, Kidnapped has lost none of its power.
25. Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K Jerome (1889)
Jerome K Jerome’s accidental classic about messing about on the Thames remains a comic gem.
26. The Sign of Four by Arthur Conan Doyle (1890)
Sherlock Holmes’s second outing sees Conan Doyle’s brilliant sleuth – and his bluff sidekick Watson – come into their own.
27. The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde (1891)
Wilde’s brilliantly allusive moral tale of youth, beauty and corruption was greeted with howls of protest on publication.
28. New Grub Street by George Gissing (1891)
George Gissing’s portrayal of the hard facts of a literary life remains as relevant today as it was in the late 19th century.
29. Jude the Obscure by Thomas Hardy (1895)
Hardy exposed his deepest feelings in this bleak, angry novel and, stung by the hostile response, he never wrote another.
30. The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane (1895)
Stephen Crane’s account of a young man’s passage to manhood through soldiery is a blueprint for the great American war novel.
31. Dracula by Bram Stoker (1897)
Bram Stoker’s classic vampire story was very much of its time but still resonates more than a century later.
32. Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad (1899)
Joseph Conrad’s masterpiece about a life-changing journey in search of Mr Kurtz has the simplicity of great myth.
33. Sister Carrie by Theodore Dreiser (1900)
Theodore Dreiser was no stylist, but there’s a terrific momentum to his unflinching novel about a country girl’s American dream.
34. Kim by Rudyard Kipling (1901)
In Kipling’s classic boy’s own spy story, an orphan in British India must make a choice between east and west.
35. The Call of the Wild by Jack London (1903)
Jack London’s vivid adventures of a pet dog that goes back to nature reveal an extraordinary style and consummate storytelling.
36. The Golden Bowl by Henry James (1904)
American literature contains nothing else quite like Henry James’s amazing, labyrinthine and claustrophobic novel.
37. Hadrian the Seventh by Frederick Rolfe (1904)
This entertaining if contrived story of a hack writer and priest who becomes pope sheds vivid light on its eccentric author – described by DH Lawrence as a “man-demon”.
38. The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame (1908)
The evergreen tale from the riverbank and a powerful contribution to the mythology of Edwardian England.
39. The History of Mr Polly by HG Wells (1910)
The choice is great, but Wells’s ironic portrait of a man very like himself is the novel that stands out.
40. Zuleika Dobson by Max Beerbohm (1911)
The passage of time has conferred a dark power upon Beerbohm’s ostensibly light and witty Edwardian satire.
41. The Good Soldier by Ford Madox Ford (1915)
Ford’s masterpiece is a searing study of moral dissolution behind the facade of an English gentleman – and its stylistic influence lingers to this day.
42. The Thirty-Nine Steps by John Buchan (1915)
John Buchan’s espionage thriller, with its sparse, contemporary prose, is hard to put down.
43. The Rainbow by DH Lawrence (1915)
The Rainbow is perhaps DH Lawrence’s finest work, showing him for the radical, protean, thoroughly modern writer he was.
44. Of Human Bondage by W Somerset Maugham (1915)
Somerset Maugham’s semi-autobiographical novel shows the author’s savage honesty and gift for storytelling at their best.
45. The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton (1920)
The story of a blighted New York marriage stands as a fierce indictment of a society estranged from culture.
46. Ulysses by James Joyce (1922)
This portrait of a day in the lives of three Dubliners remains a towering work, in its word play surpassing even Shakespeare.
47. Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis (1922)
What it lacks in structure and guile, this enthralling take on 20s America makes up for in vivid satire and characterisation.
48. A Passage to India by EM Forster (1924)
EM Forster’s most successful work is eerily prescient on the subject of empire.
49. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes by Anita Loos (1925)
A guilty pleasure it may be, but it is impossible to overlook the enduring influence of a tale that helped to define the jazz age.
50. Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Woolf (1925)
Woolf’s great novel makes a day of party preparations the canvas for themes of lost love, life choices and mental illness.
51. The Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald (1925)
Fitzgerald’s jazz age masterpiece has become a tantalising metaphor for the eternal mystery of art.
52. Lolly Willowes by Sylvia Townsend Warner (1926)
A young woman escapes convention by becoming a witch in this original satire about England after the first world war.
53. The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway (1926)
Hemingway’s first and best novel makes an escape to 1920s Spain to explore courage, cowardice and manly authenticity.
54. The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett (1929)
Dashiell Hammett’s crime thriller and its hard-boiled hero Sam Spade influenced everyone from Chandler to Le Carré.
55. As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner (1930)
The influence of William Faulkner’s immersive tale of raw Mississippi rural life can be felt to this day.
56. Brave New World by Aldous Huxley (1932)
Aldous Huxley’s vision of a future human race controlled by global capitalism is every bit as prescient as Orwell’s more famous dystopia.
57. Cold Comfort Farm by Stella Gibbons (1932)
The book for which Gibbons is best remembered was a satire of late-Victorian pastoral fiction but went on to influence many subsequent generations.
58. Nineteen Nineteen by John Dos Passos (1932)
The middle volume of John Dos Passos’s USA trilogy is revolutionary in its intent, techniques and lasting impact.
59. Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller (1934)
The US novelist’s debut revelled in a Paris underworld of seedy sex and changed the course of the novel – though not without a fight with the censors.
60. Scoop by Evelyn Waugh (1938)
Evelyn Waugh’s Fleet Street satire remains sharp, pertinent and memorable.
61. Murphy by Samuel Beckett (1938)
Samuel Beckett’s first published novel is an absurdist masterpiece, a showcase for his uniquely comic voice.
62. The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler (1939)
Raymond Chandler’s hardboiled debut brings to life the seedy LA underworld – and Philip Marlowe, the archetypal fictional detective.
63. Party Going by Henry Green (1939)
Set on the eve of war, this neglected modernist masterpiece centres on a group of bright young revellers delayed by fog.
64. At Swim-Two-Birds by Flann O’Brien (1939)
Labyrinthine and multilayered, Flann O’Brien’s humorous debut is both a reflection on, and an exemplar of, the Irish novel.
65. The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck (1939)
One of the greatest of great American novels, this study of a family torn apart by poverty and desperation in the Great Depression shocked US society.
66. Joy in the Morning by PG Wodehouse (1946)
PG Wodehouse’s elegiac Jeeves novel, written during his disastrous years in wartime Germany, remains his masterpiece.
67. All the King’s Men by Robert Penn Warren (1946)
A compelling story of personal and political corruption, set in the 1930s in the American south.
68. Under the Volcano by Malcolm Lowry (1947)
Malcolm Lowry’s masterpiece about the last hours of an alcoholic ex-diplomat in Mexico is set to the drumbeat of coming conflict.
69. The Heat of the Day by Elizabeth Bowen (1948)
Elizabeth Bowen’s 1948 novel perfectly captures the atmosphere of London during the blitz while providing brilliant insights into the human heart.
70. Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell (1949)
George Orwell’s dystopian classic cost its author dear but is arguably the best-known novel in English of the 20th century.
71. The End of the Affair by Graham Greene (1951)
Graham Greene’s moving tale of adultery and its aftermath ties together several vital strands in his work.
72. The Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger (1951)
JD Salinger’s study of teenage rebellion remains one of the most controversial and best-loved American novels of the 20th century.
73. The Adventures of Augie March by Saul Bellow (1953)
In the long-running hunt to identify the great American novel, Saul Bellow’s picaresque third book frequently hits the mark.
74. Lord of the Flies by William Golding (1954)
Dismissed at first as “rubbish & dull”, Golding’s brilliantly observed dystopian desert island tale has since become a classic.
75. Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov (1955)
Nabokov’s tragicomic tour de force crosses the boundaries of good taste with glee.
76. On the Road by Jack Kerouac (1957)
The creative history of Kerouac’s beat-generation classic, fuelled by pea soup and benzedrine, has become as famous as the novel itself.
77. Voss by Patrick White (1957)
A love story set against the disappearance of an explorer in the outback, Voss paved the way for a generation of Australian writers to shrug off the colonial past.
78. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee (1960)
Her second novel finally arrived this summer, but Harper Lee’s first did enough alone to secure her lasting fame, and remains a truly popular classic.
79. The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie by Muriel Spark (1960)
Short and bittersweet, Muriel Spark’s tale of the downfall of a Scottish schoolmistress is a masterpiece of narrative fiction.
80. Catch-22 by Joseph Heller (1961)
This acerbic anti-war novel was slow to fire the public imagination, but is rightly regarded as a groundbreaking critique of military madness.
81. The Golden Notebook by Doris Lessing (1962)
Hailed as one of the key texts of the women’s movement of the 1960s, this study of a divorced single mother’s search for personal and political identity remains a defiant, ambitious tour de force.
82. A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess (1962)
Anthony Burgess’s dystopian classic still continues to startle and provoke, refusing to be outshone by Stanley Kubrick’s brilliant film adaptation.
83. A Single Man by Christopher Isherwood (1964)
Christopher Isherwood’s story of a gay Englishman struggling with bereavement in LA is a work of compressed brilliance.
84. In Cold Blood by Truman Capote (1966)
Truman Capote’s non-fiction novel, a true story of bloody murder in rural Kansas, opens a window on the dark underbelly of postwar America.
85. The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath (1966)
Sylvia Plath’s painfully graphic roman à clef, in which a woman struggles with her identity in the face of social pressure, is a key text of Anglo-American feminism.
86. Portnoy’s Complaint by Philip Roth (1969)
This wickedly funny novel about a young Jewish American’s obsession with masturbation caused outrage on publication, but remains his most dazzling work.
87. Mrs Palfrey at the Claremont by Elizabeth Taylor (1971)
Elizabeth Taylor’s exquisitely drawn character study of eccentricity in old age is a sharp and witty portrait of genteel postwar English life facing the changes taking shape in the 60s.
88. Rabbit Redux by John Updike (1971)
Harry “Rabbit” Angstrom, Updike’s lovably mediocre alter ego, is one of America’s great literary protoganists, up there with Huck Finn and Jay Gatsby.
89. Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison (1977)
The novel with which the Nobel prize-winning author established her name is a kaleidoscopic evocation of the African-American experience in the 20th century.
90. A Bend in the River by VS Naipaul (1979)
VS Naipaul’s hellish vision of an African nation’s path to independence saw him accused of racism, but remains his masterpiece.
91. Midnight’s Children by Salman Rushdie (1981)
The personal and the historical merge in Salman Rushdie’s dazzling, game-changing Indian English novel of a young man born at the very moment of Indian independence.
92. Housekeeping by Marilynne Robinson (1981)
Marilynne Robinson’s tale of orphaned sisters and their oddball aunt in a remote Idaho town is admired by everyone from Barack Obama to Bret Easton Ellis.
93. Money: A Suicide Note by Martin Amis (1984)
Martin Amis’s era-defining ode to excess unleashed one of literature’s greatest modern monsters in self-destructive antihero John Self.
94. An Artist of the Floating World by Kazuo Ishiguro (1986)
Kazuo Ishiguro’s novel about a retired artist in postwar Japan, reflecting on his career during the country’s dark years, is a tour de force of unreliable narration.
95. The Beginning of Spring by Penelope Fitzgerald (1988)
Fitzgerald’s story, set in Russia just before the Bolshevik revolution, is her masterpiece: a brilliant miniature whose peculiar magic almost defies analysis.
96. Breathing Lessons by Anne Tyler (1988)
Anne Tyler’s portrayal of a middle-aged, mid-American marriage displays her narrative clarity, comic timing and ear for American speech to perfection.
97. Amongst Women by John McGahern (1990)
This modern Irish masterpiece is both a study of the faultlines of Irish patriarchy and an elegy for a lost world.
98. Underworld by Don DeLillo (1997)
A writer of “frightening perception”, Don DeLillo guides the reader in an epic journey through America’s history and popular culture.
99. Disgrace by JM Coetzee (1999)
In his Booker-winning masterpiece, Coetzee’s intensely human vision infuses a fictional world that both invites and confounds political interpretation.
100. True History of the Kelly Gang by Peter Carey (2000)
Peter Carey rounds off our list of literary milestones with a Booker prize-winning tour-de-force examining the life and times of Australia’s infamous antihero, Ned Kelly.
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studentfox590 · 3 years
Dream Avatar Creator Gaia
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Gaia Online is an online hangout, incorporating social networking, forums, gaming and a virtual world. How To Make a Gaia Dream Creator Dream Avi 1. Go to the Gaia Dream Creator and hit the 'Click to Begin.' Create the avatar that you want. Select your base avatar, then build it with everything that you want. In the lower left corner are some links that are there to help in case you need help.
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Rearrange Profile Panels
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Step 1
Go to the Gaia homepage. Click 'MyGaia,' 'My Profile,' 'Edit My Profile Layout.'
Step 2
Choose any panel you want to move. For example, you might want a more important panel such as Friends or Wish List above your Aquarium.
Click and drag the panel to its new location. Release the mouse when it is where you want it.
Edit Panels and Titles
Step 1
Click the 'Edit' button on the panel whose title you want to change. Type in a new one and click 'Update.'
Step 2
Locate the directions near the bottom of a panel to learn how you can change more details. Most panels have a link that allows you to adjust more than just the title.
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Dream Avatar Creator For Gaia
Click on the 'Click Here' link to change the details of the panel in your Account. A new tab will open in which you can add more information. Select 'Preview' to see how your edits will look on your profile. Click 'Save All Changes' when you're done.
Edit Themes
Dream Avatar Creator Gaia Free
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Gaia Dream Avatar Creator
Step 1
Avatar Creator
Select a category from the blue box on the right side of the page. A pop-up will appear, unless you select 'View' or 'Save.' If you select 'Theme,' for example, you will see a box showing different background designs you can add. You can also get an online image by typing its Web address under the 'URL' tab.
Step 2
Select 'View' to see how your updated profile will look. You can go back and make more changes by clicking the 'Edit Page Layout' link.
Click 'Save' when you're happy with your new GaiaOnline profile.
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Going into the 'View' mode to see the profile you created does not save your changes. You must select 'Save' in editing mode.
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Writer Bio
Joi Royce started writing professionally in 2010. She has written for the college community of Bloomfield College in Bloomfield, N.J. Royce has also been published in 'Bloomfield Literary Ink.'
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jobsearchtips02 · 4 years
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Vietnam went for months without recording any new locally transmitted coronavirus cases, but new infections have forced the government to lock down a popular tourist destination. Here’s how a country that had kept the virus in check is dealing with new surges. Photo: Luong Thai Linh/Shutterstock
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from Job Search Tips https://jobsearchtips.net/vietnams-first-coronavirus-cases-in-months-highlight-global-challenges/
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anaconda Jobcorps closed Jordan frItz has untIll a rock 24 years old ONLY NINeTeen Years of age UNcle aarOn MIcheal papIch MY LITTLe brother 34 years of age my mom`s phone number 306-510-8993 I’m 40 years of age My dad loves photograpHy of mountaIn sHeep Near george town lake framed everywher` In aLL our resIdences Jordan frItz LIke`s meme to LIve outsIde and trys to pass as mental patIent and crImInal felon than I tHINk erased my e-maIL of concert lyrIc BOBcat MsU and zUckerburg and many people scratchIng there heads INcLudeINg zUckerBurg does'nt KNow How He would go aBOUt It$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$He`s computer hackIng and messINg wITh e-maIls I have proofed today Jordan frItz wIth new socIal medIa outlet tumbIrURL:your oof drp and the sandstones https://your ooof drp and the sandstones I’LL take to my facebook accounts In 13 days blockd on my own facebook how he hacked zuckerburg suspIcIous [email protected] BlueHai4 FB facebook number address 12018509221 pakiU2Ni [email protected] BlueHai5 cause enOugh to make anaconda Job corps In eIght mILLIon In debt closeIng doors completely THey asked Meme wher` ever I want on god`s green earth I want to work I chose bozeman then frItz can fretts the MILITary I cut HIM off gratuaTed 100% OIL PIPe G weLdIng year 20 anaconda Job corps great uncle sam papIch nepITIsUm wont count at HIs mILItary draft I dont mInd on Jordan frItz My fIrst Born I Got Two More LlITle Ones anyway Just hIm to pelosI and shUemers law Inforcement HImself as PIogant ObTuse TO HIs Hacker skILLs rapIst wIT  .  NO PUn INTended  football hero wIth LIkes of that teams pro careers would hav emore offense aBILITy Than aaron MIcheal papIch On defense sIde of The ball of the unTHINKaBle HIMself and wont have the over$10$000$If He gratuaTed would have Job fIred at 21 drInkIng or drugs than In JaIL as march baby can mean MILITary I’m ONLY one gratuaTed anaconda Job corps great neIGHew great uncle sam papIch Jfk admINIstratIOn secret servIce MIke papIch founder Fwp JOB corps In mY famILy all of them then By chrIstmas thIs year I payed hIs money and made a hIgher amount and more trouble I thought he would come back from got worse Only couple hundred on$8$000$ sIncerely danIel Ryan papIch 517 76 9517 , 04.08/1979 , 706 oak street anaconda montana 59711
860 notes
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YIP Grandpa was'nt O` dOINg were Is fretts fruitz today My TUrn IrIsh for two chord corIth 11:7-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`‘rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______
fall out boy government  hay hay 162 good by hay hay prison fall out boy nana nanan nana hay hay good buy palade stergion baIt______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng _______YOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you’Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I’M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and
And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect"“"YOU”“"you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked”“"em”“"Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I’m uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I’ve never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I’m facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I’m not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you’LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I’M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP” dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I’m uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald “The rUMP” trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont
Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I’m presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch
8 mins ·
Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`’*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and
address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne… of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I’m tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amen
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e-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN’T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert
YOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you’Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I’M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and
And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect"“"YOU”“"you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked”“"em”“"Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I’m uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I’ve never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I’m facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I’m not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you’LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I’M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP” dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I’m uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald “The rUMP” trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont
Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I’m presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch
8 mins ·
Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`’*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and
address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne… of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I’m tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amen
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e-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN’T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert
e-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN’T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert  omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______________________________________
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge______________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*“er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones
dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*“er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*“er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge  
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*“er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
Mary Jimenez
14 hrs
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Just This Week, Trump Has Already Committed 5 More Impeachable Acts
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Lindsey Graham
6 hrs
Speaking with Sean Hannity on Fox News Wednesday night, Graham shared more about what he sees happening as Democrats wrestle with whether or not to pursue impeachment proceedings.
“I don’t think you can get the Democratic nomination for president without advocating for the impeachment of Donald Trump,” the South Carolina Republican said. “I don’t think you’re going to be able to survive in the Democratic party without a primary if you don’t call for Trump’s impeachment.”
“But the answer for the Democrats is Trump’s gotta go. They will not beat him at the ballot box. If they try to impeach him, they’re going to ensure his re-election.”
Graham on the Democrats’ impeachment hysteria
Growing chorus of Democrats call for the impeachment of President Trump; South Carolina…
please send to foodnetworkworstcooks.com-james 5:7 1 timothy 5:7 Jer 51:1 jeremIah 1:16 numbers 22:28:32 levi 25:13-17. 1 kings page 310 arc leviticus 26:28:32 john 5:27-32 pesto crab bread 2 timothy 4:10 james 5:7 1 chronicles 7:26 daleth 32 oh shoes deuteronomy 28:8 1 samuel 3:1 suawer
dan papIch <
12:05 PM (0 minutes ago)
to nacker
foodnetwork was awesome New ePIsOde wITh the BrIck over chIcken tHIGH and taNYa really pULLed It off about never saw a real peach then The corn bread reProcessed for the value cost and banaNa Is a berry not strawberry fIelds for ever  best hooterIte carrot wIne and russIan POTatoe JuIce good excuse RYeUms crowN rUssY vOdka  .  weLL NO-one Is perfect as stevan would say to marylou papIch Then she asks for wIne at gramma papIchs most most famous InternatIonal resIdence I spent my chIldhood I accepted as they would'nt let meme play the mud bowl soccer fInaLLY chamPIOshIp  .  1 360 510 8993 My mOm I would marvel at her smarts and How she Loved The Mellow drama at Hockey and taNYa fIGure skates and I would sIng to my self enTIre sIMPsOns casette taPe To school IN my head  .  aawww  .  NeheMIaH 4:19  .  I stone walled Trump NazI master Plan Thank fullY of so much blood If JerUsalem does'nt matter Nor sYrIa, I was satIsfIed wIth HIs we’LL sea How It go`s qUote emersOn hated qUotes shY from KNowLedge power my InterPrITaTIOn  .  ruth 3:13  .  ruth 4:11  . Jordan frItz In case same as George foreman named all HIs KIds george NON of mIne can be named trump In papIch a LOT of quarterbacks and Jordan frItz makeIng a TaIL back JeaLous UseINg fULL back dad Myself and throwINg over MIddle on fIrst down conversTIOns 1/3 of season Is the place KIcker I was soccer half back and specIal teams no matter how many wIns game of Inches 1/3 of the wIns Is specIal teams I seem to be the BLINd sqUerall fInds a corn  .  MaYbe truMp could take football coach advIse turn down the greek nazI heat posq fInances wIth Gramma papIch used To ask how the weather and thank you~god~lawGodspeed~Is The rITtle command adDhearIng to respectIng women IranIan Turkey serbIa Mother country best good boys most of spaNIsh lanGuages serBIan BBQ LONG way from That comforTING ®danIel RYan PapIch BULLOck papIch offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca fore any naTION I’m portUgese polonesIan caTHOLIc I lIke U2 Instead of “M” or “n” very sIMple solomon wrote ecclesaTIes 8:8 pakiU2Ni fIfTy u2 dollars Peso`s whIte taIL deer worth very Much trumps a NazI davIds  . Psalms 104:2  .  arc of convenant Psalms 7:9  . John 11:32  .  daleth 32  .  teth 72  .  yodh 79  .  psalms 119  .  proverbs 19:12  .  mem 100  .  mem 97  .  zephanIah 3:8:9:10  . John 9:17  .  John 10:38 *. .*LUke 9:17  .  John 11:32  .  sONg Of sOngs 4:10  .  song of songs 4:4  .  Psalms 4:4  .  was stone tablet Is fIne mormons help fInd tHINGs  .  matthew 4:19  .  colossIans 3:12 isis book of mormon page 243 DILUsIOnal excItement MINTs of TOPPed of amerIcan fossel fUels sddIctIons trumps IMBarrassIng IMPeacHment MINTs embarrassING  .  JOB 39:5  .  NO-name taMar The woman More than  .  John 20:18  .  or able to toO` arbor flyfIshIng reels excIted then It`s remember thrId world all trump has  .  IsaIah 8:4:5  .  faIth to use caLLINg Them bad Boys  meme fInd I’m portugese fRench though not canadaIan ITaLIan Hockey skater mOm hUMor names  cohen bar chamPION IrIsh law MOntana $$$ s!!!!IT calm!!!!!  .  JaPan Idea Barr Is asIan are'nt IndIans prarIe montana natIve amerIcan IndIans!!!!eMbarassINg TO BLacKs wHIle They dont KNow IT IO dont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!because My serbIan mother country turKey greece Is wrestLIng INtellegence of lebanese law In montana Is'nt a HIGh bar I dont have law school I have caMbrIdges aUTograPh and harvard master In InternatIonal reaLatIons specIal hathrorne masters wHIle afrIca Means??what The heck Is HIs name again/? the NeolOGIst fo rwHIte House Is~In~“W” patter"N"~trouble carsOn BLack Man does'nt want to break Itt TOo` blacks reprIeves and repreaTIOns It`s Just meme`s head nurve  .  the ~ SMotheR` land ~ anyway technology means truMp elected by my vote for Romney and franchIses mORe vaLue than BLack woman and taylor swIft thought IT would work LIke clarOnetts are electrIc GUItar  .  Is cOMmUNIst TaYLOr swift make sworse did'nt Listen TOo what I want her doNG and sayIOng and siNGING and rUNNING her Life she wanted Is confuseINg To The smothers asses BIsON  .  Job 39:5$*.  .*$BIsON means gammbLINg black people GIT arrested and I GUIde mexIcans and Black people dont want gammBLINg for all benefIts Meme greatLy as gambLer -_________________________foodnetwork/
_____________________________________________________________________________________BeUT 8:9______________________________________________________________________________________IT`s NOT faTher fIGure or reLIGIOUs fIGuRe maybe nOT even sports fIGUre_I lIk eclarOnett made of wood Is awesome shows and Back up sIngers~KINda BIG band MusIc sTYLe INfluences eItheR` NIether_as for fIshIng flyfIshINg made of wood bAMBOO fwp  trump finds to easy for meme was advantage of people~and~flyfIshIng before I controLLed all the technology was flyrods and retaIL at MINIUMUM wage as fwP grandfathered Newt gINGrIch fOund dIffIcult pelosI caTHOLIc handles best at by-partIson I dId'nt KNow what party Newt GINgrIch and He dId'nt know eItheR we are Just the same________________________________________________- TO ThIs repUBLIcan In mY HOMe state Montana Because Bozeman ground zero The IranIans and the greece turkey are good Boys wher` I sTOne wall trump “THe RUMP” donald about serBIan orthodox church In butte amerIca aIr force 50 dollars peso`s brIng cost of gold sILver down and paper flat money up dollar for dollar  tougher economy not best economY Hero PILOTs and paInters and guItar same as gold and sILver cheeper posq nazI`s TrUMp`s Just weak assHOle can !!NOT!!!! make !!AN!! turd -T bass 550$00 trout shad bass shad agaINst slavery geography BUy  .  NUmbers 33:38:39  .  proverbs 19:12  .  JeremIah 35:18  .  JereMIah 38:18  .  and salors-swearING WWII does'nt mean TO THem evedentLy hamms logo land of blue sky waters also caLLed washIngton kNOT oNLY"“"BUILd and They wILL cOme”“"The world of outfITTers OLY $Th$ oLY mallows are harmless artIfIcIaL baIt and does'nt need to affect My Income dIfferently arranged By governments and trust of my GIrlfrIend catch $ release effecTIvely peso BILL MOney awesome god Is awesome and I Lost grammpa papIch foundeR of FwP Job corps HIred all the workers In amerIca anyway somehow owes eIght mILLION dollars Because naTIve amerIcan IndIans have been attendIng JOb corps are'nt  BLacK foot TUrkey greeced verb VIOLINs Most versITILe - INstrUment - oh I kNow taYLor swift has MY best INterest In mInd she does'nt uNTILL a ROck free masOns Understand Her own Intellegence of she means anyway was'nt farmer ~ rlver suprIseINg Is JapaNese and MexIco a long way from Iran heat In seasons quarterbacks three step drop and hand offs wIthout fumBles and Jeolousy abOut the Old addage IraINIan tactIcal aIrcondITIONING tanYa HardIng olYMPIc law sTuff brILLIance copper armoR` penItraTINg bULLets abOUt-Truth baLIsTIcs-football does same thIng thrown pHYsIc snel-law and radIO rodeO of what taYlor Is retardIng about low BallING her~nON sense as my GIrlfrIend and LOUIs A` Mour WWII tank commander same as JFK sUBMarIne sank capTaIn HIs cr0000000000000000ew ”“CREW”“ makes two bIllIon trumps bank loan for oval offIce 2016 not buLLock papIch 2020 offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca LIved 12 and two dIed and swUm In raIn drops of YellowsTone grIzzly bears LIOns TIgers Oh May 5 UN  .  cookINg Network Yes Good work KNow opperaTIOn paTIna  amerIcans To them they dont care about WWII trumps stratOgy If The BIBle saId fIsh swIM  . Psalms 104:24:25  .  TrUMPs KKK cadence In leader speeK what KNOT  oar`sS Made of wood and THIN blade of BIO-deIsel lawn grass thats TOO` long between the thumbs reeds genesIs 41:2  .  elkIah no bIG deal stevan Is cook at elk park or babIch from BUTTe amerIca`s meat shop In HOLY bIBLe yes ask bo Jackson what rattle horns antlers oar deer does fork MLB PItcher black man and-steelhead fIshIng anyway centRal amerIca does'nt have the gIanTIst MuskeE oops Its fIne taNYa hardIng knows canada PaTINa merIOcHIe does'nt have the largest Muskee stone walls trump In hIs POLOTIc adam`s tracks  .  mark 1:18  . JeremIah 1:19 matthew 1:18  .  matthew 3:16  .  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~trump sanK twO battle shIps sUMMer 2017 could'nt do and the Idea Is He G`ave the orders for The sank battle sHIps makes Japanese UNI-raIL techNOLOGy On HIs ruMp cUsh 1 BILLIOn from sanfraNcIsco sInce I taLked the GuItar geograpHy MInts wIth tayLor swIft RyUm toO` good easy HOnest One at BaIt mallows and My 50 pasos I found outsIde fIre statIon bell paper plasTIc mOney the dollar same atlaNTIc OBama Ideal dollar equaLITY bozeman last NIght KINd a plasTIc LIke canada OH!! Uses now stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams sYndrome INdIa copper and duck BILLs On haIr dINOsours about  .  John 7:40  .  so whaT I mIssed casTING calls If colorado construcTIOn has elevatIOn JONaThan Heames hateS - hIs own favorIte band elevaTIOn sONG  .  John 11:32  .  daleth 32 heart I exsplaIned to scotIe daInes Montana Jobs man famILy frIends so we are watchIng gravIty sandra bULLOck movIe daInes offIce In bozeman at chaLet sports BIke shOp used to be wITh weber engLIsh professor sunnI brown ogden Utah charLIes coffee shop BUT  Joes wIld spot durIng vIetnam war was a whore house I lOve PlayINg grassY MusIc Instrumental how pInks dad taUght her at vetran bar scenes  .  deuteroNOMy 8:9  .  compareadUn dry fly wHIte taIL$$$$$$$$$$$$ cuparBmacy$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$doe fawn haIr Pennys to store front In MexIco outfITTING flyfIshIng and a InternatIOnal Job corps fIshInG` can sUpport and eLIMINates slavery and trumps donlad dILUsIOnals about marrYING INto papIch name 50 pasO BILL mONey nO-one has Because so rare It`s wheat when cow food wIth no technology to harvest wheat then old spanIsh traIL annIveRsary TrUMps UseINg mILITary for 100 year after colUMBUs was 1532 old spaNIsh traIl Is $th$ prOHIBITIOn dureINg depressIOn convert Is'nt wHIskey about bOUT GOOd IrIsh BOOk God news  .  Luke 4:43  .  deuteronomy 4:34  .  deuterONOMy 2:6  .  Is pro-hIbItIon trumps tarrIffs depressIon stratogy OPPOsITe GOOd News LUke fIrst page GaBrIel Is deuteronomy 4:43 adds Up old man addage~matthew 28:20~suppost to be duck BILL dINOsaurs haIr about san francIsco and good Boys, means naTIve amerIcan IndIans Intellegence government to Trumps BeNefIt fIxed Income he GIts BILLION dollars so what for north korea to be our captores amerIcan cUlture LIe Ten feet HIGh UranIUM IranIUM I-ran aIr condITONers  serBIan BBQ rUNNING man salvaTIOn arMy soccer chaMPIOn of $Th$ world hezeKIah and montana HooterItes wInter wheat  Is all draIn $th$ swamp means the ocean to trump  greg LIner rodeo chamPIOn neIghbors to famIly robertsons t.v. exaMple for exaMple duck commander I was InvIted MIssed BOTh casTING calls YellowsTOne wITh kevIn cosTner greg LIner sUrfer cowbOY same age as donald trump fIne If truMp Is allways seperate from apapich never never ever never Mixed together sacrIfIce JOHN 8:32 jOHN 1:40 BUILt a GOld course In MexIco common sense On My end 1 Iron they let meme~use as FIsherman In old surfer days hawII last 40 years  .  LevITIcUs 8:9  .  T  .  v  .  or what have you I find as value - as drInkIng and the MILITary My brother is 1986 mILLeNIaL has That advantage casper wyOMINg On any KId In educatIon PLease Tell straYha sorry He dId'nt accept NFL cOntract*`Thee`’*was MILLeNIals In great falls depressIONINg on trumps stratoGy I had To Go TO MusIc and My educatIOn bIson BIson same dIstance as Iran and argentIna Mexico mOntana Great falls Montana geOgrapHy GUItar zebra Bozeman bars Heel toe exspress  .  My guys been around $tH$ world I would step foot I’d have hIgh end converstIon rate rest store fIshInG` stOp In mexIco for Yellowdog traveL coMpany wOUd ONLY loose workers to HUman resoure develOpment councel and Leo`s UNITed naTIOns rank  .  to south amerIca and central amerIca and largest MusKee dOmestIc rITTle wOUld KInda - leagaLIze cocaIne for them and make  a - deNt IN the drUg war My de rHunter sNIper skILLs On fLYfishING  .  $Th$ 50 Butter fLy comparadun flys on the bIll In plastIc then I convert To TeqUILa as whIte taILdoe haIr varIgant brIdge varIant flyfIshIng of amerIcan money teach fIshIng and hand out money LIke weed Is currency with the one 50 dollars peso butter fly clear bIll  .  matthew 3:16  .  1 John 3:17  .  wINg dry fLy ToO` compared LIterary fishing Is LIteratue page 72 snow harvard law Book eastwood uses churh HIll about law Intellegence of WWII MIddLe paraGraph scIence and GOvernmnet”“scIence”“oar weer gree beer  .  I owe food Network the essay eNGLIsh  .  so to speek what K"n"OT  .  [email protected] BlueHai4  . fb address badge 12018509221 pakiU2Ni [email protected]  .  BlueHai5   foodnetwork/
omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______________________________________
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*“er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge______________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*“er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones
dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*“er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*“er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge  
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*“er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
Mary Jimenez
14 hrs
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Just This Week, Trump Has Already Committed 5 More Impeachable Acts
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Lindsey Graham
6 hrs
Speaking with Sean Hannity on Fox News Wednesday night, Graham shared more about what he sees happening as Democrats wrestle with whether or not to pursue impeachment proceedings.
“I don’t think you can get the Democratic nomination for president without advocating for the impeachment of Donald Trump,” the South Carolina Republican said. “I don’t think you’re going to be able to survive in the Democratic party without a primary if you don’t call for Trump’s impeachment.”
“But the answer for the Democrats is Trump’s gotta go. They will not beat him at the ballot box. If they try to impeach him, they’re going to ensure his re-election.”
Graham on the Democrats’ impeachment hysteria
Growing chorus of Democrats call for the impeachment of President Trump; South Carolina…
please send to foodnetworkworstcooks.com-james 5:7 1 timothy 5:7 Jer 51:1 jeremIah 1:16 numbers 22:28:32 levi 25:13-17. 1 kings page 310 arc leviticus 26:28:32 john 5:27-32 pesto crab bread 2 timothy 4:10 james 5:7 1 chronicles 7:26 daleth 32 oh shoes deuteronomy 28:8 1 samuel 3:1 suawer
dan papIch <
12:05 PM (0 minutes ago)
to nacker
foodnetwork was awesome New ePIsOde wITh the BrIck over chIcken tHIGH and taNYa really pULLed It off about never saw a real peach then The corn bread reProcessed for the value cost and banaNa Is a berry not strawberry fIelds for ever  best hooterIte carrot wIne and russIan POTatoe JuIce good excuse RYeUms crowN rUssY vOdka  .  weLL NO-one Is perfect as stevan would say to marylou papIch Then she asks for wIne at gramma papIchs most most famous InternatIonal resIdence I spent my chIldhood I accepted as they would'nt let meme play the mud bowl soccer fInaLLY chamPIOshIp  .  1 360 510 8993 My mOm I would marvel at her smarts and How she Loved The Mellow drama at Hockey and taNYa fIGure skates and I would sIng to my self enTIre sIMPsOns casette taPe To school IN my head  .  aawww  .  NeheMIaH 4:19  .  I stone walled Trump NazI master Plan Thank fullY of so much blood If JerUsalem does'nt matter Nor sYrIa, I was satIsfIed wIth HIs we’LL sea How It go`s qUote emersOn hated qUotes shY from KNowLedge power my InterPrITaTIOn  .  ruth 3:13  .  ruth 4:11  . Jordan frItz In case same as George foreman named all HIs KIds george NON of mIne can be named trump In papIch a LOT of quarterbacks and Jordan frItz makeIng a TaIL back JeaLous UseINg fULL back dad Myself and throwINg over MIddle on fIrst down conversTIOns 1/3 of season Is the place KIcker I was soccer half back and specIal teams no matter how many wIns game of Inches 1/3 of the wIns Is specIal teams I seem to be the BLINd sqUerall fInds a corn  .  MaYbe truMp could take football coach advIse turn down the greek nazI heat posq fInances wIth Gramma papIch used To ask how the weather and thank you~god~lawGodspeed~Is The rITtle command adDhearIng to respectIng women IranIan Turkey serbIa Mother country best good boys most of spaNIsh lanGuages serBIan BBQ LONG way from That comforTING ®danIel RYan PapIch BULLOck papIch offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca fore any naTION I’m portUgese polonesIan caTHOLIc I lIke U2 Instead of “M” or “n” very sIMple solomon wrote ecclesaTIes 8:8 pakiU2Ni fIfTy u2 dollars Peso`s whIte taIL deer worth very Much trumps a NazI davIds  . Psalms 104:2  .  arc of convenant Psalms 7:9  . John 11:32  .  daleth 32  .  teth 72  .  yodh 79  .  psalms 119  .  proverbs 19:12  .  mem 100  .  mem 97  .  zephanIah 3:8:9:10  . John 9:17  .  John 10:38 *. .*LUke 9:17  .  John 11:32  .  sONg Of sOngs 4:10  .  song of songs 4:4  .  Psalms 4:4  .  was stone tablet Is fIne mormons help fInd tHINGs  .  matthew 4:19  .  colossIans 3:12 isis book of mormon page 243 DILUsIOnal excItement MINTs of TOPPed of amerIcan fossel fUels sddIctIons trumps IMBarrassIng IMPeacHment MINTs embarrassING  .  JOB 39:5  .  NO-name taMar The woman More than  .  John 20:18  .  or able to toO` arbor flyfIshIng reels excIted then It`s remember thrId world all trump has  .  IsaIah 8:4:5  .  faIth to use caLLINg Them bad Boys  meme fInd I’m portugese fRench though not canadaIan ITaLIan Hockey skater mOm hUMor names  cohen bar chamPION IrIsh law MOntana $$$ s!!!!IT calm!!!!!  .  JaPan Idea Barr Is asIan are'nt IndIans prarIe montana natIve amerIcan IndIans!!!!eMbarassINg TO BLacKs wHIle They dont KNow IT IO dont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!because My serbIan mother country turKey greece Is wrestLIng INtellegence of lebanese law In montana Is'nt a HIGh bar I dont have law school I have caMbrIdges aUTograPh and harvard master In InternatIonal reaLatIons specIal hathrorne masters wHIle afrIca Means??what The heck Is HIs name again/? the NeolOGIst fo rwHIte House Is~In~“W” patter"N"~trouble carsOn BLack Man does'nt want to break Itt TOo` blacks reprIeves and repreaTIOns It`s Just meme`s head nurve  .  the ~ SMotheR` land ~ anyway technology means truMp elected by my vote for Romney and franchIses mORe vaLue than BLack woman and taylor swIft thought IT would work LIke clarOnetts are electrIc GUItar  .  Is cOMmUNIst TaYLOr swift make sworse did'nt Listen TOo what I want her doNG and sayIOng and siNGING and rUNNING her Life she wanted Is confuseINg To The smothers asses BIsON  .  Job 39:5$*.  .*$BIsON means gammbLINg black people GIT arrested and I GUIde mexIcans and Black people dont want gammBLINg for all benefIts Meme greatLy as gambLer -_________________________foodnetwork/
_____________________________________________________________________________________BeUT 8:9______________________________________________________________________________________IT`s NOT faTher fIGure or reLIGIOUs fIGuRe maybe nOT even sports fIGUre_I lIk eclarOnett made of wood Is awesome shows and Back up sIngers~KINda BIG band MusIc sTYLe INfluences eItheR` NIether_as for fIshIng flyfIshINg made of wood bAMBOO fwp  trump finds to easy for meme was advantage of people~and~flyfIshIng before I controLLed all the technology was flyrods and retaIL at MINIUMUM wage as fwP grandfathered Newt gINGrIch fOund dIffIcult pelosI caTHOLIc handles best at by-partIson I dId'nt KNow what party Newt GINgrIch and He dId'nt know eItheR we are Just the same________________________________________________- TO ThIs repUBLIcan In mY HOMe state Montana Because Bozeman ground zero The IranIans and the greece turkey are good Boys wher` I sTOne wall trump “THe RUMP” donald about serBIan orthodox church In butte amerIca aIr force 50 dollars peso`s brIng cost of gold sILver down and paper flat money up dollar for dollar  tougher economy not best economY Hero PILOTs and paInters and guItar same as gold and sILver cheeper posq nazI`s TrUMp`s Just weak assHOle can !!NOT!!!! make !!AN!! turd -T bass 550$00 trout shad bass shad agaINst slavery geography BUy  .  NUmbers 33:38:39  .  proverbs 19:12  .  JeremIah 35:18  .  JereMIah 38:18  .  and salors-swearING WWII does'nt mean TO THem evedentLy hamms logo land of blue sky waters also caLLed washIngton kNOT oNLY"“"BUILd and They wILL cOme”“"The world of outfITTers OLY $Th$ oLY mallows are harmless artIfIcIaL baIt and does'nt need to affect My Income dIfferently arranged By governments and trust of my GIrlfrIend catch $ release effecTIvely peso BILL MOney awesome god Is awesome and I Lost grammpa papIch foundeR of FwP Job corps HIred all the workers In amerIca anyway somehow owes eIght mILLION dollars Because naTIve amerIcan IndIans have been attendIng JOb corps are'nt  BLacK foot TUrkey greeced verb VIOLINs Most versITILe - INstrUment - oh I kNow taYLor swift has MY best INterest In mInd she does'nt uNTILL a ROck free masOns Understand Her own Intellegence of she means anyway was'nt farmer ~ rlver suprIseINg Is JapaNese and MexIco a long way from Iran heat In seasons quarterbacks three step drop and hand offs wIthout fumBles and Jeolousy abOut the Old addage IraINIan tactIcal aIrcondITIONING tanYa HardIng olYMPIc law sTuff brILLIance copper armoR` penItraTINg bULLets abOUt-Truth baLIsTIcs-football does same thIng thrown pHYsIc snel-law and radIO rodeO of what taYlor Is retardIng about low BallING her~nON sense as my GIrlfrIend and LOUIs A` Mour WWII tank commander same as JFK sUBMarIne sank capTaIn HIs cr0000000000000000ew ”“CREW”“ makes two bIllIon trumps bank loan for oval offIce 2016 not buLLock papIch 2020 offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca LIved 12 and two dIed and swUm In raIn drops of YellowsTone grIzzly bears LIOns TIgers Oh May 5 UN  .  cookINg Network Yes Good work KNow opperaTIOn paTIna  amerIcans To them they dont care about WWII trumps stratOgy If The BIBle saId fIsh swIM  . Psalms 104:24:25  .  TrUMPs KKK cadence In leader speeK what KNOT  oar`sS Made of wood and THIN blade of BIO-deIsel lawn grass thats TOO` long between the thumbs reeds genesIs 41:2  .  elkIah no bIG deal stevan Is cook at elk park or babIch from BUTTe amerIca`s meat shop In HOLY bIBLe yes ask bo Jackson what rattle horns antlers oar deer does fork MLB PItcher black man and-steelhead fIshIng anyway centRal amerIca does'nt have the gIanTIst MuskeE oops Its fIne taNYa hardIng knows canada PaTINa merIOcHIe does'nt have the largest Muskee stone walls trump In hIs POLOTIc adam`s tracks  .  mark 1:18  . JeremIah 1:19 matthew 1:18  .  matthew 3:16  .  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~trump sanK twO battle shIps sUMMer 2017 could'nt do and the Idea Is He G`ave the orders for The sank battle sHIps makes Japanese UNI-raIL techNOLOGy On HIs ruMp cUsh 1 BILLIOn from sanfraNcIsco sInce I taLked the GuItar geograpHy MInts wIth tayLor swIft RyUm toO` good easy HOnest One at BaIt mallows and My 50 pasos I found outsIde fIre statIon bell paper plasTIc mOney the dollar same atlaNTIc OBama Ideal dollar equaLITY bozeman last NIght KINd a plasTIc LIke canada OH!! Uses now stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams sYndrome INdIa copper and duck BILLs On haIr dINOsours about  .  John 7:40  .  so whaT I mIssed casTING calls If colorado construcTIOn has elevatIOn JONaThan Heames hateS - hIs own favorIte band elevaTIOn sONG  .  John 11:32  .  daleth 32 heart I exsplaIned to scotIe daInes Montana Jobs man famILy frIends so we are watchIng gravIty sandra bULLOck movIe daInes offIce In bozeman at chaLet sports BIke shOp used to be wITh weber engLIsh professor sunnI brown ogden Utah charLIes coffee shop BUT  Joes wIld spot durIng vIetnam war was a whore house I lOve PlayINg grassY MusIc Instrumental how pInks dad taUght her at vetran bar scenes  .  deuteroNOMy 8:9  .  compareadUn dry fly wHIte taIL$$$$$$$$$$$$ cuparBmacy$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$doe fawn haIr Pennys to store front In MexIco outfITTING flyfIshIng and a InternatIOnal Job corps fIshInG` can sUpport and eLIMINates slavery and trumps donlad dILUsIOnals about marrYING INto papIch name 50 pasO BILL mONey nO-one has Because so rare It`s wheat when cow food wIth no technology to harvest wheat then old spanIsh traIL annIveRsary TrUMps UseINg mILITary for 100 year after colUMBUs was 1532 old spaNIsh traIl Is $th$ prOHIBITIOn dureINg depressIOn convert Is'nt wHIskey about bOUT GOOd IrIsh BOOk God news  .  Luke 4:43  .  deuteronomy 4:34  .  deuterONOMy 2:6  .  Is pro-hIbItIon trumps tarrIffs depressIon stratogy OPPOsITe GOOd News LUke fIrst page GaBrIel Is deuteronomy 4:43 adds Up old man addage~matthew 28:20~suppost to be duck BILL dINOsaurs haIr about san francIsco and good Boys, means naTIve amerIcan IndIans Intellegence government to Trumps BeNefIt fIxed Income he GIts BILLION dollars so what for north korea to be our captores amerIcan cUlture LIe Ten feet HIGh UranIUM IranIUM I-ran aIr condITONers  serBIan BBQ rUNNING man salvaTIOn arMy soccer chaMPIOn of $Th$ world hezeKIah and montana HooterItes wInter wheat  Is all draIn $th$ swamp means the ocean to trump  greg LIner rodeo chamPIOn neIghbors to famIly robertsons t.v. exaMple for exaMple duck commander I was InvIted MIssed BOTh casTING calls YellowsTOne wITh kevIn cosTner greg LIner sUrfer cowbOY same age as donald trump fIne If truMp Is allways seperate from apapich never never ever never Mixed together sacrIfIce JOHN 8:32 jOHN 1:40 BUILt a GOld course In MexIco common sense On My end 1 Iron they let meme~use as FIsherman In old surfer days hawII last 40 years  .  LevITIcUs 8:9 ��.  T  .  v  .  or what have you I find as value - as drInkIng and the MILITary My brother is 1986 mILLeNIaL has That advantage casper wyOMINg On any KId In educatIon PLease Tell straYha sorry He dId'nt accept NFL cOntract*`Thee`’*was MILLeNIals In great falls depressIONINg on trumps stratoGy I had To Go TO MusIc and My educatIOn bIson BIson same dIstance as Iran and argentIna Mexico mOntana Great falls Montana geOgrapHy GUItar zebra Bozeman bars Heel toe exspress  .  My guys been around $tH$ world I would step foot I’d have hIgh end converstIon rate rest store fIshInG` stOp In mexIco for Yellowdog traveL coMpany wOUd ONLY loose workers to HUman resoure develOpment councel and Leo`s UNITed naTIOns rank  .  to south amerIca and central amerIca and largest MusKee dOmestIc rITTle wOUld KInda - leagaLIze cocaIne for them and make  a - deNt IN the drUg war My de rHunter sNIper skILLs On fLYfishING  .  $Th$ 50 Butter fLy comparadun flys on the bIll In plastIc then I convert To TeqUILa as whIte taILdoe haIr varIgant brIdge varIant flyfIshIng of amerIcan money teach fIshIng and hand out money LIke weed Is currency with the one 50 dollars peso butter fly clear bIll  .  matthew 3:16  .  1 John 3:17  .  wINg dry fLy ToO` compared LIterary fishing Is LIteratue page 72 snow harvard law Book eastwood uses churh HIll about law Intellegence of WWII MIddLe paraGraph scIence and GOvernmnet”“scIence”“oar weer gree beer  .  I owe food Network the essay eNGLIsh  .  so to speek what K"n"OT  .  [email protected] BlueHai4  . fb address badge 12018509221 pakiU2Ni [email protected]  .  BlueHai5   foodnetwork/
oh The scrOLL bartryINgTo make It Life ete feLONy perJury Jordan frItz aInt my crIme to do the TIme for the government fall out boyYOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you’Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I’M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and
And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect”“"YOU”“"you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked”“"em”“"Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I’m uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I’ve never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I’m facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I’m not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you’LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I’M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP” dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I’m uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald “The rUMP” trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont
Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I’m presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL_____________________________________________________________________________
fall out boy government  hay hay 162 good by hay hay prison fall out boy nana nanan nana hay hay good buy palade stergion baIt_______________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch
8 mins ·
Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`’*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and
address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank wankl eYc eMc eCc eA etc etc ettc LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne… of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I’m tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amen
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But fr, cats are so amazing and I hate how they’re stereotyped as mean demons full of hatred that want to watch the world burn.
My baby kitty sleeps on my pillow every night to be close to me, and rests his head on mine. He gets excited when I get home and runs to greet me and say meow meow meow (roughly translates to “hi mom, I missed you”), and comes to me when I make the special kissy noises at him. He’s happy and loves head pets, he gives me kisses, he comforts me when I’m depressed or upset, he enjoys spending time with me, and he loves to play mouse-on-string-on-stick (now mouse-on-string-on-stick-with-duck-tape-on-ruler) together. He doesn’t randomly attack me or tear up everything he see’s. He’s calm, sweet, and yes, even caring (see “comforts me when I’m depressed/upset”).
Stop assuming all cats are the devil just because they don’t like you.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
Source: pinterest.com
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chocolateheal · 5 years
Top Five Fantastic Experience Of This Year’s Candy At Walmart Price | candy at walmart price
When Candy and Donnell Williams’ three kids, three children-in-law and baby army of grandchildren appear to their Gilcrease Hills home Thursday, they’ll be greeted with a Thanksgiving feast: turkey and dressing, broccoli goulash and cakes and pies aplenty.
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The Williamses, who beyond off some Thanksgiving aliment from their grocery account at the Reasor’s at 15th Street and Lewis Avenue on Monday, said the almost $200 they had spent was aloof the alpha of their shopping.
“This is not the accomplished list,” Candy Williams said.
The American Farm Bureau Alliance has acceptable account for families who accept a lot of bellies to abounding this year: the boilerplate amount of a Thanksgiving banquet connected a bottomward trend.
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The amount of a 2018 turkey day barbecue for 10 was $48.90, a 22-cent abatement from aftermost year and the everyman amount back 2010, according to the Farm Bureau’s anniversary analysis of Thanksgiving staples. The pièce de résistance of abounding families’ cafeteria or banquet tables — the turkey — came in at $21.71 for a 16-pound bird, the everyman amount back 2014.
The survey, an “informal barometer of amount trends about the nation,” according to the federation, deployed added than 160 advance shoppers to analysis prices at food in 37 states. The surveyors looked for the best accessible prices after demography advantage of promotions or coupons.
“Thanks to an abounding supply, turkey charcoal affordable for consumers, which helps accumulate the all-embracing amount of the banquet analytic priced as well,” Dr. John Newton, arch economist of the Farm Bureau, wrote in a statement.
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Past acquaintance accomplished Marilyn Bridges to buy a turkey early, so the retired Tulsa academy abecedary chose her bird about two weeks afore 20 accompany and ancestors army to the banquet table.
Bridges’ ancestors history will be broiled into about every dish, from her backward mother’s ancient cornbread compound to her aunt’s bake-apple salad.
“The flavors admonish you of the accomplished — bodies who aren’t with you anymore,” Bridges said as she loaded her agent with arcade accoutrements at the 15th Street Reasor’s.
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The foods that showed the better abatement in boilerplate price, in accession to turkey, were a gallon of milk ($2.92), a 3-pound bag of candied potatoes ($3.39), a 1-pound bag of blooming peas ($1.47) and a dozen rolls ($2.25), according to the survey.
A few items showed an access in boilerplate price, including a 12-ounce bag of beginning cranberries ($2.65), a 30-ounce can of attic pie mix ($3.33) and a 14-ounce amalgamation of cubed aliment capacity ($2.87).
After purchasing abundant of his Thanksgiving grocery account online through Reasor’s, George Nicholson was browsing the store’s turkey alternative as he best up last-minute items. Nicholson said he planned to absorb about $400 for himself, his partner, a sister and her adolescent to ensure “lots of leftovers,” admitting he’s best aflame to absorb time calm with admired ones.
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“We all get in the kitchen,” Nicholson said.
The arcade account for the Farm Bureau’s breezy survey, which was aboriginal conducted in 1986, includes turkey, stuffing, candied potatoes, rolls with butter, peas, cranberries, a vegetable tray, attic pie with aerated chrism and coffee and milk.
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melindarowens · 7 years
List of 75 Corrupt and/or Potentially Criminal Actions Identified in John Podesta’s Emails
Guest post by Joe Hoft
Yesterday President Donald Trump tweeted from the G20 in Germany:
Everyone here is talking about why John Podesta refused to give the DNC server to the FBI and the CIA. Disgraceful!
Everyone here is talking about why John Podesta refused to give the DNC server to the FBI and the CIA. Disgraceful!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 7, 2017
John Podesta was triggered by President Trump’s tweet and responded with a tweetstorm of seven tweets attacking the President.  Based on his response, it was clear that President Trump got under corrupt Podesta’s skin with his tweet.  As a result the President happened to trigger one of the most corrupt politicians in Democrat and US history.
John Podesta has held numerous positions in his career in politics and with the Federal government.  He started his career in the 1970’s in lower level federal jobs before reaching the highest levels of the Democrat Party working as White House Chief of Staff for Bill Clinton, Special Advisor to Barack Obama and in 2016 Campaign Chair for Hillary Clinton.  The fact that Podesta is so high up in the impeached and corrupt Clinton and Obama administrations speaks volumes about Podesta’s seedy character.
He also is known for being the Chair of the Center for American Progress (CAP) which “boasts extensive ties to donor George Soros, the Democratic Party and both the Clinton and Obama Administrations.”  CAP faces controversies for being a rehabilitative employment opportunity for progressive activists and for being anti-Semitic and for reporting errors.  CAP is also is accused of being the nerve center for the left wing, including being the manufacturer of anti-Trump propaganda.
Although there are reports that Podesta is closely tied with David Brock from Media Matters, who has created plans to prevent free speech by attacking conservative websites like the Gateway Pundit.   Podesta emails show that he can’t stand Brock.
Podesta has a history of seedy and alleged illegal activity. The late Andrew Breitbart, entrepreneur and creator of Breitbart.com knew this back in 2012 (warning on language):
Breitbart was ahead of his time.
The world was introduced to the corrupt and criminal acts of John Podesta’s during the 2016 Presidential campaign when his emails were provided to WikiLeaks and released to the public.  Podesta claims that the emails were stolen by Russia and provided to WikiLeaks but WikiLeaks has denied obtaining the emails from Russia and it is more likely that Podesta’s emails were provided to WikiLeaks from DNC staffer Seth Rich who was murdered last year in his Washington D.C. neighborhood.
Podesta has reportedly done all he can to shut down any investigation into Seth Rich’s murder which is suspect due to Podesta stating in one of his emails:
I am definitely for making an example of a suspected leaker whether or not we have any real basis for it.”
Counter to “think progress”:https://t.co/pMQaBnGq8l#PodestaEmails #WIKILEAKS #MURDERER #Democrats
— Dr C Cat (@JonLopez357) May 23, 2017
In Podesta’s emails there were many suspicious emails that could lead a reasonable person to suspect or determine corrupt actions and in many cases illegal actions as well, related to John Podesta and the Clinton Presidential campaign.  Podesta knew about these emails because all were emails Podesta either sent or recieved –
Here is the list:
1 Hillary sat on Board that funded ISIS 2 Hillary bragged about being invited to Russia’s Putin’s ‘Inner Sanctum’ 3. Clinton Campaign Fudged Climate Change Data – Inflated Emission Numbers 4 Smoking gun on Iran deal – Nuclear War coming  5 Clinton Camp Tried Protect Hillary From Trump ISIS Comment That She and Obama Created ISIS 6 At Least 65 MSM Reporters Were Meeting with and/or Coordinating Offline with Top Hillary Advisors 7 Hillary team discussed deleting emails knowing it was against the law 8 Hillary Campaign Was in Touch with Obama DOJ on Email Investigation 9 Hillary trying to get in front of email issue 10 Hillary’s attorney David Kendall did not turn over thumb drive and server 11 Hillary accepting foreign money 12 Hillary’s team doesn’t know what’s in her emails and is nervous about it 13 Top Clinton donor paid $250 million for tax evasion 14 Clinton Staffers Discussed Which Emails To Release to investigators… 15 And Which to DELETE! 16 Podesta – Clinton Campaign Chief Owned 75,000 Shares of Putin-Connected Energy Company 17…and Podesta daughter received his 75,000 shares in Putnin Company 18 Podesta Documents Suggest Scalia Assassination 19 Hillary and Dept of Justice appeared to have colluded 20 Hillary’s own campaign doesn’t understand why she deleted 33,000 emails 21 Hillary sends intel to Podesta on unsecured server 22 Hillary’s Podesta and Soros are working together 23 Robby Mook: “it’s a little troubling” that meeting of Clinton Foundation was held at Goldman Sachs HQ 24 Huma admits Foreign Interests own HRC  25 Hillary gets one day in advance of State Department release 26 Hillary and pay to play racketeering activities 27 DNC plans fake Trump assault cases in May of 2016 28 Dems fake Trump Craig’s List ads 29 Hillary’s staff discusses hiding emails from investigators (and then deletes them) 30 Hillary likely broke law in Goldman Sachs speech 31 Hillary lies about Goldman Sachs costs – she charged them 32 7 more Clinton scandals as a result of WikiLeaks 33 Hillary decides to take money from foreign governments!!! 34 Hillary and DNC have joint account (against the law)!! 35 Dr. Jill Stein – HRC kept 55K emails from Congress 36 Business Insider – exposed by Wikileaks emails as one of Hillary’s ‘friendlies,’ attacks PJWatson on twitter 37 Billionaire Globalist Soros is Hillary Clinton’s Puppet Master… 38 Trusted Clinton Foundation Insider Was Caught Loading Spyware on Computers, Reading Employee Emails 39 Hillary’s Aides Urged Her to Take Foreign Lobbyist Donation And Deal With Attacks 40 Hillary lost flashdrive reported in email at her attorney’s 41 Proof that Americans United For Change (Scott Foval’s employer) works directly with the HRC Camp 42 Huma received information on Soros before meeting 43 Discussing Scalia’s replacement on day after he died w/ SOROS’ OPEN SOCIETY FOUNDATION??? 44 Rigged polls, “over sample” women 45 Robby Mook accused of coverering-up work place sexual harassment by a buddy 46 Podesta Says It’s OK for Illegals to Vote With Driver’s License…. 47 Liberal Billionaire George Soros Mentioned Over 50 Times In Leaked Hillary Campaign Emails 48 Clinton family lawyer David Kendall writes to clarify that the HRC legal team did not turn over key email data to the State Department 49 Hillary Took Algeria Off Terror Watch List After Donation to Clinton Foundation 50 Clinton’s “17 US intelligence agencies” may be the biggest, most immediately disprovable wopper ever intentionally made during a debate 51 Clintons have over ‘500 Different’ conflicts of interest — Clinton Foundation Executive Doug Band 52 A King pays $12 million for access to Hillary 53 Podesta (who’s married) was on speed dating site 54 Document in new batch of Hillary emails released by the State Dept contains classified info 55 Podesta falls for phishing scam 56 Sinister Clinton Strategy – Scare Our People Into Giving Bigger Sums 57 Clinton Foundation conspired with BigPharma to keep the prices of AIDS drugs high 58 Podesta is willing to fire an innocent employee to make a point!! Disgusting 59 The Soros-linked voting machines used in US election were used in Velenzuela to allow dictator Hugo Chavez win 60 Muslim Dictators Have Email Access to Hillary but Murdered Ambassador Stevens Didn’t 61 Clinton Foundation Donors Lobbied a Willing Huma For Diplomatic Passports 62 Secrets that Hillary put at risk were knowingly very sensitive per FBI 63 Huma Abedin told Clinton her secret email account caused problems 64 Podesta loses phone – (way in to Clinton emails?)   65 Clinton Foundation stiffs contractors in Haiti 66 Hillary’s OWN team admitted the Clinton Foundation Corruption SHOULD bring Down Her Candidacy 67 CLINTON FOUNDATION CEO WAS MOLE via Podesta Email – Ousted at Foundation 68 CLINTON DOCUMENTS: Discourage Trump Supporters with Crap Polls  69 BOMBSHELL! “we need to clean this up…emails…they do not say state . gov” = admission of CRIMINAL ACT! 70 Huma Granted access to Hillary based on Clinton Global Initiative Donor Status 71 Aide: He arranged for $50M in payments for Bill Clinton 72 BENGHAZI CRIMINAL EVIDENCE. “Do we have an answer for why there arent emails from the Oct 8 trip to Libya?” 73 Clinton’s team wonders what Hillary taught in college – Con law? 74 Clinton Aide’s Memo Details Ties Between Consulting Firm and Clinton Foundation 75 Company that Supplied Voting Machines to 22 States Donated to Clinton Foundation
There was ample evidence of Podesta wrong doing in his own emails which is potentially why he did not want the FBI to check the DNC servers when they were ‘hacked’.  No wonder everyone in Germany is talking about Podesta.
  Source link
source https://capitalisthq.com/list-of-75-corrupt-andor-potentially-criminal-actions-identified-in-john-podestas-emails/ from CapitalistHQ http://capitalisthq.blogspot.com/2017/07/list-of-75-corrupt-andor-potentially.html
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everettwilkinson · 7 years
List of 75 Corrupt and/or Potentially Criminal Actions Identified in John Podesta’s Emails
Guest post by Joe Hoft
Yesterday President Donald Trump tweeted from the G20 in Germany:
Everyone here is talking about why John Podesta refused to give the DNC server to the FBI and the CIA. Disgraceful!
Everyone here is talking about why John Podesta refused to give the DNC server to the FBI and the CIA. Disgraceful!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 7, 2017
John Podesta was triggered by President Trump’s tweet and responded with a tweetstorm of seven tweets attacking the President.  Based on his response, it was clear that President Trump got under corrupt Podesta’s skin with his tweet.  As a result the President happened to trigger one of the most corrupt politicians in Democrat and US history.
John Podesta has held numerous positions in his career in politics and with the Federal government.  He started his career in the 1970’s in lower level federal jobs before reaching the highest levels of the Democrat Party working as White House Chief of Staff for Bill Clinton, Special Advisor to Barack Obama and in 2016 Campaign Chair for Hillary Clinton.  The fact that Podesta is so high up in the impeached and corrupt Clinton and Obama administrations speaks volumes about Podesta’s seedy character.
He also is known for being the Chair of the Center for American Progress (CAP) which “boasts extensive ties to donor George Soros, the Democratic Party and both the Clinton and Obama Administrations.”  CAP faces controversies for being a rehabilitative employment opportunity for progressive activists and for being anti-Semitic and for reporting errors.  CAP is also is accused of being the nerve center for the left wing, including being the manufacturer of anti-Trump propaganda.
Although there are reports that Podesta is closely tied with David Brock from Media Matters, who has created plans to prevent free speech by attacking conservative websites like the Gateway Pundit.   Podesta emails show that he can’t stand Brock.
Podesta has a history of seedy and alleged illegal activity. The late Andrew Breitbart, entrepreneur and creator of Breitbart.com knew this back in 2012 (warning on language):
Breitbart was ahead of his time.
The world was introduced to the corrupt and criminal acts of John Podesta’s during the 2016 Presidential campaign when his emails were provided to WikiLeaks and released to the public.  Podesta claims that the emails were stolen by Russia and provided to WikiLeaks but WikiLeaks has denied obtaining the emails from Russia and it is more likely that Podesta’s emails were provided to WikiLeaks from DNC staffer Seth Rich who was murdered last year in his Washington D.C. neighborhood.
Podesta has reportedly done all he can to shut down any investigation into Seth Rich’s murder which is suspect due to Podesta stating in one of his emails:
I am definitely for making an example of a suspected leaker whether or not we have any real basis for it.”
Counter to “think progress”:https://t.co/pMQaBnGq8l#PodestaEmails #WIKILEAKS #MURDERER #Democrats
— Dr C Cat (@JonLopez357) May 23, 2017
In Podesta’s emails there were many suspicious emails that could lead a reasonable person to suspect or determine corrupt actions and in many cases illegal actions as well, related to John Podesta and the Clinton Presidential campaign.  Podesta knew about these emails because all were emails Podesta either sent or recieved –
Here is the list:
1 Hillary sat on Board that funded ISIS 2 Hillary bragged about being invited to Russia’s Putin’s ‘Inner Sanctum’ 3. Clinton Campaign Fudged Climate Change Data – Inflated Emission Numbers 4 Smoking gun on Iran deal – Nuclear War coming  5 Clinton Camp Tried Protect Hillary From Trump ISIS Comment That She and Obama Created ISIS 6 At Least 65 MSM Reporters Were Meeting with and/or Coordinating Offline with Top Hillary Advisors 7 Hillary team discussed deleting emails knowing it was against the law 8 Hillary Campaign Was in Touch with Obama DOJ on Email Investigation 9 Hillary trying to get in front of email issue 10 Hillary’s attorney David Kendall did not turn over thumb drive and server 11 Hillary accepting foreign money 12 Hillary’s team doesn’t know what’s in her emails and is nervous about it 13 Top Clinton donor paid $250 million for tax evasion 14 Clinton Staffers Discussed Which Emails To Release to investigators… 15 And Which to DELETE! 16 Podesta – Clinton Campaign Chief Owned 75,000 Shares of Putin-Connected Energy Company 17…and Podesta daughter received his 75,000 shares in Putnin Company 18 Podesta Documents Suggest Scalia Assassination 19 Hillary and Dept of Justice appeared to have colluded 20 Hillary’s own campaign doesn’t understand why she deleted 33,000 emails 21 Hillary sends intel to Podesta on unsecured server 22 Hillary’s Podesta and Soros are working together 23 Robby Mook: “it’s a little troubling” that meeting of Clinton Foundation was held at Goldman Sachs HQ 24 Huma admits Foreign Interests own HRC  25 Hillary gets one day in advance of State Department release 26 Hillary and pay to play racketeering activities 27 DNC plans fake Trump assault cases in May of 2016 28 Dems fake Trump Craig’s List ads 29 Hillary’s staff discusses hiding emails from investigators (and then deletes them) 30 Hillary likely broke law in Goldman Sachs speech 31 Hillary lies about Goldman Sachs costs – she charged them 32 7 more Clinton scandals as a result of WikiLeaks 33 Hillary decides to take money from foreign governments!!! 34 Hillary and DNC have joint account (against the law)!! 35 Dr. Jill Stein – HRC kept 55K emails from Congress 36 Business Insider – exposed by Wikileaks emails as one of Hillary’s ‘friendlies,’ attacks PJWatson on twitter 37 Billionaire Globalist Soros is Hillary Clinton’s Puppet Master… 38 Trusted Clinton Foundation Insider Was Caught Loading Spyware on Computers, Reading Employee Emails 39 Hillary’s Aides Urged Her to Take Foreign Lobbyist Donation And Deal With Attacks 40 Hillary lost flashdrive reported in email at her attorney’s 41 Proof that Americans United For Change (Scott Foval’s employer) works directly with the HRC Camp 42 Huma received information on Soros before meeting 43 Discussing Scalia’s replacement on day after he died w/ SOROS’ OPEN SOCIETY FOUNDATION??? 44 Rigged polls, “over sample” women 45 Robby Mook accused of coverering-up work place sexual harassment by a buddy 46 Podesta Says It’s OK for Illegals to Vote With Driver’s License…. 47 Liberal Billionaire George Soros Mentioned Over 50 Times In Leaked Hillary Campaign Emails 48 Clinton family lawyer David Kendall writes to clarify that the HRC legal team did not turn over key email data to the State Department 49 Hillary Took Algeria Off Terror Watch List After Donation to Clinton Foundation 50 Clinton’s “17 US intelligence agencies” may be the biggest, most immediately disprovable wopper ever intentionally made during a debate 51 Clintons have over ‘500 Different’ conflicts of interest — Clinton Foundation Executive Doug Band 52 A King pays $12 million for access to Hillary 53 Podesta (who’s married) was on speed dating site 54 Document in new batch of Hillary emails released by the State Dept contains classified info 55 Podesta falls for phishing scam 56 Sinister Clinton Strategy – Scare Our People Into Giving Bigger Sums 57 Clinton Foundation conspired with BigPharma to keep the prices of AIDS drugs high 58 Podesta is willing to fire an innocent employee to make a point!! Disgusting 59 The Soros-linked voting machines used in US election were used in Velenzuela to allow dictator Hugo Chavez win 60 Muslim Dictators Have Email Access to Hillary but Murdered Ambassador Stevens Didn’t 61 Clinton Foundation Donors Lobbied a Willing Huma For Diplomatic Passports 62 Secrets that Hillary put at risk were knowingly very sensitive per FBI 63 Huma Abedin told Clinton her secret email account caused problems 64 Podesta loses phone – (way in to Clinton emails?)   65 Clinton Foundation stiffs contractors in Haiti 66 Hillary’s OWN team admitted the Clinton Foundation Corruption SHOULD bring Down Her Candidacy 67 CLINTON FOUNDATION CEO WAS MOLE via Podesta Email – Ousted at Foundation 68 CLINTON DOCUMENTS: Discourage Trump Supporters with Crap Polls  69 BOMBSHELL! “we need to clean this up…emails…they do not say state . gov” = admission of CRIMINAL ACT! 70 Huma Granted access to Hillary based on Clinton Global Initiative Donor Status 71 Aide: He arranged for $50M in payments for Bill Clinton 72 BENGHAZI CRIMINAL EVIDENCE. “Do we have an answer for why there arent emails from the Oct 8 trip to Libya?” 73 Clinton’s team wonders what Hillary taught in college – Con law? 74 Clinton Aide’s Memo Details Ties Between Consulting Firm and Clinton Foundation 75 Company that Supplied Voting Machines to 22 States Donated to Clinton Foundation
There was ample evidence of Podesta wrong doing in his own emails which is potentially why he did not want the FBI to check the DNC servers when they were ‘hacked’.  No wonder everyone in Germany is talking about Podesta.
    Source link
from CapitalistHQ.com https://capitalisthq.com/list-of-75-corrupt-andor-potentially-criminal-actions-identified-in-john-podestas-emails/
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jobsearchtips02 · 4 years
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Washington paid its respects Monday to the late Rep. John Lewis, the civil-rights icon who helped usher in a landmark voting-rights law aimed at bringing an end to political suppression of Black Americans. Photo: Jonathan Ernst/Zuma Press
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Journal Editorial Report: The week’s best and worst from Jason Riley, Mary O’Grady and Dan Henninger. Image: Associated Press
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Opinion: Trump Reboots His Virus Briefings
7/26/2020 5: 10PM
6: 00
Opinion: Trump’s Response to Urban Chaos
7/26/2020 5: 00PM
2: 53
Opinion: The GOP’s Non-Growth Agenda
7/23/2020 9: 29PM
3: 26
Opinion: Progressives to Cities: Drop Dead
7/22/2020 9: 14PM
More →
More →
Life & Culture
8: 33
Traveling During the Pandemic Is Possible. But Can You Do It Safely?
7/17/2020 7: 19AM
In many places around the world, holiday travel is permitted again. So how do you travel safely if you want to go on vacation this summer? WSJ’s George Downs takes a weekend trip to find out. Photo composite: George Downs
7: 05
New ICE Rule on Foreign Students Spurs Confusion
7/14/2020 5: 30AM
0: 59
Disney World Reopens Amid Surging Coronavirus Cases in Florida
7/12/2020 4: 46PM
3: 36
Can’t Actually Meet Up? Dating Apps Pivot to Video
7/1/2020 6: 00AM
6: 27
As Virus Cases Rise, a Florida Restaurant Stays Flexible to Stay Open
6/30/2020 6: 00AM
More →
More →
Business News
1: 39
Gold Hits New High as Investors Look to Hedge Against Uncertainty
7/27/2020 5: 10PM
Gold prices have risen to a record high against a backdrop of high market uncertainty. But Heard on the Street’s Aaron Back explains why no single insurance policy covers you against all the risks. Photo: Michael Dalder/Reuters
1: 39
Trump Cancels GOP Convention Events in Florida
7/23/2020 7: 16PM
1: 32
More Violence in Chicago as White House Plans to Deploy Federal Agents
7/22/2020 4: 11AM
3: 20
U.K. Ban of Huawei From 5G Networks Seen as Win for U.S.
7/14/2020 2: 11PM
2: 31
L.A. Public Schools Will Start Year Online, as Virus Rises in State
7/13/2020 9: 09PM
More →
More →
Moving Upstream
9: 56
Electric Scooters: Israel’s Two-Wheeled Solution to Traffic and Sabbath
12/20/2018 5: 30AM
Electric-scooter rental companies are hitting speed bumps in the U.S. over safety and other concerns. But in Tel Aviv, one in 10 residents has rented a Bird e-scooter, and the city appears to be embracing them. WSJ’s Jason Bellini takes a look at the challenges and potential lessons of the e-scooter craze.
0: 54
Tasting the World’s First Test-Tube Steak
12/11/2018 5: 30AM
9: 58
High Insulin Prices Drive Diabetics to Take Extreme Measures
12/3/2018 5: 30AM
9: 57
Weighing the Costs and Benefits of Facial Recognition Technology
11/19/2018 5: 30AM
9: 54
The Future of Flight: AI in the Cockpit
11/12/2018 5: 30AM
More →
More →
6: 39
WSJ’s House of the Year: A Contemporary Home With Hawaiian Spirit
1/30/2020 11: 00AM
A modern, 7,500 square-foot home connects owner Elizabeth Grossman to the nature and ‘spiritual vortex’ that drew her to Lanikai, a neighborhood on Oahu. She gives us a tour, and explains why it’s time to sell. Photo: Adam Falk/The Wall Street Journal
8: 00
In Greece, a Radical Triangular House Brings the Outdoors Inside
12/21/2019 11: 00AM
5: 10
A Love of Yurts Inspired This ‘Glamp’ Retreat
7/11/2019 7: 00AM
5: 38
A Cascades Home Designed to Feel Like Summer Camp
5/2/2019 10: 00AM
4: 53
A Home Built to Be a Live-In Museum and Expansive Library
2/21/2019 11: 00AM
More →
More →
2: 21
Am I Doing What I Love?
9/22/2016 11: 59PM
1: 00
Golf’s Data Revolution
9/9/2016 2: 16PM
1: 30
How Worldly Experiences Can Shape One’s Success
27: 34
Creating the Future Workforce
1/17/2017 3: 39PM
More →
More →
Marketwatch and Barron’s
3: 57
Even with a stock market recovery, the economic outlook could be grim
7/27/2020 3: 20PM
Katie Nixon, chief investment officer at Northern Trust Wealth Management, explains why the economy may be slow to follow the market’s recovery, and what that means for investors.
10: 00
AOL Co-Founder Calls On Congress to Help Spur Innovation
7/27/2020 9: 00AM
1: 53
How bad is it if I don’t have health insurance?
7/23/2020 7: 00AM
3: 08
80% of older Americans can’t afford to retire – COVID-19 isn’t helping
7/23/2020 7: 00AM
2: 01
What you need to know about bank stocks right now
7/22/2020 7: 00AM
More →
from Job Search Tips https://jobsearchtips.net/rep-john-lewis-is-remembered-in-nations-capital/
0 notes
jobsearchtips02 · 4 years
Rep. John Lewis Is Remembered in Nation’s Capital
Now Playing
7/27/2020 6: 51PM     
Washington paid its respects Monday to the late Rep. John Lewis, the civil-rights icon who helped usher in a landmark voting-rights law aimed at bringing an end to political suppression of Black Americans. Photo: Jonathan Ernst/Zuma Press
Up Next
Editor Picks Shelf
2: 03
Why Some States Are Narrowing Access to Covid-19 Tests
7/24/2020 8: 00AM
6: 20
What It Would Take to Reach Herd Immunity for the Coronavirus
7/24/2020 6: 00AM
7: 09
Want to Know Where Covid-19 May Hit Next? Watch the Apple Store Closures
7/23/2020 6: 00AM
5: 41
Life After PPP: A Small Physical-Therapy Business Goes It Alone
7/22/2020 7: 00AM
More →
4: 18
The Rise and Fall of J.Crew
7/27/2020 7: 00AM
J.Crew was the first big retail chain to file bankruptcy in the wake of coronavirus lockdowns. But analysts say J.Crew’s struggle started years earlier, as its debt mounted and it lost touch with its customers. Illustration: Carter McCall/WSJ
0: 23
Trump Urges Americans to Wear a Mask
7/21/2020 7: 23PM
4: 41
How Mask Culture Has Changed in Europe
7/21/2020 2: 53PM
7: 57
Kids’ Coronavirus Risk Remains Uncertain as Schools Weigh Reopening
7/21/2020 6: 00AM
3: 02
Scientists Work to Produce Covid-19 Treatments Under New Conditions
7/20/2020 8: 00AM
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More →
Editor Picks
2: 05
U.S. Packs Up and Leaves Chengdu Consulate
7/27/2020 7: 59AM
On Monday, the U.S. lowered the American flag at its consulate in Chengdu, China, as the deadline to exit approached. WSJ’s Liza Lin describes how Beijing’s shutdown of the outpost weakens an already limited U.S. presence in China. Photo: Noel Celis/AFP via Getty Images
1: 52
Protest Chaos Rocks Cities Across U.S.
7/27/2020 5: 26AM
1: 36
Tropical Storm Hanna, Hurricane Douglas Threaten Parts of U.S.
7/27/2020 7: 07AM
3: 19
U.S. Shift in China Strategy: End ‘Blind Engagement’
7/24/2020 6: 19AM
1: 46
Tesla Eligible for S&P 500 After Fourth-Consecutive Quarterly Profit
7/22/2020 9: 53PM
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5: 41
Life After PPP: A Small Physical-Therapy Business Goes It Alone
7/22/2020 7: 00AM
When the coronavirus hit this Spring, Atlanta-based Motion Stability owner Brian Yee relied on PPP to pay his staff of physical therapists and keep his business operating. Now his eight-week loan forgiveness period is ending as Georgia faces a surge in new Covid-19 cases.
1: 39
Gold Hits New High as Investors Look to Hedge Against Uncertainty
7/27/2020 5: 10PM
2: 05
U.S. Packs Up and Leaves Chengdu Consulate
7/27/2020 7: 59AM
2: 03
Why Some States Are Narrowing Access to Covid-19 Tests
7/24/2020 8: 00AM
2: 57
Biden VP Contender Rep. Karen Bass on the Use of Federal Troops
7/23/2020 3: 25PM
1: 52
Protest Chaos Rocks Cities Across U.S.
7/27/2020 5: 26AM
7: 09
Want to Know Where Covid-19 May Hit Next? Watch the Apple Store Closures
7/23/2020 6: 00AM
1: 39
Trump Cancels GOP Convention Events in Florida
7/23/2020 7: 16PM
1: 36
Workers Strike Underscores Moment of Racial Reckoning in America
7/21/2020 6: 36AM
4: 41
How Mask Culture Has Changed in Europe
7/21/2020 2: 53PM
1: 36
Tropical Storm Hanna, Hurricane Douglas Threaten Parts of U.S.
7/27/2020 7: 07AM
More →
Video Series
My Ride
Moving Upstream
In the Elevator With
A Brief History Of
More →
More →
6: 23
How Energy Got So Cheap
7/21/2020 5: 30AM
An abundance of fossil fuels combined with advances in technology to harness wind and solar power has sent energy prices crashing around the world. WSJ explains how it all happened at once. Photo illustration: Carlos Waters/WSJ
4: 20
The Trouble With TikTok on U.S. Phones
7/20/2020 6: 32AM
4: 25
How to Turn Your Bike Into a Smart At-Home Exercise Machine
7/19/2020 5: 00AM
5: 45
China’s Plan to Conquer the Moon, Mars and More
7/17/2020 6: 00AM
2: 45
Hacking Hits High-Profile Twitter Accounts
7/16/2020 5: 58AM
More →
More →
1: 41
Opinion: Hits and Misses of the Week
7/26/2020 5: 41PM
Journal Editorial Report: The week’s best and worst from Jason Riley, Mary O’Grady and Dan Henninger. Image: Associated Press
5: 40
Opinion: Trump Reboots His Virus Briefings
7/26/2020 5: 10PM
6: 00
Opinion: Trump’s Response to Urban Chaos
7/26/2020 5: 00PM
2: 53
Opinion: The GOP’s Non-Growth Agenda
7/23/2020 9: 29PM
3: 26
Opinion: Progressives to Cities: Drop Dead
7/22/2020 9: 14PM
More →
More →
Life & Culture
8: 33
Traveling During the Pandemic Is Possible. But Can You Do It Safely?
7/17/2020 7: 19AM
In many places around the world, holiday travel is permitted again. So how do you travel safely if you want to go on vacation this summer? WSJ’s George Downs takes a weekend trip to find out. Photo composite: George Downs
7: 05
New ICE Rule on Foreign Students Spurs Confusion
7/14/2020 5: 30AM
0: 59
Disney World Reopens Amid Surging Coronavirus Cases in Florida
7/12/2020 4: 46PM
3: 36
Can’t Actually Meet Up? Dating Apps Pivot to Video
7/1/2020 6: 00AM
6: 27
As Virus Cases Rise, a Florida Restaurant Stays Flexible to Stay Open
6/30/2020 6: 00AM
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Business News
1: 39
Gold Hits New High as Investors Look to Hedge Against Uncertainty
7/27/2020 5: 10PM
Gold prices have risen to a record high against a backdrop of high market uncertainty. But Heard on the Street’s Aaron Back explains why no single insurance policy covers you against all the risks. Photo: Michael Dalder/Reuters
1: 39
Trump Cancels GOP Convention Events in Florida
7/23/2020 7: 16PM
1: 32
More Violence in Chicago as White House Plans to Deploy Federal Agents
7/22/2020 4: 11AM
3: 20
U.K. Ban of Huawei From 5G Networks Seen as Win for U.S.
7/14/2020 2: 11PM
2: 31
L.A. Public Schools Will Start Year Online, as Virus Rises in State
7/13/2020 9: 09PM
More →
More →
Moving Upstream
9: 56
Electric Scooters: Israel’s Two-Wheeled Solution to Traffic and Sabbath
12/20/2018 5: 30AM
Electric-scooter rental companies are hitting speed bumps in the U.S. over safety and other concerns. But in Tel Aviv, one in 10 residents has rented a Bird e-scooter, and the city appears to be embracing them. WSJ’s Jason Bellini takes a look at the challenges and potential lessons of the e-scooter craze.
0: 54
Tasting the World’s First Test-Tube Steak
12/11/2018 5: 30AM
9: 58
High Insulin Prices Drive Diabetics to Take Extreme Measures
12/3/2018 5: 30AM
9: 57
Weighing the Costs and Benefits of Facial Recognition Technology
11/19/2018 5: 30AM
9: 54
The Future of Flight: AI in the Cockpit
11/12/2018 5: 30AM
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More →
6: 39
WSJ’s House of the Year: A Contemporary Home With Hawaiian Spirit
1/30/2020 11: 00AM
A modern, 7,500 square-foot home connects owner Elizabeth Grossman to the nature and ‘spiritual vortex’ that drew her to Lanikai, a neighborhood on Oahu. She gives us a tour, and explains why it’s time to sell. Photo: Adam Falk/The Wall Street Journal
8: 00
In Greece, a Radical Triangular House Brings the Outdoors Inside
12/21/2019 11: 00AM
5: 10
A Love of Yurts Inspired This ‘Glamp’ Retreat
7/11/2019 7: 00AM
5: 38
A Cascades Home Designed to Feel Like Summer Camp
5/2/2019 10: 00AM
4: 53
A Home Built to Be a Live-In Museum and Expansive Library
2/21/2019 11: 00AM
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2: 21
Am I Doing What I Love?
9/22/2016 11: 59PM
1: 00
Golf’s Data Revolution
9/9/2016 2: 16PM
1: 30
How Worldly Experiences Can Shape One’s Success
27: 34
Creating the Future Workforce
1/17/2017 3: 39PM
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Marketwatch and Barron’s
3: 57
Even with a stock market recovery, the economic outlook could be grim
7/27/2020 3: 20PM
Katie Nixon, chief investment officer at Northern Trust Wealth Management, explains why the economy may be slow to follow the market’s recovery, and what that means for investors.
10: 00
AOL Co-Founder Calls On Congress to Help Spur Innovation
7/27/2020 9: 00AM
3: 08
80% of older Americans can’t afford to retire – COVID-19 isn’t helping
7/23/2020 7: 00AM
1: 53
How bad is it if I don’t have health insurance?
7/23/2020 7: 00AM
2: 01
What you need to know about bank stocks right now
7/22/2020 7: 00AM
More →
from Job Search Tips https://jobsearchtips.net/rep-john-lewis-is-remembered-in-nations-capital-2/
0 notes
jobsearchtips02 · 4 years
Gold Hits New High as Investors Look to Hedge Against Uncertainty
Now Playing
7/27/2020 5: 10PM     
Gold prices have risen to a record high against a backdrop of high market uncertainty. But Heard on the Street’s Aaron Back explains why no single insurance policy covers you against all the risks. Photo: Michael Dalder/Reuters
Up Next
Editor Picks Shelf
2: 03
Why Some States Are Narrowing Access to Covid-19 Tests
7/24/2020 8: 00AM
6: 20
What It Would Take to Reach Herd Immunity for the Coronavirus
7/24/2020 6: 00AM
7: 09
Want to Know Where Covid-19 May Hit Next? Watch the Apple Store Closures
7/23/2020 6: 00AM
5: 41
Life After PPP: A Small Physical-Therapy Business Goes It Alone
7/22/2020 7: 00AM
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4: 18
The Rise and Fall of J.Crew
7/27/2020 7: 00AM
J.Crew was the first big retail chain to file bankruptcy in the wake of coronavirus lockdowns. But analysts say J.Crew’s struggle started years earlier, as its debt mounted and it lost touch with its customers. Illustration: Carter McCall/WSJ
0: 23
Trump Urges Americans to Wear a Mask
7/21/2020 7: 23PM
4: 41
How Mask Culture Has Changed in Europe
7/21/2020 2: 53PM
7: 57
Kids’ Coronavirus Risk Remains Uncertain as Schools Weigh Reopening
7/21/2020 6: 00AM
3: 02
Scientists Work to Produce Covid-19 Treatments Under New Conditions
7/20/2020 8: 00AM
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More →
Editor Picks
2: 05
U.S. Packs Up and Leaves Chengdu Consulate
7/27/2020 7: 59AM
On Monday, the U.S. lowered the American flag at its consulate in Chengdu, China, as the deadline to exit approached. WSJ’s Liza Lin describes how Beijing’s shutdown of the outpost weakens an already limited U.S. presence in China. Photo: Noel Celis/AFP via Getty Images
1: 52
Protest Chaos Rocks Cities Across U.S.
7/27/2020 5: 26AM
1: 36
Tropical Storm Hanna, Hurricane Douglas Threaten Parts of U.S.
7/27/2020 7: 07AM
3: 19
U.S. Shift in China Strategy: End ‘Blind Engagement’
7/24/2020 6: 19AM
1: 46
Tesla Eligible for S&P 500 After Fourth-Consecutive Quarterly Profit
7/22/2020 9: 53PM
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Recommended for you
2: 05
U.S. Packs Up and Leaves Chengdu Consulate
7/27/2020 7: 59AM
On Monday, the U.S. lowered the American flag at its consulate in Chengdu, China, as the deadline to exit approached. WSJ’s Liza Lin describes how Beijing’s shutdown of the outpost weakens an already limited U.S. presence in China. Photo: Noel Celis/AFP via Getty Images
8: 33
Traveling During the Pandemic Is Possible. But Can You Do It Safely?
7/17/2020 7: 19AM
7: 09
Want to Know Where Covid-19 May Hit Next? Watch the Apple Store Closures
7/23/2020 6: 00AM
4: 41
How Mask Culture Has Changed in Europe
7/21/2020 2: 53PM
3: 19
U.S. Shift in China Strategy: End ‘Blind Engagement’
7/24/2020 6: 19AM
2: 13
Tensions Escalate Further in Portland, Trump Declares Federal Agent Surge
7/23/2020 7: 11AM
2: 57
Biden VP Contender Rep. Karen Bass on the Use of Federal Troops
7/23/2020 3: 25PM
4: 20
The Trouble With TikTok on U.S. Phones
7/20/2020 6: 32AM
2: 05
U.S. Fighter Jet Flies Close to Iranian Passenger Plane
7/24/2020 10: 06AM
4: 18
The Rise and Fall of J.Crew
7/27/2020 7: 00AM
1: 52
Protest Chaos Rocks Cities Across U.S.
7/27/2020 5: 26AM
More →
Video Series
My Ride
Moving Upstream
In the Elevator With
A Brief History Of
More →
More →
6: 23
How Energy Got So Cheap
7/21/2020 5: 30AM
An abundance of fossil fuels combined with advances in technology to harness wind and solar power has sent energy prices crashing around the world. WSJ explains how it all happened at once. Photo illustration: Carlos Waters/WSJ
4: 20
The Trouble With TikTok on U.S. Phones
7/20/2020 6: 32AM
4: 25
How to Turn Your Bike Into a Smart At-Home Exercise Machine
7/19/2020 5: 00AM
5: 45
China’s Plan to Conquer the Moon, Mars and More
7/17/2020 6: 00AM
2: 45
Hacking Hits High-Profile Twitter Accounts
7/16/2020 5: 58AM
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More →
1: 41
Opinion: Hits and Misses of the Week
7/26/2020 5: 41PM
Journal Editorial Report: The week’s best and worst from Jason Riley, Mary O’Grady and Dan Henninger. Image: Associated Press
5: 40
Opinion: Trump Reboots His Virus Briefings
7/26/2020 5: 10PM
6: 00
Opinion: Trump’s Response to Urban Chaos
7/26/2020 5: 00PM
2: 53
Opinion: The GOP’s Non-Growth Agenda
7/23/2020 9: 29PM
3: 26
Opinion: Progressives to Cities: Drop Dead
7/22/2020 9: 14PM
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More →
Life & Culture
8: 33
Traveling During the Pandemic Is Possible. But Can You Do It Safely?
7/17/2020 7: 19AM
In many places around the world, holiday travel is permitted again. So how do you travel safely if you want to go on vacation this summer? WSJ’s George Downs takes a weekend trip to find out. Photo composite: George Downs
7: 05
New ICE Rule on Foreign Students Spurs Confusion
7/14/2020 5: 30AM
0: 59
Disney World Reopens Amid Surging Coronavirus Cases in Florida
7/12/2020 4: 46PM
3: 36
Can’t Actually Meet Up? Dating Apps Pivot to Video
7/1/2020 6: 00AM
6: 27
As Virus Cases Rise, a Florida Restaurant Stays Flexible to Stay Open
6/30/2020 6: 00AM
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More →
Business News
1: 39
Gold Hits New High as Investors Look to Hedge Against Uncertainty
7/27/2020 5: 10PM
Gold prices have risen to a record high against a backdrop of high market uncertainty. But Heard on the Street’s Aaron Back explains why no single insurance policy covers you against all the risks. Photo: Michael Dalder/Reuters
1: 39
Trump Cancels GOP Convention Events in Florida
7/23/2020 7: 16PM
1: 32
More Violence in Chicago as White House Plans to Deploy Federal Agents
7/22/2020 4: 11AM
3: 20
U.K. Ban of Huawei From 5G Networks Seen as Win for U.S.
7/14/2020 2: 11PM
2: 31
L.A. Public Schools Will Start Year Online, as Virus Rises in State
7/13/2020 9: 09PM
More →
More →
Moving Upstream
9: 56
Electric Scooters: Israel’s Two-Wheeled Solution to Traffic and Sabbath
12/20/2018 5: 30AM
Electric-scooter rental companies are hitting speed bumps in the U.S. over safety and other concerns. But in Tel Aviv, one in 10 residents has rented a Bird e-scooter, and the city appears to be embracing them. WSJ’s Jason Bellini takes a look at the challenges and potential lessons of the e-scooter craze.
0: 54
Tasting the World’s First Test-Tube Steak
12/11/2018 5: 30AM
9: 58
High Insulin Prices Drive Diabetics to Take Extreme Measures
12/3/2018 5: 30AM
9: 57
Weighing the Costs and Benefits of Facial Recognition Technology
11/19/2018 5: 30AM
9: 54
The Future of Flight: AI in the Cockpit
11/12/2018 5: 30AM
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More →
6: 39
WSJ’s House of the Year: A Contemporary Home With Hawaiian Spirit
1/30/2020 11: 00AM
A modern, 7,500 square-foot home connects owner Elizabeth Grossman to the nature and ‘spiritual vortex’ that drew her to Lanikai, a neighborhood on Oahu. She gives us a tour, and explains why it’s time to sell. Photo: Adam Falk/The Wall Street Journal
8: 00
In Greece, a Radical Triangular House Brings the Outdoors Inside
12/21/2019 11: 00AM
5: 10
A Love of Yurts Inspired This ‘Glamp’ Retreat
7/11/2019 7: 00AM
5: 38
A Cascades Home Designed to Feel Like Summer Camp
5/2/2019 10: 00AM
4: 53
A Home Built to Be a Live-In Museum and Expansive Library
2/21/2019 11: 00AM
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2: 21
Am I Doing What I Love?
9/22/2016 11: 59PM
1: 00
Golf’s Data Revolution
9/9/2016 2: 16PM
1: 30
How Worldly Experiences Can Shape One’s Success
27: 34
Creating the Future Workforce
1/17/2017 3: 39PM
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Marketwatch and Barron’s
3: 57
Even with a stock market recovery, the economic outlook could be grim
7/27/2020 3: 20PM
Katie Nixon, chief investment officer at Northern Trust Wealth Management, explains why the economy may be slow to follow the market’s recovery, and what that means for investors.
10: 00
AOL Co-Founder Calls On Congress to Help Spur Innovation
7/27/2020 9: 00AM
3: 08
80% of older Americans can’t afford to retire – COVID-19 isn’t helping
7/23/2020 7: 00AM
1: 53
How bad is it if I don’t have health insurance?
7/23/2020 7: 00AM
2: 01
What you need to know about bank stocks right now
7/22/2020 7: 00AM
More →
from Job Search Tips https://jobsearchtips.net/gold-hits-new-high-as-investors-look-to-hedge-against-uncertainty/
0 notes
anaconda Jobcorps closed Jordan frItz has untIll a rock 24 years old ONLY NINeTeen Years of age UNcle aarOn MIcheal papIch MY LITTLe brother 34 years of age my mom`s phone number 306-510-8993 I’m 40 years of age My dad loves photograpHy of mountaIn sHeep Near george town lake framed everywher` In aLL our resIdences Jordan frItz LIke`s meme to LIve outsIde and trys to pass as mental patIent and crImInal felon than I tHINk erased my e-maIL of concert lyrIc BOBcat MsU and zUckerburg and many people scratchIng there heads INcLudeINg zUckerBurg does'nt KNow How He would go aBOUt It$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$He`s computer hackIng and messINg wITh e-maIls I have proofed today Jordan frItz wIth new socIal medIa outlet tumbIrURL:your oof drp and the sandstones https://your ooof drp and the sandstones I’LL take to my facebook accounts In 13 days blockd on my own facebook how he hacked zuckerburg suspIcIous [email protected] BlueHai4 FB facebook number address 12018509221 pakiU2Ni [email protected] BlueHai5 cause enOugh to make anaconda Job corps In eIght mILLIon In debt closeIng doors completely THey asked Meme wher` ever I want on god`s green earth I want to work I chose bozeman then frItz can fretts the MILITary I cut HIM off gratuaTed 100% OIL PIPe G weLdIng year 20 anaconda Job corps great uncle sam papIch nepITIsUm wont count at HIs mILItary draft I dont mInd on Jordan frItz My fIrst Born I Got Two More LlITle Ones anyway Just hIm to pelosI and shUemers law Inforcement HImself as PIogant ObTuse TO HIs Hacker skILLs rapIst wIT  .  NO PUn INTended  football hero wIth LIkes of that teams pro careers would hav emore offense aBILITy Than aaron MIcheal papIch On defense sIde of The ball of the unTHINKaBle HIMself and wont have the over$10$000$If He gratuaTed would have Job fIred at 21 drInkIng or drugs than In JaIL as march baby can mean MILITary I’m ONLY one gratuaTed anaconda Job corps great neIGHew great uncle sam papIch Jfk admINIstratIOn secret servIce MIke papIch founder Fwp JOB corps In mY famILy all of them then By chrIstmas thIs year I payed hIs money and made a hIgher amount and more trouble I thought he would come back from got worse Only couple hundred on$8$000$ sIncerely danIel Ryan papIch 517 76 9517 , 04.08/1979 , 706 oak street anaconda montana 59711
860 notes
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YIP Grandpa was'nt O` dOINg were Is fretts fruitz today My TUrn IrIsh for two chord corIth 11:7-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`‘rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______
fall out boy government  hay hay 162 good by hay hay prison fall out boy nana nanan nana hay hay good buy palade stergion baIt______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng _______YOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you’Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I’M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and
And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect"“"YOU”“"you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked”“"em”“"Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I’m uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I’ve never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I’m facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I’m not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you’LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I’M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP” dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I’m uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald “The rUMP” trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont
Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I’m presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch
8 mins ·
Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`’*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and
address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne… of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I’m tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amen
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e-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN’T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert
YOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you’Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I’M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and
And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect"“"YOU”“"you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked”“"em”“"Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I’m uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I’ve never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I’m facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I’m not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you’LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I’M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP” dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I’m uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald “The rUMP” trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont
Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I’m presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch
8 mins ·
Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`’*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and
address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne… of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I’m tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amen
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e-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN’T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert
e-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN’T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert  omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______________________________________
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge______________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*“er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones
dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*“er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*“er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge  
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*“er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
Mary Jimenez
14 hrs
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Just This Week, Trump Has Already Committed 5 More Impeachable Acts
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Lindsey Graham
6 hrs
Speaking with Sean Hannity on Fox News Wednesday night, Graham shared more about what he sees happening as Democrats wrestle with whether or not to pursue impeachment proceedings.
“I don’t think you can get the Democratic nomination for president without advocating for the impeachment of Donald Trump,” the South Carolina Republican said. “I don’t think you’re going to be able to survive in the Democratic party without a primary if you don’t call for Trump’s impeachment.”
“But the answer for the Democrats is Trump’s gotta go. They will not beat him at the ballot box. If they try to impeach him, they’re going to ensure his re-election.”
Graham on the Democrats’ impeachment hysteria
Growing chorus of Democrats call for the impeachment of President Trump; South Carolina…
please send to foodnetworkworstcooks.com-james 5:7 1 timothy 5:7 Jer 51:1 jeremIah 1:16 numbers 22:28:32 levi 25:13-17. 1 kings page 310 arc leviticus 26:28:32 john 5:27-32 pesto crab bread 2 timothy 4:10 james 5:7 1 chronicles 7:26 daleth 32 oh shoes deuteronomy 28:8 1 samuel 3:1 suawer
dan papIch <
12:05 PM (0 minutes ago)
to nacker
foodnetwork was awesome New ePIsOde wITh the BrIck over chIcken tHIGH and taNYa really pULLed It off about never saw a real peach then The corn bread reProcessed for the value cost and banaNa Is a berry not strawberry fIelds for ever  best hooterIte carrot wIne and russIan POTatoe JuIce good excuse RYeUms crowN rUssY vOdka  .  weLL NO-one Is perfect as stevan would say to marylou papIch Then she asks for wIne at gramma papIchs most most famous InternatIonal resIdence I spent my chIldhood I accepted as they would'nt let meme play the mud bowl soccer fInaLLY chamPIOshIp  .  1 360 510 8993 My mOm I would marvel at her smarts and How she Loved The Mellow drama at Hockey and taNYa fIGure skates and I would sIng to my self enTIre sIMPsOns casette taPe To school IN my head  .  aawww  .  NeheMIaH 4:19  .  I stone walled Trump NazI master Plan Thank fullY of so much blood If JerUsalem does'nt matter Nor sYrIa, I was satIsfIed wIth HIs we’LL sea How It go`s qUote emersOn hated qUotes shY from KNowLedge power my InterPrITaTIOn  .  ruth 3:13  .  ruth 4:11  . Jordan frItz In case same as George foreman named all HIs KIds george NON of mIne can be named trump In papIch a LOT of quarterbacks and Jordan frItz makeIng a TaIL back JeaLous UseINg fULL back dad Myself and throwINg over MIddle on fIrst down conversTIOns 1/3 of season Is the place KIcker I was soccer half back and specIal teams no matter how many wIns game of Inches 1/3 of the wIns Is specIal teams I seem to be the BLINd sqUerall fInds a corn  .  MaYbe truMp could take football coach advIse turn down the greek nazI heat posq fInances wIth Gramma papIch used To ask how the weather and thank you~god~lawGodspeed~Is The rITtle command adDhearIng to respectIng women IranIan Turkey serbIa Mother country best good boys most of spaNIsh lanGuages serBIan BBQ LONG way from That comforTING ®danIel RYan PapIch BULLOck papIch offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca fore any naTION I’m portUgese polonesIan caTHOLIc I lIke U2 Instead of “M” or “n” very sIMple solomon wrote ecclesaTIes 8:8 pakiU2Ni fIfTy u2 dollars Peso`s whIte taIL deer worth very Much trumps a NazI davIds  . Psalms 104:2  .  arc of convenant Psalms 7:9  . John 11:32  .  daleth 32  .  teth 72  .  yodh 79  .  psalms 119  .  proverbs 19:12  .  mem 100  .  mem 97  .  zephanIah 3:8:9:10  . John 9:17  .  John 10:38 *. .*LUke 9:17  .  John 11:32  .  sONg Of sOngs 4:10  .  song of songs 4:4  .  Psalms 4:4  .  was stone tablet Is fIne mormons help fInd tHINGs  .  matthew 4:19  .  colossIans 3:12 isis book of mormon page 243 DILUsIOnal excItement MINTs of TOPPed of amerIcan fossel fUels sddIctIons trumps IMBarrassIng IMPeacHment MINTs embarrassING  .  JOB 39:5  .  NO-name taMar The woman More than  .  John 20:18  .  or able to toO` arbor flyfIshIng reels excIted then It`s remember thrId world all trump has  .  IsaIah 8:4:5  .  faIth to use caLLINg Them bad Boys  meme fInd I’m portugese fRench though not canadaIan ITaLIan Hockey skater mOm hUMor names  cohen bar chamPION IrIsh law MOntana $$$ s!!!!IT calm!!!!!  .  JaPan Idea Barr Is asIan are'nt IndIans prarIe montana natIve amerIcan IndIans!!!!eMbarassINg TO BLacKs wHIle They dont KNow IT IO dont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!because My serbIan mother country turKey greece Is wrestLIng INtellegence of lebanese law In montana Is'nt a HIGh bar I dont have law school I have caMbrIdges aUTograPh and harvard master In InternatIonal reaLatIons specIal hathrorne masters wHIle afrIca Means??what The heck Is HIs name again/? the NeolOGIst fo rwHIte House Is~In~“W” patter"N"~trouble carsOn BLack Man does'nt want to break Itt TOo` blacks reprIeves and repreaTIOns It`s Just meme`s head nurve  .  the ~ SMotheR` land ~ anyway technology means truMp elected by my vote for Romney and franchIses mORe vaLue than BLack woman and taylor swIft thought IT would work LIke clarOnetts are electrIc GUItar  .  Is cOMmUNIst TaYLOr swift make sworse did'nt Listen TOo what I want her doNG and sayIOng and siNGING and rUNNING her Life she wanted Is confuseINg To The smothers asses BIsON  .  Job 39:5$*.  .*$BIsON means gammbLINg black people GIT arrested and I GUIde mexIcans and Black people dont want gammBLINg for all benefIts Meme greatLy as gambLer -_________________________foodnetwork/
_____________________________________________________________________________________BeUT 8:9______________________________________________________________________________________IT`s NOT faTher fIGure or reLIGIOUs fIGuRe maybe nOT even sports fIGUre_I lIk eclarOnett made of wood Is awesome shows and Back up sIngers~KINda BIG band MusIc sTYLe INfluences eItheR` NIether_as for fIshIng flyfIshINg made of wood bAMBOO fwp  trump finds to easy for meme was advantage of people~and~flyfIshIng before I controLLed all the technology was flyrods and retaIL at MINIUMUM wage as fwP grandfathered Newt gINGrIch fOund dIffIcult pelosI caTHOLIc handles best at by-partIson I dId'nt KNow what party Newt GINgrIch and He dId'nt know eItheR we are Just the same________________________________________________- TO ThIs repUBLIcan In mY HOMe state Montana Because Bozeman ground zero The IranIans and the greece turkey are good Boys wher` I sTOne wall trump “THe RUMP” donald about serBIan orthodox church In butte amerIca aIr force 50 dollars peso`s brIng cost of gold sILver down and paper flat money up dollar for dollar  tougher economy not best economY Hero PILOTs and paInters and guItar same as gold and sILver cheeper posq nazI`s TrUMp`s Just weak assHOle can !!NOT!!!! make !!AN!! turd -T bass 550$00 trout shad bass shad agaINst slavery geography BUy  .  NUmbers 33:38:39  .  proverbs 19:12  .  JeremIah 35:18  .  JereMIah 38:18  .  and salors-swearING WWII does'nt mean TO THem evedentLy hamms logo land of blue sky waters also caLLed washIngton kNOT oNLY"“"BUILd and They wILL cOme”“"The world of outfITTers OLY $Th$ oLY mallows are harmless artIfIcIaL baIt and does'nt need to affect My Income dIfferently arranged By governments and trust of my GIrlfrIend catch $ release effecTIvely peso BILL MOney awesome god Is awesome and I Lost grammpa papIch foundeR of FwP Job corps HIred all the workers In amerIca anyway somehow owes eIght mILLION dollars Because naTIve amerIcan IndIans have been attendIng JOb corps are'nt  BLacK foot TUrkey greeced verb VIOLINs Most versITILe - INstrUment - oh I kNow taYLor swift has MY best INterest In mInd she does'nt uNTILL a ROck free masOns Understand Her own Intellegence of she means anyway was'nt farmer ~ rlver suprIseINg Is JapaNese and MexIco a long way from Iran heat In seasons quarterbacks three step drop and hand offs wIthout fumBles and Jeolousy abOut the Old addage IraINIan tactIcal aIrcondITIONING tanYa HardIng olYMPIc law sTuff brILLIance copper armoR` penItraTINg bULLets abOUt-Truth baLIsTIcs-football does same thIng thrown pHYsIc snel-law and radIO rodeO of what taYlor Is retardIng about low BallING her~nON sense as my GIrlfrIend and LOUIs A` Mour WWII tank commander same as JFK sUBMarIne sank capTaIn HIs cr0000000000000000ew ”“CREW”“ makes two bIllIon trumps bank loan for oval offIce 2016 not buLLock papIch 2020 offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca LIved 12 and two dIed and swUm In raIn drops of YellowsTone grIzzly bears LIOns TIgers Oh May 5 UN  .  cookINg Network Yes Good work KNow opperaTIOn paTIna  amerIcans To them they dont care about WWII trumps stratOgy If The BIBle saId fIsh swIM  . Psalms 104:24:25  .  TrUMPs KKK cadence In leader speeK what KNOT  oar`sS Made of wood and THIN blade of BIO-deIsel lawn grass thats TOO` long between the thumbs reeds genesIs 41:2  .  elkIah no bIG deal stevan Is cook at elk park or babIch from BUTTe amerIca`s meat shop In HOLY bIBLe yes ask bo Jackson what rattle horns antlers oar deer does fork MLB PItcher black man and-steelhead fIshIng anyway centRal amerIca does'nt have the gIanTIst MuskeE oops Its fIne taNYa hardIng knows canada PaTINa merIOcHIe does'nt have the largest Muskee stone walls trump In hIs POLOTIc adam`s tracks  .  mark 1:18  . JeremIah 1:19 matthew 1:18  .  matthew 3:16  .  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~trump sanK twO battle shIps sUMMer 2017 could'nt do and the Idea Is He G`ave the orders for The sank battle sHIps makes Japanese UNI-raIL techNOLOGy On HIs ruMp cUsh 1 BILLIOn from sanfraNcIsco sInce I taLked the GuItar geograpHy MInts wIth tayLor swIft RyUm toO` good easy HOnest One at BaIt mallows and My 50 pasos I found outsIde fIre statIon bell paper plasTIc mOney the dollar same atlaNTIc OBama Ideal dollar equaLITY bozeman last NIght KINd a plasTIc LIke canada OH!! Uses now stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams sYndrome INdIa copper and duck BILLs On haIr dINOsours about  .  John 7:40  .  so whaT I mIssed casTING calls If colorado construcTIOn has elevatIOn JONaThan Heames hateS - hIs own favorIte band elevaTIOn sONG  .  John 11:32  .  daleth 32 heart I exsplaIned to scotIe daInes Montana Jobs man famILy frIends so we are watchIng gravIty sandra bULLOck movIe daInes offIce In bozeman at chaLet sports BIke shOp used to be wITh weber engLIsh professor sunnI brown ogden Utah charLIes coffee shop BUT  Joes wIld spot durIng vIetnam war was a whore house I lOve PlayINg grassY MusIc Instrumental how pInks dad taUght her at vetran bar scenes  .  deuteroNOMy 8:9  .  compareadUn dry fly wHIte taIL$$$$$$$$$$$$ cuparBmacy$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$doe fawn haIr Pennys to store front In MexIco outfITTING flyfIshIng and a InternatIOnal Job corps fIshInG` can sUpport and eLIMINates slavery and trumps donlad dILUsIOnals about marrYING INto papIch name 50 pasO BILL mONey nO-one has Because so rare It`s wheat when cow food wIth no technology to harvest wheat then old spanIsh traIL annIveRsary TrUMps UseINg mILITary for 100 year after colUMBUs was 1532 old spaNIsh traIl Is $th$ prOHIBITIOn dureINg depressIOn convert Is'nt wHIskey about bOUT GOOd IrIsh BOOk God news  .  Luke 4:43  .  deuteronomy 4:34  .  deuterONOMy 2:6  .  Is pro-hIbItIon trumps tarrIffs depressIon stratogy OPPOsITe GOOd News LUke fIrst page GaBrIel Is deuteronomy 4:43 adds Up old man addage~matthew 28:20~suppost to be duck BILL dINOsaurs haIr about san francIsco and good Boys, means naTIve amerIcan IndIans Intellegence government to Trumps BeNefIt fIxed Income he GIts BILLION dollars so what for north korea to be our captores amerIcan cUlture LIe Ten feet HIGh UranIUM IranIUM I-ran aIr condITONers  serBIan BBQ rUNNING man salvaTIOn arMy soccer chaMPIOn of $Th$ world hezeKIah and montana HooterItes wInter wheat  Is all draIn $th$ swamp means the ocean to trump  greg LIner rodeo chamPIOn neIghbors to famIly robertsons t.v. exaMple for exaMple duck commander I was InvIted MIssed BOTh casTING calls YellowsTOne wITh kevIn cosTner greg LIner sUrfer cowbOY same age as donald trump fIne If truMp Is allways seperate from apapich never never ever never Mixed together sacrIfIce JOHN 8:32 jOHN 1:40 BUILt a GOld course In MexIco common sense On My end 1 Iron they let meme~use as FIsherman In old surfer days hawII last 40 years  .  LevITIcUs 8:9  .  T  .  v  .  or what have you I find as value - as drInkIng and the MILITary My brother is 1986 mILLeNIaL has That advantage casper wyOMINg On any KId In educatIon PLease Tell straYha sorry He dId'nt accept NFL cOntract*`Thee`’*was MILLeNIals In great falls depressIONINg on trumps stratoGy I had To Go TO MusIc and My educatIOn bIson BIson same dIstance as Iran and argentIna Mexico mOntana Great falls Montana geOgrapHy GUItar zebra Bozeman bars Heel toe exspress  .  My guys been around $tH$ world I would step foot I’d have hIgh end converstIon rate rest store fIshInG` stOp In mexIco for Yellowdog traveL coMpany wOUd ONLY loose workers to HUman resoure develOpment councel and Leo`s UNITed naTIOns rank  .  to south amerIca and central amerIca and largest MusKee dOmestIc rITTle wOUld KInda - leagaLIze cocaIne for them and make  a - deNt IN the drUg war My de rHunter sNIper skILLs On fLYfishING  .  $Th$ 50 Butter fLy comparadun flys on the bIll In plastIc then I convert To TeqUILa as whIte taILdoe haIr varIgant brIdge varIant flyfIshIng of amerIcan money teach fIshIng and hand out money LIke weed Is currency with the one 50 dollars peso butter fly clear bIll  .  matthew 3:16  .  1 John 3:17  .  wINg dry fLy ToO` compared LIterary fishing Is LIteratue page 72 snow harvard law Book eastwood uses churh HIll about law Intellegence of WWII MIddLe paraGraph scIence and GOvernmnet”“scIence”“oar weer gree beer  .  I owe food Network the essay eNGLIsh  .  so to speek what K"n"OT  .  [email protected] BlueHai4  . fb address badge 12018509221 pakiU2Ni [email protected]  .  BlueHai5   foodnetwork/
omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______________________________________
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*“er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge______________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*“er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones
dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*“er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*“er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge  
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*“er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
Mary Jimenez
14 hrs
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Just This Week, Trump Has Already Committed 5 More Impeachable Acts
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Lindsey Graham
6 hrs
Speaking with Sean Hannity on Fox News Wednesday night, Graham shared more about what he sees happening as Democrats wrestle with whether or not to pursue impeachment proceedings.
“I don’t think you can get the Democratic nomination for president without advocating for the impeachment of Donald Trump,” the South Carolina Republican said. “I don’t think you’re going to be able to survive in the Democratic party without a primary if you don’t call for Trump’s impeachment.”
“But the answer for the Democrats is Trump’s gotta go. They will not beat him at the ballot box. If they try to impeach him, they’re going to ensure his re-election.”
Graham on the Democrats’ impeachment hysteria
Growing chorus of Democrats call for the impeachment of President Trump; South Carolina…
please send to foodnetworkworstcooks.com-james 5:7 1 timothy 5:7 Jer 51:1 jeremIah 1:16 numbers 22:28:32 levi 25:13-17. 1 kings page 310 arc leviticus 26:28:32 john 5:27-32 pesto crab bread 2 timothy 4:10 james 5:7 1 chronicles 7:26 daleth 32 oh shoes deuteronomy 28:8 1 samuel 3:1 suawer
dan papIch <
12:05 PM (0 minutes ago)
to nacker
foodnetwork was awesome New ePIsOde wITh the BrIck over chIcken tHIGH and taNYa really pULLed It off about never saw a real peach then The corn bread reProcessed for the value cost and banaNa Is a berry not strawberry fIelds for ever  best hooterIte carrot wIne and russIan POTatoe JuIce good excuse RYeUms crowN rUssY vOdka  .  weLL NO-one Is perfect as stevan would say to marylou papIch Then she asks for wIne at gramma papIchs most most famous InternatIonal resIdence I spent my chIldhood I accepted as they would'nt let meme play the mud bowl soccer fInaLLY chamPIOshIp  .  1 360 510 8993 My mOm I would marvel at her smarts and How she Loved The Mellow drama at Hockey and taNYa fIGure skates and I would sIng to my self enTIre sIMPsOns casette taPe To school IN my head  .  aawww  .  NeheMIaH 4:19  .  I stone walled Trump NazI master Plan Thank fullY of so much blood If JerUsalem does'nt matter Nor sYrIa, I was satIsfIed wIth HIs we’LL sea How It go`s qUote emersOn hated qUotes shY from KNowLedge power my InterPrITaTIOn  .  ruth 3:13  .  ruth 4:11  . Jordan frItz In case same as George foreman named all HIs KIds george NON of mIne can be named trump In papIch a LOT of quarterbacks and Jordan frItz makeIng a TaIL back JeaLous UseINg fULL back dad Myself and throwINg over MIddle on fIrst down conversTIOns 1/3 of season Is the place KIcker I was soccer half back and specIal teams no matter how many wIns game of Inches 1/3 of the wIns Is specIal teams I seem to be the BLINd sqUerall fInds a corn  .  MaYbe truMp could take football coach advIse turn down the greek nazI heat posq fInances wIth Gramma papIch used To ask how the weather and thank you~god~lawGodspeed~Is The rITtle command adDhearIng to respectIng women IranIan Turkey serbIa Mother country best good boys most of spaNIsh lanGuages serBIan BBQ LONG way from That comforTING ®danIel RYan PapIch BULLOck papIch offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca fore any naTION I’m portUgese polonesIan caTHOLIc I lIke U2 Instead of “M” or “n” very sIMple solomon wrote ecclesaTIes 8:8 pakiU2Ni fIfTy u2 dollars Peso`s whIte taIL deer worth very Much trumps a NazI davIds  . Psalms 104:2  .  arc of convenant Psalms 7:9  . John 11:32  .  daleth 32  .  teth 72  .  yodh 79  .  psalms 119  .  proverbs 19:12  .  mem 100  .  mem 97  .  zephanIah 3:8:9:10  . John 9:17  .  John 10:38 *. .*LUke 9:17  .  John 11:32  .  sONg Of sOngs 4:10  .  song of songs 4:4  .  Psalms 4:4  .  was stone tablet Is fIne mormons help fInd tHINGs  .  matthew 4:19  .  colossIans 3:12 isis book of mormon page 243 DILUsIOnal excItement MINTs of TOPPed of amerIcan fossel fUels sddIctIons trumps IMBarrassIng IMPeacHment MINTs embarrassING  .  JOB 39:5  .  NO-name taMar The woman More than  .  John 20:18  .  or able to toO` arbor flyfIshIng reels excIted then It`s remember thrId world all trump has  .  IsaIah 8:4:5  .  faIth to use caLLINg Them bad Boys  meme fInd I’m portugese fRench though not canadaIan ITaLIan Hockey skater mOm hUMor names  cohen bar chamPION IrIsh law MOntana $$$ s!!!!IT calm!!!!!  .  JaPan Idea Barr Is asIan are'nt IndIans prarIe montana natIve amerIcan IndIans!!!!eMbarassINg TO BLacKs wHIle They dont KNow IT IO dont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!because My serbIan mother country turKey greece Is wrestLIng INtellegence of lebanese law In montana Is'nt a HIGh bar I dont have law school I have caMbrIdges aUTograPh and harvard master In InternatIonal reaLatIons specIal hathrorne masters wHIle afrIca Means??what The heck Is HIs name again/? the NeolOGIst fo rwHIte House Is~In~“W” patter"N"~trouble carsOn BLack Man does'nt want to break Itt TOo` blacks reprIeves and repreaTIOns It`s Just meme`s head nurve  .  the ~ SMotheR` land ~ anyway technology means truMp elected by my vote for Romney and franchIses mORe vaLue than BLack woman and taylor swIft thought IT would work LIke clarOnetts are electrIc GUItar  .  Is cOMmUNIst TaYLOr swift make sworse did'nt Listen TOo what I want her doNG and sayIOng and siNGING and rUNNING her Life she wanted Is confuseINg To The smothers asses BIsON  .  Job 39:5$*.  .*$BIsON means gammbLINg black people GIT arrested and I GUIde mexIcans and Black people dont want gammBLINg for all benefIts Meme greatLy as gambLer -_________________________foodnetwork/
_____________________________________________________________________________________BeUT 8:9______________________________________________________________________________________IT`s NOT faTher fIGure or reLIGIOUs fIGuRe maybe nOT even sports fIGUre_I lIk eclarOnett made of wood Is awesome shows and Back up sIngers~KINda BIG band MusIc sTYLe INfluences eItheR` NIether_as for fIshIng flyfIshINg made of wood bAMBOO fwp  trump finds to easy for meme was advantage of people~and~flyfIshIng before I controLLed all the technology was flyrods and retaIL at MINIUMUM wage as fwP grandfathered Newt gINGrIch fOund dIffIcult pelosI caTHOLIc handles best at by-partIson I dId'nt KNow what party Newt GINgrIch and He dId'nt know eItheR we are Just the same________________________________________________- TO ThIs repUBLIcan In mY HOMe state Montana Because Bozeman ground zero The IranIans and the greece turkey are good Boys wher` I sTOne wall trump “THe RUMP” donald about serBIan orthodox church In butte amerIca aIr force 50 dollars peso`s brIng cost of gold sILver down and paper flat money up dollar for dollar  tougher economy not best economY Hero PILOTs and paInters and guItar same as gold and sILver cheeper posq nazI`s TrUMp`s Just weak assHOle can !!NOT!!!! make !!AN!! turd -T bass 550$00 trout shad bass shad agaINst slavery geography BUy  .  NUmbers 33:38:39  .  proverbs 19:12  .  JeremIah 35:18  .  JereMIah 38:18  .  and salors-swearING WWII does'nt mean TO THem evedentLy hamms logo land of blue sky waters also caLLed washIngton kNOT oNLY"“"BUILd and They wILL cOme”“"The world of outfITTers OLY $Th$ oLY mallows are harmless artIfIcIaL baIt and does'nt need to affect My Income dIfferently arranged By governments and trust of my GIrlfrIend catch $ release effecTIvely peso BILL MOney awesome god Is awesome and I Lost grammpa papIch foundeR of FwP Job corps HIred all the workers In amerIca anyway somehow owes eIght mILLION dollars Because naTIve amerIcan IndIans have been attendIng JOb corps are'nt  BLacK foot TUrkey greeced verb VIOLINs Most versITILe - INstrUment - oh I kNow taYLor swift has MY best INterest In mInd she does'nt uNTILL a ROck free masOns Understand Her own Intellegence of she means anyway was'nt farmer ~ rlver suprIseINg Is JapaNese and MexIco a long way from Iran heat In seasons quarterbacks three step drop and hand offs wIthout fumBles and Jeolousy abOut the Old addage IraINIan tactIcal aIrcondITIONING tanYa HardIng olYMPIc law sTuff brILLIance copper armoR` penItraTINg bULLets abOUt-Truth baLIsTIcs-football does same thIng thrown pHYsIc snel-law and radIO rodeO of what taYlor Is retardIng about low BallING her~nON sense as my GIrlfrIend and LOUIs A` Mour WWII tank commander same as JFK sUBMarIne sank capTaIn HIs cr0000000000000000ew ”“CREW”“ makes two bIllIon trumps bank loan for oval offIce 2016 not buLLock papIch 2020 offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca LIved 12 and two dIed and swUm In raIn drops of YellowsTone grIzzly bears LIOns TIgers Oh May 5 UN  .  cookINg Network Yes Good work KNow opperaTIOn paTIna  amerIcans To them they dont care about WWII trumps stratOgy If The BIBle saId fIsh swIM  . Psalms 104:24:25  .  TrUMPs KKK cadence In leader speeK what KNOT  oar`sS Made of wood and THIN blade of BIO-deIsel lawn grass thats TOO` long between the thumbs reeds genesIs 41:2  .  elkIah no bIG deal stevan Is cook at elk park or babIch from BUTTe amerIca`s meat shop In HOLY bIBLe yes ask bo Jackson what rattle horns antlers oar deer does fork MLB PItcher black man and-steelhead fIshIng anyway centRal amerIca does'nt have the gIanTIst MuskeE oops Its fIne taNYa hardIng knows canada PaTINa merIOcHIe does'nt have the largest Muskee stone walls trump In hIs POLOTIc adam`s tracks  .  mark 1:18  . JeremIah 1:19 matthew 1:18  .  matthew 3:16  .  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~trump sanK twO battle shIps sUMMer 2017 could'nt do and the Idea Is He G`ave the orders for The sank battle sHIps makes Japanese UNI-raIL techNOLOGy On HIs ruMp cUsh 1 BILLIOn from sanfraNcIsco sInce I taLked the GuItar geograpHy MInts wIth tayLor swIft RyUm toO` good easy HOnest One at BaIt mallows and My 50 pasos I found outsIde fIre statIon bell paper plasTIc mOney the dollar same atlaNTIc OBama Ideal dollar equaLITY bozeman last NIght KINd a plasTIc LIke canada OH!! Uses now stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams sYndrome INdIa copper and duck BILLs On haIr dINOsours about  .  John 7:40  .  so whaT I mIssed casTING calls If colorado construcTIOn has elevatIOn JONaThan Heames hateS - hIs own favorIte band elevaTIOn sONG  .  John 11:32  .  daleth 32 heart I exsplaIned to scotIe daInes Montana Jobs man famILy frIends so we are watchIng gravIty sandra bULLOck movIe daInes offIce In bozeman at chaLet sports BIke shOp used to be wITh weber engLIsh professor sunnI brown ogden Utah charLIes coffee shop BUT  Joes wIld spot durIng vIetnam war was a whore house I lOve PlayINg grassY MusIc Instrumental how pInks dad taUght her at vetran bar scenes  .  deuteroNOMy 8:9  .  compareadUn dry fly wHIte taIL$$$$$$$$$$$$ cuparBmacy$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$doe fawn haIr Pennys to store front In MexIco outfITTING flyfIshIng and a InternatIOnal Job corps fIshInG` can sUpport and eLIMINates slavery and trumps donlad dILUsIOnals about marrYING INto papIch name 50 pasO BILL mONey nO-one has Because so rare It`s wheat when cow food wIth no technology to harvest wheat then old spanIsh traIL annIveRsary TrUMps UseINg mILITary for 100 year after colUMBUs was 1532 old spaNIsh traIl Is $th$ prOHIBITIOn dureINg depressIOn convert Is'nt wHIskey about bOUT GOOd IrIsh BOOk God news  .  Luke 4:43  .  deuteronomy 4:34  .  deuterONOMy 2:6  .  Is pro-hIbItIon trumps tarrIffs depressIon stratogy OPPOsITe GOOd News LUke fIrst page GaBrIel Is deuteronomy 4:43 adds Up old man addage~matthew 28:20~suppost to be duck BILL dINOsaurs haIr about san francIsco and good Boys, means naTIve amerIcan IndIans Intellegence government to Trumps BeNefIt fIxed Income he GIts BILLION dollars so what for north korea to be our captores amerIcan cUlture LIe Ten feet HIGh UranIUM IranIUM I-ran aIr condITONers  serBIan BBQ rUNNING man salvaTIOn arMy soccer chaMPIOn of $Th$ world hezeKIah and montana HooterItes wInter wheat  Is all draIn $th$ swamp means the ocean to trump  greg LIner rodeo chamPIOn neIghbors to famIly robertsons t.v. exaMple for exaMple duck commander I was InvIted MIssed BOTh casTING calls YellowsTOne wITh kevIn cosTner greg LIner sUrfer cowbOY same age as donald trump fIne If truMp Is allways seperate from apapich never never ever never Mixed together sacrIfIce JOHN 8:32 jOHN 1:40 BUILt a GOld course In MexIco common sense On My end 1 Iron they let meme~use as FIsherman In old surfer days hawII last 40 years  .  LevITIcUs 8:9  .  T  .  v  .  or what have you I find as value - as drInkIng and the MILITary My brother is 1986 mILLeNIaL has That advantage casper wyOMINg On any KId In educatIon PLease Tell straYha sorry He dId'nt accept NFL cOntract*`Thee`’*was MILLeNIals In great falls depressIONINg on trumps stratoGy I had To Go TO MusIc and My educatIOn bIson BIson same dIstance as Iran and argentIna Mexico mOntana Great falls Montana geOgrapHy GUItar zebra Bozeman bars Heel toe exspress  .  My guys been around $tH$ world I would step foot I’d have hIgh end converstIon rate rest store fIshInG` stOp In mexIco for Yellowdog traveL coMpany wOUd ONLY loose workers to HUman resoure develOpment councel and Leo`s UNITed naTIOns rank  .  to south amerIca and central amerIca and largest MusKee dOmestIc rITTle wOUld KInda - leagaLIze cocaIne for them and make  a - deNt IN the drUg war My de rHunter sNIper skILLs On fLYfishING  .  $Th$ 50 Butter fLy comparadun flys on the bIll In plastIc then I convert To TeqUILa as whIte taILdoe haIr varIgant brIdge varIant flyfIshIng of amerIcan money teach fIshIng and hand out money LIke weed Is currency with the one 50 dollars peso butter fly clear bIll  .  matthew 3:16  .  1 John 3:17  .  wINg dry fLy ToO` compared LIterary fishing Is LIteratue page 72 snow harvard law Book eastwood uses churh HIll about law Intellegence of WWII MIddLe paraGraph scIence and GOvernmnet”“scIence”“oar weer gree beer  .  I owe food Network the essay eNGLIsh  .  so to speek what K"n"OT  .  [email protected] BlueHai4  . fb address badge 12018509221 pakiU2Ni [email protected]  .  BlueHai5   foodnetwork/
oh The scrOLL bartryINgTo make It Life ete feLONy perJury Jordan frItz aInt my crIme to do the TIme for the government fall out boyYOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you’Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I’M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and
And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect”“"YOU”“"you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked”“"em”“"Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I’m uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I’ve never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I’m facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I’m not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you’LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I’M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP” dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I’m uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald “The rUMP” trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont
Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I’m presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL_____________________________________________________________________________
fall out boy government  hay hay 162 good by hay hay prison fall out boy nana nanan nana hay hay good buy palade stergion baIt_______________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch
8 mins ·
Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`’*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and
address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank wankl eYc eMc eCc eA etc etc ettc LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne… of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I’m tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amen
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mon$$$$$$$not the government its knot the government before summer methought winter spring sea
fall out boy government  hay hay 162 good by hay hay prison fall out boy nana nanan nana hay hay good buy palade stergion baIt fretts og butt hole of drp and the sandstones for mon Trending blogs
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But fr, cats are so amazing and I hate how they’re stereotyped as mean demons full of hatred that want to watch the world burn.
My baby kitty sleeps on my pillow every night to be close to me, and rests his head on mine. He gets excited when I get home and runs to greet me and say meow meow meow (roughly translates to “hi mom, I missed you”), and comes to me when I make the special kissy noises at him. He’s happy and loves head pets, he gives me kisses, he comforts me when I’m depressed or upset, he enjoys spending time with me, and he loves to play mouse-on-string-on-stick (now mouse-on-string-on-stick-with-duck-tape-on-ruler) together. He doesn’t randomly attack me or tear up everything he see’s. He’s calm, sweet, and yes, even caring (see “comforts me when I’m depressed/upset”).
Stop assuming all cats are the devil just because they don’t like you.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
Source: pinterest.com
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anaconda Jobcorps closed Jordan frItz has untIll a rock 24 years old ONLY NINeTeen Years of age UNcle aarOn MIcheal papIch MY LITTLe brother 34 years of age my mom`s phone number 306-510-8993 I’m 40 years of age My dad loves photograpHy of mountaIn sHeep Near george town lake framed everywher` In aLL our resIdences Jordan frItz LIke`s meme to LIve outsIde and trys to pass as mental patIent and crImInal felon than I tHINk erased my e-maIL of concert lyrIc BOBcat MsU and zUckerburg and many people scratchIng there heads INcLudeINg zUckerBurg does'nt KNow How He would go aBOUt It$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$He`s computer hackIng and messINg wITh e-maIls I have proofed today Jordan frItz wIth new socIal medIa outlet tumbIrURL:your oof drp and the sandstones https://your ooof drp and the sandstones I’LL take to my facebook accounts In 13 days blockd on my own facebook how he hacked zuckerburg suspIcIous [email protected] BlueHai4 FB facebook number address 12018509221 pakiU2Ni [email protected] BlueHai5 cause enOugh to make anaconda Job corps In eIght mILLIon In debt closeIng doors completely THey asked Meme wher` ever I want on god`s green earth I want to work I chose bozeman then frItz can fretts the MILITary I cut HIM off gratuaTed 100% OIL PIPe G weLdIng year 20 anaconda Job corps great uncle sam papIch nepITIsUm wont count at HIs mILItary draft I dont mInd on Jordan frItz My fIrst Born I Got Two More LlITle Ones anyway Just hIm to pelosI and shUemers law Inforcement HImself as PIogant ObTuse TO HIs Hacker skILLs rapIst wIT  .  NO PUn INTended  football hero wIth LIkes of that teams pro careers would hav emore offense aBILITy Than aaron MIcheal papIch On defense sIde of The ball of the unTHINKaBle HIMself and wont have the over$10$000$If He gratuaTed would have Job fIred at 21 drInkIng or drugs than In JaIL as march baby can mean MILITary I’m ONLY one gratuaTed anaconda Job corps great neIGHew great uncle sam papIch Jfk admINIstratIOn secret servIce MIke papIch founder Fwp JOB corps In mY famILy all of them then By chrIstmas thIs year I payed hIs money and made a hIgher amount and more trouble I thought he would come back from got worse Only couple hundred on$8$000$ sIncerely danIel Ryan papIch 517 76 9517 , 04.08/1979 , 706 oak street anaconda montana 59711
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pinterest.comCreate an account or log in to Pinterest. Discover recipes, home ideas, style inspiration and other ideas to try.
YIP Grandpa was'nt O` dOINg were Is fretts fruitz today My TUrn IrIsh for two chord corIth 11:7-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`‘rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______
fall out boy government  hay hay 162 good by hay hay prison fall out boy nana nanan nana hay hay good buy palade stergion baIt______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng _______YOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you’Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I’M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and
And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect"“"YOU”“"you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked”“"em”“"Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I’m uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I’ve never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I’m facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I’m not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you’LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I’M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP” dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I’m uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald “The rUMP” trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont
Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I’m presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch
8 mins ·
Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`’*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and
address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne… of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I’m tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amen
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e-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN’T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert
YOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you’Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I’M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and
And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect"“"YOU”“"you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked”“"em”“"Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I’m uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I’ve never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I’m facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I’m not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you’LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I’M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP” dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I’m uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald “The rUMP” trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont
Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I’m presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch
8 mins ·
Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`’*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and
address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne… of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I’m tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amen
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e-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN’T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert
e-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN’T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert  omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______________________________________
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge______________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*“er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones
dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*“er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*“er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge  
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*“er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
Mary Jimenez
14 hrs
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Just This Week, Trump Has Already Committed 5 More Impeachable Acts
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Lindsey Graham
6 hrs
Speaking with Sean Hannity on Fox News Wednesday night, Graham shared more about what he sees happening as Democrats wrestle with whether or not to pursue impeachment proceedings.
“I don’t think you can get the Democratic nomination for president without advocating for the impeachment of Donald Trump,” the South Carolina Republican said. “I don’t think you’re going to be able to survive in the Democratic party without a primary if you don’t call for Trump’s impeachment.”
“But the answer for the Democrats is Trump’s gotta go. They will not beat him at the ballot box. If they try to impeach him, they’re going to ensure his re-election.”
Graham on the Democrats’ impeachment hysteria
Growing chorus of Democrats call for the impeachment of President Trump; South Carolina…
please send to foodnetworkworstcooks.com-james 5:7 1 timothy 5:7 Jer 51:1 jeremIah 1:16 numbers 22:28:32 levi 25:13-17. 1 kings page 310 arc leviticus 26:28:32 john 5:27-32 pesto crab bread 2 timothy 4:10 james 5:7 1 chronicles 7:26 daleth 32 oh shoes deuteronomy 28:8 1 samuel 3:1 suawer
dan papIch <
12:05 PM (0 minutes ago)
to nacker
foodnetwork was awesome New ePIsOde wITh the BrIck over chIcken tHIGH and taNYa really pULLed It off about never saw a real peach then The corn bread reProcessed for the value cost and banaNa Is a berry not strawberry fIelds for ever  best hooterIte carrot wIne and russIan POTatoe JuIce good excuse RYeUms crowN rUssY vOdka  .  weLL NO-one Is perfect as stevan would say to marylou papIch Then she asks for wIne at gramma papIchs most most famous InternatIonal resIdence I spent my chIldhood I accepted as they would'nt let meme play the mud bowl soccer fInaLLY chamPIOshIp  .  1 360 510 8993 My mOm I would marvel at her smarts and How she Loved The Mellow drama at Hockey and taNYa fIGure skates and I would sIng to my self enTIre sIMPsOns casette taPe To school IN my head  .  aawww  .  NeheMIaH 4:19  .  I stone walled Trump NazI master Plan Thank fullY of so much blood If JerUsalem does'nt matter Nor sYrIa, I was satIsfIed wIth HIs we’LL sea How It go`s qUote emersOn hated qUotes shY from KNowLedge power my InterPrITaTIOn  .  ruth 3:13  .  ruth 4:11  . Jordan frItz In case same as George foreman named all HIs KIds george NON of mIne can be named trump In papIch a LOT of quarterbacks and Jordan frItz makeIng a TaIL back JeaLous UseINg fULL back dad Myself and throwINg over MIddle on fIrst down conversTIOns 1/3 of season Is the place KIcker I was soccer half back and specIal teams no matter how many wIns game of Inches 1/3 of the wIns Is specIal teams I seem to be the BLINd sqUerall fInds a corn  .  MaYbe truMp could take football coach advIse turn down the greek nazI heat posq fInances wIth Gramma papIch used To ask how the weather and thank you~god~lawGodspeed~Is The rITtle command adDhearIng to respectIng women IranIan Turkey serbIa Mother country best good boys most of spaNIsh lanGuages serBIan BBQ LONG way from That comforTING ®danIel RYan PapIch BULLOck papIch offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca fore any naTION I’m portUgese polonesIan caTHOLIc I lIke U2 Instead of “M” or “n” very sIMple solomon wrote ecclesaTIes 8:8 pakiU2Ni fIfTy u2 dollars Peso`s whIte taIL deer worth very Much trumps a NazI davIds  . Psalms 104:2  .  arc of convenant Psalms 7:9  . John 11:32  .  daleth 32  .  teth 72  .  yodh 79  .  psalms 119  .  proverbs 19:12  .  mem 100  .  mem 97  .  zephanIah 3:8:9:10  . John 9:17  .  John 10:38 *. .*LUke 9:17  .  John 11:32  .  sONg Of sOngs 4:10  .  song of songs 4:4  .  Psalms 4:4  .  was stone tablet Is fIne mormons help fInd tHINGs  .  matthew 4:19  .  colossIans 3:12 isis book of mormon page 243 DILUsIOnal excItement MINTs of TOPPed of amerIcan fossel fUels sddIctIons trumps IMBarrassIng IMPeacHment MINTs embarrassING  .  JOB 39:5  .  NO-name taMar The woman More than  .  John 20:18  .  or able to toO` arbor flyfIshIng reels excIted then It`s remember thrId world all trump has  .  IsaIah 8:4:5  .  faIth to use caLLINg Them bad Boys  meme fInd I’m portugese fRench though not canadaIan ITaLIan Hockey skater mOm hUMor names  cohen bar chamPION IrIsh law MOntana $$$ s!!!!IT calm!!!!!  .  JaPan Idea Barr Is asIan are'nt IndIans prarIe montana natIve amerIcan IndIans!!!!eMbarassINg TO BLacKs wHIle They dont KNow IT IO dont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!because My serbIan mother country turKey greece Is wrestLIng INtellegence of lebanese law In montana Is'nt a HIGh bar I dont have law school I have caMbrIdges aUTograPh and harvard master In InternatIonal reaLatIons specIal hathrorne masters wHIle afrIca Means??what The heck Is HIs name again/? the NeolOGIst fo rwHIte House Is~In~“W” patter"N"~trouble carsOn BLack Man does'nt want to break Itt TOo` blacks reprIeves and repreaTIOns It`s Just meme`s head nurve  .  the ~ SMotheR` land ~ anyway technology means truMp elected by my vote for Romney and franchIses mORe vaLue than BLack woman and taylor swIft thought IT would work LIke clarOnetts are electrIc GUItar  .  Is cOMmUNIst TaYLOr swift make sworse did'nt Listen TOo what I want her doNG and sayIOng and siNGING and rUNNING her Life she wanted Is confuseINg To The smothers asses BIsON  .  Job 39:5$*.  .*$BIsON means gammbLINg black people GIT arrested and I GUIde mexIcans and Black people dont want gammBLINg for all benefIts Meme greatLy as gambLer -_________________________foodnetwork/
_____________________________________________________________________________________BeUT 8:9______________________________________________________________________________________IT`s NOT faTher fIGure or reLIGIOUs fIGuRe maybe nOT even sports fIGUre_I lIk eclarOnett made of wood Is awesome shows and Back up sIngers~KINda BIG band MusIc sTYLe INfluences eItheR` NIether_as for fIshIng flyfIshINg made of wood bAMBOO fwp  trump finds to easy for meme was advantage of people~and~flyfIshIng before I controLLed all the technology was flyrods and retaIL at MINIUMUM wage as fwP grandfathered Newt gINGrIch fOund dIffIcult pelosI caTHOLIc handles best at by-partIson I dId'nt KNow what party Newt GINgrIch and He dId'nt know eItheR we are Just the same________________________________________________- TO ThIs repUBLIcan In mY HOMe state Montana Because Bozeman ground zero The IranIans and the greece turkey are good Boys wher` I sTOne wall trump “THe RUMP” donald about serBIan orthodox church In butte amerIca aIr force 50 dollars peso`s brIng cost of gold sILver down and paper flat money up dollar for dollar  tougher economy not best economY Hero PILOTs and paInters and guItar same as gold and sILver cheeper posq nazI`s TrUMp`s Just weak assHOle can !!NOT!!!! make !!AN!! turd -T bass 550$00 trout shad bass shad agaINst slavery geography BUy  .  NUmbers 33:38:39  .  proverbs 19:12  .  JeremIah 35:18  .  JereMIah 38:18  .  and salors-swearING WWII does'nt mean TO THem evedentLy hamms logo land of blue sky waters also caLLed washIngton kNOT oNLY"“"BUILd and They wILL cOme”“"The world of outfITTers OLY $Th$ oLY mallows are harmless artIfIcIaL baIt and does'nt need to affect My Income dIfferently arranged By governments and trust of my GIrlfrIend catch $ release effecTIvely peso BILL MOney awesome god Is awesome and I Lost grammpa papIch foundeR of FwP Job corps HIred all the workers In amerIca anyway somehow owes eIght mILLION dollars Because naTIve amerIcan IndIans have been attendIng JOb corps are'nt  BLacK foot TUrkey greeced verb VIOLINs Most versITILe - INstrUment - oh I kNow taYLor swift has MY best INterest In mInd she does'nt uNTILL a ROck free masOns Understand Her own Intellegence of she means anyway was'nt farmer ~ rlver suprIseINg Is JapaNese and MexIco a long way from Iran heat In seasons quarterbacks three step drop and hand offs wIthout fumBles and Jeolousy abOut the Old addage IraINIan tactIcal aIrcondITIONING tanYa HardIng olYMPIc law sTuff brILLIance copper armoR` penItraTINg bULLets abOUt-Truth baLIsTIcs-football does same thIng thrown pHYsIc snel-law and radIO rodeO of what taYlor Is retardIng about low BallING her~nON sense as my GIrlfrIend and LOUIs A` Mour WWII tank commander same as JFK sUBMarIne sank capTaIn HIs cr0000000000000000ew ”“CREW”“ makes two bIllIon trumps bank loan for oval offIce 2016 not buLLock papIch 2020 offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca LIved 12 and two dIed and swUm In raIn drops of YellowsTone grIzzly bears LIOns TIgers Oh May 5 UN  .  cookINg Network Yes Good work KNow opperaTIOn paTIna  amerIcans To them they dont care about WWII trumps stratOgy If The BIBle saId fIsh swIM  . Psalms 104:24:25  .  TrUMPs KKK cadence In leader speeK what KNOT  oar`sS Made of wood and THIN blade of BIO-deIsel lawn grass thats TOO` long between the thumbs reeds genesIs 41:2  .  elkIah no bIG deal stevan Is cook at elk park or babIch from BUTTe amerIca`s meat shop In HOLY bIBLe yes ask bo Jackson what rattle horns antlers oar deer does fork MLB PItcher black man and-steelhead fIshIng anyway centRal amerIca does'nt have the gIanTIst MuskeE oops Its fIne taNYa hardIng knows canada PaTINa merIOcHIe does'nt have the largest Muskee stone walls trump In hIs POLOTIc adam`s tracks  .  mark 1:18  . JeremIah 1:19 matthew 1:18  .  matthew 3:16  .  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~trump sanK twO battle shIps sUMMer 2017 could'nt do and the Idea Is He G`ave the orders for The sank battle sHIps makes Japanese UNI-raIL techNOLOGy On HIs ruMp cUsh 1 BILLIOn from sanfraNcIsco sInce I taLked the GuItar geograpHy MInts wIth tayLor swIft RyUm toO` good easy HOnest One at BaIt mallows and My 50 pasos I found outsIde fIre statIon bell paper plasTIc mOney the dollar same atlaNTIc OBama Ideal dollar equaLITY bozeman last NIght KINd a plasTIc LIke canada OH!! Uses now stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams sYndrome INdIa copper and duck BILLs On haIr dINOsours about  .  John 7:40  .  so whaT I mIssed casTING calls If colorado construcTIOn has elevatIOn JONaThan Heames hateS - hIs own favorIte band elevaTIOn sONG  .  John 11:32  .  daleth 32 heart I exsplaIned to scotIe daInes Montana Jobs man famILy frIends so we are watchIng gravIty sandra bULLOck movIe daInes offIce In bozeman at chaLet sports BIke shOp used to be wITh weber engLIsh professor sunnI brown ogden Utah charLIes coffee shop BUT  Joes wIld spot durIng vIetnam war was a whore house I lOve PlayINg grassY MusIc Instrumental how pInks dad taUght her at vetran bar scenes  .  deuteroNOMy 8:9  .  compareadUn dry fly wHIte taIL$$$$$$$$$$$$ cuparBmacy$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$doe fawn haIr Pennys to store front In MexIco outfITTING flyfIshIng and a InternatIOnal Job corps fIshInG` can sUpport and eLIMINates slavery and trumps donlad dILUsIOnals about marrYING INto papIch name 50 pasO BILL mONey nO-one has Because so rare It`s wheat when cow food wIth no technology to harvest wheat then old spanIsh traIL annIveRsary TrUMps UseINg mILITary for 100 year after colUMBUs was 1532 old spaNIsh traIl Is $th$ prOHIBITIOn dureINg depressIOn convert Is'nt wHIskey about bOUT GOOd IrIsh BOOk God news  .  Luke 4:43  .  deuteronomy 4:34  .  deuterONOMy 2:6  .  Is pro-hIbItIon trumps tarrIffs depressIon stratogy OPPOsITe GOOd News LUke fIrst page GaBrIel Is deuteronomy 4:43 adds Up old man addage~matthew 28:20~suppost to be duck BILL dINOsaurs haIr about san francIsco and good Boys, means naTIve amerIcan IndIans Intellegence government to Trumps BeNefIt fIxed Income he GIts BILLION dollars so what for north korea to be our captores amerIcan cUlture LIe Ten feet HIGh UranIUM IranIUM I-ran aIr condITONers  serBIan BBQ rUNNING man salvaTIOn arMy soccer chaMPIOn of $Th$ world hezeKIah and montana HooterItes wInter wheat  Is all draIn $th$ swamp means the ocean to trump  greg LIner rodeo chamPIOn neIghbors to famIly robertsons t.v. exaMple for exaMple duck commander I was InvIted MIssed BOTh casTING calls YellowsTOne wITh kevIn cosTner greg LIner sUrfer cowbOY same age as donald trump fIne If truMp Is allways seperate from apapich never never ever never Mixed together sacrIfIce JOHN 8:32 jOHN 1:40 BUILt a GOld course In MexIco common sense On My end 1 Iron they let meme~use as FIsherman In old surfer days hawII last 40 years  .  LevITIcUs 8:9  .  T  .  v  .  or what have you I find as value - as drInkIng and the MILITary My brother is 1986 mILLeNIaL has That advantage casper wyOMINg On any KId In educatIon PLease Tell straYha sorry He dId'nt accept NFL cOntract*`Thee`’*was MILLeNIals In great falls depressIONINg on trumps stratoGy I had To Go TO MusIc and My educatIOn bIson BIson same dIstance as Iran and argentIna Mexico mOntana Great falls Montana geOgrapHy GUItar zebra Bozeman bars Heel toe exspress  .  My guys been around $tH$ world I would step foot I’d have hIgh end converstIon rate rest store fIshInG` stOp In mexIco for Yellowdog traveL coMpany wOUd ONLY loose workers to HUman resoure develOpment councel and Leo`s UNITed naTIOns rank  .  to south amerIca and central amerIca and largest MusKee dOmestIc rITTle wOUld KInda - leagaLIze cocaIne for them and make  a - deNt IN the drUg war My de rHunter sNIper skILLs On fLYfishING  .  $Th$ 50 Butter fLy comparadun flys on the bIll In plastIc then I convert To TeqUILa as whIte taILdoe haIr varIgant brIdge varIant flyfIshIng of amerIcan money teach fIshIng and hand out money LIke weed Is currency with the one 50 dollars peso butter fly clear bIll  .  matthew 3:16  .  1 John 3:17  .  wINg dry fLy ToO` compared LIterary fishing Is LIteratue page 72 snow harvard law Book eastwood uses churh HIll about law Intellegence of WWII MIddLe paraGraph scIence and GOvernmnet”“scIence”“oar weer gree beer  .  I owe food Network the essay eNGLIsh  .  so to speek what K"n"OT  .  [email protected] BlueHai4  . fb address badge 12018509221 pakiU2Ni [email protected]  .  BlueHai5   foodnetwork/
omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______________________________________
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*“er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge______________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*“er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones
dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*“er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*“er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge  
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*“er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
Mary Jimenez
14 hrs
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Just This Week, Trump Has Already Committed 5 More Impeachable Acts
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Lindsey Graham
6 hrs
Speaking with Sean Hannity on Fox News Wednesday night, Graham shared more about what he sees happening as Democrats wrestle with whether or not to pursue impeachment proceedings.
“I don’t think you can get the Democratic nomination for president without advocating for the impeachment of Donald Trump,” the South Carolina Republican said. “I don’t think you’re going to be able to survive in the Democratic party without a primary if you don’t call for Trump’s impeachment.”
“But the answer for the Democrats is Trump’s gotta go. They will not beat him at the ballot box. If they try to impeach him, they’re going to ensure his re-election.”
Graham on the Democrats’ impeachment hysteria
Growing chorus of Democrats call for the impeachment of President Trump; South Carolina…
please send to foodnetworkworstcooks.com-james 5:7 1 timothy 5:7 Jer 51:1 jeremIah 1:16 numbers 22:28:32 levi 25:13-17. 1 kings page 310 arc leviticus 26:28:32 john 5:27-32 pesto crab bread 2 timothy 4:10 james 5:7 1 chronicles 7:26 daleth 32 oh shoes deuteronomy 28:8 1 samuel 3:1 suawer
dan papIch <
12:05 PM (0 minutes ago)
to nacker
foodnetwork was awesome New ePIsOde wITh the BrIck over chIcken tHIGH and taNYa really pULLed It off about never saw a real peach then The corn bread reProcessed for the value cost and banaNa Is a berry not strawberry fIelds for ever  best hooterIte carrot wIne and russIan POTatoe JuIce good excuse RYeUms crowN rUssY vOdka  .  weLL NO-one Is perfect as stevan would say to marylou papIch Then she asks for wIne at gramma papIchs most most famous InternatIonal resIdence I spent my chIldhood I accepted as they would'nt let meme play the mud bowl soccer fInaLLY chamPIOshIp  .  1 360 510 8993 My mOm I would marvel at her smarts and How she Loved The Mellow drama at Hockey and taNYa fIGure skates and I would sIng to my self enTIre sIMPsOns casette taPe To school IN my head  .  aawww  .  NeheMIaH 4:19  .  I stone walled Trump NazI master Plan Thank fullY of so much blood If JerUsalem does'nt matter Nor sYrIa, I was satIsfIed wIth HIs we’LL sea How It go`s qUote emersOn hated qUotes shY from KNowLedge power my InterPrITaTIOn  .  ruth 3:13  .  ruth 4:11  . Jordan frItz In case same as George foreman named all HIs KIds george NON of mIne can be named trump In papIch a LOT of quarterbacks and Jordan frItz makeIng a TaIL back JeaLous UseINg fULL back dad Myself and throwINg over MIddle on fIrst down conversTIOns 1/3 of season Is the place KIcker I was soccer half back and specIal teams no matter how many wIns game of Inches 1/3 of the wIns Is specIal teams I seem to be the BLINd sqUerall fInds a corn  .  MaYbe truMp could take football coach advIse turn down the greek nazI heat posq fInances wIth Gramma papIch used To ask how the weather and thank you~god~lawGodspeed~Is The rITtle command adDhearIng to respectIng women IranIan Turkey serbIa Mother country best good boys most of spaNIsh lanGuages serBIan BBQ LONG way from That comforTING ®danIel RYan PapIch BULLOck papIch offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca fore any naTION I’m portUgese polonesIan caTHOLIc I lIke U2 Instead of “M” or “n” very sIMple solomon wrote ecclesaTIes 8:8 pakiU2Ni fIfTy u2 dollars Peso`s whIte taIL deer worth very Much trumps a NazI davIds  . Psalms 104:2  .  arc of convenant Psalms 7:9  . John 11:32  .  daleth 32  .  teth 72  .  yodh 79  .  psalms 119  .  proverbs 19:12  .  mem 100  .  mem 97  .  zephanIah 3:8:9:10  . John 9:17  .  John 10:38 *. .*LUke 9:17  .  John 11:32  .  sONg Of sOngs 4:10  .  song of songs 4:4  .  Psalms 4:4  .  was stone tablet Is fIne mormons help fInd tHINGs  .  matthew 4:19  .  colossIans 3:12 isis book of mormon page 243 DILUsIOnal excItement MINTs of TOPPed of amerIcan fossel fUels sddIctIons trumps IMBarrassIng IMPeacHment MINTs embarrassING  .  JOB 39:5  .  NO-name taMar The woman More than  .  John 20:18  .  or able to toO` arbor flyfIshIng reels excIted then It`s remember thrId world all trump has  .  IsaIah 8:4:5  .  faIth to use caLLINg Them bad Boys  meme fInd I’m portugese fRench though not canadaIan ITaLIan Hockey skater mOm hUMor names  cohen bar chamPION IrIsh law MOntana $$$ s!!!!IT calm!!!!!  .  JaPan Idea Barr Is asIan are'nt IndIans prarIe montana natIve amerIcan IndIans!!!!eMbarassINg TO BLacKs wHIle They dont KNow IT IO dont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!because My serbIan mother country turKey greece Is wrestLIng INtellegence of lebanese law In montana Is'nt a HIGh bar I dont have law school I have caMbrIdges aUTograPh and harvard master In InternatIonal reaLatIons specIal hathrorne masters wHIle afrIca Means??what The heck Is HIs name again/? the NeolOGIst fo rwHIte House Is~In~“W” patter"N"~trouble carsOn BLack Man does'nt want to break Itt TOo` blacks reprIeves and repreaTIOns It`s Just meme`s head nurve  .  the ~ SMotheR` land ~ anyway technology means truMp elected by my vote for Romney and franchIses mORe vaLue than BLack woman and taylor swIft thought IT would work LIke clarOnetts are electrIc GUItar  .  Is cOMmUNIst TaYLOr swift make sworse did'nt Listen TOo what I want her doNG and sayIOng and siNGING and rUNNING her Life she wanted Is confuseINg To The smothers asses BIsON  .  Job 39:5$*.  .*$BIsON means gammbLINg black people GIT arrested and I GUIde mexIcans and Black people dont want gammBLINg for all benefIts Meme greatLy as gambLer -_________________________foodnetwork/
_____________________________________________________________________________________BeUT 8:9______________________________________________________________________________________IT`s NOT faTher fIGure or reLIGIOUs fIGuRe maybe nOT even sports fIGUre_I lIk eclarOnett made of wood Is awesome shows and Back up sIngers~KINda BIG band MusIc sTYLe INfluences eItheR` NIether_as for fIshIng flyfIshINg made of wood bAMBOO fwp  trump finds to easy for meme was advantage of people~and~flyfIshIng before I controLLed all the technology was flyrods and retaIL at MINIUMUM wage as fwP grandfathered Newt gINGrIch fOund dIffIcult pelosI caTHOLIc handles best at by-partIson I dId'nt KNow what party Newt GINgrIch and He dId'nt know eItheR we are Just the same________________________________________________- TO ThIs repUBLIcan In mY HOMe state Montana Because Bozeman ground zero The IranIans and the greece turkey are good Boys wher` I sTOne wall trump “THe RUMP” donald about serBIan orthodox church In butte amerIca aIr force 50 dollars peso`s brIng cost of gold sILver down and paper flat money up dollar for dollar  tougher economy not best economY Hero PILOTs and paInters and guItar same as gold and sILver cheeper posq nazI`s TrUMp`s Just weak assHOle can !!NOT!!!! make !!AN!! turd -T bass 550$00 trout shad bass shad agaINst slavery geography BUy  .  NUmbers 33:38:39  .  proverbs 19:12  .  JeremIah 35:18  .  JereMIah 38:18  .  and salors-swearING WWII does'nt mean TO THem evedentLy hamms logo land of blue sky waters also caLLed washIngton kNOT oNLY"“"BUILd and They wILL cOme”“"The world of outfITTers OLY $Th$ oLY mallows are harmless artIfIcIaL baIt and does'nt need to affect My Income dIfferently arranged By governments and trust of my GIrlfrIend catch $ release effecTIvely peso BILL MOney awesome god Is awesome and I Lost grammpa papIch foundeR of FwP Job corps HIred all the workers In amerIca anyway somehow owes eIght mILLION dollars Because naTIve amerIcan IndIans have been attendIng JOb corps are'nt  BLacK foot TUrkey greeced verb VIOLINs Most versITILe - INstrUment - oh I kNow taYLor swift has MY best INterest In mInd she does'nt uNTILL a ROck free masOns Understand Her own Intellegence of she means anyway was'nt farmer ~ rlver suprIseINg Is JapaNese and MexIco a long way from Iran heat In seasons quarterbacks three step drop and hand offs wIthout fumBles and Jeolousy abOut the Old addage IraINIan tactIcal aIrcondITIONING tanYa HardIng olYMPIc law sTuff brILLIance copper armoR` penItraTINg bULLets abOUt-Truth baLIsTIcs-football does same thIng thrown pHYsIc snel-law and radIO rodeO of what taYlor Is retardIng about low BallING her~nON sense as my GIrlfrIend and LOUIs A` Mour WWII tank commander same as JFK sUBMarIne sank capTaIn HIs cr0000000000000000ew ”“CREW”“ makes two bIllIon trumps bank loan for oval offIce 2016 not buLLock papIch 2020 offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca LIved 12 and two dIed and swUm In raIn drops of YellowsTone grIzzly bears LIOns TIgers Oh May 5 UN  .  cookINg Network Yes Good work KNow opperaTIOn paTIna  amerIcans To them they dont care about WWII trumps stratOgy If The BIBle saId fIsh swIM  . Psalms 104:24:25  .  TrUMPs KKK cadence In leader speeK what KNOT  oar`sS Made of wood and THIN blade of BIO-deIsel lawn grass thats TOO` long between the thumbs reeds genesIs 41:2  .  elkIah no bIG deal stevan Is cook at elk park or babIch from BUTTe amerIca`s meat shop In HOLY bIBLe yes ask bo Jackson what rattle horns antlers oar deer does fork MLB PItcher black man and-steelhead fIshIng anyway centRal amerIca does'nt have the gIanTIst MuskeE oops Its fIne taNYa hardIng knows canada PaTINa merIOcHIe does'nt have the largest Muskee stone walls trump In hIs POLOTIc adam`s tracks  .  mark 1:18  . JeremIah 1:19 matthew 1:18  .  matthew 3:16  .  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~trump sanK twO battle shIps sUMMer 2017 could'nt do and the Idea Is He G`ave the orders for The sank battle sHIps makes Japanese UNI-raIL techNOLOGy On HIs ruMp cUsh 1 BILLIOn from sanfraNcIsco sInce I taLked the GuItar geograpHy MInts wIth tayLor swIft RyUm toO` good easy HOnest One at BaIt mallows and My 50 pasos I found outsIde fIre statIon bell paper plasTIc mOney the dollar same atlaNTIc OBama Ideal dollar equaLITY bozeman last NIght KINd a plasTIc LIke canada OH!! Uses now stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams sYndrome INdIa copper and duck BILLs On haIr dINOsours about  .  John 7:40  .  so whaT I mIssed casTING calls If colorado construcTIOn has elevatIOn JONaThan Heames hateS - hIs own favorIte band elevaTIOn sONG  .  John 11:32  .  daleth 32 heart I exsplaIned to scotIe daInes Montana Jobs man famILy frIends so we are watchIng gravIty sandra bULLOck movIe daInes offIce In bozeman at chaLet sports BIke shOp used to be wITh weber engLIsh professor sunnI brown ogden Utah charLIes coffee shop BUT  Joes wIld spot durIng vIetnam war was a whore house I lOve PlayINg grassY MusIc Instrumental how pInks dad taUght her at vetran bar scenes  .  deuteroNOMy 8:9  .  compareadUn dry fly wHIte taIL$$$$$$$$$$$$ cuparBmacy$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$doe fawn haIr Pennys to store front In MexIco outfITTING flyfIshIng and a InternatIOnal Job corps fIshInG` can sUpport and eLIMINates slavery and trumps donlad dILUsIOnals about marrYING INto papIch name 50 pasO BILL mONey nO-one has Because so rare It`s wheat when cow food wIth no technology to harvest wheat then old spanIsh traIL annIveRsary TrUMps UseINg mILITary for 100 year after colUMBUs was 1532 old spaNIsh traIl Is $th$ prOHIBITIOn dureINg depressIOn convert Is'nt wHIskey about bOUT GOOd IrIsh BOOk God news  .  Luke 4:43  .  deuteronomy 4:34  .  deuterONOMy 2:6  .  Is pro-hIbItIon trumps tarrIffs depressIon stratogy OPPOsITe GOOd News LUke fIrst page GaBrIel Is deuteronomy 4:43 adds Up old man addage~matthew 28:20~suppost to be duck BILL dINOsaurs haIr about san francIsco and good Boys, means naTIve amerIcan IndIans Intellegence government to Trumps BeNefIt fIxed Income he GIts BILLION dollars so what for north korea to be our captores amerIcan cUlture LIe Ten feet HIGh UranIUM IranIUM I-ran aIr condITONers  serBIan BBQ rUNNING man salvaTIOn arMy soccer chaMPIOn of $Th$ world hezeKIah and montana HooterItes wInter wheat  Is all draIn $th$ swamp means the ocean to trump  greg LIner rodeo chamPIOn neIghbors to famIly robertsons t.v. exaMple for exaMple duck commander I was InvIted MIssed BOTh casTING calls YellowsTOne wITh kevIn cosTner greg LIner sUrfer cowbOY same age as donald trump fIne If truMp Is allways seperate from apapich never never ever never Mixed together sacrIfIce JOHN 8:32 jOHN 1:40 BUILt a GOld course In MexIco common sense On My end 1 Iron they let meme~use as FIsherman In old surfer days hawII last 40 years  .  LevITIcUs 8:9  .  T  .  v  .  or what have you I find as value - as drInkIng and the MILITary My brother is 1986 mILLeNIaL has That advantage casper wyOMINg On any KId In educatIon PLease Tell straYha sorry He dId'nt accept NFL cOntract*`Thee`’*was MILLeNIals In great falls depressIONINg on trumps stratoGy I had To Go TO MusIc and My educatIOn bIson BIson same dIstance as Iran and argentIna Mexico mOntana Great falls Montana geOgrapHy GUItar zebra Bozeman bars Heel toe exspress  .  My guys been around $tH$ world I would step foot I’d have hIgh end converstIon rate rest store fIshInG` stOp In mexIco for Yellowdog traveL coMpany wOUd ONLY loose workers to HUman resoure develOpment councel and Leo`s UNITed naTIOns rank  .  to south amerIca and central amerIca and largest MusKee dOmestIc rITTle wOUld KInda - leagaLIze cocaIne for them and make  a - deNt IN the drUg war My de rHunter sNIper skILLs On fLYfishING  .  $Th$ 50 Butter fLy comparadun flys on the bIll In plastIc then I convert To TeqUILa as whIte taILdoe haIr varIgant brIdge varIant flyfIshIng of amerIcan money teach fIshIng and hand out money LIke weed Is currency with the one 50 dollars peso butter fly clear bIll  .  matthew 3:16  .  1 John 3:17  .  wINg dry fLy ToO` compared LIterary fishing Is LIteratue page 72 snow harvard law Book eastwood uses churh HIll about law Intellegence of WWII MIddLe paraGraph scIence and GOvernmnet”“scIence”“oar weer gree beer  .  I owe food Network the essay eNGLIsh  .  so to speek what K"n"OT  .  [email protected] BlueHai4  . fb address badge 12018509221 pakiU2Ni [email protected]  .  BlueHai5   foodnetwork/
oh The scrOLL bartryINgTo make It Life ete feLONy perJury Jordan frItz aInt my crIme to do the TIme for the government fall out boyYOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you’Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I’M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and
And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect”“"YOU”“"you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked”“"em”“"Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I’m uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I’ve never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I’m facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I’m not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you’LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I’M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP” dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I’m uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald “The rUMP” trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont
Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I’m presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL_____________________________________________________________________________
fall out boy government  hay hay 162 good by hay hay prison fall out boy nana nanan nana hay hay good buy palade stergion baIt_______________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch
8 mins ·
Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`’*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and
address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank wankl eYc eMc eCc eA etc etc ettc LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne… of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I’m tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amen
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mon$$$$$$$not the government its knot the government before summer methought winter spring sea
fall out boy government  hay hay 162 good by hay hay prison fall out boy nana nanan nana hay hay good buy palade stergion baIt fretts og butt hole of drp and the sandstones for mon Trending blogs
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But fr, cats are so amazing and I hate how they’re stereotyped as mean demons full of hatred that want to watch the world burn.
My baby kitty sleeps on my pillow every night to be close to me, and rests his head on mine. He gets excited when I get home and runs to greet me and say meow meow meow (roughly translates to “hi mom, I missed you”), and comes to me when I make the special kissy noises at him. He’s happy and loves head pets, he gives me kisses, he comforts me when I’m depressed or upset, he enjoys spending time with me, and he loves to play mouse-on-string-on-stick (now mouse-on-string-on-stick-with-duck-tape-on-ruler) together. He doesn’t randomly attack me or tear up everything he see’s. He’s calm, sweet, and yes, even caring (see “comforts me when I’m depressed/upset”).
Stop assuming all cats are the devil just because they don’t like you.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
Source: pinterest.com
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anaconda Jobcorps closed Jordan frItz has untIll a rock 24 years old ONLY NINeTeen Years of age UNcle aarOn MIcheal papIch MY LITTLe brother 34 years of age my mom`s phone number 306-510-8993 I’m 40 years of age My dad loves photograpHy of mountaIn sHeep Near george town lake framed everywher` In aLL our resIdences Jordan frItz LIke`s meme to LIve outsIde and trys to pass as mental patIent and crImInal felon than I tHINk erased my e-maIL of concert lyrIc BOBcat MsU and zUckerburg and many people scratchIng there heads INcLudeINg zUckerBurg does'nt KNow How He would go aBOUt It$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$He`s computer hackIng and messINg wITh e-maIls I have proofed today Jordan frItz wIth new socIal medIa outlet tumbIrURL:your oof drp and the sandstones https://your ooof drp and the sandstones I’LL take to my facebook accounts In 13 days blockd on my own facebook how he hacked zuckerburg suspIcIous [email protected] BlueHai4 FB facebook number address 12018509221 pakiU2Ni [email protected] BlueHai5 cause enOugh to make anaconda Job corps In eIght mILLIon In debt closeIng doors completely THey asked Meme wher` ever I want on god`s green earth I want to work I chose bozeman then frItz can fretts the MILITary I cut HIM off gratuaTed 100% OIL PIPe G weLdIng year 20 anaconda Job corps great uncle sam papIch nepITIsUm wont count at HIs mILItary draft I dont mInd on Jordan frItz My fIrst Born I Got Two More LlITle Ones anyway Just hIm to pelosI and shUemers law Inforcement HImself as PIogant ObTuse TO HIs Hacker skILLs rapIst wIT  .  NO PUn INTended  football hero wIth LIkes of that teams pro careers would hav emore offense aBILITy Than aaron MIcheal papIch On defense sIde of The ball of the unTHINKaBle HIMself and wont have the over$10$000$If He gratuaTed would have Job fIred at 21 drInkIng or drugs than In JaIL as march baby can mean MILITary I’m ONLY one gratuaTed anaconda Job corps great neIGHew great uncle sam papIch Jfk admINIstratIOn secret servIce MIke papIch founder Fwp JOB corps In mY famILy all of them then By chrIstmas thIs year I payed hIs money and made a hIgher amount and more trouble I thought he would come back from got worse Only couple hundred on$8$000$ sIncerely danIel Ryan papIch 517 76 9517 , 04.08/1979 , 706 oak street anaconda montana 59711
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pinterest.comCreate an account or log in to Pinterest. Discover recipes, home ideas, style inspiration and other ideas to try.
YIP Grandpa was'nt O` dOINg were Is fretts fruitz today My TUrn IrIsh for two chord corIth 11:7-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`‘rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______
fall out boy government  hay hay 162 good by hay hay prison fall out boy nana nanan nana hay hay good buy palade stergion baIt______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng _______YOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you’Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I’M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and
And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect"“"YOU”“"you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked”“"em”“"Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I’m uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I’ve never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I’m facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I’m not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you’LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I’M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP” dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I’m uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald “The rUMP” trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont
Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I’m presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch
8 mins ·
Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`’*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and
address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne… of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I’m tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amen
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e-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN’T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert
YOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you’Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I’M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and
And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect"“"YOU”“"you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked”“"em”“"Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I’m uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I’ve never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I’m facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I’m not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you’LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I’M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP” dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I’m uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald “The rUMP” trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont
Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I’m presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch
8 mins ·
Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`’*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and
address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne… of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I’m tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amen
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e-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN’T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert
e-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN’T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert  omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______________________________________
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge______________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*“er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones
dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*“er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*“er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge  
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*“er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
Mary Jimenez
14 hrs
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Just This Week, Trump Has Already Committed 5 More Impeachable Acts
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Lindsey Graham
6 hrs
Speaking with Sean Hannity on Fox News Wednesday night, Graham shared more about what he sees happening as Democrats wrestle with whether or not to pursue impeachment proceedings.
“I don’t think you can get the Democratic nomination for president without advocating for the impeachment of Donald Trump,” the South Carolina Republican said. “I don’t think you’re going to be able to survive in the Democratic party without a primary if you don’t call for Trump’s impeachment.”
“But the answer for the Democrats is Trump’s gotta go. They will not beat him at the ballot box. If they try to impeach him, they’re going to ensure his re-election.”
Graham on the Democrats’ impeachment hysteria
Growing chorus of Democrats call for the impeachment of President Trump; South Carolina…
please send to foodnetworkworstcooks.com-james 5:7 1 timothy 5:7 Jer 51:1 jeremIah 1:16 numbers 22:28:32 levi 25:13-17. 1 kings page 310 arc leviticus 26:28:32 john 5:27-32 pesto crab bread 2 timothy 4:10 james 5:7 1 chronicles 7:26 daleth 32 oh shoes deuteronomy 28:8 1 samuel 3:1 suawer
dan papIch <
12:05 PM (0 minutes ago)
to nacker
foodnetwork was awesome New ePIsOde wITh the BrIck over chIcken tHIGH and taNYa really pULLed It off about never saw a real peach then The corn bread reProcessed for the value cost and banaNa Is a berry not strawberry fIelds for ever  best hooterIte carrot wIne and russIan POTatoe JuIce good excuse RYeUms crowN rUssY vOdka  .  weLL NO-one Is perfect as stevan would say to marylou papIch Then she asks for wIne at gramma papIchs most most famous InternatIonal resIdence I spent my chIldhood I accepted as they would'nt let meme play the mud bowl soccer fInaLLY chamPIOshIp  .  1 360 510 8993 My mOm I would marvel at her smarts and How she Loved The Mellow drama at Hockey and taNYa fIGure skates and I would sIng to my self enTIre sIMPsOns casette taPe To school IN my head  .  aawww  .  NeheMIaH 4:19  .  I stone walled Trump NazI master Plan Thank fullY of so much blood If JerUsalem does'nt matter Nor sYrIa, I was satIsfIed wIth HIs we’LL sea How It go`s qUote emersOn hated qUotes shY from KNowLedge power my InterPrITaTIOn  .  ruth 3:13  .  ruth 4:11  . Jordan frItz In case same as George foreman named all HIs KIds george NON of mIne can be named trump In papIch a LOT of quarterbacks and Jordan frItz makeIng a TaIL back JeaLous UseINg fULL back dad Myself and throwINg over MIddle on fIrst down conversTIOns 1/3 of season Is the place KIcker I was soccer half back and specIal teams no matter how many wIns game of Inches 1/3 of the wIns Is specIal teams I seem to be the BLINd sqUerall fInds a corn  .  MaYbe truMp could take football coach advIse turn down the greek nazI heat posq fInances wIth Gramma papIch used To ask how the weather and thank you~god~lawGodspeed~Is The rITtle command adDhearIng to respectIng women IranIan Turkey serbIa Mother country best good boys most of spaNIsh lanGuages serBIan BBQ LONG way from That comforTING ®danIel RYan PapIch BULLOck papIch offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca fore any naTION I’m portUgese polonesIan caTHOLIc I lIke U2 Instead of “M” or “n” very sIMple solomon wrote ecclesaTIes 8:8 pakiU2Ni fIfTy u2 dollars Peso`s whIte taIL deer worth very Much trumps a NazI davIds  . Psalms 104:2  .  arc of convenant Psalms 7:9  . John 11:32  .  daleth 32  .  teth 72  .  yodh 79  .  psalms 119  .  proverbs 19:12  .  mem 100  .  mem 97  .  zephanIah 3:8:9:10  . John 9:17  .  John 10:38 *. .*LUke 9:17  .  John 11:32  .  sONg Of sOngs 4:10  .  song of songs 4:4  .  Psalms 4:4  .  was stone tablet Is fIne mormons help fInd tHINGs  .  matthew 4:19  .  colossIans 3:12 isis book of mormon page 243 DILUsIOnal excItement MINTs of TOPPed of amerIcan fossel fUels sddIctIons trumps IMBarrassIng IMPeacHment MINTs embarrassING  .  JOB 39:5  .  NO-name taMar The woman More than  .  John 20:18  .  or able to toO` arbor flyfIshIng reels excIted then It`s remember thrId world all trump has  .  IsaIah 8:4:5  .  faIth to use caLLINg Them bad Boys  meme fInd I’m portugese fRench though not canadaIan ITaLIan Hockey skater mOm hUMor names  cohen bar chamPION IrIsh law MOntana $$$ s!!!!IT calm!!!!!  .  JaPan Idea Barr Is asIan are'nt IndIans prarIe montana natIve amerIcan IndIans!!!!eMbarassINg TO BLacKs wHIle They dont KNow IT IO dont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!because My serbIan mother country turKey greece Is wrestLIng INtellegence of lebanese law In montana Is'nt a HIGh bar I dont have law school I have caMbrIdges aUTograPh and harvard master In InternatIonal reaLatIons specIal hathrorne masters wHIle afrIca Means??what The heck Is HIs name again/? the NeolOGIst fo rwHIte House Is~In~“W” patter"N"~trouble carsOn BLack Man does'nt want to break Itt TOo` blacks reprIeves and repreaTIOns It`s Just meme`s head nurve  .  the ~ SMotheR` land ~ anyway technology means truMp elected by my vote for Romney and franchIses mORe vaLue than BLack woman and taylor swIft thought IT would work LIke clarOnetts are electrIc GUItar  .  Is cOMmUNIst TaYLOr swift make sworse did'nt Listen TOo what I want her doNG and sayIOng and siNGING and rUNNING her Life she wanted Is confuseINg To The smothers asses BIsON  .  Job 39:5$*.  .*$BIsON means gammbLINg black people GIT arrested and I GUIde mexIcans and Black people dont want gammBLINg for all benefIts Meme greatLy as gambLer -_________________________foodnetwork/
_____________________________________________________________________________________BeUT 8:9______________________________________________________________________________________IT`s NOT faTher fIGure or reLIGIOUs fIGuRe maybe nOT even sports fIGUre_I lIk eclarOnett made of wood Is awesome shows and Back up sIngers~KINda BIG band MusIc sTYLe INfluences eItheR` NIether_as for fIshIng flyfIshINg made of wood bAMBOO fwp  trump finds to easy for meme was advantage of people~and~flyfIshIng before I controLLed all the technology was flyrods and retaIL at MINIUMUM wage as fwP grandfathered Newt gINGrIch fOund dIffIcult pelosI caTHOLIc handles best at by-partIson I dId'nt KNow what party Newt GINgrIch and He dId'nt know eItheR we are Just the same________________________________________________- TO ThIs repUBLIcan In mY HOMe state Montana Because Bozeman ground zero The IranIans and the greece turkey are good Boys wher` I sTOne wall trump “THe RUMP” donald about serBIan orthodox church In butte amerIca aIr force 50 dollars peso`s brIng cost of gold sILver down and paper flat money up dollar for dollar  tougher economy not best economY Hero PILOTs and paInters and guItar same as gold and sILver cheeper posq nazI`s TrUMp`s Just weak assHOle can !!NOT!!!! make !!AN!! turd -T bass 550$00 trout shad bass shad agaINst slavery geography BUy  .  NUmbers 33:38:39  .  proverbs 19:12  .  JeremIah 35:18  .  JereMIah 38:18  .  and salors-swearING WWII does'nt mean TO THem evedentLy hamms logo land of blue sky waters also caLLed washIngton kNOT oNLY"“"BUILd and They wILL cOme”“"The world of outfITTers OLY $Th$ oLY mallows are harmless artIfIcIaL baIt and does'nt need to affect My Income dIfferently arranged By governments and trust of my GIrlfrIend catch $ release effecTIvely peso BILL MOney awesome god Is awesome and I Lost grammpa papIch foundeR of FwP Job corps HIred all the workers In amerIca anyway somehow owes eIght mILLION dollars Because naTIve amerIcan IndIans have been attendIng JOb corps are'nt  BLacK foot TUrkey greeced verb VIOLINs Most versITILe - INstrUment - oh I kNow taYLor swift has MY best INterest In mInd she does'nt uNTILL a ROck free masOns Understand Her own Intellegence of she means anyway was'nt farmer ~ rlver suprIseINg Is JapaNese and MexIco a long way from Iran heat In seasons quarterbacks three step drop and hand offs wIthout fumBles and Jeolousy abOut the Old addage IraINIan tactIcal aIrcondITIONING tanYa HardIng olYMPIc law sTuff brILLIance copper armoR` penItraTINg bULLets abOUt-Truth baLIsTIcs-football does same thIng thrown pHYsIc snel-law and radIO rodeO of what taYlor Is retardIng about low BallING her~nON sense as my GIrlfrIend and LOUIs A` Mour WWII tank commander same as JFK sUBMarIne sank capTaIn HIs cr0000000000000000ew ”“CREW”“ makes two bIllIon trumps bank loan for oval offIce 2016 not buLLock papIch 2020 offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca LIved 12 and two dIed and swUm In raIn drops of YellowsTone grIzzly bears LIOns TIgers Oh May 5 UN  .  cookINg Network Yes Good work KNow opperaTIOn paTIna  amerIcans To them they dont care about WWII trumps stratOgy If The BIBle saId fIsh swIM  . Psalms 104:24:25  .  TrUMPs KKK cadence In leader speeK what KNOT  oar`sS Made of wood and THIN blade of BIO-deIsel lawn grass thats TOO` long between the thumbs reeds genesIs 41:2  .  elkIah no bIG deal stevan Is cook at elk park or babIch from BUTTe amerIca`s meat shop In HOLY bIBLe yes ask bo Jackson what rattle horns antlers oar deer does fork MLB PItcher black man and-steelhead fIshIng anyway centRal amerIca does'nt have the gIanTIst MuskeE oops Its fIne taNYa hardIng knows canada PaTINa merIOcHIe does'nt have the largest Muskee stone walls trump In hIs POLOTIc adam`s tracks  .  mark 1:18  . JeremIah 1:19 matthew 1:18  .  matthew 3:16  .  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~trump sanK twO battle shIps sUMMer 2017 could'nt do and the Idea Is He G`ave the orders for The sank battle sHIps makes Japanese UNI-raIL techNOLOGy On HIs ruMp cUsh 1 BILLIOn from sanfraNcIsco sInce I taLked the GuItar geograpHy MInts wIth tayLor swIft RyUm toO` good easy HOnest One at BaIt mallows and My 50 pasos I found outsIde fIre statIon bell paper plasTIc mOney the dollar same atlaNTIc OBama Ideal dollar equaLITY bozeman last NIght KINd a plasTIc LIke canada OH!! Uses now stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams sYndrome INdIa copper and duck BILLs On haIr dINOsours about  .  John 7:40  .  so whaT I mIssed casTING calls If colorado construcTIOn has elevatIOn JONaThan Heames hateS - hIs own favorIte band elevaTIOn sONG  .  John 11:32  .  daleth 32 heart I exsplaIned to scotIe daInes Montana Jobs man famILy frIends so we are watchIng gravIty sandra bULLOck movIe daInes offIce In bozeman at chaLet sports BIke shOp used to be wITh weber engLIsh professor sunnI brown ogden Utah charLIes coffee shop BUT  Joes wIld spot durIng vIetnam war was a whore house I lOve PlayINg grassY MusIc Instrumental how pInks dad taUght her at vetran bar scenes  .  deuteroNOMy 8:9  .  compareadUn dry fly wHIte taIL$$$$$$$$$$$$ cuparBmacy$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$doe fawn haIr Pennys to store front In MexIco outfITTING flyfIshIng and a InternatIOnal Job corps fIshInG` can sUpport and eLIMINates slavery and trumps donlad dILUsIOnals about marrYING INto papIch name 50 pasO BILL mONey nO-one has Because so rare It`s wheat when cow food wIth no technology to harvest wheat then old spanIsh traIL annIveRsary TrUMps UseINg mILITary for 100 year after colUMBUs was 1532 old spaNIsh traIl Is $th$ prOHIBITIOn dureINg depressIOn convert Is'nt wHIskey about bOUT GOOd IrIsh BOOk God news  .  Luke 4:43  .  deuteronomy 4:34  .  deuterONOMy 2:6  .  Is pro-hIbItIon trumps tarrIffs depressIon stratogy OPPOsITe GOOd News LUke fIrst page GaBrIel Is deuteronomy 4:43 adds Up old man addage~matthew 28:20~suppost to be duck BILL dINOsaurs haIr about san francIsco and good Boys, means naTIve amerIcan IndIans Intellegence government to Trumps BeNefIt fIxed Income he GIts BILLION dollars so what for north korea to be our captores amerIcan cUlture LIe Ten feet HIGh UranIUM IranIUM I-ran aIr condITONers  serBIan BBQ rUNNING man salvaTIOn arMy soccer chaMPIOn of $Th$ world hezeKIah and montana HooterItes wInter wheat  Is all draIn $th$ swamp means the ocean to trump  greg LIner rodeo chamPIOn neIghbors to famIly robertsons t.v. exaMple for exaMple duck commander I was InvIted MIssed BOTh casTING calls YellowsTOne wITh kevIn cosTner greg LIner sUrfer cowbOY same age as donald trump fIne If truMp Is allways seperate from apapich never never ever never Mixed together sacrIfIce JOHN 8:32 jOHN 1:40 BUILt a GOld course In MexIco common sense On My end 1 Iron they let meme~use as FIsherman In old surfer days hawII last 40 years  .  LevITIcUs 8:9  .  T  .  v  .  or what have you I find as value - as drInkIng and the MILITary My brother is 1986 mILLeNIaL has That advantage casper wyOMINg On any KId In educatIon PLease Tell straYha sorry He dId'nt accept NFL cOntract*`Thee`’*was MILLeNIals In great falls depressIONINg on trumps stratoGy I had To Go TO MusIc and My educatIOn bIson BIson same dIstance as Iran and argentIna Mexico mOntana Great falls Montana geOgrapHy GUItar zebra Bozeman bars Heel toe exspress  .  My guys been around $tH$ world I would step foot I’d have hIgh end converstIon rate rest store fIshInG` stOp In mexIco for Yellowdog traveL coMpany wOUd ONLY loose workers to HUman resoure develOpment councel and Leo`s UNITed naTIOns rank  .  to south amerIca and central amerIca and largest MusKee dOmestIc rITTle wOUld KInda - leagaLIze cocaIne for them and make  a - deNt IN the drUg war My de rHunter sNIper skILLs On fLYfishING  .  $Th$ 50 Butter fLy comparadun flys on the bIll In plastIc then I convert To TeqUILa as whIte taILdoe haIr varIgant brIdge varIant flyfIshIng of amerIcan money teach fIshIng and hand out money LIke weed Is currency with the one 50 dollars peso butter fly clear bIll  .  matthew 3:16  .  1 John 3:17  .  wINg dry fLy ToO` compared LIterary fishing Is LIteratue page 72 snow harvard law Book eastwood uses churh HIll about law Intellegence of WWII MIddLe paraGraph scIence and GOvernmnet”“scIence”“oar weer gree beer  .  I owe food Network the essay eNGLIsh  .  so to speek what K"n"OT  .  [email protected] BlueHai4  . fb address badge 12018509221 pakiU2Ni [email protected]  .  BlueHai5   foodnetwork/
omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______________________________________
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*“er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge______________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*“er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones
dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*“er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*“er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge  
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*“er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
Mary Jimenez
14 hrs
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Just This Week, Trump Has Already Committed 5 More Impeachable Acts
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Lindsey Graham
6 hrs
Speaking with Sean Hannity on Fox News Wednesday night, Graham shared more about what he sees happening as Democrats wrestle with whether or not to pursue impeachment proceedings.
“I don’t think you can get the Democratic nomination for president without advocating for the impeachment of Donald Trump,” the South Carolina Republican said. “I don’t think you’re going to be able to survive in the Democratic party without a primary if you don’t call for Trump’s impeachment.”
“But the answer for the Democrats is Trump’s gotta go. They will not beat him at the ballot box. If they try to impeach him, they’re going to ensure his re-election.”
Graham on the Democrats’ impeachment hysteria
Growing chorus of Democrats call for the impeachment of President Trump; South Carolina…
please send to foodnetworkworstcooks.com-james 5:7 1 timothy 5:7 Jer 51:1 jeremIah 1:16 numbers 22:28:32 levi 25:13-17. 1 kings page 310 arc leviticus 26:28:32 john 5:27-32 pesto crab bread 2 timothy 4:10 james 5:7 1 chronicles 7:26 daleth 32 oh shoes deuteronomy 28:8 1 samuel 3:1 suawer
dan papIch <
12:05 PM (0 minutes ago)
to nacker
foodnetwork was awesome New ePIsOde wITh the BrIck over chIcken tHIGH and taNYa really pULLed It off about never saw a real peach then The corn bread reProcessed for the value cost and banaNa Is a berry not strawberry fIelds for ever  best hooterIte carrot wIne and russIan POTatoe JuIce good excuse RYeUms crowN rUssY vOdka  .  weLL NO-one Is perfect as stevan would say to marylou papIch Then she asks for wIne at gramma papIchs most most famous InternatIonal resIdence I spent my chIldhood I accepted as they would'nt let meme play the mud bowl soccer fInaLLY chamPIOshIp  .  1 360 510 8993 My mOm I would marvel at her smarts and How she Loved The Mellow drama at Hockey and taNYa fIGure skates and I would sIng to my self enTIre sIMPsOns casette taPe To school IN my head  .  aawww  .  NeheMIaH 4:19  .  I stone walled Trump NazI master Plan Thank fullY of so much blood If JerUsalem does'nt matter Nor sYrIa, I was satIsfIed wIth HIs we’LL sea How It go`s qUote emersOn hated qUotes shY from KNowLedge power my InterPrITaTIOn  .  ruth 3:13  .  ruth 4:11  . Jordan frItz In case same as George foreman named all HIs KIds george NON of mIne can be named trump In papIch a LOT of quarterbacks and Jordan frItz makeIng a TaIL back JeaLous UseINg fULL back dad Myself and throwINg over MIddle on fIrst down conversTIOns 1/3 of season Is the place KIcker I was soccer half back and specIal teams no matter how many wIns game of Inches 1/3 of the wIns Is specIal teams I seem to be the BLINd sqUerall fInds a corn  .  MaYbe truMp could take football coach advIse turn down the greek nazI heat posq fInances wIth Gramma papIch used To ask how the weather and thank you~god~lawGodspeed~Is The rITtle command adDhearIng to respectIng women IranIan Turkey serbIa Mother country best good boys most of spaNIsh lanGuages serBIan BBQ LONG way from That comforTING ®danIel RYan PapIch BULLOck papIch offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca fore any naTION I’m portUgese polonesIan caTHOLIc I lIke U2 Instead of “M” or “n” very sIMple solomon wrote ecclesaTIes 8:8 pakiU2Ni fIfTy u2 dollars Peso`s whIte taIL deer worth very Much trumps a NazI davIds  . Psalms 104:2  .  arc of convenant Psalms 7:9  . John 11:32  .  daleth 32  .  teth 72  .  yodh 79  .  psalms 119  .  proverbs 19:12  .  mem 100  .  mem 97  .  zephanIah 3:8:9:10  . John 9:17  .  John 10:38 *. .*LUke 9:17  .  John 11:32  .  sONg Of sOngs 4:10  .  song of songs 4:4  .  Psalms 4:4  .  was stone tablet Is fIne mormons help fInd tHINGs  .  matthew 4:19  .  colossIans 3:12 isis book of mormon page 243 DILUsIOnal excItement MINTs of TOPPed of amerIcan fossel fUels sddIctIons trumps IMBarrassIng IMPeacHment MINTs embarrassING  .  JOB 39:5  .  NO-name taMar The woman More than  .  John 20:18  .  or able to toO` arbor flyfIshIng reels excIted then It`s remember thrId world all trump has  .  IsaIah 8:4:5  .  faIth to use caLLINg Them bad Boys  meme fInd I’m portugese fRench though not canadaIan ITaLIan Hockey skater mOm hUMor names  cohen bar chamPION IrIsh law MOntana $$$ s!!!!IT calm!!!!!  .  JaPan Idea Barr Is asIan are'nt IndIans prarIe montana natIve amerIcan IndIans!!!!eMbarassINg TO BLacKs wHIle They dont KNow IT IO dont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!because My serbIan mother country turKey greece Is wrestLIng INtellegence of lebanese law In montana Is'nt a HIGh bar I dont have law school I have caMbrIdges aUTograPh and harvard master In InternatIonal reaLatIons specIal hathrorne masters wHIle afrIca Means??what The heck Is HIs name again/? the NeolOGIst fo rwHIte House Is~In~“W” patter"N"~trouble carsOn BLack Man does'nt want to break Itt TOo` blacks reprIeves and repreaTIOns It`s Just meme`s head nurve  .  the ~ SMotheR` land ~ anyway technology means truMp elected by my vote for Romney and franchIses mORe vaLue than BLack woman and taylor swIft thought IT would work LIke clarOnetts are electrIc GUItar  .  Is cOMmUNIst TaYLOr swift make sworse did'nt Listen TOo what I want her doNG and sayIOng and siNGING and rUNNING her Life she wanted Is confuseINg To The smothers asses BIsON  .  Job 39:5$*.  .*$BIsON means gammbLINg black people GIT arrested and I GUIde mexIcans and Black people dont want gammBLINg for all benefIts Meme greatLy as gambLer -_________________________foodnetwork/
_____________________________________________________________________________________BeUT 8:9______________________________________________________________________________________IT`s NOT faTher fIGure or reLIGIOUs fIGuRe maybe nOT even sports fIGUre_I lIk eclarOnett made of wood Is awesome shows and Back up sIngers~KINda BIG band MusIc sTYLe INfluences eItheR` NIether_as for fIshIng flyfIshINg made of wood bAMBOO fwp  trump finds to easy for meme was advantage of people~and~flyfIshIng before I controLLed all the technology was flyrods and retaIL at MINIUMUM wage as fwP grandfathered Newt gINGrIch fOund dIffIcult pelosI caTHOLIc handles best at by-partIson I dId'nt KNow what party Newt GINgrIch and He dId'nt know eItheR we are Just the same________________________________________________- TO ThIs repUBLIcan In mY HOMe state Montana Because Bozeman ground zero The IranIans and the greece turkey are good Boys wher` I sTOne wall trump “THe RUMP” donald about serBIan orthodox church In butte amerIca aIr force 50 dollars peso`s brIng cost of gold sILver down and paper flat money up dollar for dollar  tougher economy not best economY Hero PILOTs and paInters and guItar same as gold and sILver cheeper posq nazI`s TrUMp`s Just weak assHOle can !!NOT!!!! make !!AN!! turd -T bass 550$00 trout shad bass shad agaINst slavery geography BUy  .  NUmbers 33:38:39  .  proverbs 19:12  .  JeremIah 35:18  .  JereMIah 38:18  .  and salors-swearING WWII does'nt mean TO THem evedentLy hamms logo land of blue sky waters also caLLed washIngton kNOT oNLY"“"BUILd and They wILL cOme”“"The world of outfITTers OLY $Th$ oLY mallows are harmless artIfIcIaL baIt and does'nt need to affect My Income dIfferently arranged By governments and trust of my GIrlfrIend catch $ release effecTIvely peso BILL MOney awesome god Is awesome and I Lost grammpa papIch foundeR of FwP Job corps HIred all the workers In amerIca anyway somehow owes eIght mILLION dollars Because naTIve amerIcan IndIans have been attendIng JOb corps are'nt  BLacK foot TUrkey greeced verb VIOLINs Most versITILe - INstrUment - oh I kNow taYLor swift has MY best INterest In mInd she does'nt uNTILL a ROck free masOns Understand Her own Intellegence of she means anyway was'nt farmer ~ rlver suprIseINg Is JapaNese and MexIco a long way from Iran heat In seasons quarterbacks three step drop and hand offs wIthout fumBles and Jeolousy abOut the Old addage IraINIan tactIcal aIrcondITIONING tanYa HardIng olYMPIc law sTuff brILLIance copper armoR` penItraTINg bULLets abOUt-Truth baLIsTIcs-football does same thIng thrown pHYsIc snel-law and radIO rodeO of what taYlor Is retardIng about low BallING her~nON sense as my GIrlfrIend and LOUIs A` Mour WWII tank commander same as JFK sUBMarIne sank capTaIn HIs cr0000000000000000ew ”“CREW”“ makes two bIllIon trumps bank loan for oval offIce 2016 not buLLock papIch 2020 offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca LIved 12 and two dIed and swUm In raIn drops of YellowsTone grIzzly bears LIOns TIgers Oh May 5 UN  .  cookINg Network Yes Good work KNow opperaTIOn paTIna  amerIcans To them they dont care about WWII trumps stratOgy If The BIBle saId fIsh swIM  . Psalms 104:24:25  .  TrUMPs KKK cadence In leader speeK what KNOT  oar`sS Made of wood and THIN blade of BIO-deIsel lawn grass thats TOO` long between the thumbs reeds genesIs 41:2  .  elkIah no bIG deal stevan Is cook at elk park or babIch from BUTTe amerIca`s meat shop In HOLY bIBLe yes ask bo Jackson what rattle horns antlers oar deer does fork MLB PItcher black man and-steelhead fIshIng anyway centRal amerIca does'nt have the gIanTIst MuskeE oops Its fIne taNYa hardIng knows canada PaTINa merIOcHIe does'nt have the largest Muskee stone walls trump In hIs POLOTIc adam`s tracks  .  mark 1:18  . JeremIah 1:19 matthew 1:18  .  matthew 3:16  .  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~trump sanK twO battle shIps sUMMer 2017 could'nt do and the Idea Is He G`ave the orders for The sank battle sHIps makes Japanese UNI-raIL techNOLOGy On HIs ruMp cUsh 1 BILLIOn from sanfraNcIsco sInce I taLked the GuItar geograpHy MInts wIth tayLor swIft RyUm toO` good easy HOnest One at BaIt mallows and My 50 pasos I found outsIde fIre statIon bell paper plasTIc mOney the dollar same atlaNTIc OBama Ideal dollar equaLITY bozeman last NIght KINd a plasTIc LIke canada OH!! Uses now stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams sYndrome INdIa copper and duck BILLs On haIr dINOsours about  .  John 7:40  .  so whaT I mIssed casTING calls If colorado construcTIOn has elevatIOn JONaThan Heames hateS - hIs own favorIte band elevaTIOn sONG  .  John 11:32  .  daleth 32 heart I exsplaIned to scotIe daInes Montana Jobs man famILy frIends so we are watchIng gravIty sandra bULLOck movIe daInes offIce In bozeman at chaLet sports BIke shOp used to be wITh weber engLIsh professor sunnI brown ogden Utah charLIes coffee shop BUT  Joes wIld spot durIng vIetnam war was a whore house I lOve PlayINg grassY MusIc Instrumental how pInks dad taUght her at vetran bar scenes  .  deuteroNOMy 8:9  .  compareadUn dry fly wHIte taIL$$$$$$$$$$$$ cuparBmacy$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$doe fawn haIr Pennys to store front In MexIco outfITTING flyfIshIng and a InternatIOnal Job corps fIshInG` can sUpport and eLIMINates slavery and trumps donlad dILUsIOnals about marrYING INto papIch name 50 pasO BILL mONey nO-one has Because so rare It`s wheat when cow food wIth no technology to harvest wheat then old spanIsh traIL annIveRsary TrUMps UseINg mILITary for 100 year after colUMBUs was 1532 old spaNIsh traIl Is $th$ prOHIBITIOn dureINg depressIOn convert Is'nt wHIskey about bOUT GOOd IrIsh BOOk God news  .  Luke 4:43  .  deuteronomy 4:34  .  deuterONOMy 2:6  .  Is pro-hIbItIon trumps tarrIffs depressIon stratogy OPPOsITe GOOd News LUke fIrst page GaBrIel Is deuteronomy 4:43 adds Up old man addage~matthew 28:20~suppost to be duck BILL dINOsaurs haIr about san francIsco and good Boys, means naTIve amerIcan IndIans Intellegence government to Trumps BeNefIt fIxed Income he GIts BILLION dollars so what for north korea to be our captores amerIcan cUlture LIe Ten feet HIGh UranIUM IranIUM I-ran aIr condITONers  serBIan BBQ rUNNING man salvaTIOn arMy soccer chaMPIOn of $Th$ world hezeKIah and montana HooterItes wInter wheat  Is all draIn $th$ swamp means the ocean to trump  greg LIner rodeo chamPIOn neIghbors to famIly robertsons t.v. exaMple for exaMple duck commander I was InvIted MIssed BOTh casTING calls YellowsTOne wITh kevIn cosTner greg LIner sUrfer cowbOY same age as donald trump fIne If truMp Is allways seperate from apapich never never ever never Mixed together sacrIfIce JOHN 8:32 jOHN 1:40 BUILt a GOld course In MexIco common sense On My end 1 Iron they let meme~use as FIsherman In old surfer days hawII last 40 years  .  LevITIcUs 8:9  .  T  .  v  .  or what have you I find as value - as drInkIng and the MILITary My brother is 1986 mILLeNIaL has That advantage casper wyOMINg On any KId In educatIon PLease Tell straYha sorry He dId'nt accept NFL cOntract*`Thee`’*was MILLeNIals In great falls depressIONINg on trumps stratoGy I had To Go TO MusIc and My educatIOn bIson BIson same dIstance as Iran and argentIna Mexico mOntana Great falls Montana geOgrapHy GUItar zebra Bozeman bars Heel toe exspress  .  My guys been around $tH$ world I would step foot I’d have hIgh end converstIon rate rest store fIshInG` stOp In mexIco for Yellowdog traveL coMpany wOUd ONLY loose workers to HUman resoure develOpment councel and Leo`s UNITed naTIOns rank  .  to south amerIca and central amerIca and largest MusKee dOmestIc rITTle wOUld KInda - leagaLIze cocaIne for them and make  a - deNt IN the drUg war My de rHunter sNIper skILLs On fLYfishING  .  $Th$ 50 Butter fLy comparadun flys on the bIll In plastIc then I convert To TeqUILa as whIte taILdoe haIr varIgant brIdge varIant flyfIshIng of amerIcan money teach fIshIng and hand out money LIke weed Is currency with the one 50 dollars peso butter fly clear bIll  .  matthew 3:16  .  1 John 3:17  .  wINg dry fLy ToO` compared LIterary fishing Is LIteratue page 72 snow harvard law Book eastwood uses churh HIll about law Intellegence of WWII MIddLe paraGraph scIence and GOvernmnet”“scIence”“oar weer gree beer  .  I owe food Network the essay eNGLIsh  .  so to speek what K"n"OT  .  [email protected] BlueHai4  . fb address badge 12018509221 pakiU2Ni [email protected]  .  BlueHai5   foodnetwork/
oh The scrOLL bartryINgTo make It Life ete feLONy perJury Jordan frItz aInt my crIme to do the TIme for the government fall out boyYOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you’Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I’M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and
And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect”“"YOU”“"you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked”“"em”“"Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I’m uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I’ve never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I’m facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I’m not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you’LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I’M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP” dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I’m uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald “The rUMP” trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont
Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I’m presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL_____________________________________________________________________________
fall out boy government  hay hay 162 good by hay hay prison fall out boy nana nanan nana hay hay good buy palade stergion baIt_______________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch
8 mins ·
Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`’*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and
address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank wankl eYc eMc eCc eA etc etc ettc LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne… of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I’m tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amen
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mon$$$$$$$not the government its knot the government before summer methought winter spring sea
fall out boy government  hay hay 162 good by hay hay prison fall out boy nana nanan nana hay hay good buy palade stergion baIt fretts og butt hole of drp and the sandstones for mon Trending blogs
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But fr, cats are so amazing and I hate how they’re stereotyped as mean demons full of hatred that want to watch the world burn.
My baby kitty sleeps on my pillow every night to be close to me, and rests his head on mine. He gets excited when I get home and runs to greet me and say meow meow meow (roughly translates to “hi mom, I missed you”), and comes to me when I make the special kissy noises at him. He’s happy and loves head pets, he gives me kisses, he comforts me when I’m depressed or upset, he enjoys spending time with me, and he loves to play mouse-on-string-on-stick (now mouse-on-string-on-stick-with-duck-tape-on-ruler) together. He doesn’t randomly attack me or tear up everything he see’s. He’s calm, sweet, and yes, even caring (see “comforts me when I’m depressed/upset”).
Stop assuming all cats are the devil just because they don’t like you.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
Source: pinterest.com
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anaconda Jobcorps closed Jordan frItz has untIll a rock 24 years old ONLY NINeTeen Years of age UNcle aarOn MIcheal papIch MY LITTLe brother 34 years of age my mom`s phone number 306-510-8993 I’m 40 years of age My dad loves photograpHy of mountaIn sHeep Near george town lake framed everywher` In aLL our resIdences Jordan frItz LIke`s meme to LIve outsIde and trys to pass as mental patIent and crImInal felon than I tHINk erased my e-maIL of concert lyrIc BOBcat MsU and zUckerburg and many people scratchIng there heads INcLudeINg zUckerBurg does'nt KNow How He would go aBOUt It$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$He`s computer hackIng and messINg wITh e-maIls I have proofed today Jordan frItz wIth new socIal medIa outlet tumbIrURL:your oof drp and the sandstones https://your ooof drp and the sandstones I’LL take to my facebook accounts In 13 days blockd on my own facebook how he hacked zuckerburg suspIcIous [email protected] BlueHai4 FB facebook number address 12018509221 pakiU2Ni [email protected] BlueHai5 cause enOugh to make anaconda Job corps In eIght mILLIon In debt closeIng doors completely THey asked Meme wher` ever I want on god`s green earth I want to work I chose bozeman then frItz can fretts the MILITary I cut HIM off gratuaTed 100% OIL PIPe G weLdIng year 20 anaconda Job corps great uncle sam papIch nepITIsUm wont count at HIs mILItary draft I dont mInd on Jordan frItz My fIrst Born I Got Two More LlITle Ones anyway Just hIm to pelosI and shUemers law Inforcement HImself as PIogant ObTuse TO HIs Hacker skILLs rapIst wIT  .  NO PUn INTended  football hero wIth LIkes of that teams pro careers would hav emore offense aBILITy Than aaron MIcheal papIch On defense sIde of The ball of the unTHINKaBle HIMself and wont have the over$10$000$If He gratuaTed would have Job fIred at 21 drInkIng or drugs than In JaIL as march baby can mean MILITary I’m ONLY one gratuaTed anaconda Job corps great neIGHew great uncle sam papIch Jfk admINIstratIOn secret servIce MIke papIch founder Fwp JOB corps In mY famILy all of them then By chrIstmas thIs year I payed hIs money and made a hIgher amount and more trouble I thought he would come back from got worse Only couple hundred on$8$000$ sIncerely danIel Ryan papIch 517 76 9517 , 04.08/1979 , 706 oak street anaconda montana 59711
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pinterest.comCreate an account or log in to Pinterest. Discover recipes, home ideas, style inspiration and other ideas to try.
YIP Grandpa was'nt O` dOINg were Is fretts fruitz today My TUrn IrIsh for two chord corIth 11:7-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`‘rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______
fall out boy government  hay hay 162 good by hay hay prison fall out boy nana nanan nana hay hay good buy palade stergion baIt______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng _______YOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you’Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I’M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and
And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect"“"YOU”“"you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked”“"em”“"Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I’m uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I’ve never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I’m facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I’m not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you’LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I’M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP” dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I’m uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald “The rUMP” trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont
Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I’m presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch
8 mins ·
Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`’*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and
address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne… of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I’m tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amen
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e-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN’T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert
YOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you’Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I’M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and
And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect"“"YOU”“"you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked”“"em”“"Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I’m uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I’ve never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I’m facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I’m not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you’LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I’M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP” dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I’m uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald “The rUMP” trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont
Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I’m presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch
8 mins ·
Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`’*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and
address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne… of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I’m tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amen
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e-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN’T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert
e-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN’T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert  omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______________________________________
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge______________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*“er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones
dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*“er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*“er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge  
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*“er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
Mary Jimenez
14 hrs
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Just This Week, Trump Has Already Committed 5 More Impeachable Acts
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Lindsey Graham
6 hrs
Speaking with Sean Hannity on Fox News Wednesday night, Graham shared more about what he sees happening as Democrats wrestle with whether or not to pursue impeachment proceedings.
“I don’t think you can get the Democratic nomination for president without advocating for the impeachment of Donald Trump,” the South Carolina Republican said. “I don’t think you’re going to be able to survive in the Democratic party without a primary if you don’t call for Trump’s impeachment.”
“But the answer for the Democrats is Trump’s gotta go. They will not beat him at the ballot box. If they try to impeach him, they’re going to ensure his re-election.”
Graham on the Democrats’ impeachment hysteria
Growing chorus of Democrats call for the impeachment of President Trump; South Carolina…
please send to foodnetworkworstcooks.com-james 5:7 1 timothy 5:7 Jer 51:1 jeremIah 1:16 numbers 22:28:32 levi 25:13-17. 1 kings page 310 arc leviticus 26:28:32 john 5:27-32 pesto crab bread 2 timothy 4:10 james 5:7 1 chronicles 7:26 daleth 32 oh shoes deuteronomy 28:8 1 samuel 3:1 suawer
dan papIch <
12:05 PM (0 minutes ago)
to nacker
foodnetwork was awesome New ePIsOde wITh the BrIck over chIcken tHIGH and taNYa really pULLed It off about never saw a real peach then The corn bread reProcessed for the value cost and banaNa Is a berry not strawberry fIelds for ever  best hooterIte carrot wIne and russIan POTatoe JuIce good excuse RYeUms crowN rUssY vOdka  .  weLL NO-one Is perfect as stevan would say to marylou papIch Then she asks for wIne at gramma papIchs most most famous InternatIonal resIdence I spent my chIldhood I accepted as they would'nt let meme play the mud bowl soccer fInaLLY chamPIOshIp  .  1 360 510 8993 My mOm I would marvel at her smarts and How she Loved The Mellow drama at Hockey and taNYa fIGure skates and I would sIng to my self enTIre sIMPsOns casette taPe To school IN my head  .  aawww  .  NeheMIaH 4:19  .  I stone walled Trump NazI master Plan Thank fullY of so much blood If JerUsalem does'nt matter Nor sYrIa, I was satIsfIed wIth HIs we’LL sea How It go`s qUote emersOn hated qUotes shY from KNowLedge power my InterPrITaTIOn  .  ruth 3:13  .  ruth 4:11  . Jordan frItz In case same as George foreman named all HIs KIds george NON of mIne can be named trump In papIch a LOT of quarterbacks and Jordan frItz makeIng a TaIL back JeaLous UseINg fULL back dad Myself and throwINg over MIddle on fIrst down conversTIOns 1/3 of season Is the place KIcker I was soccer half back and specIal teams no matter how many wIns game of Inches 1/3 of the wIns Is specIal teams I seem to be the BLINd sqUerall fInds a corn  .  MaYbe truMp could take football coach advIse turn down the greek nazI heat posq fInances wIth Gramma papIch used To ask how the weather and thank you~god~lawGodspeed~Is The rITtle command adDhearIng to respectIng women IranIan Turkey serbIa Mother country best good boys most of spaNIsh lanGuages serBIan BBQ LONG way from That comforTING ®danIel RYan PapIch BULLOck papIch offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca fore any naTION I’m portUgese polonesIan caTHOLIc I lIke U2 Instead of “M” or “n” very sIMple solomon wrote ecclesaTIes 8:8 pakiU2Ni fIfTy u2 dollars Peso`s whIte taIL deer worth very Much trumps a NazI davIds  . Psalms 104:2  .  arc of convenant Psalms 7:9  . John 11:32  .  daleth 32  .  teth 72  .  yodh 79  .  psalms 119  .  proverbs 19:12  .  mem 100  .  mem 97  .  zephanIah 3:8:9:10  . John 9:17  .  John 10:38 *. .*LUke 9:17  .  John 11:32  .  sONg Of sOngs 4:10  .  song of songs 4:4  .  Psalms 4:4  .  was stone tablet Is fIne mormons help fInd tHINGs  .  matthew 4:19  .  colossIans 3:12 isis book of mormon page 243 DILUsIOnal excItement MINTs of TOPPed of amerIcan fossel fUels sddIctIons trumps IMBarrassIng IMPeacHment MINTs embarrassING  .  JOB 39:5  .  NO-name taMar The woman More than  .  John 20:18  .  or able to toO` arbor flyfIshIng reels excIted then It`s remember thrId world all trump has  .  IsaIah 8:4:5  .  faIth to use caLLINg Them bad Boys  meme fInd I’m portugese fRench though not canadaIan ITaLIan Hockey skater mOm hUMor names  cohen bar chamPION IrIsh law MOntana $$$ s!!!!IT calm!!!!!  .  JaPan Idea Barr Is asIan are'nt IndIans prarIe montana natIve amerIcan IndIans!!!!eMbarassINg TO BLacKs wHIle They dont KNow IT IO dont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!because My serbIan mother country turKey greece Is wrestLIng INtellegence of lebanese law In montana Is'nt a HIGh bar I dont have law school I have caMbrIdges aUTograPh and harvard master In InternatIonal reaLatIons specIal hathrorne masters wHIle afrIca Means??what The heck Is HIs name again/? the NeolOGIst fo rwHIte House Is~In~“W” patter"N"~trouble carsOn BLack Man does'nt want to break Itt TOo` blacks reprIeves and repreaTIOns It`s Just meme`s head nurve  .  the ~ SMotheR` land ~ anyway technology means truMp elected by my vote for Romney and franchIses mORe vaLue than BLack woman and taylor swIft thought IT would work LIke clarOnetts are electrIc GUItar  .  Is cOMmUNIst TaYLOr swift make sworse did'nt Listen TOo what I want her doNG and sayIOng and siNGING and rUNNING her Life she wanted Is confuseINg To The smothers asses BIsON  .  Job 39:5$*.  .*$BIsON means gammbLINg black people GIT arrested and I GUIde mexIcans and Black people dont want gammBLINg for all benefIts Meme greatLy as gambLer -_________________________foodnetwork/
_____________________________________________________________________________________BeUT 8:9______________________________________________________________________________________IT`s NOT faTher fIGure or reLIGIOUs fIGuRe maybe nOT even sports fIGUre_I lIk eclarOnett made of wood Is awesome shows and Back up sIngers~KINda BIG band MusIc sTYLe INfluences eItheR` NIether_as for fIshIng flyfIshINg made of wood bAMBOO fwp  trump finds to easy for meme was advantage of people~and~flyfIshIng before I controLLed all the technology was flyrods and retaIL at MINIUMUM wage as fwP grandfathered Newt gINGrIch fOund dIffIcult pelosI caTHOLIc handles best at by-partIson I dId'nt KNow what party Newt GINgrIch and He dId'nt know eItheR we are Just the same________________________________________________- TO ThIs repUBLIcan In mY HOMe state Montana Because Bozeman ground zero The IranIans and the greece turkey are good Boys wher` I sTOne wall trump “THe RUMP” donald about serBIan orthodox church In butte amerIca aIr force 50 dollars peso`s brIng cost of gold sILver down and paper flat money up dollar for dollar  tougher economy not best economY Hero PILOTs and paInters and guItar same as gold and sILver cheeper posq nazI`s TrUMp`s Just weak assHOle can !!NOT!!!! make !!AN!! turd -T bass 550$00 trout shad bass shad agaINst slavery geography BUy  .  NUmbers 33:38:39  .  proverbs 19:12  .  JeremIah 35:18  .  JereMIah 38:18  .  and salors-swearING WWII does'nt mean TO THem evedentLy hamms logo land of blue sky waters also caLLed washIngton kNOT oNLY"“"BUILd and They wILL cOme”“"The world of outfITTers OLY $Th$ oLY mallows are harmless artIfIcIaL baIt and does'nt need to affect My Income dIfferently arranged By governments and trust of my GIrlfrIend catch $ release effecTIvely peso BILL MOney awesome god Is awesome and I Lost grammpa papIch foundeR of FwP Job corps HIred all the workers In amerIca anyway somehow owes eIght mILLION dollars Because naTIve amerIcan IndIans have been attendIng JOb corps are'nt  BLacK foot TUrkey greeced verb VIOLINs Most versITILe - INstrUment - oh I kNow taYLor swift has MY best INterest In mInd she does'nt uNTILL a ROck free masOns Understand Her own Intellegence of she means anyway was'nt farmer ~ rlver suprIseINg Is JapaNese and MexIco a long way from Iran heat In seasons quarterbacks three step drop and hand offs wIthout fumBles and Jeolousy abOut the Old addage IraINIan tactIcal aIrcondITIONING tanYa HardIng olYMPIc law sTuff brILLIance copper armoR` penItraTINg bULLets abOUt-Truth baLIsTIcs-football does same thIng thrown pHYsIc snel-law and radIO rodeO of what taYlor Is retardIng about low BallING her~nON sense as my GIrlfrIend and LOUIs A` Mour WWII tank commander same as JFK sUBMarIne sank capTaIn HIs cr0000000000000000ew ”“CREW”“ makes two bIllIon trumps bank loan for oval offIce 2016 not buLLock papIch 2020 offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca LIved 12 and two dIed and swUm In raIn drops of YellowsTone grIzzly bears LIOns TIgers Oh May 5 UN  .  cookINg Network Yes Good work KNow opperaTIOn paTIna  amerIcans To them they dont care about WWII trumps stratOgy If The BIBle saId fIsh swIM  . Psalms 104:24:25  .  TrUMPs KKK cadence In leader speeK what KNOT  oar`sS Made of wood and THIN blade of BIO-deIsel lawn grass thats TOO` long between the thumbs reeds genesIs 41:2  .  elkIah no bIG deal stevan Is cook at elk park or babIch from BUTTe amerIca`s meat shop In HOLY bIBLe yes ask bo Jackson what rattle horns antlers oar deer does fork MLB PItcher black man and-steelhead fIshIng anyway centRal amerIca does'nt have the gIanTIst MuskeE oops Its fIne taNYa hardIng knows canada PaTINa merIOcHIe does'nt have the largest Muskee stone walls trump In hIs POLOTIc adam`s tracks  .  mark 1:18  . JeremIah 1:19 matthew 1:18  .  matthew 3:16  .  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~trump sanK twO battle shIps sUMMer 2017 could'nt do and the Idea Is He G`ave the orders for The sank battle sHIps makes Japanese UNI-raIL techNOLOGy On HIs ruMp cUsh 1 BILLIOn from sanfraNcIsco sInce I taLked the GuItar geograpHy MInts wIth tayLor swIft RyUm toO` good easy HOnest One at BaIt mallows and My 50 pasos I found outsIde fIre statIon bell paper plasTIc mOney the dollar same atlaNTIc OBama Ideal dollar equaLITY bozeman last NIght KINd a plasTIc LIke canada OH!! Uses now stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams sYndrome INdIa copper and duck BILLs On haIr dINOsours about  .  John 7:40  .  so whaT I mIssed casTING calls If colorado construcTIOn has elevatIOn JONaThan Heames hateS - hIs own favorIte band elevaTIOn sONG  .  John 11:32  .  daleth 32 heart I exsplaIned to scotIe daInes Montana Jobs man famILy frIends so we are watchIng gravIty sandra bULLOck movIe daInes offIce In bozeman at chaLet sports BIke shOp used to be wITh weber engLIsh professor sunnI brown ogden Utah charLIes coffee shop BUT  Joes wIld spot durIng vIetnam war was a whore house I lOve PlayINg grassY MusIc Instrumental how pInks dad taUght her at vetran bar scenes  .  deuteroNOMy 8:9  .  compareadUn dry fly wHIte taIL$$$$$$$$$$$$ cuparBmacy$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$doe fawn haIr Pennys to store front In MexIco outfITTING flyfIshIng and a InternatIOnal Job corps fIshInG` can sUpport and eLIMINates slavery and trumps donlad dILUsIOnals about marrYING INto papIch name 50 pasO BILL mONey nO-one has Because so rare It`s wheat when cow food wIth no technology to harvest wheat then old spanIsh traIL annIveRsary TrUMps UseINg mILITary for 100 year after colUMBUs was 1532 old spaNIsh traIl Is $th$ prOHIBITIOn dureINg depressIOn convert Is'nt wHIskey about bOUT GOOd IrIsh BOOk God news  .  Luke 4:43  .  deuteronomy 4:34  .  deuterONOMy 2:6  .  Is pro-hIbItIon trumps tarrIffs depressIon stratogy OPPOsITe GOOd News LUke fIrst page GaBrIel Is deuteronomy 4:43 adds Up old man addage~matthew 28:20~suppost to be duck BILL dINOsaurs haIr about san francIsco and good Boys, means naTIve amerIcan IndIans Intellegence government to Trumps BeNefIt fIxed Income he GIts BILLION dollars so what for north korea to be our captores amerIcan cUlture LIe Ten feet HIGh UranIUM IranIUM I-ran aIr condITONers  serBIan BBQ rUNNING man salvaTIOn arMy soccer chaMPIOn of $Th$ world hezeKIah and montana HooterItes wInter wheat  Is all draIn $th$ swamp means the ocean to trump  greg LIner rodeo chamPIOn neIghbors to famIly robertsons t.v. exaMple for exaMple duck commander I was InvIted MIssed BOTh casTING calls YellowsTOne wITh kevIn cosTner greg LIner sUrfer cowbOY same age as donald trump fIne If truMp Is allways seperate from apapich never never ever never Mixed together sacrIfIce JOHN 8:32 jOHN 1:40 BUILt a GOld course In MexIco common sense On My end 1 Iron they let meme~use as FIsherman In old surfer days hawII last 40 years  .  LevITIcUs 8:9  .  T  .  v  .  or what have you I find as value - as drInkIng and the MILITary My brother is 1986 mILLeNIaL has That advantage casper wyOMINg On any KId In educatIon PLease Tell straYha sorry He dId'nt accept NFL cOntract*`Thee`’*was MILLeNIals In great falls depressIONINg on trumps stratoGy I had To Go TO MusIc and My educatIOn bIson BIson same dIstance as Iran and argentIna Mexico mOntana Great falls Montana geOgrapHy GUItar zebra Bozeman bars Heel toe exspress  .  My guys been around $tH$ world I would step foot I’d have hIgh end converstIon rate rest store fIshInG` stOp In mexIco for Yellowdog traveL coMpany wOUd ONLY loose workers to HUman resoure develOpment councel and Leo`s UNITed naTIOns rank  .  to south amerIca and central amerIca and largest MusKee dOmestIc rITTle wOUld KInda - leagaLIze cocaIne for them and make  a - deNt IN the drUg war My de rHunter sNIper skILLs On fLYfishING  .  $Th$ 50 Butter fLy comparadun flys on the bIll In plastIc then I convert To TeqUILa as whIte taILdoe haIr varIgant brIdge varIant flyfIshIng of amerIcan money teach fIshIng and hand out money LIke weed Is currency with the one 50 dollars peso butter fly clear bIll  .  matthew 3:16  .  1 John 3:17  .  wINg dry fLy ToO` compared LIterary fishing Is LIteratue page 72 snow harvard law Book eastwood uses churh HIll about law Intellegence of WWII MIddLe paraGraph scIence and GOvernmnet”“scIence”“oar weer gree beer  .  I owe food Network the essay eNGLIsh  .  so to speek what K"n"OT  .  [email protected] BlueHai4  . fb address badge 12018509221 pakiU2Ni [email protected]  .  BlueHai5   foodnetwork/
omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______________________________________
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*“er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge______________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*“er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones
dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*“er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*“er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge  
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e’LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`’*“er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I’m a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I’m a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
Mary Jimenez
14 hrs
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Just This Week, Trump Has Already Committed 5 More Impeachable Acts
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Lindsey Graham
6 hrs
Speaking with Sean Hannity on Fox News Wednesday night, Graham shared more about what he sees happening as Democrats wrestle with whether or not to pursue impeachment proceedings.
“I don’t think you can get the Democratic nomination for president without advocating for the impeachment of Donald Trump,” the South Carolina Republican said. “I don’t think you’re going to be able to survive in the Democratic party without a primary if you don’t call for Trump’s impeachment.”
“But the answer for the Democrats is Trump’s gotta go. They will not beat him at the ballot box. If they try to impeach him, they’re going to ensure his re-election.”
Graham on the Democrats’ impeachment hysteria
Growing chorus of Democrats call for the impeachment of President Trump; South Carolina…
please send to foodnetworkworstcooks.com-james 5:7 1 timothy 5:7 Jer 51:1 jeremIah 1:16 numbers 22:28:32 levi 25:13-17. 1 kings page 310 arc leviticus 26:28:32 john 5:27-32 pesto crab bread 2 timothy 4:10 james 5:7 1 chronicles 7:26 daleth 32 oh shoes deuteronomy 28:8 1 samuel 3:1 suawer
dan papIch <
12:05 PM (0 minutes ago)
to nacker
foodnetwork was awesome New ePIsOde wITh the BrIck over chIcken tHIGH and taNYa really pULLed It off about never saw a real peach then The corn bread reProcessed for the value cost and banaNa Is a berry not strawberry fIelds for ever  best hooterIte carrot wIne and russIan POTatoe JuIce good excuse RYeUms crowN rUssY vOdka  .  weLL NO-one Is perfect as stevan would say to marylou papIch Then she asks for wIne at gramma papIchs most most famous InternatIonal resIdence I spent my chIldhood I accepted as they would'nt let meme play the mud bowl soccer fInaLLY chamPIOshIp  .  1 360 510 8993 My mOm I would marvel at her smarts and How she Loved The Mellow drama at Hockey and taNYa fIGure skates and I would sIng to my self enTIre sIMPsOns casette taPe To school IN my head  .  aawww  .  NeheMIaH 4:19  .  I stone walled Trump NazI master Plan Thank fullY of so much blood If JerUsalem does'nt matter Nor sYrIa, I was satIsfIed wIth HIs we’LL sea How It go`s qUote emersOn hated qUotes shY from KNowLedge power my InterPrITaTIOn  .  ruth 3:13  .  ruth 4:11  . Jordan frItz In case same as George foreman named all HIs KIds george NON of mIne can be named trump In papIch a LOT of quarterbacks and Jordan frItz makeIng a TaIL back JeaLous UseINg fULL back dad Myself and throwINg over MIddle on fIrst down conversTIOns 1/3 of season Is the place KIcker I was soccer half back and specIal teams no matter how many wIns game of Inches 1/3 of the wIns Is specIal teams I seem to be the BLINd sqUerall fInds a corn  .  MaYbe truMp could take football coach advIse turn down the greek nazI heat posq fInances wIth Gramma papIch used To ask how the weather and thank you~god~lawGodspeed~Is The rITtle command adDhearIng to respectIng women IranIan Turkey serbIa Mother country best good boys most of spaNIsh lanGuages serBIan BBQ LONG way from That comforTING ®danIel RYan PapIch BULLOck papIch offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca fore any naTION I’m portUgese polonesIan caTHOLIc I lIke U2 Instead of “M” or “n” very sIMple solomon wrote ecclesaTIes 8:8 pakiU2Ni fIfTy u2 dollars Peso`s whIte taIL deer worth very Much trumps a NazI davIds  . Psalms 104:2  .  arc of convenant Psalms 7:9  . John 11:32  .  daleth 32  .  teth 72  .  yodh 79  .  psalms 119  .  proverbs 19:12  .  mem 100  .  mem 97  .  zephanIah 3:8:9:10  . John 9:17  .  John 10:38 *. .*LUke 9:17  .  John 11:32  .  sONg Of sOngs 4:10  .  song of songs 4:4  .  Psalms 4:4  .  was stone tablet Is fIne mormons help fInd tHINGs  .  matthew 4:19  .  colossIans 3:12 isis book of mormon page 243 DILUsIOnal excItement MINTs of TOPPed of amerIcan fossel fUels sddIctIons trumps IMBarrassIng IMPeacHment MINTs embarrassING  .  JOB 39:5  .  NO-name taMar The woman More than  .  John 20:18  .  or able to toO` arbor flyfIshIng reels excIted then It`s remember thrId world all trump has  .  IsaIah 8:4:5  .  faIth to use caLLINg Them bad Boys  meme fInd I’m portugese fRench though not canadaIan ITaLIan Hockey skater mOm hUMor names  cohen bar chamPION IrIsh law MOntana $$$ s!!!!IT calm!!!!!  .  JaPan Idea Barr Is asIan are'nt IndIans prarIe montana natIve amerIcan IndIans!!!!eMbarassINg TO BLacKs wHIle They dont KNow IT IO dont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!because My serbIan mother country turKey greece Is wrestLIng INtellegence of lebanese law In montana Is'nt a HIGh bar I dont have law school I have caMbrIdges aUTograPh and harvard master In InternatIonal reaLatIons specIal hathrorne masters wHIle afrIca Means??what The heck Is HIs name again/? the NeolOGIst fo rwHIte House Is~In~“W” patter"N"~trouble carsOn BLack Man does'nt want to break Itt TOo` blacks reprIeves and repreaTIOns It`s Just meme`s head nurve  .  the ~ SMotheR` land ~ anyway technology means truMp elected by my vote for Romney and franchIses mORe vaLue than BLack woman and taylor swIft thought IT would work LIke clarOnetts are electrIc GUItar  .  Is cOMmUNIst TaYLOr swift make sworse did'nt Listen TOo what I want her doNG and sayIOng and siNGING and rUNNING her Life she wanted Is confuseINg To The smothers asses BIsON  .  Job 39:5$*.  .*$BIsON means gammbLINg black people GIT arrested and I GUIde mexIcans and Black people dont want gammBLINg for all benefIts Meme greatLy as gambLer -_________________________foodnetwork/
_____________________________________________________________________________________BeUT 8:9______________________________________________________________________________________IT`s NOT faTher fIGure or reLIGIOUs fIGuRe maybe nOT even sports fIGUre_I lIk eclarOnett made of wood Is awesome shows and Back up sIngers~KINda BIG band MusIc sTYLe INfluences eItheR` NIether_as for fIshIng flyfIshINg made of wood bAMBOO fwp  trump finds to easy for meme was advantage of people~and~flyfIshIng before I controLLed all the technology was flyrods and retaIL at MINIUMUM wage as fwP grandfathered Newt gINGrIch fOund dIffIcult pelosI caTHOLIc handles best at by-partIson I dId'nt KNow what party Newt GINgrIch and He dId'nt know eItheR we are Just the same________________________________________________- TO ThIs repUBLIcan In mY HOMe state Montana Because Bozeman ground zero The IranIans and the greece turkey are good Boys wher` I sTOne wall trump “THe RUMP” donald about serBIan orthodox church In butte amerIca aIr force 50 dollars peso`s brIng cost of gold sILver down and paper flat money up dollar for dollar  tougher economy not best economY Hero PILOTs and paInters and guItar same as gold and sILver cheeper posq nazI`s TrUMp`s Just weak assHOle can !!NOT!!!! make !!AN!! turd -T bass 550$00 trout shad bass shad agaINst slavery geography BUy  .  NUmbers 33:38:39  .  proverbs 19:12  .  JeremIah 35:18  .  JereMIah 38:18  .  and salors-swearING WWII does'nt mean TO THem evedentLy hamms logo land of blue sky waters also caLLed washIngton kNOT oNLY"“"BUILd and They wILL cOme”“"The world of outfITTers OLY $Th$ oLY mallows are harmless artIfIcIaL baIt and does'nt need to affect My Income dIfferently arranged By governments and trust of my GIrlfrIend catch $ release effecTIvely peso BILL MOney awesome god Is awesome and I Lost grammpa papIch foundeR of FwP Job corps HIred all the workers In amerIca anyway somehow owes eIght mILLION dollars Because naTIve amerIcan IndIans have been attendIng JOb corps are'nt  BLacK foot TUrkey greeced verb VIOLINs Most versITILe - INstrUment - oh I kNow taYLor swift has MY best INterest In mInd she does'nt uNTILL a ROck free masOns Understand Her own Intellegence of she means anyway was'nt farmer ~ rlver suprIseINg Is JapaNese and MexIco a long way from Iran heat In seasons quarterbacks three step drop and hand offs wIthout fumBles and Jeolousy abOut the Old addage IraINIan tactIcal aIrcondITIONING tanYa HardIng olYMPIc law sTuff brILLIance copper armoR` penItraTINg bULLets abOUt-Truth baLIsTIcs-football does same thIng thrown pHYsIc snel-law and radIO rodeO of what taYlor Is retardIng about low BallING her~nON sense as my GIrlfrIend and LOUIs A` Mour WWII tank commander same as JFK sUBMarIne sank capTaIn HIs cr0000000000000000ew ”“CREW”“ makes two bIllIon trumps bank loan for oval offIce 2016 not buLLock papIch 2020 offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca LIved 12 and two dIed and swUm In raIn drops of YellowsTone grIzzly bears LIOns TIgers Oh May 5 UN  .  cookINg Network Yes Good work KNow opperaTIOn paTIna  amerIcans To them they dont care about WWII trumps stratOgy If The BIBle saId fIsh swIM  . Psalms 104:24:25  .  TrUMPs KKK cadence In leader speeK what KNOT  oar`sS Made of wood and THIN blade of BIO-deIsel lawn grass thats TOO` long between the thumbs reeds genesIs 41:2  .  elkIah no bIG deal stevan Is cook at elk park or babIch from BUTTe amerIca`s meat shop In HOLY bIBLe yes ask bo Jackson what rattle horns antlers oar deer does fork MLB PItcher black man and-steelhead fIshIng anyway centRal amerIca does'nt have the gIanTIst MuskeE oops Its fIne taNYa hardIng knows canada PaTINa merIOcHIe does'nt have the largest Muskee stone walls trump In hIs POLOTIc adam`s tracks  .  mark 1:18  . JeremIah 1:19 matthew 1:18  .  matthew 3:16  .  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~trump sanK twO battle shIps sUMMer 2017 could'nt do and the Idea Is He G`ave the orders for The sank battle sHIps makes Japanese UNI-raIL techNOLOGy On HIs ruMp cUsh 1 BILLIOn from sanfraNcIsco sInce I taLked the GuItar geograpHy MInts wIth tayLor swIft RyUm toO` good easy HOnest One at BaIt mallows and My 50 pasos I found outsIde fIre statIon bell paper plasTIc mOney the dollar same atlaNTIc OBama Ideal dollar equaLITY bozeman last NIght KINd a plasTIc LIke canada OH!! Uses now stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams sYndrome INdIa copper and duck BILLs On haIr dINOsours about  .  John 7:40  .  so whaT I mIssed casTING calls If colorado construcTIOn has elevatIOn JONaThan Heames hateS - hIs own favorIte band elevaTIOn sONG  .  John 11:32  .  daleth 32 heart I exsplaIned to scotIe daInes Montana Jobs man famILy frIends so we are watchIng gravIty sandra bULLOck movIe daInes offIce In bozeman at chaLet sports BIke shOp used to be wITh weber engLIsh professor sunnI brown ogden Utah charLIes coffee shop BUT  Joes wIld spot durIng vIetnam war was a whore house I lOve PlayINg grassY MusIc Instrumental how pInks dad taUght her at vetran bar scenes  .  deuteroNOMy 8:9  .  compareadUn dry fly wHIte taIL$$$$$$$$$$$$ cuparBmacy$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$doe fawn haIr Pennys to store front In MexIco outfITTING flyfIshIng and a InternatIOnal Job corps fIshInG` can sUpport and eLIMINates slavery and trumps donlad dILUsIOnals about marrYING INto papIch name 50 pasO BILL mONey nO-one has Because so rare It`s wheat when cow food wIth no technology to harvest wheat then old spanIsh traIL annIveRsary TrUMps UseINg mILITary for 100 year after colUMBUs was 1532 old spaNIsh traIl Is $th$ prOHIBITIOn dureINg depressIOn convert Is'nt wHIskey about bOUT GOOd IrIsh BOOk God news  .  Luke 4:43  .  deuteronomy 4:34  .  deuterONOMy 2:6  .  Is pro-hIbItIon trumps tarrIffs depressIon stratogy OPPOsITe GOOd News LUke fIrst page GaBrIel Is deuteronomy 4:43 adds Up old man addage~matthew 28:20~suppost to be duck BILL dINOsaurs haIr about san francIsco and good Boys, means naTIve amerIcan IndIans Intellegence government to Trumps BeNefIt fIxed Income he GIts BILLION dollars so what for north korea to be our captores amerIcan cUlture LIe Ten feet HIGh UranIUM IranIUM I-ran aIr condITONers  serBIan BBQ rUNNING man salvaTIOn arMy soccer chaMPIOn of $Th$ world hezeKIah and montana HooterItes wInter wheat  Is all draIn $th$ swamp means the ocean to trump  greg LIner rodeo chamPIOn neIghbors to famIly robertsons t.v. exaMple for exaMple duck commander I was InvIted MIssed BOTh casTING calls YellowsTOne wITh kevIn cosTner greg LIner sUrfer cowbOY same age as donald trump fIne If truMp Is allways seperate from apapich never never ever never Mixed together sacrIfIce JOHN 8:32 jOHN 1:40 BUILt a GOld course In MexIco common sense On My end 1 Iron they let meme~use as FIsherman In old surfer days hawII last 40 years  .  LevITIcUs 8:9  .  T  .  v  .  or what have you I find as value - as drInkIng and the MILITary My brother is 1986 mILLeNIaL has That advantage casper wyOMINg On any KId In educatIon PLease Tell straYha sorry He dId'nt accept NFL cOntract*`Thee`’*was MILLeNIals In great falls depressIONINg on trumps stratoGy I had To Go TO MusIc and My educatIOn bIson BIson same dIstance as Iran and argentIna Mexico mOntana Great falls Montana geOgrapHy GUItar zebra Bozeman bars Heel toe exspress  .  My guys been around $tH$ world I would step foot I’d have hIgh end converstIon rate rest store fIshInG` stOp In mexIco for Yellowdog traveL coMpany wOUd ONLY loose workers to HUman resoure develOpment councel and Leo`s UNITed naTIOns rank  .  to south amerIca and central amerIca and largest MusKee dOmestIc rITTle wOUld KInda - leagaLIze cocaIne for them and make  a - deNt IN the drUg war My de rHunter sNIper skILLs On fLYfishING  .  $Th$ 50 Butter fLy comparadun flys on the bIll In plastIc then I convert To TeqUILa as whIte taILdoe haIr varIgant brIdge varIant flyfIshIng of amerIcan money teach fIshIng and hand out money LIke weed Is currency with the one 50 dollars peso butter fly clear bIll  .  matthew 3:16  .  1 John 3:17  .  wINg dry fLy ToO` compared LIterary fishing Is LIteratue page 72 snow harvard law Book eastwood uses churh HIll about law Intellegence of WWII MIddLe paraGraph scIence and GOvernmnet”“scIence”“oar weer gree beer  .  I owe food Network the essay eNGLIsh  .  so to speek what K"n"OT  .  [email protected] BlueHai4  . fb address badge 12018509221 pakiU2Ni [email protected]  .  BlueHai5   foodnetwork/
oh The scrOLL bartryINgTo make It Life ete feLONy perJury Jordan frItz aInt my crIme to do the TIme for the government fall out boyYOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you’Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I’M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and
And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect”“"YOU”“"you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked”“"em”“"Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I’m uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I’ve never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I’m facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I’m not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you’LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I’M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP” dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I’m uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald “The rUMP” trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont
Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I’m presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;“’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;”’`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`’* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL_____________________________________________________________________________
fall out boy government  hay hay 162 good by hay hay prison fall out boy nana nanan nana hay hay good buy palade stergion baIt_______________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch
8 mins ·
Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`’*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and
address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank wankl eYc eMc eCc eA etc etc ettc LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne… of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I’m tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amen
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mon$$$$$$$not the government its knot the government before summer methought winter spring sea
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But fr, cats are so amazing and I hate how they’re stereotyped as mean demons full of hatred that want to watch the world burn.
My baby kitty sleeps on my pillow every night to be close to me, and rests his head on mine. He gets excited when I get home and runs to greet me and say meow meow meow (roughly translates to “hi mom, I missed you”), and comes to me when I make the special kissy noises at him. He’s happy and loves head pets, he gives me kisses, he comforts me when I’m depressed or upset, he enjoys spending time with me, and he loves to play mouse-on-string-on-stick (now mouse-on-string-on-stick-with-duck-tape-on-ruler) together. He doesn’t randomly attack me or tear up everything he see’s. He’s calm, sweet, and yes, even caring (see “comforts me when I’m depressed/upset”).
Stop assuming all cats are the devil just because they don’t like you.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
Source: pinterest.com
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