#I Heard He’s A Jerk You Call Him A Jerk? (Gregory Chadwick)
[ @southxparkxafterxdark || Continued From Here || Tana ]
[ Gregory ]
Clinging to the sink the second he gave in to it, he pitched over it. At least Gregory didn’t have to worry about dignity in this damn house. Everyone knew he didn’t have any. A soft huff behind him, followed by a solid weight against both his and Tana’s legs, told him that Elizabeth was there. 
She whined softly, looking up at Gregory as he jerked again, spilling everything back into the sink. It was clear the lessons she’d taken from Mole and Julius leant her to being a grounding agent for Gregory, too, if her refusal to leave his side said anything.
When he was finally able to breathe again, it was labored. His mouth was itchy, his tongue was numb, and the dizziness had started. It wasn’t often that Gregory ate things with garlic in them, and he hadn’t ever actually thought that he was allergic to any foods. But this...? This was starting to get worrisome. 
“I... I need to sit down, love...” He managed, breath coming in short gasps, “Really... Should get tested...”
They could test for things like allergies, though he didn’t know if it was newer or something he’d had for a long time. What he did understand was that another one of those ‘meals’ might kill him.
“Please...” He pointed behind him, towards the table, “S-sorry.”
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[ @gamblealife LIKED For A Starter || Kyle ]
[ Gregory ]
Much as Gregory hated to say it, he needed help. 
Wendyl had been busy, naturally, which had him turning to the only other person that dared to oppose him intellectually. At least, when they had been in school. Now, he really didn’t know. Kyle had flown under his radar, a forgotten relic of a time when he’d been younger.
Not dumber, of course, because Gregory Chadwick had never been stupid. He’d always been the top of his class in everything, and he knew what was right for the people when they didn’t know themselves.
Even still, he stood near one of the benches at the park, jaw set as he considered how he was going to open. It wasn’t like he’d ever been particularly kind to Kyle, after all. Not that he’d been nice to Wendyl, either, but he’d been much more... Complimentary to the other man.
Kyle had been a rival in a lot of things, and he had never found a way to make peace with him.
Finally, he ran a hand through his hair to be sure it was coiffed just right, before starting onto the basketball court to the steady, hollow thudding of the ball.
“Excuse me, Kyle, if I may--” He winced slightly at another bounce, “Have a word?”
At least he’d managed to stay sober for this. He was beginning to regret that decision, however.
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[ Closed Starter For @nxwkid ]
[ Gregory ]
“Dearest,” Gregory’s breath seemed a little more labored than usual as he sluggishly shuffled back towards the bed, “How are you doing?”
He hated having to struggle just to get to the bathroom, but he knew that things would be worth it in the end. Alex had given him a golden opportunity, and he hoped that it proved his love for the other. Then again, he knew babies didn’t really mean you cared about someone.
His eyelids screwed shut and he breathed a sigh of pain through his nose, pushing all the air out and holding it for a moment. When that didn’t seem to fix it, he looked down.
“I rather wish they would relax for a moment...” And then he felt just how wet his thighs had become, “I-- Alex...?”
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LIKE/REBLOG For A Starter From Gregory!
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[ @southxparkxafterxdark || Continued From Here || Dub ]
[ Gregory ]
Immediately, Gregory was lost, both in the pitch and accent of that voice, and in confusion at his words. Apparently, his brain chose this exact moment to short circuit, and his lips parted slightly as his brows furrowed. 
Alex, that was a word he knew well. Shaking his head, he nodded quickly afterwards.
“Of course, I’d be a rather bad boyfriend if I didn’t know where to find him, now, wouldn’t I?”
He didn’t say it so much as a warning to Dub as a reminder to himself. Don’t go getting too attached to random Southern men just because their accents were enough to have his pants around his ankles. 
“It might do us good to head towards his house, now, before Tweek decides to put a few bullets in you. He... Gets nervous.”
That was an understatement to end all understatements, but how did one explain Tweek to someone who wasn’t used to him? At least, without sounding like they were as wild as he was. ‘Oh, he shoots people for fun and if they touch his boyfriend’ sounded like something only a crazy person would say casually.
Whipping out his phone, he shot a text to Alex, suddenly wondering if he’d overstepped.
[ Text To: Beloved 2:49:22 ] There’s a man here, says he used to be your best friend? Should I bring him to you?
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[ Closed Starter For @throughxthexmist || Craig ]
[ Tweek ]
That man had been standing there for years. 
Tweek wasn’t sure he really believed it had been that long, sure, but... He still didn’t like loitering. While he worked on the orders coming in, he was nervous, keeping an eye on the man just standing outside the coffee shop.
He wrung his hands when the last customer for the moment sat down, and he glanced towards the back. Craig was in the shop that day, helping Tweek with securing down a few shelves that had just about fallen on him. If he were honest, he trusted Craig to do it more than anyone else, but he had left the option open to him.
Finally, he called on Pete, who had been in the shop for the last hour on his laptop, sipping his coffee. He had the goth poke his head in the back, checking on Craig’s job so far.
“Hey, Craig? Tweek needs your help calming down. A guy nobody knows has been standing outside for about ten, maybe twenty minutes, and Tweek’s about to lose his shit.” That was probably an understatement. Pete leaned back, peering at Tweek, watching Gregory go outside to see what he could do, “Looks like Gregory went outside to talk to the guy... But if you’re not too busy at the moment, I think Tweek’s going to bust a blood vessel.”
Tweek, for what it was worth, had handled twenty minutes of loitering with only a few outbursts and his usual amount of tremors. However, he was still thinking about grabbing his gun from beneath the counter to shoo the man off. When Gregory went out, instead, clearly talking to the man, Tweek had to look away, sipping at his own mug of coffee as he stared at the confections in the case. 
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[ @nxwkid || Continued From Here ]
[ Gregory ]
Everything he’d done since he returned was done on autopilot. 
The side of his face that wasn’t facing Alex was coated in blood. He’d tried to clean most of the viscera off of himself, but... It wasn’t exactly something he’d been thinking about. Running had been on his mind, escape.
His heart was still racing, even if his mind had shut off. Blue eyes dead as he just stared ahead at the carpet, it didn’t even look like he was home. There was a ghost haunting Alex’s house in the shape of his lover.
Alex’s touch earned nothing, at first, his words falling on deaf ears. All he earned at all beyond the slow movement of his chest and nostrils as Gregory breathed was a slow, occasional blink.
A minute or two passed before he finally spoke.
“Sorry, love. I... Probably need a shower. And my clothes burned.”
Even his voice was void of any emotion, like a blank slate. The only thing that flavored it was his accent.
Blood dripped onto the carpet, from the hand that had been tightly gripping the couch and had slowly fallen limp. It, too, was on the side Alex wasn’t on.
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[ Closed Starter For @nxwkid ]
[ Gregory ]
“Alright, love, you can handle everything for tonight, right? With feedings and spending time with Dizzy and all that? Alex and I put together some dinner in the fridge but I left some money on the counter if you and Ritchie would like something else.”
Gregory straightened out the collar on Tana’s shirt for probably the eight billionth time, a little gulp at the end of his words. His hands fidgeted for a moment and he leaned in to kiss their forehead.
“I’ve made sure that Pocket is out of the house for the evening, and I believe Gary was planning on dinner with Aiken. However, if you need anything, Gary is a phone call away, and if not him, call Stan. If it’s a dire situation, activate the tracking device on your phone. I will know.”
God, he didn’t want to do this. His hands paused on Tana’s shoulders, and he just looked at his child with what he had originally intended on being a proud smile; It came off as sad, maybe even pained. The amount of padding he had on his right shoulder right now should have meant he wouldn’t be, not to mention the numbing gel and the pain meds...
But he’d be damned if he didn’t say he thought tonight wasn’t already going to be a damn shitshow. Not only was he going back to that house, but there was no amount of baggy clothes he could wear right now that would hide how pregnant he was.
Three months along with quads was not doing him any favors. He’d barely been able to hide it for long from Alex. He didn’t know how to tell him, at first... And then it went on another couple weeks before there was no hiding it. Even the nicest of his shirts didn’t fit him, he’d had to buy something nice at a maternity store in the mall. Alex assured him it looked fine, but he wasn’t so sure. He felt like his mother was going to rip him apart.
Now, even his mother was going to know that he was very full of babies. Her grandbabies, which would mean that Gregory would be his parents’ favorite for once instead of Estella or Mole.
He closed his eyes to avoid showing his child the tears threatening to fall.
“I... I really would prefer if you called us about half an hour in--”
Just as he’d started to whisper, he turned, seeing Alex on the stairs, and he straightened up, wiping at his eyes.
“But only in an emergency.” He murmured, turning, “Alex? Dearest, are you ready?”
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[ Closed Starter For @nxwkid ]
[ Gregory ]
This was not how Gregory had pictured his pregnancy to go. Not that he’d ever expected to  become pregnant.
Aside from the ungodly amount of pasta and vomiting early on, it seemed that his life was really, really derailing. If someone would have asked him as a child what he thought it would be like, pregnant at twenty-five and living with his fiancé were not at the top of his list of expectations. 
Neither was living in a house he would have called ‘squalor’ before living with Stan. Granted, he’d always lived in these opulent manors, his mother had even owned a vineyard they lived on the land of in France before coming to America. He’d never lived in a home with less than 6,000 square feet squared until he’d moved in with Stan. Even the hotel rooms his family had rented for vacations were usually suites with multiple rooms and their own kitchens.
Not that they’d ever used them unless Mole and his mother had come along, which had been happening more frequently throughout Gregory’s teens.
 To be fair, though, as awful as some things had been... There were so many things that had gone better than he ever could have expected. Meeting Alex had been a direct effect of his parents kicking him out. He’d thought, at the time, that that would be the end of everything for him.
But it had started everything. Without losing everything he’d had, he never would have gained everything he cared about, now. 
Even still, he was finding it hard to be thankful for any of that at the moment. 
“How in the--” His words devolved into barely whispered, rushed French as he threw the palette knife across the dining room table like it had bitten him. Sculpting had gone about as well as giving a child some Play Doh and expecting Michelangelo’s The Deposition. Apparently the painting was going roughly the same.
The paint smeared across the table and he sniffed a little, trying not to let the tears fall. It wasn’t like he was getting around the house that well, much less getting out of it... He was going to die of boredom. And also his apparent lack of creativity and skill.
Hiding his face in his hands for a moment, he tried to get his handle on his emotions before he started sobbing. Up until it actually came out, though, he’d thought he was doing a rather good job of it.
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[ @southxparkxafterxdark​ || Continued From Here || Tana ]
[ Gregory ]
He deserved that, he knew he did. Alex had taken in this young assassin with no regard to his own safety, just as he had taken in Pocket. ...Just as he had taken in him. Gary was probably the least threatening thing in the house, because even Dizzy still had some of his claws.
Taking a deep breath, he glanced at the stairs, hoping that Dizzy would stay up there. He’d last seen him going in Gary’s room.
“Trust me, dear, there is someone I would much rather put in your position right now.” But Pocket would have to wait, “But I will not have secrets in this house, and I cannot handle losing him again.” The work mask had slipped back into place, because his voice didn’t shake even once.
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[ Closed Starter For @bbstvnz ]
[ Clyde, Estella, Gregory, Pip ]
“Are you quite sure I shouldn’t see Mole’s availability?” Gregory questioned, mildly annoyed by Pip’s latest surprised gasp and grunts of exhaustion. If he was so intent on ruining their mall crawl, Pip could put their things in the car while they started figuring out lunch, and return once he had finished. 
Then again, Gregory was sure that Pip would be walking back to Estella’s; The Maserati certainly couldn’t hold all of their bags and boxes and Pip, now, could it?
“I’m... I’m quite sure, yes. I... I’ve got it.” Pip managed, swaying slightly as he did his best to keep the tower of shoeboxes in his arms from toppling over and taking out either of the blondes walking leisurely in front of him. He couldn’t see, but the tight lifeline of the child leash on his arm in Estella’s grip kept him following at a safe distance, aware of where they were going.
Estella rolled her eyes with a small smile on her red lips, unable not to take joy out of Pip’s evident suffering. Oh, it was delicious... Much as she cared about him, his anguish always tasted like sweet wine.
“Come, darling, I’d like to pause at Sephora. I need to get a few things.” She offered, making Pip pale behind the boxes. Sephora? On-The-Other-Side-Of-The-Mall-Where-They-Had-Parked Sephora?!
“Y-yes, of course, Estella--”
“Mn, Pip, dearest, what have I told you?”
“Mistress Havisham, my apologies.”
“Mm, much better.” With that, Estella and Gregory spun on their heels in unison, brushing past Pip. He spun in a dizzying circle, barely managing to keep his arms full. By the time they made it to Sephora, Pip was thoroughly exhausted. At the very least, Estella let loose his leash and allowed him a break on the nearby bench, where he could set their things down. Estella and Gregory disappeared inside, and Pip closed his eyes, draping himself over as much of the bench as possible.
“Dude, do you have to--”
Clyde’s voice interrupted the Brit’s rest, and he lifted his head to look at him.
“Holy shit-- Pip?!”
Estella hummed as Gregory split from her, heading off to look at something opposite her intended target. Stepping delicately to a display of brushes, she scrutinized a few before reaching for a set that she thought might suit her needs. Another hand came into view, and she frowned, about ready to slap the other person away from the last package available. 
Estella Havisham did not ask someone to check the back for more supply. She took the last of what was presented and made the other person lick her boots from stem to stern, all the while apologizing to her for their audacity. 
Sharp blue eyes cut to the other woman, and they narrowed a little further.
“Excuse me, darling,” The word hardly sounded kind, “I do believe I saw them first.”
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[ @throughxthexmist || Continued From Here || Stan ]
[ Gregory ]
Gregory’s brows furrowed and he shook his head a little bit.
“Does that mean you’d much rather I kiss you, instead?” 
His heart fluttered at the thought, and he glanced down at his chest, gulping slightly. This was a very, very inopportune time for this to happen. Pulling out his phone, he shot a text to Alex, hoping he’d get a response rather quickly.
When he got his ‘if you still like him, go for it’ a few seconds later, he sighed, setting his phone down on the coffee table. Sitting down in Stan’s lap carefully, he offered a kind smile.
“Why thank you, Stanley. You truly do make a lovely seat.” Taking the other’s cheeks in his hands, he leaned in slowly, tipping Stan’s chin up to make it easier on his own back. Pressing their lips together, light and gentle, he let his eyes slide closed.
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Did You Miss Me?
[ @butyoudidntbreakme || Continued From Here ]
“Oh, there, there...” Gregory simpered, pressing his lips to the top of Mole’s head. He knew it had been a long time without any word, and he was regretful over the whole situation. His hands spread across the other’s back, rubbing in slow, soothing circles.
“You know my work can be bothersome,” He began, another kiss finding it’s way to Mole’s scalp. For once, he didn’t recoil at the dried mud caked in his hair, “And you may call me all the names you like... But do know that I missed you greatly. I did not intend on being gone for so long, but these things sometimes take time.”
One hand traveled up the back of Mole’s neck, pinching softly against his spine, before pushing into the hair at the nape of his neck. 
“Will you ever forgive me, dear heart?”
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[ @nxwkid || Continued From Here ]
[ Gregory ]
“Are you home?”
Gregory’s voice was rough, quiet. He made an attempt at clearing his throat, only to cough a few times and suck in a deep breath. There was a spitting sound, and his displeasure was clear in the little ‘hn’ sound he made.
“I need you to do me a favor, love. Preferably, don’t go home... And I think I’m going to need a little help from a friend that I cannot get a hold of. Which means I... May have to ask you to fetch her for me.”
A gunshot, then three more, rang out and Gregory cursed under his breath.
“2403 West Burnt Tree avenue, it’s near my parents’ place. Estella Havisham. Have her call the emergency number. She’ll know what to do. Do not let her let you go home. Go to my parents’, if you must.”
Another loud crash, another curse, and Gregory managed a quick ‘love you’ before the line went dead.
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[ @nxwkid ASKED for a Closed Starter ]
[ Gary and Gregory ]
Gary didn’t know if this was the right move or not, but he knew Alex was safe. He hoped the other man wouldn’t be too cross with him for disappearing, but it hadn’t really been his fault.
Using his key, he let himself into the house, surprised to find the locks hadn’t changed. Immediately, he was greeted with the happy whines of Jonah, who wagged and jumped at his knees.
“Down, Jonah.” He told him softly, and the puppy sat down, lifting a paw to get attention. Gary pet him happily while looking up. The house smelled divine, meaning that Alex was likely cooking.
He didn’t get very far, Gregory coming downstairs, rubbing his hands together to spread the lotion he’d put on. Catching eyes with Gary, he both lit up and looked disappointed. The second expression was gone in a heartbeat.
“Love, I think you’d like to see this!” He called up the stairs, turning to look up, “You’ll never guess who’s here!”
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[ @butyoudidntbreakme || Continued From Here ]
I’m asking for some crumbs, Christophe. Something simple, an... Appetizer, if you will. How am I going to know you still love me if you’ve been ignoring me ignoring you?
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