#cw allergic reaction
kassil · 7 months
Lovely creatures, but out of my territory, I'm afraid. I can tell you about the mothwing rattlesnake, though. Native to the Mojave Desert, lives in hollows in old yucca, and cares for its young for the six weeks it takes them to learn to fly, carrying small rodents to the nest to feed the young. They're very shy creatures, and give a loud buzzing rattle when you grt close enough for them to feel threatened, although people unfamiliar with them might mistake them for the sound if cicadas.
They have beautiful wings that come in all the colors of the desert from above and the sharp blue of the desert sky from below, to conceal them from viper hawks and the rodents they prey on, respectively. Tge young have darker scales, to better hide in the yucca nest, while the adults have pale underbellies and tan tops and sides.
Their venom is largely harmless to humans, but you should still avoid being bitten; their wings shed dust like a moth, hence the name, and most people are highly allergic to it, although in most it's just deeply unpleasant, not fatal.
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vocesincaput · 7 months
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The Revenge had been docked in the Republic of Pirates for a few hours now and the crew were all hanging out in Spanish Jackies. Taking a load off of their feet for the first time in a while.
Frenchie was telling a story along with a few of the others whilst sipping on a new drink that the Swede had come up with using some ingredients that Jackie had gotten in. He was enjoying it so much that he had already had a few.
As someone else took a turn in their part of the story, Frenchie scratched at his arm absentmindedly whilst listening. A minute or two passed and he scratched his head, one side of his face screwing up for a few moments before he scratched and rubbed his throat.
"You know, guys.... I'm startin' to think somethin' in here's cursed."
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vampacidic · 2 years
one of the funniest experiences of my life was the time i was at a con and there were reikao cosplayers so i got their picture. and then a few minutes later my stomach started really hurting so i went to the bathroom and passed by them again but they had a koga now too and i wanted their picture but i couldn't because i was mid Allergic Reaction... i was more upset about missing the photo opportunity though lmao
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snzluv3r · 2 months
oh i went to the allergist today and i was immediately referred out bc i am “too complicated” and also they can’t/won’t do any skin testing on me because i’m on a daily beta blocker which i honestly never considered was a thing but they said it might be different at other offices so we’ll see what this new referral says but at least i can do the blood tests? i’m not necessarily upset about not being pricked/scratched with allergens repeatedly but it does seem very on par for me lmao so i guess we will see how long this referral actually takes bc you know. healthcare and all that
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shirogane-oushirou · 3 months
day 288 (literally) of wishing ren was my boyfriend.... mostly bc then he'd be my boyfriend KJNSKJFNKJ...... but more relevantly, he would've noticed my skin reaction much sooner and, when it inevitably started itching, he could get something to put on it that wouldn't interact w any of my other meds =.=
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desperatepleasures · 3 months
had some delicious trader joe's enchiladas before remembering that enchilada sauce contains. ya know. tomatoes
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smallblueandloud · 6 months
feeling weirdly itchy tonight and i don't know why. last time i was weirdly itchy it was a freak allergic reaction but i have taken a zyrtec and i also have No Idea what i would be reacting to since i finished dinner at 7 pm and haven't eaten anything since or touched anything that i haven't touched a million times before.
my best guess is that either i kept my earrings in too long today (i just took them out, for the record) or i'm somehow reacting to the sweater i put on when i got home -- the sweater i've been wearing around my room for like a week. neither of these seem particularly plausible but i literally don't know what else it could be.
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roguemonsterfucker · 1 year
Saying “I guess I’ll die” to my mom at a minor inconvenience is probably not a good thing when she doesn’t know the meme and knows I’m suicidal.
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nexus-nebulae · 1 year
don't feel good :(
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headpainmigraine · 1 year
Holy crap you guys
9:30 yesterday morning, I wake up with welts under my knees running down my shins.
Not alarming, considering I have dermatographia/demographia and get welts that maybe itch a little, but otherwise just come up then leave.
This was weird though, because I woke up with welts for no apparent reason. Went to show my parents and realised it was up my forearms too.
Fast forward a couple hours, welts have become fiercely, terribly itchy and spread up my upper back, the back of my neck, my head, my ears(???what?), on both sides of my arms and legs now and crawling up my thighs.
Do 111 online, they say see the pharmacist. See the pharmacist, they can't give me anything stronger than the prescribed I already have for eczema, they say see the GP. Go into the GP's, see a doctor? Right away?
So, she gives me uberantihistamines, but because my body is already full of histamine, it's like locking the barn door after the horse has bolted. Nothing I can do except wait it out, maybe use cold packs on it, and keep being aware of my breathing/swallowing in case my throat starts swelling, but she doesn't think it's likely.
Also tells me that it doesn't seem to be an allergic reaction? Okay.
Later that evening, literally covered in bright red welts, from my scalp to my feet, my face, the only place I didn't have it was my waist on the front…?
Itching, annoyed, feeling absolutely freezing cold so I'm bundled under two blankets and two hoodies and still shivering.
So I go to bed, wrapped in cold wet towels to manage the itching on my arms/legs, absolutely knackered.
Wake up! Go downstairs because maybe calamine lotion will help me sleep longer than 2 hours? Feel weird and dizzy and breathless…
Go to the loo, hmm, feeling… bad. Dizzy, SO cold, full-body feeling like pins and needles meets thawing hands after you've been out in the snow, I'm convinced I'm going to pass out and half scared I'm actually dying.
Felt less like I'm going to pass out immediately, but I threw up, which was worse, and I'm still itchy and shivering.
Go back to bed, get doused in calamine and more wet towels, go back to sleep.
Get up, uh-oh, the fainting pain is back, bam, puke again. This time, just water, which is the worst thing to puke after Bovril.
Get back to bed, wake up this morning less welty, but now my feet and hands are ridiculously swollen, big fat sausage hands, and the itching has become a burn.
Bottom lip starts to swell so I gently freak out a little, but thankfully it's gone down.
I still feel pukey, my hands huuuurrrt, feet aren't too bad because they're in cold wet socks, but I'm still cold, still shivery and all weak like a strand of dying algae. Also dizziness is happening.
Still don't know why its happening. The itching was annoying and uncomfortable, but nothing close to a migraine - the fainting and puking though was bad.
Can you get anaphylaxis without a swollen throat? Like? IDK.
Can anyone relate?
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AI Whumptober Art Day 22: Allergic Reaction
@whumptober @whumptober-archive
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madnessbrainworms · 2 years
(cw medical stuff) Top surgery is easy they said... recovery is quick they said... my recovery is less “a smooth road to the real you” and more so “I have deliberately thrown myself down a flight of stairs”
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djungelblog · 1 month
SORRY FOR SPAM POSTING BTW the er is so mf boring im losibg my mind
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fletcherwilbury · 9 months
@sicktember Day 5: Preventative Measures (Not Taken)
Warning for Illness, severe food allergy, allergic reaction, migraine, bullying, physical violence, arguing
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Sometimes you have a normal week. And other times you have the first allergic reaction in your life at 1 in the morning and have to go to the er
What the hell man
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littleturtle99 · 2 years
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