silverfoxlink · 5 months
So here we go. Tarot reading channeling Rhett and Link’s energies. I specifically asked “How do they feel about each other and what do they want to tell to one another?” 🔮 (Note: this’ll be a bit wordy lol and DM me if you want to avail of my tarot services! Need to raise at least $50 til this weekend)
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The cards I got were very “Swords-y”. The suits of Swords corresponds to the element of Air. Rhett is a Libra ♎️ and Link is a Gemini ♊️, both Air signs so this represents their energies. Swords also represents the mind, intellect, thoughts, logic, conflicts, challenges, and difficult decisions.
I got SIX swords cards here ⚔️. The narrative shows that they have a lot of thoughts running round their heads about each other but they find it hard to open up and truly talk about it. Overthinking is an overarching theme in this reading. They have a hard time thinking clearly and their emotions are clouded. There is an imbalance going on with the heart and the mind. I feel that they gave in to their logical side and threw aside their emotional side ❤️‍🩹
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The Queen of Cups represent how they just want to care deeply for each other; they want to nurture their relationship and display true acts of love. They want to offer unconditional love that knows no bounds and want to be more in touch with their feminine side 🍃
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However the Hierophant and Death cards suggest that due to their past upbringing and relationship with a religious institution (we all know what this is about), they were indoctrinated and taught that it was “bad and sinful”. They were trapped into this and couldn’t be free to express themselves and be more than just friends 🪤
They wish things could’ve gone differently between the two of them. They wish that they took a different direction. They’ve been there for each other from the start 👨🏼‍🤝‍👨🏻 The Two of Swords indicate having two choose between two options. Pretty early on, they were already presented with binary options, and to stray out of it would mean betraying everything: their families, values, church, etc 💨
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In the present, they feel happy and contented with what they’ve achieved in both of their personal lives and career 🤳 They are grateful to have come this far in Mythical and just how successful they are now. They love the company they keep, both in their families and in their workplace.
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But the Hanged Man suggests that they are still waiting for an alternate ending for their relationship. They know that they could be so much more. That they are much more than just best friends for 30 plus something years. They are thinking of their alternate lives if they would’ve just gone with their hearts and chose it over logic 🧠 It indicates “seeing things in a different perspective”. They have always seen each other as someone who they could rely on. Now they’re waiting. For a time that may or may never come where one or both of them finally decides to speak up and let their inner feelings out ⏰
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These four oracle cards have general themes: healing, letting go, and acceptance 🍁
They have wounds still not healed, resentments not yet released, and potentials not yet realized. Perhaps time will tell if they heal completely from their past ideals, identities, and experiences. The advice for them is to step out of their comfort zone. If they never try, they will never know.
And damn do we all hope that they actually try!! 😮‍💨
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