October Update!
Hey everyone!
I know october is happening tomorrow, and I also know that people are gonna be drawing some art for the spooky season, including some horror type art. Both Goretober and Whumptober will be running this month so! Lots of angst and horror stuff from that alone.
I'll be reblogging some of it, so below are some tags to block if you don't wanna see!
tw blood, tw injury, tw horror, tw gore, tw death, and tw medical are all tags I can see myself using. There may be more specific ones too (such as tw mind control, or tw nonhuman for like. werewolf or vampire stuff!) The tw is there so I remember it's a WARNING for what may be present! If you think more tags are needed on a particular post or reblog, please feel free to ask me to add them! I will, of course, be using my standard angst tags as well for everything.
I just wanted to give a heads up. I myself am dropping a ghostly oneshot tomorrow :) I hope those of us that enjoy spooky and horror type works enjoy the month. And for those who don't I hope all of the tagging works and you ALSO enjoy the month! :D
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thefloorisbalaclava · 5 years
Everywhere - Chapter 5
Pairing: Javier Peña x Fem!Reader
A/N: A lot happens in this chapter and it’s the longest one so far, I think. It’s based around the song Bleed To Love Her by Fleetwood Mac (of course).
Summary: To deal with some unwanted feelings, you run off and get yourself into some trouble.
Warnings: canon-typical violence
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
Tagging: @longitud-de-onda @pascalisthepunkest @misslolasworld @aeryntheofficial @mrsparknuts @theringostarfanclub @huliabitch @thinemineours @flapjacques @opheliaelysia
You weren't surprised that you had woken up late and you were sure Steve and Javier would forgive you for not being on time. Neither of them had come looking for you so that meant nothing important had happened.
You stepped out into the sun and groaned, immediately putting your sunglasses on and hailing a taxi. One day you'd be brave enough to drive on these Colombian streets but today wasn't that day.
Outside the station, you paid the driver and thanked him. You made your way inside and walked to the shared office but stopped when you heard your name through the crack in the door. That was Javier's voice. Why was he talking about you? 
"You have my blessing, man," Steve joked. You could hear the teasing smile in his voice.
"Fuck off, Murphy." You heard a chair creak and assumed he had sat down. He sighed. "As gorgeous as she is it would never work. She told me she didn't wanna get too familiar." He said it in a sort of mocking tone.
"And we all know how familiar you like to get," Steve said and they both laughed.
"And the kind of women I like to get familiar with," Javier replied, laughing again.
"I don't know, man. Maybe it's time for a change and...she's a good woman." Steve's words made you smile.
"I'm not looking for good right now," Javier rebuked. He was about to say something else but you had heard enough. You pushed the door open and both men reacted as if they had been caught in the act.
"Morning." You took your sunglasses off and hung them from your shirt. You waved the smoke away from your face before walking over to the window and opening it. A few papers blew off Javier's desk onto the floor.
"Hey," he spat.
"Oops." You made your way over to Steve's desk and leaned on it. He looked at you, most likely noticing how you hadn't looked in Javier's direction even once. "What?"
"Nothing." Steve looked down at some papers on his desk. 
You scanned the paper in your hand until something caught your eye. When you stood up straighter both men looked at you.
"What is it?" Javier asked but you ignored him before walking out, taking the paper with you.
You did this every time you were upset. I mean, you really had no right to be upset over what Javier said, but you were and now you were on your way to a suspected hideout. Alone. The danger, the adrenaline from the danger, would keep your mind on something else for the time being. Sure, they would both be pissed off, but screw 'em.
You had the officer drop you off a few blocks away but told him to stay close by just in case. He nodded before driving off. You walked a few blocks and slowly approached the building that had been described on the paper in your pocket. It looked like any other building in Colombia and you assumed that was the point. It wasn't going to have a huge sign that told you it was a hideout. With one hand on your holster, you moved down one of the alleys closest to the building and made your way around to the back. Open doors always made your job easier so when you spotted one you slipped inside quietly but still pulled out your sidearm.
It was eerily quiet and you almost wished you had let the guys know where you were going. You remembered that you had asked one of the officers to stay nearby and that made you feel a little better, but…
There was a sound behind you and you turned but saw nothing. You were on edge and quietly radioed the officer you had told to wait nearby telling him to get there as quickly as he could. Something didn't feel right. You always trust your gut. It's how you got so far in the first place. Suddenly another voice came crackling through.
"Hey! I got her!" Javier said to someone on his end.
"Where the fuck are you? We just heard you radio someone for help." As he spoke you checked your surroundings. If anyone was here they knew you were here now. You almost responded but switched the walkie talkie off instead. Your guard was down thanks to him and you hadn't heard the person sneaking up behind you until it was too late. The cool metal pressed into the back of your head.
"Suelta el arma," the man commanded. You rolled your eyes and held onto your gun.
"You won't kill me." You weren't sure if he understood you or not. Wouldn't matter much if he decided to pull the trigger anyway.
In heavily-accented English, he spoke, "Who said I will kill you? Turn around. Despacio."
You turned to him slowly with your gun hanging from your pointer finger loosely. The man snatched it away and tucked it into the back of his pants. When he looked at you again his eyes only stayed on your face for a moment before they trailed down your body lasciviously. He reached out and you were ready to attack but he only went for your radio. Without a word, he dropped it then stomped on it a few times shattering it easily. 
Your hands trembled above your head as you steadied your breathing. "What now?" you asked and the man's gaze shifted to something or someone behind you. Reflexively, you turned only to be met with another man attempting to put a sack over your head. You fought as long as you could, but a punch to the gut and then a kick had you doubled over. One of them mumbled something in Spanish about trying to do it the easy way before the butt of one of their guns slammed into your temple and your world went black.
There were voices. Lots of them. Some spoke quietly while others mumbled. Your head throbbed and wherever you were was hot. You felt sticky and uncomfortable from the humidity. You tried to speak but nothing came out. The room around you slowly came into focus and one of the men noticed you waking up. Something dripped down your face. Sweat? No, blood. You remember the feeling of the pistol cracking against the side of your head. You wanted to reach up and wipe the blood away but your hands were tied behind your back.
One of the men walked over to you with a cup of water and held it out to you as if he was going to let you drink, but poured it down the front of your shirt instead. The tank top clung to you even more now and you were relieved you decided to go with a black top today. The man walked away laughing at the way you glared at him. Another man kept watching you and he whispered something to one of them before making his way over to you. The only thing you could think of was what that man yelled at you as he was getting arrested. All those things he said he and his friends would do to you and...you would much rather be dead.
"Don't fuckin' touch me!" you shouted. You kicked at the man and he laughed at you along with the others. He crouched in front of you, grabbing your legs and enjoying the way you squirmed. Your screams fell on deaf ears but you didn't stop. One of your kicks connected and the man fell over grabbing himself. He shouted angrily before someone stormed over and hit you so hard your ears rang and you slowly lost consciousness again.
You jumped at the sound of a door being kicked in. At least that's what it sounded like. Then gunshots. Lots of them. Screams of pain and bodies hitting the floor. Footsteps. Running footsteps.
"She's in here! Shit!" Someone touched you gently and you flinched away.
"Don't...don't…" You kicked weakly and tried sitting up but spots appeared in your vision and your head spun.
"Calm down! Stop moving!" Javier shouted. You felt his hands holding your arms still. He was cutting you free but you hadn't noticed. You laid there, eyes opening and closing slowly.
"Can she walk?" Someone asked. Wait. That was Steve. He was here. You tried speaking once again but were too weak.
"I don't think so." Javier leaned in closer to you. "What did they do to you?" he asked angrily. You weren't sure if he had wanted you to answer or if he had been thinking out loud. He went to move you and you cried out.
"...hurts," you murmured. 
Javier seemed to be relieved to hear you speak again. "Your ribs?" You nodded. "Murphy, can you…" Before he could finish asking, Steve was bringing you a glass of water and kneeling beside Javier. He held the glass to your lips and helped you drink, taking in your appearance.
"She might need stitches for that. Here." He handed Javier the glass and pulled out a handkerchief to carefully wipe some of the blood away from your lip, nose, and head. "You're fuckin' reckless. I ever tell you that?" You smiled weakly at him but he didn't smile back. He was serious. Steve rarely got angry at you but right now he was.
"Should we try to move her?" Javier asked. Steve nodded and Javier looked at you. "This is gonna hurt but we gotta get you outta here. Hold onto me, okay?" He picked you up and you shouted in pain then bit your lip. "Sorry." Your head still felt heavy so you rested it against his chest as he carried you outside to the waiting ambulance. He placed you on the stretcher carefully and lingered as they put you into the ambulance.
"You riding with her?" Steve asked Javier. He hesitated then looked at you and nodded. "I'll meet you there." He walked away and Javier climbed into the ambulance and sat quietly.
"I…I got blood on you." Your voice was still weak.
He looked down at his light blue button up that was now stained with your blood and shrugged. "I have others."
"I like the pink one," you mumbled. Did you say that out loud? Why would you say that? You could blame it on being knocked over the head a few too many times but it was out there now and you couldn't take it back. Luckily, the EMT began asking questions and checking on you, blocking your view of Javier. You tried your best to respond, but your head was all kinds of messed up right now and even the Spanish you did know couldn't be conjured up.
"I...yo…" You closed your eyes in frustration but they flew open when Javier began speaking to the EMT. Your face was still hidden by the EMT but you smiled. When he moved, you were already looking in Javier's direction. "Thanks."
"De nada." He winked and tapped your shoulder awkwardly. "You gonna tell me why you did what you did today?"
You shook your head. "Just wasn't thinking." It was an outright lie and you suspected he knew that as well.
"You're a bad liar, negrita."
"I heard," you blurted.
You nodded. "You and Steve. This morning. He said I was a good woman and you said you weren't looking for good…"
He sighed and dragged his hand over his face. "Look...you gotta know by now what kinda guy I am. I--"
"You don't have to explain yourself to me. I get it." You forced yourself to smile at him as the ambulance stopped and the doors opened. There was so much he wanted to say but couldn't. He didn't know how. He jumped down out of the ambulance and followed from a distance as they wheeled you inside. You were happy for the distraction. That conversation was one for another time. If you ever had it again.
After a few days in the hospital, you were released and Connie was happier than anyone. Steve had sent her to bring you home and she gave you a good looking over before pulling you into her arms.
"I was scared to death. We all were," she said, finally letting you breathe. You walked to the car and she helped you get in. Your ribs were going to be sore for a while and the bruising on your face would go away in time. "Even Javier," she said, closing your door to speed walk over to the driver's side and get in. "Steve told me."
"Okay? That's all you have to say?" She started the car and began driving.
"Yes. Now if you don't mind, I really don't wanna talk about him right now. I want to go home and...forget everything that happened on that day."
"Sorry." She drove silently the rest of the way. When she got to the building, she offered to help you inside but you declined. "Okay, well, if you need anything just call."
"Thanks Connie." You closed the car door and made your way inside slowly. The stairs took a lot out of you but you made it to your door without much hassle. You looked behind you at Javier's door but quickly turned away and walked into your apartment.
You immediately walked to your window and closed the curtains then walked to your bedroom and did the same to the windows in there. It felt like you hadn't properly breathed since everything had happened. You undressed, removing the wrapping from your stomach, and took a shower, collapsing and curling up under the hot water. How long had you sat there? You had no idea but by the time you got out then hot water had run out.
Your first mistake after getting out of the shower was looking at yourself in the mirror. Your cheek was bruised and the cut on your lip was an ugly color that not even your brown skin could hide. You dropped your towel and stared at the extensive bruising on your stomach. Your ribs were healing but it would be a while before all the bruising went away. You got your bandaging from the bed and wrapped yourself back up. You tried to get dressed but you only made as far as your panties and bra before you collapsed on your bed and refused to move.
When you woke up you weren't sure if hours or days had passed and you really didn't care. You were thirsty though so you got yourself out of bed, wincing slightly, grabbed your robe, and made your way to the kitchen. Water had never tasted so good. You drank and drank until you needed to catch your breath.
"Slow down," you breathed. "Slow down."
Knock knock knock.
You made your way to the door, pulling the robe tighter around yourself before peeking out.
"Javier?" you whispered.
"Uh yeah. Brought you some food because I have a feeling you haven't eaten since you got back home."
"Javi...I really don't want--" He pushed the door open and you stumbled backward. "Javier!" You locked the door then hugged yourself and walked to the other side of the room. He switched a light on and you closed your eyes.
"That's better. Now get over here and eat," he said, pulling food out of the bag he had placed on your table.
"I'm not hungry." Your back was to him but you could hear that he stopped moving. You could feel his eyes on you.
"I think you are." He walked over to you and you lowered your head, hugging yourself tighter. "You're not gonna look at me?" You shook your head. The truth was, you didn't want him to look at you. You were embarrassed by how beat up you were.
"My face…," you started. "I don't look…"
"I don't care." 
You took a deep breath and turned slowly but kept your head down. When Javier tucked his fingers under your chin to lift your head, you gasped. You couldn't look into his eyes even then but looked at his shirt instead.
"The pink one," you murmured.
"Your favorite." 
You looked up at him without even noticing. "I never said that…"
"Got you to look at me," he teased. He ran his thumb over your bruised cheek then over your lip. "How are you feeling?"
"I don't know." For some reason you put your hands on his chest. "And I never said this shirt was my favorite. I said that I like it." You tugged on his collar as if you were fixing it then smoothed it down. "Pink looks good on you...I mean...it's actually more of a salmon but-"
Suddenly his lips were on yours. Javier Peña was kissing you and you weren't stopping him. No. You were kissing him back. It was heated and passionate and perfect. His tongue slipped into your mouth and you actually moaned. He walked you backwards until your legs hit the table then he was lifting you and placing you on it without breaking the kiss once. Your fingers twisted into his thick hair messing up his usually neat style. When you finally pulled away and opened your eyes, you were sure he had never looked better--messy hair, kiss-swollen lips, a slight flush to his olive skin.
"Fuck...shit...I'm sorry." He put a hand over his mouth and chuckled.
"So you didn't mean to kiss me?" you asked.
He put his hands on his hips and looked at you. "I don't know.." You scoffed and looked down but soon he was lifting your head again. "But this time...I do…" And he was kissing you again. Your robe began falling from your shoulders and you remembered that you were only wearing your underwear. He grabbed your thighs and pulled you to the edge of the table so you were pressed up against him. You could feel him and that's when you knew…
This had to stop.
"Javier…," you sighed between kisses, "Javi...we gotta stop…"
With a growl, he pulled back from you and turned away. You got off the table and fixed your robe before sitting down. "You want me to go?" he asked, his back still to you.
"No. I want you to stay. Please." You looked at him until he turned and looked at you. "Sit with me."
"Okay...okay." He sat down at the table and offered you some food.
"Why are you so far away?" You leaned in and took the food from him.
"Because if I get any closer to you I might not be able to control myself...again." His fingers brushed against yours as he took the container of food back from you. The rush you got from that simple touch was too much. He must have felt it too because he locked eyes with you and bit his lip before looking away.
"Thank you for this, Javier." You smiled at him then began eating.
"My pleasure," he said quietly. The tone of his voice nearly made you drop your fork.
Mine too, you thought. Mine too.
Once again she steals away Then she reaches out to kiss me And how she takes my breath away Pretending that she don't miss me
Ooh, I would bleed to love her
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