killuaisaprincess · 2 years
#personal#AHHHHHH#Before you say the main four#that’s fancanon#I TOO HAVE MY HEADCANONS SO I CANNOT JUDGE#EVEN IF I DONT LIKE HATE OR DISAGREE WITH ALL MAIN FANDOM STUFF CUZ I TOO MAKE MY STUFF#But in the actual show Ki is treated so bad by a majority of the characters and it hurts so much#some people like the 99 filler that isn’t canon for Mito Mom but I don’t I don’t want Ki hurt anymore so just the actual canon is good with#me so Ki can have just one or two people nice to him#ANYTIME I AM LIKE OKAY ITS BEEN SIX MONTHS LEMME REWTACH I JUST#THINK#think about all the pain Ki goes through and how many chars disrespect him and I#it hurts my chest and I put it off for another six months#I JUST WANNA LIVE IN MY FANTASY WHERE KI HAS ALL LOVE AND PROTECTION.#PROTECT KI SQUAD#I got all kinda of chars#Inspo from Miitopia where Bulma is one of my party members with Ki so she’s his Mom now#Miku big sis#Sonic the hedgehog big bro like#GIVE KI GOOD OLDER SIBS AND#It sounds like crack but it makes me happy#just finished platinuming all xiii games so now Ki also has Lightning and Serah and snow as fam they adopt him like idc#MY MIND JUST WANTS KI HAPPY AND LOVED#NO GON ISNT USUALLY THERE BUT IF IM IN THE MOOD FOR SHIPPY BUT USUALLY I JUST GOOD FAMILY#Or my rare otp crack Zushi x Ki ZUKINI OR#OC REBECCA X KI BEKI#I HAVE THE NAMES#KI IS ALWAYS THE PRINCESS#BEKI ARE GNC GOODNESS OKAY 👌#I JUST WANT KI TO BE TREATED LIKE A PRINCESS I DONT CARE WHO OK I DO CARE LOL GK ALWAYS NUMBER ONE BUT I MIX IT UP SOMETIMES
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clownsgobeepbeep · 7 years
Screw it
I’m doing this character thing for everybody/the main 5
Very long list ahead. Some things may change if necessary
Full name: Cosmos Stellar D'Vitt(Kepler)
Best friend: Cuckoo
Sexuality: Pansexual
Favorite color: Red, also blue and green
Relationship status: In a relationship with @lizzy-chan24’s Jewel…?
 Ideal mate: Somebody shorter than him, somebody who he can carry and dance with, just be a smooth romantic idiot with. But also somebody who will act like a best friend, and who will not always want him by their side, he still wants alone time at the arcade. He does not want a mother, he has his mother already thank you.
Turn-ons: Doesn’t have anything specific really
 Favorite food: French fries
 Crushes: A very long time ago, had a crush on Cuckoo
Favorite music: Music boxes, celestial music, classical music, 80’s songs 
Biggest fear: That he won’t mend the wounds he created and he’ll just worsen things
 Biggest fantasy: Selfish but, being the only one in his mother’s eyes. He loves his siblings but he imagines what it would have been like being an only child
 Bad habits: Moody and lacks patience, puts certain things before what really matters
 Biggest regret: Being a horrible person, but mostly a horrible brother to both his siblings
 Best kept secrets: His old crush and fling with Cuckoo
Last thought: “I should totally tell my mama to play with me. I have to make her proud as I kick ass in these games.”
Worst romantic experience: None
Biggest insecurity: He won’t be the son his mother believes he is or can be
 Weapon of choice: His sleeves which turn into claws
 Role Model: His mother Lydia
Full name: Jelly Coraline D'Vitt(Douglas)
Best friend: @post-itpenny’s Maggie
Sexuality: Asexual
Favorite color: Lilac, but also pink and green
Relationship status: In a relationship with @grotesquegabby’s Lennie
Ideal mate: It’s Lennie. Everything about him, and she thought she’d want somebody completely different. Not even her dead ex could beat this boi.
Turn-ons: Nothing because she doesn’t care nor think of those things. But biting does get to her sometimes
Favorite food: Seafood, especially shrimp
Crushes: Her first crush was her first lover, the second being on Lennie which made her a huge idiot as she tried saying she had no crush
Favorite music: Harp music, 1930’s-40’s songs, tropical music
Biggest fear: Being forgotten and seeing as a disgrace
Biggest fantasy: Being the family pride and honor that will bring them to a higher better reputation as she possibly rules the world and has a very sweet and amazing partner by her side who she could possibly wed someday, maybe, maybe, even make little, obviously adorable ,troublemaking spawns that will also rule the world
Bad habits: Vengeful/can be unforgiving, she can sometimes try too much and is hard on herself
Biggest regret: Loving James, her ex lover, because the events with him changed who she was. But then again, she doesn’t regret it because it made her a much better person, she was so shy and timid before believe it or not
Best kept secrets: Her feelings/thoughts, and a lot of things about Cosmos
Last thought: “Ugh…I don’t need a break from work! I’m alright just the way I am…I should take a break and go to the library…”
Worst romantic experience: Her first relationship in which her lover left, forgot about her, cheated on her and then attempted to cheat on his wife to be with Jelly
Biggest insecurity: That she will never be good for anybody, that she’s never going to have anybody satisfied
Weapon of choice: Her hair; used to choke/suffocate or to sting venom into others’ skin
Role Model: Her grandmother Caroline
Full name: Pepper Roger D'Vitt(Sweets)
 Best friend: @grotesquegabby’s Lennie
Sexuality: Pansexual
Favorite color: Orange
Relationship status: In a relationship with @grotesquegabby’s Belinda
 Ideal mate: Sweet, motherly, taller than him, just Belinda really. There’s no other way to describe it XD
Turn-ons: He’s too innocent to have turn ons! But them thighs tho
Favorite food: Anything sweet, or vegetables09. Crushes: He’s only ever had one in the past, but he immediately got over it. Not important really
Favorite music: Swing, Rock and Roll, Heavy Metal
Biggest fear: (Always) Being a fearful coward who will never be able to defend his loved ones, or even himself 
Biggest fantasy: Being a strong, independent clown/man that people will look up to, and he will protect everybody he loves
Bad habits: Runs his mouth a bit too much
Biggest regret: Too many, though it’s him just being insecure and anxious
Best kept secrets: Rarely any and the ones that have been kept, very hard to get out of him~
Worst romantic experience: That one and only crush he’s ever had. Had it because the person was super duper sweet, ends up it was all an act and they were actually a really rude person. He killed them. 
Biggest insecurity: His strength and lack of fearlessness
Weapon of choice: These fists-. Yeah, he usually depends on hand to hand combat
 Role Model: His grandfather Stripes
Full name: Unknown/ Cuckoo Harley Tennant
Best friend: Cosmos
Sexuality: Demisexual
Favorite color: Gold and brown
Relationship status: Single
Ideal mate: Honestly, they like everybody so they don’t have anybody specific in mind. As long as it’s not Missy.
Turn-ons: None
 Favorite food: Asian food, Japanese more specifically 
Crushes: Cosmos, and two other deceased humans
Favorite music: Calliope music, dark and vampiristic, mechanical music
Biggest fear: That they’re going to be alone in the end
Biggest fantasy: Since they know world peace is impossible, they just have small dreams/fantasies about a future with all their loved ones
Bad habits: When they get depressive, they tend to drink a little too much wine…on purpose
Biggest regret: Being so shy/nervous and not having confessed to their love 
Best kept secrets:Their crush and fling with Cosmos
Last thought: “I wonder if Ace enjoyed the meal I prepared for him today…he should just live with me so that he no longer slumbers in such a building…”
Worst romantic experience: Their second human crush…Ace killed and ate them without him knowing Cuckoo was in love with them and it just ruined them
Biggest insecurity: That they’re too problematic and hold many feelings/secrets back
Weapon of choice:  None, they do not fight.
Role Model: Their deceased species
Full name: Ace Abraham Boggs
 Best friend: Nobody, but he surprisingly has a few friends
Sexuality: Pansexual
. Favorite color: Red
Relationship status: Single
Ideal mate: Jelly without a doubt, that’s literally all he wants
Turn-ons: Once again, Jelly
Favorite food: Anything Cuckoo or Lydia makes
Crushes: When he was younger, he developed one or two crushes but beat them up because he can’t have a crush, he’s uncrushable!
Favorite music: Believe it or not, he likes anything that’s soft, classical, whatever won’t sound so loud in his ears. He hates loud sounds
Biggest fear: That he’s never going to change and become his mother, he wants to be considered good and not some big tall asshole
Biggest fantasy: Being the one Jelly chooses not only as a mate, but to…father her possible children because he wants to be the very best mate/husband and father-
Bad habits: Asshole
 Biggest regret: Being an asshole
 Best kept secrets: Every single fantasy/dream he’s had of Jelly, and the fact that he misses his father every day
Last thought: “Motherfucking, striped, rabbit wanna be, pipsqueak- I’ll rip off his head next time!”
Worst romantic experience: Every single one, even with Jelly because they’re just not fit and she doesn’t see him in that way. He tries too much with her and is too stubborn to let go of his love for her
Biggest insecurity: Being an asshole
Weapon of choice: Just like Pepper, his fists. Even without his powers, he’s really fucking strong
Role Model: His father
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