alexxcatboy · 11 months
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imagine if they kept his hair this long,,,, eugh,,,, <3
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sneeb-canons · 6 months
heart drinks ketchup packets whole, all in one go, just to see mind's revulsion
and soul does it because he genuinely likes it (which is where heart got the idea from)
Headcanon #257
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yemsaiel · 4 months
TW: mentions of death, suicide
truly obsessed over eden ayn. mostly the theme of death as an escape despite fearing death, yet being tied down by duties. in seeking deliverance, he became the very thing he hated (also seen in godheim where he sacrificed himself and 100k others to save mc.. coincidence?)
also, i think his letter to mc has a half-truth, half-lie. yes, he kept her around to essentially become his successor — but keeping her close also meant ensuring her safety, whether it'd be out of obligation (to find someone who is capable of bringing forth change in eden) or an instinct to protect her. he later realized that staying with him would only hurt her, and let her go. that's beautiful until you realize he was literally on a suicidal mission and turning her against him would lessen her pain of loss.
death is a constant in his life. he was the only one to survive the fire. his companions in the order died to save him. it's no wonder he fears death when every loss was as mind-numbing as the last, but it really makes you think: how desperate was he to turn to death as a solution?
anyway! i mentioned this before, but i really enjoy how his route dabbled with themes such as suicide and trauma. it's my favorite route so far, and i can't wait to see what else netease has planned. keep in mind that this might contain some discrepancies since i haven't read his route in a good while, and some observations are based on my own interpretations.
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docnukes · 1 year
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ill occasionally indulge ppl who follow me for madcom
do not tag as kin/id/me etc
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mazojo · 2 years
Yoo Joonghyuk:
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Also Yoo Joonghyuk like 2 seconds later:
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sobeksewerrat · 23 days
Sometimes I genuinely forget that Adam being transmasc isn't a thing the larger fandom accepts like cmon guys the angst writes itself
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opoki · 11 months
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I hate Kimblee so much, but at the same time I absolutely adore him. Hiromu Arakawa's way to write her characters is amazing. As much as you want to tear one apart, they are so fun to analyze or just watch. Kimblee ist just way to interesting for me to be annoyed by him. (And maybe, just maybe, I have a very similar mindset to his). I was truly sad when he died.
Except Shou Tucker, I was so happy when Scar killed him.
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spiderwebd · 3 months
(continuimng from last ask/answer) i understand it though, to be fair
but also as a boombox kin who draws boombox frequently i am now afraid to post him because i do not want to fuel your possible addiction /lhj /nsrs /aff
No noo you should DEFINITELY post them I think it would REALLY funny and REALLY silly if you did I think it would just be PEAK comedy just absolutely PEAK comedy uh huh yep absolutely /silly+nf
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apple-teaaa · 1 year
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slaying was in his job description
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gamebunny-advance · 7 months
I didn't get a chance to vote on the poll, but also noticed what would have been my answer wasn't there so I'm writing it in now- I personally see it as he's their CREATOR first, manager second. They don't call him manager in a lot of materials, and they also don't call him father, they call him "Captain" or "sir," (this being pulled from largely the additional voice actor's portrayals at least, which I think are worth at least considering in a wider scope of interpretation)
That feels like the title or nickname he'd prefer they use, hence programming them TO use it for him- and that betrays neither fatherly intent nor producer intent, but pre-existing intent he didn't change (lifting from prior coding) or that he preferred. Beyond that he definitely refers to them as troops- it is their aesthetic, but it's more impersonal
the items you get for the lore on 1010 are toys, and while it's not stated, I've always thought there was an implication that he had made them- His relationship then isn't one of a father to sons, but of a creator about his creations, which IS different. It's why he's as willing to literally throw them at you in combat and, simultaneously, seemingly instinctively, puts a hand out in front of himself to protect them when the final attack is coming- even if they are tools to some degree, he MADE them what they are and he's PROUD of that- He doesn't want to see his work destroyed
Obviously this gets increasingly more complicated if you believe that 1010 gain sapience of some degree, but I still think the relationship isn't quite what I'd call fatherhood. He is simultaneously all the family they have and deeply, inherently unlike them- yet there is undeniably pieces of him and influences from him present in them, because every creation will reflect its creator in some way, in ways they can't even predict
Then, y'know, yeah, it's being a manager time. Ultimately he's gotta organize them and tell them what to do- how he feels about that could be a variety of ways, but he is doing it nonetheless, so something about it matters to him as well- likely the vow to serve the city thing, if leading a boyband is the way to ensure the lights stay on, then he's going to do it 'till his heart gives out.
To start, I do think you're getting a little caught up in the semantics of the poll, but since you're making the case that "creator" is different from "father," I'll hear you out.
And tbh, I really like that interpretation. It's a little more nuanced from what I'm used to seeing, and it is giving me something to sink my teeth into.
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I do differ in that I don't think Neon J. personally made the toys or the base 1010: I felt like the implication of the MKI - MKIII standee was that 1010 has actually been around since the wartime era, since MKI 1010 are build more similarly to the recycled battlebots in the Metro Division. Parallel to that, I think it's implied that Neon J. is a cyborg due to suffering injuries in the war. Since they appeared to exist at the same time, it seemed more likely to me that 1010 and NJ's body originated from the same source, but not that NJ was necessarily the direct creator of either them or the toys. (Though, I will admit that knowing that the toy company is called "J-1" does imply that he has something to do with it. But to rectify that, I'm gonna say that he just bought out the company/factory, but he didn't start them.)
But that's just an argument of history. Both interpretations can still lead to the "creator" theory in the sense that NJ still views 1010 impersonally, but still fondly. Even if he didn't make the base, he still turned them into what they are today, which is still a lot of hard work and dedication to the craft.
It's not making him out to be this overly sentimental guy (which is ultimately what I dislike about most "father first" interpretations), but he's also not heartless, and I like that. It's retaining what many interpretations (including mine, sadly) sometimes miss out on, and that's that he's an artist, just like all the other stars. He values his craft, and 1010 are the result of that, for better or worse.
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divinequo · 8 months
Heyyy sorry y'all I've been constantly tired lately lol
Decided to listen to mindless indulgence because my friend recommended it to me and I found the song, uhh I'm fine with word personally but "f🏳️‍🌈's" just in case it might be triggering to some, was listening to it while drawing our ruler boi💞📏
Anyway hope y'all enjoy some Sebastian art lol love him<333
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(Screenshot it was based on)
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hyp3rfixation-h3ll · 10 months
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listen if i manage somehow to cement my legacy in this fandom as the "transfem burgertron guy" that'd be enough. like the bare minimum
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ceoofmetagala · 5 days
CRYS....WHY IS HE SO CUTE </3(I finally updated his avatar to his most recent art I drew of him I'll post tmrw!!)
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mrdrhenwardhykle · 9 months
I'm not really watching Fiona and Cake because I really can't rn, but I'm seeing spoilers n junk. So do you mind if I ask some semi-inappropriate questions I hear nobody asking?
Okay, does Billy not have a PP? If so why was he wearing loin cloths? AND pants! Did it fall off when the Lich skinned/possessed him? If so, why? And is the Lich genderless/sexless? He's just a soul that came from the materials in a Nuke/asteroid. Does anyone he posses become this way as well? He's just a 'he' mainly because his bones are recycled from a boy that was near the explosion.
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uwu-scraptrappy · 10 months
I need somebody to be weird about mogami with me. who wanna hear about he could be an allegory for autistic ppl having their skills used against them.
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