anxiously-awaiting · 2 years
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i still need to color her and make this just. look better but riot ppl will see one (1) cute girl in one small section of a story and immediately get emotionally attached
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periakman · 4 years
Worldbuilding June 2020
18. What is clothing and fashion like in your world? Fun fact, I actually recently commissioned a fashion model for this world. It’s not finished yet, but here is the neat rough draft for it:
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Fashion, aesthetic wise, is also inspired by the Victorian era, with a few changes. Corsetry does not exist, nor does the ideal figure we see with a lot of victorian outfits, in fact the shape we might see is more similar to some medieval era fashion, where the pregnant figure was more emphasized. Things like bustles and crinolines do exist, but not to the extreme extents we would see. In a way this is because one major difference in the real Victorian era and this world, is who is allowed to “peacock” and who is not. Most women are not expected to stand out, even amongst the aristocrats, unless they are the lighthouse core. Towers and chatelaines are expected to wear pale, dull, muted, complimentary colors. Lighthouses can be a bit more vibrant, but even then there’s a fine line with how “much” would be accepted.  Now, that isn’t to say showing off doesn’t happen, just that when it does, it’s not based on the figure of the body. There is a current trend with the aristocrats to wear outfits with lights in them, which is less of a way to emphasize themselves, but their wealth. This is absolutely an arbitrary point and generates plenty of gossip on its own. As another example, jewelry/adornments are considered showing off wealth, not one’s self... until it’s not, especially for the chatelaine core.  Men are expected to dress fashionably, and often in monochromatic, vibrant colors, or with one major color and minimal other colors for the accent. The gaslamp core is allowed to dress down, which often means they just don’t wear the hat. Some do however where glasses or monocles, solely for the fashion. This is the only noble core that can consistently get away with wearing glasses without it being seen as effeminate, a sign of poverty, a sign of unhealthy ruminations, or alternatively, provocatively sexual. Mages are a bit unique, as they will often have a strong duochromatic look (black and white, especially), often padded with utility. All of them carry a sling for their spellbook, even those who don’t actually use spellbooks. Initially, as a fun little spoiler that might have been obvious from some of the fight scenes in the story, the spell books don’t need to be carried. They just appear and disappear as needed, so this is often solely for the threat, or is in fact just a fake, spellbook prop, even by those who have one. As mentioned throughout, accessories can play a huge part in fashion. They can indicate the specifics of what you do with your life, thus signalling to others how enlightened and devoted you are, or can be a sign of being provocative or weak willed. To break it down, it’s good to remember that men and women are subjected to wildly different, contradictory standards, and so are each core. Men as mentioned before are shamed for multitasking or spreading themselves too thin, and thus anything outside their interest will be mocked, depending on their profession and core. Women are allowed to do most things, so long as they never do anything Too much. A woman could be taught how to fence and this would be fine and good, so long as she never focused Too much time on fencing, as an example. However,  they must still focus on something, such as making a family. Therefore accessories on a woman are subjected to a double standard of meaning they might appear to be too focused on any such topic. Or in some cases, spreading themselves too thin. There is at least one lesson out there that talks about a chatelaine who kept carrying a book around, and ended up losing her mind and had to go through an extensive cleansing ritual as a result. And of course, fashion is always changing. For example, in Bricketfriar, we learn that some of the younger nobles are interested in creating a layering effect, and will have their dress be slightly shorter than their understated crinoline, so both can be seen. Whether this is a long lasting fashion trend or merely the gimmick of the summer, who knows. The working class cannot afford vibrant dyes or specific outfits, and thus they work with what they have. Some of the color and style concepts seen in the aristocrats do bleed down to the working class, but they are often much more utilitarian. Some accessories do carry weight and meaning, but not to the same extent. Clothes are often made to last, and heavily reused, especially in places like Bricketfriar where information from the older generations can vanish overnight. Additionally, the working class will often have clothes that work more for the climate. The aristocrats will take existing fashions and slowly adapt them to the areas they live in, whereas the working class often starts from the climate and works up. In some places, the existing clothes and fashion are older than the towns themselves, due to, as previously mentioned, areas being burned down and reconstructed to fit the Kesterline aesthetic.
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beadandbones · 4 years
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In honor of my new crystal bottles, I've been binge watching EVERYTHING Victorian I can get my hands on! They were heavily inspired by Victorian era chatelaine designs. If you want to know what that is, check out my story today. . Judging from the amount of DMs I'm getting, I think you're just as excited as I am about the new crystal bottles! I'm gonna try and answer some of the most frequently asked questions here: . The new crystal bottle necklaces are sterling silver and brass mixed metal. They are all metal and stone, no glass or plastic. They will have your length choice of sterling silver chain. Bottles fit approximately 30-40 drops. There is a silver product wand to make applying perfume or oil easier. I have also added a leak-resistant seal. Each one will list for $150. . I think I covered the major questions! If you have any others, ask me below in the comments. 🖤���🖤 . 📸 "Great Expectations" c. 1998 https://ift.tt/36nF9gL
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