sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
Doing Your Night Routine + Trying to Shave Their Balls with the Monster Trio (SFW-ISH?)
Ft. Sanji, Zoro, Luffy
CW: Very fluffy + crack, mentions of PP
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You struggle to bathe this man you know good and well cleaning his face will be a struggle. Tonight though, you managed to convince him to do ONE black mask with you, but it did cost you your mini fridge.
“My face is very tight—-“
“I look so smooth—“
“Don’t Touch it!”
“Why the hell do you do this every night?! You know you don’t have to make yourself go through pain for me—“
Luffy ended up falling asleep beside you on the bed. Luckily he was on his back so you decided to take some of the peel off, but one particular part of the mask by his chin was stuck and so you quickly snatch it off.
That was a mistake.
“SON OF A—-“
“I’m so sorry!”
You peppered his face in kisses but he just was pouting all night trying to pick and scratch off the mask swearing he won’t forgive you.
He did after you gave him some of your candy you had stash in your drawer
As for trying to shave his family jewels he didn’t mind only because he didn’t have any hair
He stood proudly showing off his junk to you
“It’s so smooth..”
“I know right!”
7/10 would try to do again, but with less pain and more food
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“Just one hair—“
“It’s right there just let me pick it—“
“Woman, if you don’t back the hell up—“
He didn’t want to do a face mask so you offered to just simply clean and moisturize his face, you managed to wash it however while putting on some cream on him you found an ingrown hair on his chin
It was green
With that being said you had your bonnet on, face mask on, and was straddling Zoro on top of your bed.
“Just Lay on my lap…please…”
He only agreed because he had a nice view of your tits honestly.
You pulled up his chin and plucked it making him jump.
“Wow that was really in there—“
“I DIDNT STAB YOU I GOT THE DAMN HAIR—bro are you crying…”
“Shut—-im going to sleep in the crows nest—“
If you think that you were ganna shave his balls after that think again
“Go to bed.”
“Can I at least see it—“
“I Bet it’s hairy—“
12/10 would do it again to see his eyes water over a tweezer.
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Excuse me y’all do this all the time
Anything that involves being with you he is down
You’ve trimmed his hair, shaved his 5 o’ clock shadow, he was little like your little doll when it was time to do your nightly routine if he wasn’t too tired from working all day.
However today you wanted to try something new.
“You wanna what?”
Mind you his face is like: 😀?
“I just wanna…trim it.”
“I thought you liked my hair?”
Please help this man he’s starting to cry
You had an idea and you swear up and down you’d end up regretting it—
“Let me shave you…and then I’ll let you…shave me.”
Sanji never cared for your hair down there, pussy was pussy to this man but to hear you be so willing….
Pants was off immediately.
“Oh You’re not that bad.”
So you got in between his legs and began to trim just a bit, but your breath kept hitting his…pp.
He got hard.
“I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry—“
You giggled and told him it was okay so you backed up, but kept going making sure it doesn’t hit you in the eye—
“See! Tada!!”
Sanji was happy at you Doing so well and not nipping him but now he had something to take care of so he didn’t get to shave you that night
OOOOOH BUT BEST BELIEVE He remembered the next day.
He sat on your bed that evening with a spread of snacks, drinks, and clippers.
“Your turn!”
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bougiebutchbitch · 1 month
listen i know i dont go here but my burning need to ask begs for topical ... yeah. does anyone hold homelander down and just shape his eyebrows? on the sides there. with tweezers. is that not universe-possible, is it a scott summers deal? one follicle at a time. point-blank
I suspect any tweezers involved would snap. It's why he's so fuzzy on the show, chest and tummy wise - he can't shave with anything other than diamond blades or his own lasers! He has to pluck pubes and eyebrows out with his own nails, one at a time. Very sad. Maybe this is why he's Like That. If Homelander had Nair, he would probably be a more tolerable person
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larnax · 8 months
its like. the foundational memory i have of my gender isnt me being a tomboy as a kid(i was) its standing on the 5th grade playground with a normal girl petting my arm and telling me it's a little weird that i wasn't shaving it yet, and i wouldn't know that it wasn't normal for adult women to be expected to shave their arms until i was like 16. i feel like being hairy should be less a part of my identity than it is but its always been the biggest thing thats been pointed to as a sign that i wasnt a girl the way girls were. i have another vivid memory of watching my mom pluck out her mustache hairs with the pair of tweezers she kept in the glovebox. i started shaving mine when i started shaving my arms. i dont experience the trans guy mis-aging because i have a full beard and so everyone assumes i'm in my twenties. i'm not going anywhere with this
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raptorrepairservice · 2 years
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This is a little orange blossom toy that has been omnipresent in my room for years now and I've decided I will be obliterating her into something new
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This is my character who has not unlike the orange blossom toy been omnipresent in my mind for five years now. I have been wanting to make some kind of doll of it for years now, but I have a habit of starting things that never get finished and it always felt to daunting to even bother starting. I hope the small size of the doll will help with that. Im sewing the weird arm things and putting a wire in them to hold a shape, then painting them. They dont need to be articulate so I dont need to worry much about chipping. I've already started modifying her head and shaving the boots off. I will probably end up painting most of the clothes as I dont have the rigjt color fabric right now.
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This was the hardest part of the whole project i hope. I had to pull all her hair out from outside as none of my tweezers fit throug the hole. I dont even know why I did this. I planned to make a faux fur wig from the start. Help.
I've started the arm things by now but I dont have any photos. I will update whenever I have more things finished. Or started. Who knows 👾
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theseusrightnipple · 3 years
theseus shaves his legs with tweezers
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indomitablekushite · 4 years
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In Ancient Egypt makeup and fragrances were used daily in peoples lives makeup, scented oils, and perfumes were part of their hygiene and were used as early as 10,000 BCE by both, men and women. The practice of pubic hair removal goes back to the start of civilization. Egyptians believed a smooth and hairless body was the standard of beauty. Soon every upper class Egyptian wo/man made sure there was no hair on the body with some exception of her head, but most had wigs. It is said from 4,000 to 3,000 BC, women removed body hair with home-grown depilatory creams made from a bizarre combination of such questionable ingredients as arsenic and quicklime. Copper razors appeared around 3,000 BC in both India and Egypt. I say "Its said" because white people sometime dont read history right. I say this because they thought they was white so the mind was thinging how would a white peson do this and thast how they understood the facts which has made the read the facts wrong.. The Greeks adopted the ideal of smoothness, capturing it over and again in their sculpture. Ancient Greek sculptures of women are universally clean-shaven, whereas the sculptures of men have pubic hair. The Greeks believed that a smooth, hairless body exemplified youth and beauty. In "Sexual Life in Ancient Greece" by Hans Licht, the author describes how the Greeks disapproved of women with pubic hair and considered it ugly. It was considered a sign of class distinction and subsequently all upper-class women practiced pubic hair removal, as did many women of the lesser classes. Young girls began removing it as soon as the first hair appeared. They used tweezers, which they called the "volsella" as well as a kind of depilatory cream called the "philotrum" or "dropax" which was sometimes made with bryonia and foreshadowed modern depilatory creams. Waxing with resin or pitch was also used to depilate. Furthermore, the practice of pubic hair removal wasn't unique to Rome - it was practiced in even the most remote parts of the empire. Julius Caesar (101-44 BC) writes that, "The Britons shave every part of their body except their head and upper lip." Islam also has a long history of pubic hair removal. According to the Sunnah, every adult Muslim, as a part of keeping his/her body clean, should remove the hair from his pubic area and armpits. The hair may be removed through any method that one feels comfortable with. Moors like 2 think the spread of Islam brought the practice to India, Northern Africa, and 2 other vast areas of the world under Muslim influence. But we know thats not true but dont tell them, now you should know where they got it from what do you think they got all that knowledge herding goats in the desert? Never forget their cultural thieves also then and now. In 1520, Bassano de Zra wrote that "The Turks consider it sinful when a woman lets the hair on her private parts grow. As soon as a woman feels the hair is growing, she hurries to the public bath to have it removed or remove it herself." The public baths all had special rooms where the ladies could get rid of their hair. Even today, the hamams (public baths) still have special rooms for the ladies to depilate. The returning Crusaders (1096-1270) brought the practice back to Europe. In many European castles built between 1200 and 1600 AD, a special room was constructed where the ladies of the court could gather to shave. During the Renaissance, the practice of pubic hair removal flourished. Sixteenth and seventeenth century artists portrayed women as having little or no pubic hair. The work of Rubens, whose models typified the ideal in feminine beauty at the time, most dramatically reveals this. Dont know what happend during the "Dark Age" but during the reign of Catherine de Medici (1547-1589) who was then queen of France and something of a religious zealot. She forbade her ladies in waiting to remove their pubic hair any longer; however, it was still widely practiced until the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901) and the smothering prudishness of the "Victorian Era." Even then, it remained popular in private, especially for the ruling classes. There is some photographic evidence ranging from the time of the Civil War to the "blue movies" of the 1920s and 30s that shows that the amount of pubic hair during that time varied from full to none. Even though repressed by the outward morality of the era, it appears pubic shaving never disappeared but instead more appropriately went underground. After colonialism the Western world dictates: Underarms American women had no need to shave their underarms before about 1915 – after all, who ever saw them? Even the word “underarm” was considered scandalous, what with it being so near certain other interesting body parts. Then came the sleeveless dress. An ad in the fashion mag Harper’s Bazaar decreed that to wear it (and certainly to wear it while participating in “Modern Dancing”), women would need to first see to “the removal of objectionable hair.” They didn’t need much convincing, and by the early ’20s, hairy underarms were so last decade, at least in America. Legs The ’20s fashion was risqué on the bottom half, too, but most women of the era didn’t seem to feel the need to shave their legs, and when hemlines dropped again in the ’30s, the point became moot. The ’40s, however, brought even shorter skirts, sheerer stockings, and the rise of leggy pin-ups such as Betty Grable. “The removal of objectionable hair” suddenly applied to a lot more surface area. Naughty Bits Was it porn actresses who started this one? GIs concerned about disease? The Brazilians? Nah. For hundreds of years, the bikini wax has been a common practice among a group more often associated with extreme modesty: Muslim women. In much of the Middle East and North Africa, brides-to-be remove all their body hair before the wedding night. Yes, all of it. Frequently, they stick with the aesthetic after marriage – and some men do likewise.
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lilhwahwa · 3 years
my hair grows rlly quickly (but the hair on my head grows super slowly wtf is this logic??!?!??!???) and did u first shave it by urself?? or are there ppl u pay to do it for u, like professional eye brow shavers????
no its true i only recently got into knowing the stereotypes of the other signs aside from aries, and the assumption thread on twitter are fun to read thru
thats alright i dont rlly have a preference on gendered terms like u can call me sis bro king etc for me theyre just words of flattery yk and me being me i like flattery 😁 - S2
Same that’s why I freaked out when the hairdresser cut off like half of my hair 💀💀 PLs yoU THINK ID PAY FOR THAT Ofc I DID IT MYSELF WITH A EYEBROW SHAVING BLADE THING AND TWEEZERS OOP
Ok Twitter rlly do be entertaining (and toxic ) but entertaining.
And yeah same I don’t have a preference I just call my friends everything and anything and they do too hehe. Is there any names you’re uncomfortable being called?
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musherum · 6 years
and i havent shaved in a few days and i havent plucked my eyebrows and i cant even find all the shit i use to take care of myself because of all this bullshit moving thats been going on for the past week and i need to find it so i dont look really really really ugly when i go out tomorrow but i dont know where it is or what my parents did with my tweezers or anything and i dont wanna leave my room because my dad is out there and i dont wanna be around him i dont i dont i dont i dont
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