butchtaurus · 8 years
here’s me being Bitter !!! after rewatching (aka torturing myself) 2.13 again. sorry mobile users?
1:33 “She’s with me.” think he owns kara already without even establishing what they are to each other yet.
5:52 male ego hurt easily, he thinks kara will move on to some else who’s really trying to woo her and she has to console him
11:05 fighting with Kara to kill Mr. Mxy against her wishes bcuz they do not kill. and also says that he doesn’t want her to deal with “her stalker” implying that she can not fight for herself
11:43 Kara says Mon El is infuriating
15:28 Kara is interrupted by mon el (this point is me just being salty but still)
15:51 he’s explaining that Mxy is creating havoc to impress Kara so ?? you and mxy got things in common
16:03 mon el reveals he knows how to get mxy back to the 5th dimension, keeping yet another secret from Kara
16:10 mon el becomes so infuriating Kara has to yell at him and tell him to leave 
16:51 his male ego is hurt again bcuz he think kara is really tryna get with mxy. they have a big ass fight in the middle of the DEO
17:04 mon el says “i’m sorry i was busy tryna defend your honour” when we know fuckig well kara can defend herself. basically he belittled her bcuz he thinks she’s a “damsel in distress”
17:18 belittles kara again by saying “sometimes you’re not a good judge of what you can handle, so *clap* there is it”
17:39 whines “you are so hard on me, Kara!” CAUSE SHE BELIEVES YOU CAN DO FUCKING BETTER BUT YOU HAVENT
18:05 says “you know what Kara.. i knew that you were a little full of yourself, like a little bit, but this is like off the charts” what the fuck…………………
18:15 kara tells mon el she expects better from him ONCE AGAIN and he says “YOU DO NOT GET TO TURN THIS AROUND ON ME” and tells her that he’s the only one that’s suppose to get mad
18:32 kara says “you know what? i thought you’d changed, i really did but you are still the same macho, [oh here it is, say it] egotistical, [daxamite?] yes! and you have always been!” way to egg her on, then says they were a mistake and shouldn’t have tried to start a relationship
19:15 THE FUCKING BIGGEST KICKER “yeah uh things were a lot easier on Daxam when i objectified women and didn’t care about anyone” yeah who gives a fuck about women, they should just be objects for me to use cuz thats way easier haha!!!!!!!
20:07 going behind kara’s back
24:00 mr mxy and mon el agree to a duel for kara’s hand, as if she is a prize to be won, as if she has no say, as if they don’t care what she says
27:25 male ego hurt again bcuz he thinks just cuz Mxy can give Kara anything she wanted, she’s go to him?
27:37 kara says “it’s not just the jealous thing monel. it’s the patronizing, ego thing! i told you i can handle mxy and you didn’t listen” which sure she’s tryna really convince him that she’s gonna marry mxy just so he doesn’t ruin her plans but these are true statements that he’s patronizing to kara and he doesn’t listen to her
27:40 says he will listen and respect her which he should be doing already. he shouldn’t have to clarify more than once that he will do those things
28:22 kara says “we’re too different mon el” which is true so why doesn’t she listen to herself. (and i won’t doubt that that comes up later again when she realizes he is not good for her)
30:20 “love isn’t making demands of someone or forcing them to marry you” kara honey you always making demands of mon el constantly cuz he won’t listen to you. “love is putting someone else needs above your own” last episode you saved lena luthor even tho you could’ve fuckin died tbh.
34:42 ’you can’t force love… you have to let it find you’ well kara you tryna force this thing you got with mon el if we being real here
39:17 “you are my kryptonite” aka Kara is the radioactive element that can kill her aka she’s his WEAKNESS, which she shouldn’t be. she should be the thing that makes him want to grow and be better, together. and also it’s not even a good metaphor bcuz kryptonite does even hurt him, he’s allergic to lead?
40:05 “i get that you were upset that i wasn’t listening to you and i tried really really really hard to listen to you this time” BITCH IT SHOULDNT BE THAT HARD BUT YOU TRIED REALLY REALLY… R E A L L Y HARD THIS TIME????? children say this after they are reprimanded for not listening multiple times so they can get what they want
40:25 this binch said she ‘didn’t mean it’ you’ve said over half the stuff you said to him before in several other episodes, you can’t convince me you don’t mean it by now
40:50 except that part “about your infuriating male ego” that was true
and thats when i shut the episode off bcuz i can’t deal with all of this 
so anyways imma be hating ass bitch and wish he would die lol. chris w. seems like a nice guy and nice looking but i cannot deal with this character.
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