starrysamu · 4 years
QUEENS GAMBIT,,, spare thoughts on beth and benny ? 🥺
YEAAAH i got thoughts and all i’ll hand them to u at any moment!!!! queen’s gambit spoilers ahead ->
BUT. okay when i first saw benny, i was like what the hell did they do to newt from maze runner bc 16 year old me was soooo in love w that skinny white boy. i cannot get down w whatever p/rnstache thing he’s got going on
anyways i think when we first saw the prospect of them hooking up, i was like i knew this was coming and THEN he totally played it cautious w her. and like truth be told, i don’t know if it’s because he cares that much more for the game or for her (i think it’s both) or if he just didn’t like her at the moment. i thought this whole thing with cleo was a little stilted and like i can see why adding her would maybe put ... a block in the way of benny and beth getting together, but when you’ve got benny sort of closed off and beth sort of still holding onto feelings for someone else, you’re bound to only get so far
that being said, them hooking up was NOT a surprise. i think it’s very radical of the writers to introduce the idea of an unmarried woman and man living together in that time period and honestly for them to go that long without hooking up is not shocking but ... just interesting. i can appreciate that she had a first good time with him too, instead of that other guy
i did find myself getting a little like shocked at the pacing of them though. because the hook up was coming we know that, she’s sort of already established that sort of pattern w the men in that show leading up to it, but benny’s “i miss you” also feels a little stilted just because i don’t think we were given 1) enough build up for that to be justified and 2) enough time to adjust to them as a pair. again, it did not come to a shock when she didn’t respond to that statement
despite that, i do like his redemption arc. he needed one - his character was grody and bitter and with the extra maybe i-love-yous, he needed one. so to see him call her at the end as perhaps the main point of contact in putting all of her friends together probably indicates some sort of hope for them to either stay friends to get back together.
i’m a romantic person. the whole time i watched this i was really craving romance for her just to spice things up a bit. so i’m not gonna say i’ll be upset if benny and beth do end up getting together, bc unlike her relationship w beltik, benny shares an equal love for her passion (u can literally see it when they talk about it after HAVING S/X). and especially with how recurring he was after he “left her life” and told her not to call him again, it’s very very likely. plus, with a little redemption on his side, i don’t think he’s all too bad for her anyways :)
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