abimee · 2 years
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HI. SORRY FOR PUTTING THESE TAGS IN THE SPOTLIGHT but heres the thing is we DO know who unukhalhai is a shard of.
or i guess who unukhalhai shares as a shard of. and if implied canon is to be believed, there is only one shard of azem on each planet naturally, with The Source having us and The First having Ardbert.
but guess what. we've met another unukhalhai. it's nyelbert.
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tthrough the magical DPS quest you find out about Taynor, the best friend of nyelbert who was casted into the rift between worlds and who was chased after by Nyelbert. Both once studied together in the art of opening up these void portals, and its talked that they had to attune their aether into one to do so, so they know each others aether well
and remember what hythlodaeus says about aether, and that its almost like a signature of someone since amaurotines seemed to usually look for each other by their aether (if they had the ability to spot it), and how even simulacrum hythlo recognized our incredibly weak aether in amaurot due to a color
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eand look what taynor says when he forms with unukhalhais aether, when taynor was seemingly able to match him and open up a void portal with ease :)
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"I Feel as if i Do remember it. Your aether is... familiar, somehow. But thats impossible, of course."
Whoever Unukhalhai is, he sadly isn't a shard of Azem, because he and Nyelbert are shards of the same person! :DS
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