frogmillkk · 3 years
si madame emisaryo sa mga trese watchers dyan
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skyheld · 6 years
hi i love renn and valta
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mrsarnasdelicious · 6 years
Brett Talbot Headcanons
I am just going to refuse to accept he is dead
He is out and proud
Has no issues talking about his sexuality or what type of people he fancies
He’s been brought up with the idea that his partner should be someone in known about the supernatural, though
Because it is best to be open to your partner about that type of thing
Best case scenario is of course when his lover is also a were
Wolf, Coyote, Panther, heck, any strain is fine
Hence why Brett was elated when he found out when Liam was bitten
Yeah, he’s into Liam
Whom he calls Lima Bean
I am getting ahead of myself here tho
Start with the start
Brett was born in the Hale house
His mother was Talia’s younger sister
His parents were teenagers when Brett was born, so Talia had quite the hand in Brett’s early years
Brett dad, Jason Talbot, was killed by a hunter when Brett was 2
Brett’s mother, Emily met and married Silas Rohr after that
Lorilee was born when Brett was four years old
Brett and Lori were saved from the Hale fire by Cora and brought to Satomi
The only thing Brett has left from that is an injurie that will likely never heal. He is blind in one eye
He used to have a high strung temper as a result of the Hale fire
But the budhists made him a mellow and open fella
He is open minded and accepting
But if you hurt Lori, you are going to dig your own grave
His contact with Derek and Laura was non exsistant after the fire
But Laura checked in regularily when she came back to Beacon Hills
Brett sometimes visited Peter when he was hospitalized
Has an okay relationship with Derek once Derek becomes an Alpha
Brett is not very studious but does get rather high grades
Because Satomi makes him work for it
Of course he is a start athlete and he might get a sports scolarship into a good college
He has no idea what he wants to be when he is older, though
He always Jokingly says Yoga Teachers, but that is far from his true aspiration
He was chosen as Satomi’s second, so his true future is in being the new Alpha for the Budhists
As a werewolf, he has ethic and a sense of duty, but still with the same, laid back attitude
He he a triskela tattoo as well as a lotus, to symbolize his affilations to the Budhists as well as the late Hale pack
He’s poly amorous
He sleeps in the hammock hanging from his ceiling more often than in his bed
Don’t touch his car
He kissed his first girl when he was twelve
He fell in love with Liam when they were both 15
They got together muuuuch later, because Brett thought it a good flirting tactic to constantly antagonize Liam in one way or the other
They only began a thing after Hayden left Liam
Brett loves to tease Liam
But he also lavishes his boy is love and affection
Brett loves spooning with Liam
Liam just fits so well against him because Liam is that much shorter
A thing he teases Liam with alot
Brett tries to push for a poly thing
Liam is kinda possessive of his breadstick
But once they get thoroughly stoned with Mason and Corey [Mason on weed and the other three on wolvesbane] they have a make out orgy and Liam has to admit he might be into it
So then it is the four of them
Brett is so proud of all his boys
Especially when Mason goes in training with Deaton to become an Emisarry
For the McCall pack ofc, because Emisarries are not allowed to date/shag from the pack they serve
Soon after Mason starts his training, Satomi falls ill
She is hospitalized and Brett starts to isolate himself to prepare for his duty
Liam and Corey are both stressy babies
Mason does his best to make em chill
When Brett calls them next, he asks them too come over
His eyes are red and his pack is in mourning
The entire McCall pack attends Satomi’s funureal
Brett Talbot is from then on Scott’s vast ally
He is a gentle dom
But a dom all the same
He likes it when Liam and Corey call him daddy
He loves his fingers sucked
His biggest kink is his boys wearing only his lacrosse jersey
Body worship is a talent he is very proud of
He loves taking him time with his boys
He does prefer his boys one on one
Orgies don’t really occur
Mass make outs tho!
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Deimos And Phobos
Demons, and phobia, what revolves around these two things? What are we as humans afraid of? One of which i can think of is the tale of demons and possession. Not to mention, that Fear and Demons(wickedness and things alike) stem from and lead to a thing man invented long ago. That is, war. War as we know it is known to ourselves, our history. Animals do not make war, insects have no cause to take arms against the plants they plant themselves on for food. What is war? What caused the first war? Why is it important we talk about war as man made and not inevitable in the cosmos and on Earth.
Two moons, revolve around the planet around War--Deimos and Phobos they are Greek in literature, and that is not the only root of their place in history. They the Greek versions of the names are attributed into the battles they would lead with the God of War-- Ares. Though Mars is a Roman God and these are Greek names, it is after-all mytholigical and important. Legend says that Greeks came up with Democracy and though some of their counterparts mainly Socrates mentioned in explicit terms that Democracy wouldn't last; or hold together a nation alone we see today that our Democracy, a government held up by pillars of the legislature, executive, and judicial and these pillars have maintained over the centuries: but will they maintain? Can these three pillars hold something up such as Democracy, that will not be overturned by War which is held together by fear and destructive forces(demons).
We speak that we know war is not good, but war in economic standards is both good and bad. Is there an upside to war? Frankly no, but war between nations is often thought of in this case, between people and not ideas and beliefs. If i was at war with an ideaoligy i would need allies i would need armor and weapons. This is the case in war against drugs, persecution, and mainly just: evilness. However to never forget is a wise tale, because we first need to understand morality and ethics before we label things such as evil. After all what was true years ago may not hold in todays time. This is a true sentiment people have, that people have memory and wars well they hold nothing but instead they do battles and fighting, perilous to the losers and to the victors: the spoils.
I want to refrain from general statements throughout this publication but at times it is neccessary, i mean not to take lite the fact that war is a man made invention and comes to the poor and rich, the sinner and saint all the same. In this age, meaning the century of this publication we hold conflicts around the world, but delight in contempt and of simplicity. Convenice has tried men and women to put their mental health before their mind. What i mean is that mental health is not about pills, cures and spooking people. Mental health is about the transpiration of being human. After all we all undergo stress, and things of the sort but what mentally ill people do and say makes no sense am i right? I am talking in terms of mental illness because to breathe is a way of living but your mind can expierence things differently then any other body part. Each part of our body is useful and has been but sometimes we need to remove things to maintain our health. Often mental illness patients seek not cure but not to suffer. Let me assure you, to live with mind affliction is suffering, but there is more than meets the eye to mental illness. This world has changed, mostly for the better in the last decades but severity of that change depends on humanitarian needs. Yes people live free and die in lands liberated from war, but have you ever thought or atleast contimplated will war be abolished? Will the wars be sustained or withheld? Can we as humans, and not Gods rid the world of this disease of our souls?
I talk about minds because often it is the smarter of two foes(or stronger) that prevails, though war is very complicated and many have written about war, i offer the chronical of such a atrosity of that of war, to and atrributed to something that isnt mankind. To best explain this i will offer a simple parable. A disease inflicted upon a creature will kill it throughout time if not dealt with. The creature does not know the remedy and that which brought the disease, it simply wants and needs cured. The creature begins to wane with each day and where joy and happiness was becomes bitterness and rabid hate. The disease becomes to much and the creature lashes out on other animals, and eats and tears into them. The disease overtakes the creature, it began to not eat but inflict self harm and began to isolate, still living inside the creature was goodness, however withered and afraid the creature begins to terrorize other similar animals, and when confronted it used violence. Soon the disease feasted on that which gave the creature its beauty and intellect, and then the creature was lost. It was no more, until it died where as the disease rotted into the carcass and animals that ate became afflicted and soon this disease inflicted man because men ate animals and plants. Men were poisioned by a creature that could not threaten men's might or its stature on the food chain but because the creature was sadly afflicted it did what a demon would do. Now man was smart and quarentened the sick but still, fear of the disease came into the minds of the youth and the old then into the healthy, now the disease had completed its cycle and the world blighted with stain, could no longer eat, drink, or think without becoming infected to some degree. It took a light above this world and above man to release men then the animals then the plants and then the world of this terrible curse.
Above i laid out what a disease can do to men, but take note the fact that a disease of the mind, is a dangerous foe and we all quarrel with some parts of this disease, but remember that end, the means of salvation came not from below the sickness but above it. This is true about our sickness to our ruin and of our corruption. Man has not yet been purged collectively of this thing called war, and if no help comes from above we will let it kill the world. Unless, and in the above example i had not this solution-- but unless we can rise up through our own self-control and soverignty along with just faith in the light above we can be able to rid ourselves of this disease known as War and importantly a wide variety of other potential sicknesses. For instance, a minds ability to suffer extreme circumstances without harm done to a person needs to be carefully articulated to the stent of our education for our survival. If minds control men, a mind sickness can devestate the greater mankind. I say this not to bring panic nor fear or even demons to you but i say this with love.
As we venture to new territory our body is all we have, all we have been given. We know not all the ways or means of obtaining flesh but we should keep it as it is humble to do so. I will speak to the analogy of war and the two emisarries-- fear and demons soon but it goes without saying that if we conqure Mars, this threat of war will be less of a threat to us all. And that is good.
"I am no general, i am no marine, i am no fighter, i am no lover-- i am man, and the world will not be a victim to my demise, but a stepping stone to our rising" Andrew Cozad
I said the above words to inspire those that read with care, as i spent alot of time not researching but thinking and praying about this subject-- War. Why do we have it? Is it a part of us? Can we stop it?
I find war has its soldiers, being demons and fear, illicit fear and demons very real are these two things. As what is a demon but that which harbors war and is friend of fear? We must surmount these two buildings before we uproot the footing of war. We cannot take down war without dismmantling fear, and demons. I may be wrong- i may also be right.
Demons is a much more vauge thing than fear. Though they correlate. Think of fear as the right hand and demons the left and war the body and head of this beast we need to slay. If this case of being passive brings fear we must channle that fear and chance our stance to aggresively overcome the obstical. I will state clear and consicely that no one individual not even God in the flesh could rid the world of these two the demons and terror. After all Zues may have created man in the myths, but the truth created the power to wield lightning against the gods themselves. After all Gods to men are puny to this beast of War. Believe or dont believe, but these stances matter in life i find, and some hearts cant withstand things like death of loved ones and therefore i look to God, for the most part. I also look to truth and science. The stress of war is terrible on a society and enviorment. Therefore should we declare war on war? no, i say explore, explore and explore we will solve problems specifically fear and demons by bringing together all societies all enviorments.
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