marastriker · 2 years
Maraaaaa can you hit me with some Dinahboose cause I love them so muuuuucchhhh🖤🖤🖤
I had this bit of a drabble that I was starting, centered around Dinah's gardening:
Dinah always preferred to tend to her garden just as the sun was setting. Quiet, cool evenings alone with her fruit and vegetable plants always calmed her down after a long day of hauling passengers - most of which she wasn’t particularly fond of anyway.
She wiped a bead of sweat from her brow as she repotted a budding tomato plant, excited for when it would finally be ready to put in the ground. “Soon.” She whispered sweetly to the plant, removing her dirt stained gloves when she suddenly felt a presence behind her - one that didn’t wait for her to turn around before it tickled her sides.
Suffice to say, CB surprises her with tickles a lot! But it's okay cause she gets many kisses afterward <3
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anotherlikeyou · 6 years
crossed fingers and pine!
pine: if you could only smell one scent for the rest of your life, what would it be?
this is though???? i mean there are so many smells that i love…i guess lavender?? or maybe, u know the smell of babies? ok yeah this sounds cringy and creepy as fuck, i know, but i’m talking about the top of a baby’s head?? a newborn kitten?? or even a chick, u know when they are still a smol ball of yellow fluff?? yeah all three of them have this very specific smell and idk. that’s what love smells like to me i guess, so yeah, that
crossed fingers: using no negative words, describe your hair.
i like my hair, it’s a light shade of brown, shoulder lenght. they used to reach my hips once, but one day this dumb bitch said “hmm i wonder what i would look like with my hair short” and BAM, suddendly i had a pixie cut. which yeah i looked good but i miss my long hair so muuuuucchhhh T_TNow whenever i even barely think about cutting them i hear the woman from that vine scream at me bITCH I HOPE THE FUCK YOU DO YOU’LL BE A DEAD SON OF A BITCH I TELL YOU THAT
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