dawningofdrag · 4 years
heres another drabble i made because yes
set in the universe of my recent gigi x nicky fic bc last night @goodemornting told me she made fanart for it (i really wanna show the fucking world how multi-talented this woman is it is SO SO GOOD but she hasn’t posted it so maybe she doesnt want that out there and i respect that uwu) and i may or may not have cried multiple tears. Anyways im dedicating this to her hope u like it ilu jkahdjkaaadhakjs
Gigi was drunk. She was wasted beyond her knowledge as she giggled at every tweet that would normally only get a loud exhale on a sober day. 
She took another swig of the bottle of chardonnay she had opened hours ago, a loud thud echoing through her living room as she set it down on the glass coffee table next to her. Her thumb mindlessly swiped up and down the screen of her phone, jumping from twitter to instagram after every ten minutes or so. 
It was fall, and it was so fucking cold. She wore a long sleeve shirt over her favorite blue cropped sweater and wrapped herself in a fleece blanket, but she still found her teeth chattering whenever the strong winds would whistle past the windows of her small apartment. 
She took another sip of the bottle that was no longer cold, somehow entertained by the incredibly boring instagram stories of her cast mates before her eyes gazed on someone she didn’t want to see.
Nicky was in full drag, her signature long blonde hair cascading down her shoulders as she swayed her hips to a song she didn’t recognize the tune of. Thin sunglasses were gently perched on the bridge of her button nose, the rhinestones on her black bodysuit reflecting the warm yellow light that shined above her. She was grinning at the audience that cheered her on, winking at the tippers that raised their dollar bills for her to take. 
She looked so happy, and Gigi could feel her stomach churn at the sight.
The brunette tapped on the screen, brown eyes glued to the screen as she watched every video in Jan's story that included Nicky, skipping past the ones without her. More videos of a new number, photos of them drinking some bright cocktail that was probably more juice than alcohol, and a video of Nicky singing.
The unbothered facade she put up to try and convince herself with immediately fell, the sound of Nicky’s voice filled the room, and all of a sudden it was too loud for Gigi to fight back the pain she was suppressing.
Gigi hadn’t heard the sound of Nicky’s voice ever since she bared her soul and ripped herself apart while the New York native just stood there, watching as if she wasn’t the reason why. Ever since she slammed Gigi’s front door as she exited the apartment building, leaving her to shed way too many tears on her own, all alone. Ever since she fully and completely broke her soul that was only just starting to heal.
She turned off the phone she was staring at almost immediately and took a deep staggering breath. She watched herself on the reflective black screen that was positioned in front of as she felt it harder and harder to calm down and all of a sudden she saw the tears well up in the corners of her eyes and now she was crying and she couldn’t breathe-
‘hey gig what are u doing’
‘im boredddddddddd lmao wanna facetime’
Crystal’s texts could not have come at a better time.
‘im drunk and i just saw nicky on jans story :(’
She paused for a bit, patting dry the tears that ran down her face mere moments ago with the hem of her sweater. She slipped out a laugh at how quickly three grey dots popped up on her screen after she sent her latest text, typing the continuation of her reply before her best friend could press send.
‘of course i want to, hold on ill call u’
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