#I STILL DONT KNOW HOW I WANNA DRAW BECK. the first drawing is real close to how I wanna draw him but idk something’s still not there yet
wynandcore · 1 year
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Semi-old-but-not-That-old doodles of me trying to learn to draw these two
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augcst · 8 years
unusual asks: do them all i believe in you
WHO DID THIS but lowkey thanks bc this is what i wanted read below if you wanna know things about me or *cough* datemeimeanwhta *cough*
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? Spotify all the wayyy
Is your room messy or clean?Actually clean bc I just cleaned it out and everything is organized
What color are your eyes?Brown af
Do you like your name? why?I do and its bc its aestetically pleasing to look at for me? Like Autumn is just really nice to look at u kno
What is your relationship status?single and mentally unstable; thotumn
Describe your personality in 3 words or lesstired, sometimes creative
What color hair do you have?dark brown with lighter brown streaks
What kind of car do you drive? color?Nissan Versa Note, sky blue
Where do you shop?For clothes: H&M and target, my sister’s closet
How would you describe your style?attempted gay athletic
Favorite social media accountInstagram or this one
What size bed do you have?Double or queen... its bigger than a twin but not a king lol
Any siblings?Biological: 9, Step: 2, Adopted: 2 (all sisters)
If you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?New Zealand because it’s so gorgeous, or the gay island with my favorite people ive ever met @enbykaradanvers and @thegrimllama
Favorite snapchat filter?The one that makes your nose smaller and your face thinner
Favorite makeup brand(s)I use drug store mostly, Milani is INCREDIBLE, but expensive: highligher - nars, primer - too faced, stila, makeup forever
How many times a week do you shower?Usually every other day unless im going through a particularly bad depression spout. 
Favorite tv show?All-time: New Girl, The Office, Parks and Rec, Grey’sCurrent: Supergirl
Shoe size?.....size 11
How tall are you?5′4″ish
Sandals or sneakers?SNEAKERS ALWAYS
Do you go to the gym?not really
Describe your dream datestargazing in a remote, low-lit area so the stars are super bright with philosophical discussions
How much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?$178 not including like gift cards and stuff
What color socks are you wearing?none right now
How many pillows do you sleep with?I have to have one for my head, one to hug, and one on the other side so i feel secure lmao but I have 7 full pillows on my bed rn
Do you have a job? what do you do?Not currently as I’m about to go through a really tough semester, but I was a nanny
How many friends do you have?I have 3/4 best friends but a really good amount of friend friends 
Whats the worst thing you have ever done?watched the Bee movie
Whats your favorite candle scent?peach or evergreen
3 favorite boy namesI have 3 gender neutral names: Journey, River and Eowyn
3 favorite girl namessame as above plus annie
Favorite actor?um... *looks at smudged writing on hand* Benadryl *squints* Cucumber
Favorite actress?Melissa Benoist or Katie McGrath atm
Who is your celebrity crush?Same as above
Favorite movie?Hidden Figures is SO GOOD YALL YOU GOTTA SEE IT
Do you read a lot? whats your favorite book?I don’t because I have issues with concentrating unless i’m interested and it’s dead quiet. But my favorite book is Milk&Honey by Rupi Kaur CALL ME BASIC I KNOW I AM but i have a lot of poetry books i enjoy
Money or brains?Brains
Do you have a nickname? what is it?Yes, Audi or Thotumn or Small Chip as coined by @thegrimllama and Lil Sis/sib as coined by @enbykaradanvers
How many times have you been to the hospital?For myself, 4 times for serious things. 1) Kidney infection as an infant, 2) Two nose bleeds that wouldn’t stop 3) Severe stomach pain 4) Broken ankle
Top 10 favorite songsin no particular order:-This Girl (Kungs Vs. Cookin’ On 3 Burners)-Wow by Beck-Guillotine by Jon Bellion-False Alarm by Matoma-Death of a Bachelor by Panic! at the Disco-Starving by Hailee Steinfeld-Take On Me by Aha-Send My Love (To Your New Lover) by Adele-That’s My Girl by 5H-6 Inch by Beyonce
Do you take any medications daily?Too many
What is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)Definitely combination
What is your biggest fear?Shallow: Heights; Deep: Being Gaslighted
How many kids do you want?I want a few although im not sure how many, but never an only child. 
Whats your go to hair style?Messy pony or bun
What type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc)Average for a family, like 4 bedroom, 3 stories, 3 baths.
who is your role model?@enbykaradanvers and @thegrimllama and my mom
What was the last compliment you received?(regarding a nude I thought was awful) @thegrimllama : “HOLY SHIT IT WORKS THOUGH, IM FOR REAL THOUGH SEND IT TO EVERYONE”
What was the last text you sent?“IM ONLY HALFWAY THROUGH”
Wow old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?I still believe in santa dont ARGUE WITH ME
What is your dream car?One with bluetooth music, leather seats, seatwarmers and a sun roof and adequate room in the baCK AKA MY CAR I DESTROYED LAST YEAR I CRY
Opinion on smoking?not for me, please dont smoke cigs around me either
Do you go to college?Yep, getting my associates this semester then transferring
What is your dream job?a job that works with psychology and children. maybe autistic children
Would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs?Suburbs. I like the idea of a city, but I hate the crowdedness, but i like living close enough to like a target and H&M and stuff
Do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?nah, if anything I use them while im there
Do you have freckles?not really, just like random spots all over my body but not like the cute freckles lmao
Do you smile for pictures?now I do, i went through a period where I didnt though
How many pictures do you have on your phone?17k
Have you ever peed in the woods?yes, when I was little and my family was actually active and hiked lmao
Do you still watch cartoons?sometimes, my little sister watches them and sometimes they’re on. But I do watch Steven Universe and Spongebob when they’re on lmao
Do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?HOW ABOUT CHICK FIL A
Favorite dipping sauce?Ranch probably
What do you wear to bed?usually a tee and underwear
Have you ever won a spelling bee?I think I vaguely remember winning when I was in elementary but I honestly cant say for sure
What are your hobbies?Art and music and studyblring and im trying to get into like editing digital stuff and i also like writing when I have the spoons
Can you draw?yeah, I have an art tag somewhere. You can find it on my page in my about me i think
Do you play an instrument?the guitar, I used to play viola and piano though
What was the last concert you saw?Twenty One Pilots at Red Rocks i think?
Tea or coffee?hot chocolate
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?starbucks
Do you want to get married?yes
What is your crush’s first and last initial?JH, but it’s like an inactive crush? But like other than that I dont have any
Are you going to change your last name when you get married?Probably
What color looks best on you?Orange or navy blue probably
Do you miss anyone right now?@enbykaradanvers bc they WENT TO SLEEP EARLY LIKE A HEALTHY PERSON although im really proud of them bc i care and love them and i want them to be well rested for work so they have a highkey good day
Do you sleep with your door open or closed?CLOSED AF
Do you believe in ghosts?Umm yes but not in the conventional way. lmk if anyone wants to know more lmao
What is your biggest pet peeve?I have so many but top ones are chewing with your mouth open and velvety textures
Last person you called?@enbykaradanvers and @thegrimllama
Favorite ice cream flavor?Mint choclate chip
Regular oreos or golden oreos?I like the cookie part of regular ones but the whole of golden ones so u choose
Chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?i dont like sprikles but make it gay so rainbow
What shirt are you wearing?my fave long sleeve tee, it was my dad’s at one point
What is your phone background?kara danvers with a pink background and a pixelly thought bubble that says “why are you on my phone”
Are you outgoing or shy?a mix. depends on my spoons tbh
Do you like it when people play with your hair?if they do it gently bc i highkey have a really sensitive scalp
Do you like your neighbors?yeah, one of my best friends lives on the left and a nice family lives on the right
Do you wash your face? at night? in the morning?morning and night... but like lazily. Literally water in the morning and a makeup wipe or water at night
Have you ever been high?from prescription drugs but like that were meant for me lol
Have you ever been drunk?never
Last thing you ate?sauteed mushrooms
Favorite lyrics right now"theres not enough wind in oklahoma to blow this old house to the ground” or something like that
Summer or winter?summer, but i dont hate winter
Day or night?night
Dark, milk, or white chocolate?milk
Favorite month?May
What is your zodiac signLeo
Who was the last person you cried in front of?@thegrimllama bc i was having a bad night and she skyped me until I fell asleep 
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