mistysaur · 30 days
Ok I don't know if any of my friends actually told him anything about my incredible panic attacks over me not being able of talking to him normally, BUT OMG HE'S SUCH A SWEETHEART????? HE JUST TOLD ME HE'S SORRY FOR NOT BEING ABLE OF TALKING TO ME YESTERDAY?????? LIKE BOY IDK IF YOU REALLY LIKE ME BUT YOU'RE MAKING MY HEART RATE GO CRAZY!!!!
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Omg Antonio's Twin sister who has a crush on a boy and kisses him on the cheek and gets caught by yandere family madrigal.
And when they pick her up , she just starts crying and saying that she's gonna marry him when she grows up🤭
What would the family do and how would they punish her?
(I love your blog so much omfg) 💞
I'm so glad you like my blog!
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💜 first off is only when you're really young probably only 10 or so so they wouldn't necessarily punish you probably ground you for going outside for a long time you're young and you don't know what you're doing is wrong so to be fair they're just scared you might be used even though you're the same age as them
💛 Pepa and Félix are probably one of the most overprotective parents ever when they saw your little cute playdate they flipped out they picked you up even though he started crying Pepa unfortunately kicked the child straight in the stomach as they walked away which made it cry
💛 Camilo started dealing with his normal crap mocking little boy and started shape-shifting to make you stop crying and tell you say one thing"I'M GOING TO MARRY HIM STOP" everyone stopped and stared
💛 Delores was one of the most affected by it sure she understood love at some point but you were too young to understand she thought you would never understand love it was too dangerous for you to even accept that you were in love it was a bad idea for you to even stay outside
💛 Antonio Brie with the rest of the family and thinking that you were ready to stay outside anymore so you got grounded and lost outside privileges you weren't allowed to look outside or even go outside
❤ Abuela I was definitely angry at the fact that you were in love with someone although she was in love quite young it didn't change her mind that you are still just a young child she agreed with the rest of family that punishment was necessary so the grounding was that he would practice riding reading Etc and even though Antonio's real when you missed outside but Abuela kept a close eye on you
💙Julieta and agustín we're both angry at you to the point where they didn't even talk but after awhile two hours later they caved in and started treating you like a young baby and you were angry by this but you can do anything you couldn't go outside or think about it so you might as well get used to this if you want your outside privileges back
💙lusia would give you fake workout equipment so she could work out with you it was all fake cuz she was scared that you might break a bone but Casita that would help you at this point acting like a treadmill while lusia was going pretty fast yours was going at a moderate pace
💙Isabela who was one of the main people who are angry she refused to grow you flowers for who-knows-how-long until finally she caved in and showed you something new once it was interesting and definitely brought you a bunch of joy showing of new and exotic plants even she didn't know like cacti and Nightshade
💙 Maribel was probably the most calm out of everyone she knew how young you were so you were probably stupid you can understand anything so might as well keep you here she would just do you a bunch of stuffed animals and everything and etcetera she would even try voodoo dolls with the boy because he was still alive but they never were
💚 Bruno he predicted the future to see if you would actually fall in love with this boy and he did he warned everyone obviously so it was more of a crush but he was still angry that this boy had won your heart when you deserve something a thousand times better but he did nothing but protect the future for him in this boy was named Anton and this showed you being married to him when you were older that could happen but he couldn't kill a child that's too far we just have to wait it out
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For a prompt: Kaiba makes yugi cry, like full out sobbing, and kaiba has no idea how to handle it cuz he didn't MEAN to make him cry he thought it was just their normal banter?? But yugis been having a rough week and it was just the straw that broke the camels back. Everyone reacts to this situation in different ways. Cute fluffy ending maybe? ( could be platonic or shippy) LOVE your writing, it's breathtaking!
Awww honey omg thank you so much! :D
I’m gonna go with the puzzleship ending, ifin y’don’t mind? My queer ass is feeling the Gay™
This turned out to be so Sappy like omfg
Here’s the link!
Seto realizes he may look a little undignified.
He’s dried Mokuba’s tears plenty of times. He knows how to handle those. Additionally, he crushes employees’ futures on a daily basis; he’s dealt with loud tears of rage, quiet tears of misery. He’s even experienced the occasional pained smile that can’t quite keep the tears from falling, and he’s never broken a sweat.
Somehow though, when Yugi Mutou’s the one with the painful smile, it’s completely different.
Seto blinks at him. His demand of “What are you doing?” comes out a tad sharper than he intended, but can you blame him? This isn’t part of the plan. Seto likes his plans, especially when they involve this little runt.
That’d been what set Yugi off: Seto made a ‘runt’ comment. Definitely nothing he hasn’t said before.
“S-sorry,” Yugi says, trying to laugh it off and failing miserably. It’s like a trainwreck―and Seto can’t stop looking on in horror. “I-I don’t know what’s wrong with me today. Just―just a bad week I guess.”
The dam breaks.
And can Seto just say? He knew Yugi wore eyeliner. His eyes were too bold not to be coated with the stuff.
But, anyway. Crying.
If this were the Other Yugi, Seto could snap at him all he wanted. But this Yugi…well. Seto’s not stupid. He can tell the difference.
The Puzzle’s eye glows.
Suddenly, Other Yugi is rearing his head, glaring through the tears.
Thank God.
“Kaiba! What did you do to him?” he thunders.
Seto crosses his arms. “I didn’t do anything.”
Other Yugi crosses his arms too, only the stance is a little off. It takes Seto a second to realize that he’s actually hugging himself.
He needs coffee.
“Get out of my sight,” Other Yugi snarls, “before I―”
“What, send me into eternal damnation?” Seto drawls. “I’m sure.”
“Now is not the time for skepticism, Kaiba! I will―”
Seto turns on his heel. “Whatever, Yugi. The next time we meet, I hope your composure’s up for it.”
Yugi hangs his head.
Aibou! Where are you?
Damn it. He’s so embarrassed.
Please don’t shut me out! Let me help you!
Help him with what? Nothing’s happened. There’s no crisis, no Armageddon. Everything’s been normal. Everything.
He’s such a crybaby. A little runt who can’t handle anything. Yugi’s seen the end of the world, in multiple ways. He knows what it looks like, and this week was definitely not it.
No. His Other Self can’t know. Yugi can’t bear to think what would happen if he found out that Yugi barely qualifies as his tag-along, let alone a partner.
Aibou. Aibou!
There’s an insistent knocking at his soul room’s front door. His Other Self has always been respectful of his privacy, but he’ll do plenty of things when Yugi’s crying. Plenty of things.
Well. He’s not the only one who has a maze. Granted, Yugi’s isn’t millennia in the making, but it’s complex in its own right. The mind of a teenager isn’t as straightforward as a lot of people think, after all, and Yugi isn’t the type of person to have just one chamber in his soul room.
He retreats to the deepest corner and opens the front door for his Other Self.
In the distance, he hears another echo of his nickname. He curls into himself and doesn’t answer.
It’s so stupid.
His Other Self’s entreaties become increasingly desperate. Yugi can feel him running every which way, searching for him. He’s as good with puzzles as Yugi, if not better; he’ll find him eventually.
Finally, Yugi murmurs, “Other Me. Please leave me alone for a while.”
Instead, light floods the chamber.
His Other Self looks terrified. Then he sees Yugi and nearly sinks against the doorway.
“Aibou,” he says, rushing over, “what’s wrong? What did Kaiba do?” the shadows roiled. “I’ll make him regret it―”
“No,” Yugi softly admonishes, “we agreed, remember?”
A pause. Reluctantly, his Other Self sighs and nods.
He tries to catch Yugi’s eye, but Yugi steadfastly avoids him.
“Aibou. How can I help you? Just tell me.”
He looks almost―helpless. Yugi can’t stop himself from squeezing his hand.
“It’s okay, Other Me. Just a bad week, that’s all.”
“Don’t do that.”
The anger makes Yugi start. His Other Self finally catches his eyes. “What?”
“Don’t treat your emotions as such a fickle thing,” his Other Self replies. “What you feel, no matter what it is or what caused it, matters to me. When you are in pain, so am I, and if it holds weight for you, then it does also for me.” He wipes Yugi’s tears with his thumb. “Aibou. You’re entitled to your privacy. All I ask is to support you.”
The walls tremble. The floor starts cracking.
Yugi wraps his arms around his Other Self and the rain falls. His Other Self doesn’t flinch at the cold and holds him just as tightly, gently maneuvering them so his back is against the wall, Yugi half in his lap.
Slowly, Yugi lets his Other Self see: the failed grade on a big exam, the one he’d studied for for weeks. The four papers he has to do by Friday that he can’t focus on. His grandpa’s flu getting worse by the day. His friends’ being unavailable to help, busy with their own assignments and stress.
His Other Self says nothing.
Yugi cowers against him. “It’s stupid―”
“No, Aibou,” his Other Self murmurs, “it isn’t.”
The rain keeps falling, but Yugi finds his clothes drying. An invisible dome encompasses him.
“You are the bravest person I know,” his Other Self says. “You have faced so many dangers with your head held high. Crying is not something to be ashamed of. It doesn’t mean you are broken or weak, but that you are strong enough to admit that you’re hurting. Stresses of a normal life carry their own burdens, and I want nothing more than to share them with you as much as we share the burden of destiny.”
He’s smiling at Yugi. Nonjudgmental, quiet, and sincere. Yugi cries harder for it, and his Other Self continues to wipe his tears.
“It’ll be alright, aibou. I am with you. And I know that if you called them, our friends will be too.”
Yugi gives a shaky nod.
“But you don’t have to face the world just yet,” his Other Self says. “Come. Why don’t we play a game?”
Slowly, the two stand. Yugi’s Other Self puts an arm around him and kisses his head and leads him back to the light.
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