beliscary · 5 months
I neeeeeeed to talk about how dion has to order terence to walk away because he's not strong enough to do it himself. dion relies on terence to be the strong one, and to understand the man that he wants to be but isn't quite. they foreshadowed it a lil bit w dion pointedly delivering terence's hand back to him after the kiss. that held second of eye contact Screams intimate understanding. so there in the tent terence waits for dion to shrug off the lover before he engages again. and then at ran'dellah terence leaves. and he does it for dion because he knows his heart. I really can't deal w them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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This is absolute crack, but apparently it’s Scrooge’s birthday today (in some random canon - I don’t even know) so I bashed this out because why not?
It’s likely riddled with errors but ah well. It’s only his birthday for 10 more minutes in England so here, have it!
Scrooge McDuck had finally reached the end of a long old 8th of July. His board meetings were done, business deals concluded, and best of all, he’d made it through a whole working day without any one wishing him a ridiculous -
Ah, so close.
His family burst into his office, the boys and Webby clutching balloons and streamers, Della and Donald grinning as they swapped his top hat for a party hat to match their own.
‘Ahhh you thought we forgot!’ Dewey cheered, mistaking the disgruntled expression on his uncle’s face for stunned.
‘We were gonna wait until you came home to surprise you but then we figured you’d be expecting that so it wouldn’t be a surprise at all,’ Huey explained.
‘So we brought the surprise to you instead!’ Webby cheered, twirling around in a mess of colourful streamers and glitter.
‘Yes, yes,’ Scrooge rolled his eyes. ‘Colour me surprised.’
‘You haven’t even seen the best part yet,’ Della grinned. ‘LP! Bring in the cake!’
On cue, Launchpad kicked open the door of Scrooge’s office and wheeled in an absolutely enormous cake, taller even than him. The tiers wobbled precariously in rhythm with LP’s warbling delivery. The kids, Donald and Della all joined in, building to the final line with relish.
‘Happy biiiiirthdaaaaay, Uncle Scroo-ooge, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOOOO YOOOOOUU!’
Scrooge stuck a finger in his ear to check his ear drum was still in tact - he was seated next to Donald after all. When he extracted the digit, satisfied everything was in working order, he noticed the ominous silence and frowned.
Something odd was going on. Della and Launchpad were staring between each other and the cake, wide eyed and grinning slightly manically. Donald was starting to sweat. The kids were all glancing at each other, shifting awkwardly.
‘Alright, what joke am I missing?’
‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY MR MCDEEEEE,’ Launchpad began to sing again, even louder than the first time. ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!’
‘Yes, thank you Launchpad,’ Scrooge said tersely. ‘I heard you the first time.’
‘TO YOUUUUUU!’ Launchpad sang again, slightly desperately. Donald edged closes and gave the cake an experimental prod. Nothing happened. He looked back at Della nervously.
‘Oh, this is not good.’ Della said.
‘Oh no, it’s every worst nightmare come at once!’ Launchpad cried. ‘We baked Mrs McDee alive!’
‘Mrs?’ Scrooge spluttered.
‘Calm down LP, the cake was already baked when Goldie got in, at the very least we suffocated her in frosting.’ Della reasoned.
‘Not a bad way to go,’ Donald remarked, while Launchpad looked set to dive in head first.
‘Let me make sure I have this right,’ Scrooge interjected, and all eyes turned to him. ‘You brought that hellacious hooligan into the Money Bin, and left her unattended in close proximity to my entire fortune - with a diversion, no less?’
‘We didn’t leave her unattended, she was with LP... oh, yeah. Okay.’ Della realised their error as she spoke. The man in question was currently half way through escalating a hollow birthday cake in an attempt to rescue a woman who definitely was not there. ‘She said she wanted to surprise you!’ Della objected.
Scrooge rolled his eyes. ‘Aye. Well, that she did.’
‘Uh, guys?’ Louie, who had been quiet so far, had trundled to the far side of the cake for a closer look. He pointed to a Goldie O’Gilt shaped hole in the side of the cake, directly opposite the Launchpad shaped hole in the other side. ‘Looks like we’ve been conned.’ Louie said helpfully, with a slight grin. He had to admire a master at work.
Scrooge immediately slammed his hand down on the security button at the side of his desk, sending sirens wailing and red lights flashing. ‘This is a security breach, the Bin has been compromised,’ he said into the intercom. ‘All operations will shut down until further notice. NO ONE is to come in or out until the culprit has been apprehended.’
As security personnel rallied, shutting down the bin floor by floor and searching fruitlessly for the thief, the Duck family inflicted their merriment upon their miserly uncle anyway, whether he wanted it or not. Almost an hour later, there was still nothing to report, and so Scrooge begrudgingly agreed to open up the Bin and let everyone go home for the day.
Well, almost everyone.
‘Right you lot,’ he said, fixing his family with a stern glare. ‘It’s Binventory for the lot of ye.’
‘Binventory!’ Della and Donald chorused in dismay, as the kids and Launchpad all groaned.
‘Aye, and a detailed one at that. You brought that diabolical deviant in here, and you’ll be the ones to find out what she’s stolen. I want every piece of gold in that Bin catalogued - and make sure what you count is genuine too. That mendacious minx is not above the old switcheroo or two.’
‘Yes Uncle Scrooge,’ the resigned sighs and grumbles didn’t bother him one bit as he marched his family out of his office and down to the Money Bin, ready for a long night of his very favourite thing; counting up his fortune. Perhaps he would be considering this as a good birthday after all.
After an hour or so, he left them to it, set on returning to his office to watch another sweep of the security cameras to catch a glimpse of Goldie’s retreating figure in the corner of a frame. He told himself it was because it would help him figure out what it was that she had taken, it was nothing to do with him wanting to see her or anything. Nope, nothing like that at all.
He trudged wearily up the steps to his office, and he knew something was wrong when he saw the lights were off. He was certain he’d left them on - he knew he was coming back after all. He gripped his cane slightly tighter, before stepping through the door and reaching for the switch, flooding the room with warm golden light.
A large piece of cake sat untouched on his desk, two small forks beside it on the plate. In his chair, lounging about like she owned the place, was Goldie O’Gilt. His heart skipped a little in his chest.
‘Oh no, you caught me,’ her eyes sparkled mischievously as she licked frosting off her fingers. ‘I was trying so hard to hide.’
Scrooge swallowed heavily, taking a measured breath before closing the door behind him.
‘I thought you’d be long gone by now,’ he commented casually.
Goldie grinned. ‘And miss blowing out your candles? Please, Scrooge. It’s like you don’t know me at all.’
Scrooge rolled his eyes, glancing at the security screens beside his desk. Judging by their progress in the Bin, he had at least another hour until his family would come looking for him.
‘What did you steal?’ He quizzed her sharply.
‘Your heart,’ she shot back, with a wink. She licked another finger clean of frosting.
‘You’ve got that all over your face, you know.’ Scrooge told her, unable to ignore the fire kindling in his belly as her grin turned even more wolffish.
‘Why don’t you come over here and have a taste? It’s your cake after all.’
Scrooge paused... for about half a second. Just long enough to click the lock of his office door closed behind him. He crossed the room in three paces, and he had her in his arms before she could even open her mouth to make another retort. It wasn’t long before they were both covered in cake.
‘Happy birthday, Moneybags.’
As it turned out, it was a very happy birthday indeed.
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jay-bee-me · 4 years
Every Crow Could Be A Fairy
I raised a wine glass filled with water and jumped on the table. My self made cape was waving behind me. 'today we gathered to start our mission! Are you all ready?' I yelled at the crowd in front of me. 'yes!' my friends yelled back at me. I grinned. I was filled with the joy of adventure. I jumped down into the soft grass and moss and ran to the forest. Behind me I heard the footsteps of my friends. When we reached the dark forest the air got colder. The sun was setting already and casts a strange orange light on the scenery. For a moment the trees seems to move. And I knew it wasn't an illusion but that we are in the right path. Cautious we went through the forest. Following extremely mossy stones and orange rivers. Once I thought I saw one of them but it only was a crow. Or so I thought...
We continued our journey till even the moon went to sleep and we found a sandy cave we could lie down. We heard several forest typical noises but nothing strange.
We woke up when the sun was already high. The cave was covered by tendrils and when we shoved them aside to get out the cave we were surprised. The area looked nothing alike. And when we turned back the cave was gone. This was probably the moment I first recognized we might thought to be wiser than we were. But I remained silent. The deeper we walked into the forest the brighter seemed the path behind us.
Next time we stopped we drank from one of the orange rivers and hoped they weren't poisoning. I ate some yellow berries that were shaped as hearts. Hearts like the muscle pumping blood through our veins. And the berries seems to move as well. They tasted like sunshine. Hot, bitter, dry. But somehow it still was the best I've ever ate. Maybe this was the second strange thing to happen.
We walked through the forest for hours. Rarely speaking. The night didn't really let us rest and I was the only one who risked to eat. We were only accompanied by the howling wind, some crows and the river we followed.
Slowly the sky changed orange. But maybe it wasn't as slow as normal. It was strange. I lost every sense of time. I giggled at myself. I didnt remember why even a second later. Maybe it wasn't important. Maybe it was the key to everything. Maybe it was the third strange thing to happen.
Then came the moment it all went down. I was staring into the clear blue night sky and the stars spending a bit light. For the leaves and branches above it was not much but better than nothing. 
A crow landed in front of me. It's feathers were darker than every black the human brain could imagine. It made a sound beyond all sounds possible. And then it flew away. Only a few meters and waited for us to follow it. 
It led us to an orange pond in the middle of a clearing. There it landed on a rock beside the pond. Again the crow made a sound I didnt knew was possible to made. I turned around to see the facial expression of the others. but they werent there. Though they were but not really. They were glimmering and waving and didnt seemed to be real at all. I gasped. What happened to them? And when? I looked at them in horror when i heard the crow again. I turned around and saw it changing.
It's dark feathers grew and grew and then flood together to something that looked like tar but darker. Then it shaped itself to something that could have been mistaken to be a human. But hell it wasn’t. When you looked into its eyes for a second too long you could see pure horror. Its hair was changing constantly. As well as the rest of the body. Nothing was constant. His grin was the worst. Sharp teeth like a shark ones. A tounge licking them. Lips in the colour of dried blood. It wore a crown with stones that seemed to contain souls. And I was sure it were souls. I couldn’t stand looking at it but also couldn’t look away. It was beautiful. It was cruel. It was mercy. It was revenge. It was horror. It was peace. It were all of these at once and nothing at all. It was a fairy. 
Then they spoke with a voice that sounded like a scream but melodic. My ears ached and when I covered them I felt something wet. My fingers were red of my blood. The fairy spoke a language I didn't understood. But I knew what they were saying. 'Iiiiiiii wwwwwiiiiiillllllllllll ssssshowwwww youuuuuu myyyyyyyyyy reeeeaaaaaaaaaalm' then they grabbed my hand and jumped with me in the pond. Their fingers were colder than ice and hot as fire. The water closed above our heads.
When we broke through the surface again the air was thick. We no longer were in a forest but a desert. I got dust in my lungs and coughed.
Now the fairy had a constant shape. Yellow skin and short green hair. The mouth was the only thing that was like before. The fairys eyes were white but for the black slim pupils. And it wore a black dress made of crow feathers. 'hello', it spoke again, 'my name is Jo.' their voice was way more deep and calm than before and I finally really understood the words they said.
'hello! I- I am Kira!' I responded. 'I know' they said, 'I was waiting for you for a long time now.' 'yes? Why?' I was confused. 'You are the last hope this land has! And the only thing you have to do is easy to do!'
'What? But how? I am only a human?' I was confused. Of course this was what we searched for. This was the adventure I always desired. But how should I save a land?
'As I said it's nothing difficult. But we needed you! Because you are a human! And to save our land we need a human who is willed to spread the word that we are still alive! You need to tell our stories! And new stories, too!', Jo explained.
'okay. But do you know how difficult it is to share a story? And why did you have to bring me to this realm that for?'
'So that you had a first story! And I wasn't sure you would believe me or understand me...' they looked down.
'I would have always believed you, Jo! I love stories and fairy tales and this one being true is the best thing that could ever happen!'
'Does this mean you will tell this story?' hope was in their eyes. 'yes I will! But you have to promise me something!' I answered with all certainty I could afford.
'What do you want! I will give you everything if you only saved our world!' Jo assured me hastily. 'it's hopefully not too much to ask for. But I want to meet you again. And I want to talk to you. I want to get to know you! I wanna show you my realm!'
'oh that's easy! We can meet at the forest! I will be one of the crows! You will know it's me and not another fairy because I will land on your shoulder and will lay my wing on your head three times in a row!'
And this was the story I got to write this. And probably I will meet Jo again at the forest tomorrow.
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btsjfans · 6 years
Pay Up (pt 3)
Summary: Your parents only wanted what was best for you, so when they set you up with billionaire playboy Park Jimin, they thought you were set for life. Little did they know how he got his fortune, and how he keeps it..
Jimin x Reader, some fluff, light smut this chapter, action, gang-stuff, illegal business-y stuff, the whole nine yards
parts 1     2
a/n: sorry this is long and I’m tired so I’m not proofreading this, hope you like it guys, xx
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Your mother, of course, had been over the moon when you had shown her the ring. In no time at all it seemed as if the entirety of high society had heard of your engagement to Jimin. You’d received hundreds of emails and texts and calls from old friends, as well as people you hadn’t spoken in years who suddenly wanted to catch up. You knew your wedding would be the most important event of the year, and you couldn’t deny your excitement at the idea.
Despite Jimin’s warning, you hadn't given much thought to his mentions of danger, or crime. In fact, you still saw him as a hardworking, honest man, because that was who he was to you. 
You often thought back to that night, when he got down on one knee and held out the little velvet box. The way the diamond had sparkled in the moonlight, the way his dark hair seemed to absorb the night itself, and the way his dark eyes seemed so hopeful, so vulnerable. The way his warm hands engulfed yours as he slid the ring on, before pulling you into his arms, and his lips met yours. 
You’d also thought back to Taehyung, and his mischievous smile. You hadn't blocked him, because you had your doubts he was that bad. But rest assured, you hadn't texted him back yet. Over the course of two weeks you'd gotten an array of messages from the man, all ranging from flirty to needy.
Ah Y/n, lets go out! 
Y/n dont ignore a lonely man :/
Eating dinner, thinking of you
Ah I miss my best friend Y/n please text me back
Text me when you can, xx
Oh my goooodddddd Y/n srsly
Don't mind me or my broken heart over here smh
Ugh just txt me when you can, okay?
Almost a text a day, and yet you couldn't bring yourself to reply. You wanted to, because he felt like someone you could really trust, but you knew Jimin would disapprove. Maybe one text wouldn't hurt...
You weren't going to betray Jimin’s trust.
“Ah Y/n why can't I see youuuuuu,” Jimin whined over the phone. You were out wedding dress shopping with your mom and friend, and Jimin had desperately wanted to join. 
“It’ll be a surprise! Plus, isn't it bad luck for you to see the dress before the wedding?” You hold back a giggle as you hear him groan.
“You're the worst.” He sighed, “Alright have fun, I can't wait to see my beautiful queen tonight.” 
“Alright, love you.” You hang up, a smile still on your face.
“I knew I had a good feeling about setting you up with him.” Your mother smirks smugly across from you in the limo. You roll your eyes and stash your phone, listening to your friend next to you ramble about how crazy exciting this all is. 
You smile and listen, but all you think of is your upcoming life with Jimin. 
You waltz around the dress store by yourself, your mother and your friend opting to check out the store across the street. You run your hand across the different gowns, feeling the precious material between your fingertips. You smile to yourself as you trace your finger over the delicate designs. You pause in your wandering as you stop to admire one gown, holding it up against you in the mirror. You bite your lip, hugging it against you and squeezing your eyes shut, twirling. 
“You definitely should try that on babe,” A deep voice tears you from your daydreams. You open your eyes to see Taehyung, smiling and leaning against the wall.
“Taehyung?” You smile in shock, feeling your heart speed up, thinking of Jimin’s warnings. 
“The one and only,” He smiles and walks towards the hanging gowns, admiring them.
“How did you know I’d be here?” The more you think about it all, the more red flags show up.
“Well I heard the gossip of course, about you and Jimin being engaged. I was walking down to a cafe when I passed this store and I couldn't help but wonder if my ex bestie would be here.” His cat like eyes examine you quickly before turning to a rack of dresses, sifting through them.
“Oh, lovely...hey why don’t you see if they have this in my size?” You grab a random one off the rack and shove it into his hands. He eyes the dress with distaste before nodding and walking off to find a store clerk. You rush to the changing rooms, locking the door behind you, tugging out your phone and calling Jimin. No answer. You sit, clutching the dress against you. You don’t initially get a bad vibe from Tae, but you see the red flags everywhere. Jimin warned you about him, but even now you feel like you’re walking into this blindly. Why is Tae a threat? What is he capable of? You sigh and pull yourself together. 
You are Y/n L/n. You have nothing to be afraid of. You can handle anything. Kim Taehyung is not a problem. 
Stepping out of the dressing room, you hang up the dress and step back out into the isle. Immediately, you’re flanked by Taehyung. 
“They didn’t have this dress in your size, but honestly that’s a good thing. You can do so much better.” 
“You’re right. Lets get out of here.” You lead the way, walking out of the store, with a shocked Taehyung following closely. Sending a quick text to your mom, you tell her you’re done shopping for today, and to not wait up. You turn to Taehyung smiling, “Let’s hang out, I missed you.” 
The two of you get in a cab and head uptown to a cafe by the river. You decided if you were gonna play this game, you were going to get to know the players. 
Despite knowing this man was danger, he still made you laugh. The two of you were seated by the windows of the top floor. As the two of you browsed the menu, you chatted.
“How’s Jimin these days?” Taehyung asks, flipping a page.
“He’s well, busy.” You smile, knowing you need to lie through your teeth for the next couple hours. 
“With?” Taehyung smiles.
“Oh I won’t bore you with boring business talk. Lets talk more about you though Tae-Tae, last time we only talked about me.” You smile, hoping you’ll get something from this besides a lecture from Jimin.
Taehyung blinked and thought, gazing out the window for a moment. “Uhhhhhh well I’m 22, I flunked outta college...now I’m just groovin,” He smiles mischievously. The story seems to fit his personality, but you know the word ‘groovin’ must carry a lot of weight. 
“You flunked out of college?” You grin, setting the menu aside. 
“Yeah, I just didn’t feel it. I just wanted money but like without the work, and 4 more years of school plus a boring job didn’t seem like a good plan. But now doing rando jobs and bouncing around with my rich friends isn’t a great plan either ya feel?” Taehyung smiles stirring his water with a straw. “Ya know Y/n, this is nice, just talking. I like this.” His eyes travel up from the bobbing ice to meet your eyes. You’re startled to see a vulnerable and open Tae before you. This isn’t the face of a criminal mastermind, this is just a kid like you who’s trying to make a life for himself and got caught up with the wrong kind of rich people. 
“I like this too Tae-Tae, we need to do this more, okay?” You’re suprised as the words leave your mouth, but you mean them. 
A cat like smile stretches across his face before he takes a sip of his water. “We will babe, we will.” 
“Explain.” Jimin’s voice is hard as he tosses a magazine on the coffee table where your feet rest. You blink in surprise at the loud slap it makes, you aren’t used to loud stuff right in the morning. You sigh and set down your coffee and lean forward picking it up. On the cover you see your face through a window, sipping water across from Taehyung. You looked happy at the time, but you feel ashamed now.
“Look, he just showed up while I was out and caught me off guard, and when you didn’t answer when I called, I decided to take it into my own hands okay? Nothing happened! And I really think you’re wrong about Tae, he’s just a normal guy.” You read the headlines, “Y/N L/N DROPS PARK JIMIN AFTER ENGAGEMENT?” and scoff tossing it aside. 
“Y/n, I don’t know what kind of game you think we’re playing, but this isn’t it. Kim Taehyung is dangerous. He will hurt you. He will lie to you. He will use you. You can’t tell me you’re on his side.” Jimin sits down next to you, incredulous. You would laugh at his wild bed head but with how serious he is right now you hardly think that’s the wisest choice. 
“I’m on your side for God’s sake calm down! I just gave him a chance and guess what, I’m still fine!” You sigh, folding your arms.
“Y/n..”Jimin sighs and rubs his face with his hands. You study him for a moment; with his messy black hair, and dark blue silk robe, he seems like just another sleepy aristocrat. But when he looks up at you, you see somebody afraid, which startles you. “I don’t tell you to be wary of people just for kicks and giggles. I don’t want you to be afraid. I love you, and I want to protect you. But apparently I can’t always be there to protect you, so I’m going to lay this to you straight.” He grabs your hands and scoots closer to you, facing you. “Kim Taehyung has killed a lot of people. Stolen a lot of things. He is a bad man. He is not afraid to hurt you. People like Taehyung, they come after people I care about, and you’re number one on their list.” 
You’re number one on their list. His words echo in your mind. You can’t imagine Taehyung hurting you, or even wanting to hurt anyone. You can’t deny how fast your heart is racing as you process what he says. Taking a deep breath you close your eyes. “Are there others?” 
After your dark talk with Jimin, your usual lively morning breakfast had a bit of a dark cloud over it. Talk was minimal and the atmosphere was somber. Maybe the two of you had rushed into things too quick. It had only been 2-3 months before you’d gotten engaged. Yeah, that’s how things usually were in the aristocracy, quick that is, but it was just now hitting you in this moment. Did you really know and love the man you might die for? Why did he have to keep doing these bad things? What does he really even do?
“Who are you?”
“Me?” Jimin grins, laughing a little as he sips his orange juice. His smile fades as he sees your serious expression. “Lovie what are you talking about?” 
“When we first met you were just the museum owner, an art entrepreneur and enthusiast. But then you told me you did bad things, and deal with bad people. What do you really do?” You sigh, worrying that he really is a bad man. Before you realized the danger of this, it didn’t matter to you what he did, but you realized the both of you were in a world of danger. 
“Well....let’s head to the balcony, yes?” Getting up he walks across the marble floor and to the ornate balcony. Following, you meet him where he leans against the railing. The wind teases his hair before he looks at you. “I forge art. I buy forged art. It’s very  technical and very tiresome, but it’s very worthwhile. I have to travel around the world, and meet different artists and curators alike. I pay off detective agencies and governments to allow my business to work. I’m sorry.” His dark eyes leave yours, taking in the city around you. 
“Why did you start doing this?” You reach out and slide your hand into his, making him smile. He lifts your hand and presses his lips against it before continuing.
“Well I was just a young art studies grad working a pointless job, and you know..you hear talk, you meet people. One thing led to another.” 
“Why do you keep doing it? You’re a billionaire you don’t need to keep it up.” 
“Mmmm..you’re right. I don’t do it like I used to. By this point a lot of the museum is genuine work, however a fair portion of it is forged. I buy real pieces, but to keep contacts I need to sell forgeries to black market sellers from time to time. Do you hate me?” He looks at you, his dark brown eyes round and vulnerable. 
“No..I just needed to understand what I’m going to be getting into for the rest of my life.” You smile a little mirroring his own, before leaning up and kissing his smiling lips. His hands slide around your waist, pulling you tightly against him, his lips dominating yours. You giggle as he growls pulling you inside and pushing you onto the couch, climbing on top of you and kissing you deeply, his tongue brushing your lip before delving into your mouth. Grinding against you, one hand slides into your hair as he kisses you hungrily. 
Pulling away he smirks, tugging on the silk that ties your robe closed, revealing your white underwear beneath. You repress a giggle as he drinks you in, his face now at the hem of your panties, kissing upwards and pausing between the valley of your breasts. He tugs on your hair before he takes one of your breasts into his mouth, sucking gently. Taking encouragement as you moan, he moves to the next, continuing his grinding. His lips trek their way up your body, sucking at your collarbone, making you whimper as he leaves his marks on your unblemished skin. He fondles your breast with his hand, his thumb rubbing circles over your nipple as his lips work tirelessly on your neck. 
“God Jimin just take me,” You growl tugging on his hair. He chuckles against your skin, and slides down, spreading your legs open. 
“Not just yet babygirl,” his voice is soft and raspy as he pulls your panties off, tossing them aside. “So wet darling, is this all for me?” He smirks and kisses your clit softly, sliding two fingers in you, making you gasp and squirm. With one hand he holds your body in place, and the other curling inside you. Kissing your clit again lightly, he speeds up his finger movements, his breath hot against your sensitive core, making you writhe. 
“God-Jimin-I-I-” You whimper out your words, writhing harder beneath him as he twists his fingers, just so ever about to push you over the edge. Your body felt hot with ecstasy, and then so empty. You sat up in annoyance seeing him smirk and suck on his fingers. “You get in me right now you smug son of a-” Your words are cut off by him sticking his fingers in your mouth, gently pushing you back down. He pulls himself out, rubbing his hand up and down his hard shaft with his other hand. Your hands rub at your breasts as his fingers curl inside your mouth, his dick positioning itself at your entrance before sliding in. You moan against his fingers and arch your back as he enters you, sliding all the way in. He pumps into you a few times slowly, relishing at your tight walls clenching around him so nicely. 
He flips the two of you over so he’s leaning back sitting on the couch, while you sit cowgirl facing him. You grind against him, pushing your hands against his chest before you start to ride him, grinding slow and hard against him, watching his face contort with pleasure. 
“Faster, more,” He breathes, not giving you time to act on this before putting his hands on you, moving you up and down against him harder making you cry out as you land harder and harder against him, your g-spot getting the brunt of the force. Holding you in place he starts to thrust harder and faster inside of you while your breasts bounce, and you support yourself by bracing against him. 
“Coming,” He growls breathlessly as his thrusts become sloppier and slower. Clenching around him you feel him hit his release, hearing him let out a soft moan before sliding one hand down to rub at your clit while he starts to pump back into you, easing you into your own white hot climax. With his cock still pumping inside of you and his hand working magic, he doesn’t stop once you come, continuing to stimulate you until you’re both out of breath. He pulls out and slips your silk robe back on around you and tugs his own over his groin, holding you against his side closing his eyes while he smiles a little, relishing the pleasure. 
You look around you as you lay recovering. Jimin, beneath you, balcony doors open with white curtains billowing around you, ornate furniture decorating an exquisite penthouse, and it’s all yours. You smile and run your hands through his dark hair before kissing his cheek softly and leaning your head against his chest. 
His hand wraps around your waist holding you against him. “So beautiful Y/n, you’re so beautiful.”
“So now you’re in the home-wrecking business?” Youngjae laughs reading the cover story of the magazine, seeing Taehyung and your faces. 
“I dabble.” Taehyung smirks and sips his orange juice, lounging on the couch. 
“Okay Namjoon, we got Tae to get her trust but now what? Are we just gonna have him flirt with her til Jimin loses it or what? When are we actually going to do something?” Jaebum sighs, slamming the fridge door shut, glaring at Namjoon who continues to stare out the window, ignoring them.
“Namjoon?” Taehyung raises an eyebrow.
“We bring Jungkook in, that’s what.” Namjoon smirks, raising his camera and zooming in on a certain couple in the penthouse across the river before snapping a condemning picture. “Gotta show him what his next steal is first though.” 
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