#you listen to one tbs song and your day is fucked !
beliscary · 5 months
I neeeeeeed to talk about how dion has to order terence to walk away because he's not strong enough to do it himself. dion relies on terence to be the strong one, and to understand the man that he wants to be but isn't quite. they foreshadowed it a lil bit w dion pointedly delivering terence's hand back to him after the kiss. that held second of eye contact Screams intimate understanding. so there in the tent terence waits for dion to shrug off the lover before he engages again. and then at ran'dellah terence leaves. and he does it for dion because he knows his heart. I really can't deal w them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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hospitalterrorizer · 2 months
wow...303...like the tb 303 bassline synth... crazy.
the fact i can make the day text in that stupid font is like endlessly entertaining to me. i might keep doing that but like having one day like that is really funny too.
anyway, i didn't do very much today w/ music. feels stupid, like it makes me feel stupid and bad and like guhh like i guess i feel like i have to be writing riffs like have have have to. but maybe i should rest a bit on that. think about what i want from grind and pv riffs... what i wanna play. what's something that feels and sounds good? it's hard to figure that out when my gf is home all day. also hard to figure out when guitar rig crashes ableton sometimes. and then not other times. !!!!!!!!!!!!
anyway, today was not a bad day or anything, i called my work about my check, and they said last time, they mailed it to my address which is my parent's place, so like i called them, they were all we didn't get it, i was like okay, i need to call my job again to get them to mail it again. i called them, they said oh we have it here. i was like why!! they were like well we got paid and that's where tha checks go. and then my ex boss said if i want it mailed it's just going to take longer and like why did you tell me it was being mailed to me????!!! so whatever. i walked over because it was a little rainy and weird today, the cloudcover was really not the best but i brought my umbrella cuz it was raining sometimes / sometimes not, so it helped me not feel like death, obv i was sweating the whole way there cuz it's crazy hot out here in vegas + humid cuz of the rain but the humidity is kind of nice, i don't mind sweating a lot it feels kind of good for you and humidity keeps your skin moist in a way so i like that also. it's not like your insides are being evaporated out of you by the sun. instead the world is a pool you're always trying to get out of but failing.
i got my check, as usual the people there were oh so confused by me dressed how i normally dress and a little put off or something like there's some kinda crisis and they don't know who i am or how i know my boss' name. what ever!! i never have to see them again. it's not even everyone, i have no hate for all the people there just the fucking management. why would they jerk me around like that??? it feels intentional, such scummy shit.
also, i didn't take pics but i think my outfit today was cute and i think i looked kyute too. i am happy about feeling good about myself.
anyway, i listened to this record today, this is a song off it i'm a little obsessed with, cuz the riffs are so simple but they've got that slide shit i always hear and get envious of cuz it's harder to get right on the stuff i do:
it's good to listen to this stuff though. i wonder if they have any tabs out there.
good they have a tab for this song:
happy to have access to that. it's funny how this song's main riff, to me it sounds more complex but it really is just these 4 chords, one's low but then it's this chromatic move kinda, the kind i'm a fan of where you start in the middle, down a half step, then up a whole step up from that half step, so it's like a half step from where you begin there but it's a little abstracted feeling. i also like how most of the song is just all this disso chord thing into a dead note bit.
their 2 records i've heard are really good.
also, while walking, i got to listen to something i haven't listened to in a while, this record:
as well as a couple others, the compilation of the encyclopedia of american traitors, glad i was reminded of them, i ought to listen to that comp more, lots of interesting riffs and the vocalist really loses his shit when he screams, you can tell he's not really feeling good doing that, he shreds his chords it seems, hopefully he did no permanent damage. anyway the closing track on this ep:
i really like the bit he does about how issues of race, gender, environment, do not distract from class struggle, but are in fact part of class struggle, it really moves me to be honest... how are people regressing from that point!!! this band from years ago got it, these are factors which are part of people's struggle for material security, and part of their exploitation and how they're exploited... idk. it's so strange how a lot of the political stuff in screamo/emoviolence really does feel watered down. you had so many bands talking about hating shitty men, talking about issues of gender, men making some kinda effort, and i know a lot of it was also really annoying breakup stuff, but that's what it seems to mostly be now... or maybe not actually. i do know some of these new bands, especially the grindy ones, do take after the other grindy earlier bands, orchid being so political i suppose helps keep that in their minds.
now i am listening to arab on radar... i got someone to listen to them... that's so crazy to me. he was listening to solo john lennon. now he's listening to arab on radar.
this song really is a masterpiece. i mean this double comp is some of the best music evarr, their whole discog is basically perfect.
anyway... i'm getting sleepy. for some reason i did waste a good chunk of the day looking at that rnc stream to see what anyone would say. basically it's the usual racism/everything else, trump did decide he had to talk about "men playing women's sports", which is crazy to me. i mean not really but it's baffling people care so much, they think they see it everywhere. i do wonder, somewhat often these days, if people are gonna get more bold about hating anyone who is not cis.
obviously though, the big deal is racism, these are the things the reactionaries seem to be focusing on, tales of murdered women and foreigners. hideous ways to frame this information. anyway it's best to not dwell, another take away is how hollow and pathetic that whole thing was, how sad it is, also these photos are insane to me:
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there's more but this one's like got everything going on. her face, her earring is crazy, why is it like a safety pin, why is she kind of trying to be punk rock. is that what punk rock is. i mean obv not. but it's really funny.
anyway like i sad: sleepayy so i should just go now, before i go to bed at 3 am again. we're going to my gf's friend's birthday @ korean bbq tomorrow. i am excited for that, though i do not want to overeat. though it's not like i really ever do, it seems like. the worst i ever feel is bloated from salty food. not like... heavy with too much food. just kind of gross at times. i am looking forward to that, though last time her friends saw me i was wearing a one piece swimsuit and i guess they're all like, now unsure of what pronouns to use, or one is, i don't really ever like saying what anyone should call me, if he asks idk what i'll say. though i guess at this point i sometimes feel like saying "everything's okay" is maybe, it's like only half true, like it basically is, but idk, there's times where people use he with me and it doesn't feel good. sort of like they say it in a panic, to make sure i really am or something. and then because i'm... well floaty's not the right word because i am entirely feminine, in how i present myself, even if i am androgynous generally i do think it's heavily feminine, so it's not like loose in that way, it's just like, i'm whatever, but whatever in a funny way. i am just my self!! i don't want to ever be made to feel like i am anything in particular..
with that ,, , ,
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outlier-rookie · 4 years
Modern Reader Serenading the Gang with Hamilton Songs
Look. I 100% imagine myself singing these songs in camp on a daily basis.
I thinks its safe to say that obviously a lot of the songs don’t really meld with the Gang cause of the genre and the fact its not something that existed in 1899. I’m thinking mostly about the lyrics and how the gang relates to those.
Mary-Beth 1000% a sucker for all the love songs and ones that really hit deep. I’d say her absolute favourites are Helpless, Satisfied, Burn/First Burn and Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story. The lyrics? Perfection. Head over heels for them and the double meanings you don’t really understand until much later.
I think Karen and Tilly would like The Schuyler Sisters because Girl Power and Anhelica wrecks Burr.
Javier He learns to play the slower ones on his guitar, Dear Theodosia especially and maybe Wait For It. He also loves the more romantic songs cause its Javier.
Sean Tries to sing Guns And Ships....It goes about as well as you’d expect.
Dutch This mofo cherry picks certain lyrics, takes them somewhat out of context and dials his interpretation of the meaning up to 11. “Will they know you re-wrote the game? The world, will never be the same.” Loves Farmer Refuted and Arron Burr, Sir because fuck the government and that’s about it. Like to think he and the Gang are the stars of a story in reference to History Has It’s Eyes On You.
Hosea I can see him liking One Last Time because he relates to the tiredness Washington feels. He just wants to settle down and see his sons and the gang members live a less hectic life.
Lenny He vibes with My Shot because Laurens talks about freedom for coloured folk. I can see him also enjoying Story Of Tonight.
Charles I can’t really explain why but I feel like Charles would like Hurricane, but in a sad way?
Arthur (High Honour) *cracks knuckles* Alright then Also likes Story Of Tonight because it reminds him of the earlier days when it was just Dutch, Hosea, him and like, John, Mrs Grimshaw and Bessie. I honestly feel like he might ‘punish’ himself in a way by listening to Say No To This? Its hard to explain and some might disagree but I feel like when he listens to it, it reminds him of his failed romance with Mary and later Eliza. Its not a great reason and I can’t articulate better why but this is my opinion.
Post TB diagnosis, I can also see him relating to The World Was Wide Enough (and maybe Your Obedient Servant because the two songs are heavily intertwined imo) and the line about “Imagining death so much it feels more like a memory” and “When’s it going to get me?”
John I can see him also reacting to Say No To This, more so after Jack is rescued and he starts to man up because he vaguely remembers drunkenly propositioning Karen at one point.
Abigail Likes Dear Theodosia and probably hums it to help Jack sleep sometimes but she doesn’t like Blow Us All Away or Stay Alive (Reprise) because the remind her of her fear of Jack growing up to be an outlaw and getting shot and killed.
John, Arthur and Hosea all feel like Washington On Your Side pretty accurately portrays how they feel about Micah getting cosy with Dutch and whispering in his ear.
That’s all that comes to mind really. I can’t see any other members really enjoying the other songs or even relating to them. If you have any suggestions I’d love to hear them!
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the-fiction-witch · 3 years
Mariée Au Mal
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I walked the stone streets hearing my boots against the stone. Hearing the movement of my dress almost touching the stone. I felt the chill of the wind around me. The darkness crept across the village as the sun set beyond the hill. Every step I took I could hear and see, children being ushered inside, doors being bolted, windows being shut and locked. The whispers of the name they had given me. 'mariée au mal' I knew what it meant. I knew their assumptions about me. I tried not to think of it.
I looked at my shadow walking down the path with the light from the sunset, I looked to my left to a shop the blind already down, but a few shutters where someone peaked out, those instantly dropped as I looked and the door bolted I saw my reflection my long purple dress, black petticoats, black corset, my black hooded cloak, my tall riding boots, my twisted y/h/c hair and blood red lips. I continued on my way moving my wicker basket up my arm a little more, checking on the lavender and honey I had gathered across the forest this afternoon. I walked quickly trying not to draw attention to myself before reaching the graveyard and the little river that ran beside it, perched on the graveyard gate sat a raven it cawed at me so I smiled and offered my hand letting it perch on my ring as I walked over the little stone bridge over the river pushing open the little gate to my house. The twisted metal whining as I did I walked the sweet path through my garden until I arrived at my little thatched cottage with leaded glass windows and the conversatory. I smiled and headed inside my little house though the glass conservatory door putting my basket down emptying out my herbs and honey into my apothecary as the raven flew off into the house and perched on the sofa on his usual pillow
"Hello my little princess" he smirked 
"Will you just. One damn minute" I told him
"What? What have I done?" He whines getting up and coming over fixing his clothes a little but I did my best not to look at him 
"I'm working" I said 
"Umm working? I think your just being mean to me" he smirked into my ear untying my cloak and pulling it off me "come in you can work anytime, I don't get to visit to much anymore, not half as often as I'd like my sweet little princess" he cooed cuddling me from behind "and I have missed you, so badly" he smirked almost growing in my ear as he pushed himself against my dress
"Thomas. Five minutes alright, you've been gone six months five more minutes isn't going to kill you" I laughed 
"It might"
"Nothing kills you"
"Why? Are you trying to get rid of me?" 
"Good." He says kissing my shoulder "I'm sorry I was gone so long."
"Umm" I said ignoring him
"Aww? Is that why your so grumpy with me?" He laughs before turning me around to face him as he stood in my conservatory his golden hair reflecting the sunsets light, his red textured button down shirt undone half way down his chest, his tight black almost leather pants against him, black braces or suspenders on his shoulders to keep them up even if I don't think he needed them, stubble gracing his chin and the corners of his upper lip but nowhere near as bad as I had seen before when he's been away for longer his hands around me softly his foot between my own "I told you it was work, you know I wouldn't leave my little princess unless I had to" he cooes caressing my cheek "it's a busy job you know, I keep telling you I'll... Take you with me if you want?"
"No thank you" I said turning back to my work "I wish you wouldn't wait there"
"Where? On the gate?"
"Umm. Why not in the garden?"
"You might not see me, besides I like them knowing I'm here"
"You might I don't. It makes them nervous and when people get nervous they get scared and when people get scared they do stupid things." I explained
"Well... Maybe they need a little fear in them"
"I don't want to be feared, Thomas..."
"Don't you?" He laughs sitting in my work bench so I had no choice but to see him "you get off on it"
"Oh come on" he laughs "riding boots with the six inch heels? The long purple dress? The black corset? Blood red lipstick? Long black hooded cloak? And you're telling me you don't want to be feared? You love it"
"It's fun sometimes" I admit
"I know it is princess, maybe you and me should go walking in the town sometime really frighten them" he smirked 
"No Thomas. We're in enough trouble as it is" I told him 
"mariée au mal" he smirked to himself 
"Shut up" I sighed 
"It's a good name for you"
"I said shut up Thomas"
"Bride of evil"
"Married to evil"
"Depends on your translation." He shrugs 
"Why did I marry you?" I asked leaning on my desk to slightly glare at him 
"I don't know, you asked me remember" he smirked, kissing my cheek and jumping off the desk going into the cottage "you coming to bed? Or do I have to drag my pretty bride down to hell with me to fuck her?" He smirked,
I smiled as I laid in my bed listening to the wind in the tree's, the sounds of animals in the woods, the babble of the river under the bridge, the quiet of this peaceful little town. I could hear Thomas Gently breathing, his arm around my waist spooning me as he often did wanting to keep me safe in his arms so if I even moved much less left his arms he would know and it would wake him. I couldn't help my mind flooding with the memories of the first night I ever spend on his arms.
I was young, but old enough to know better. I would go and play by the tall willow tree in the forest. I would go and spend hours and hours reading books and gathering flowers. Often times I would speak to the tree and many times it would speak back to me. I had always been a woman on the darker side of the world. I liked the grim and the spooky, I had a fondness for the darkness and what often times lurked within it. I had always been wary of straying too far, never leaving a door open, never offering things without consistency, never going too far if you won't commit to it. Rules I followed like laws, until one night. It was a blood moon, it hung over the willow and that night I decided I wanted to see just how far I could go.
I made an altar at the willows roots, with candles, herbs, a salt circle, flowers, and tools. I called out things but nothing answered. Each time I called out going deeper and deeper until someone answered me. 
"Hello, aren't you beautiful" he smirked as he saw me "not often I get such a beautiful woman calling out to me" 
"I uhh i-" stuttered in shock 
"Shh, it's alright. I guess you don't get answers very often. No need to worry, sweet girl. I won't hurt you" 
"I seek what is to be" I said
"Do you?" He smirked "clever girl as well as beautiful. Are you sure that's what you want?" He asks 
"Then a smart girl like you understands the price it takes" 
I nodded and took the cage from my basket of the small bird I had found he laughed at me 
"You have been misinformed" he says taking the cage and letting the bird loose 
"Then what is the price?"
"The price is different for everyone."
"Then for me?"
"For you?" He smirked "I can give you what you seek. But for you beautiful lady, the price is simple. Your utter love and devotion, swear your life and love for me, be mine and you shall have all that you seek" 
"How do I do this?"
"... Be with me. And swear your devotion to me" he smirked taking my hands 
"Yes master" I nodded
"Whoa... Just Thomas little princess, I'm not your master, and I won't be. You'll be my bride, still happy?" He asked and I nodded "good. Now... We're all done with the formalities, shall we? my pretty little princess? My sweet little wifey?" 
I nodded and he smirked looking at me, licking his tongue slightly across his bottom lip. He moved forward holding my Waist before leaning in and kissing me softly, he was warm, and soft, he tasted and smelt like ash, mahogany, petricorn and mint. He was gentle with me as he kissed me his thumb stroking my waist as we kissed in the moonlight, surrounded by the tree and it's leaves, the gentle breeze as the kisses got faster, deeper until he pushed me to gently laying me down on the grass in the circle of salt with him laid over me…
I woke up peacefully to the sweet symphony of bird song in the tree's. The gentle breeze whistling through the branches and leaves. The hushed sounds of the world before people rise. I was warm between the layers of my dress, one protecting me from the ground the other protecting my body, his arm around my waist his head nuzzled in my shoulder and arm fast asleep barely making a sound but his breaths. I looked seeing his sweet mop of hair nuzzled so close to me, looking up seeing the sunlight cascading through the tree as it rose, the sunlight peeking in through the leaves and branches. 
"Uumm good morning" he yawns 
"Hi" I blushed 
"What's the matter?"
"No, come on tell me"
"So… that's that"
"Aww what? Was I disappointing little princess?" He whines 
"No, no. It's just that's it you know"
"Well, We’re married now”
“We’re married. And mated.”
“So… I’m a real witch now” “You were a real witch before. But Now my bride”
“So? What are we going to uhh… going to do?”
“Well, I have to get to work soon. I’ll be down there for a couple of days but I’ll come back and snuggle up with my little wifey, I might not be home some nights. But it’s work. I'll always come back to my little princess, Like any husband and wife when a husband works away” He explained “So? Shall we head home?” 
I stood in my conservatory, the sunlight flickering through the glass, Through the leaves of the forest, the stems and petals of the flowers that grew in here or in the garden, The flicker of rain bows where light flickered through the glass or though sculpted bottles of potions and viles, as well as though light catchers. 
“Hey” Thomas smiled Leaning on my door to stare at me
“What?” I laughed 
“Nothing, I just like looking at you” He shrugs
“Go Look at your pit of sluts” 
“It’s not a pit. It’s a…. Box” 
“Go look at that then”
“Why would I go look at them? When I have my wife?”
“Go hang out with one of your other wives then” 
“What over wives?” he laughs 
“I can’t be the only witch who summoned you and… let you, you know” 
“Of course not. You’re my only wife princess.” He says 
“What about all those other-”
“Shhh, You’re my only wife princess, and if I get summoned by any other little witches in the forest I send the demons. I only come when my wife summons me” He smirked giving my cheek a kiss cuddling me tightly and stroking my stomach “Besides. I’m going to be staying from now on, as much as I can now you have the baby coming” He cooed, kissing my neck and down my shoulder as he stroked my stomach “My beautiful princess, My Beautiful bride. I get to spend all day with you now, My pretty wifey and our baby” 
“Sure thomas” I laughed “Maybe soon I’ll get to go down there?”
“You will, when the baby is born. My sweet little princess,” He cooed kissing my cheek 
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cultnotaclique · 3 years
Listen to these emo songs
1. Two Beers In - Free Throw
Even if its your first time, this song sounds like you've heard it before. Catchy too.
That feel when he delivers "Already feel like it's one of those nights".
So guttural.
Man Corey Castro was in his bag.
2. Cute Without The 'E' - Taking Back Sunday
Sure its probably one of the most well known songs of its type. But TBS was big for a damn good reason. Few did it as good or better. Adam Lazzara swinging a mic around his neck via the chord never gets old.
3. Cinco De Mayo Shit Show - Marietta
This whole fucking album is heat & peak 2013-ish everything is falling apart emo. Full of passion and like Marietta always is, very reflective.
"if i wake up and accidentally crawl into your arms, its nothing personal, personhood has always seemed so strange"
4. What's up Now? - Scary Kids Scaring Kids
One of the best songs from a band very few people ever got to discover. This song was their magnum opus.
Their vocalist passed away in 2014 from a heroin OD & they never really took off like they should have.
They used to play at & around my school. I remember this song playing with the stale smell of school lunch in the background.
Hearing the keys on this live and in my face for the first time in the early 2000's Arizona heat is a memory I'll never forget. RIP Tyson Stevens.
They are actually touring currently. I saw a flyer recently.
5. Some Will Seek Forgiveness, Others Escape - Underoath
This is one of those songs that holds you on a dark day. The vocals are crisp and then jarring all at once. I've never been religious but this song still gives me chills a decade after hearing it.
"Hey unloving, i will love you"
6. Deck Wine - Marietta
Okay you should just go listen to Summer Death. This album is close to a masterpiece. Quintessential emo song.
"The town faded when the smoke quit moooooooooooovin"
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theuntamednarrator · 4 years
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Thank you @mika--82​ for the question! I’m sorry it took so long but since I really enjoyed plotting out my Cangse Sanren lives au, and I think a lot about the women in The Untamed who didn't get to see their children grow up, strap in for round two of TB Revives the Mothers of the Untamed. This week's episode: Save Mama Lan by killing Lan Qiren \^.^/
(Many thanks to @drwcn​ for letting me borrow her hc names for Mama Lan (Qui Baiti) and Papa Lan (Lan Cenrong). You can read more about them on her blog here and here.)
(Warning for an unsuccessful suicide attempt)
QBT has been isolated in the Jingshi for a decade. She only sees her sons once a month, she isn’t allowed her sword, and her spiritual power is kept sealed
But LWJ inherited his stubbornness from his mum and she's determined to escape, one way or another
LQR is walking by the Jingshi when he feels a massive surge of energy and breaks his first ever Discipline (no running in Cloud Recesses)
He wrenches the Jingshi door open and sees an array that wouldn't look out of place two decades in the future in an alternate universe in a dingy shed behind Mo Manor
LQR breaks his second Discipline in as many minutes (do not make excessive noise) when he screams for his brother before he grabs QBT and drags her out of the array
LQR didn't have time to think, let alone study what the effects of that might be, all he knew was that it was killing her, and that her death would kill the brother he loves more than anything else
The backlash strikes him and he keels over
QBT gathers him up, sobbing and asking why he did it, she wanted to die, why did you do it Lan-er-gongzi? what were you thinking? Your brother loves you
LQR meets his brother’s eyes as he appears over her shoulder, the terrified disciples flanking him a white blur
He smiles and says I know
Curtains on LQR
(alternatively, we can just kill JGS again because ngl that was real satisfying the first time around)
Now the Elders are in a pickle because this may have been an accident but QBT has now been responsible for the deaths of an Elder and Second Young Master Lan
It's decided that the only option is exile
QBT is forbidden from setting foot in Cloud Recesses and the territories of Gusu Lan for ten year and forbidden from speaking to any Lan disciple during that time
She bows, accepts back the plain sword she had yielded when she came through the gates to be married, and is gone before the dawn. LCR watches her leave and then goes to wake their sons
Now, QBT was a wandering cultivator long before she was Lan-furen and actually really enjoys returning to life on the road
I wandered once! I can do it again!
Five years later she meets XXC battling a ferocious demon snake and together they defeat it
QBT definitely doesn’t feel her heart beat a little faster at the youthful face, white robes, and elegant jade-and-silver sword
She answers XXC's graceful bow with one of her own and the two spend a week clearing out the fierce nests of demons on the mountain
The next time their wandering brings them together she is introduced to my good friend Song Lan and hides her smile in her sleeve
Meanwhile in Cloud Recesses without LQR to pick up the slack LCR is forced to step out of seclusion and actually run his sect and parent his children
He does a very good job
QBT has to fight back proud tears every time she hears Twin Jades of Lan spoken of with awe
Ten years to the day of her exile QBT is grinning as she climbs the long flights of stairs towards the gates of Cloud Recesses
Part of that might be the entertaining company she walks with
A young man clutching two bottles of Emperor's Smile and talking so fast she’s only half listening while she tries to figure out if he’s actually taken a breath since introducing himself
Talking at breakneck speed of the young master who had been so strict with him at the gates, aiya Auntie! He was so cold! you should have seen his stony face
QBT only grins harder as WWX climbs the wall, is challenged, and blades flash over tiles (it might bring back fond memories of her own youth)
She slips over the wall while they are distracted and once WWX is silenced she reaches out her hand
You handle your sword beautifully, may I?
LWJ can't even say why - it's too dark to see her face and the voice is roughened after 10 years on the road - but he hands Bichen over without a second thought
She sighs as she runs a finger over the blade and the steel glows, lighting up her face (solely because I think glowy Bichen is very sexy and we should have had more of it in the drama honestly)
Bichen suits you better than it ever suited me, ZhanZhan 
LWJ is emoting all over the place (so embarrassing)
(luckily his back is to WWX because if baby disaster bi WWX saw that smile he would've died on the spot)
WWX of course is still a troublemaking rule breaker and LWJ is still charged with overseeing his punishment
QBT and LXC are united in their LWJ should make friends agenda and LXC inherited his sense of humour and delight for teasing LWJ from QBT
Between the two of them LWJ soon has more friends than he knows what to do with
QBT and LXC co-captain the good ship Wangxian
Of course plot stuff still happens including accidental-marriage-before-a-Quest-Ghost
XXC and SL meet them in Yueyang and when LWJ introduces himself they're thrilled because hey we know your mum! she’s real cool!
They don't trust the clans and they might've heard of NMJ but they know Qui-jiejie and they trust her and so they decide XY will go to Cloud Recesses for judgement
N-wow the twin jades are really deserving of their reputations-HS insists on a Qinghe representative going too
oh me? no no Wei-xiong this has been quite enough adventure for me. Meng Yao you'll go won't you? Dage trusts you and Lan-gongzi admired your *delicate cough* capability *innocent smile*
my.blush.com/embarrassed/yearning agrees
QBT is delighted to see XXC and SL again and happily introduces them to her elder son
SL and LXC almost immediately get into a heated debate over ahistorical fantasy chinese philosophy and/or politics and are instantly bonded
QBT may or may not have instigated said debate with a well-timed quote from a well-known (re: divisive) text
Basically QBT shares my get LXC more friends agenda
SL is, again, the first person (apart from LXC and his parents) to laugh at LWJ's jokes
WWX still refuses to believe this actually happened (the joke and SL laughing) (XXC swears it’s true)
XY is locked in the back hills and eventually a) dies trying to use his hidden piece of the yin iron to break the seals OR b) is rehabilitated by the power of bunnies and become an outer disciple (reader's choice!)
XXC and SL accompany WWX and JC part of the way to Lotus Pier
Cloud Recesses is attacked, QBT and LCR send LXC and MY away with the sacred texts, MY promising he knows somewhere safe to hide
LWJ refuses to leave his parents. The losses are not as bad as in canon, the Wen are beaten back, but LCR and LWJ are both injured
No Good Very Bad Summer Camp with World's Worst Head Counselor WC
No Good Very Bad Turtle Cave of Love
WWX wakes post-rescue with LWJ still there
(Because his parents are holding Cloud Recesses and he knows LXC is safe so he doesn't need to rush off)
JZX, JC, LWJ, and WWX spend a day planning before they split up
(this is hilarious and JC says "fuck" not less than 219 times)
(WWX only almost punches JZX and it only happens twice honestly people should be grateful! he was so restrained!!)
They all return home, LWJ promising to bring reinforcements from Cloud Recesses to Lotus Pier (because it's the most obvious next target. no other reason. just. strategically it makes sense)
WQ sends WN to Lotus Pier to warn WWX when WZL's forces are on their way
When the Wen attack, they're met with a prepared force of 1) YZY and the Jiang Disciples 2) QBT, LWJ, and a contingent of Lan Disciples AND 3) JC and WWX and a gaggle of archers (seriously why tf show the Jiang being so good and then only give us two archery fight scene moments and it’s heart breaking sixth young master jiang dying and some rando ouyang disciple shooting WWX?)
Things get a little hairy but between YZY and QBT they defeat WZL and the rest of the Wen quickly surrender
JFM and JYL arrive just as the battle is ending, escorted by Madam Jin, JZX, LQY, and all the Jin Disciples who were at Cloud Recesses
(WWX: MianMian you came you must have been so worried about me! LQY, ignoring him: Lan-er-gongzi are you okay? WWX: ah Lan Zhan you MianMian really likes you! that’s lucky! LWJ, screaming internally: mn)
(JGS was furious when JZX announced he was joining the campaign but what could he possibly say in front of his battle ready wife without looking like the utter coward of a wet biscuit he is)
Once again WWX is left with a screaming sword, too much curiosity, and too much time on his hands (due to his adopted family being not-dead)
But worse he has now also access to a woman who created an array powerful enough to kill even with her spiritual power sealed
Poor WRH doesn't stand a chance, even without MY spying for the Sunshot Campaign
After the battle QBT&LCR and YZY&JFM shut JGS's bullshit power grab down real quick and JGS sulks like the baby he is (probably in a brothel) while Madam Jin and JZX take over Lanling Jin
JZX hears about MY and the way he helped LXC and NMJ sends a letter of support and JZX is already quite jealous of all these sibling bonds and welcomes Ziyao with open arms
(All of which goes slightly to waste when JZY marries out to the Lan clan slightly less than a year later but hey, at least it's a good alliance.)
WQ takes over the Wen Clan but tears down Nightless City and relocates the capital to Dafan
(WQ: have you been to Nightless City? It’s built on an active volcano. Do you know how bad sulfur ash is for open wounds? Do you know what medical herbs grow in lava slurry? None is the answer. My family are all fucking morons)
(WQ: Not you a-Ning you’re a delight and we’re thrilled you’re here)
Rumour has it a certain immortal was so impressed with the stories of the medical techniques of Dafan Wen that she paid WQ a visit
(Disciples are so reckless after all! One never knows when one might need to be capable of transplanting vital organs!)
Each year WWX and LWJ spend 3 months at Gusu, 3 months at Lotus Pier, and 6 months wandering with XXC and SL
They get "fake married" no less than four times in three years (for the investigation xiongzhang! absolutely no other reason shishu! no other reason at all!) before LXC, MY, XXC, and SL get fed up and barricade them in their room until they talk to each other dammit
(LXC is very grateful MY has gotten so handy with the silencing talismans because the 'conversation' gets uncomfortably loud real quick)
Side note to say Clarity works very well to avert a qi deviation when it's not being actively corrupted, thanks very much, and NMJ lives many, many, many years which would be entirely happy if only NHS would pick up his saber once in a while
He would tell NHS this if he could ever find him
Happy ending!³
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prettyboongi · 4 years
Music Tag
Tagged by the super awesome and unfathomably bubbly @ditttiii luv ya
Favourite Album: Ugh there’s so many to choose from 😖 I’ll just pick Songs for The Deaf by Queens of the Stone Age  
Favourite Genre: For the longest I’ve been exclusively into indie/alternative rock (I was a snotty hipster in high school lol) but these last few years I’ve been peering into other genres. While it’s hard to choose one genre, I think I’ll always have a love for rock music. 
Favourite Song:  Again I can’t just pick one but I should since it’ll just be a huge fucking list lol 😆 Nan Nan by Fujii Kaze
Most listened to artists: Fujii Kaze, Mac DeMarco, BTS, Tempalay, Tatsuro Yamashita, Dean, Tyler the Creator, Queens of the Stone Age, Men I Trust, L’Arc~en~Ciel, Lady Gaga, The Beatles, The Smiths, Jack White, Aaamyyy, Minako Yoshida, Animal Collective, SZA
An album that’s important to you: Abbey Road by The Beatles. During my freshman year of high school, a very special in my life introduced me to The Beatles. I gave him my mp3 player and he downloaded their entire discovery onto it, and Abbey Road quickly became my favorite album from them. It got me through that tough year and made me realize how special this person was to me. 
What makes you like a song: if it immediately gives me goosebumps
Your favourite instrument to hear in a Song: bass guitar  
A song to Dance To: Trivia: Just Dance by BTS lol
A song from your Childhood: I Write Sins Not Tragedies by Panic! at the Disco
A Song That Reminds You of Love (Of Any Kind): My Kind of Woman by Mac DeMarco 
A song you Love Lyrically: Lover is a Day by Cuco 
Gonna tag @cheonjae-min @soft-hard-peaches @vinterjeon @unfurlingtwinklingstar @salade-tb @bangtanloverboys @chelsea-chee and really anyone anyone else who wants to give this a try!
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Survey #251
apologies the formatting is fucked up, oof.
How many smurfs can you name? Zero. Have you ever fully eradicated a bad habit that you had? Uhhh maybe? I'm not sure. The radio is playing U2, The Defects, Echo & the Bunnymen, The Pointer Sisters, Staubkind, and Dr. Dre. on different stations. Which band are you most likely to listen to? I only know U2 (and do NOT like them), Dr. Dre, and one song by E&TB; I don't know the others. I guess I'd pick whichever song sounded most appealing. Miracle on 34th Street, original or remake? Never seen it. Have you ever been in a parade? No. Do you turn the bass up all the way in your car (or would you if you had a car) and blast the music? Ew, no. That shit's obnoxious. What keeps you from being happy? I'm quiiiite sad of an adult. I want to feel worth something, do something. If you could go back in time and talk to yourself five years ago what would you say to yourself (You can only stay in the past for FIVE MINUTES so make it COUNT!)? At that time, Jason and I would still be together, so I'd try to nail it into my head that I can't put my happiness entirely in another person's hands and that I have to have faith in myself and my own strength. AND ESPECIALLY to not give up, to keep trying harder every day. Five minutes wouldn't be enough. What websites are addictive to you? I'd go bonkers without YouTube, and I go through Tumblr binges, but then don't go on for a few days. I have to check KM daily, but it's not really an "addictive" thing, but rather the admin instinct of I have to make sure everything is in order. I check Facebook habitually, but only like, once or twice a day. Who do you never want to end up like? It's... sad to say, but in a lot of ways, my mom. Her life's just been super, super unfair. As a person she's mostly lovely, but as far as luck, happiness, and success goes, sometimes it feels like the whole world's against her. What will you never ever do again? Turn another person into my whole entire universe. What’s the most terrible lie someone could tell you? Something regarding Jason, I'm sure. Probably like, he said he never loved me or something. Even knowing that's absolute shit, PTSD is a ride and I'd. Lose my absolute shit and obsess over "well what if he really didn't." What was the last thing that you printed out? Stuff for my Women Writers class. We print out SO much shit there. I feel like I've alone killed at least seven trees by now, and we don't have a choice but to print the readings out. What do you look forward to each day? M a r k/Unus Annus video boiz. What’s the best song to listen to after a break up? "It depends on the context of your breakup." <<<< This. The radio is playing Poison, Inxs, the Psychadelic Furs, Dio, and Matchbox 20 on different stations. What do you listen to? AHHHHHHHHH Poison, my friends. Do you know what it’s like to take care of someone else? Not really, I guess? But yes to a degree: I've babysat twice, and I assume that counts, and then when Jason had bronchitis, I would barely let the dude leave the bed. Would you rather take care of someone or be taken care of? I don't know, I guess it depends on what's wrong? What is the worst 80’s song in your opinion? You're asking someone who loves '80s music. I'm sure there are some pop-ish/more mainstream ones I don't like, but idk off the very top of my head. What song makes you so happy that just want to dance and dance and DANCE? None. What has been your most beautiful magical memorable cloud nine manic ecstatic incredibly happy bouncy air-light moment of this life??? Slow-dancing to "Stairway to Heaven" w/ Jason out in my yard in his headlights the night of prom. It's the reason I absolutely, entirely, 100% cannot listen to the song anymore, no chance. Do you go out of your way for other people? Depends on the person. What’s your favorite short story? I don't know. Have do you feel about beauty pageants? I fucking hate them. It always just feeds the standards of society and makes both women and men hate their bodies. It also puts far too much emphasis on the "importance" of appearance versus personality. What is your favorite DIY related website? I don't do/watch DIY stuff. Do you bruise easily? Very very, but not the ones you usually see clearly. I don't know how my anemia test came back negative. What kind of bread do you like? Pumpernickel is entirely the supreme type, I love potato bread too, I enjoy wheat... Are your air and water as pure as you want them to be? Idk about air, but I'd suppose so; we live in a rural area. Our tap water, I'm positive no. There's some weird shit with our water. The smell is fucking disgusting, like pure iron, but supposedly it's clean... We've had it tested a few times, but there is SOMETHING wrong with it. Would you ever visit an insect zoo? Sure, if they couldn't get on me. Can you enjoy life without stimulants (coffee, cigarettes, drugs, alcohol)? All of those, yes. Does caffeine count? If so, I'm sure I could, but it'd be very hard. How much thought do you put into your dance moves? I don't dance, so like... zero. What is something you want to improve on this year? Just how much I care about others' perceptions of me, mainly over the most trivial of things. If you could, would you want to stay young forever? No, considering I want to die one day. Immortality sounds ew. What is/was your worst subject in school? Mathematics. Are you a sarcastic person? Oh yeah. What role does religion play in your life? A small one. It helps that my religion (or at least the one I relate closest to, Neo-Paganism) doesn't have the most strict doctrine, therefore allowing a lot of wiggle room varying from person to person. Can you sleep with your eyes open? No. In the past week, what song have you listened to the most often? "Broadcast From Beyond the Grave: Death Inc." by Motionless In White. What was the last thing you shared with someone else? I shared some fries with my mom last time we grabbed fast food. While playing video games, do you prefer being first or second player? I don't care, UNLESS I'm showing someone a new game and therefore I know what to click and such to set the game up; in that case, I prefer to be player one. Otherwise, I don't care at all. What is the most difficult word for you to pronounce? HA, currently, my Biology professor's last name. I obviously won't share it, but I always fuck it up. What did you have to do for the last homework you were assigned? I have to watch a movie - The Suffragette - for Women Writers for when I missed it that week I was away from school. What was the last important thing that you thought about? I think if Mom and I really should stock up on food and TP, but to an actually realistic degree. You hear so many different voices on how bad this pandemic is really gonna be. Personally, I think it's an extreme overreaction, but what do I know. I haven't researched. Generally, do you call people, or wait for them to call you? I wait. I hate talking on the phone. Has anyone ever questioned your sanity? I'm sure, including my gd self. I'm 99.99% sure at one point in the breakup's aftermath, I actually was insane by definition. Especially now that I'm mostly recovered, looking back I'm just like... "hun." How many people do you depend on? Just my mom, really, but to a dangerous degree. How many people do you think depend on you? I feel like my mom does, to an extent anyway. I'm the only person who lives with her and I know she loves me, so I'm company for her. Especially now that she has cancer, she's really gonna depend on me during chemo and surgery. What is the worst color combination? Uhhh maybe like. Puke green and brown? Have you ever injured yourself walking around in the dark? Yeah, but nothing severely. At what age did you develop an interest in the opposite [or same] sex? Idk. I was "ew, boys" until I think... late elementary school. Girls, I had my bi crisis in the 8th grade. Then came the denial and shoving into the very back of my skull. I came out as bi though late '17. Are you or members of your family religious? I think my entire family is but me. Well, correction, I have like a mild connection to religion, but definitely not Christianity like the rest. When was the last time you acted like someone you’re not? Good question. It's not something I really bother with anymore. Like, I can curve around things I don't want to share, but I don't fake what I do reveal. When was the last time that you cleaned your room? Actually! I vacuumed and dusted yesterday. Or the day before, not sure. How many hats do you own/wear? Either none or one, in which case it would be a Carolina Hurricanes' cap as a memento I got from one of the hockey games Dad and I went to. Did the last song you listened to hold any special meaning? I actually don't recall what it was. Are you experiencing problems within a current relationship? No. When you’re upset, who do you turn to? Usually Mom. Does winter weather depress you? Noooo! Who was the last person that you called? Me mother. What product was being advertised on the last commercial you saw? I haven't watched TV in forever. When you think about your last relationship, what song comes to mind? "Oh, Pretty Woman" by Van Halen REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Are there any lyrics to describe your current crush/relationship? Eh. Who in your life makes you the most uncomfortable? Probably my sister's husband, really. I don't think he likes me at all. Treats me decently to my face, but I have my reasons to believe so. Do you ever receive comments on your weight? Not unless I'm at the doctor. Occasionally people who know me well comment I've lost weight, but it hasn't really happened lately now that my weight's slightly risen for who the actual fuck knows why. Don't get me started. Is there anything that you do just to make other people happy? Uhhh just for that sole purpose, don't think so. When you need a temporary escape, what do you do? Listen to music or sleep. What was the last lie that you believed in? I don't want to focus on it. What band would you most like to meet? OZZY. LET ME SEE MY DAD. What was the last thing that you wrote down [with a pen/pencil]? Psychology notes. Has anyone told you that you have a nice smile? Yes. Are you uncomfortable with being photographed? YES. How many people have you talked to today? Just Mom. We woke up in the middle of the night to screeching tires outside; someone lost control of their car because dumbasses go lightning speed around this cure we live on. When you go camping, do you sleep in a tent or an RV? Never legitimately been camping. What’s one ridiculous thing that you do? Let anxiety ruin a lot of opportunities. Do you feel that you must wear makeup to be attractive? Ehhh no, depending on your taste. Ever done anything dangerous while driving with someone else in the car? I don’t drive. Name someone you wish you could be closer with? There's a handful of old high school friends/acquaintances I have on Facebook I really wanna rekindle relationships with. I think I especially would like to get to know Courtlynn better. We seem very similar. What’s unique about your city or town? Its name is shared with a town in Tennessee. Are you a momma’s girl/boy? I'm very close to my mom. What is your favorite dance to do? *shrugs* What is your favorite song to sing? I don't really sing along with songs, but I suppose "Disguise" by MiW. It holds meaning to me and I also just love the chorus. Is English your 1st language? Yes. Did your older sibling ever tell you freaky stories that you believed? I DO NOT know why I remember this, but one time she told me that a boy in her class kept saying the same word repeatedly so many times that it became the only word he could say. It scared me, lmao. Where is the biggest scar on your body? I'd assume at the very bottom of my pelvis where I had surgery. I can't actually see it, but cleaning the area let me know it was kinda long. Do you have a yahoo account? No. Is your mom prettier than you? This is such a mean question, tf. What do you think about guys shaving their legs? You shave whatever you want, boo. Are you a violent person? Not at all, if you don't include my insane nightmares/terrors/whatever they qualify as. Those are always violent. Do you like word searches and cross word puzzles? I do. Have you ever gone to a private school? Yes, my college.
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tbs art playlist dump
i want to share my playlists but a) don’t feel like making covers for all of them just yet and b) don’t wanna inundate my blog with playlist posts, but they are relevant to my art cause they help with Drawing Emotions n stuff so i’m still posting them on this blog
i’ll stick the links under the cut so i can keep adding to them, since i make them as i find more songs that fit and clicking a read more conveniently always links back to the original post, so 👌 
also there are some notes bc thought processes are fun
am archives stuff
this playlist is p much just all the music that gets me in the Sad AM Archives Mood for drawing anything in like. the latter half-ish of the episodes. lyrically there isn’t a whole lot of relevance it just gets me in the right headspace for drawing The Emotions (edit: a lot of these songs have become lyrically relevant since i made this post. i’m crying all the time over every song i listen to. goddammit.)
also there is one song (not on this playlist anymore) that i put on loop for drawing specifically Helen and that’s The Mind Electric-- again, more mood relevance than lyrical relevance, though the title is. oddly accurate
honorable mention: black pear tree by the mountain goats and kaki king cause it’s not on spotify but hot damn
it’s just a lot of sad, pine-y love songs. honestly it’s mostly from owen’s perspective cause there’s been a lot of that lately, and as far as i can tell owen’s where most of the love was coming from in this relationship anyway
share your address- ben platt: frankly, almost all of ben platt’s music gives me strong owen vibes, with a few exceptions. this one’s just owen being super in love. that’s the whole thing.
flaws- bastille: there’s a lot about this song that’s perfect for these two but two sections in particular: “When all of your flaws and all of my flaws/Are laid out one by one/The wonderful part of the mess that we made/We pick ourselves undone” and “All of your flaws and all of my flaws/When they have been exhumed/We'll see that we need them to be who we are/Without them we'd be doomed”
the first bit because of everything with Mark, and the second bit because of the last few episodes and the whole “maybe making the mistakes we have makes us uniquely suited to do better in the future” thing
quiet light- the national: owen, post-breakup, probably. the whole thing is good, but “Between you and me/I still fall apart at the thought of your voice” is the part that convinced me to put it here.
title and registration- death cab for cutie: i had this one stuck in my head while drawing owen at one point i think, and then it kinda just. hit me how well it worked. “There's no blame for how our love did slowly fade/And now that it's gone, it's like it wasn't there at all/And here I rest where disappointment and regret collide/Lying awake at night”
better- ben platt: yeah it’s ben platt again and i can’t even point to specific lyrics it’s just the whole song. this one’s on owen’s main playlist too but it had to be here
you can do better than me- death cab for cutie: not sure about the first verse, but the rest of the song?? fuck
tompkins square park- mumford and sons: also a song that’s on owen’s main playlist, but it’s on this playlist because after am archives 15 it’s destroying me.
i don’t wanna love somebody else- a great big world: gonna let the lyrics speak for themselves: Oh, we left it all unspoken/Oh, we buried it alive/And now it's screaming in my head/Oh, I shouldn't go on hoping/Oh, that you will change your mind/And one day we could start again/Well I don't care if loneliness kills me/I don't wanna love somebody else
like. excuse me.
this whole song just straight up is his conversation with Sam in am archives 13 huh
i know i’ve linked to this one before on my blog (the notes are here if you want them) but i’m sticking it in the masterpost anyway
this one exists cause a) i draw him a lot and b) there wasn’t a playlist for owen, which is a decision i respect, but also the one song we do have for him kind of. doesn’t help me draw him. i feel like it makes it harder for me to draw him? the song suits him, lyrics-wise, and i understand why it’s his song, but also there’s a lot tone-wise that just takes me out of drawing him a bit. idk why. anyway here’s a playlist
i made this one cause the official mark playlist was Happy Mark Songs, which is great and i’m glad he gets happy songs, but also i very rarely draw him happy (sorry mark i swear ily) and i needed a playlist of Sad Mark Songs. side note: i probably could have added like half the radical face discography to this playlist
paint’s peeling- rilo kiley: there’s a lot about this song that fits, but one line specifically that put this song on the playlist: And, oh, I'm not going back to the assholes that made me
i hate u, i love u- gnash (ft. olivia brian): see damien’s notes on this song, i wrote those before i wrote mark’s and it’s on both playlists for the same reasons
hard of hearing- radical face: holy shit
dead ends- radical face: also holy shit
personal giants (alternate reality version)- radical face: stop me if you’ve heard this before, but: holy shit. also this is totally a mark and joan song. maybe mark and sam also. just mark looking up to all the people who have ever loved him in any way
something good can work- two door cinema club: took this one from his official playlist; i love two door cinema club so i felt like i had to
a better son/daughter- rilo kiley: added this one after episode 14 of the am archives cause i re-discovered rilo kiley like right before that episode came out and aaaaaaaaa
older- ben platt: it’s sad in a Mark Way. idk how else to describe it.
mistakes we knew we were making- straylight run: i know i say this a lot but like......... it’s the whole song. look at the lyrics and try to tell me this isn’t a mark song.
stage 4 fear of trying- frank iero: “and i found some scars in places i have never shown to anyone/i don't know why it took so long to get back home/"if you could hear the dreams i've had my dear..."/yeah i know you've heard that line before/but if i had the chance to scream all the things i've underlined”
still feel- half alive: yeah ok so this is a more upbeat one but it needed to be here. again, a lot about this song works, but like. “Trying to recognize myself when I feel I've been replaced” is the line that got it here
ok ok- half alive: the lyrics kinda work, but honestly, it just Felt Like A Mark Song to me.
it’s either this playlist or, just, The Entire Bastille Discography, cause for some reason their music really suits him imo. this one and the owen one are the ones i consider closest to being complete.
bloody shirt- to kill a king: idk where to even start with this song tbh like i think the lyrics are just his entire post-safehouse arc so it’s definitely something i’ve listened to a lot while drawing him
blame- bastille: another post-safehouse one but this one very specifically links back to the Get The Hell Out conversation him and mark have; fall upon your knees, saying, "this is my body and soul here"/fall and begging, pleading, "you've got the power and control"/don't pin it all on me
reaper man- mother mother: this one’s from the Official Playlist™ and it’s here for p much the same reasons it’s on the official one, with the addition of it helps me draw him. it’s also the only one that i think does from that playlist? which isn’t me bad-mouthing the playlist, i feel like the songs definitely suit him, but again: suiting him and helping me draw him are two very different things
gold- imagine dragons: yeah again it’s just the whole damn song
look what you made me do- our last night (cover): i think lauren shippen posted about this being a damien song on either her blog or the bright sessions blog at one point? and shortly after that this cover showed up in my recommended videos so that’s how that happened
birthright- celldweller: i don’t even remember how i thought of this song while i was making the playlist given it’d been literal years since i listened to celldweller but it worked and it’s here
the hearse- matt maeson: the stripped version of this song is on owen’s playlist because it sounded kind of sad/apologetic; this one doesn’t. this one is still kinda sad but it’s angrier. it’s leaning more towards mark/damien territory; i stuck a couple of those songs on this playlist because a) i don’t draw mark/damien much and b) in the rare cases i do, the official playlist works for me
i hate u, i love u- gnash (ft. olivia brian)- another mark/damien one and also another official playlist song cause i heard it the first time and went oh shit so it’s here now
current works in progress
no links, but i have a lot of songs in mind for these ones that i just haven’t put together into playlists yet:
joan and mark
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heartbreak girl - peter parker
Summary: Your heart is left smashed into pieces and Peter Parker is there to help you.
Notes: yes i used a 5sos song, oops ?? tb tho,, this is nothing but short fluff and a bit of angst, enjoy!!!
Warnings: swearing i gUess, cheating, a lil self-conscious bits???
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You picked your head up from the pillow, groaning at the sound of your bedroom door opening. Peace, quiet, and time to cry was all that you wanted; but it seemed like that was impossible. You wiped away your tears, turning to face the intruder. Peter Parker gave you a sympathetic smile, shutting the door behind him before sitting in bed with you.
“Are you okay?”
God, you hated that question. Whenever someone asked you that question, and you clearly weren’t okay, it led to more tears. You tried to muffle a yes, but a slight sob stopped you from doing so. Peter instantly frowned, quickly shushing you and pulling you into a tight embrace. The tears rushed down your face even quicker than before as you gripped his sweater, burying your hot face into his neck. He didn’t seem to mind, Peter was well-aware of what he was walking into. Rumor-has-it, your boyfriend cheated on you, multiple times, it had all just recently come to light. That rumor turned out to be true, multiple videos and text conversations suddenly surfacing. It seemed like everyone knew, especially Peter, he had called it back with Ned awhile back. He brought it up - being the good friend that he was - but you - being the idiot naive girlfriend - shot him down. Peter didn’t take much offense, knowing that your boyfriend was manipulating you to the point where Peter pretty much thought you were brainwashed. In a way, you were; but you always had your suspicions. Your boyfriend was never good to you, constantly bringing you down, being awful to you, not treating you correctly; overall, he was a piece of shit and everyone knew it, including you.
“Talk to me, Y/N.” Peter resisted the urge to cry, he hated to see you hurt. He wished he could have saved you from ever falling for such a horrible boy. “Please?” He pulled you back, petting your hair gently. Peter hated it, but he wanted nothing more than to tell you: ‘Y/N, I’m right here, when are you going to fucking realize?’ but instead he held you.
“I feel like shit, I feel so fucking stupid, Peter.” You sniffled, looking over at your bedroom floor.
Peter had noticed the torn photos and the thick letterman jacket laying across the floor. He tried not to bring it up, shaking his head and tucking your hair behind your ear. “Listen to me, you are not stupid. That asshole knew what he was doing, he knows how much you love him, and your love for him blinded you.” He sighed, his jaw slightly clenching in anger.
“What did I do wrong? Is it me? Am I not good enough?” You whispered quietly, you asking the questions to yourself, but Peter heard you with no problem. It might’ve been because he has enhanced senses, or because you suck at whispering.
“Why would you ever ask that? What the hell, Y/N?” Peter furrowed his eyebrows, his fists tightened. “God, you are amazing. You are precious, you are the smartest, you’re sweet, you’re beautiful, you’re perfect.” He grumbled, frustrated because you couldn’t see yourself the way he saw you.
“You’re just saying that because you’re my friend.” You shook your head, inhaling deeply, attempting to calm your nerves but the tears wouldn’t stop brimming your eyes.
Friend. Peter hated that word, he wanted something more, but he was too afraid to say anything. He didn’t say anything before you started to date your boyfriend, he couldn’t say anything during, and he definitely couldn’t say anything now. You were absolutely broken, your eyes swollen from crying all day at home, hair a mess but he didn’t mind, your nose was super runny but he had bought you a box of tissues on his way to your place anyways.
“I couldn’t even go to school. I don’t want to see anyone, everybody probably thinks I’m a moron. Does he even care? He didn’t even bother to text me, or acknowledge the fact that it’s out there.” You wipes your face, leaning your head on Peter’s shoulder.
Your boyfriend didn’t care, Peter knew that because he had confronted him in the school bathroom. It was Ned, Flash, Peter, and your boyfriend. Peter asked why he had done it, how he could treat someone as great as you so horribly. He didn’t care, and that’s when Peter punched him in the face. Flash even rooted for him! That’s how shitty your boyfriend was. Thankfully, Peter didn’t get caught and no one told, but he didn’t regret it at all. He didn’t know how you would react, he was a bit afraid to tell you. Would you thank him? Would you cry? Peter wasn’t gonna take the chance, choosing to simply tell you another day when you weren’t sobbing in his arms.
“Nobody thinks you’re a moron. Everyone thinks he’s the moron, Y/N.” Peter slung his arm around you, pulling you closer and pressing his nose to your head. “I know it may seem like it’s not gonna be okay, things suck right now, but it’ll get better. You’ll find someone better.” Peter muttered softly, his eyes fluttering closed as he listened to you sniffle. Peter wanted that someone to be him. He’d been head over heels in love with you since middle school, never having the guts to finally tell you. He appreciated you, was always there for you when you needed him the most, he held you when you needed holding. You were blind, oblivious, or maybe you knew and just didn’t feel the same way, he was overthinking.
“God, why can’t I find someone like you, Parker.” You pressed your cheek against his, whimpering as you held his hand.
I can take away your hurt, heartbreak girl.
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arthurs-wife · 6 years
Holy shit I love that concept of Arthur being in the future with reader and having them cure Arthur’s TB. If its not too much to ask, would you please have a part two? I wanna see our cowboah healthy and happy again qwq
(i absolutely went overboard again and i am so bad at time travel plots)
For the past three months the only thing you could think about was that damn cowboy. At work, at school, in the drive thru, you kept seeing his face in your mind. You kept seeing the blood spattered on the ground as he coughed, hoped to god the antibiotics worked and that he didn’t succumb to the easily curable disease.
Today you found yourself again at the greenway, stuck in your car listening to that stupid song you had put on for him that completely blew his mind. You parked here everyday after work, you ate your dinner here, studied here, peed in a Gatorade bottle here. That last part wasn’t true but you felt like it sometimes.
It paid off. Three months to the day he disappeared you looked up and saw the air break apart on the other side of the field.
“Shit,” you muttered.
It was so far. You started your car and threw it in gear and sped off across the greenway, knowing full well how stupid you looked.
You could swear it was getting smaller and smaller as you approached it and finally you sped through it, letting out a yell and scrunching your eyes.
When you opened them it was desert, a large tree looming to your right and a house directly in front of you.
“Oh shi-”
It was only a few seconds but your airbag had deployed and your head was already throbbing. The front of your car was smoking. You looked around and you were most certainly not at the greenway anymore.
“What the hell?”
You looked around, searching for the voice and finally you saw a group of men come around the house and stop at the sight of your car.
Groggily you opened your door and stumbled out.
You looked up and there he was, stronger than he looked three months ago. He had put on some healthy weight and changed out of his 2019 clothes, but he was still gloriously Arthur and gloriously alive.
You threw up and passed out.
When you came to, the first thing you saw was a bright blue sky, a lone bird meandering across it.
“Where the hell am I?” you asked, sitting up and holding your head.
“Whoa, girl,” Arthur said, putting a hand on your shoulder and easing you up, “quite a crash you had there.”
You looked up at him, it took a while for you to focus but there he was, a deeply concerned look in his eye.
“I was starting to believe you weren’t real,” you laughed, sitting up and crossing your legs.
“Course I’m real,” he muttered, handing you some water. You took it and downed it in one go.
“You’re feeling better?” you asked.
“Thanks to you,” he smiled.
“You didn’t answer me,” you said, “where am I.”
“Pardon me,” he said, pushing himself up and helping you to your feet. The house around you had seen better days, its roof caving in and walls so thin you were surprised they could hold themselves up.
Outside was hot but dry, tumbleweeds blowing in the distance.
“Welcome to New Austin.”
“I’m in fucking Texas?”
“That what it’s called in your day?” Arthur asked, leading you to a campfire about 50 feet away.
“What year is it now?” you asked, “1899?”
“Why did I jump so far ahead?”
“You’re asking me why whatever God there is up there opened a portal and sent you back to some arbitrary time?”
“Fair enough.”
You reached the campfire and saw three men sitting around it.
“Y/n, this is Charles, John, and Uncle,” he introduced, pointing to them all as he spoke. You nodded to them. “Fellas, this is y/n, the lady from the future who saved my life.”
They all stood up and looked at you like you were a ghost.
“How is your stagecoach?” Charles asked, gesturing towards your car.
“Uhhh,” you looked back at your car, still stuck in the house. Suddenly the house collapsed on it, banging wood through your windshield and covering it further in debris.
You winced.
“Not too good.”
You turned away, unable to think about how you’d fix it when you got back home. If you got back home.
“You all live out here?” you asked, clapping your hands together.
“For now,” John said, “we had to tear down that house back there so we could build a new one on it. Guess you helped us with that.”
“Glad to hear it,” you chuckled.
“It’s been several weeks,” Charles said, sitting back down and pouring coffee, “we can’t seem to scrape up enough money to get it going.”
“So like, what do you all do?” you asked, sitting down with the rest of them.
“Odd jobs,” John said, “I do some bounty hunting every now and then.”
“Bounty hunting?” you said excitedly.
“It’s pretty dangerous,” John said, leaning back, “but I can usually get the job done quick.”
“Don’t you have Sadie on most of your runs there, slick?” Arthur said, taking a sip of coffee.
Charles and Uncle stifled a laugh.
“She ain’t going with you anyway,” Arthur said, tossing his coffee cup across the fire, “she’s coming with me to do a grocery delivery.”
“Oh my god I got sent over a hundred years in the past to be a GrubHub driver?” you rolled your eyes but stood up with Arthur anyway.
“Do you have Skinners in the future too?” Arthur asked, leading you to his horse.
“We have skinheads,” you mused.
Arthur hopped on his horse and held out a hand for you to climb on the back, wrapping your arms around his waist.
“You don’t need to do all that, now,” Arthur mumbled but didn’t protest any further.
“I’ve never ridden a horse before,” you said, “it’s scary.”
“Never ridden a… what the hell do they teach y’all in the future?”
You could hear Arthur roll his eyes as you set off down the road and into the dinky town of Blackwater.
You waited as Arthur hitched his horse to a pole and the grocers loaded a wagon with groceries. It was amazing seeing how life worked a hundred years ago but god damn it was hot and boring.
When they were done, you and Arthur climbed up onto the wagon seat and set off.
“So this is what you do now?” you asked after about 15 minutes.
“I supposed,” he replied.
“Weren’t you like an outlaw or something?”
“I was.”
“What happened?”
He grunted and looked the other way. Finally he spoke.
“I used to run with a gang out here,” he said, “but a job went bad and we fled east. Long story short we got betrayed and had to go our separate ways. Don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t cured me.”
“You seem to be doing alright now,” you said.
“I only got back together with John and the boys a few weeks ago actually,” he pointed out, “said he needed help with the ranch so here I am.”
“What about the person who betrayed you?” you asked.
“Long gone,” Arthur shook his head, “haven’t been able to find him.”
You pulled off the main road and onto a side one, a squat, log cabin coming into view. Arthur stopped the wagon and hopped down so you followed suit.
“Mrs. L/n!”
You looked to him immediately.
“Wait, who are we delivering groceries to?”
Arthur pulled a piece of paper from his pocket and read.
“Marjorie L/n.”
“Holy shit,” you whispered as the front door opened and out came your great-great grandmother, toddling her way towards you.
“Are you from the grocers?” she asked timidly.
Arthur heaved a sack of flour on his back and approached the porch.
“Yes ma’am,” he said, “my name is Arthur and this is y/n, my assistant for the day.”
“Only there’s been some men crawling around the past few days,” she said, taking a seat in the chair on the porch.
“Have there?” Arthur asked, coming back out sans sack of flour. She pointed somewhere around the house.
Yes,” she said, “oh there’s one now.”
You and Arthur spun around to see the bushes shake. He took the rifle from his back and pressed it into your hands.
“You see anyone, you shoot,” he said quietly, “I ain’t too intelligent on the specifics of time travel but I don’t see any good comin’ out of you dyin’ here.”
“I don’t know what-”
“Just point and shoot, darlin’.”
And he fled into the bushes.
You led your great-great grandmother to the door and turned around to see a man approaching your wagon. He spotted you and made for his gun.
The blast wasn’t as loud as you thought it would be but your ears still rang and you smelled gunpowder and saw a wave of blood blossom from the man’s chest. He fell back to the ground and you turned away, pushing Marjorie inside, closing the door behind the two of you.
No more than a minute later Arthur burst through the door.
“Y/n, are you alright?”
“I’m fine,” you brushed him off, “we’re fine. Did you get the guy?”
“I heard a gunshot.”
“He’s out by the wagon.”
Arthur strode to the window and peeked out.
“I shouldn’t have left you,” he started.
“We’re fine, really,” you assured him, handing his rifle back.
Arthur finished unloading and you spoke briefly before he came to collect you. Marjorie saw the pair of you off.
“What did you say your name was?” she asked as you mounted the wagon.
“Y/n,” you told her, knowing full well that was your great grandmother’s name and your grandmother’s middle name.
Back at the ranch, Arthur helped you down off his horse. The sky was turning dark quickly and part of you knew it was time to go home.
“I’m sorry our simple grocery trip made you kill a man,” he said rubbing the back of his neck.
“I’m not,” you said, “that woman was my great-great grandmother.”
Arthur looked shocked.
“Glad you know how to shoot a rifle then,” he laughed.
The rip in space appeared again, this time completely engulfing your car. As it disappeared you took a step towards it but Arthur grabbed your hand.
“Take care,” he said.
“You too, cowboy.”
You stepped through and the Florida sunshine hit your face, unaware that any time had passed at all.
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weliketheiroldstuff · 5 years
Senses Fail 'From The Depths Of Dreams' Tour wsg Hot Mulligan and Yours Truly
It's unbelievably hard not to gawk at the photo behind the bar. A young Chris Cornell performing at St Andrews Hall damn near 30 years ago. I swiftly order a Dirty Blonde tallboy and down it in the 6 minutes before Yours Truly come on the stage at 8pm.
Yours Truly are fixated on how Americans say "Mother Fucker" as if their accent is anymore normal than ours. I love it. I fucking love anyone who understands there's so much more to us here than just being Trumpets and complete pieces of shit. We also say "Mother Fucker" better than anyone.
Yours Truly are reminiscent of early Paramore but I'm positive every band that is remotely close to pop-punk with a female falsetto vocalist get that comparison. Musically I feel it in my chest. Visually its stimulating as all members who are standing can't help but move on and feel their own music, I'm guessing in their chests also. High kicks inspired by I'm guessing by their parent’s desire for David Lee Roth in Van Halen videos.
This is a great band with great songs. Funny banter in-between songs help elevate them also. Definitely something down under that is giving way for an absolute shit-ton of Aussie bands making their way to America over the last few years.
Who ever is running the music in between bands need a fucking award. Underoath. TBS. Deftones. Thursday. My Chemical Romance. Oh man, MCR. I'm Not Okay is asking for it. Screaming emo kids scratch that drunk emo adults. Oh boy. They're gonna let this play out...
Hot Mulligan are Michigan natives that play a blend of math rock, post-hardcore, pop-punk, and emo rolled into one creative package. This is the kind of band that once you see them, you're addicted. I can feel them coursing through my veins already.
Their set elevated the crowd participation drastically as security has had their hands full in the front row catching crowd surfers. This shit reminds me of the late days of hall shows here in the Detroit area. Plenty of VFWs, polish halls, and of course UAW halls that I cut my teeth at. It’s easily the soundtrack to an Alpha Emo doob cruise out in the country. Chances are, I'm riding home and ripping a number listening to this shit. Now I have to go through their catalog. Good thing I can take the long way home and blare this shit. At the very least Hot Mulligan gained a middle-aged fan out of my stoned ass.
Back on that house music tip, more Taking Back Sunday, The Used, Korn, Rage Against The Machine and more, seriously… award.
Senses Fail are titans in Emo and Screamo. This is a band that literally started from that hall show era and made a fucking career out of it. Buddy has been a steadfast leader of righteousness in change over the years. Opening up about so much of his personal life to let more people in and to show that we're all flawed in many ways and there is nothing wrong about that. Even going as far as rerecording their first EP, cutting "Bastard Son" and changing words out like "whore" and "bitch". Flat out not what I would do at all.
I think teen angst is a beautiful thing. I understand the misogyny issues here with their old stuff. I also don't hold everyone to a high as fuck standard just because righteousness is in. I love that they did this, but I think what the Descendants have done for years is better. Which is admitting that these songs were written in a different time by different feeling human beings. And for that changed the lyrics to songs that were written when they were in high school and still stand the test of time even though blatantly immature. I get what they did and why they did it.
I'm by no means trying to criticize their intentions or decision to do so. Emo during that era of time was very anti ex gf not anti-woman and that shit got so fucking twisted in the years since. Its actually more anti-ex-significant other just depends on who is listening. Speaking of, maybe not a good idea to play "Misery Business" by Paramore right before Senses Fail comes on. I mean this is a song they stopped playing all together too. Senses Fail are in perfect form. This might not even be remotely close to the original lineup but this is the best you’re going to hear this band play. Absolutely on point, heavy when they need to be, 3 acoustic songs in the middle of the set to warm your broken blackened hearts. I could not be happier to be here.
www.instagram.com/iliketheiroldstuff www.instagram.com/sherburtphoto www.twitter.com/oldstuffmedia www.twitter.com/sherburtphoto weliketheiroldstuff.tumblr.com
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tameila · 2 years
May Week One Albums.
May 2nd: My Name is Michael Holbrook, MIKA
favorite(s) before listen: Tomorrow
favorite(s) after listen: Tomorrow, Tiny Love, Ready to Call This Love, Tiny Love Reprise
May 3rd: Favourite Worst Nightmare, Arctic Monkeys
familiarity: went into the day with no album prepared and this was a recommended one on the front page. Between Heardle and the restaurant in Chicago that I ate at over the weekend with my friend, it felt that Arctic Monkeys had been cropping up and saying it was their turn!
favorite(s) before listen: Fluorescent Adolescent, Do Me a Favour, 505
favorite(s) after listen: Fluorescent Adolescent, Do Me a Favour, 505, D is for Dangerous, Brainstorm, This House is a Circus, The Bad Thing, Old Yellow Bricks
standout lyric: "perhaps ‘fuck off’ might be too kind”
May 4th: Toxicity, System of a Down
familiarity: recommended by @jabletown​ ! as a person who consumed AMVs during my middle school years, uh...yeah, I know System of a Down lol
favorite(s) before listen: Chop Suey!, Shimmy, Toxicity
favorite(s) after listen: Chop Suey!, Shimmy, Toxicity, Prison Song, Bounce, Aerials, Arto
May 5th: Hypnotize, System of a Down
familiarity: Hypnotize is my favorite System of a Down song, so I had to throw this album in too
favorite(s) before listen: Hypnotize
favorite(s) after listen: Hypnotize, Dreaming, Kill Rock n’ Roll, Stealing Society, Tentative
May 6th: Tell All Your Friends, Taking Back Sunday
familiarity: it’s the start of my birthday weekend! I’ve been excited to return to Taking Back Sunday’s albums ever since I started this project but kept holding them off, but my birthday? it’s the perfect time! I have always felt like TBS doesn’t get nearly enough attention and love. they’ve always been one of my favorites from their heyday of music. I’m most familiar with their first three albums and then their sixth, but they’ve released an album as recent as a couple years ago so I’m interested to see how they’ve changed over the years
favorite(s) before listen: I would say that the only song on this album that I’m not overly familiar with is “The Blue Channel”
favorite(s) after listen: This album is a classic but I was amazed that I found myself not getting into it that much. It’s definitely still a nostalgia listen and I enjoy each song, but my top favorites are You’re So Last Summer (this song is truly top tier), Ghost Man on Third, Cute Without the ‘E’, There’s No ‘I’ in Team, and Timberwolves At New Jersey
standout lyric: i mean...come on, the most iconic lyric has to win...”The truth is you could slit my throat / And with my one last gasping breath / I'd apologize for bleeding on your shirt” this lyric fundamentally changed me as a person when i first heard it
May 7th: Where You Want To Be, Taking Back Sunday
familiarity: I relistened to some of my favorites off this album a few months back and -- my god, the way I probably, legitimately hadn’t listened to those songs in a decade and yet the lyrics came to me like I’d listened to yesterday. Out of their first three albums, I slept on this one quite a bit. I had my favorites and I’d ignore the rest of it, which is why I’m particularly excited to do a full listen through since I discovered new favorites when I did that with Louder Now last year
favorite(s) before listen: Set Phasers To Stun, A Decade Under the Influence, This Photograph is Proof (I Know You Know), One-Eighty By Summer, Number Five With a Bullet, Little Devotional, ...Slowdance On The Inside
favorite(s) after listen: Happy to report back that this is a no skip album! I wouldn’t say that any of the songs that I hadn’t listened to before Wow!’d me, but it was nice to experience the album as a cohesive whole
standout lyric: “Well, my best side was your worst invention”
May 8th: Louder Now, Taking Back Sunday
familiarity: hands down my favorite of their albums! I did a full listen through of this album last year and ended up falling absolutely in love with “My Blue Heaven” to the point of anger at my younger self for slighting it -- to the point of taking up this project to, in part, explore older albums with great songs that I may have slept on.
favorite(s): No skips! No skips! An amazing album from start to finish. As started, My Blue Heaven has become one of my favorite TBS songs, but Miami and MakeDamnSure are also high on the list. Miami is one of those songs that just makes me want to stand in the middle of the street in my suburban neighborhood at midnight and scream iykyk. and MakeDamnSure is not technically a queer song...but it’s a queer song.
standout lyric: "I'm just asking you to hear me / Could you please, just once, just hear me?”
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svendidntdieforthis · 6 years
A thing I was tagged in by @someonepleasehugshiro so cheers bud! (I’m sorry this took like a day to do lmao)
Relationship status: single as a fuckin Pringle
Favourite colours: I’m extra af because I love silver as a colour, but also purple and blue :D
Lipstick or Chapstick: Look dude I play clarinet/saxophone I NEED chapstick to survive
3 favourite foods: uhhhh Rainbow Drops, lasagna, hazelnut chocolate
Song stuck in my head: I had Blame by Bastille stuck in my head for most of yesterday, along with the rent soundtrack
Last song I listened to: uhhhhh I think it was Fake It by Bastille???? I’m not sure
Last movie I watched: I half watched The Eagle Has Landed with the parents on Tuesday? If that counts?
Top 3 TV shows: Voltron duh, Rockman.exe, Queer Eye
Books I’m currently reading: Afterworlds by Scott Westerfield. It’s confusing.
Last thing I googled: Why a TB watershed is called a watershed!
Time: it’s 7:21am!
How many blankets do you sleep with?: depends - just one atm bc it’s fucking roasting here
Dream trip: California!!!! I desperately want to go
Anything you want to be: a musician please!!!!!! Specifically a pit musician!!!!! Thanks!!!!
Tagging is scary so I ain’t gonna tag anyone, but if you see this and want to do it, consider this your tag!!!
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erhiem · 3 years
Photography thistle brown. Image courtesy of Gauntlet Cheng
Cuckoo Mess Anges D Mode! ‘What’s in fashion?’ You are welcome here. What a stylish seven days have been! This week, as of now, we’re bringing you our go-to picks on the best shows, including Matthew Williams’ double whammy, a dispatch from New York’s totally popping New York, and all you need to know about BALENCIAGA’s Instagram black-out. is required !!! Crazy, we know! Read on to find out what’s in fashion.
Photography ryan o’toole. Image courtesy of Bianca Saunders
Raise a glass to Bianca Saunders!
As you’re certainly well aware, fashion awards season is underway. Following the announcement of Matty Bowen’s double win at the International Woolmark Awards a few weeks ago, we now turn to the ANDAM Awards, great lady List of French fashion awards instituted by Nathalie Dufour. This year’s final seven were basically a hit list of some of our favorite talents – Bianca Saunders, Casablanca, Aria, Ludovic de Saint Cernan, Roch, GmbH and Grace Wells Bonner – so whoever took home the €300,000 cash from Balenciaga CEO Injections and Sal’s advice from Cedric Charbitt would have been totally deserved. Given the nature of fashion contests, though, there can only be one winner, and this year — after blown up the panel with her upcoming SS22 collection — Bianca Saunders scooped up the main gong! She said on the announcement, “I cannot express in words how thrilled I am to receive such a prestigious award and I am truly honored.” “Consulting with such a major player in the industry, as well as financial support like this, will really help me grow my business and realize my lifelong dream – establishing Bianca Saunders as a global fashion brand. ” A dream we are sure will come true. M / s
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Image courtesy of Acne Studio
Acne Paper launches new book
Earlier this week, Acne Studios gave us the . took a trip down memory lane with the launch of acne paper, a book that celebrates the legacy of Acne Studios’ brief but remarkable time in the editorial arena. To celebrate the occasion, we asked Thomas Persson, the magazine’s former editor-in-chief, to tell us the stories behind some of the most iconic moments from its collection. If that doesn’t convince you to see it, we should also add that the 560-page coffee-table tome also includes a portfolio by photographer Christopher Smith and new essays by Sarah Mower, Vince Aletti, and Robin Muir. More than just a nostalgic return to the world of fashion editorials, it’s a priceless window before social and digital media took over the game. KK
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Photos courtesy of Hunza G, Chromat and ISA Boulder
Designers pushing swimwear
It’s a new world, darling! And after this summer, if your wardrobe isn’t spacious, exuberant, and eco-conscious, you can’t sit with us. Luckily, these four swimwear brands; Issa Boulder, Chromat, KNWLS and Hunza G are here to redefine what it means to be ‘bikini-ready’, showing you what can actually reduce your impact on the planet while still Aa fab beach look is pulling off. From Isa Boulder’s pursuit of what it means to be “oddly sexy” to an appreciation of chromate’s curves, cellulite, and scars, to bikinis made from recycled Lycra yarn, these new jean labels are defying conventions and their own rules. are making. Read more here. KK
Balenciaga logs off
Eight years ago, Phoebe Philo said that “the best thing is when you don’t exist at Google.” Her adage still holds, although if the recent antics of some of fashion’s biggest players are to be noted, the best thing to do today is when you’re not on Instagram. Following in the footsteps of his Kering stablemate Bottega Veneta, Balenciaga has cleaned up his Instagram account! And in case that wasn’t drama enough for you, they have done so just days before the much-anticipated fashion revival of Demna!! fashion gasp!!! Unfortunately, we don’t know more from you what that means, but the timing and the fact that the account itself goes live will mean a big fucking moment is in store. And much more to keep your eyes glued to your screen fast! xoxo M / s
Alex Takes a Moody Beach Trip
Think about a trip to the beach, but make it appealing. Matthew Williams did just that to present his latest collection for 1017 ALYX 9SM’s, “BEYOND.” In a Brody movie, the American designer took us on a surreal sci-fi trip to the shores of Planet Alix and fielded a rich collection with hippie-inspired styling, futuristic textures, and oversized hoodies. A colorful bikini with matching leggings, a structured double-layered hoodie, distressed jersey, soft cotton dress with twist and knot details, and an armor-like leather moto jacket, it was a perfect synthesis of fantasy, comfort, and wearability—one that Just what we all want from a post-pandemic look! KK
Givenchy Resort in Paris Was About an American
Think your schedule is packed? Well, imagine what Matthew Williams must have looked like! Long booked and busy, these past seven days the California-based designer created the Alyx . left my latest collection for and A whole ‘Nother One for Givenchy! In his latest outing for a Parisian home, he decided to focus on the spaces he calls home. “In my collection, I always speak to living reality,” he says. “For Spring 2022, our first pre-collection runway show, I wanted to bring together my American roots and my brand new life in Paris.” Here, a sense of transatlantic cross-pollination came through strong in the pieces, suggesting a unique sense of Parisian chic – think high-collared dresses with armor-like leather sleeves and cut-out slinky evening dresses. Jacket – street and quirky with a healthy dash to American. “There is an energy to strike out for a new adventure, of creating something familiar yet completely new,” says Matthews, a key vehicle for that sense of newness is his collaboration with Seattle-born, Mexico-based artist Chito. , whose looks, accessories and even expressive graphics feature on the Rimowa suitcase. Chapeau, Matthew! Who doesn’t love an American in Paris! M / s
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Photography thistle brown. Image courtesy of Gauntlet Cheng
Gauntlet Cheng takes to New York at night
New York, New York, it’s one hellish city… and it’s back! In fact, as you may have seen on your screen when all the elite fashion lesbians in town together livestreamed Madonna crawling over a bar and bubbly (we love it!), the Big Apple is alive and kicking once again. is killing. There are very few people, however, more thrilled to see life return to their streets than Esther Gauntlett and Jenny Cheng, the combined force behind — you guessed it — Gauntlett Cheng, and stylist and photographer Thistle Brown. In fact, they’re so excited that they even paid tribute to the lively night spirit of their newly-revived hometown in their recent campaign, featuring none other than Coco Gordon Moore. Here, all three of us need to know about the photos, what they missed most about New York at night, and their post-wax party essentials. M / s
hi friends! For those not familiar with Gauntlet Cheng, quickly tell us the story behind the brand, and how you work together. Esther Gauntlet: Jenny and I met about 7 years ago while interning together at Eckhaus Latta. Our first shoot with thistle was in 2018 at a love motel in New Jersey. We connected immediately and realized that he really understood our clothes and the way we work.
And for those of us not in New York right now, tell us: What’s the atmosphere like? like: It’s just honestly crazy. The roads are completely packed and there is a kind of mental energy everywhere. We shot it in Times Square on a Saturday night and I assumed it would be quiet – theaters are still closed and that was before a lot of restrictions were lifted. It was really wild though – people on ATV bikes, people everywhere and kids taking prom pictures. I feel like we were all a lot more excited and excited out there.
thistle brown: New York is definitely back, alive and kicking!
jenny cheng: Plus, it’s hot in New York right now, and we’re all reconnecting and embracing each other despite the stickiness.
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Photography thistle brown. Image courtesy of Gauntlet Cheng
What is the story behind the campaign? TB: I moved back to NYC after living in New Zealand (where I grew up) for a few months. I think I leaned back on my teen melancholy albums while I was there. I couldn’t stop listening to PJ Harvey City Stories, Sea Stories. The album is a love song for NYC, it’s about being young and open to a city that treats you like an unlikely lover. When the girls asked me to shoot something, I thought we needed to shoot in the thick of it, to bring back the lights and all those vibes of Manhattan.
JC: We wanted to capture a classic New York City look, but with a sense of newness – a spring energy.
What made Coco Gordon Moore your ideal star? TB: I’ve always been inspired by Coco’s mystery, grace and spontaneity. There’s something so outspoken about her while at the same time having a delicate sensibility. To be honest, I could make a book about cocoa.
like: Coco has an incredible energy – everything came alive on her but she really looks home.
JC: Totally, Coco is a star! It was great to see the synergy between thistle, cocoa and the city. It was so magical and so energizing, especially when Coco’s curls were open.
There is quite a sensual, nocturnal energy to the images. What have you missed the most about NYC nightlife? like: I missed the ease of it. The feeling of walking on a hot summer night and you can bump into anyone, and anything can happen.
JC: I used to remember those holiday parties we would throw where we would dress up and see all our friends. Hopefully we can do another one soon.
TBI think New York nightlife is now beyond a relic, we’ve realized that the city can’t function without it. We have a lot of friends who depend on it for income too, so it’s really important that we don’t forget how special it really is.
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Photography thistle brown. Image courtesy of Gauntlet Cheng
Tell us about the night Coco is going out. where is she going? Who is she looking at? like: I think there’s a certain undoing in the photos, like she’s going out and coming back from something. It feels like she sorts herself in the big city but is at home and at ease there.
JC: She doesn’t have a plan, she’s taking everything in it, taking it as it goes, feeling a little flirty.
TB: She is just doing her job, looking lost but never alone. Making moves and eventually landing the right party.
Finally, what are your top five post-pandemic New York nightlife? E: Time to wear a dress again! A bag that can fit a bottle of wine you’ll probably drink by the river. The people you love. People you haven’t seen in a long time. It’s only four, but don’t think you really need more than that…
J: Shooting hoops in the park in the evening, eating chips and walking on the river with friends, wearing beach-ready clothes, rose water mist, and feeling sexy in no time.
T: Chapstick, bike at night, showing skin, dancing in the streets or on the river, and smooching crushes you couldn’t catch before.
The post Balenciaga’s black-out and New York’s big return: What’s in fashion? appeared first on Spicy Celebrity News.
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mercutiglo · 6 years
1-10, or 1-15 if yr up fr it!
omg i know it is much later than when i asked for q’s but i’m still gonna do it thank you clint bby
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? ....  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯2. Are you outgoing or shy? everyone thinks im outgoing but i’m pretttttttty shy3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? ...........  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i cant think of anyone i’m JUST KIDDING I”M SEEING DYLAN ON FRIDAY AND IM SO EXCITED4. Are you easy to get along with? i mean i would like to think so5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? i mean lets be real, it’ll probably be the bangers a bunch so like, yeah my teammates. (or i mean cassie’s pretty good at it too)6. What kind of people are you attracted to? lmaO this is just really funny after my post from last night about tinder. but idk, people who are pretty and have a sense of humor and also who arent’ dickbags and aren’t super douchey and such (bonus if they have a good voice and pretty eyes)7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? ha, no8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? um, one, “opposite” is shitty phrasing. two, i dunno like my dog i dont know what this means i mean also maybe damien from tbs but that’s just cuz i just listened to it?9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? i mean, i dont enjoy it so yeah pretty much. 10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? oh fuck idk probably someone on JK it was iris i was having a small crisis but it’s fine11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? it’s probably from last night when i texted my father “am i on my own for food” and then immediately called him to ask him the same question12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? oh jeez- Fairytale by Alexander Rybak (i remembered it and it’s wonderful)- Your Song from Moulin Rouge by Ewan McGregor- Bad by the Cab- idk i’ve been playing a spotify mix for the past few days so it’s not like, one song. i honestly dont know two others.13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? i mean, if my hair’s already been brushed and they’re not getting it in knots, yeah.14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? i mean, after what happened to my brother on monday, it’s a little hard not to. but still not 100% no.15. What good thing happened this summer? fucking nothing good has happened yet this summer i mean i found clothes kinda for this summer but i’m just it’s only been a week and like nothing good has happened.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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