little-maynard · 7 years
Twelve Days of Jack (December 22 - Day 9)
Summary: When Sarah is invited to casually hang out with her Friend With Benefits, Jack, and his group of friends, things suddenly get a lot more serious than she bargained for.
Word count: 1.3K
[A/N] This mini series all takes place in the run up to Christmas. Each chapter takes place the day it is uploaded.
[Extra A/N] This chapter contains mild smut.
Day One - Day Two - Day Three - Day Four - Day Five - Day Six - Day Seven - Day Eight
When Sarah arrived, the party was already in full swing. Jack had told her not to call it a party because ‘we’re just doing drinks at Joe and Byron’s’, but by the look of things it was more of a party. A casual one, but nonetheless a party.
She was late, having watched a movie with Kailee and Amber before coming, but no one seemed to mind her tardiness. She was immediately invited to join a game of Beer Pong by the losing team, consisting of Joe and Caspar, to take on Jack and Conor.
Some rap song was playing loudly from the speakers at the back of the room and the beer was already getting to the members of her team, so it was hard to understand what they were saying. It was probably something along the lines of “kick their arses”, judging by their smug faces.
She was good at beer pong. She had played it plenty back in secondary school and had been her friend group’s wild card every time, knocking entire rounds of boys out as she rarely missed. This time was no exception; she picked up the ball and effortlessly got it into one of the red cups. The boys cheered and Jack picked up the cup, tossed Conor the ball and chugged the drink while his friends egged him on.
Conor missed, was followed by Joe, who also missed, but then Jack got it in. “Go on then, Sarah.” He said, grinning like he was challenging her. As if that was a challenge. As if there was any chance she wouldn’t go all in.
She tossed him the ball and finished the cup of beer all in one quick swig. “Give me something better, Maynard.”
With Sarah on their side the team started to pull the game back in their favour. She watched Jack and Conor get more and more drunk, while they’d been mostly sober when she’d arrived. Joe and Caspar each had a drink, but Jack and Conor kept missing after that. Her own team only had two cups left on their side, while the brothers on the other side had three cups standing. A well-aimed throw from her made that two.
Conor drank the beer and proceeded to throw the ball straight at Joe’s face.
“Dude, our shot!” Jack punched his shoulder.
“Was worth it to get that smug look off his face.” Conor said.
There really had been no need to try and put Joe off his game, as he missed in a manner that was almost comical.
Caspar was a bit better, narrowing his eyes in concentration and hitting the left cup.
When Jack hit the next cup too, it got serious. They both had one left and the atmosphere hung tensely around them.
Sarah picked up the ball, rubbed it on her jumper for good luck, and threw.
It made an awkward bounce of the side of the cup and kept them all waiting just a second too long, but then it popped in and Joe and Caspar erupted in cheering. An already way drunk Jack took the cup and poured its contents down his throat without bothering to take out the ball, which proceeded to fall onto his face.
“An honorary shot for today’s queen of beer pong.” Conor offered her a shot glass of what looked like whiskey, and she was met with more hollering from the boys when she chugged it.
Jack grabbed her arm, and when she turned to face him he kissed her. Right in front of all his friends he was pressing their lips together and holding her with both hands on her face.
Once she got over the surprise, she kissed him back. They ignored the shouts to “get a room”.
2AM found her cross-legged on the armrest of the sofa with a group of random people of whom she knew maybe half. They were playing a lame Who’s Most Likely To drinking game, but she hadn’t joined it, preferring to stick to water after the hit she’d taken from beer pong. Jack had chosen a low alcohol fruit beer, sat on the floor in between Josh and Mikey.
“Who’s most likely to beg a girl for anal?” Someone Sarah didn’t know asked.
There was some shouting and then pointing. Most fingers went to another person Sarah had never seen before, and he shrugged, laughing, and took a swig of his drink.
“Alright.” He said then, “Who’s most likely to become a 35-year-old fuckboy?”
Laughter ensued, fingers pointing at Jack.
“Jack will never settle. He’ll be sixty years old in his mansion with a harem.”
“You’re just jealous because I get more girls than you do!” Jack laughed. He gave in, putting the beer bottle to his lips.  
Sarah awkwardly shifted her glass between her hands. This is the universe telling you to get him out of your head, she tried to tell herself. But she wasn’t even convincing enough to sway her own heart.
By half three things were dying down. There were people asleep on strange surfaces here and there, and some others were having quiet conversations on the sofa or at the dinner table.
“Do you think Joe will mind if I sleep in his bed?” Sarah asked Jack, who was standing by the counter to pour himself some Ribena.
“Go ahead. Mind if I join you, though?” He grinned at her.
“Feel free.” She winked, her head hazy but clear enough to know what his expression meant.
He abandoned his glass and followed her to the bedroom.
It was still empty, miraculously, and Jack locked the door behind them to make sure it would remain that way. The moment he turned around she was on him; her hands on his hips and her lips on his. He tasted like beer and was slower than she had grown used to, but she couldn’t bring herself to care.
The drunk pair didn’t bother messing around for too long, stumbling to the bed within minutes and pulling on each other’s clothes soon after.
“Joe’s going to hate us for this.” Jack breathed as he tossed his underwear onto the floor.
“Don’t care.” She responded, reaching her hand out to touch his cock. He groaned, lying back and closing his eyes.
“You think this shit is free?” She used her free hand to push his shoulder. “Come on.”
He rolled onto his side and pushed his hand into her underpants.
Neither of them lasted very long; they were too drunk and too horny. He turned onto his back just in time, coming on his own stomach, and she followed suit.
They lay side by side for a few minutes, catching their breath and struggling to stay awake, until Jack muttered, “Can I go to sleep like this or is that too gross?”
“Too gross.” She mumbled in reply.
He made a dramatic sound and then got to his feet, stumbling off to the bathroom with his pants in hand.
While he was gone she put her underwear back on and crawled under the covers, relishing in the sudden warmth even though she hadn’t realised she’d been cold.
When he came back into the room he immediately dropped down onto the bed, relying on Sarah to pull the sheets over him, and closed his eyes. “Bye.”
She chuckled, “Bye. Talk to you later.”
They were quiet for a minute or two. Sarah tried to close her eyes and go to sleep but her mind was suddenly racing again; back in the moment where one of Jack’s friends said he’d never settle. He’d stay single forever.
“Hey, Jack?”
He groaned in response.
“Will you come play Dungeons and Dragons with me and my friends tomorrow?”
“The nerd game?”
“Fine. Let me sleep now.”
“Okay.” She brushed some hair out of his face and kissed his forehead.
“Bye. For real now.”
She laughed. “Bye Jack.”
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leesh · 4 years
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because i have zero self control when it comes to christmas films and, well, cheesy christmas films are #life. 
basically, i have developed a collection of favourites over the years, including both classic christmas films that are fun for the whole family and terrible, dripping with all our favourite favourite cliches hallmark christmas films, and yet i am still always on the hunt for more. so, i thought i would try a little thing to share them with everyone else as well (and actually remember them for future reference)!
check out the tag here i will try and remember to use as i live blog some of these movies or head on down below the cut to see all of the christmas films i’ve watched in 2020. thoughts and star ratings included! as expected, i will also be updating this as i watch more and more this holiday season (follow along on twitter too if you want).
note: since i LOVE terrible hallmark films, some that i give a higher rating will not actually be......critically acclaimed. i am just #obsessed and have my reasons as stated, i’m sure.
holidate (2020) 
⭐️⭐️| first time watch | someone on letterboxd compared this movie to when you watch a rom com in sims and it’s just a bunch of random scenes that make no sense and they’re absolutely right. its only saviour is an australian dude and the line “so you know me well enough to cum in my mouth, but you don’t know me well enough to get me a christmas present?”
my christmas inn (2018) 
⭐️⭐️| first time watch | i’ll be honest, this film was pretty forgetful. i watched it over a month ago and don’t really remember what happened. however, i do remember being impressed that the leading lady wasn’t a stereotypical thin white woman. so i guess at least it has that going for it.
christmas made to order (2018) 
⭐️⭐️⭐️| first time watch | i actually thought this was pretty cute. it’s not the best, but also not the worst, so a decent medium if you need to fill up those figurative christmas stockings. the concept of hiring someone to decorate your entire house with no budget sounds pretty cool, but when the guy is aaron samuels and looks far from straight, it becomes a little questionable. 
last christmas (2019) 
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️| rewatch | now this is not a cheesy hallmark film. in fact, i LOVE this film a lot and think i saw it twice at the cinema. last christmas is a top tier christmas song and i remember theorising about it when the trailer first came out, but i will say tissues may be a requirement to watch this. AND henry golding is my husband thank u and goodbye.
operation christmas drop (2020) 
⭐️| first time watch | interesting concept in theory, but this is nothing more than US military propaganda and a cgi lizard. bonus: white saviourism. 
the knight before christmas (2019) 
⭐️⭐️⭐️| rewatch | a medieval knight transported into today’s world and has never seen a car before can drive better than me. that’s it. that’s the movie. also, he literally says the words “modern technology is lit af” at one point. solid christmas film if you ask me. 
the princess switch (2018) 
⭐️⭐️⭐️| rewatch | i strongly believe in the vhcncu (vanessa hudgens christmas netflix cinematic universe). i also have so many questions, like how did they afford the flights or solid conversation or was it all expenses paid? how did they finish a bulk of the cake without a mixer? why does everyone always speak english with a posh english accent even though it’s a non-english european country?
the princess switch: switched again (2020) 
⭐️⭐️| if we learnt anything from a christmas prince, it’s that sequels are generally never better than their predecessor. that being said, this was much less cute body swapping christmas fluff and a little more literal kidnapping and saving the day. either way, blonde vanessa was hot and i appreciated the amber/richard cameo that insinuates a christmas prince is actually a dramatic documentary.
midnight at the magnolia (2020) 
⭐️⭐️| now if you’re after an absolute cheesefest that ticks the boxes on best friends meets fake dating over the holidays, then this is the movie for you! albeit it takes place between christmas and new year’s, it’s still filled with their families knowing they were soulmates the whole time and two people who are a literal too comfortable on the radio. also, the dad’s totally should’ve been gay. they had more chemistry.
christmas wonderland (2018) 
⭐️⭐️⭐️| tbh, i genuinely enjoyed this one. post breakup/high school sweethearts is a personal favourite trope of mine, so throw christmas & being forced to spend time together when she goes back home into the mix and i’ll have a serotonin explosion. bonus points for the guy telling the girl to go back to nyc to follow her dreams without being a dick. OH and the scene when he points a fuck load of sugar in his hot beverage.
a wish for christmas (2016) 
⭐️⭐️| who doesn’t love a good office romance between a boss and an employee at christmastime? especially when you throw in a little christmas magic that makes her more confident that results in her finally getting what she deserves and having to travel and rekindle with his family? also, fuck them rich white dudes, but props to her for the significant job promotion.
christmas with a prince (2018) 
⭐️| this was TERRIBLE and not in the good way. it featured: an entitled prince who suddenly had growth even though he did nothing to achieve it, majority of the film set in one hospital room, and the fact that she’s the only one with a tiara at the party filled with people who actually have titles. also, thought there was a decent ending but turns out there was still another 30 mins to go. ugh.
a royal christmas engagement (2020) 
⭐️| don’t be fooled by the title. the engagement doesn’t happen til the last two minutes. it’s actually about a prince (bet you didn’t see that one coming) who travels to america, pretending to be his best friend who works for this major marketing firm because he’s tired of being the spare. this gets one star purely for the line “she’s not a commoner, patrick. she’s an american.”
christmas wedding planning (2017)
⭐️⭐️| it looked like it would be half decent, and while it’s definitely better than the last two, it was still pretty eh. i could get on board with her texting her dead mother’s number as a way to talk to her still, and i understand we all experience grief differently, but.....actively paying your mums phone bill 3 years later? girl. also, the end made me SCREAM. WHY DID THEY DO THAT!!!!
santa girl (2019)
⭐️| this was just painful to watch. evil jack frost makes memes in his free time, santa has a fancy car and doesn’t eat sweets, and there’s an odd comparison between the elves, minimum age workers, and racism. however, one star purely for the entertaining (read: bloody awful) tooth fairy cgi that gave me a right laugh.
the christmas chronicles (2018)
⭐️⭐️⭐️| this was really cute and had the makings of what could be a christmas movie staple along with the likes of elf and the santa clause (but will never reach that standard, obvs). tbh, it’s just a nice heartwarming family christmas movie about two siblings who band together to help santa and save christmas. also, santa was a #dilf.
the christmas chronicles: part two (2020)
⭐️⭐️| one of these days i would love to see a sequel that’s better, or at least on par, with its predecessor, but that day is not today. sadly, this film lacked all the heart and magic the first one was filled with and some scenes were pretty redundant. kurt russell and goldie hawn, however... one star for each of them.
forever christmas / mr. 365 (2019)
⭐️⭐️| the title varies depending where you’re from, but that’s probably the most exciting part of this movie. a guy celebrates christmas 365 days a year and a reality show wants to invade his house? ok, sure. one star for the eye candy and one star for, surprisingly enough, their chemistry and all the kissing scenes that don’t usually make the mark in the hallmark world. 
noelle (2019)
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️| did i renew disney plus just so i could watch this (and a couple of others)? maybe so... this movie is so fun! and family friendly! and is actually funny! it gives me major elf vibes, but if elf was set in a more modern day setting. either way, i had a great time and have been holding out on this one after loving it a lot last year!
the nutcracker and the four realms (2018)
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️| anything nutcracker related is an instant win in my book because it’s my favourite ballet of all time (except for graeme murphy’s version, we don’t talk about that). does this movie actually deserve the four stars? maybe not. am i going to give them anyway purely for my love of the nutcracker and the soundtrack? absolutely!
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lilmissbeanie · 4 years
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Haikyuu Masterlist
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Toru Oikawa x F!Reader
Song ~ One Way ticket - ONE OK ROCK
Genre ~ SFW Fluff
Word Count ~ 2.8k
Posted ~ 09/08/20
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Glancing at the clock on his bedside table, the bright red number shone brightly in his room. Reading the number on the clock, he groaned, 2:19 in the morning rolling back over to stare at the ceiling once again. Sleep wasn’t coming easy tonight, if he was honest with himself, it didn't most nights, not since he left for Brazil six months ago. 
The one thing that always sent him soundly to sleep was a twenty five-hour flight away. The twelve-hour time difference didn’t help as he knew it was two in the afternoon in Japan, also wasn’t a thing, they were a person and as much as he wanted to hear her sweet voice that always soothed him yet, he knew that she would be in a lecture right now.  
To Toru Oikawa home was not a place, it was a person. That person was his highschool sweetheart. The girl that stood by his side no matter what, whatever the outcome of a game, she knew his true self, the one that wasn't this popular arrogant pompous prince facade he put up to protect himself. She knew the side that was a little broken, the side that doubted his abilities as a person and as a setter. The one who would stay up late into the night after she would listen to him whine about Kageyama or Ushijima so she could bring him freshly made milk bread the next day. The girl who would scold him for pushing himself too hard and hurt his need once again. The girl who asked him to teach her how to play volleyball and the rules.  
The adventurous spirit he feels in love with that would try and convince him to join in her passion for adrenaline-filled adventure and sports, she would often scare him half to death when she happily run and jumps off a sixty-foot cliff into the sea, he could hear her excitable scream as she plummeted into the water to below. He was sure that she would be the death of him. His mind flashed back to the time they were at a cliff that was known that experienced rock climbers would visit and climb the wall, before they had gotten together, it was probably one of the moments he realised how much he was in love with her.
“Y/n, seriously what if you fall doing this and get yourself killed?” he asked as he nervously watched her walk along the base of the cliff her climbing sunglasses hid her e/c eyes, but he knew it held an excited glint as her fingers ran over the crevices, she would often grip them and try with footholds to see if that way was an excellent place to start. “Your parents are against this, you know this!"  
"And you know I would do this either way. If it goes wrong and I die then no one can tell me off, and if it goes right then they’ll never need to know!” She grinned at him making sure her hair was tied tightly before her hands dipped into her chalk bag hanging from the belt loop on the back of her shorts before clapping them together removing the excess dust and began the climb. Toru spent the whole time at the bottom freaking out, she would often stop to work out where to go next or re-chalk her hands where they were beginning to sweat. When she was 3 quarters of the walk up the cliff face, he climbed up the footpath to the top to meet her. When he made it to the top. There she was already sitting down on the grass looking over the view in front of her.  
“Hey Ru,,” She leaned her head on his shoulder as he took a seat beside her, the sun was low in the sky, nearly setting.  
“You scare me so much with your love for adrenaline you know that right?"  
"Sorry, I just love the rush,” She murmured quietly so as not to disturb the peaceful setting of the sun, as they sat there. It was the little things like this that he loved, just watching the sky turn from blue to have orange, yellows and reds dusked the sky, with the girl he loved resting her head against his shoulder, even if only half an hour ago she had given him heart failure, he knew she would never stop with her the love for adrenaline-filled adventures. 
The ding from his phone brought him out of his memories, picking it up he was a text from her. 
Lil daredevil queen 2.47am  
I know you’re awake baby xxx  
My king of the court 2:48am 
How did you know?~ xxx 
Lil daredevil queen 2.48am  
Cause you are like me, you struggle to
sleep unless I am by your side  (。╯︵╰。) xxx 
She was right, he would often get out of practice when she would have been asleep, but she was scrolling through youtube or Tumblr and sending him random things to laugh at or smile at when he gets back to his phone.  
My king of the court 2:49am 
Want to have a chat? (⌒‿⌒) xxx 
not even a second later, the screen flashed up with the contact picture for her. He loved that picture. It was her looking over the sea, her hair blowing in the wind and a surfboard under one arm. The red and white striped bikini hugged her body with a pair of red booty board shorts.  
He ran his finger over the green answer button as he held it up to his ear.  
“Hey, my lil daredevil.” 
“Hey king of the court, I miss you.” Her sweet voice seeped through the speaker of the phone, and he sighed in contentment. It had been six months since he had seen her, held her in his arms, heard her voice in person, and it broke him. They both knew this was going to be heard being nearly eleven thousand miles away from one another, they couldn’t just drop everything and be by one another’s side like they used to be. Toru already felt incredibly guilty for the fact he couldn’t be with her for her birthday and Christmas was only three weeks away.  
“I miss you too, my love. How was your lecture?” 
“It was good, we did lots of things about knees and how to help them when they are in pain, so I can help you more now.” He loved the fact that she had taken sports therapy as a minor subject, so she could look after him, her major was anthropology. He still wasn’t sure how she managed to worm her way around the board to have these two subjects that really did not correspond at all with one another, but she did. “What did you want for Christmas?"  
Y/n was known to get her Christmas shopping done early. "You?~” He questioned with a laugh, “I jest baby, as much as I wish we could spend Christmas together, but you know I will love anything you get me, so surprise me."  
They continued to chat for a while before Toru finally yawned.  
"I better try and get some sleep,” He yawned again, 
“Oh, before you go, I won’t be able to talk for the next day or two. I have a huge essay due in a few days, and I want to get it done."  
"Of course baby don’t worry, good night lil daredevil, I miss you, and I love you loads."  
"Sleep well, I miss and love you too, my king.” He hears her blow him a kiss over the receiver before they end the call.  
“Still no clue?” Y/n looked up and in front of her was her classmate, Tetsuro Kuroo, he was leaning against his car with his hands shoved into his pockets.   
“Nope, not any clue at all!” Y/n laughed as she walked towards him. “Ready?“ She grinned and nodded, jumping into the passenger seat as they took off for the airport. 
A whole Twenty-five hours later, Y/n arrived in Rio, the heat was intense, she was glad that she was wearing shorts and a tank top, somehow managing to drag her two huge suitcases, with smaller ones on top, next to her she waved over a taxi and gave the drive Toru’s address. Her arms leaning on the open window as she watched the scenery outside it was stunning, she could see the emerald blue sea in the distance. The drive wasn’t too long, and she knew that when she arrived at his apartment, he would be at practice till late this afternoon.  
Stepping out of the taxi, she was met by Toru’s landlady who grinned at Y/n, she knew she was coming, they had constantly been communicating for the past three weeks planning and keeping the secret between them Y/n flying to Brazil was a surprise for the love of her life of course. Paying the driver, she followed the sweet little lady to Toru’s flat. She pulled out the master key and pushed the door open. Y/n couldn’t help but laugh at the state of the flat, she apologised to the landlady who was shocked at the state clearly didn’t know what her boyfriend was like, he usually was pretty tidy, but training seemed to be keeping him so busy. Waving goodbye to the landlady, dragging her suitcase in the bedroom before setting to work on cleaning the flat, she had about eight hours to get this done. Grabbing his washbasket, she began collecting his clothes up that were strewn across the bathroom floor and sitting room, she put a wash on, hoovering, polishing the whole apartment before moving on to cleaning the bathroom. She washed the windows before moving into the kitchen which was the worst room of them all, dirty dishes, glasses, mugs, pots and pans all over the place. Once everything was clean, Y/n grabbed the spare key from the hook and headed to the local shop to get the ingredients for his favourite snack. While she waited for the dough to raise, she changed her top to a cropped loose front tie kind of floral wrap. 
Eight a clock rolled around, and all Toru could think was coming home and get into the shower, he knew his apartment was a mess, but right now he didn’t care, and he was off tomorrow so he would do it in the morning and he would finally be able to speak to his Lil daredevil after she has spent the last day and a half doing that essay of hers.  
"Olá Toru.” His kind landlady greeted him with a light knowing smirk on her face. 
“Olá Beatriz.” He smiled at the little old lady, shrugging off her smirk, before sending her wave, watching her turn back around and continue to tend to the flowers outside the apartment block as Toru trudged up the steps to his apartment. As he neared his door, the smell of his favourite treat-filled his senses, it smelt just like Y/n’s. He must be craving it so much he must be imagining the scent of milk bread now, he tried to bake it himself, but it always seemed to go wrong or not taste anything like Y/n or his mums for that fact. He sighed sadly as he unlocked his door and pushed it open, to be greeted by a clean apartment. His jaw dropped as he stared around his apartment, wondering who the hell broke in and cleaned his apartment. The sound of water running made his head flick to the doorway of the kitchen. He slowly walked towards the sound, the smell of milk bread getting stronger as he approached.  
A heavy thump caused Y/n to smile to herself before turning around, finding Toru standing in the doorway, his mouth opening and closing like a goldfish.  
“Welcome home Toru.” She gave him that loving gentle smile, in a flash he had her wrapped up in his arms off the ground, peppering kisses all over every bit of visible sink he could causing her to giggle. 
“You’re here,” he mumbled, burying his face in the crook of her neck, continuously kissing the spot taking a deep breath in finding her smell the same as always, that sweet peachy smell.  
“I’m here baby,” she cupped his face in her hands, planting a delicate kiss to his lips, “Go have a shower, you reek and by the time you get out the milk bread will be ready.” She pushed him away giving him a slight slap on his arse as he walked out the kitchen, jolting at the contact laughing, but as he got to the doorway, he glanced over his shoulder making sure he wasn’t dreaming, that she really was here, wearing a cute like apron her hair tied in space buns as continued to wash up the utensil she had used making his favourite food. 
“Make sure you get those sweaty clothes in the basket please.” Waving the wooden spoon, she was washing up at him with a pointed look.  
“Yes, ma'am.” He saluted with a cheeky grin before heading off to the bathroom, gym bag in hand. He put his sports kit and clothes in the now-empty hamper, he smiled, finding the clean teal blue towels hanging on the railing, clearly, the ones that Y/n had brought with her. He was still in shock that Y/n was here in his kitchen, she had cleaned his whole apartment and was making his favourite treat. He didn’t think he could love her more than he already did but in that moment he just fell more in love with her than he ever has. 
Clambering out of the shower, he headed towards the bedroom where he found Y/n rather immense suitcases on one side. How long was she staying? Those two cases along with the two smaller ones most likely had all her belongings in. He pulled on some boxers and shorts before he wandered back towards the kitchen, rubbing his hair with the small hand towel.  
“You moving in or something, with those suitcases baby?” He joked as he stepped through the door.  
“Yep~” She replied, popping the p, as she got the milk bread rolls out of the oven before shutting the door with her foot and placing them on the cooling rack that was on the table, she watched as Toru took in a deep breath as he smelt the bread he seriously missed this.  
“Brilliant!” He laughed, taking a seat at the table before he clicked that she wasn’t joking as he suddenly all but yelled: “Wait, what?!” 
“I have transferred to the University of Rio, and I start after the new year. I’m here to stay, I’m not going anywhere, I’m not leaving your side again.” 
He just sat there gawking at her, did she really just drop everything in Japan to be here with him. “You didn’t drop everything in Japan just to be here with me, what about your parents or your friends?” Removing the apron, she placed it on the counter before leaning against it, facing him with a smile on her face that just reminded him that she really didn’t have a care in the world. 
“My parents, as you probably guessed, we’re kinda against it, but they know that once I set my mind to something I’m going to do it, and my friends are your friends, they know how rough we have had it the last six months, we both have barely slept. We got so used to sleeping next to one another that sleeping alone doesn’t cut it. You are my home Toru so wherever you are, as long as I am with you I am home.” She walked around the table placing her lap as she draped her arms around over his shoulders, gently caressing his fingers against the bare skin of her hips, he had missed the smoothness of her sink under his fingers.  
“You’re my home too baby,” He replied, kissing her with so much passion before pulling away, “Are you sure about this?"  
"Yes Toru I want to be with you, and if it means being here in Brazil with you or in any other country I will always be by your side, I can do Anthropology anywhere, and I am studying Sports Therapy to look after you, and we both know that’s why.” Placing a kiss on his forehead, she watched as his eyes flickered around her own to find any kind of regret or lies. “I’ve missed seeing my king on the court playing volleyball where he belongs, and also this."  
He couldn’t help but chuckle as she gestured to his toned naked torso with a wink, he had become even more muscular and defined in the last six months. Toru wrapped an arm around her waist as he hooked the other under her legs, hoisting her up as he stood up and headed towards the bedroom.  
"Toru?!” She squealed her arms tightening around his neck instantly, knowing what he was planning.  
“Now, now that’s not what you normally call me~” He smirked as he threw her down on the bed, she rolled her eyes.  
“What about the milk bread?!” 
“That can wait, I have something much more appetising in front of me .” He smirked hovering over her, his head lowing to nip at her sweet spot, eliciting those sweet sounds he loved and missed so much.  
That night was the first time the pair of them slept better than they ever had in six months. They were home, back in one another arms where they belonged and where they always will be from now on. Together, Y/n had brought her one-way ticket home, and that is where she will stay with him, it didn't matter where they would end up on this planet just so long as they were together. 
He was hers and she was his.
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Haikyuu Masterlist
©️ All content  belongs to lilmissbeanie, do not copy, edit, repost or translate. 
43 notes · View notes
fortheheavenssake · 5 years
PG MM Anon Interpretation Collection- 14
91: Oct. 19
MM ANON …… “ O no , not another f%#ing beautiful Sunday “…… All together, a ROYAL reunion 🦄🦎👸🤴… “ she’s not invited, again🧣“……” O Philip, do lets watch this documentary 🤣🤣“ …… “Really, old thing, really ?”…… “ bloody hell , Charlottes a better actress “……… “ Mummy!! I’ve lost my 🦎” ……” What next LG , the Caribbean and North America with the children?”…… “ Mmmm , Marm that would work ,next year’ someone will be jealous!!” …… “ “what’s that ol’ thing , I’m reading skippy Philip”
October 19/2019 1245 hrs CST
“ O no , not another f%#ing beautiful Sunday “…
Sunday is historically day to attend worship and spend time with family. It’s also, in more urban areas the day when the biggest newspapers come out. Another beautiful but blanked up day because this curse still hangs in the air, no justice yet but it’s coming! Justice is coming! Sunday’s will soon be as they once were, different, through life experiences but they will family days again!
All together, a ROYAL reunion 🦄🦎👸🤴…
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge just returned back to London last night after a five day tour of Pakistan 🇵🇰. The Royal tour was successful far and above expectations. They had promised the children a family weekend. I am certain there were lots of tears along the way despite FaceTime and talking, lots of hugs upon return home. Princess Charlotte has developed a passion for unicorns. Over the summer, as boys do, will all of the garden time that the Duchess did with her family he must have seen salamanders and lizards or just fell for them via books perhaps. So the whole family happily back together along with boss baby , Prince Louis. He acquired that title from his facial expression, priceless ones, during the flyover on Buckingham Palace balcony.
“ she’s not invited, again🧣“…
The Christmas church service last year, upon exiting, madam tried to engage Prince William in conversation, he was wise to her moves and made himself very busy fiddling with his scarf. She then tried Prince Charles who in turn ignored her. The term scarfing has truly taken on a life of its own online🤣🤣🤣😂😂. I think this is clearly Prince William putting his foot down clearly expressing his opinion.The line she’s not invited, also has a bit of a cite reference, the day of Prince Louis’ christening, as they left the chapel to walk back into the entrance, Princess Charlotte said to the amassed media, “you’re not coming”, was tremendously funny and sweet. Her personality was already showing!
” O Philip, do lets watch this documentary 🤣🤣““Really, old thing, really ?”…… “ bloody hell , Charlottes a better actress “…
HMTQ and PP, likely over the evening cocktail chatting, she jokingly states the above, his replies are the latter two quotes. I am glad they are able to talk and find some humour in this situation! Oh how l would love to be a fly on the wall, meaning love to hear some of their discussions!
“ Mummy!! I’ve lost my 🦎” …
Well trauma, upset, tears of sadness and shrieks of OH NO!! Prince George has lost his lizard, l hope not inside or shrieks of horror, outside, just a very sad little boy. I am certain a replacement lizard could be sourced post haste!
” What next LG , the Caribbean and North America with the children?”
Prince William and HMTQ, and Duchess Catherine likely reviewed/debriefed the events of the tour with LG in attendance. I can hear ideas thrown about on how to continue this success to build on the success of the monarchy. I think half jokingly William said, what next, do you propose such a trip with all three children? I know rumours out there of madam being pregnant but not confirmed, besides another a Royal tour doesn’t happen with her, because SHE IS NOT ROYAL!!! I know the Cambridges took their own private medic along to Pakistan 🇵🇰. I have a feeling she may already be or will shorten announced that she is expecting another child.
“ Mmmm , Marm that would work ,next year’ someone will be jealous!!” …This is definitely LG responding to the notion of an entire a Cambridge family Royal tour! Can you just imagine the coverage? There would have never been anything like it before, and madam would be climbing the walls of her cell or padded room when she learned of that. She will be forever jealous and hateful.
“ “what’s that ol’ thing , I’m reading skippy Philip”
HMTQ reading when PP says something to her, she replies with the above quote! See 💜🐼💜, l have told youn🐼, THEY DO READ YOUR BLOG,!! This is an absolute confirmation of a suspicion l have had and have talked about! So feel free to express yourself!! WE LOVE AND BELIEVE IN HARRY, WE WANT HIM BACK!!!💜💜💜💜GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦
October 19/2019 1315 hrs CST
Thank you dear PG….what a fun happy riddle today. I love the tidbits about the children…..I want you know we greatly appreciate the time and effort you put into deciphering these riddles for us. Well…I hope if HM does read here….she will let us know she is ok…😉.💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
92: oct 20
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻This riddle was extremely difficult 🙏🏻🙏🏻💜🤣
MM Anon
MM ANON … A disruption in the FORCE… … give a lot , take a little …… sighted for perpetuity …… 🎼matter of fact, it’s all dark 🎼……… multiple numbers …… his backhander slush fund …… silent outrage in Carshalton …… “ But O, how bitter a thing”………” bending of the heart flings” ……… a comfortable exorcism …… “ sunshine is the best…” …… “ sunshine is the best…”
October 20/2019 1405 hrs CST
A disruption in the FORCE
In all the a Star Wars movies the FORCE is the power of the energy for good to fight evil. The force be with you has become common usage when you wish some good luck or best wishes in all kinds of situations. Here we are now, dear MM ANON has the word force , in all capitals , meaning extreme, pay attention, some people say all caps means you’re yelling. I personally do not, many of you know when o type in all caps l am expressing my emotions or concerned topic. MM ANON is in deadly seriously telling us that evil, and we all know the evil, it has a name and backers and ultimately the biggest backer who takes souls and laughs at God! There is an extremely concerted effort, especially today to take down HMTQ and the Monarchy, this is as serious a things get folks. There is a disruption, Harry was the access point, evil got in, has been using him everyday. I do not know what will happen today, tonight , tomorrow or the day after. But vigilance is needed, pray if you’re so inclined. This is the most serious battle and attack HMTQ has ever faced!
give a lot , take a little
That’s the phrase, climate change, leave less carbon footprints , charity give your time, etc. HMTQ and many royals give so much time, yes they get to live in mansions etc, but how many of us could keep HMTQ schedule for 93 years, still smile as if everything was fine. I think no future generations will have those skills. The world has changed, everybody is famous with their Instagram etc etc.
We have madam who has taken and taken , taken, taken, taken,taken, taken, was well with open arms publicly, despite manipulating her way in. She has taken very perk there is. NO GRATITUDE, give an inch, she takes 100 miles, so to speak. What does HMTQ get for this? Fingered up, every way, every day, now the poor card will be played after using and exhausting all her other cards. Few have asked me how l am, wah wah wah. She screams privacy, privacy, don’t take my picture, how can anyone ask you anything? She has treated the British people so vile lay, why would they even WANT TO ASK? They want her gone, pick a country, leave!! Just stop,your whinging , word salad, environmental preaching while taking six private jet flights. On and on and on….
sighted for perpetuity ……
Perpetuity is an interesting word, it’s used in financial terms but does have another usage. Let’s let our friend google help us understand it. One meaning is a bond or other security with no fixed maturity date. The second meaning is used as a legal meaning. It is
a restriction making an estate inalienable perpetually or for a period beyond certain limits fixed by law. Now let’s be clear on what inalienable means that something or someone is unable to be taken away from or given away by the possessor. Basically this is meaning , Harry’s inheritance from his mother, his great grandmother, the Queen mum, any other such funds, homes, jets etc etc CANNOT be taken away from him FOREVER. So should there be a divorce or annulment, she has no legal grounds or recourse to go after any of these items. A payout yes, so the royal family has sound legal and financial admin setting up their assets. Thank God!!!
🎼matter of fact, it’s all dark 🎼………
My dear MM ANON, l must say , l was absolutely expecting a return to this gem today! Pink Floyd’s Eclipse. The lyrics of this song about basically everything in life, l can’t put them in here due to copyright but you can easily find them The song ends with the eclipse. The thought is during a lunar/eclipse of the moon, the moon goes dark and the side we can’t see is still lit up. The song ends by this phrase that MM ANON gave us , it’s all dark. Extrapolating that to the situation at hand, it’s all dark. There is no sliver of a silver lining, bit of light or hope that madam will have an a-ha moment, fall on her knees, acknowledging her sins and beg forgiveness. No no no no, it’s all dark, no redemption will be sought. This is very dire friends, very dire indeed, the prognosis is dark. Hence my feelings of anxiety.
multiple numbers ……
Well what is this? We know madam has had multiple number partners, marriages, sex videos, tax issues, merching, basically everything. What is MM ANON referencing here? Discrepancy in items on her taxes? There are so many possibilities.here
his backhander slush fund
This has an informal British meaning of a secret payment, typically one made illegally; a bribe. So, a slush fund is extra cash , hidden, in case of emergency etc. Who is ‘his’ here? Is it PH? Did he think he could at first, just pay her for the booty call and she would go away, vastly unaware of the plot. Is this PP or PC who have such a fund, if needed. Is this PA, who also may have a fund of this nature, if needed. I have no idea which one but this confirms that such fund exists and the purpose for it, but l don’t know who or why it may have been started or if/when/how often it has been used. Yet another piece of this ever-growing larger puzzle.
silent outrage in Carshalton
Carshalton s a town, with an historic village in the London Borough of Sutton, South London. Historically Carshalton is part of Surrey. The Earl and Countess of Wessex live in Bagshot Park, Surrey. Sophie does so much in her duties. She is exceptionally close to HMTQ. I saw an interview with her and Prince Edward. They said basically every weekend they spend together, doing outdoorsy things, horses etc. She said also, since so close she often goes for tea with HMTQ. Prince Edward has been reportedly been called her favourite son. Edward will inherit his fathers title, the a Duke of a Edinburgh when that time comes. I think the both of them must be terribly concerned for HMTQ and PP, their health, this stress etc etc.
“ But O, how bitter a thing”………” bending of the heart flings”
From Shakespeare’s As You Like It. First quote referencing seeing another’s happiness through their eyes. Harry saw/sees in William and Catherine’s relationship, then marriage, the three beautiful children, their complete and utter love and devotion. These are all things he longs to have, achingly so. I ache for Harry. I cannot seem to locate the second quote, that’s very odd/unusual. I shall figure it out. Longing for something, sometimes one bends or does something they would never nor do, if they think it can get them what they desire. Flings can be a very casual relationship vacation fling, holiday flings etc, now maybe a booty call. So here we have a young man , struggling with his emotional state, severe anxiety, depression and PTSD, has every tangible thing in the world, except he longs for , desires the intangible, love, utter devotion and children of his own, they become tangible or real. This describes the situation exactly when the attack was made on the BRF via Harry. This steams my tea kettle!!
a comfortable exorcism
Exorcism, in its truest meaning, is a person possessed by a demon, or demons/Satan and a Priest or pastor uses Scripture and other things to set the victim free releasing them. This word, demon,is often used now to describe addiction or other really difficult things that have a hold on someone, therapy, AA, exercise etc etc etc can be used to exorcise oneself. So here we have a comfortable getting rid of the thing that has a hold of some. God l plead this means that Harry will be released from the grasp he is under, if l read this correctly, comfortable means exactly that. How this will be done, LG and HMTQ know. Please let me be correct🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
“ sunshine is the best…”
Sunshine is the best disinfectant there is, you hang sheets, quilts laundry and the UV, ultra-violet rays kill anything. Just look at what it does to our skin! MM ANON is being cheeky with a double entendre here, Sunshine Sachs, the supposed master PR firm that ‘uses the dark arts for clients’. Since they have come on board, the boat has tilted and started quickly the process of sinking. So they have done nothing to help, on,y made this worse. However, we can count on God’s glorious creation, the sun, to sterilize the filth that’s made public so far and will be made public in the future!!! So come on, pullback the curtain, let the filth out!
October 29/2019
1520 hrs CST
You missed the last hint….
a very lumpy bed nutmeg
“A very lumpy bed nutmeg “
I think this in anticipation of a nice bed in an expensive building with lots of hired staff and she will get to wear designer orange jumpsuit! MM ANON hinting at either hospitalization or incarceration. I have an extensive 20 plus years working in the mental health field, inpatient treatment for any personality is in effective, they quickly adapt, learn staff weaknesses etc etc.
Preparing to hope the orange jumpsuit time comes!
Sorry love forgot this one guys, when l cut and pasted the riddle this didn’t appear.
Thank you PG…again looks interesting! Thank you for all that you do. Much appreciated!😁💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
93: oct 21
MM ANON …… rejected ‘ now reflect!!…… A colonial decision …… Cain un-Abel………… he’s not heavy …… “re-tune your bloody violin”…… “ change the channel 🤣 old thing”…… a broken mendacity …… Calipornia scheming …… “f***that cottage,I wanted the house”…… “ the family I never asked for” …… “all to plan ma’am”……🎼”Paperback Writer? “🎼…… cry-Sis,What cry-Sis.
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
October 21/2019 1340 hrs CST
rejected ‘ now reflect!!
We have had a clue very similar wording, l cannot recall exactly. Madam feels very rejected by the big bad U.K. l have been there a number of times, trust me, l was treated like royalty by my friends there!! The people are feeling very angry by her poor me poor me, the final straw l think the camels back is nearly completely fractured. That’s a phrase when something in life has been building and building and then some happens, the last straw and the person collapses mentally, or becomes violent or leaves a marriage. I hope l am explaining that so it makes sense! Harry will have six weeks to reflect, on everything he has done at HMTQ and LG behest. He has given his all for HMTQ.
Cain un-Abel
In Scripture, Cain and Abel they are the first two sons of Adam and Eve. God was given sacrifices for worship, he found favour in Abel’s sacrifice. Cain murdered Abel , jealousy? Here we have un-Abel. This is clearly Prince William and Prince Harry, not ever the murdering part. I think MM ANON is meaning one brother married and has lovely family and will be King. However Prince Harry’s marriage is bogus as is amw. Prince Harry is obviously struggling in every way. One brother just unable to find the love and family, life partner as the other has. I pray for them both!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
A colonial decision ……
The colonies is what America was called before they separated taxation without representation! So madam has decided to return to the colonies, live her filthy life, write a book and continue to cause carnage, SO SHE THINKS!! She has absolutely no idea what will hit her when reality comes. No more delusional lies, the long list of alleged things done wrong and the laws alleged involved. Oh God, let justice be meted out SOON!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 P.S. madam, most people in the colonies have no idea who you are and more so they don’t care! She will be seen as a whiner etc etc.
he’s not heavy ……
Phrase, and song, he’s not heavy, he’s my brother. In the garbage last night, Harry did not confirm any falling out, he said they’re both on different paths, busy life. But he’s my brother, they will always be brothers and always be there for each other. TO ME THAT SAYS IT ALL!!
“re-tune your bloody violin”……
Old saying when someone is whinging or feeling sorry for thematic, being a drama queen etc another person puts their hand up and rubs their thumb and index finger together. They then asker the whinging person, do you know what this is? It’s the worlds smallest violin playing just for you!🤣🤣🤣🤣😂 PP wants a change in the tune, make it louder so madam cannot be heard!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂
“ change the channel 🤣 old thing”…
PP and HMTQ started watching the garbage last night, PP chuckling says to her to change the tv channel! I picture them in their evening close, lovely fireplace, comfy elegant room and furniture, having a cocktail and just enjoying each other’s company. As they have done their entire marriage, they are at each other’s side, just beautiful, brings tears actually how horrible this massive attack has been!
a broken mendacity
Mendacity is untruthfulness, lies. Broken lies, well how many times have we seen this with madam. Dozens, she tells so many lies as does her PR, things get twisted and nothing gets amended, they lie their way out of it when questioned. If it weren’t so deadly serious it would be funny. Like a kid with chocolate all over his face and mum asks if he ate chocolate and he says no. She really is stunted about age 14 , lies like some teenagers do!
Calipornia scheming ……
Well she scheming what else she can do to blow the Monarchy apart and completely destroy it Prince Harry. This six weeks away, home in L.A.?Doing porn, or finding wealthy person to be used by for money.perhaps meeting with her backers. I hear rumours of an interview with OW. The whole group of ba let’s will rally around and continue their unrelenting plot to destroy destroy destroy.
“f***that cottage,I wanted the house”…
Well no surprise there, Frogmore Cottage blech , she wanted FROGMORE HOUSE THE MANSION! What unmitigated gall this stupid, egocentric, narcissistic, evil possessed bint! She probably thinks since their offices are at BP she should be given BP!
“ the family I never asked for” ……
Initially, she was saying the Royal family, was family that she had never had. She knew nothing of them, LIE! In the engagement interview she said everything she knew about the Royal family she leaned from Prince Harry and from actually meeting them. Now she has figuratively slapped them all across the face. Talking about how mentally damaging it is to live using a stiff upper lip. I won’t go into detail of how successful, having this life ethos has helped them get through wars, etc etc, you all know this and what a complete disrespect she has shown to them. To say Tutu was historic leader glad amw could meet, UNBELIEVABLE! HMTQ has reigned for nearly 70 years seen it all. Absolutely no respect for her and the Monarchy itself. I am so angered that this stupid, perverted, sold herself in every possible DARE DARE DARE!!! This degree of vulgarity and disrespect my blood is boiling, l am so angry!
“all to plan ma’am”…
LG giving HMTQ an update on how their work is progressing. He seems very pleased with last nights tv garbage. He has been patiently working with his team to deal with this. He has been playing the ultimate game of chess with someone who cannot play checkers. He has given her many opportunities to show her true self. Last night she was all laid bare, pun intended, videos or photos l am certain will be public at some point. She has walked confidently into every single trap that was laid out for her. Now all captured in living colour, in her own words!! Treason! She was not pregnant, fauxmegnancy! , if there is some surrogate child, it’s not Prince Harry’s child.
🎼”Paperback Writer? “🎼…
This is a great song by the TRUE Fab Four, The Beatles! It actually mentions the Daily Mail and the gossipy things that appear in tabloids. This is telling us that madam is or will be writing a book. She has no limits in her grand focuses and cause maximum carnage with our a Royal family. Her backers probably will pull some strings and make sure it gets maximum coverage. The big bad Brits and the Royal famine didn’t ask her if she was ok. Give me strength Lord🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻.
cry-Sis,What cry-Sis.
Cry-sis is an actual UK charity to assist new parents when their babies have problematic sleep patterns. However, MM ANON, always clever, this is Crisis, what crisis? Someone is in denial. There are several real things happening in the U.K. that fit the word crisis. Brexit, politics, BOJO misleading HMTQ, madam and her backers plan to cause the Royal family to break and crumble. In last night garbage, in an area where life and death issues are occurring, she is 110% self focused. SHE HAS FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS! Yammering on about her tough life standing on African soil where there are many third world problems. She is selfish to a degree l have never seen, it’s evil, Satan working through her! She has completely sold her soul.
October 21/2019 1455 hrs CST
Fascinating read dear PG! Looking good, all going as planned! Thank you so much, again…much appreciated! 🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜
94: Oct 22
MM ANON …… dodging the Boo-lets…… November is a wicked month ……… Banksgiving … … “He’s untouchable” …… Dispatches Dispatched…… “ l stand by my husband “s,millions …… “ you’ve lost your mojo mate” …… 🎼” when I was 21,it was a very good year”🎼…… Marry and Hagon …… “meanwhile, back at BP”…… “mummy,mummy a Halloween unicorn 🦄 “…… “ I’m going as a 🦎”…… “well we’re going as M&H”…… “yeah, it’s a pity I listened to my d***”. …… “ nothings impossible mate”…… “look’ here’s your out!!”
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
October 22/2019 1345 hrs CST
… dodging the Boo-lets
Today, now as we speak, madam is wearing her purple maternity dress which magically fits her, whilst attending the One World Youth Symposium at Royal Victoria and Albert Hall. Oh how l would love to see it, l so wish l were well enough to, alas, l am already digressing. This 💜💜”The annual One Young World Summit convenes the brightest young talent from every country and sector, working to accelerate social impact. Delegates from 190+ countries are counselled by influential political, business and humanitarian leaders such as Justin Trudeau, Paul Polman and Meghan Markle, amongst many other global figures.
Delegates participate in four transformative days of speeches, panels, networking and workshops. All delegates have the opportunity to apply to give keynote speeches, sharing a platform with world leaders with the world’s media in attendance. As well as listening to keynote speakers, delegates have the opportunity to challenge world leaders, interact and be mentored by influencers. Delegates make lasting connections throughout the Summit, celebrating their participation at social events and the unforgettable Opening and Closing Ceremonies.
The One Young World Summit 2019 sees the global forum for young leaders return ‘home’ for the first time since the inaugural Summit in 2010. With over 300 languages to be heard on its streets, London is one of the most diverse places in the world. The city is home to nearly 9 million people, one of the world’s biggest financial centres and countless historic sites such as Buckingham Palace and Big Ben. A city where the past and future merge, London provides the ideal backdrop for young leaders from more than 190 countries to work together to accelerate positive change.” 💜💜 Information taken from one young world.com
It’s important because young people are vulnerable. This woman has no shame, After all the fireworks she has set off, she strolls in there, wearing someone else’s hair, in her maternity dress! An enigma wrapped in a riddle, quite literally is she.
Since the audience is composed of young people the addition of let’s after boo, refers to that. The hope of many is that she would be in direct line of receiving public anger. The brief bit l saw was Higgs kiss you etc, no boos nothing. Now l am never one to wish ill will on anyone but consequences for behaviours? ABSOLUTELY!! Consequences will at some point catch up with her!
November is a wicked month …
MM ANON you do enjoy the book don’t you, this is the second time you have referenced it but changed the month. My memory is still intact🤣🤣😂.l shall help others catch up. The book is entitled August is a Wicked Month by Edna O’Brien. The plot revolves around a woman who has moved to a foreign city, separated from her husband, dreadfully unhappy and moves south to find a new life in the sunshine. Well, we are in October, rumours abound about madam moving to Africa or Canada. On behalf of Canada, sorry we are closed for business, if you leave a message NOBODY WILL RESPOND!😂😂🤣🤣 l know l have used that line BRF but it’s so funny😂😂🤣🤣. What November, six weeks off, off to the sunshine in L.A. Oh God please let her lose her passport or have the IRS or FBI awaiting her arrival.
I must say, l have been pleading for Harry, PTSD, combat fatigue, that he be assessed medically for that pain, and psychologically regarding the off the charts stress of this role he has been playing. Thank you HMTQ and LG for giving him six weeks leave, he is so badly in need of it.
Madam returning home for American Thanksgiving which occurs much later than ours(Canadian)does. There is no bank holiday for Thanksgiving in the U.K. so what’s the meaning here? Is madam going to earn some money during the sex, l meant six weeks off?? I know she’s resourceful, has no shame, long history of letting every bit of her, body heart soul used. So l won’t think further, you can all imagine ways she might find a ‘bank’ in America.
“ l stand by my husband “s,millions
Old country music song Stand by Your Man, l think Tammy Wynette? Yes, madam has stood by her H , so many times, loving, supportive, so concerned when he was in pain, always let’s him go first, never interrupts him, praises HMTQ, treats people respectfully, especially during Royal tours, follows protocol in every way, oh oh oh, wait, l am thinking of Catherine! Yes the Duchess of Cambridge stands by her man! Madam stands by Prince Harry for his money and his fathers money, heck, anyone s money just as long as they give it too her. I may be jovial today is some comments, l have been awake since 0300 hrs bad night, but you all know by know how seriously l take to do justice to dear MM ANON in interpreting her riddles! Humour is a coping mechanism, l have honed that skill well!
“ you’ve lost your mojo mate” …
Prince Harry likely spending time with friends he has not seen for awhile. Likely he can share only certain things. Everyone who has eyes can see HES lost weight, depressed etc etc. The word mojo, when l was little, mojos were little fruit chewy candies, 5 for two cents. Mojo, means ones drive for life, zest to do new things or go back to doing things you used to enjoy. This is a very loving and honest person telling Harry this. I am so glad he’s got so many who love him. Harry, there are lots like me, who believe in you 100% , pray for you and want the octopus tentacles untethered from around you!
… 🎼” when I was 21,it was a very good year”🎼…
What MM ANON., no Pink Floyd. Now this is my jam, ‘ol blue eyes himself, Mr. Frank Sinatra, when music was music. This is a sentimental song. The lyrics take us through four phases in a mans life, ages 17,21,35 and autumn , the older years. It describes relationships with women, no let me take that back, it’s about how males see females at different ages. Seventeen is all teeny bopper love. Twenty one, things get far more intimate. Thirty five is interest, because Harry is due to turn 35. That part of the song, the lyrics speak of relationship with blue blooded woman, limousines, chauffeurs. I am interpreting this as an annulment or divorce before he turns 35. Hope and a future to look forward to real love, a real family of his very own. I wish that with all my heart for our Harry!
… Marry and Hagon
Marry and Hagon? Harry and Magon……..She will be gone. Harry will be Harry but she will be gone!!!!!
“meanwhile, back at BP”……
Old saying meanwhile back at the ranch, means change the topic or in tv shows change of scene. So with all that has gone on, HMTQ remains doing her duty each and every day. How l love her in purple!! She follows her routine, to the letter, giving each appearance her all. One would never ever know of all the things that have happened and are continuing to happen behind the scenes. The stiff upper lip, that’s how one gets things done, it’s not mentally damaging. HOBBIES , sniff sniff, snort snort, the like madam loves, and PERVERSION are mentally damaging. There is a saying, when the going gets tough, the tough get going. One doesn’t whimper and moan. With my current life, since my spinal lesion and constant pain, my life changed fir sure. Stiff upper lip and humour have got me through. I think pretty much anyone who has read my words, or messaged me, can attest to the fact that l have a serious side along with a silly side! Stiff upper lip!!
“mummy,mummy a Halloween unicorn 🦄 “…… “ I’m going as a 🦎”… “well we’re going as M&H”…
Well, how much would l LOVE to see these beautiful children in their Halloween costumes!! Princess Charlotte, a unicorn, Prince George as a lizard, William and Catherine’s joking as who they will be. MM ANON, can you please find out what boss baby Prince Louis’ costume will be!! Thank God for the beautiful Cambridge family,they are so beloved.
“yeah, it’s a pity I listened to my d***”.
Prince Harry, again in conversation, l would say definitely with a male due to usage of the d word, starts with d rhymes with pick. Talking together with how he got into this mess. It was a booty call, just a booty call. To have that lead where it has, is terrifying. Pay attention kids! No casual sex! It eats away at your soul.
“ nothings impossible mate”……
Continuing in the conversation, his friend is reassuring Prince Harry that he has fulfilled his duty. This relationship will end in annulment or divorce and the future is bright. He has learned so much about himself, about life, about what’s truly important and there is definitely possibility for him to find love and have his own family. All thank a God he has supportive friends and family who live him!
“look’ here’s your out!!”
Madam, wah wah wah, nobody asks me if l am ok, and saying in vague terms that she maybe cannot continue, it’s near the end of the interview, l cannot recall the exact words. She will go to America , hit the ground running there🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣. The only way she will hit the ground running is if she parachutes off the plane! Her doing this, his friend is saying that Harry’s out, it’s a short way to say, you can get out of a situation. This means get out of the marriage. I am still not 100% there is a legal marriage, Harry held up the register as he signed, plus non-consumation, (no intimacy after vows)annulment. I think the fact that this alleged baby is NOT his, that is critical point as well. Treason, madam trying to pass off baby as being of the body, fauxmegnancy, and no DNA matching Harry.
October 22/2019 1500 hrs CST💜💜💜💜💜
Thank you dear PG! This is great….things are happening in the background….I too would love to know what PL will be! Much appreciated as usual…😊💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻PG APOLOGISES🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
💜💜💜I have to apologize, l after the submission, noted two clues were missed by me.
l have changed how l work on the riddles, in terms of where on my iPad. It has happened several times that l miss clues since that time.
MM ANON, l mostly apologize to you, l know you work so hard on your riddles.
Am l forgiven!???🥺
PG, no need to apologize…we appreciate you and all the time and effort you put in…😊💜💜💜💜
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻FOR MM ANON FROM PG🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
MM Anon💜💜💜💜💜
MM ANON …… pg … no apologies never!!! You’re input as with others who give such a wealth of interpretations. Time for me to thank everyone for their esteemed efforts , my sincere and humble thanks. One last riddle ……… “ The pain in gain stays mainly on the wane.” (( difficult)) … but fun.
Eliza Doolittle
the rain in Spain stats mainly in the plains
MY FAIR LADY awe come on that was easy! Rex Harrison always my idea of an Englishman!
Seriously thank you for your kind words!
Thank you PG😊❤️❤️❤️
95: oct 24
MM ANON …… 22 years,sex lies drugs and video tapes …… little boy lost (and found) …… LGs long rope …… 🎼don’t cry for me …… 🎼……… DVDelivery …… LGs records. …… 🎼”cold comfort for change”🎼MA……… “ No darling, 42 and counting “……… “ since 🎼don’t cry for me …… 🎼 before the gathering of unhappy people old thing”……… inadmissible but relevant …… “ a brilliant QC”……… “ a very thick brief📇⚖️“…… “as tight as a ducks@$$ under water’ ma’am”…… “one is reluctant you understand!
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
October 24/2019 0500 hrs CST
Sorry it’s submitted so late!
22 years,sex lies drugs and video tapes
Madam has a long, sordid past and present, her future is unknown, one can always pray for redemption. This clue is telling us of several decades of vulgarity, substance(s) use and abuse, pornographic videos etc etc etc. Some people somewhere have the videos. There has to be many many witnesses or people out there who have first hand knowledge either participating in or observing these behaviours. Thus far there has been no whistle blowers so to speak. That tells us a lot of money has been paid or threats made to silence people.
little boy lost (and found)
This has been the title of numerous tings, sculpture, film, novel and a poem by poem by William Blake in the 1700’s. I will focus on that. It is written by a Christian, he uses the metaphor of a young boy walking behind his father but loses his way, endings up all wet and muddy. Here we have little boy lost and found. This is of course our Harry. He was lost emotionally decades after he lost his mum. Lifestyle choices were not the best, shall leave it at that. He met madam on a booty call, here we are today. Harry has, l still believe! been working covertly for all the reasons l have stated reported in my interpretations. Hence the little boy, now a man has been giving his all to make up for his mistake(s) to his own physical peril. Weight loss, depression etc etc. He now has six weeks leave!
LGs long rope
LG has made a long game plan, every step of the way madam, thinking she’s getting her way, has fallen into every trap, the ultimate being the video interview with Tom Brady, Harry’s friend going way back! The old saying give a guy a rope and he will hang himself , metaphorically, like give an inch , she will take a mile. Give her bit of freedom and she ends up looking like an idiot. Well she truly has incriminated herself, the video was brilliant in capturing everything in HER OWN WORDS!
🎼don’t cry for me …… 🎼
Fantastic musical entitled Evita! Based on the life of Evita Peron . She was born Maria Eva Duarte’s in a small village in Argentina, in a very poor family. At young age she moved to Buenos Aires with big dreams of being famous actress. A year there she met her future husband at a charity event. Juan Peron became president in 1946 and she was First Lady until 1952, year she died. The Musial became very successful even became a film with Madonna. Anyhow we know madam spent time in Argentina as arranged by one of her uncles, working in some job at the embassy/ consulate. Those years are murky but she didn’t last long , she allegedly left suddenly with some guy. The irony of both women’s lives cannot be lost!
DVD, we know recordings of sex exist. Who sent them and who received them? Who has copies. There are videos onlin, l won’t watch but some say yes, some say no regarding whose in them. I would think, LG has long long had possession of that and worse. We know the DM has a million dossier ready to go , ready BEFORE the day of unhappy people!
LGs records.
LG has the most distinguished record of service to HMTQ and country. I am certain he has kept a volume of data, in all forms of all the information he and his team and other agencies have collected. I am as certain of that as l am certain of anything.
🎼”cold comfort for change”🎼MA
MM ANON takes us again to Pink Floyd. I used to love! this song, Wish You Were Here, can be used with any loss, or at least l found it to be thus. Madam and MA have been an illicit pair for years and years. Just imagine what the two of them got up to together! Using SoHo, MA knows EVERYBODY,, He probably has dirt of EVERYBODY as well! These two, longing for each other’s company and their plans to outwit the backers or make that go rogue, marry baby etc etc. Their continued secret communications, thinking LG had no idea😂😂😂😂🤣. Oh they’re both in a world of hurt, missing their partner in crime, a common phrase but here think a literal meaning!!!
“ No darling, 42 and counting “…
There has long long long been speculation that madam is not and has never been truthful about her real age. MM ANON is telling us 42 and counting so what is her real exact age??? Old as her tongue and a little older than her teeth😂😂😂🤣🤣.
“ since 🎼don’t cry for me …… 🎼 before the gathering of unhappy people old thing”
I put these two clues together because MM ANON started and ended the quotation marks. The song Don’t Cry for Me Argentina is from the musical Evita. It was a film in 1996. Evita the stage version started as a rock musical in 1976, came to the West End in 1978, Andrew Lloyd Webber, the brilliant creator. Let’s do some math 2019 - 1976 mmmm what’s that give us 43! Madam is 43!!!! She was 42 at the gathering of unhappy people!!LIAR CRY FOUL, LEST BE A LIAR!!!
inadmissible but relevant
Evidence, has to be obtained legally or given voluntarily in order for it to be used in court. So what evidence exists that is relevant but inadmissible? Anything subjective, gut feeling, something told under duress, that sort of thing.
“ a brilliant QC”…
To those unfamiliar, in the U.K. and Canada the “Queen’s Counsel”, an honour given to a senior and distinguished barrister in recognition of an outstanding career during Queen Victoria’s reign. K.C. means King’s Counsel. K.C.
In Canada, the honourary title of Queen’s Counsel, or QC, is used to recognize Canadian lawyers for exceptional merit and contribution to the legal profession. These barristers or attorneys/lawyers are responsible for bringing legal cases to court for prosecution. They must need a brilliant one to process the litany of alleged crimes to be charged. I have absolutely no doubt there are many capable and they have alright had decisions made in this regard.
“ a very thick brief📇⚖️“…
A brief is a written legal document used in various legal adversarial systems that is presented to a court arguing why one party to a particular case should prevail. Upon a barrister devolves the duty of taking charge of a case when it comes into court, but all the preliminary work, such as the drawing up of the case, serving papers, marshalling evidence, etc., is performed by a solicitor. The delivery of a brief to counsel gives him authority to act for his client in all matters which the litigation involves.The brief was probably so called from its first being only a copy of the original writ. From wiki. So given the number and brevity of likely charges, one can only begin to imagine the amount of paperwork, evidence , briefs etc etc etc
“as tight as a ducks@$$ under water’ ma’am”
LG and HMTQ in conversation, he is reassuring her, the evidence with corresponding charges is wrapped up solid.Her reply follows below.
“one is reluctant you understand!
She is reluctant to give the official go ahead, with all the unknown reverberations that could occur across the country, the U.K. , the Commonwealth and the globe, especially in light of Brexit. She has so much on her shoulders. Let’s do remember HMTQ in our prayers.🙏🏻🙏🏻
October 24/2019 0605 C
This worked PG….thank you😊❤️❤️❤️
96: Oct 24
MM Anon
MM ANON …… six weeks in rehab🤫……… Invictus recovery …… loyally remembered …… unhook the Tender…… burned boats……political ambition …… nutmegs WH moment … sugar queen…… 🎼” When I was young it seemed that life …“🎼 …… The casting of the Runes……” EU-bloody-REKA old thing “…… safe inside WC…… “a strategic move to Winchester 📵”
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
October 24/2019
1130 hrs CST
six weeks in rehab🤫
Rehab on the dl as the kids used to say. Down low, secretly. The emoji is the shhhh emoji, so it’s information to be kept quiet. So is that what visits to L.A. are now? Rehab? Is it compelled rehab?? She truly does need help, l also think a full medical and psychiatric work-up/assessment would be prudent. A long history of paranoia, people medicate themselves when experiencing psychotic symptoms. Unsure when this will happen. Harry needs family rehab, medical care, therapist but most of all time away from madam, of any appearances with her. Time to recharge his personal batteries, get his mojo back, as MM ANON used the word mojo, the other day!😊
Invictus recovery
Invictus, Harry’s blood sweat and l am certain many tears were the impetus for him creating Invictus. Invictus from the Latin means undefeated or unconquered. It is the perfect word for describing the individuals who are veterans with visible or not visible post war trauma. The next a Invictus Games are you be held at The Hague, The Netherlands in May, 2020. Harry did a quick visit there while madam was having her fauxmegnancy. This organization has helped uncounted veterans and their families, through the games, the camaraderie etc. He has done extremely well and he should be very very proud of helping sooo many including himself!
… loyally remembered November 11/2019, the eleventh hour, the eleventh day of the eleventh month we all or should stop to remain those veterans and those fallen in battle for our freedoms. It is always a day that many attend services, the Royal family always do, they spread out and cover various places. Harry is Colonel-in-Chief of the Army Air Corps (AAC), and as HMTQ Personal Aide-de-Camp. He will be dressed in his dress uniform and likely attend several places. I think it might be especially poignant and painful this year due to the suicide of his close friend, who helped train him for the South Pole adventure, Jules Roberts.
unhook the Tender…
Unhook means to open or take/out down like curtain pins, or bra. Tender can mean gentle, Tender is also money, called legal tender. So who is taking down money and from where for what reason? Tender l just read can also be a battery or electrical charger. As l think now, this may be a right metaphor MM ANON has given. Unhook the tender, at any point you want a spark or a charge it’s ready and waiting! Voila, LG has all the evidence collected, case tight, all i‘S dotted and t’s crossed. Everything ship shape, nothing remotely left to chance, right down to MI6 watching over a Grandpa Tom in Mexico. Kids , it’s as close as it gets, hang on!
burned boats
Burned bridges can be literal actually burning a bridge but it can also mean damage or break your future options, connections,reputation, opportunities, by some act, particularly intentionally. Even if you fired from a job take care not to burn your bridges with unseemly comments on the way out, since you never know who you will meet again. Here we have burned boats, has madam lost any and all contacts in her yachting world, source of money. She very likely has, no one would be interested now, especially wealthy men, they don’t want the obvious scandal that would come if they were seen and perchance she be recognized. The obvious reason is her age, she , as my cousin who has a horse ranch would say, she been ridden hard and put away wet! You must rubdown a horse after riding. She’s aged and not well, her hobbies have really taken their toll.
political ambition
It has been rumoured for quite sometime that madam has political aspirations and even rumoured of her taking a run for the White House where the president of America has his office and home. All l can do is 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣
nutmegs WH moment
Madam met BO when he was President, she was the plus one guest of Ron Burkle , of SoHo. I wonder what on earth she had to do, to get that plus one invite!!!!🤢🤢🤢 Likely nothing she has not done numerous times before!
sugar queen…
Madams cult-like brainwashed ‘fans’ mostly younger and a certain demographic. They, l don’t know why, are called sugars. They worship her she is their queen, they fully believe she should be the next Queen. Since doing these riddles l have, sadly, learned of the ‘urban dictionary’, here is their definition,💜💜” A bisexual male that is stylish and easy to talk to to usually attractive and full of talent and advice 💜💜 A person who supports any and all activities (past, present, and future) done by the former z-list actress and current failure-as-a-royal and by several puns involving the name “Sussex.” Sugars owe their unfortunate allegiance to a number of factors, including (but not limited to) congenitally-low IQ, complete ignorance of etiquette and royal protocol, an excess of entitlement, self-esteem at a level warranted by godhood (with nothing to back it up), and the feeble defenses of “Jealousy!” and “Racist!” when challenged.💜💜 Actually, they are pretty much lower-rent clones of their low-rent diva goddess. I just can’t believe this sorry folks l am as shocked as you will be reading this!! The items between the Purple Hearts are from the urban dictionary!!They have actually MADE UP A WORD JUST FOR MADAM!
🎼” When I was young it seemed that life …“🎼
Life was just for fun… This song, All By Myself, has been covered/performed by many, my favourite being Celine Dion. The song talk about being young, casual sex, flings, and getting older. The entire premise of the song is someone who desperately does not want to be alone and grow old alone. This is our Harry. I won’t repeat his history, relationships, we all know all of it. Once madam is no longer in the picture, incarceration, moved whatever, he will begin the process of figuring out who he is after this experience. He will need a lot of time talking with a professional to help him, his pre-existing depression, PTSD compounded with the trauma of the last two years. He is young, healthy, has a big family who live him dearly. I have hope for him to find his love and have a real family of his own. Now l am going to hav this song in my head all day!
The casting of the Runes
Let’s educate ourselves on what Runes means. Wiki tells me it has several meanings, l am only familiar with it as stones. a letter of an ancient Germanic alphabet, related to the Roman alphabet. Wiki
a mark or letter of mysterious or magic significance.
small stones, pieces of bone, etc., bearing runes, and used as divinatory symbols Casting the Runes“ is a short story written by the English writer M.R. James The story briefly wiki Mr. Edward Dunning is a researcher for the British Museum. At the beginning of the story he has recently reviewed The Truth of Alchemy by a Mr. Karswell, an alchemist and occultist. Afterwards he begins seeing the name John Harrington displayed wherever he goes. He learns that Harrington also reviewed Karswell’s work and died in a freak accident not long after.
Harrington’s brother helps Dunning to discover that Karswell cursed both men by slipping them a piece of paper with some runes on it. They deduce that the curse, once cast, will cause the bearer to die in three months. They track down Karswell a day before the curse is set to kill Dunning and manage to return the runes to him. Karswell dies the next day, killed by a stone that fell from scaffolding around St. Wulfram’s Church in Abbeville.
I couldn’t shorten it and do it justice. So basically madam has cast the runes, a horrible spell on Harry, he has suffered under it through it and his family has been exerting every possible intervention to help him, gather intel and evidence of alleged crimes. There will be justice, it is coming. JUSTICE IS COMING RACHEL!! TICK TOCK 🕰
” EU-bloody-REKA old thing “…
Eureka is what the miners used to shout when they struck gold, oil, diamonds etc. Here MM ANON has written EU-bloody-REKA old thing. They are talking about Brexit and what the nation has been going through ever since the votes came in. Lots is still unknown and everyone is on edge, to put it mildly.
safe inside WC
Safe has at least two meaning, one is to be kept from harm, contented or a metal device or strong box that holds valuables, jewels cash, papers, wills, bonds etc etc. I am certain there is a safe in Windsor Castle ie WC. HMTQ is also safe at WC, there are plenty of RPO’S to protect her from anything and everything. I am very interested in what is the topic MM ANON is sharing with us. What’s in the safe?? Photos, dvd(s), recordings, on and on! Something of importance that’s for certain!
“a strategic move to Winchester 📵”
The emoji indicates blockage of cell phone/mobile device usage. Two places l know of for certain hospitals and prisons. The city of Winchester has both, and they are right across the street from each other. Clever eh? Rehab in one, no outside communication, alone with her thoughts, no hobbies no cope, it’s going to be a personal hell to detox. I’ve seen it many times, it’s horrible. Strategic in terms of containing for personal safety, not harm self, no contact with others, no news or what’s happening in the world etc etc. GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦 October 24/2019 1315 hrs CST
Thank you dear PG😊💜💜💜
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bythieves-a · 4 years
SNAPSHOTS OF MODERN VIC. ( based on the story im writing about him ! many of the usual tw’s apply. )
you’re only thirteen the first time things become too much. a shadow in your school, no one there would even know you exist, if it weren’t for the smell of stolen cigarettes that follows you around. a short thing, with your mother-ruffled hair, the sleeves of an old, tattered, black coat stop just before your fingertips; and all your shirts are hand-me-downs——you think they were your dads. you wouldn’t really know. but your mother puts a ‘lucky flower’ in your coat pocket, every day, and that makes each school day bearable.
the baggy clothes make it easier to steal snacks after school, the darker make it easier to disappear. you hardly even go to class; the teachers don’t notice you, anyways. until they do——the children that do see you love to remark on what you lack; on money, on fathers, on new clothes, on lunch. one comment becomes too many and you’re in the office; don’t call my mum, you plead, you practically beg, she’s working. i can’t take her away from work. but they do. there’s no one else to call. it feels like robbing your mother of money. the embarrassment of taking her away.
when you’re home, you hit your lowest; lock yourself in your room and cry until morning. your chest is so heavy. such a mild dilemma, not the worst thing you’ll face, yet you find you can’t breathe because of it. why does everything hurt so much?
sixteen years old and your favorite spot has become a bridge; you sit with your legs swinging through the rail, watching the water flow below you, sound of cars rushing behind you--------the honking horns make you jump. you reek of cigarettes and fireball, when you come here, concealed bottle half-empty and hidden between your legs. arms and chin lean on the railing, tears flowing yet often concealed by a rainstorm you never bother to notice. 
she’s so convinced he’ll come back. you hate yelling at her, but it hurts, to live sixteen years without someone, and watch your mother continue to set a place at the table for him each night. maybe tonight. its never tonight. and its your fault, you know that--------your mother would be happier without you, her drunken, drop-out, thieving son; she’d still have walter. she’d still have money. you don’t realize you’re her only joy. 
the jacket you wear over a torn prince t-shirt is black denim, finally your size, the cuffs and collar lined with a fake-feeling, puffy sort of fur. its your favorite jacket, it keeps you warm--------but you find a picture of your parents together, and note your father wearing one of the same style. you never wear that jacket again.
you’re not sure why you cry on the plane to america, but you do. perhaps its homesickness. the change, the sudden wave of how different everything will be. its overwhelming. amos scoffed when he saw you, in your sweatpants and band shirts---------what? you’d asked. its just a plane ride. sat between him and your anxious mother, you hold her hand and wonder if he might do the same; its better not to try, you decide. he might just think you’re strange.
does he have weapons? he must. amos always has a knife, somehow. but how would he bring it here? maybe he’ll teach you that, someday. you’d like him to. he’d like you to stop crying.
smiling boy leaning against the counter of your pawn shop; everything feels better, now. amos has made you a partner in crime, his right hand man--------this cover-up is yours as much as it is his, and sometimes you wonder if you make him proud. you’ve grown into yourself; dark hair tickles at the tips of your ears when you let it get too long, you don white button-ups with two buttons always undone, and a long tan trenchcoat is the one thing you’re never seen without--------though, when you’re home you dress the way you always have; a steely dan tshirt has become your favorite, and it never takes you long to break out sweatpants after a days work. you lay on the floor like that and play guitar; mother likes to stand in the doorway and listen, sometimes.
there are knives on you, everywhere. they rattle against the phone in your pocket when it buzzes; you have two friends now who send you pictures of their cat, and they’re so normal, far different from the thief tommy you occupy your nights with---------but you enjoy them. they’re a taste of the life you wanted, as a child. but you think now that life might bore you, if you tried it. its not like you’re good at anything else, anyways. you and amos both know that.
your memory is coming in flashes, in blinks of light and sound tearing through the gaps of nothing, the times where you don’t know where you are, what you’re doing-------what time is it? have i eaten today? where’s mama? 
the last thing you remember is the funeral. you tried to cry into amos’ arms, but he pushed you away; knocked you to the ground. get it together. m’not yer dad, kid. he left you crying on your knees before her grave--------but now, suddenly, you’re walking into your friend’s apartment. they’re each holding one of your arms; adrien looks worried, like he’s been crying. ray says something to you, but you don’t understand. you say okay, anyways. 
then you’re on the couch with tea in your hand; you look at your phone and start crying. you haven’t been home in hours. mum would have texted you, by now. your chest is heavy again. you’re dizzy. adrien takes your phone and sets it away. you think he might have kissed your forehead, too.
the bottle of mum’s pain killers is empty, now. you don’t remember waking up. something burns. you’re screaming at your father in your doorway, but you don’t remember him knocking. ray looks mortified. she’s leaving today. wheres she going? italy? germany? please take care of yourself, she mutters into a tightened hug. wheres your father gone? she mentions him--------he must have been real. 
you don’t remember the party, you don’t remember coming home, but you remember being warm. it felt like mama was back. you want to feel like that again. 
adrien tries to take you out for christmas, but he has to bring you home. all the children were outside playing in the snow with their parents. mama liked to take christmas walks to look at all the lights. you can’t breathe again, so he holds you for the rest of the day, he pets your hair, kisses your head. its almost feels ok. 
you watch the new year’s ball drop from the discomfort of a hospital bed. you still don’t remember much, but you remember screaming. you remember amos sitting nearby-----was that two days ago? he threatened you. walt was here, too. you threw a flower vase at him. the nurses won’t let you have flowers in the room, anymore. they’re watching you like hawks; better act like you’re alright, so they’ll let you out of here.
you check yourself out early. there’s no reason for you to be there. amos will get mad if you’re gone any longer. your father yells at you when you get home. why is he there? leave me alone. 
the park bench is cold. you don’t remember running here, but you know amos was yelling at you. you haven’t brushed your hair in days. your tears feel like they’re freezing to your cheeks. distant police sirens. are they for you? your chest tightens------but they breeze past the park. you can’t stop shaking. your head hurts. 
walts with you, suddenly, sitting on the bench beside you. he’s put your head in his lap, he’s been muttering things to you the whole time. how long has he been here? please, he says, the first thing you’re able to make out; let me get you home, i know you hate me, but let me be your dad for ten fucking minutes. you’re a mess, kid. 
you’ve never spoken to him without screaming, before, but this time you let him. he helps you up, puts his coat around your shoulders. its the same one as in the photos, but older, it has holes in it. he keeps an arm around you the whole way home, lies you down on your couch, drapes mum’s couch blanket over you. he makes you a grilled cheese, complains about the spoiled groceries in your fridge. it feels nice. he should have been here to do this twenty three years ago.
for the first time since you’ve known him, you think amos is going to kill you. he’d never do that, you’ve always been so sure; but this time there’s rage in his eyes, they look hollow and dead---------you’ve seen this look before, its always followed by the snapping of bones. you can’t get that sound out of your head. you saved tommy from this look, once, but he’s not here to do the same. it hurts. you’re supposed to be partners, you trusted him with your life, but he’s going to kill you. oh, god, he’s going to kill me.
but he doesn’t get the chance. bent over from a kick to the ribs, the second you’re out of line with his head you hear a shot--------suddenly you’re covered in blood, but its not your own, and amos has a hole in his head. when he drops, you’re faced with your father stood nearby; shaking, out of breath, mortified-------holding a gun. jesus christ, he whispers.
dad? you sound helpless. you’ve never called him that, before. 
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allthephils · 6 years
Chapter 16
Read on AO3
Rated M (adult themes, keeping beauty au) word count: 3014/ 45,687
“Phil.” Louise had a hand on Phil’s shoulder. He looked up from his phone to see the lone guard had turned and was walking directly toward him. Before he had a chance to think, there was a firm grip on his upper arm. His phone was pulled out of his hand and Dennis pulled the metal grate aside. Two additional guards had come out of nowhere and they now flanked the gate.
“Mr. Lester, I’ll need you to come with me. I’d prefer we do this quietly and without incident but that is entirely up to you.”
Phil looked to Louise and back to the guard. He nodded his understanding and Louise watched as he was led through the gate and around the corner.
“Where are we going?” Phil and the guard weaved their way through the halls. He had no idea where he was or how to find his way out.
The guard did not slow his pace. “Your presence has been requested by members of the family.”
“Requested? That sounds like I have a choice. Do I have a choice?”
The guard did not respond but advanced quickly to a set of double doors, swiping his badge, and holding one side open for Phil to enter. The room looked just like the one Phil had met Prince Walter in, opulent but practical. Someone sat on the sofa alone, it was Adrian.
Phil rushed forward, glad to see him, but Adrian didn’t look up. Pulling a chair away from the wall, Phil sat down in front of Adrian.
“Hey, are you ok?” Phil asked, putting a hand to Adrian's shoulder but quickly pulling it back again. Tension hung between them but whether it was fear, anger, or something else entirely, Phil couldn’t tell.
After what seem like ages, Adrian spoke up. “What did you do, Phil?”
“Adrian, I…”
Adrian held up a finger, silencing Phil, just like Phil had seen Walter do to him. The thought of Adrian taking after his father, stuck here without Dan’s balancing influence, left a sour taste in Phil’s mouth. He waited for Adrian to speak, aware as always of how much was at stake for the young man in front of him.
“So, you won’t kiss him, but you’ll out him? To millions of people. Without his consent. Is that right, Phil?” Adrian finally looked Phil in the eye. “Did you think about how that might put him in danger, put you in danger? And what about us? What about me, Phil? And my mother?”
“Adrian, I’m sorry.” Phil did his best to sound composed, like he wasn’t in a complete and utter panic. “I wasn’t given any notice, I was just left, shut out. I have no way to contact any of you, no way of knowing if he’s ok.” Phil’s composure began to crack. “ I had to do something so I used the only tool I have. Dennis looks so worried. He won’t look me in the eye. God, Adrian, I wasn’t thinking of you, any of you, or England or me or anything but Dan and if he’s even fucking alive.” Phil let his head drop into his hands. He felt a hand grip his arm, and then Adrian was wrapped around him, crying into Phil’s shoulder. Phil sat up and pulled him in for a proper hug.
“Adrian, listen to me. I’m really sorry I didn’t consider you in all this but you must know that Dan was only closeted because of your father. He talked about coming out all the time. I know that was years ago, maybe I had no right, but here we are.”
Adrian pulled back. He looked so young now that his guard was down, tear stained and clearly terrified of what’s to come. “He did come out.” He said.
“What? What are you talking about?” Phil asked, confused.
“That Christmas, the year you guys met. He told me first, I had my suspicions, but he told me officially. He told me all about you and how much you meant to him. He told me I’d be a great king and that he’d always be here for me. He was scared but he was so happy, Phil. He loved you, loves you, so much.”
“I don’t understand. That’s, that’s when I lost him. He left me, Adrian.”
“It’s my fault.” Adrian’s voice was clear, resolved.
“What’s your fault?” Phil asked.
“All of it.” Adrian shook his head and tucked his feet under him. “Jesus, Phil, I was so jealous. I couldn’t just be happy for him.”
“Adrian, you were a kid.”
“You should have seen him. He stood up at the table, like he had a toast to give. It was the night before Christmas Eve. Iris was there and my Aunts, a cousin. I could never do anything like that.”
Phil didn’t know how to process this, he had no idea. “Iris was there?”
“Yeah, he must have told her already because she just sipped her wine and kept her head down.” Adrian continued. “But my father, he lost it. He went on and on about how he’s ruining Iris’ life, like she has no value outside of marrying royal. He talked about her family, her sex life. Right in front of her, in front of everyone. The things he said, Phil, it was awful. She wasn’t having it, she stood up for Dan, for herself, said she’d be just fine. Basically told Walter to fuck off. I think Dan was ready to be attacked but he hadn’t expected dad to go after Iris like that.”
“Adrian, why didn’t Dan tell me any of this?”
“I don’t know Phil, he was really shaken. And it just got worse. Dad started threatening you, saying he knows who you are, where you’re from, your family. He could ruin you, Phil. He could spin this whole thing to look like you’re some kind of stalker, or worse.”
“He threatened my family?” Fear and anger buzzed in Phil’s mind. He couldn’t go back now. He couldn’t undo what he’d done and he wasn’t sure he wanted to but he’d never considered the possibility that Dan left him to protect him. It was out there now, in the open. He had gotten ahead of Walter without realizing how crucial that step might be. He wanted to call his mum, to explain, to warn her. His family had to have seen the story. They must be so worried. All the thinking he hadn’t done rushed over him in a wave of potential implications and consequences. “Of course he did, and of course Dan retreated. He knows what your father is capable of.”
“That wasn’t it, Phil. That was just the beginning and Dan held his ground. Nothing angers my father more than challenging his authority. Dan stood up to him, he threatened to go over his head.”
“To the queen.”
Adrian nodded. “My father does not like to be reminded who is really in power. He was quiet all Christmas Eve, right up to midnight mass, but then it started. When were all heading back to our rooms. He laid into me, berated me. He had us stay behind while mum and grandma went off to bed. He pushed me to the ground, told me I was nothing, that I’d always be nothing.” Adrian’s chewed on the cuff of his jumper, his eyes shone wet as he spoke through shaky breaths. “He said if I was going to be king, he’d have to mold me into someone who could carry on his legacy. He said I’m weak, he promised to break me.”
“My god, Adrian.” Phil didn’t know what to say. He knew Walter could come in at any moment.
“Dan finally got between us. He helped me up and walked me to my room. He slept on my floor that night and every night for weeks. He didn’t leave my side except when he…”
“When he came to see me.” Phil said, suddenly aware of the heartbreak that he had lived with then, and the shadow it left behind, dull and dusty, but always there. He dropped his head and let it all sink in.
The door slammed behind Phil as he rushed in out of the cold. He’d been exploring with Martyn and Cornelia but decided to take the third wheel out of the equation. Watching his brother and the love of his life walk hand in hand in the snow was beautiful but just a little too much. He threw off his gloves and scarf and hung his coat on a hook, then scurried to sit right in front of the roaring fire. Holding up his phone, he looked straight into the camera, love on his mind, hoping it would come through his eyes in the photo. He’d already sent Dan a photo of his breakfast and a shot of the snow angel he made. He hadn’t heard back but he understood why. He hit send on the selfie and wiggled back toward the fire, thawing out his frozen bum. Just a little more time in front of the fire alone, a little more time to just imagine his future with Dan. Soon, his mum would want help in the kitchen or his dad would start in with his stories, and there was wrapping to do. Tomorrow would be Christmas Eve.
His mind wandered to New Year’s kisses and all the favors he could ask Dan for on his birthday. He dreamt of their first Valentine’s day and Easter garden parties at Buckingham Palace. That last one gave him pause but before he could think too deeply, his back pocket vibrated.
Dan: Your nose is all red. I wish I was there to keep you warm.
Phil: I wish you were here too. This fire can’t compare.
Dan: You’re so pretty, Lester.
Phil: You’re the pretty one, can I see?
Dan: I’m not really supposed to do that.
Phil: I know. But since when do you follow the rules?
Dan: Good point.
A few seconds passed and Phil tapped the small photo that arrived. Dan’s face filled his screen. He was lying on a pillow and had held the phone up above him so Phil could just see his face and neck. His eyes were narrowed, head tipped back, and his bottom lip was between his teeth.
Phil: Woof.
Phil: ??
Dan: Laughing out loud, crying inside
Phil: :( me too
Another photo came though. Dan was in the same spot but he wore a genuine, gentle smile and his brown eyes twinkled like they did when Phil laughed at one of his jokes.
Phil: You are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.
Dan: Stop. My heart hurts. I miss you so much.
Phil: I only speak the truth.
Dan: I have to go dress for dinner.
Phil: Ok. Text me later?
Dan: The moment I escape. I love you.
He didn’t text later. Phil had wrapped all his gifts and dried the dishes that his mum had washed. His dad had fallen asleep in his recliner and Martyn and Cornelia had long since disappeared up the stairs. Catherine sat by the fire with a cup of tea, finally relaxing after a day of festive preparations. She smiled at Phil as he leaned in for a goodnight kiss to the cheek. Phil hurried upstairs and to his room, stopping in to brush his teeth. He pulled off his clothes and slipped on flannel pajamas, then crawled into bed. Phil had no idea how late these multi course royal dinners went. It was only 11, maybe Dan hadn’t gone to bed yet. He knew this could happen. He was lucky to connect with Dan at all when he was with his family. Still though, it was lonely not having that small reminder that Dan was thinking of him. He stayed up as long as he could but it had been a long day and sleep finally won out.
Everyone was already around the kitchen table when Phil stumbled in, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. His dad was dishing out huge portions of food; eggs, sausages, beans, the works. Fresh scones steamed on the table alongside clotted cream and lemon curd. This should be heaven for Phil. He sat and poked at the food on his plate, pushing his eggs from side to side. His phone sat silent where he had set it, and he watched it do nothing as he sipped his coffee. The whole family was quiet in the face of Phil’s conspicuous lack of appetite. Before they could ask what was wrong, he pushed back from the table, grabbed his phone and headed back toward the stairs.
“I’m not feeling well, I’m gonna go back to bed for a little bit.” He said to no one in particular as he made his way up the stairs.
He typed out a message for Dan, Happy Christmas Eve. Curling up on his bed, he told himself he’d have to get used to this and hit send.
A knock on his door woke him up. He hadn’t actually intended to fall asleep and disorientation had him wondering what day it was.
“Come in.” Phil sat up and rubbed his eyes, then replaced his glasses and looked up at Cornelia.
“Hey you, feeling any better? Lester Christmas Eve can’t get started without you.”
“Oh yeah, I’m sorry. What time is it?”
“Only noon. It’s all good. Come down though, we are about make a snowman.” Cornelia had sat down on Phil’s bed and placed a hand on his knee. She looked at him with so much understanding and love, he almost told her everything right then and there. Fortunately, his phone lit up and distracted them both.
“You’re blowin’ up.” Cornelia said, winking. “See you in a few.”
The phone screen was filled with notifications, 6 texts from Dan. Phil breathed a sigh of relief and read.
Dan: I’m sorry I couldn’t get away last night.
Dan: I wish I was there with your family instead of here with mine
Dan: I wish I was there with you
Dan: Sure is chilly in this castle
Dan: Please don’t be mad.
Dan: I really need to hear your voice.
Phil tapped Dan’s photo and hit call. Dan answered with a very quiet hello.
“I’m not mad. I was just worried and I miss you. I wish you were here too. I can’t really chat though, I have to go make a snowman with my family.”
“That sounds so nice.” Dan sounded far away, because he was talking from his bed in his cavernous room with the vaulted ceiling, but also because he spoke in a low near whisper, hesitating before every thought. “My family are currently all in separate rooms, silently disliking each other. Phil, you know I love you right?”
“Of course, I do. You never let me forget.” Phil said, though the question was odd.
“I’d do anything for you, Phil. You are the best thing in my life.”
“You’re the best thing in my life too. Dan, is something wrong?”
There was silence on the line for a bit. Phil knew Dan was still there, he could hear him breathing and he thought he wouldn’t mind listening to that sweet sound a while longer.
“But I’m not.” Dan finally said.
“You’re not what?”
“The best thing in your life. You have a wonderful family who love and accept you. You have real true friends. You have a life that you chose, that you built.” Dan spoke with conviction, presenting his case. “You were fine before you met me and you’d be fine without me.”
“Without you?” Phil spoke up. “I wouldn’t. Not now that I have you.”
Dan talked right over him, “You’re kind and strong and just good and I’m chaos.”
“Dan, you're scaring me a little. Please tell me what’s going on.”
Dan laughed a little under his breath. “I’m sorry. It’s just, I have to sit around this huge table again tonight, too big to have a conversation with anyone but the person next to me. I’ll be served in abject silence by wonderful people I have known since I was a baby. My parents won’t even speak except to pray thanks for the meal. This place makes me emo, I guess.”
“Can we talk later? After my family stuff is done. Like 10 or 11 maybe?”
Dan sighs, “We have late supper and then midnight mass.”
“It’s ok, go make snowmen. Have the best time ever for both of us.” Dan’s trying to sound like he’s ok now, but Phil can hear worry and melancholy.
“Ok, babe. Happy Christmas.”
Bouts of sadness and frustration aren’t a new thing from Dan and Phil isn’t surprised that being with his family would bring that out. Still, he wants to hold Dan and make him feel safe and loved. He wants to make him forget everything that isn’t the two of them, drown out all the voices that say what they have isn’t ok, pretend they aren’t a secret.
Christmas Eve was always cakes and snowmen and movies and opening one gift before bed. Soon, Phil was immersed in traditions and family and any worry slipped to background. His gift was a handmade sweater from his aunt. He loved it and vowed to wear it fo Christmas Day. There was talk of Dan. Everyone wanted to hear how they met, how it was going. He could mostly tell the truth. They met in the bakery, they went to a party for their first date and hung out by the food, Phil got too drunk and Dan tucked him in. He told them all about candlelight pizza dinners and galaxy cakes and breakfast in bed.
“You sound perfect for eachother.” Catherine had said, pulling Phil in to kiss his head. Then, “Maybe we can all be together on your birthday.”
He smiled and nodded, allowing himself the fantasy, just for now, just for Christmas.
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pastelbatfandoms · 4 years
Q&A Survey
do you have a favourite sweater? Currently My Alexa Bliss Christmas Sweater, it is so soft and high quality!
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what’s your middle name? Renee
do you still talk to the first person you kissed? lol No
do you get on with your grandpa`? My Grandparents are dead
what was your favourite cartoon as a kid? Rugrats
what’s your favourite cartoon now? Star vs The Forces of Evil
do you read the news paper? No
who was the last text you sent to ? My Niece
what does the last text you sent say? Ok Thank you!
if you could have any hair colour what would it be? Pastel or half Black 
do you like nature documentaries? No
what is your aesthetic? Everything lol
when did you last pet a dog? a week ago before Mine passed away
whose friend’s parents do you like the most? None really
have you ever been on a road trip? Yes
tell me about someone you know called emma. Idk anyone named Emma
are you reading a book in english class, what is it? I don’t go to school
do you have a favourite aunt? My Aunt Dee & My Aunt Bev who passed away two years ago.
baths or showers? Showers
skiing or sun bathing? Tanning
do you kill spiders? Yes
have you ever made an ice pop? Yes
are you wearing shoes right now? Slippers
tell me about you favourite primary school/elementary school teacher. idr her name but she was really nice and she collected Penguins so I got her an Penguin ornament one Christmas. 
who was the last person you hugged? My Son
do you wear glasses? Yes
do you have a cat? Yes 2
do you have a favourite pair of underwear? No
what was your last tweet? I don’t tweet
do you still use facebook? Yes
do you like birds? yeah
who was the last person you called cute? My 2 yr old
who was the last person that called you cute? idk My Husband maybe
how did you meet your best friend? Online and then we met at Target.
escalators or elevators? Elevators though I really dislike both.
are you named after anyone, who? No
what was your first url? lol idr
autumn or winter? Autumn
do you win at scrabble? Never played
put your ipod on shuffle , who is the first song that comes up by? I don’t have an Ipod but I’ll use my phone. Lena Fayre-This World.
have you ever drunk from a mason jar? Yes
can you draw? Kinda,mainly Anime
what was your first profile picture? idk
favourite tshirt? My Pink Harley Quinn Tshirt where she’s blowing bubblegum.
best tumblr friend? Marie
when did you last run? lol idr
do you like to paint your nails? yes they are painted rn.
did you ever do something as a kid that got you into loads of trouble? Talking back to My teachers and getting into fights at school (or bullying really) when I was 11-12. 
who is your favourite dog that isn’t yours? I don’t have one.
have you ever been drunk? Yes
have you ever done something you regret while drunk? Yep
do you want to kiss anyone right now? um No
do/did you like you math teacher? Which one? lol I liked My HS math teacher Mr Nicholas.
do you often ride the bus? No
do you have a fireplace in your house? Yes
are you violent when you’re angry? Not really
do you cry when you’re angry? Try not to
favourite Harry potter book? Half Blood Prince
can you remember your last dream? It had a random Pirate in it but that’s all I remember. 
do you go to bed early or late? Late
do you speak a second language? No
who was your first ever best friend? Shelly McDonald in first grade
have you ever had an operation? Yes when I was born
tell me about your favourite cousin. tbh I haven’t talked to any of My cousins in years.
do you have a piece of clothing that doesn’t even fit you anymore but you can’t bare to throw away? My Shining Mt Elementary School Tshirt.
have you ever been in a musical? No
do you have a porch? Kind of
how many times have you watched your favourite movie? idk
what do you order at mcdonalds? A Big Mac,Chicken Nuggets or spicy chicken
do you get on with old people? Yes
science fiction or romance? Romance
do you take naps? yes
how many classes do you/did you take in high-school? 11. (over the course of 3 years) Math,English,Science,History, Social studies,P.E.,Music/Chior,Drama,Art & Computers. 
when did it last snow where you live? Last Month
does it ever snow where you live? yes…
how many months until your birthday? 4
how much charge does your computer have right now? It’s plugged in.
what is your favourite disney channel movie? When I was growing up it was…Life Size or Freaky Friday,anything with Lindsay Lohan in it really. 
the city or the sea side? Either
what is your least favourite colour? Brown
do you have homework to do? No
are you still friends with your first best friend? No
do you have/are you the gay cousin? Not that I know of
do you own dungarees? No
do you like to play sport? No
what was your favourite ever christmas present? lol um the one that sticks out is My Chrissy Doll. 
how old are you? 32
what is your mum’s name? Patricia
do you ever use internet explorer? No
have you ever had blonde hair? Yes
is their a play park near your house? kinda
when did you last see the person you have a crush on?
who did you last talk to on the phone? My Hubby
pants or dresses? Dresses
do you read fan fiction? Yes and write it too
what is you’re favourite blog? idk Blogspot I guess
do you write poetry? Not anymore
drama or comedy? Dramedy
have you ever had a hickey? Yes
Your own question that you want me to answer
0 notes
crimsonrevolt · 7 years
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Congratulations Lexi you’ve been accepted to Crimson Revolt as Natalie Dupont!
↳ please refer to our character checklist
Natalie’s one of those characters that I’m particularly fond of, not because of an attachment from prior books, but because of the potential in her skeleton, and therefore it was wonderful to get an app that captured her complexities and explored them in depth! You did a marvelous job deciphering the tug-and-pull of light versus dark in her, and I got a great understanding of who she was as a character and what was drawing her towards each of them. I can’t wait to see you explore everything that you mentioned in your app, and to give you a family and a place where you can write her with abandon! Welcome!
application beneath the cut
Hello I’m Lexi and I’m 27 from the EST timezone. I use the she/her pronouns. I’ve been writing for over ten years now and I still absolutely love it. I started out on a harry potter roleplay and went from there so I’d love to get back to my roots. I love Marvel anything, Doctor Who, Dusk Till Dawn (move and series) and I’m a avid music lover. I look at rp’s like family so I’m excited to possibly get to be apart of this one.
I’d say an eight. I work from home so I am on periodically through out the day and evenings. It’s hard to pin point the slow days but if I know I’ll be busy and unable to post longer than just that day I will be sure to send you all a message.
*removed for privacy
harry potter rp tag, and I found it months ago so I bookmarked it and have been poking around since. I’ve just got my schedule cleared up so I can join.
Luna Lovegood hands down. She was so unafraid to be herself and she was the quirky one no one ever understood. I’ve always felt different and it helped to have a character that was simply her. She helped me accept different as being ok and she was confident in her own odd way which I loved. She’s just a very awesome character that I really felt connected with while reading the books and it was awesome to see her come to life on the screen.
I think that covers it :)
Natalie Dupont (Natalie means ‘Christmas’ which finds funny and her father used to tease her and call her mother Christmas, and Dupont is an old french name meaning 'of the bridge’. If it’s ok I’d like to give Natalie the middle name 'Antoinette’ and that name mean priceless. I was always going to say it was great grandmother’s name and given to Natalie in her honor.
Hailee Steinfeld REASON FOR CHOSEN CHARACTER Natalie on the surface could appear your straightforward kind of gal. She’s that young woman with many layers and once you start peeling them away you’d be surprised at what you find. She’s been in a family filled with love and light, and yet her urges tug her nearer to the darkness. She finds it exciting being that close to danger, and she likes that feeling like when you go over a big hill and your stomach feels light. Then you hit the drop and it’s all worth it. Natalie was raised on the principal of family being your rock, and she firmly believes it. She recalls the tight knit little world she was raised within, but her hands reach for the bigger and wider world.
School only strengthened her need for more. Some would call her greedy, but she’s simply ambitious. Natalie wants to see it all and do it all, and she’s willing to pay the price to do it. She wants the thrill and the fun all wrapped in a tiny little gift for her. I’d love to explore her impulsive nature and how she finds her way into the darker side of the world. How she meshes with the other death-eater’s, and how she handles her home life or personal life as a result. I want to see her pushed to see how she reacts, and see her true and find her place in the world. PREFERRED SHIPS // CHARACTER SEXUALITY // GENDER & PRONOUNS
Natalie has had maybe two or three boyfriends during her time at Hogwarts. They were never anything overly serious and mere crushes. The type of crushes that meant sweet kisses in the hall and hand holding at the table in the Great Hall. She tended to date within her circle, but she did venture in her sixth year and dated a Slytherin boy who had a taste for violence. She watched him bully other kids like an eager child taking in a lesson. She never participated but she absorbed the knowledge like a sponge. They eventually broke up when he chose to pick on a friend of hers and Natalie put her foot down. She hexed him so he broke out in horrible warts and then proudly proclaimed she had done it.
She believed when she was younger like most girls that there is a prince charming out there and she’ll raise beautiful babies with her best friend, but the notion has begun to fade as she gets older. She doesn’t want to be tied down at the moment and instead wants the adventures of life. Perhaps later as Natalie does want children to teach and nurture. She wants to find someone that’s her best friend first and lover second. The sort of person who matches her need for adventures and will dabble in the darkness without telling her she’s wrong.
Natalie’s parents were a good example of a strong marriage for her. They had their spats but she for the most part got the idea of a loving relationship from them. She recalls they had date nights and could be found snuggling on the couch in front of their fireplace. She hopes one day but for now she couldn’t see it. She is strictly heterosexual though in school she debated on the idea of dating another girl out of curiousity’s sake. It never happened and she found her heart wasn’t in it anyway. She didn’t want to fake anything for the sake of experimentation. Pronouns wise that would be she/her.
The following section should be looked at like a survey for your character. Answer them in character and feel free to use gifs. Or, if you’d rather, answer them in third person or OOC without gifs. Answers do not have to be extremely lengthy.
♔ If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it? Feel free to name it: Gosh all the good ones are taken aren’t they? I’d like something where it helps make my decisions for me. Is that a thing? I’d like for it to be a thing. Go red if I’m in the danger zone and should not approach, or green if all is well. I’m a horrid decision maker. I have zero impulse control.
♔ You have to venture deep into the Forbidden Forest one night. Pick one other character and one object (muggle or magical), besides your wand, that you’d want with you: That’s a hard one! Caradoc though. He’s interesting and I haven’t made many attempts to get to know him just yet and all that jazz. Kind of wondering what’s going on in that head of his. I’d take some chocolates. I got wand so I need some snacks.
♔ What kinds of decisions are the most difficult for you to make?: How about all decisions? I’m not good at making decisions because I make the decision and then second guess myself. I’m like oh was that actually the right decision or was I just deciding for the sake of it? It’s a mes and a half all the time.
♔ What is one thing you would never want said about you?-Gosh ok I hope people never say I was a terrible friend or that I never amounted to anything. I take my friendships seriously you know? I love my friends and I’m that kind of person that wants to be your three in the morning phone call because you need someone. I also take working seriously enough. I think ambition is a big part of life and you need it to keep moving forward. I’d hate for peopel to say I never did anything with myself.
Tick tick tick….The old fashion clock on the wall continued to click and click as Natalie stared at it with narrowed eyes. Brows furrowed she judged the time as the hands taunted her from her comfortable position leaned over the back of the couch. Tick tick…Finally the chime went off to signal a new hour and she was scrambling to get off the furniture and grab her jacket from the front hall. A chuckle from her Uncle was heard as he shook at his head at the girl’s enthusiasm.
“In a hurry?” he inquired, his graying hair tucked neat around a small set of ears and a gentle smile swept up the dimples of his cheeks. “Got practice,” Natalie returned, her tone still sweet as she politely halted for her elder. “I’ve almost got that hex down!”
She was practically bouncing in her shoes, the nice little dress her mom had made draped on her frame. The vibrant red made her think blood and made her grin with a twinkle of amusement. She had grabbed her cloak from the hook and made sure her wand was safely tucked away. Always out of sight her dad had told her once upon a time. It was safer that way. Her grandfather approached and ruffled her chocolate locks which got a crinkle of her nose from the younger girl.
“You’ll have it in no time,” he reassured.
He was gentle and at ease around the younger ones of the home. Her father would have put his foot down and reprimanded her for not having the simple hex down pat by this point. Natalie was a focused and ambitious learner though. She put in the hours of work into the newer spells and charms. Her grades in school had allowed her a little more space when it came to sorting out the formalities of adulthood. She was in her own space in her own apartment, but the comforts of the large estate would always beckon her back. She had visited and sat, but off she would go once again.
“Tell mum I said hi,” she rushed, ducking out the large front door in the next second and letting it shut with a thud behind her.
Natalie was putting in the hours and moving forward with her future. At least in some aspects. Her mother was dead certain her daughter would never marry anyone at this rate. She had wanted her arranged to someone of pure blood at sixteen, but the plan had never run as smoothly as her mother hoped. Natalie had turned down the idea so many times she had lost count.
She wanted independence and the chance to find who she was beyond someone else. She didn’t want to be stuck on someone’s arm like a prized piece, but instead a strong woman who could stand her ground. Another reason to put in the work, she had reminded herself simply.
She was in good spirits as she headed into town to meet up with her friend. The other girl was trying to do better as well. Both of them bore the mark of the dark lord and were eager to rise in ranks. They looked to past members of great name and great power to inspire. They were of course excited to be a name of their one one day, but baby steps. Even Natalie knew when to take things slowly lest she make a mistake.
Today was another day. Another beginning and another chance. She was ready to begin as she always was, but things were changing and Natalie Dupont could feel it in her bones.
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santiagostyle · 7 years
hi this is me sending u every single emoji from the ask meme bc im too lazy to type out just the ones i want to ask
dammit jo why u gotta do this to me (jk I’m excited) (also I deleted some questions bc I’m stupid and idk what half of them mean or how to answer them COOL)
Send me emojis!
(hella long post sorry in advance)
☝ - How tall are you?
5′6″ I’m pretty sure
✔ - Sexual Orientation
Lmao good question
🚬 - Do you Smoke?
I mean ??? No but I’ve tried it does that count
🍷 - Do you Drink?
On occasion yes
♒ - Do you Take Drugs?
😳 - Age you get mistaken for?
TBH either 15 or 25 there is no in between
💉 - Have Tattoos?
✏️ - Want any tattoos?
Maybe?? Most likely a Florence lyric (”I’m gonna be free and I’m gonna be fine”) but I have no idea where I would get it
✂️ - Got any Piercings?
I have three piercings in each earlobe
✌ - Want any piercings?
Maybe a cartilage piercing or something idk
👌 - Best friend?
I have several and their names are Sandra, Temiqua, Macy, Layne, Megan, and there’s more ok I’m stressed I can’t list them all I’ll be here all day
♥ - Do you like anyone?
Unfortunately yes I think so but I’m pretty sure I’m getting over it
🎤 - Top 5 favorite bands?
Florence + The Machine, The Fray, Daughter, Prince (and the Revolution/and the N.P.G), The Cranberries
Special mention to: Marina & The Diamonds, Lana Del Rey (I know she’s a singer not a band but I love her don’t @ me)
🎶 - Top 5 favorite songs?
Sucker - Peaches
Salvation - The Cranberries
Lying - Amy Meredith
Caught - Florence + The Machine
America - XYLØ
Special mention to: 
Raspberry Beret - Prince (for sentimental reasons)
Shut Up and Dance - Walk The Moon (also sentimental reasons)
Wake Me Up - Avicii (you guessed it)
Regular Touch - Vera Blue
Little Numbers - BOY
😒 - Biggest pet peeve?
People who take advantage of the fact that you love them
📝 - Story from your childhood.
I don’t really have any interesting stories from my childhood but I have one super embarrassing one… when I was little I used to get really really bad migraines pretty often and one time when I was in 1st grade I got super sick super fast and I went outside to get a drink of water and I ended up throwing up on (in? idk) somebody’s backpack and wow it was horrible and I don’t know why I’m sharing this 
💬 - I wish…
I wish I didn’t get distracted/frustrated so easily bc I have so many ideas and I don’t have the focus or patience to follow through with a lot of them
‼️ - Something you’ll change?
I mean hopefully I’ll stop procrastinating at some point but that’s unlikely
💦 - What makes you horny?
JFC going to church and hearing the word of the Lord!!!!! anyway this is an inaPPROPRIATE QUESTION (I’m kidding there’s a similar question further down I might be more serious there)
🌟 - A wish you’ll wish for?
Well if I put it here it won’t come true now will it
🔥 - Something spicy you like?
I like green curry from the Chinese restaurant my family always orders from
👃 You hate the smell of ….
Fish ugh
👊 - Something you hate?
Discrimination in any way shape or form ugh
🚶 - Are you single?
💭 - Favorite foods?
I really love Nutella and burritos (not together)
☀ - Story about your day.
I had an 8:30am lecture so that was fun (sarcasm, people) and then a seminar right afterwards, then grabbed lunch with some pals from uni then came home and read fan fiction tbh my life is wild 
💘 - Top 5 celebrity crushes?
Melissa Fumero, Stephanie Beatriz, Andy Samberg, Robert Downey Jr, James Marsters circa 1999-2000
Special mention to: Ian Harding, Jude Law, Camilla Belle, Eliza Dushku, Keira Knightley, Karla Souza, Katie McGrath, Sarah Michelle Gellar circa 2001 jfc I love a lot of people
🎥 - Top 5 favorite movies?
Celeste & Jesse Forever: this movie ruined my life but I love it so much and also refuse to watch it ever again
Last Night: I was so angry at the end of this movie my best friend had to stop me from throwing her computer across the room but GOD it’s so so good 
Cruel Intentions: look I was like 15 when I first watched this movie and I was in no way prepared and tbh I am still #shook by how much people got away with in the 90s (and also… SMG with dark hair amirite)
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows: idk I like mystery movies and Robert Downey Jr and this is such a guilty pleasure movie I watch it all the time
The Emperor’s New Groove: I will fight anyone who thinks this is not the greatest cinematic masterpiece ever created okay I’ve loved it since I first watched it when I was like 2 years old and I still love it just as much now
Special mentions:
Stoker: I studied this movie in school and good GOD I will never understand why the Board of Studies thought it was appropriate to show Year 11 students but it’s so beautifully shot and it’s so weird and bizarre and unsettling and I love it 
The Road to El Dorado: a childhood favourite and a comedic masterpiece and I literally forced all my friends to watch it with me on my 18th birthday it was wonderful
Bridesmaids: just bloody hilarious and I remember the first time my mum and I watched it together we were literally in tears by the end of it bc we were laughing so hard
📺 - Top 5 favorite TV shows?
Brooklyn 99: (duh) I don’t even need to explain this one
Utopia: I always describe this show as “the Australian version of The Office” even though I’ve never actually watched The Office but it’s just such wonderful Australian humour and I love it
Summer Heights High: another Aussie classic and good lord it’s so politically incorrect and full of horrible jokes but it’s basically an Australian rite of passage and as such I love it
How to Get Away With Murder: I love trying to solve everything and it’s funny and thrilling and also the cast is so beautiful
Thank God You’re Here: this show isn’t on anymore but I love improv so much and I love all the people who starred on it and god it was hilarious
Special mentions:
Have You Been Paying Attention?, Jane the Virgin, Gilmore Girls
✏ - Random fact about yourself.
I skipped Kindergarten??
✈️ - Where are you from?
Sydney, Australia
🚀 - Where do you wanna visit?
Europe. Just,,, everywhere
😍 - Do you have a crush?
I think so ??? I know I used to but idk if I’m over it yet
😷 - Something you hate eating?
🙈 - What makes you shy?
💃 - Can you dance?
I’m a dancer so I certainly hope so
💏 - Do you love anyone?
I love a lot of people but not romantically if that’s what this question means
👟 - Favorite shoe(s) to wear?
Idk I have this one pair of boots I wear pretty much every day
🌴 - A island you would visit?
I really want to go to Cuba
🌎 - A country you would visit?
🌀 - Favorite type of weather?
Thunderstorms, if I’m inside
🔮 - Do you believe in luck?
📱 - What kinda phone do you have?
iPhone SE
📅 - Favorite time of the year?
📚 - Career goal you want?
Anything in the arts - acting, taking photos, writing, cinematography, dancing, producing, directing, stage handing, screenwriting, literally anything I’ll take it
🍭 - Favorite Candy?
TBH I love lollipops, specifically Chupa Chups 
(story time: one of my Year 12 teachers made a habit of bringing a whole packet of Chupa Chups to class every lesson because our class just would not shut up otherwise)
🍇 - Favorite fruits?
Strawberries, peaches, blackberries
🚘 - Dream car(s)?
I don’t really have one but I used to really want a Mercedes
🚔 - Have you ever been arrested?
🚑 - Have you ever driven in an ambulance before?
No but I’ve had to call one
🎫 - Do you have a license?
I have my learner’s but can’t drive by myself yet lol I’m working on it
🚼 - Do you have or want kids?
I don’t have any and I don’t know if I want any
🔞 - Are you under 18?
Negative I’m 19
🐶 - Do you own a pet?
No :( 
😔 - Something that makes you sad?
The fact that there are so many people struggling (particularly with mental illness) and feeling hopeless/like they don’t have a support system
😡 - What pisses you off?
Literally just discrimination of any kind but also people who are arrogant and condescending and passive aggressive
😏 - What turns you on?
I mean idk I don’t really have a whole lot of anecdotal evidence ya know but generally I’m a pretty tactile person so physical contact is usually a good time I guess 
😈 - Are you a freak?
Idk probably
💪 - Do you work out?
I dance and do yoga every week, does that count?
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klstheword · 8 years
Tumblr media
Online & featured in today’s Daily Mail magazine - see above 
“Four years have passed since Dan Stevens had the nation choking on their mince pies when, as fresh-faced Matthew Crawley, he had a fatal car crash in the Downton Abbey Christmas special. He called it a ‘terrifying, monumental decision’ to leave the hit ITV drama, but now the gamble’s paid off. He’s since upped sticks with his jazz singer wife Susie Hariet and their two young children to live in New York. Now a full-blown film star, he bulked up and perfected an American accent to play the tough guy roles of a psychopathic US Army veteran in The Guest, and a drug trafficker in A Walk Among The Tombstones. As if determined to show his range, next month he opens in the latest Disney blockbuster, Beauty And The Beast, but before then he’s back on TV in Legion, a big-budget new series based on Marvel Comics characters. It’s essentially a spin-off from the X-Men franchise, the hit superhero films that have starred Hugh Jackman, Sir Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart and taken over £3.5 billion at the box office. Dan plays David Haller, the illegitimate son of Professor X, the leader of the X-Men who’s been portrayed on the big screen by both Patrick Stewart and, more recently, James McAvoy. But David has been brought up unaware that he might have a superhero side. Or as another of the characters puts it, ‘he has the power but he doesn’t understand it or know how to control it’. So Legion is not all about the flying, fighting action heroes battling against evil villains. Instead, the eight-part show, created by Noah Hawley, the man behind Emmy and Golden Globe-winning black comedy crime drama Fargo, is more psychological. Full of gleefully quirky personalities, at its centre is the tortured character of David, who may be more than human. ‘David’s quite a troubled young man,’ Dan explains when we meet on a cool afternoon in Los Angeles. He’s looking trim and relaxed in jeans and a grey sweatshirt, and is reassuringly far from the jittery bag of nerves that is his character in Legion. ‘As a result of being the professor’s offspring he has these incredible powers. But the problem is he’s not cognisant of them at all, and therefore, as far as he sees it, his “normal” human life has been beset by these strange events invading his surroundings, which people tell him he’s imagined. So from quite a young age he’s been diagnosed as being paranoid schizophrenic. He’s grown up being told one set of truths about his condition by psychologists, and then when our story begins, his world is invaded by a group of other people who tell him something quite different – that this is not a mental illness he has, this is real. That these are powers he really has.’
At the beginning of the show he’s trapped in a mind-numbing routine inside a psychiatric hospital, dressed in a retro tracksuit and with what he calls ‘mid-90s indie’ hair (think Noel Gallagher). But then a beautiful new patient Syd arrives (played by Fargo’s Rachel Keller). The pair feel drawn to one another, and she’s convinced he’s not schizophrenic but actually a powerful mutant. Inspired by her, he escapes and sets about trying to uncover his family history while joining forces with a group of fellow mutants to fight sinister government agents who want to control them. Dan says that, in order to prepare for the role, he embarked on a serious study of paranoid schizophrenia. ‘I had fascinating conversations with sufferers of this condition and also with one psychologist in particular in New York, who gave me a great deal of time and told me some very interesting stories. It turns out it’s not just crazy people in asylums who have this disorder – the psychologist talked about some very, very high-functioning members of society, CEOs of companies and editors of magazines, and all sorts of people who are out there trying to live a normal life in spite of it. I myself had a very good friend from college who suffered from it, and having seen it up close, it’s a terrifying condition. ‘One of the things that’s both frightening and awesome is that to people who have it, the delusions that affect them are very real. There’s not one of them who says, “OK, this part of my world is normal, and this part is crazy,” to them it all feels real. So there’s great confusion about what is actually happening and what isn’t. But having said that, it’s not without a certain humorous side as well – my college friend has quite a wry appreciation of his state sometimes, and we’ve added a comedic element to the show because if you look at it one way, it’s quite fertile ground for comedy. ‘Noah Hawley has a substantially different take on the superhero genre, and it was interesting to see the curve balls he threw in throughout the season. I guess it was to wake us up and keep us on our toes. I had to learn to play the banjo at one point, which came out of nowhere, and there are several dance numbers during the series, including a Bollywood-style routine.’ You’ll see him dance after the arrival of love interest Syd, as his emotions manifest themselves – although the scene may be just in his imagination. ‘It’s actually quite a mindbender of a show,’ he adds.
It’s certainly a far cry from playing Downton’s ever-upright Matthew Crawley, a role that followed on from appearances in TV period dramas Sense And Sensibility and The Turn Of The Screw. ‘Well, gosh, Downton and Legion are quite different shows, aren’t they?’ says Cambridge-educated Dan. ‘I suppose they’re similar in that in both there’s an amazing ensemble of actors to play against. But one is the story of a house in England at the beginning of the 20th century, and the other is a tale of mental disorder and a young man in a fictional universe, so there are really not huge amounts of intersection between the two. ‘The only castle we’re in in Legion is the castle of David’s mind! One place where I really noticed the difference between the two sets is the food we’re offered. The catering on American shoots is superb – it beats the Highclere biscuit tin, that’s for sure!’ Having played a drug trafficker and a gun-toting psycho in two Hollywood films, he says, with relief, that he thinks now, at 34, he’s escaped the trap of being seen only as the actor who played Matthew Crawley. ‘Although it’s not a bad thing to be considered a refined man with good manners,’ he adds. ‘But I also think typecasting comes from your own acting choices, and I pride myself in slipping into different modes for different roles. I think that since I left Downton I’ve been taking on such a range of stuff that it’s not a concern of mine.’ It helps that he’s undergone quite a physical transformation since his days on Downton – he’s lost a couple of stone in weight and allowed Matthew’s blond hair to darken to his own natural brown. ‘I actually put on a bit of weight for Downton because it seemed right for the period, and when it was over I lost it quite easily – I just stopped eating lots of bad things and started eating lots of good things, and it went away! The hair colour had actually been Julian Fellowes’s choice. If you remember in the beginning of Downton, Matthew didn’t come in until the very, very end of the first episode after he gets the letter from Lord Grantham. I’d been cast in the role, but they’d already been shooting for two and a half weeks before I came in, and during that time the producers had realised that almost all the male cast members had dark hair. So I had a call from Julian at the last moment, saying, “We’ve got too many brown-haired boys, would you mind being blond?” I said, “OK, fine,” because I was just pleased they’d asked me to dye it instead of re-casting, and as far as I knew the show was only going to last for one series. And then I ended up being blond for three years, although I must say I had a great time as a blond.’ His final Downton scene in 2012 was the crash that killed Matthew while he was returning from visiting his wife and newborn son in hospital. ‘It was strange lying under a car thinking about the past three years and the family of actors I’d be leaving. But it was time to go, although it was a show I’d been proud to be a part of. ‘I’d had to keep the death a secret because we’d been told there were to be no plot spoilers, so that was a little bit weird in the weeks running up. Obviously I knew, my wife knew, and my mum and dad knew, but we all had to sit on the secret. And the way Matthew went was quite shocking, which did upset some people. I actually watched it with my mum because she said she didn’t want to watch it on her own, she wanted me there to hold her hand! She was OK in the end, but I’m glad I was with her.’ It wasn’t only Dan’s mother who was horrified. Matthew’s death caused heartbreak among fans across the world. ‘I was apologising to people for months!’ Dan says. ‘First after Christmas in the UK, and then when it aired in America three months later, so there was a double whammy of grief. But I’ve had other things come out since, and people are starting to see what I’ve been up to, and beginning to understand why I did it.’ While being involved with the X-Men might in years to come impress his son Aubrey, who’s four, Dan says his upcoming role in Disney’s Beauty And the Beast has won him considerable clout with his seven-year-old daughter Willow. In the live-action remake, in which he sings and – once again – dances, he plays the arrogant young prince who’s punished by being transformed into the Beast. ‘Our family watch a lot of Disney movies but that’s a particular favourite. My daughter loves books, and I think the character of Belle appeals to bookish, wordy young girls, and she’s no exception. I brought her on set on the day we did the ball sequence at the beginning of the film – the prince is dancing with 60 princesses in big meringue dresses and beautiful jewel-encrusted wigs and she almost lost her mind with excitement!’ Willow’s reaction was less enthusiastic when it came to Dad’s transformation into the Beast. ‘She said I look like a hippo! I’m in a giant muscle suit covered with grey lycra, and I wear stilts that take me about 10in taller than I am, to 6ft 10in. I had to work hard to get my body into the right shape to walk around on those stilts – I wish I could have had feet that just screwed on and off but that wasn’t possible, so it was quite a physical challenge.’ Luckily his co-star Emma Watson was used to characters in strange costumes from her time on Harry Potter. ‘There are few actresses in the world who’ve worked with this kind of technology as much as Emma; she’s grown up with it, so it’s second nature to her. It also helped that she was very nice, very intelligent and engaged with the story.’ When Dan’s not working, he’s relaxing in the home in Brooklyn he shares with his family. ‘Upping sticks has been a great adventure,’ he says. ‘I’ve loved New York since I first visited years ago when I was in a play. I stayed with a friend on the Upper West Side, and I fell in love with New York so much I’d walk from his apartment to Brooklyn just to be part of it. It was a wonderful experience. I always dreamed of living there, and I’m very excited to have made that happen.’ And he can safely say he’s finally moved on from poor old Matthew Crawley.   Legion starts on Thursday at 9pm on Fox.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-4187644/From-Matthew-Crawley-awesome-superhero.html#ixzz4XhmIlOAb 
Good to read - so much to appreciate in Dan’s intelligent and thoughtful approach to his roles....and... that hand-hold would have been welcome here too!
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not-you-30 · 5 years
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
My best friend to not get lost on a concert.
 2. Are you outgoing or shy?
Depends – normally pretty outgoing but if I like somebody or I should be in the centre of attention I can be shy as well.
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
People? My best friend, who’s living in London.
Artists? Slipknot, BTS (weird mix ik) & One Ok Rock
4. Are you easy to get along with?
Yes! Most people tend to like me easily. But when people get to know me better they realize I can be pretty complicated as well.
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
I don’t drink any alcohol. But of course all of my friends would.
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
Funny ones
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
No. Im pretty complicated when it comes to realitionship.
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
Depends whom I talk with and what’s the topic. But normally not.
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
My best friend.
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
To my best friend about studying.
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
Life Cycles – The Word Alive (forever one of my top5)
Doomsday – Architects (same as above)
This is war – 30 seconds to mars (again…as above)
It never ends – Bring me the horizon (classic)
Spring Day – BTS (pretty recent)
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
Yes yes YES
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
15. What good thing happened this summer?
Nova rock (as every year)
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
Yes can’t believe we are the only one.
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
No. I don’t really see him anymore.
19. Do you like bubble baths?
20. Do you like your neighbors?
21. What are you bad habits?
I am lazy and overthinking everything – that’s a really stressful combination.
22. Where would you like to travel?
Right now to asia – Japan or Korea.
23. Do you have trust issues?
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
Sleeping xD
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
My back and arms
26. What do you do when you wake up?
Look at my phone
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
Maybe a little bit darker but Im good the way it is.
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
My family and best friend
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
I broke up so no.
30. Do you ever want to get married?
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail?
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
I would have a 8-some with a special band xD
33. Spell your name with your chin.
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
Horse-riding and normal fitness stuff
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
I can’t remember so probably no.
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
Some smalltalk stuff
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
Guy 😊 From the look: Either heavily tattooed or pretty feminine. Slim, not too muscular, I like long hair and beautiful eyes.
From the inside: Nice, tolerating (I hate racism and discrimination), he has to have humour, likes to have and give freedom and…well I like a little dark dominant side as well 😉  
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
Music/Movie stores or equestrian ones
40. What do you want to do after high school?
I am already in university and have a bachelor’s degree
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
I am tired or upset
43. Do you smile at strangers? Yes
 44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
               Outer space – I love the space
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
46. What are you paranoid about?
47. Have you ever been high?
48. Have you ever been drunk?
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
Yeah but wont post it here obviously
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
My laziness
53. Favourite makeup brand?
Im not really into makeup – as long as it does its job
54. Favourite store?
Drop Dead
55. Favourite blog?
Wow idk too many
56. Favourite colour?
Black and turquoise
 57. Favourite food?
58. Last thing you ate?
59. First thing you ate this morning?
Soup xD
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
Can’t remember
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
62. Been arrested? For what?
Hell no
63. Ever been in love?
I am honestly not sure.
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
It was at a party – not too spectacular xD The guy was a dick.
65. Are you hungry right now?
Yes ☹
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
67. Facebook or Twitter?
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
69. Are you watching tv right now?
70. Names of your bestfriends?
71. Craving something? What?
Sweets ☹
72. What colour are your towels?
Mostly orange
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
They are in my bed but I don’t cuddle (anymore) :D
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
Twenty – Thirty
75. Favourite animal?
76. What colour is your underwear?
White and blue
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
80. What colour pants?
Black xD
81. Favourite tv show?
RN? A few Korean shows :D
82. Favourite movie?
Lord of the rings
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
Haven’t watched either ☹
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
21 Jump streets.
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
Well as I said….haven’t seen it.
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
Dory :D
87. First person you talked to today?
My mum.
88. Last person you talked to today?
My dad.
89. Name a person you hate?
Nobody tbh
90. Name a person you love?
My mum 😊
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
92. In a fight with someone?
My ex-best friend…it’s not really a fight we just don’t talk anymore. I wish we still would ☹
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
4 or 5
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
Oh God…maybe 10
95. Last movie you watched?
Uhm somethings with last summer on Netflix
96. Favourite actress?
Saoirse Ronan
97. Favourite actor?
Timothée Chalamet
98. Do you tan a lot?
99. Have any pets?
Yes a cat and a bunny 😊
100. How are you feeling?
Good…a little bit stressed due to many exams.
101. Do you type fast?
Yeah pretty much
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
Not in a long term point of view
103. Can you spell well?
Well there are surly better
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
Yeah…my ex-best friend
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
Yes 😊
 106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
Every week multiple times 😊 I have to foster horses 😊
108. What should you be doing?
Maybe studying but I did it all day so I guess Im good.
109. Is something irritating you right now?
University xD
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
111. Do you have trust issues?
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
My best friend
113. What was your childhood nickname?
The same as today 😉
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
Of course – multiple times 😊
115. Do you play the Wii?
116. Are you listening to music right now?
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
Yes 😊 Especially when Im sick
118. Do you like Chinese food?
119. Favourite book?
Uhm…some historical novels 😊 And the captive prince novel 😉
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
Yes when it’s completely dark
121. Are you mean?
Normally not
122. Is cheating ever okay?
I’d say no but I think I would still excuse it.
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
No but I never plan to xD
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
125. Do you believe in true love?
126. Are you currently bored?
127. What makes you happy?
Music, concerts, horse riding
128. Would you change your name?
129. What your zodiac sign?
130. Do you like subway?
Yes 😊
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
Happened to me – we worked it out 😊
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
My best friend
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
I’ll get architects “Souls don’t break the bend” tattooed in two days so yeah…
134. Can you count to one million?
I could but it would take some time xD
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
I can’t remember tbh
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
Depends if my cat sleeps in my bed or not. If he does, they are open 😊
137. How tall are you?
138. Curly or Straight hair?
139. Brunette or Blonde?
140. Summer or Winter?
Spring :P
141. Night or Day?
142. Favourite month?
December (Advent, Christmas & New Years Eve 😊)
143. Are you a vegetarian?
Not yet but I don’t really eat much meat.
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
Milk chocolate
145. Tea or Coffee?
146. Was today a good day?
It was okay 😊
147. Mars or Snickers?
148. What’s your favourite quote?
Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything
  149. Do you believe in ghosts?
No 😊
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? 
“…considerable power and a warrior of long experience.”
0 notes
fortheheavenssake · 5 years
PG MM Anon Interpretation Collection- 12
77: Oct. 6
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
October 6,2019 1407 hrs CST
MM Anon
MM ANON … the Queen …… “ one can’t choose ones family “…… “ Philip loves me doing Melania” …… “I rather liked Donald “ …… “ l frightening Vlad…… “ on our day together she never stopped yapping “ … “Harry ‘ we all make mistakes “… “ the little one, she’s a fireball “ …… “Camilla says she’s illiterate “ … “ what sort of name was that!!!!!”…” What!! Christmas ‘she’ll be lucky “ … “LG ‘ that’s why it’s called the Queens speech ‘ so f#@ck them!!
Oh this is going to be fun!!😄😁😁😁
the Queen
This is a fun riddle, call it HMTQ Greatest Hits DVD 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂 An assortment of HMTQ comments!
“ one can’t choose ones family “
The old saying you can choose your friends but you cannot choose your family! In processing, strategizing, meetings etc etc, things have been on overload with madam, Harry, and BOJO, that whole political situation. There has got to be some angry frustrated emotions regarding PA, Harry having been caught up in this mess and how things have dragged on and out! All the hacking, invasion of privacy and just generally very poor choices in life by family members.
“ Philip loves me doing Melania”
I hear HMTQ has a wicked sense of humour and loves riddles and mimicry. I can only imagine her trying to do an impression of Melania Trump, her accent, everything. This is hilarious, PP Is reportedly also having that wicked British wry self deprecating or mimicking others too. Oh how l would LOVE to be a fly on the wall!!😁
“I rather liked Donald “
HMTQ gave President Trump and his huge family a real Royal welcome literally! The time spent the Formal dinner, the dinner apt the U.S. Embassy that PC and Camilla attended. It sounds like she got on well with DT, We know he takes such pride and joy in his Scottish heritage from his mum. We also know that he has great respect for HMTQ, so much so he brought his entire family with him. We also know he brought some intel/evidence with him. Thank you sir! HMTQ enjoyed him and the time they spent together!
“ l frightening Vlad
Vlad is not the vampire, it’s Vladimir Putin. I am a bit confused by this because it seems a word is missing, like l am frightening, or l like frightening, hmmm. I think l will go with, he concerns her greatly.
“ on our day together she never stopped yapping “
This is madam and their train overnight trip together. It was seen as such an honour because HMTQ is rare to invite others along on the train and/or an overnight trip. We know from the videos and photos, how hyper madam was, she cut in front of the Queen and entered the car first. During the performance she looked hypomanic, laughing non-stop yapping according to HMTQ’s words. Poor your Majesty, you were able to endure that trip!
“Harry ‘ we all make mistakes “
As a reassuring loving granny, she took his hand in hers and spoke with him. No one is perfect, yeah he screwed up a few times in life, who hasn’t? He was ensnared in a plot that had done years of planning, reconnaissance, and he had absolutely no idea what he was in, until it was too late. Kind of like quicksand, you slowly get sucked in, and the more you move and wrestle trying to get yourself out the quicker you sink and drown. God bless you, your Majesty!
“ the little one, she’s a fireball “
She is talking about Lottie, our beloved Princess Charlotte! She was trending worldwide with her hairflip her first day of school. She is a real ham for the camera, ham meaning like to have fun when her photo is taken. She has a fantastic personality and watching her grow up will be joyous. I also think Savannah Phillips, Princess Anne’s granddaughter, fits this for sure she and Prince George 🤣🤣🤣😂!
“Camilla says she’s illiterate “
We all know Camilla loathes madam, love the video where she repeatedly asks for help🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂. Sounds like her opinion of madam is in line with many others about madams skills in the writing, reading, and language usage and comprehension!
“ what sort of name was that!!!!!”
Arche🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂. I cannot believe to this day, that name, amw!! I know some think LG played a trick with this name being the same as the last Duke of Sussex eons ago!
” What!! Christmas ‘she’ll be lucky “
Madam is assuming another Christmas with the family she never had. Also that she will still be free and easy, sounds like HMTQ suggesting if she’s still free at Christmas she will be lucky. Lordy please let the handcuffs come soon, let them have their ducks all in a row and clang clang slam, locked cell, orange jumpsuit!
“LG ‘ that’s why it’s called the Queens speech ‘ so f#@ck them!!”
This whole issue of BOJO manipulating HMTQ, now today’s paper saying he didn’t really apologize he just said regret. He is willing to squat in No. 10 if there is a non-confidence vote and he is ousted as Prime Minister. He said they will have to take him in handcuffs! They are trying to sort out who would be the new PM, Brexit deadline, and if an election it would need at least five weeks. So John Bercow, Speaker of the House of Commons could be interim PM. It’s all up in the air. The Queens speech to the House is to take place October 14,2019. This is her telling LG in no uncertain terms she is duty bound to do this and refuse to be dragged any further into swaying politics on either side. Her job in weekly meetings with PM , is to be informed what’s happening, offer advice but never ever tell what’s to be done!No one else will be giving her speech except her. In a previous riddle we had something about someone else delivering her speech due to health or stress issues, l can’t recall exactly.
October 6,2019 1445 hrs CST
This is great PG such fun for us all! Love it….and love your personality shining through!😊💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
Oct 6th, 2019
78: oct. 7
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜
MM Anon
MM ANON … Calapornia Dreem-in…… “ To be ‘ or Not to be…” …… “ I made a bit of a boob”……… “ the real Mc- COY darlings “…… “ artistic lie- sense …… “ not my best work”
October 7, 2019 1305 hrs CST
Well MM ANON , This riddle looks short but very unsweeten, the usual saying is short and sweet!
Calapornia Dreem-in
We had Calipornia in a riddle the other day. Today it’s Cala pornia .It seems that alleged tape has risen like a Phoenix from the ashes, online, but lots of disagreement on who the female is. I have ABSOLUTELY NO INTENTION of exposing myself to that. Reminds me of my old Sunday school song, be careful little eyes what you see, ears what you hear, mouth what you say..does anyone else remember that song? Dreem -in, a play on the song California Dreaming by The Mamas and The Papas, it was redone by Wilson Phillips, daughter of Michelle Phillips, Carnie Wilson daughter of Brian Wilson, l cannot recall the third member. They were great, remember Hold On! Great music. Anyhow, l digressed, Dreem,from wiki , is a sleep device that monitors, analyzes, and claims to enhance quality of sleep. It’s a miniaturized and autonomous headband that monitors the quality of sleep and then uses sound to help fall asleep faster, get deeper sleep, and wake up at the optimal time through smart alarm. End wiki.
So we have Calapornia Dreem-in, note California is spelt Cala, either way, the sirens currently flashing loudly is this alleged sex tape online. As l speculated the meaning the other day, is she doing a runner to Cali or Cala?? There are definite spelling alterations to confuse, MM ANON🤨🧐🤔.
Is someone having great difficulty sleeping from hobbies, stress, being picked on by the big bad royal reporters? Might the sleep aid device Dreem being in use, hence the addition of in after the hyphen? To clarify a hyphen is the sign here. - It is used to connect words together so they combine their meanings.
Alternatively perhaps Harry is using this sleep aid to help him sleep. We know all the things we have noticed, weight loss, scruffy clothes/shoes, look very sleep deprived, l am sure he is suffering tremendously as he serves this tour of duty for HMTQ.
“ To be ‘ or Not to be…”
MM ANON is taking us back to Shakespeare, Hamlet’s soliloquy on suicide to deal with all that has happened in his life. Has there been suicidal ideation on part of madam or Harry? Madam l highly doubt, a narcissist never goes there except by accident. We have see a slow descent in our Harry over the last two years, Wright loss, hair loss, scruffy clothes, looks sleep deprived etc etc, adding to that, the pain he appeared to be in, stepping onto that stage in SA and her grinning like a Cheshire Cat, sorry Cheshire, at his agony. I have said numerous times now but l hope upon immediate return to London he was given medical assessment and care, as well as emotional assessment and care. I pray to God l am wrong on this, but l have been concerned. He has been under stress like l have never seen, for over two years!
“ I made a bit of a boob”
A boob, slang wise has had different meanings over the generations. A boob can be a dopey goofy person, it can be a blunder or a boo boo, meaning error or mistake, it can be a term for breast. So who made a bit of a boob? I see the usage here being an error or mistake. I would say the first boob was a bootycall and then underestimating who the attacker was.
I think this could also be a cheeky reference to an alleged video online.
“ the real Mc- COY darlings
The saying the Real McCoy, goes back, at least for me, in the old western movies, not sure if McCoy was a brand of saddle, shotgun, something anyhow. So when someone says, it’s the real McCoy it means it’s 100% real or accurate. Here MM ANON has hyphenated the word McCoy, and elevated the word COY. Coys definition is, according to google, especially with reference to a woman) making a pretense of shyness or modesty that is intended to be alluring. Ok, interpretation, MM ANON is clearly telling us that any alleged sex/porn video is 109% accurate, correct and the actress in it, is her acting role, is acting very coyly. Yuck, l need a shower!🤮🤮🤮🤮
“ artistic lie- sense
To take artistic license is a common phrase meaning , again l will use google, as l want everyone to be able to understand who may not be familiar, “Artistic license (also known as poetic license, historical license, dramatic license, narrative license, or creative license) refers to deviation from fact or form for artistic purposes. It can include alteration of the conventions of grammar or language, or the rewording of pre-existing text.”
I have had a number of comments of appreciation from anons for being more elaborative as we have readers from all around the 🌎 🌍 world.
So example, a movie about Invention of the light bulb, let’s say, they add a romance to it, or drama , l hope l am explaining this clearly.
So here MM ANON says Artistic lie-sense, another hyphenated word. So madam as we well know has exaggerated EVERYTHING about herself, some may say lies. Her age, her number of marriages, not knowing anything about the BRF, fake pregnancy etc etc etc.
So , since this alleged sex video is the hot topic, l am thinking the acting would be very fake over dramatic moaning groaning etc etc, likely a person would, to cover past sins, would be inclined to lie about it, say it never happened or the great song by Shaggy, It Wasn’t Me!
“ not my best work”
Again another commonly used phrase especially, like me, l am so self-critical about how I type my interpretations of the riddles, typing, thinking of something after l have submitted it, or just having a bad day at it , l think l might have even wrote this here, this is not my best work.
Artists, musicians, creative people, common phrase!
So if there were an alleged tape, that proved real, one might use that phrase. A tv show might have been the pinnacle or the height of greatest work!
October 7,2019 1355 hrs CST
Fantastic, thank you so much PG! You make it seem so easy, yet we know there is nothing easy in doing these interpretations! Hats off to you! 😁💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Thank you MM ANON 💜💜🙏🏻💜💜 This was quite challenging, l find it’s extremely important to me, as this blog of our dear 🐼, has a worldwide readership and l am trying very hard to explain phrases, words, slang etc, as l take this work very seriously, and l want everyone to be able to understand! Also l am, by character, a very verbally elaborative individual 🤣🤣🤣😂😂. Thank you dear 💜🐼💜 for posting this. GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦
Source: skippyv20
12 notes
Oct 7th, 2019
79: Oct. 7
MM Anon
MM ANON … lets move on!!!!…… fab unfore-tunate…… pre tour panic… …a fleet-ing vengeance …… “ don’t take this personally”…… “ you have TWO choices”…… “ get your bloody head out the sand”…… “it’s crumbling around your feet”……… “ baby ‘ what baby?”…… “we’re gonna need a bigger Bank”…… 🎼” if I was a rich man”🎼
Riddle Number Two on October 7, 2019 1735 CST
lets move on!!!!
Time to move on and restart life. Put this information out, let the chips fall where they may. I am certain, based on the FIRST riddle today, that Harry is done, he can take no more. Oh my , how will this be handled, l for one would NOT want to , after several years of being a horrible person, want to be on the receiving end of Fleet streets vengeance! How will details , hundreds of them be told or explained to the public, all the things that have been kept secret, the public will perceive being lied to and paying for that wedding, her clothes etc etc etc. Never mind that, the bigger picture of the plot, the backers!
fab unfore-tunate
Fab Four, the original was the Beatles. When madam came on the scene, and video of them, working on a Heads Together, the media, not sure which, dubbed them the Fab Four. As we know their offices have separated as well as their charities also.Rumours of dodgy money being missing from the charity. They are completely separate in every way now, at least publicly, this has caused an uproar because of madam spending and the varied rumours surrounding merching, and hobbies, and other things that have been on fire today! So much beloved was Harry , everyone wanted him to have the dream of family come true. His madam is loathed, that’s putting it mildly. There is so much public distress at seeing the boys, l will forever call them the boys, break up, fight and publicly sever ties.
pre tour panic
Have unexpected security issues arisen on the upcoming tour to Pakistan of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge scheduled for October 14-18/2019?
We know security is a major issue, as in the memo it stated this is their most complex Royal tour to date. I will keep them in prayer. This tour is essential in continuing relationships building.
a fleet-ing vengeance
Remember Fleet Street, how l explained that in a riddle the other day. MM ANON, l take this as the sh** is going to hit the fan imminently, l have felt an agitation inside for several days. Will they lay bare, pun intended, EVERYTHING they have in the dossier. OH PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PULL THE HANDLE LET IT ALL SPILL OUT!! It’s time! Harry is at the end of what he can take! SO ARE WE! How this will all be done and handled l have no clue but it’s going to be earth shattering across the U.K., the Commonwealth, the EU, whilstBrexit is so precarious, and the world too. I cannot fathom how HMTQ is feeling and how and when to proceed!
“ don’t take this personally”
So who is not to take this personally? This clue mystifies me. My head is so full, is this relating to BOJO non-apology, in that he regrets what happened with Parliament? That HMTQ being tricked, she shouldn’t take that personally because he was trying to get his own agenda through, the Courts over-ruled him. Of course she is going to take this personally! She needs to be able to trust the PM! BOJO , according to the paper, if there is a noncon vote and he is ousted as PM, he will refuse to leave No. 10 unless in handcuffs. So, yes, BOJO HMTQ is taking it bloody personally!
“ you have TWO choices”…
Two choices, go quietly or a fight will ensue. l remember professionally saying this many times. Cooperate or things will be enforced. In this case confess, plead guilty or not guilty. Is arrest imminent, are these two choices?? Oh please , make it so, to quote Captain Jean-Luc Picard! Are the choices, leave the U.K. of face charges. I can’t see that totally but then again a lot of money laundering trials have brought down mob bosses.That song should l stay or should l go now? Is blaring through my head!!
“ get your bloody head out the sand”
Whose got their head in the sand on this? This is definitely PP, might he be taking a stern tone with HMTQ? Action needs to be taken imminently, the press are on the precipice of unloading a ton of very very bad things. It would be easier, although none of this will be easier, but it would be easier if HMTQ gave a public video, like Christmas Day, and as she did with Diana. If they can publicly get ahead of the media, might soften the blow. Perhaps announce a separation, then the press can go hog wild. Either way it’s going to be Annus Horibilus on steroids!!!
“it’s crumbling around your feet”…
The love and loyalty towards Harry is doing exactly that, crumbling around him. If things continue and madam resumes appearances in the U.K. or joint appearances , PARDON THE PUN🤣🤣🤣😂 joint🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 sorry, l need a laugh, this is a tough riddle and the second one of the day!the reception will be vile, also possibly dangerous, such is the loathing at this point. This is having an effect on the entire BRF . The continuing question, why doesn’t HMTQ do something. Thank God for the Cambridges.
“ baby ‘ what baby?”
Oh are we going to play ignorant know?use those fabulous acting skills. I never had a baby, never was pregnant what are you talking about all innocent? Whose baby was that in SA? His or her photo will go down in history as being passed off as a royal baby.This could also be read, as to a lover, baby( name for lover), what baby? Many many people knew it was a fake pregnancy, surrogate used but whose egg and whose male DNA was used? Was it done in SA. Or was that a rent-a-baby? This is all so seedy makes my skin crawl with disgust!
“we’re gonna need a bigger Bank”
Again with the Jaws reference🤨. MM ANON DO I GET A TREAT FIR WORKING OVERTIME DIING TWO RIDDLES IN ONE DAY?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂This hacking lawsuit is going to cost tens of millions, however it may well possibly reveal the identities, the length of time, what they did with the information they gathered,and was it a bad actor or actors who did this. Now when l use the term bad actor, it has nothing to do with movies or tv. A bad actor has become the term used when talking about individuals who betray their country, spy, commit crimes etc, it cal also be a foreign national also. . Has that decision been rescinded, just to pay her off, she can leave go back to U.S. I don’t know, there are alleged crimes, the British people and Commonwealth who haven’t taken the time to look below for the facts still loathe her. How this will all play out without totally destroying the Monarchy l do not know.
As far as paying madam to go, there was a one time deal offered before the wedding, it was allegedly accepted but changed her mind and went ahead with the unhappy day. Is there a chance they have decided to offer again just to leave, the legal case she filed is her problem. Any potential legal problems, or illegal acts that may have been committed and money owed on taxes, all her problem. I can hardly think after all this they would cave in, I HOPE NOT!
… 🎼” if I was a rich man”🎼
I have been singing since l saw this clue. This is from the musical Fiddler on The Roof! The entire song, sang and performed by a poor beggar man living on the slums but he had a fiddle AKA a violin. The whole entirety of the lyrics are him imagining being a man of fantastic wealth and the houses he would build, the life he would live, endless time to do whatever you want, buy whatever you want, just completely unencumbered. This is how many see the royals. Harry especially has taken unbelievable backlash for his spouses extravagant clothes spending, repeated use of private jet, the perception of being preached at regarding climate change . The last straw for the media was that blasting furiously letter , that accompanied the information that he had filed in court, directed at the media after what had by and part, in comparison with the other behaviour was a positively reported visit to various countries in Africa! The last snap though, was his perceived treatment of Rhiannon Mills of Sky News when he scolded her, as some saw things, watch the video, decide for yourself!
October 7,2019 1850 hrs
Great job PG! Wow! If I could, one scenario has been they let MM go, and she is taken care of back in the US….so that might be the reference to two choices…she will NOT walk…she will face justice..in UK or in US! Thank you for doing these riddles today! So appreciated!😊💜💜💜💜💜💜
It could be any, l am exhausted after two riddles, the last one being extremely difficult in how to word things without opening oneself up to legal issues and to not offend etc etc etc. As for Fiddler on the Roof, l deliberately not bring up his ethnicity because sometimes people do not like that, l bend over backwards, metaphorically, TO NOT UPSET ANYONE or be perceived as judgemental etc. My brain 🧠 is tired, my words aren’t flowing right. GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦 I do my best, give my all, we all work together. 💜💜🐼🙏🏻🙏🏻🐼💜💜 Thank you 🐼 for creating this wonderful place💜💜💜🐼🙏🏻🙏🏻🐼💜💜🐼😊😊🐼👋🐼💜
Source: skippyv20
80: oct 9
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
MM Anon
MM ANON … fab two ‘ future Queen……future king …… also rans …… three weddings and a refusal …… Archie-bargy …… a dog with no name …… silent screaming past…… 🎼” there may be trouble ahead “🎼…… “ if I tell you ‘ I’d have to…… “…… everyone is scarfing …… (another private flight)…… Branson island … Mail on payday… … “ please boo the buggers”
October 9/2019 0105 hrs CST
SORRY l am so late, l had a rest day😊💜
fab two ‘ future Queen
Well who on earth could this possibly be referencing 🤣🤣🤣? Of course it is our beloved Cambridge’s, Their HRH Duke and Duchess! Who needs a Fab Four, when we have the FAB TWO? They are brilliant. The Royal tour to Pakistan (unless something happened whilst l slept the day away, haven’t read the news) will be a Master Class in how a Royal, representing HMTQ, conducts oneself. Catherine, HRH The Duchess of Cambridge has fully come into her own, in this role and it’s been marvellous to watch her bloom. I think some of us kind of took her for granted until we saw the horrors of the other one. She will make a brilliant Queen Consort, once the time comes.
future king
This could be referencing Prince Charles, Prince William or Prince George. Are we not blessed to live in a time with three future kings? Amazing! Given the pending Royal tour representing HMTQ in Pakistan 🇵🇰, l believe this is referencing HRH Prince William. He too, has come into his own, fabulous, loving supportive wife, they have a beautiful healthy family. Their minds are sound and are raising well rounded children. We will se William, on this tour, conducting himself above reproach, and can envision him well in his penultimate role as His Majesty, when the time comes.
also rans
Let’s head to our favourite friend google for a few definitions, a loser in a race or other contest, especially by a large margin, OR, PAY ATTENTION KIDS😁an undistinguished or unsuccessful person or thing. Now let’s just skip past the first one and jump on the second definition. Undistinguished person, BOJO fits, only because he manipulated HMTQ, but we’re not political. I know without a lot of explaining or elaboration because you have all been passengers on the Skipoy🐼 train, you know of many undistinguished deeds that are public, just you wait Henry Higgins, just you wait, sorry l jumped into a My Fair Lady song 🤣🤣😂😂, can’t help myself!
three weddings and a refusal
Three wedding and a Funeral, the write of that film, Richard Curtis, is working with Catherine on a mental health campaign, l can’t recall what it’s called just now. Anyhow this is three weddings and a refusal. William and Catherine, Harry and her, Eugene’s and Jack, whose the refusal? Are we referencing CD? She goes way back, but …..but…..but…… l am saying no more!
Is this boss Prince Louis’ name for Archie or the other Cambridge children? We know twitter calls a baby bubs 🤮🤮Or is it LG? Not joking at all about a real child but at the persona created for this infamous fauxmegnancy, fauxmegbirth, fauxmegworld, etc etc etc etc.
a dog with no name
I know , my friend, rescued greyhounds from the racetracks in America where they were , can’t say it, but used and abused, and brought them to Canada. This is a well known animal/humanitarian organization that rescues a variety of animals. The title literally, it means they want no dog to not have a name. When an animal has a name, it gives them meaning, they’re smart they know what their name is and respond to it, maybe not always the way we want🤣🤣😂😂, but they do? So who is the dog with no name in the human form , is it the victims of JE? The ones that have come forth have a name. I know there has to be many more, unnamed to us at this time. Or worse will never be known. When you see and hear VRG speak and tell of her experience it adds the real humanity factor, it takes it from words on paper or hidden abstract to literal, in your face truth! I pray for all the victims of human trafficking known and unknown 🙏🏻.
silent screaming past
Does anyone recall the documentary The Silent Scream? I most certainly do, its about abortion. I wonder who this might be about? I have long suspected there might have been several of those in the past of someone.
🎼” there may be trouble ahead “🎼
But music and dancing, MY ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE PAUR , THANK YOU MM ANON FOR THIS CLUE. Memories, Fred Estaire singing this, dancing with the unbelievablly gorgeous Ginger Rogers. Fred used to say, or was it Ginger, no, matter, he was talented, but she was amazing because she had to do everything backwards and in heels🤣🤣😂😂.Now interpretation, let’s face the music, it means face your reward but more often it’s face your punishment and own up to what you have done wrong. Here we have it, PA, it’s time for him to not dance but face the music. Sounding like an order from up top has been given, he must comply with authorities, be interviewed, be truthful! Face the music!
“ if I tell you ‘ I’d have to…… “
This is an old saying, does anyone remember the spoof spy show Get Smart? Hilarious, l grew up watching that, about spy who goofed up, had a phone in the sole of his shoe?🤣🤣😂😂 Anyone, the saying is, if l tell you, I will have to kill you. My oh my oh my, what secrets are held, l certainly wouldn’t want to be in this position! But who is!
everyone is scarfing
William adjusting his scarf to avoid interacting with madam, has taken on a life of its own online🤣🤣🤣😂😂. We know, the entire BRF, to the public, is scarfing, the Harry, and her, l believe 100% behind the scenes, there is plenty of love and support for Harry to get through this horror!
(another private flight)
Have they taken another private flight? And to where? Necker Island?? Or points beyond? I think they any public appearance in the U.K. now would be disastrous especially for a narcissist. I wonder how Prince Harry’s appearances on the 10th for International Mental Health Day will go? I do so hope that he is well received 🙏🏻🙏🏻.
Branson island
Sir Kenneth Branson owns his own island as well in the Caribbean, he calls it Necker Island. Do you recall the horrible fire that occurred there a few years back? Kate Winslett, the actress literally went in and rescued either his mum or grandmother. No matter, this island has been a getaway for many celebrities and royals for years. Is there a connection with JE and his island?
Mail on payday
Ha ha, when the storms blows in, they will get a massive payday, of that l am certain. In public opinion, the DM comments are full of loathing and anger, they sometimes have comments that things are not appearing ie comments or they vanish. When the story(or stories, truth) are published ad revenues and sales will skyrocket!!
“ please boo the buggers”
PP voicing his approval for this to happen when a certain couple or individual appears in an official capacity or not, just do as he said!!! Now that would be above Camilla’s video begging help! Help! 🙃🤣🤣🤣
Submitted October 9/2019 0204 hrs CST
Thank you dear PG! This again looks interesting…oh what fun lies ahead! Thank you, much appreciated!😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
81: Oct. 9
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
October 9/2019 1500 hrs CST
MM Anon
MM ANON …… “ sorry, not today thank you “…… never EVER explain …… “what happens in house, stays in-house”. ……a special briefing …… another cover-up?…… … glowing anticipation …… special forces …… “unprecedented care”…… a very tired PR …… public appearance nerves …… “we’ll pay you handsomely”…… “she’ll do it or suffer the consequences”
“ sorry, not today thank you “
Jeremy Corbyn, Labour leader, has said today, that the Queen should appoint him as PM if BOJO loses a non-confidence vote. Firstly HMTQ does not appoint leaders, they are elected by the public. So sorry, Mr. Corbyn, not today, thank you.
never EVER explain
Since the Queen mum was Queen, it has been the motto of the way the Royal family has dealt with any rumours or gossip about themselves or their work. Never complain, never explain. This has an extra ever, all caps. So MM ANON is telling us , when this happen, as things unfold legally or with the marriage, there will be a considerable amount of things that will not ever EVER be explained to us. We must prepare for that. They have been playing this game a long time and are champions, the Crown never loses. So we ask ourselves how will things come out, what will happen to madam or Archie, lots of things will remain classified, this is a big thump warning us!
“what happens in house, stays in-house”.
The saying what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. In other words, confidentiality and discretion are key. So whatever may be observed or noted by staff they cannot talk about outside of the house they work in, be it KP, BP, Windsor Castle etc etc. I think LG is running a tight ship, we are nearing the destination of an endpoint in this masquerade and he wants no leaks out , no warning at all of their plans, lest their attackers use that information. Perhaps in reference to Richard Palmer?
a special briefing
Did the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge receive a special briefing regarding their upcoming Royal tour? It would be very important that they be aware of exactly everything that is planned, possible changes and security issues.
another cover-up?
What on earth could this be referencing? Is this related to PA and his connection with JE? There are some conflicting facts that l have read in different articles. The latest l read, was that New York visit, when he was at JE mansion, the purpose of that visit was to end his friendship due to JE arrests and crimes/pedophelia in Florida. Now one would think a simple phone call would suffice. At the time this first arose he denied having been intimate with VRG, the Palace statement reflected that, Met case closed. Many people feel that was washed away. Now it’s come back, he is still denying having been intimate, VRG is sticking firm with her story. And then there is that pesky photograph!!! Is there something else being cleverly hidden? I surely hope not and for HMTQ sake, l wish PA would do the right thing and cooperate. He will drag his feet l am sure, he’s done so thus far.
glowing anticipation
They say women who are pregnant have a special glow about them. Are we anticipating an announcement?? Who could it be? Princess Eugenie, to me, is the most likely candidate. That would be simply marvellous news!
special forces
Is this related to the Pakistan 🇵🇰 Royal tour? I very well think it might be, the security risk is high, we have high ranking royals, and ongoing assessment, along with tightly kept destinations and places they will visit. Safety first!
“unprecedented care”
Is this medical/emotional care for Harry after returning from Africa? Is that the type of care meant here? Or is there unprecedented care and concern expressed for HMTQ and PP through this incredibly stressful time, adding Her Speech to the House this Monday, October 14/2019. Or more concerning yet is this regarding HMTQ or PP health? I think ultimately this means, the Pakistan 🇵🇰 tour, they are undertaking their most complex tour, as per statement on the tour stated, and security and their staff are taking unprecedented care and implementing measures to ensure safety, security and a very successful Royal tour and relationship building.
a very tired PR
I am sure the Palace PR staff are beyond exhausted as madams numerous PR firms are at it, and being well paid. Tired can also mean blah, sedate, uninteresting, repetitive, and that’s what her PR is, the same fantastical stories, fabricated and dull.
public appearance nerves …
Harry will make his first official day of events tomorrow, to recognize October 10/2019 International Mental Health Day. I imagine he is a bundle of nerves given all that has happened on and since his last day in Africa. Not scheduled but l wonder if madam will gatecrash or attempt to.
“we’ll pay you handsomely”
Are they purchasing a video, l thought certain they already had it. Perhaps there is more information from past or lost years on offer, l am certain there would be no doubt if it was authentic and verifiable it would be purchased. Usually when the term pay you handsomely is used, it’s kind of like someone keeps your secret or in tv/film, it’s a private detective digging up dirt and gets rewarded handsomely for his work. MM ANON, l would love to know where some of these clues come from,,they can go many ways and some l can’t figure out!!
“she’ll do it or suffer the consequences”
They need madam to do something or appear at some royal event, but she’s terrified of the crowd, if there is a crowd, of whomever is there, what their response will be. There is to be no discussion, she must do this! I just wish l had a clue what ‘this’ was!
Submitted October 9/2019 1605 hrs CST
Thank you dear PG! Things are sure getting interesting. Again…in awe of your riddle skills! So appreciated😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
Oct 9th, 2019
82: Oct. 10
It’s Thanksgiving weekend, we have a massive snowstorm that is supposed to go until Saturday 🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
MM Anon
MM ANON ……corespondents under the radar …… “MA to MM”…… 🎼” gimme a ticket for an aeroplane”🎼…… “ my baby wrote me a letter” “ I’ve seen the contents of several”…… ‘ thank you LG.”…… “were in need of another f#@ing hole”…… Sheeran a common problem ……” drag her along ‘ your joking”… not seen’ not heard, GOOD!!!!…… Christmas 🧣 scarfs …… 🎼Back in the USA”🎼…… “friends thou hast and their adoption tried ”…(very trying!!!)
October 10/2019
1430 hrs CST
corespondents under the radar
Oh dear oh my, madam, and creepy eyes guy have kept in touch. I can only imagine the level of filth, schemings and depravity in those conversations, emails, snail mails, after all she is a calligrapher, roll eyes now. Well this is very interesting!
“MA to MM”
Hmmmm sound abbreviated, oh they’re so clever those kids, surely no one would recognize those initials and connect them back to those two!! I truly wonder what he has been up to, was he the last guest at Misha NoNoo wedding who arrived in big car, huge hat and coat, immediately surrounded by guards protecting him. Where has he been? Good gracious l have a zillion questions needing answered!!
🎼” gimme a ticket for an aeroplane”🎼
Old song, l know the song, looked on google for the performer, never heard before but they are called the Box Tops. The lyrics are all about someone desperately longing to be with their baby again, because a letter was received. l think baby is lover, not a baby baby🤣🤣. I think she’s begging him to send her a ticket to leave London !! Anyway anyhow before next week!! To avoid that public appearance? Running scare are we Rachel?
“ my baby wrote me a letter” “ I’ve seen the contents of several”
It’s lyrics from the same song as previous clue . Letters, plural, the plot thickens. I shall, out of respect for LG, assume that all of their contacts and interactions in every way shape or form, have been well monitored and documented. LG, were l wearing a 🎩 hat, l would take it off to you sir! You played her brilliantly!!
‘ thank you LG.”
Just what l was thinking and just typed. I am sure many have been thanking him, he has played the long game and has won. The timer isn’t out yet, but there is no way for her to win. I think this may be HMTQ speaking to LG. He has returned to serve HMTQ, serving her until the end!
“were in need of another f#@ing hole”
Oh dear, oh dear, how much more horrible trash about madam are they having to bury because it’s so extreme? I know there is so much that will need to be kept classified , buried if you like, for the BRF to recover. What on earth is all going on? There is so much unknown and the British people, all of us who care, are at the end.
Sheeran a common problem
Ed Sheehan, who has massive problems with his neighbors and his building things, that’s a whole other topic. Ed Sheehan , the musician, did a clever bit of humour, GINGERS UNITE🤣🤣😂😂. But in all seriousness, today is International Mental Health Day, Sheehan is a play on the word sharing a common problem. They both have experienced times of depression and feel the strong need to destigmatize it. Whilst here it’s a massive winter storm, as l type this, my power has been out for a good hour, good thing l saved the riddle and charged the iPad. BUT I AM FREEZING 🥶!
I just called the power, they said so many outages they have no idea when it will return😩😩😫😫😖😖I AM 🥶 COLD!!!
” drag her along ‘ your joking”
Prince Harry and madam are due to attend the Well Child benefit October 15/2019. I assume madam has zero or less than zero, great film by the way, l digress, interest in doing anything remotely public for fear of what could happen. Booing, throwing rotten tomatoes? This was referred to in yesterday’s riddle. Harry has been told to drag her along if she refuses to go. He is being given firm order on what he is to do. In no way, shape or form, will she be allowed to NOT attend!
not seen’ not heard, GOOD!!!!
There is an old saying, children should be seen and not heard. With madam, who doesn’t posses a gram of maternal instinct, this is her delight, she can do whatever she wants, a doll can be ignored. However l truly believe this is how the British people and people around the Commonwealth and the world are elated not to see or hear her word salad speeches. Hence the all caps, exclamation marks GOOD!!!
Christmas 🧣 scarfs
I wonder if this is going to be a gag gift, l know it has taken a life of its own online! This truly, l believe means, if madam is still around at Christmas, she will be “scarfed” from any Royal family Christmas dinners etc. A general, familywide scarfing, the ultimate! 🧣
🎼Back in the USA”🎼
Old song, classic Chuck Berry, fabulous when no computers for instruments, guitars were needed. This song is entirely about someone returning home to America, describing the sites and sounds of various places. Madam is deeply homesick and wants to go home. Yet she wants a massive celebrity life and fame. She has become infamous, history will tell of this. I think l have said this before but she may just end up in a massive, massive very expensive fully staffed home. However, the home may have locks but she gets no key to it!
“friends thou hast and their adoption tried ”
Shakespeare again MM ANON , again to my favourite , Hamlet. I will share the entire piece.
“Those friends thou hast, and their adoption tried,
Grapple them to thy soul with hoops of steel;
But do not dull thy palm with entertainment
Of each new-hatch’d, unfledg’d comrade.”
Loyal friends, keep them as close as you can. Hold onto them, deeply in your very soul. This can be healthy or a very sick relationship. This is mm and ma, they are interwoven in each other, evil purpose, money, lust, filth, disgust. The hoops of steel MM ANON has challenged us with this before. My, my, my , are these two, who have been bound by this sick relationship going to be bound by hoops of steel aka handcuffs at the end of the day?? Oh l hope so. I want all this filth gone!! Banished!
(very trying!!!)
October 10/2019 1700 hrs CST
Thank you dear PG….so sorry about the power outage….the west suffer through these often…….Then again so does the east! The joys of Canada fall/winter. I’m just sorry you are so cold. We too have snow. This riddle is now tying the connection to MA and MM….as is our new Anon…Emails, sexting, and videos. So, we can expect more on the pair! Thank you dear PG, I know it’s been a battle for you today, so much appreciated!🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
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