veilblight · 1 year
i possess the face of a guy who knows street names & public transport
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wisssp · 20 days
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Whistling in the Dark
again: this is a Weasley twins x oc piece, if you don't like it-don't read it(:
female reader; first person pov; slow burn; smut; minors-DNI
wc: 1,387
Chapter 4
The party had come to an end, Paige and I being the last two guests over. We had agreed to help the boys clean up, due to losing a bet. We put on some good music and sped up the cleaning process to the best of our ability. We tied off the last couple trash bags and saw the clock was right at 3 in the morning.
"Do you two just want to stay here for the remainder of the night?" Harry's voice pipes up with the simple question that he wasn't aware was extremely weighted. The tension thickened the air instantly when Paige spoke up.
"I don't see why that would be an issue. Lee, you game?" I looked at her completely shocked that she asked zero questions.
"Where would we sleep? I don't want to wake up to your pervy house mates watching me sleep." I cross my arms over my chest and look at everyone expectantly.
"You can crash with us, Lady Bird, and Paige can crash with Ronald. Boom. Problem solved." George throws everyone a thumbs up and starts making his way up the stairs to his room. Paige looked at me and shrugged, also making her way up the stairs. I guess i'm the only one that thinks this is a recipe for disaster. I reach the bottom of the stairs when Fred appears next to me.
"After you." He motions up the stairs with his hand and a sly smirk dances on his lips. I start walking up, his eyes burning a hole through my dress. I then arrive at their door and turn the handle as quietly as I can. Once I close the door behind me, I turn to be welcomed with the mixed scents of smoke and cinnamon. I see various reds and greens strewn across the room, differentiating their things. I also see George fixing up a makeshift bed with a ton of blankets.
"So Lady Bird, you'll be in my bed and i'll be on the floor." Fred guides me toward his side of the room and smiles at me warmly.
"Unless you get too cold and want some body heat." George looks up at me and winks. I laugh and roll my eyes in response. As i'm about to ask for some pajamas, Fred throws a shirt and some boxers my way. I thank him and move to the bathroom to change. I quickly get dressed and go make myself comfortable in my bed for the night.
"Thanks for sleeping on the floor, Fred." I express to the darkness.
"Uh huh." he responds.
"Fred are you really upset?" George laughs.
"It's cold down here and my bed is soft." Fred pouts while we continue to laugh.
"You offered this, I don't know what you want from me." I shrug even though he can't see me.
"I know what he wants from you-" I hear George start before he's cut off by a loud smack, followed by a tiny 'ow'. I giggle at their nonsense and bid them goodnight, slowly drifting off to sleep.
I open my eyes and quickly understand it's still the middle of the night, however my bladder doesn't have any concept of time. After I relieve myself, I carefully tip toe over to the bed when I accidentally kick the fuck out of Fred. I fell to my knees and pressed my palms against him, profusely apologizing. He's lightly chuckling at me and reassuring that he's okay when I go to get up. He grabs my ankle.
"Can I please share the bed with you? It really sucks down here." Fred is practically pleading. I can't blame him, considering I just kicked him. On the other hand, I want to have fun with this.
"You have to ask me from your knees."
"Are you fucking mad?" He stares at me.
"Have fun on the ground, Weasley." I sit on the side of the bed.
"Wait, hold on." He grabs my ankle once again and slides over in front of me. His hands drift up my legs and land high up on my thighs. He lifts himself to his knees as his hands trail up my sides. At this moment, we are eye to eye thanks to the foot's difference in our height. He pushes my hair behind my ear and leans in towards me.
"May I..." he whispers and his lips meet my neck.
"Please..." kiss.
"Sleep with..." kiss.
"You." another kiss.
No longer able to control myself, I grab his face in my hands and bring his lips to mine. He tastes slightly of vanilla which makes me weak in the knees. He hovers over me and places his hand under my back, moving us towards the headboard. His lips move softly against mine, bringing a small moan from the back of my throat. He starts kissing my chest and inching his way up my neck, placing hickeys along the way. He then grips the back of my neck with his other hand and bites my lower lip, kissing me hard.
This lights a fire in me and guides me to flip us over so I'm straddling him. I remove my shirt and he continues to run his hands down my body, leaving a trail of fire wherever he touches. I moan into his mouth as I start to fumble with the waistband of his boxers. He begins to smile into the kiss as he grabs my hand, moving it away. I pull out of the kiss.
"What's wrong?" I whisper.
"I really think we've both had a lot to drink and need to slow down here." He lightly chuckles. I pull back, almost offended at the statement after he just begged to get in this bed with me.
"If that's how you feel i'm not arguing with you." I get off of him and turn my back to him, pulling the covers up around my neck.
"You can sleep here but if I feel you even so much as breathe on me, i'm pushing you on the floor." I mumble towards the wall.
"I'm real sorry Lady Bird, I didn't mean to piss you off." He almost sounded concerned, but I really couldn't give less of a fuck to be honest.
"Please, Frederick. I'm trying to sleep." I try to get him to stop talking and leave me be.
"Lee, i'm serious i'm not trying to offend you." He goes to place a hand on my arm, but I quickly put a pillow between us, making him draw his arm back rather quickly.
"Fred. Shut the fuck up. Please." I really just don't want to talk about it anymore at this point.
"Seriously? Lee, come on now." He once again goes to grab my arm.
"Fred I am not fucking around. I will push you off of this bed." I glare at him over my shoulder. He finally lays down flat on his back.
"Merlin, Fred. She only had to ask you to stop about seventy times." George pipes up from a few feet away, followed by another loud smack and a small 'ow'. I smile a bit at the wall. I start getting comfortable, when moments later I realize I can't sleep.
Did I come on too strong? Is he not as attracted to me as I think he is? Am I obsessed with him?
So many questions and thoughts are running through my head, making it even harder for me to relax. I then feel a calloused hand grab onto my upper thigh, pulling me backward. My back hits a toned chest and I then realize that the pillow is gone.
I feel a soft kiss on the top of my head as his arms wrap around me tightly. I'm still upset but I'm too tired to push him away.
"You seriously don't know how long i've waited to kiss you again. I am very grateful for the opportunity." I feel another kiss on the top of my head, followed by a deep inhale and sigh.
"G'night Lady bird. Sweetest dreams."
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serafiel-jacobs · 5 months
Dire Machinations (Fanfic)
New chapter from my main series đŸ©·
“Hey, Pulcinella can you do me a favor?”
He was at the Workshop Union attending to his work issues when one of the secretaries asked for his help.
“Of course” He replied, “What do you wish me to do miss?”
The girl chuckled, “You are always so polite”
She pointed at a garbage bag that was next to her, “Anyway I’m tasked with throwing away the trash but I just did my nails and a girl like me shouldn’t have to do them for something like this”
The girl had a big smile, technically he is the one who throws the trash every day because they all ask this favor.
“Can you help me out please?”
“As usual, I am happy to provide my services” Pulcinella doesn’t mind, it’s what makes their bond stronger with them. It’s good to have strong work relationships.
Meanwhile, Venigni was in a meeting, thankfully the last he would need to for his show-off transportation modes at the Grand Exhibition.
“How odd, where is Geppetto?” One of the workers asked, the meeting was about to start.
Geppetto is the president of the union, he should be in all meetings tending to this matter, once each project is given the final go, he personally has to handle the arrangements for its show-off at the exhibitions alongside the marketing department.
“He had family matters to attend to” Venigni replied.
Pinocchio is in a therapy session, and so is Geppetto.
“Can we finally admit he is overcompensating?” Another man in the room said, “Carlo died and he wasn't the best father but a puppet doesn’t need that much attention”
“Don’t say things like that” Another coworker said, “Yeah it’s just a puppet but if Geppetto thinks it's his family we have to respect that”
Venigni rolled his eyes, even when they weren’t rude to Pinocchio they still only saw him as an object.
“Can we go back to the topic at hand?” Venigni wasn’t in the mood for work drama, “Geppetto trusts that we can plan this by ourselves, shouldn’t we be flattered?”
Everyone took their seats, the meeting went on without issue, and everything seemed to go well, Venigni was leaving the union early to manage the hospital, and then he had to show up to an event, in his mind running the list of things he needed to do today when he overheard something that made him gasp.
“You know I heard that Geppetto is skipping work in the morning some days because he goes to see a psychiatrist”
Venigni stopped in his tracks, overhearing the conversation while pretending he was more focused on looking for some papers before leaving.
“Are you serious? Sure it’s weird that he treats that puppet at his son, but to think he is actually crazy
Venigni needs to inform Geppetto of this before it gets out of hand, for now, he can’t keep neglecting his responsibilities, Pulcinella can handle the rest while he is here.
Pinocchio was playing the violin at Antonia’s home, Geppetto was leaving him with her in the meantime so they could spend some time together.
“Nothing has happened to you, right? Nothing suspicious?” Geppetto was concerned that she could be targeted.
“It seems this King of Riddles isn’t interested in me in the slightest” Antonia chuckled, “Perhaps if he wasn’t a ruthless killer, I would be offended”
How do you not pay attention to THE Lady Antonia? She steals the show in every room she is in, she is a prima donna without having to sing.
“Good” Geppetto let out a sigh of relief, “He wanted to see you today, with how stressed he has been, I’m sure you can do a better job than me to cheer him up”
Antonia laughed, “You know there is talk going on that we are seeing each other?”
He hadn’t heard about it, although it makes sense considering how he spends more time with her than before due to Pinocchio, considering how many know she sees the boy as a son is not too far-fetched to believe that, unlike other rumors.
“That’s great, more cover for you and Polendina” Geppetto joked, “I am amazed that one has suspended a thing”
“I am good at hiding my secrets” Antonia smiled, “As usual, I’ll take good care of the boy as he takes good care of me”
Pinocchio practiced music with her, it’s always special when he can be at her home and not at Hotel Krat. The hotel will always be a treasured place for him, but considering how it’s filled with people now that are back in business it doesn’t seem as personal anymore.
They were having small talk, when Pinocchio became quiet, looking away from her.
“What’s wrong dear?”
It’s probably naive of him to ask this, still, “Why doesn’t he feel bad about killing people?”
He feels bad for killing, Cecile also feels bad, why doesn’t Arlecchino feel bad? Why didn’t Simon feel bad? Frederick is probably killing people too why doesn’t he feel bad?
“I know it’s because they are evil” Pinocchio continued, “Is that the only reason? Why are people evil?”
Antonia noticed that no one had properly explained it to him, they all assumed he would know.
“Pinocchio, everyone is supposed to have a conscience” Antonia knew this subject would be tough to explain, “A conscience is like your guide”
“Like Sophia or Gemini?”
“Mmm sort of like that” Antonia smiled, “Something that sets you on the right path, that teaches you right from wrong, since no one is born knowing that from the start”
Pinocchio nodded, he was understanding.
“Everyone has their ideals of what’s right and what’s wrong, most are not black and white, everyone has their own thoughts and experiences that shape them” Antonia pauses for a moment, thinking about what to say next, “For example do you think someone is a bad person for stealing?”
“Well yes, stealing is bad”
“But what if they stole food to feed their family?”
Pinocchio had never thought about something like that, “I don’t think they are, they only wanted to help, they probably had no choice”
“I agree with you,” Antonia said, “There are people that will disagree, we could be here all day debating what circumstances could as good or bad, my point is
Pinocchio had her full attention by this point.
“That most will shape their conscience over time, however, some people or puppets in the case of Arlecchino don’t have one”
“Why not?” Pinocchio asked innocently.
“I don’t know” Antonia touched his hand to make him feel reassured, “Some say that there are those who aren’t born with one, some say others lose them while growing up”
“Whatever the reason is, those who don’t have a conscience, don’t feel bad about the bad things they do, despite knowing that what they do is wrong”
She tells him how it’s different if someone does something wrong yet believes they were justified, that person believed they did the right thing. But some do bad things, knowing they will hurt others on purpose.
“In fact, many of them also feel good about the things they do, The King of Riddles likes to torment Venigni, because he has nothing that makes him feel bad for what he is doing”
Pinocchio had questions, “Can someone like that grow a conscience?”
“Well, if you ask me
 I don’t” She doubted that someone who has committed such atrocities could suddenly feel bad, “But don’t take my word for it, I could be wrong”
Pinocchio does think that his mother has to be wrong, Cecile is a good person, despite everything she did.
Can Arlecchino become a good person? Or rather, a good puppet in his case.
Pinocchio doesn’t feel he can, but doesn’t that mean he is being a hypocrite for giving a pass to Cecile and not him? But Cecile does everything she can to somehow mend her mistakes, she is a caring person, and Arlecchino doesn’t care.
Antonia laughed, that’s when Pinocchio realized his springs were sounding loud due to all the overthinking.
“It’s good you are thinking about it” Antonia gently played with his hair, “It’s always good to have different perspectives when it comes to these sorts of situations”
“Can I ask something?” Pinocchio looked uncomfortable, “Even if they feel bad, that doesn’t take away what they did right?”
Antonia knew where this was going.
“So does that mean that I’m
” That he is a killer, he hurt all those people, he is a bad boy because of what he did.
“Dear that’s completely different, killing because you enjoy it and killing to defend yourself or save others is not the same thing” Antonia went on, “A killer is someone who hurts others on purpose, without justification, you were never a killer”
Pinocchio for the first time since this is talked about, doesn’t feel like crying. He doesn’t blame himself, he doesn’t think is evil. He of course still has remorse, yet now he can truly understand he wasn’t being malicious as he always thought.
“I really should have a talk with your father and everyone else about the things we should have taught you from the start”
What else is he still missing about life that they never taught him?
Antonia hugged her son, “While you are here, how about we catch up on topics like that? It’s my duty as your mother”
Pinocchio hugged her back, giving her a warm smile.
“Polendina darling” Antonia let go and called for him, “Can you please fetch us some sweets that I can give to my dear boy?”
Pinocchio smiled even wider, yes he loves sweets!
Hours passed, and it was almost time for the workers at the factory to leave when Venigni suddenly came back to the union, Geppetto greeted him at the break room.
“I finished my tasks earlier” Venigni was pleased with himself, “Now where is Pulcinella? I must speak with him”
“I haven’t seen him all day, I’ve been so busy supervising” Geppetto did find it unusual, however so much was on his mind.
Something was wrong when everyone started saying how they hadn’t seen him either.
“Mmm I saw him this morning” The same secretary chimed in, “He helped me take out the trash, I haven’t seen him since”
It was outside near the garbage disposal that they found the note, Arlecchino had taken him captive, leaving a location behind.
Venigni almost fainted, Geppetto had to hold him so that he wouldn’t lose balance, he was living his worst nightmare, it didn’t take long for Pinocchio to arrive, they needed to go to the set place, at the set time, they ended up arriving just in time, it was an abandoned testing facility, going inside, only the room they were in was illuminated, there was a door to the left that was shut with an electrified lock and one to the right that could be opened, the front of the room had a big reinforced window panel, but due to the darkness seeing what was on the other side was impossible.
The instructions were clear.
The three of them had to be present no one else, Venigni and Geppetto had to stay at the entrance, they couldn’t leave once they were inside. The first strange rule was they weren’t allowed to say a word.
For Pinocchio he needed to enter the room to the right, without Gemini, so he handed his friend to his father. His strange rule was that he had to tell the truth.
There would be consequences if the rules weren’t followed, and they weren’t going to question them, Pulcinella’s life was on the line.
Pinocchio firmly grasped his weapon, he knew that inside was a trap and he needed to be prepared.
Nothing could have prepared him for what he faced once he opened the door.
All the rest of the lights turned on, Arlecchino was in the room behind the window, he was holding a taser in his hand, that’s how he ended up overpowering Pulcinella. He was standing next to a control panel on one side of the room.
The room was divided into two different sides, a large metal door divided the two parts.
On the other side was Pulcinella, who was tied up in a chair, the other side was bare, and the walls looked dull and worn out,
That’s when Venigni and Geppetto realized what this place was in the past, why it was so close to the factory, this was where they tested the disposal methods in the past, Pulcinella was in a trash compactor.
Venigni was about to scream at him when Arlecchino put his hand up. Pressing a button so his voice could be heard all across the now abandoned building.
“Remember, no talking” Despite not being able to smile, they could have sworn he had a twisted grin on his face, “Or this happens faster”
Pinocchio had no time to waste, he needed to get to that room, moving across an entire building filled with traps.
Floors were electrified, two more of those strange creatures like the one he faced before jumped him; quickly getting rid of them he opened door after door trying to find his way, this was set up as a labyrinth until he got to one door that was locked when he tried to open it.
“You know I love riddles but let me play with you a new game, Have you heard of Never Have I Ever? Arlecchino instructed Pinocchio to shout his answer as he could only hear and not see him.
“Tell me the damn question now!” This had to be the worst “game” Pinocchio had been forced to play.
“Let’s see mmm
” Arlecchino faked being in deep thought,
“You are such a dutiful son, Such a job well done, However, someone in this room has been an awful liar To continue sincerity is required, I wonder who here present, Will find this truth unpleasant”
Pinocchio could feel his heart racing, this doesn’t seem like a normal riddle. Arlecchino for his part, held up a picture from his side of the room, a picture that showed Pinocchio next to The Black Cat and The Red Fox inside Krat City Hall, a picture taken by the many photographers that day, one that he stole.
“Never have I ever lied to my father about who I hang out with” Arlecchinos's voice was snarky, delighted about getting to pleasure of mocking Pinocchio.
“I have” Pinocchio was furious, so this is why this monster decided to make his father come to the place.
“Correct!” Arlecchino pressed a button, opening the door.
Once in the next area, parts of the floor were missing, holes that would lead to a deep basement area, this part was dimly lit unlike the last one, Pinocchio couldn’t allow himself to fall, he might survive that fall but he would have no way to get back up.
Jumping from one place to the other was easy, the hard part was trying to avoid those knives he hung in the ceiling that would fall with the slightest bit of movement. He had to be more careful opening the doors this time, one of them could make him fall if he wasn’t careful.
Every second was agonizing for Venigni, he felt as if they were going to have a heart attack, he was biting his lip so hard he didn’t realize he was bleeding, Geppetto had to stop him. Unfortunately, he is unable to give him words of comfort this time, even if he could, what can he say in this situation?
Pinocchio made it to the next sealed door, Arlecchino wasn’t happy, Pinocchio was acting faster than he anticipated, and Pulcinella was still too safe for his liking.
Arlecchino proceeded to kneel down and grab something, showing a corpse, the corpse that was in the morgue that had the crude appearance of Carlo. Geppetto covered his mouth so as to not make a sound.
Arlecchino gave a dramatic agonizing pause, “Never have I ever lied to my father about what makes me feel upset”
“I have!” Pinocchio shouted, why is he doing this to his father?! Was tormenting his uncle not enough?!
The next area opened. This was so easy for Arlecchino, just as Cecile told Pinocchio, he was never following him, but he knew that Pinocchio was a liar, that Geppetto's precious son is incapable of telling the truth, so he would give him a lesson about why it's bad to lie to others, specially lying to your father.
Pinocchio was almost sown in half by a saw blade as soon as he entered, he managed to dodge in time, but the place was filled with blades, heavy machinery, and other hazards you would find while working inside a factory.
“You wanna know why it took me so long to finally start toying with you?” Arlecchino casually chimed in, “It’s because my playroom took me so long to build”
Pinocchio opened a door, he jumped backward to avoid another hazard. He used the shield in his legion arm to block the second trap that came after, blocking the blade almost directly hitting him.
“It was all so worth it, I’m having so much fun, wouldn’t the rest of you agree that we are having such a swell time together?”
Pinocchio got the third locked door, by this point, the walls of the trash compactor were getting closer and closer to Pulcinella.
Arlecchino was enraged, so he took an even longer pause, Pinocchio shouting at him to say something before he pulled an alchemist report he stole. Geppetto reads how the alchemists were after his son for ruining his experiment at the cathedral.
“Never have I ever, lied to my father about why I came home late”
“I have!!” Pinocchio was even more enraged than before, he won’t stand for any of this.
The final area, the room was filled with trash, literal piles and piles of trash that blocked the way, he had a hard time finding the doors, and Pinocchio felt something sharp piercing him from time to time. Arlecchino had scattered needles around to make it more painful.
“You are cheating, right? You have to be cheating, someone must have given you a heads-up, and your pathetic father must have realized what this place was before coming, I am right aren’t I?” Arlecchino rambled in fury, “The next one will be different, the next one will be a fun riddle”
Pinocchio ignored his delusional ramblings and found the last locked door, Pulcinella was flinching because the walls were so close to him trying not to think about it. Venigni desperately tried to break the looked left door with no avail, electrocuting himself in the process.
“For this time I shall ask something I asked in the past, Because it remains true no matter how much time has passed, Is Geppetto’s creation a killer? Confess!”
Pinocchio applied all the force he could and used his Legion Arm to punch the door wide open.
“I’M NOT!”
He is not a killer, he is not like him, and he will never be like him or allow him to make him feel that way.
Arlecchino had no time to react, Pinocchio grabbed his weapon and stabbed him right in his chest.
“Press the red button!!!” Venigni and Geppetto shouted frantically at the same time.
The trash compactor was put to a complete halt, all of them couldn’t even feel relief, still running high on adrenaline. Pinocchio got Pulcinella out of there and unlocked the door, his father and uncle rushing to get inside.
Venigni hugged Pulcinella while crying, if Pulcinella could cry he would be crying as well.
“Your hand!” Venigni pointed it out in between sobs.
One of his hands had been slightly damaged, almost crushed by the machine.
“It’s alright,” Pulcinella’s said, “You can fix this, you’ve fixed me from worse”
He was referring to how Fuoco had almost destroyed him.
“You are Lorenzini Venigni the genius inventor, there is nothing you can’t do” Pulicenella used his good hand to wipe away a few of Venigni’s tears.
“Son, are you hurt?” Geppetto got closer to examine Pinocchio, aside from a few slight needle marks, he was intact.
“Father” Pinocchio didn’t want to look at him, “I’m sorry”
“It’s okay son”
“No rather, really, I shouldn’t have-“
“I already knew”
“Son, I’m your father, I could tell you were lying to me” Specially when he lied about not seeing those two stalkers, “I was just pretending I didn’t realize it”
Sure it took him a little to figure out the real reason why he came home late that day, and he didn’t know why Pinocchio was upset after coming out of the morgue but his son clearly saw something that disturbed him.
It doesn’t matter, his son was lying because he didn’t want to hurt his feelings, he wasn't being malicious, that’s why he never said anything.
Pinocchio hugged his father tightly.
“You know I was going to hug you until we got home but I guess it couldn’t be helped”
Oh yeah, he is still filthy because of the trash, now his father is dirty as well.
“Sorry” Pinocchio mumbled, it’s then that he noticed his father was acting calm, too calm.
“Don’t worry” Geppetto gently patted Pinocchio’s head, “I think after today, I can trust you enough with dangerous situations”
Geppetto was terrified of anything happening to Pinocchio, yet seeing him like that, so bold, so determined. As a father the worry of his son being in danger will never go away, nevertheless, he has come to accept that if danger ever comes Pinocchio’s way, his son is more than prepared to handle it.
“Now when we get home, I’m showering first,” Said Geppetto.
Pulcinella and Venigni still didn’t let go of each other, they were letting them have their moment to themselves so they didn’t interrupt.
In the meantime, Pinocchio examined the room, there was a black locker, like the ones that were inside Trinity Doors, he found four quartzs, some cryptic vessels, and even notes and journals.
“Why is he leaving us so much?” In the end, Pinocchio will never understand Arlecchino’s methods.
“Probably because of this” Gemini had gotten out of the cage and was scrolling the pages, apparently the alchemists were looking for quartz for something related to their plans.
If he was going down then he was going to take the alchemists with him, it seems that he knew that he wouldn’t come out alive out of this situation. Although he did not expect that Pulcinella wouldn’t perish alongside him.
Pinocchio put all the information inside his bag, so he could read it carefully later at home, Sophia’s aid would be helpful too if possible, and his father and his uncle could analyze those cryptic vessels later.
Venigni and Pulcinella had calmed down, now there was only one elephant in the room to address.
“What do we do with his body now?” Venigni was at a loss.
They can’t tell the police about this, they are working with the alchemists, and they would cover it up. Not to mention the fact that if a puppet was revealed to be the murderer so close before opening the Grand Exhibition it would cause panic in the streets.
Technically justice has already been done, sadly the families of the victims will never find out the murderer is gone.
“There is the possibility of them bringing him back yet again” Gemini chirped.
It was unlikely, the killings might stop but soon after people will move on to talk about the next topic, that topic will no doubt be the Grand Exhibition, although at least that’s something positive. Plus if they wanted to do another distraction they could plan something else rather than bringing him back once more.
“I want to make sure this will never happen again, that he will never torment anyone else” Venigni knew what he had to do, although he couldn’t deny that it was also personal.
So Pinocchio put Arlecchino’s body inside, the trash compactor.
Venigni activated the machine then pressed the speed-up button, the puppet’s corpse was crushed beyond repair, and the small amount of his Ergo that was used so he could be brought back was crushed alongside him. Finally, nothing remained out of The King of Riddles.
“What do we do know?” Gemini feels as if this should be a big victory, although it doesn’t feel that way.
“I need to fix Pulcinella right away” Venigni was still frantic.
“Master Venigni, this is a scratch, you need to get proper rest, all this stress isn’t good for you”
At least father and son could agree that they needed to take a bath.
Venigni and Pulcinella kept on bantering on their way back about who needed the most help, Pulcinella eventually relented to have his hand fixed up first.
Pinocchio was ready to go to bed, but he left his room and decided to sleep next to his father, who welcomed him with a hug. Even though he trusts him that doesn't take away how scared he was, and despite how Pinocchio succeeded that also doesn't take away how he was terrified of witnessing him go through all that. Both of them can sleep in peace togther and Gemini sleeps happily in Pinocchio's huge bed all to himself.
One less threat on their way, they need to find out more about the alchemists. Not immediately, they deserve to have their victory, not to mention how rushing into action without thinking could cost them more.
For today, the only certain thing is that The King of Riddles will never make Venigni or anyone else suffer ever again.
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m-jelly · 3 years
Hey Jelly! Firstly I hope you know how much I adore you and your fabulous fiction.
They bring me such joy and I don't know where I'd be without them.❀❀
I was wondering if I could request a royal fic. The idea is, Levi is recently single after finding out his fiancee, who he had feelings for has been cheating with someone in his court. His advisor is pushing for him to find himself a new bride-to-be, so he makes Levi throw a ball to pick from the many princesses the kingdom's have to offer. Enter Reader, a relatively plain princess that is beloved by her kingdoms people, but hated by the other royals for whatever reason. At first Levi doesn't care for Reader after her initial introduction which he was kinda rude or any of the other princesses, but as things progress he hears whispers about her, people trash talking or just generally talking about her, and becomes intrigued. Things ensue, (whatever you want to happen) political intrigue/backstabbing. They eventually fall for each other and happily ever after.
I hope my idea isn't too cliche but it popped into my head and you were the first person that came to mind who I feel could actually make it non-cliche and do it justice.
Thank you for always gracing us with your wonderful stories lovey.
I can't wait to read your next one on A03 after Such Sweetness
Hiii @dianasaurus94 I got your suggestion here. Thank you for asking and you know me, I love this AU. Thanks for the PM for this :D Hope you're doing well <3 Ya'll fucking rock. Low-key would like to make this into a full story if you give me the thumbs up ;)
When did you steal my heart?
Pairing: Levi x Reader
Genre and tags: Love, falling in love, Royal AU, King Levi, hurt, emotional comfort, connecting, Levi learning to trust and love, Kind reader, patient reader, happy ending, fluff.
Concept: After discovering that his bride-to-be cheated on him, Levi is pushed to find another bride as soon as possible. Sick of people and having a large lack of trust, Levi gets his staff to stand in a group and be assigned a name of a single princess. He throws the ball in and the person who catches it represents you. When you first meet Levi, he is cold and uncaring making you think the marriage will be an unhappy disaster. Levi keeps his distance from you, but he notices changes in his staff and home for the better. You bring in new life and happiness. At balls and meetings, he hears people whispering about you. Levi becomes fascinated in his wife-to-be and spends time with you, only to find himself falling in love.
She cheated and Levi hates cheaters.
Levi had slowly let a woman into his heart, only to have him lock it back up even tighter when he caught her fucking someone in his court on his dining table. To say he was pissed was an understatement. Levi went on a damn rampage and he made his ex and her lover suffer the consequences of their actions. Levi was done with the idea of marriage, but marriage and Erwin were not done with him.
Erwin informed Levi that he should move on and find another princess. He told Levi that his feelings were only light for this woman, so he was bound to find another woman out there to marry who was ten times better than his ex and would bring so much love into his life.
Erwin handed over a file with all the potential brides. "Take a look at these ladies and pick one."
Levi flicked through them and barely registered a single one. "Tch, don't give a shit."
Erwin let out a long sigh and understood the issue, but there needed to be a marriage. "You have to select one. For the good of your people, choose a new wife."
Levi hummed, then ripped the pages out. "Gather the staff and get me a ball."
"Sure." Erwin was a little confused over his friend's actions, but he wasn't going to say no to helping out the King. He did as he was asked, then sighed when he returned to his King. "What's next?"
Levi handed the papers over. "Give out one each. Each staff member will represent a princess. I'll throw this ball and whoever catches it will be the princess I marry." He stood up and tossed the ball up and down. "Ready?" He threw the ball, then heard someone catch it. "Come forward, the rest of you can leave." Levi sat on his throne and sighed. "Paper please."
Connie handed the page over. "Here, my King. You know this one is cute."
Levi snatched the page. "Out." He looked at the page and saw your name written on it. He read the information and hummed. "A nice girl. I don't need a nice girl as a Queen."
Erwin peered at the page and smiled. "Oh, she's smart and lovely. Her Kingdom loves her and her people do. She's a good princess and having her would be an asset. A likeable Queen is a good Queen."
Levi sighed, then stood up. "All princesses are the same. They're selfish, self-centred, cold and spoiled. This one will be no different. Send for her and offer marriage."
Erwin sighed. "I wish you'd give this one a chance."
"I did give the last one a chance and look where it got me."
Erwin bowed to his friend. "Of course, my King." He left Levi, then wrote the letter and sent it to you. "I hope you open Levi's heart."
You received the letter very quickly and felt nervous. You'd heard about King Levi and how he was cold, calculated, uncaring and angry. You were worried about your safety, but you wanted to give him a chance. You believed that maybe, just maybe he might be nicer than what the rumours say. You knew the rich and royals spread nasty rumours about you because you were too nice, so the ones about Levi had to be fake as well.
You travelled to his palace in your best dress but felt a little stuffed in your corset. You knew your maids did it on purpose to make you look as appealing as possible. You knew the moment you were born into royalty, your fate was sealed to be married off to some random rich person. You were scared of what Levi would look like. You just hoped that he wasn't some old wrinkly man.
You entered his palace and saw a painting of Levi, which made your heart flutter. You realised he was a handsome devil of a man and someone you'd be proud to call your husband. You kindly greeted the staff at his palace, then sat and waited for him to meet you. Hours when by and your husband-to-be never showed up. You went to dinner and he never joined you there.
You felt humiliated.
You wanted to cry so badly because you felt rejected. You went to bed and hoped you'd see him the next day, but you were wrong. You were at Levi's palace for a month without ever meeting him. You were upset because it made you feel ugly and unwanted. You didn't let it eat away at you though. You refused to fall apart because worse things had happened to you.
You worked with the staff to bring new life into the palace. You planned a new garden and made sure that fruit and veg were being grown. You made the place pretty and welcoming for staff and for those in the city. You changed the palace too. You got rid of the cold and unwelcoming decorations and replaced them with nicer things that you were told Levi would like.
You changed the uniforms for the staff to be easier to move in, as well as be warm for them. You change the food in the kitchen and sent all the spare food to the food bank and orphanage in the city. You made an open system in the palace where the staff could give suggestions, or feedback to you about how the palace is and what changes they would like. So far, people loved what you were doing for them. The only people who didn't like it were the rich, because you were good to the poor and paid your staff very well, cared for them and didn't punish them.
You did a lot in the month that Levi rejected you. You thought that when you married him, it'd be the same and you'd never get to see him. You didn't mind, but at the same time, you would like to at least meet him beforehand and maybe have dinner with him or something. You were lonely. You wanted to meet Levi and understand why he didn't want you.
You decided to make a move. You went to the kitchen and baked an apple tart for Levi. You plated it, then made a pot of tea for him. You made your way to his office and saw Erwin walking to it. "Erwin! Hello."
Erwin stopped, then bowed to you with a smile. "Good afternoon, princess." He stood up and looked down at the tray. "What's all this? It looks delicious."
You blushed a little. "I made it all for his majesty. I wanted to meet him finally, or at least give him a peace offering." You sighed. "He won't see me, will he?"
Erwin took the tray and smiled. "I'll give this to him."
"You will?"
"Yes. I promise."
You smiled and felt happy for once. "Thank you!"
Erwin watched you hurry off and hummed. "What a pretty sweet thing." He entered Levi's office as he balance the tray on his arm. "Levi, I have something for you."
Levi looked up from his work. "Tch, what?"
Erwin placed the tray down and saw his friend's eyes light up. "It's from your fiancée."
"She was here?"
"Yes, but you don't want to see her." Erwin sat down and sighed. "It's rather rude of you. She's doing a lot for your home."
Levi cut the tart with his fork. "She is? What is she doing?"
Erwin sighed. "Where do I start? She's increased the pay for your staff and improved their uniform so they can move easily and keep warm, but the cost of the uniform is cheap. She's started a garden for your staff and the people. There will be fruit and veg growing there and the excess food will be sent to those in need. Speaking of, all the excess food in the palace is being sent to the needy as well. Your palace has had a facelift as well. You have a welcoming home."
Levi frowned. "She did all that in a month?"
Erwin nodded. "Yep. She waits for you. Every dinner or social meeting you're supposed to have, she sits there and waits for you. Poor thing still holds out hope after a month." Erwin stared at Levi when he stood up. "What are you doing?"
"Going to see my fiancée."
Levi stormed out into the hall, then made his way through the palace as he tried to find you. He noticed how much nicer his home was and liked it. He eventually found you in the library collecting books. He eyed you and thought you were really pretty. He admired how your dress squeezed you in the right places. He walked over to you and saw you reached for a book. Levi pressed his chest against your back and grabbed the book you were trying to get.
You gasped and blushed bright red. "Th-thank you." You turned around, then gasped as you gazed at Levi. "Your majesty."
He offered the book to you. "I'm sorry I've failed to welcome you into my home and entertain you, but I have been busy with work."
You took the book from him, then slipped away. "There is no need to excuse yourself. I understand why you stayed away. I am not liked by royals. Only common people like me. I'm used to rejection." You place your book down with your others. "I will do my best not to get in your way. I'll run your household like I'm supposed to and I will show my face when asked, but other times I will disappear from your view."
Levi walked over to you. "And what if I don't want that?"
You locked eyes with Levi. "And what is it that you want? It can't possibly be me. I know I'm not as pretty as the other princesses, so I try to make up for what I lack."
"Nonsense. Tch, shit brat you're beautiful."
You blushed a little. "You flatter me."
"I shouldn't have waited this long to meet you. I like what I see."
You turned to Levi. "Your majesty."
He walked closer to you. "Levi."
You gulped hard and backed up against the table "Le-Levi. You must be jesting with me."
He placed his hands on the table on either side of your hips. "I am not. You've done so much for my palace and people. You are a gift and I should have had you here sooner. I am sorry I was cold to you, but you see my last fiancée had an affair. My trust in princesses is very low, but you have changed that."
You blushed. "Well, how about seeing me as not a princess but merely a friend."
Levi hummed, then nodded. "Alright. You are a friend for now." He pulled back. "I will be joining you for dinners from now on." He kissed your cheek making you blush. "Thank you for the tart, it was delicious."
Levi had kept his word and spent all three meals with you. You both connected over those dinners and Levi started turning up all over the place. He'd be where you were going. Levi asked you all kinds of questions and got to know you as a person. He was rather fond of you as more than a friend. He started to have romantic feelings towards you. He wanted to know the woman who had capture the hearts of his people, but had the rich whispering.
He took you to a ball and felt proud standing at your side. He thought you looked divine in your corset tight dress. Levi's colours were black and green, so you wearing them looked like perfection. He kept you close all night and even danced with you. He felt lost in your eyes and the moment as you both glided across the dancefloor without a care in the world. Levi knew that his marriage to you would be a happy one filled with love.
You stopped dancing with him, then bowed. "Thank you, but I must use the restroom."
Levi kissed your cheek making others whisper. "I'll be right here waiting for you and missing you."
You blushed, then bowed. "Miss you too."
He watched you run off and felt so at peace and in love, he just needed to tell you he loved you. He let out a long love-filled sigh, then turned to the room and started to hear the whispers. You were being called all sorts of names under the sun. They talked down about you. You were seen as dirt by them all because you were close to common people. The main judgement was that you were marrying Levi, after rejecting a Duke's proposal. The Duke in question was a self-centred prick. So, Levi understood why you rejected him. Levi knew now that all the hatred towards you stemed from the Duke being burned by you, so spreading rumours was his revenge.
Levi wanted to break the Duke.
You hurried over to Levi, then bowed. "Sorry, there are a lot of layers to this dress."
"Don't be sorry."
You went white when someone called you a whore. "I umm, I am a little tired. I am going to return to the palace. I will see you there."
Levi grabbed your wrist, then yanked you against him. "Where you go, I go." He bent you back and kissed you in front of everyone at the ball. He pulled back and smiled at you. "I adore you so much."
You blushed at Levi. "M-Me too. I adore you."
He stood you up, then turned to the crowd. "Listen up! This woman will be your Queen! So, treat her with the fucking respect she deserves. As for this Duke. The Duke is a slimeball who was rejected. He spreads lies about me fiancée because he cannot deal with rejection. If I hear anyone siding with the Duke, anyone bad mouthing me fiancée or the Duke utter shit about her, I will make heads roll!"
You whispered. "Levi? No killing."
He sighed. "Fine! I'll throw you in the fucking cells. You're all lucky my fiancée is so sweet and kind!" He pulled you close and smiled. "Let's go."
You nodded and walked with him to your carriage. "What you did back there was so sweet and wonderful."
He sat next to you in the carriage, then held you close. "I did it all out of love."
You blushed. "How can you love someone like me?"
"Easy. You were your normal self and I feel hard for it." He kissed you and hummed in happiness. "You stole my heart brat. I am curious to when this happened. When did you steal my heart? No matter. What is important is I love you and you are happy. Are you happy?"
You smiled and nodded. "Yes. You make me happy."
"Good, I'm glad. Now, let's go home and hold each other as we sleep."
You hugged his side as you blushed. "I look forward to it."
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gummy-dummy · 3 years
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Hi everyone! This is my first fic on Tumblr, it's just here, for now, I'm excited and kinda nervous too, my native language it's Spanish and I'm trying to be better at English so sorry for the grammars mistakes, I hope you like it, dear reader.
Warnings: Probably bad grammar or mistakes, swearing, mention of knives, mentions of death, kinda cute, kinda soft, confused Dabi, he doesn't know but he a softie.
It was pretty late when Shoto and I started doing our night patrol, it had been 3 months since we graduated from the UA in the hero course, the first 4 of the class were invited to work at Endeavor’s agency, Deku, Dynamight, Shoto and me, Artemis. We were the new pro-heroes with the biggest expectation from the public.
Endeavor wasn't the best at talking but I trust him, also thanks to him I don't have to worry about rent, the agency offered departments near the agency, and the rooms in the agency’s building were comfortable enough, usually, the new group was Split into two for patrol, Deku always had to go with Dynamght, he was the only one who can keep up with Bakugo’s shit, Shoto and me, we already were pretty Good Friends, I even can say we are each other’s confidant, it was a pretty nice night shift together, the absence of noise and people (and Bakugo’s shit), made it go smoothly as always. We are used to talking about everything, in the streets we could say anything, and no one more than us knew what secrets lay between us. There were secrets that Shoto didn’t want his father to know, not that he cares, but just to protect the people that he loved.
The current number one hero thought that the friendship we share will eventually become a love story, but oh boy, little did he know. Shoto had romantic feelings for another hero, I am pretty much the only person that Shoto has physical contact with, hugs and rest on each other shoulders, that's why his dad thinks of us that way. I don’t have family near where we are but the Todoroki family accepted me as one of their own since Endeavor thinks that I and Shoto are together we had to explain to Shoto’s siblings and Mom that he was in love with someone else, they didn’t care at all.
Suddenly the cold wind of the night started to get weird, making the residual trash of the city blow roll in the air, we both started to run there to know what was happening, at the moment we got close enough a black and purple substance started emerging from nowhere, it was a warp, the kind that the League of Villains has Access to, Shigaraki Tomura came out first, being followed by the tall, half-burned popcorn (as Shoto and I like to call him) Dabi, Toga right behind them with other 3 members.
I summoned my light arrows on my bow, I shoot an arrow at the leader and the tall man with black hair just disintegrates it with his blue fire. Like it was nothing.‘What are you doing here?’ Shoto asked the team of villains, Shigaraki just started to laugh ‘We came to get some groceries, what the fuck he is trying to do? Distract us?
I just rolled my eyes and said ‘Yeah well, here, you have something to add to your list I quickly prepared my bow with a new arrow, this time a stronger one, that can’t be destroyed so easily. The amount of power that this one has, with the purple hue and the energy that makes everything feel like an earthquake made the leader of the team look at it with fear in his eyes, Dabi tried to take it with his fire, but nothing happened, the arrow just started to follow all of Shigaraki’s moves, so again the man in front of him tried to catch it with his bare hands, oh what an error was that. The indentation that my arrow left on his right hand wouldn’t heal properly at all, not till I gave the order to my arrow to disappear in the wind.
Dabi just looks at me, while the others started to attack us he just stayed on the side, watching every move I make, (with) Shoto work pretty well with each other, we know our quirks and how to enhance each other's quirks.
There was a lady that appears to be new into the league, I never saw her before, she started to shoot mini grenades from her hand, making me jump to the side to avoid it, one laid between my feet, I didn't notice it until it hit me if that thing blows I die.
I'm going to die here.
The last thing I heard was a scream, Shoto screaming my real name, and then... darkness.
The next thing I know is that I'm in a completely white room, very small, I'm chained to one of the sides of a small bed, being forced to stay seated on the cold floor, if I am in one of the League facilities why they want me here? the murder of a new pro-hero would be an accomplishment by the league, why don't make it while I sleep? it would be something to make all the world feel unsafe, make all the heroes feel in danger. I hear the noise of the door opening, someone calls my name.
Dabi, that jerk, wait he was the one that saved me, at the moment the grenade exploded he just took my arm and yanked me out of the way, and took me in the warp with him.
"Hey Hawkeye!", he looked different than the night of the attack, just with his t-shirt and trousers, not his usual jacket, he looks more laid back than when fighting. He started to look preoccupied while I think how to escape, I'm not responding to him.
"Shit, no, did they do something while I was gone? Hey look at me, can you hear me? oh, these little shits are going to pay, I told them not to touch you" I just roll my eyes and say "What the fuck do you want from me you extra crispy fried ass?" he just stares at me confused for a couple of seconds and says "I'm not- Hey don't talk to me like that I'm your savior, remember? maybe I would let them do things to you, maybe I could take this food and let you starve".
He has a plate in a hand and glass with what appears to be fruit juice on the other. "Why would you feed me? do you know that keeps me alive, right? why didn't you kill me already?" I'm really confused, isn't better to kill someone while they're asleep, or this mother fucker want's to torture me. "That's because I don't want to kill you, dummy hero". Then why did he bring me here? what is the league planning to do to me? so I ask what the league wants from me.
"What makes you think there's a plan behind this?"
"Why else would a fucking villain kidnap a pro-hero if not to use them for something?"
"Well, there's nothing behind this, no one knows why I have you here actually I don't even know why I did it, but you were going to die and I just acted"- oh he should let me die, I'm gonna kick his pretty face when I get the chance.
"What do you want? you know it was going to be easier to kill me while I was unconscious, right?"
"Why do you keep telling me to kill you?"
"This is why"- there's a thing that not a lot of people know about my quirk, the bow, and the arrows are just a form I use it to be more precise, that doesn't mean that's the only thing it does.
With my both hands tied I conjured a little of my energy to make a knife to set me free, I break the cloth that keeps me hand-tied to the bed, throwing a punch at his face, he doesn't move I'm trying to get Dabi down but he is just there, he is not moving or trying to attack me at all, looking at me with sadness in his eyes.
"Hey what the fuck, why don't you attack me? aren't you afraid that I'm going to beat your ass?"- He looks like he is in pain but doesn't fight back.
"I know you could," he says with a sad smirk, what's happening here? by a couple of times, I saw him before he never acted this way.
"Can you please just calm down, let me talk, and I'll let you go if you want"
I intertwined my eyes with him, a beautiful blue, exactly the color of his flames, I don't know why, but I want to hear what he has to say, he looks so sad, but also a little surprised when I sit at the small bed. It looks like he never thought I actually would hear his reasons.
He kicks gently the plate with the food by the side and sits on the little makeshift bed, the bed is so small that we can't avoid our knees touching, he doesn't try to tie my hands again, I could conjure a big weapon, maybe just a simple bat and then scape, I know I can win, so why am I anxious to hear him? he looks at me a couple of seconds, lets out a loud breath, and starts talking.
"Well, when you attacked me, I caught one of your arrows right?" he looks at me and I nodded "Look" he shows me his left hand, inviting me to take his hand on mine.
It's rough, more than calloused, the years of him using his quirk took a lot out of his hands, they were burned, when I touched him I thought it would hurt, but he just opened his eyes a little more in surprise and looked at me again.
"Ok you have your hands burned, what about it? it's your quirk right?" he lets out a little smile that if I wasn't looking at him this close probably would have missed it. "Yeah they're burned, I don't have feeling on them, even if I take something with force or catch anything, can't feel it."
I'm starting to understand what's happening here, but I want him to tell me anyways "Yesterday, when you shot your arrow when I caught it I-"why does he look so nervous? "I felt it, I felt the pain of the arrow, and I felt you, well, your quirk, whatever it is, I just felt your touch"
What I am supposed to say about that?- "I'm sorry?" I say confused "No no it's okay I just want to know how you did it" I don't know why I have the desire to touch him again, I need to help him, he is a villain, a cute one if I say so myself but a villain nonetheless. A villain very dangerous that just wants the world to burn, but look so lost, with the same face you see on a lost child on a Mall
"I don't know, my quirk it's just based on energy, I don't know where it comes from, It just appears when I want to and takes the form I need, I used to lost control over it a lot," I say while moving my fingers letting the violet ribbons go around my hand "Now I can control it using it as weapons, the one that makes me feel more comfortable is the bow and arrow, that way I can control it a little more, but I pretty much can conjure anything" He nodded and looks at my hand.
I show him again, letting a little ball of my energy dance between my fingers and let it go, I made it stay in one of his hands, he started playing with it, like a child with a new toy that was waiting to get for Christmas day, a smile started to appear on his face, not a cruel one, that he usually used, this one was of happiness, he looks handsome, the scars on his face makes him feel unique. I'm not sure what I'm doing till I come back to my senses, I'm catching his face between my hands, he just looks at me surprised.
I run my thumbs right below his eyes, he leans into the touch and closes his blue eyes.
"You know that I can attack you now and escape right?" "I know, but you don't want to do that, I am right?"
He is, he is sure about it and I am too, but why? he probably has me here to lend information about heroes, but he isn't asking anything about it.
"No, I don't want to, why? did you get me drugged or something?" I say smiling at him for the first time "No, Toga tried to get a little bit of your blood but every time she wanted to get a needle into your skin, a purple energy, your energy, surrounded you, Shigaraki wanted to use real knives but I- I didn't let them hurt you, I didn't want them to hurt you".
And to end: this is the first chapter, it's gonna be probably 2 o 3 chapters, I'll probably add some warnings if needed.
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lauraluna98 · 3 years
Bernadette's Photograph [Diakko one shot]
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Pairing: Diana Cavendish /Akko Kagari, Bernadette Cavendish/ Laura McLaren (OC), Amanda/ Constanze/ Jasminka, Hannah/ Avery, Barbara/ Lotte
Words: 18K
Laura and Bernadette art made by my friend chek out her awesome stuff: https://www.wattpad.com/user/-Diana_Cavendish
Summary \/
Four years have passed since Akko arrived at Luna Nova. In the previous year, the girls she had befriended graduated from the academy and each one went their separate ways, just like Kagari, who had to go through a lot during her studies, including meeting a girl named Diana Cavendish, whom she began to date. When she graduated and was sure she would return to Japan, she received an invitation from the Scottish girl to live in the family's mansion and an affectionate proposal from the beautiful blonde who asked her to marry her.
Akko spent a long time adapting and experiencing many ups and downs, sometimes having to deal with Daryl and her daughters' disrespect, but this the girl got used to, even more so with the fact that Diana was a lesbian, shocking the entire noble class.
One day like any other Akko was rummaging through Bernadette Cavendish's old bedroom until she found something that had been a huge family secret until then.
Upon discovering this secret Akko, decides that she wants to make a surprise involving the photograph she eventually found, but why is a photograph a secret and why does it get to the point of creating so much?
Read this story and find out.
It was a winter morning in Edinburgh, it had been a few months since the girls' graduation from Luna Nova, the year 2021 had started a few days ago. Akko planned to start her career as Shiny Akko, but she still faced conflicts within the mansion, as well as no from many witches who didn't want to have their reputation linked to something comical and funny, even with Kagari saving everyone, the conservatism in society still remained. Diana was the leader of the Cavendish family, after going through Daryl's proposal for a marriage of interest with James Mark II, the girl was getting colder and sadder, after all she remembered something, starting to ignore little by little Kagari, which was quite strange. Diana used to be cold, but not at that point. Akko was waking up next to Diana and soon noticed that the Cavendish had already gotten up.
POV Akko:
Diana has been very cold lately, colder than this place, holy shit, for the nine witches... I thought it would be wonderful to move here, but we can barely get along... What the fuck? Ever since that James Mark II showed up here, she's been like this... More like she's being forced to marry him... But Diana is the head of the family Ahh... I'm getting up from here.
I get up and go to the bathroom of the huge suite, brush my teeth, take off my crimson robe with "Akko" written on it, put it next to my fiancée's cyan robe, open the shower and start to take a bath, the drops of water washed my body as if they were washing my soul, it was really nice to take a bath in that bathroom, the water was always at the ideal temperature. As soon as I get out of the shower I take a towel, dry my body, wrap myself in it and go into the huge closet of our room, I put on a t-shirt, an overcoat, since it was very cold, "New, as if it wasn't cold every day here in Scotland" and a pair of sweatpants, when I finish getting dressed I put on my bunny slippers and walk through the corridors to the dining room, where I find Anna waiting for me outside the door.
- Good morning Miss Kagari, Miss Cavendish told me to stay here waiting for you to wake up, she is waiting for you in the dining room, let me take you there- Anna said always with her softness of speech, "The handmaids and the butlers were the only nice people in the house.
- Ah, yes thank you Anna, I was just leaving, I appreciate you waiting for me so long... I'm sorry if I overslept," I say, being gentle as always with the sweet lady.
POV Diana:
I woke up that morning down, after another week of having that conversation with Daryl, that snake is still the same, I knew she had only let her guard down since Akko and I saved her from that ritual interference, at least she has no authority at all, I can decide on my own who I marry.... Only that James Mark... He was one of the Appleton students who hang out with Louis Blackwell.... Not to mention he has my father's name on him... Although he was no example of a person, he abandoned me and my mother, since I was a little girl... just because the family was starting to have financial problems. That damned conversation with Daryl... I can't leave Akko... But I have to have heirs or heiresses... Ah Saint Beatrix Lesbian... The Cavendish family only allows to succeed children conceived here by both people.... And how am I going to make one with Akko, being that we are two girls.... Ah... What am I going to do... I can't allow Daryl's lineage to be the dominant one...
While I was in my mental monologue, I was approached by my second cousins, Amalie and Alicia, Merrill's daughters.
- Lesbian cousin! Lesbian cousin! Look what Grandma wrote for you," say the two children handing me the envelope.
- Oh thank you - I say, faking a positive reaction.
"Keep on with your scissors, I don't like your girlfriend, but she guarantees me my lineage ahead, besides teaching a pure lineage, without this talk of turning lesbian witches. Remember that fingers do not reproduce. With love and affection your Aunt Daryl".
Really? It was kind of just sending a message, what's the need to write an envelope, I won't argue any further, let her keep these silly little letters.
I take the letter, crumple it with my hands and throw it into a trash can, using my wand to move the crumpled paper into the container, when I finish throwing the trash out, I notice that my girlfriend had just arrived accompanied by Anna.
POV Akko:
- Good morning my love! - I say all radiant and go towards my girlfriend.
We come close to each other, exchange lips with a seal, soon after we both stare at each other, I as usual am faced with that emotionless and cold face of Diana, colder than Scotland itself I would say. I sit down on the chair facing my girlfriend and start to eat, attacking the pancakes as usual.
- Love Harajuku pancakes! How cute, I love it - I say dipping a pancake and dousing it with maple syrup. I end up remembering my first time with Diana and almost burst out laughing, but I held back as much as I could.
- Akko! What's so funny - said Diana trying to force a refined accent, being that I know how she spoke in a totally different way to me.
- Nothing no my love, I just remembered when I held your breasts that day and said they looked like Harajuku pancakes - I say starting to laugh, while Diana let out a slight laugh, seeing my girlfriend laughing makes me even a little happier, it was rare to see the cute cabbage look like that, even more after that guy came here.
- Akko! Don't talk that kind of dirty talk, someone might hear it - she said with the Scottish accent she used to hear a lot, she thought it was quite cute.
- It's pretty cute cabbage - I say trying to get more laughs out of Diana, but I end up making her blush, but right after that my girlfriend starts to laugh and snort a little, it was cute; she looked like a little pig.
- Akko! Akko! Stop it! I'm not in the moment for this - she said again with her Scottish accent, it was really nice to see Diana giggling a little.
POV Diana:
Oh crap, Akko is getting me, she knows how to lighten my mood... But I have to be careful, she has become very attached to me... What do I do...? Is it worth it...? Daryl wants me not to leave any offspring or else I can make this plan of hers turn against her.... I can do what she wanted to do to me.... But the difference is that Amalie and Alicia will have a kinder upbringing.... I don't know, I have to talk to Akko about this, I can see how she is getting upset about all this.
As I was sinking in my thoughts, I end up coming back with two clicks of a finger, it was Akko, as usual, she kept talking my name, so I decided to answer her.
- Huh? Akko. What is it my love? - I say, coming back to reality, I used to sink too deep into my thoughts.
- Again Diana? Every day you are sinking into these thoughts... What's going on in your head so much? - She said worriedly, trying to find out about me? I think I should open my mouth at once, I don't want to stall her until the last minute like Chariot did to her four years ago...
- Eh... Love... I... I try to say, but... Damn I'm not ready, how can I tell her... - I... We need to talk more... I want to talk about something that ails me... Something that made me like this... - I say as Akko looks at me worriedly, but then puts her hands on my cheek.
- Really? It's okay honey, I was getting agony... You are already cold as Scotland, this way it seems like the North Pole - She said as always talking about Scotland being too cold, this girl never gets used to the normal climate here. As always she reacts this way as if she were a child.
I just nod my head and take Akko with me to one of the offices in the house, where I used to work and study, since I became a leader, I stay there day after day, negotiating about how to deal with the riches, but I have to stop running away from the subject, I will get straight to the point with Akko.
- Ah the office - said Akko inflating her cheeks, she hated the place because I spent too much time there, working and barely paying attention to my love, but what can I do? I have responsibilities, I'm an adult, not like my aunt.
- Love... I... A... Reason - I say with much trepidation, damn Diana, come on girl, where is your stature girl - The reason why I was like this was because of that boy, more specifically about a conversation I had with Daryl, she has been pressuring me, or I would marry this James and save the family financially at once, or else continue with you... Of course I decided what was best for me... That would be to stay with you, even if it didn't give me heirs... - I said almost in tears, but soon Akko comes and starts looking at me confused, as if she thought it was a bit silly, as if I was making a drama.
- Are you dying because you can't be a mother? Is that right? Diana, what about Violet and Sarah? Nothing is impossible for magic, we just have to use the fertility stone," she said shrugging, as always believing that children's story, honestly, my mother used to tell me this a lot, but I'm sure it was just a nice way for her to say that it was okay to be a lesbian. Akko never understands things... I will have to be realistic with her, this is not a joke.
- Akko... This is a children's tale, my mother used to say the same thing when she was alive... The difference is that I was 5 years old... The fertility stone is a metaphor for artificial insemination... Chariot and Croix used it to make their twins... Do you happen to know that Croix is Trans? She froze her sperm before starting the treatment, maybe they said that to cheer you up... - I end up saying it in a too cold way, I shouldn't exaggerate too much, but when Akko believes in something she becomes very attached to it.
- Ah... I forgot this detail, but they told me it was the fertility stone, Chariot even said that in her family's residence there is one of the relics to be made and the other one is in yours... - She said until I finished completing it.
- And the stone of love, which is made with a kiss of love in a cave north of here... I know, I know, I know this story very well my love... No need to repeat it... If there really was such a thing, don't you think it would be full of lesbian witch couples? Or that I wouldn't be in this dilemma right now? Sorry for the words, my love... But I don't want to break your hope... Love even if we used artificial insemination, there is still something that gets in my way, here in the Cavendish family residence only children who are manufactured here and born here can take the place of the family, so even if we had a daughter, or adopted one she and the whole lineage would never take my place... It could even cause a death; she would risk her life love.... So sorry - I say almost in tears, I even put my hand on Akko's shoulder, but she just seemed to ignore all that, as if she didn't give a damn, it didn't even seem that this girl with eyes like rubies, would turn 20 years old?
POV Akko:
Ah, what a drag! Diana is still stubborn and closed-minded and doesn't believe in things! Nothing is impossible for magic, if we even managed to turn even other animals temporarily, saved the world from a missile that was going at a speed that could kill us, went to space and the radiation up there didn't kill us and yet she still thinks it's just a legend... Holy shit.
- Nothing is impossible for magic Diana! Believe it! Stop being so annoying and stubborn! - I said, inflating my cheeks and getting angry.
- The only boring and stubborn one here is you! Akko, honestly stop being so stubborn to think that magic changes everything... If it did, I wouldn't be in this situation... Ah... What the hell... Why... Why are you so Akko, why don't you think a little more realistically? - I said to Cavenboring trying to leave my dreams aside, but you know what, I'm not going to fill the patience of the perfect and correct lady.
- Oh you know what? Fuck it, I don't want to argue over nonsense like that, keep up this lack of belief in things, I still think the fertility stone is real, I won't change your Cavenboring thinking and you won't change mine, um! - I say turning my face and leaving the office, until the boring cabbage opens its mouth again.
- Akko, you can't keep turning your face to the problems like that, you're already 19 years old, how will Shiny Akko be if you keep behaving like a child - said Cavenboring being Cavenboring as always, I just ignored and left the office, as soon as I passed by the door I got a fright with the door, I have no doubt that Diana has used a spell to knock with force and got angry, play nice, but gets angry too.
I inflate my cheeks and lean against the doors with my arms crossed, all I could think about was how boring Diana always was, she wanted to be neat and methodical with everything, it didn't even seem like we saved the world together, it didn't even seem like she really believes that with magic she can do anything, she even seemed like boring Finnelan.
POV Diana:
Oh, what the hell! Because I had to fight with Akko... I didn't want to be so hard on her, but it seems that Akko doesn't mature, this way it's hard to help her with this dream of becoming Shiny Akko, I think I'll try to relax a little, then I'll talk to Akko... I'll try to relax, I can't work with my head like this... I still have to see how I'm going to maintain my savings...
I sit down in my armchair, open my laptop, where I start to open on the bank's website, but I was not in the mood to even think of any smart way to get more money, we were only with enough to maintain the huge mansion and pay the employees... I didn't want to rent it because it is a traditional place and it has a lot of things that can break and are precious... Oh fuck, I'm not in the mood to think about that right now.
On an impulse I decide to procrastinate a little, I open the internet and immediately go to the video site, where on the home page there was a video that interested me a lot on the official channel of the World Broom Racing Championship competition... I remember that as a child I dreamed of one day being a broom racer like Laura McLaren... How ironic to see that there is going to be a replay of the 1991 Irish GP, I think I will watch it to cheer up the nerves, Laura McLaren was amazing in that race, she became champion with 5 races to go.... I don't know why, but every time I talk about her I have good memories... As if she was someone familiar... I don't know, maybe it's just me having memories from when I was a kid, I know my mom liked broom races...
POV Akko:
I had been leaning against that door for a long time, I don't have to waste my time... Diana must have gone to relieve her nerves, if she did that I should do it too... I take a deep breath, look at one of the paintings in the corridor, being one of her mother, and start to talk to myself, I don't know why. I felt like I wanted to talk to the painting as if it was going to answer me.
- Ahh... My mother-in-law... Why is your daughter so complicated like this... So much we learned in Luna Nova, so much we learned, but she doesn't want to believe in the fertility stone... What do I do? Give me some sign - At the moment I say this the picture of Diana's mother disassembles the bottom part and the part that was her picture starts to fly.
It could only be a ghost, not surprising since this mansion is full of them, would this be the one of Diana's mother, I don't know... All I know is that I better get this picture right away or someone will notice that if it's lost I could be in trouble, if someone realizes that the picture of Diana's mother has been damaged... I don't want to go two weeks without loving my wife.... Diana always takes her punishment hard...
I go running after that damn picture, but it kept flying and very fast, sure it was a ghost.... I didn't have my wand in hand, I didn't even learn spells without a wand, I still have things to perfect. Fucking fast picture... I have to get there soon or I will be lost.... Come on Akko take it.
I kept following that fucking picture through the halls of the mansion, I even suspected it might be a prank by Amalie or Alicia, but they barely knew how to use a wand and were two years old, maybe it was her mother or her copy sister? Or even the cow of the grandmother of those two wanting to make me look ridiculous. Whatever it is I feel I have to get this damn picture.
Until the picture makes a turn, and a very strong wind hits a door that opens and through it the picture of Diana's mother comes in, I followed what I could, until I jumped on the bed that was in the room and caught the air, only I didn't realize that I was right in front of a closet, this makes me bump into everything in the closet, and right after that a photo album falls on top of my head and along with it one of the pictures comes out of that album, getting right in front of my face.
When I took that picture of the face, I went into shock, it was Diana's mother, with a redhead and a baby, I think it must be little Cavenchata, I'm sure, the two of them had rings on their fingers, they were similar rings from what I noticed, I was just thinking that it was just bullshit, since Diana's mother had to have only one friend, I remember she already showed a picture of her father? By the way, what a scurvy little fellow... Sorry Diana, but he abandoned his mother when she was sick and depressed, just because the Cavendish family was struggling? A shame, but at the same time no... Who died the following year... He had a daughter and a wife and didn't take care of...
I stopped thinking about Diana's family, since I didn't want to waste my time with this kind of nonsense, so I made sure to look at the back of the picture, since it was quite common for this kind of album picture to have some text, since it was in a place it shouldn't be... Why not take advantage of my curiosity to read and go through these things. Let's hope that nobody catches me at least...
"Goodbye Bernadette... I love you so much my love.... Daryl went too far, she shouldn't have done that.... Save this picture at least for the day we are healed, take good care of our daughter Diana... This will be our last photo before my return... This will never be a goodbye, but a goodbye... With all the love in the world L.M 01/09/2001."
I turned white, I turned a stone, I was in shock, I was without reaction.... L.M.... This redhead must be L.M, it can't be Diana's father, since his name is James and so who would this L.M be? What do you mean daughter? Our daughter on top of that! Does that mean that... Ah Diana... She has a lot of explaining to do now... Wait a minute... That makes Diana the fruit of a couple of women... But was L.M. trans? Just like Croix? Or is the fertility stone real? Ahhh! I don't know... I'm going to believe the second one a lot.... May the second one be real.... I really want to be a mother! I want Diana to come to me and tell me that she was right... But is this L.M. alive? Neither of Diana's parents are alive...
I could even make a surprise for Diana.... If L.M. is alive I might actually get a point out of it... Oh, let's go through this photo album some more while I'm here... Ah... Now that I noticed, it is the room of that hideous carpet that Diana loves, it even looks like it was made by a seven year old child, that unicorn, Beatrix looks beautiful, but that unicorn looks like a skinny horse with one horn... Hahahaha... Let's stop fooling around... I want to see if there are more pictures.
I stay for a few minutes looking at each picture, I didn't even have a notion of time, but I knew that at some point I had to stop, that L.M. is very beautiful, very cute, she is even familiar, I remember that Diana has already watched a very boring broomstick racing documentary movie with her... Bleh, now I remembered, it is just a broomstick race around a track, it doesn't have a maneuver or anything, what's the fun of seeing the same thing you have with a car on a broomstick? What was the name of it again? I don't remember... It was something to do with cars, that I am sure, but I have to say that they are very cute together, I never thought that Diana had another mother, I will believe it, but I really need to know who she is, it can help me with my plan.
I close that album and take a picture using my cell phone, of that picture where the two mothers of Diana and the little Cavenboring were, after taking the picture I put the cell phone in my pocket, besides also putting everything in place, I take out a wand that was in that room and use a spell that repairs all the shelves in the closet, besides also taking the picture of the cabbage mother of my little girlfriend so cute, but as soon as I leave the room, I end up unintentionally running into Diana's aunt's cow, she as always with that slutty look of hers.
- What are you doing here? - said the snake that kept looking at me with disgust.
- Nothing, nothing that is of interest to you... Diana just asked me to come... - I said trying to lie, but that damn thing completes me.
- To my sister's room? What would be in Bernadette's room that would interest Diana? And you have no respect for someone who has died, you don't just walk into the room of a person who has died here, have more respect for... - Said Diana's aunt trying to act saintly and correct, but I quickly retorted that snake.
- Just as you had respect for her when she was alive? Or when you wanted to sell the family's things, without even respecting your sister's memory - I retort in the best way, leaving that snake clenching its fists in anger.
- Listen here, you little brat! Who do you think you are to talk to me like that? Just because you have the protection of my niece, that doesn't give you the right to retort like that. If it weren't for her I'd poison you until you regret saying such things. - Said that cow trying to scare me, I just walked away ignoring her, returning from where I had seen the picture of Diana's mother flying away.
POV Diana:
These minutes watching the 1991 Irish GP really made me feel better, even more seeing how Laura McLaren is an amazing racer, she outdoes herself at every turn, it made me have a nostalgic feeling, when I was a kid and watched it with my mom... She would always put on these races that she liked to watch, and I would watch along because it was always nice to see mom smiling and getting out of bed every once in a while, she would rarely crack a smile or two...
Well, I guess I'll go see Akko, she must have eased her nerves, I just really hope she doesn't come out and talk about that fertility stone thing again, but if she does that's fine, I'll just ignore Akko's childishness.
I get up, close my laptop, go to the door and as soon as I open it, I am faced with Akko putting a picture, I think it was of my mother, back into a frame, I would get angry due to my girlfriend being clumsy, breaking a picture, even more so of my mother, but I will leave it aside, Akko being Akko....
- Ah... Diana! I... A ghost, a ghost knocked over your mother's picture and ended up making it fall - She said trying to invent some excuse, but I believed her a little, after all I know there are ghosts around here, I just don't understand why Akko stayed all the time here in front, poor my love.
- Ah yes a ghost, but I appreciate you trying to tidy up this mess, let's have some lunch love.... Sorry for being a bit thick.... - I said trying to make Akko feel better, who smiled at me and hugged me.
I go with my girlfriend to the dining room where we stayed for lunch, there was my aunt, cousins and the two pests, I mean... Amalie and Alicia... They are not pests; they are just influenced by their mother and grandmother... Poor things... Why do you have such an upbringing... It's a sin, really...
The minutes go by, I was eating normally next to my girlfriend Akko, she always being sweet and giving me food in my mouth, sometimes we even exchanged a few kisses, as always, my aunt being a killjoy, or she stopped the kisses telling us not to do it or she kept covering the faces of the two girls so as not to influence them. I don't understand why this is necessary, we are in new times, she was just being retrograde. This made me nervous, those two are children, they have to be influenced to think in a new way, not like this...
POV Akko:
Lunch was like every other lunch at the mansion, I always tried to be affectionate and cute, sometimes exchanging cuddles with Diana, but that snake of Diana's aunt was always a pain in the ass, getting ahead, stalling any kiss from us... I was getting pretty tired of this, it was every lunch and dinner, I just wish I could slap that old woman in the face, make her swallow that awful green lipstick she wears every hour, even at lunchtime.
When lunch was over, I went with Diana through the hallways, taking her to the office again, I gave my girlfriend a kiss and then went to my room, where I started going through my cell phone, I had the picture of that L.M. in hand, all I needed to do was use the image search. I used an editor cropping that photo, where I left only the redhead and then I used the search.
"Laura McLaren"
"Former Broom Racer"
It was the one, I was already suspicious, the initials and the person in the picture really matched, but how would I find this Laura and talk to her, surely she must be an important person in the world of witches? Four feet ten! How short hahaha, this woman is shorter than Constanze, how did such a short woman make Diana, people, Diana is almost a pole...
"Laura McLaren is a former broom racer, known as the flying irish, shortie, designer racer, the queen, raced from 1991 until 2001 in the World Broom Racing Championship, Eight time champion winning titles in the 1991, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001 seasons, she was quite remarkable for how dominant and extremely skilled she was on a broom, she is known to be many times the greatest broom racer in history.... Worldpedia"
"Birth: January 14, 1972 (Age 49), Dublin, Ireland"
"Height: 1.47m"
"Victories: 109"
"Titles: 8 (1991-1995-1996-1997-1998-1999-2000-2001)"
"First race: Brazilian GP 1991"
"Last race: Australian GP 2001"
"See more..."
After a quick read of that information I realized that this was a very important witch, not for nothing that Diana had admiration for her, but how am I going to talk to Laura McLaren if she is such an influential witch? When I was younger I tried to talk to Chariot on the Internet, but I just kept talking to myself. Famous people like that don't use the profile with the most followers to talk to people. Well, let's have a look, maybe this Laura McLaren is not that famous.
I went on Witcher, Laura McLaren's profile had about 4 million followers, and it's still a verified profile, outside that the DM is not open, so you don't even have a chance to get it on the Witcher profile. Let's look at Istagraph... It's also the same thing, she has 800,000 followers on that one and still has the DM blocked... How the fuck am I going to find this woman's personal profile?
Ah! That's it Akko, I'm great! The girls! I'll talk to them and see if they can help me with this! Maybe Constanze will know a way, she is so clever with this kind of thing...
I get my cell phone, go to the Witchsapp application, I keep running my finger through the contact bar, I soon notice that Constanze's contact, was without a profile picture, I assumed it was blocked, I imagine Constanze is not one to talk to me much... Luckily I could talk to one of her girlfriends. I was sure that they would talk to me, especially since they were both closer to me.
This I will talk to Amanda, she is online as far as I can see, I really hope she will help me, I don't waste any time and immediately take care of sending her a message.
[Akko: Sup].
[Amanda: What’s the matter Akko?]
Akko: Sorry, did I get in the way of something? I need a little help].
[Amanda: Kind of obvious, you wouldn't end up calling me unless it was to ask for a favor. What did you get up to this time?]
[Akko: Gee, you think I call you just to ask for favors?]
[Amanda: Oh fuck, just say what you want].
[Akko: I won't waste time here, but I wanted some help more specifically from Constanze, can you find this woman's personal profile here].
I send the cropped photo of Laura to Amanda, I don't doubt at all that she was in shock, even more so since being a witch, she must have known that woman.
[Amanda: Laura McLaren? Seriously Akko? Hahahahaha! What's so interesting that you want to find the personal profile of a famous witch? I don't know if Cons will make it, but if she blocks you it's not my fault].
[Akko: Ah thank you so much for the strength Amanda].
[Amanda: Ah you're welcome, but tell me, what made you interested in wanting to find Laura McLaren's personal profile?]
[Akko: It's a secret Amanda, a very personal secret].
Amanda: ah so if that's the case I won't ask Cons to help you.
[Akko: Fuck you old man, it's very personal indeed].
[Amanda: Akko, I'm going to ask Cons to invade someone's personal life, it may be a famous person, but it's still a person, did you know that we can even go to jail for giving out someone's personal number? So don't give me that little secret, I promise I'll keep it to myself].
Seeing Amanda's message makes me a little afraid, but I think for a moment, I think I'll trust her this time, I hope she doesn't spread the word to anyone about it.
[Akko: Amanda, that woman is Diana's other mother].
[Amanda: Hahahaha! What? Another mother? What kind of story is this? Where did you get this nonsense from Akko, how ridiculous, do you still believe that fertility stone thing that Professor Chariot said when she had Sarah and Violet? Akko Professor Croix is trans, they used Croix's frozen sperm].
[Akko: This is serious Amanda! Oh fuck you, bitch! I thought I could trust someone with this].
I was bubbling over with anger and all Amanda would answer me was three little dots, but right away she tells me that she will help, no matter how ridiculous I thought this idea was, or what I ended up thinking, I would finally get help for my plan. All that remained was to wait.
After talking to Amanda I decide to start a Live Stream playing Super Mario World, it was a silly challenge to finish the game 100% without dying, but I always failed for one silly thing or another, it was nice to interact with the public, sometimes donations came out and that helped a lot with my project of becoming Shiny Akko, besides guaranteeing a livelihood in case things get tight, it was not because I was dating a noblewoman that I have to be dependent on her money, I do very well on my own.
POV Diana:
The time at work went by, it was a real bore I would say, nothing to do, just trying to find ways to get some extra money, but that Home Office service was spending me a lot, I knew that in the end it would only be enough to pay the salaries of the employees and maybe the food... My aunt doesn't even help, she only lives at the expense of others, thinking that she will still catch a rich man and get money... Her daughters are not much different... Maril already got the rich guy, but for how long? I don't doubt that they will divorce soon, I never really liked that guy...
After an exhausting day of work, it was already eight o'clock in the evening, dinner time arrives, I stop my work for the day as well, I am greeted by two knocks on the door, I soon allow this person to enter.
As usual it was Akko, holding up his cell phone and showing me the time and that it was 8:00 PM.
- I know, Akko, I know, it's time, I have to stop. All that's left is for you to pull me out of this chair. - I say as Akko comes over to me and sits on my lap, it doesn't take long and our lips soon meet, she was all needy and cute, I loved to see my Akko like this, so cute.
- Ah if you stay longer I'll do it anyway, I don't care, you have to pay attention to your little love, if it wasn't for this adult life shit I would want to spend the rest of my days dedicated only to be by your side giving you love - She said giving me affection, I admit I really wanted this, but unfortunately real life is not like that, we have our responsibilities.
- Who wouldn't want love? Obviously we have more important things, if I could stay all day just cuddling next to you, while we watch reruns of Shiny Chariot shows in our pillow fort eating caramel popcorn... - I say, causing Akko to get a gleam in her eye, to think that we actually did that the first few times she visited me, I admit it was pretty cool.
- Love I got nine very large donations today, three of fifty dollars, one of seventy pounds, four of one hundred pounds and one of 250 Euros, today yielded enough, failed well in the world of stars that anger! I even spent the whole Tubular without dying, without blue yoshi, but that damn plant hit right on the edge, I feel like throwing the control to the wall - she said, passing the frustrations of Super Mario, she is still playing this game without dying, it would be funny to get it first time, but I'm not one to lose the whole day playing.
- Oh good baby, soon, you can do it, I believe in you, how about we go to the bedroom, do a little something we haven't done in a long time huh? - I say blushing trying to give an extra mood to Akko.
- Are you going to make a pillow fort and caramelized popcorn? Are we going to watch some cartoons too? Can I choose? - she said, stalling the whole mood and my desire for something more intense. I still wonder how she is 19 and how we did it the other times...
- That's almost it... But it could be too, but let's have dinner before that, Anna must have prepared some delicacy for us - I say trying to make Akko forget that nonsense.
We went to dinner, Anna prepared some macaroni and cheese for us, it was as phenomenal as ever, I love her food... I really hope I can raise enough money to keep her working here, even if it means selling something or other. After dinner I went with Akko to the bedroom, still wanting something more, since I was very much in the mood.
The two of us went into the bathroom together and the next thing really happened, Akko was always very strange, I never knew when she was in the mood for it, but she clearly knew every time she was in the mood for it, after our bath was too hot, we both lay down on the bed and I went to watch some television, luckily there was something that interested me a lot, it was recommended a video about the Top 10 highlights of Laura Mclaren's career, as you can imagine Akko wouldn't want to watch it, so much so that I saw her soon get her cell phone.
Akko POV:
From the looks of it she is going to watch more boring broomstick racing videos, wait a minute.... Laura McLaren... I remember I mentioned her earlier today... Oh yeah! Holy lesbian Beatrix! I can't be that dumb! The fucking plan I made earlier! Did Amanda make it? Well, let's see.
I glance at Diana, she looks back at me and smiles, I return the smile, it looked like she wanted to say she wanted another round of what happened in the shower, I love to use my naivety to make her think I'm silly hehe, she'll never find out. I unlock the cell phone screen, and start to look through the messages.
As usual normal messages, from my mother, Diana... Oh I didn't even do what she asked today, I forgot to get her coffee... It was love... Chariot, Dad, Amanda! That's the one I wanted to know about... Hmmm let's see what she answered me.... It was three hours ago, apparently.
[Amanda: Hey bootleg Shiny Chariot, Constanze got Laura McLaren's personal number, she told me it wasn't that hard, but look, be careful with the messages, she might block you and this idiotic plan of yours go down the drain, I don't know if you know her well, but Laura McLaren was also known for being a little thick, so much so that I used to mirror her a little when I was younger].
[Amanda: +353 01 919 7281]
[Amanda: Remember that it is always good not to risk too much, if she blocks you there is no problem, just ask Cons to give you another chip, I will not charge for this one, since I imagine it is a surprise you have planned for Diana... Enjoy your adventure, then tell me if it worked out. Bye sis].
Fuck, I am even impressed, they got it so fast, if she is that fast to find the number of a famous person, then imagine to get mine, or imagine just to hack our things ... Holy shit, I'll never call Constanze a tampon again, after this I'll think twice even... Well... Come on Akko. The long awaited moment has arrived, Diana is too busy with her boring documentary...
I copy the number and put in Laura McLaren's contact name, as soon as I get this number I notice that there was no picture, but she really did have an account on the app, I take a deep breath, since that would be my moment.
[Akko: Hello]
I have never in my life felt so nervous about sending just a meager "Hello", I don't know why, but it seemed very intimidating, as if I had destroyed the entire Cavendish family mansion and had to explain Diana... I just hope everything works out.... I hope she answers me too, since I'm too far away.... Let's go!
[????? Hello? How the fuck did you get my number? If you are some crazy fan know that I'll give you 2 minutes before I block you, explain if well, surprise me].
Holy lesbian Beatrix, she comes right out with this bucket of cold water on me, I better answer soon if I don't want to throw all this progress in the trash, but what do I do? For the first time in my life I really have to think before I act... I'll explain to her in a quick way.
[Akko: Please, I really need your help Mrs. McLaren, my name is Atsuko Kagari, better known as Akko, I am Diana Cavendish's girlfriend, and I have a very big suspicion about you, I found this picture here and I'm thinking that... You are Diana's mother].
I send the message along with the picture of her next to Diana's mother and also the little cabbage cub, I hope it really works out, because I couldn't think of a better way to respond....
POV Laura:
What the fuck is this? Fuck! I... Fucking hell... For the fucking nine Lesbian Witches... How come a bomb like this comes today? Wait a minute girlfriend? My little girl is a lesbian just like her mother! That's so cute! But wait a minute... How did she find this out? How did she find this picture? By the nine lesbian witches... Does Diana know? Does she come here? Fuck! Now that the house has fallen for me... I've waited years for this moment, but I didn't imagine it would come so fast... I really wanted to keep this secret... Especially since Bernadette died... She would never be accepted in the Cavendish mansion, even with the curse broken and also Diana will never accept a mother who abandoned her for so many years? Better answer this girl soon.
[Laura: I don't know how the fuck you found this picture, I don't know who the fuck you are, I don't know what the fuck you want... But holy shit, you are very smart little girl, yeah... If you are really Diana's girlfriend then send me a picture].
[Akko: Ah you answered me, nice, okay I'll send you a picture, she's on my side now].
The brat takes a picture of her next to Diana, I almost cry when I see my daughter, the girl was big, she was no longer the little baby I used to hold in my arms... Wait a minute... Damn this girl is the same one that was flying with my Diana that day of the missile! I remember it well! It was on TV! Holy shit... She is very cute and cute even, she looks like she is clumsy and silly, I don't know why, I felt that about her.
[Laura: Okay, brat, I'll trust you not to block your number, I just want to know one thing... Are you treating my daughter well, because if not I'm going to come over there and pull your ears. Fuck you if you saved the country with the fucking Claiomh Solais].
[Akko: Hahahah! You are quite funny, but relax; Diana is very well with me, she is very happy by my side.... And I'm honored to see that you know about that].
[Laura: Is quite obvious, how come nobody was seeing two crazy girls on a broomstick flying towards a nuclear missile? Only a fucking person who lives in a fucking cave, which is not my fucking case, so yes, I fucking saw you, I also saw my daughter's psycho beating your fucking ass that day, I already suspected something, but I didn't know you were fucking girlfriends... I am happy for you guys... But answering your theory is... I am Diana's biological mother, just like Bernadette, you want to know how? Simple the fertility stone].
POV Akko:
I started to have a panic of joy, that woman sent right to the can, old cock, I've known this Laura for two minutes and I already consider her my best friend... I love this mother-in-law... Oh shit, I hope Diana hasn't noticed my sudden reaction.
I look to the side and notice that in fact Diana had practically fallen asleep, how cute, I think the day was very exhausting for my love... I cuddle her and, besides making her more comfortable in bed, I give her a little kiss on the forehead, just as I start talking to Laura again. I wanted to know more, who knows also my plan would work out.
[Akko: So the fertility stone is real?]
[Laura: Fucking sure, I know step by step how to do it, I have one now on my necklace, I always treasure it...]
Laura takes a picture and shows me the fertility stone, as well as her face... Holy lesbian Beatrix, she is not 49 years old, she is well preserved... Woah... That's why Diana is so beautiful! The eyes are Laura's... I always knew, Bernadette is the only Cavendish different, she had green eyes... While everyone here has blue eyes... Besides Diana's eyes are the same as hers... They are quite different from the eyes of the others.... I have to say that this Laura and Bernadette made the real divinity... If the fertility stone is real, then it really means that it is not a metaphor for artificial insemination.
[Akko: I don't know what to say Miss McLaren... You killed all my doubts at once, I knew that the fertility stone was real, if Diana is the fruit of the fertility stone and is the current leader of the family... That means that you made her here in the Cavendish family residence].
[Laura: Of course, where do you think I would make out with Bernadette? A girl like you is 19 years old? Forget it, I want to know why you called me, your motivations... And also how you got to this point].
This Laura has a coarse way of being... Like Amanda was mirrored in her, holy shit, she's like Amanda only ten times sharp tongued... She is literally all of Diana's crude side... It makes sense now, but a Diana who cusses ten thousand words a word, I've never seen someone so foul mouthed like that.
[Akko: Miss McLaren... I was this morning arguing with Diana when a wind takes a picture of Diana's mother, so I kind of followed, that picture led to her room, where I bumped into a closet, the picture fell on my face and I was in shock to see that picture, Bernadette, you and Diana together, plus a whole album where the two of you were together.... I also read your entire message that was behind the photo.... It was very cute... But what did Diana's aunt do that was so bad?]
POV Laura:
What a mess... So it was a photo... Bernadette obviously played with this girl, there is no other, but that was not her room, Bern did not keep these things in her room, the room where the tapestry was actually the first room of Diana ... I guess you made those aren't you my love... I have to stop thinking about these things... I'll go crazy, but I'm already crazy... Do I trust to explain to this brat what happened? I don't want to explain this by message... I think I will have to take this measure.
[Laura: Do you want to know what really happened? I'll only tell you if you come here in Ireland, it's something that's better told in person.... Before all this... Does Diana know? Does Daryl know anything?]
[Akko: I haven't told Diana yet, I intended to surprise the lady by revealing myself to you being her mother, plus it would show that the fertility stone was real all along... Daryl only saw me leave Bernadette's room, I managed to disguise it well... No one but a friend of mine knows that you are Diana's mother... And even that friend of mine discredited me, so kind of yes, that secret is safe].
Great! Things will be better this way... So I can really trust this girl... Probably her friend is the person who got my number, I don't doubt it at all, I hope no one expose my number; otherwise I'll be mad as fucking hell...
[Laura: Great, so come to the Mclaren family residence tomorrow morning, don't arrive before 10 o'clock in the morning, otherwise I'll make you swallow your magic, I won't miss my beauty sleep].
[Akko: Okay, I'll come, just send me the address, I'll find a way to go alone, after all I don't want any suspicions to come my way].
I send my address to the little brat, although I don't even need it, all I had to do was look it up on the Internet for the location of my house, since everyone knows where McLaren lives, but I am relieved that the girl is so naĂŻve.
POV Akko:
After this conversation with Laura McLaren I felt relieved, I have to admit that she is very nice and a bit sharp tongued, I could see that a lot, I really hope that everything goes well... Now I'm going to play for a while, maybe sleep... I am one step away from making this surprise real...
I was playing Minecraft until about two o'clock in the morning, I practically lost track of time, playing in a world that I made with Diana, I was kind of mining a little and adventuring, when I least realized I was getting sleepy. So I decided to stop playing, turned off our video game and went to sleep, giving Diana a little kiss on the forehead as usual.
It was nine o'clock in the morning, I got up, this time Diana was beside me, she was getting changed, and I patted her on the butt just to let her know I was awake, hehe.
- A slap on the hotness! Yes baby thank you! - I say after slapping that hottie ass, Diana quickly turns around and puts her hand on her face, a bit flushed.
- Akko! - she said embarrassed.
Soon I stand up and give Diana a hug from behind as she finishes changing, when she finishes changing I get a little kiss on the forehead, after this little kiss I point to my mouth, signaling that she should kiss my lips, which Cavenboring does, after the kiss I go to the closet where I choose an outfit.
A white T-shirt, shorts, an orange overcoat, a scarf and finally a pair of boots, an outfit very similar to the one I wore the day I went to Luna Nova the first time.
- Where are you going so dressed up? - She said, already suspicious that I was going out, while I was thinking of a way to answer Diana, I had to be very spontaneous.
- Ah love I'm going... To Ireland... Yes! I'm going to Ireland to visit someone... - I say, still trying to think of how to wind Diana up, but she stared at me as if I were lying. - I sort of got called to go there, it's a sewing friend of mine from... Luna Nova! - I say this until she completes me.
- Akko, in all those years it doesn't have an Irish student in Luna Nova, if you're going to lie about leaving without me, at least lie properly... Let me see something... Are you going out with your friends to fool around... Or with him? - She said talking as if Andrew was a real criminal, I really don't understand how she has this jealousy of Andrew, he is fucking gay.
- That's it, I'm going out to prepare a surprise for you, but as you always ruin surprises, it's no fun... What a shit - I say inflating my cheeks, fucking Atsuko Kagari, every day you excel in acting, I really deserved an Oscar after this.
- Awwww, don't be like that honey, I know you try these surprises, but you don't have to react like that, try to act better... - She said, caressing me. That's all I needed, Diana believed in my acting, I kind of accidentally made her believe in something else, perfect.
She gives me another little kiss and we go to the kitchen where we go for breakfast, as usual it was pancakes, I love pancakes. We eat for a while until after breakfast I give Diana a kiss and tell her I was leaving, she waved at me and said goodbye.
I take my broom and start to float, saying the spell "Tia Freyre". With the broom floating, I put on the cell phone holder and activate the GPS, setting the destination to the McLaren family's residence, according to the address I entered.
"7h 13 min"
"470 km"
How absurd! This is all by car, but I'm on a broom, so I'd better change the route format here to broom. Yes, the distance has been greatly reduced! Now it's just flying towards Dublin in Ireland.
"350 km"
I think it will take a bit of broom time, I think maybe an hour.... That's the most I can fly going on a broomstick without being scared to death or using up all my magic, so let's go! From Edinburgh to Dublin! Farewell Scotland and hello Ireland!
Diana POV:
Akko left, but said in a very dirty way that she was going to Ireland, I really think she just went to Germany to Constanze's house, maybe to visit Amanda or else she went to visit Lotte in Finland, or maybe she went to LoperĂšc to visit Chariot and Croix, it's been a while since she visited the two twins... I don't know, I just hope Akko is okay, at least this time she will let me know before she leaves... I have taught this girl well.
Without Akko at least I could work in peace, take advantage of the fact that today is a Friday and I only work until five o'clock, so today is perfect... Well, let's go, today is going to be a day of rest, I really hope Akko doesn't get into any trouble. As soon as I go up to the office I take the opportunity to check my cell phone, to see if anyone has sent me any messages.
[Hannah: Hey Diana, Avery and I are going to Karaoke tonight, do you want to come? Just come down here in England, we'll have some fun, have a cold one, you know... Call Akko, she's funny, even if she doesn't drink, she's a comedian... I have called Barbara and Lotte to come, Amanda, Jasminka and Constanze will also come, even the weird Sucy will come, only you and Akko are missing].
That would be nice, but I'm not really up for it, I want to use this Friday for a more private surprise between me and Akko, you know? I want to do something we haven't done in years, that pillow fort gave me a great idea, it's very childish, but I'm sure my Akko will love it, and I don't know, I won't enjoy it that much. Even more I don't like that Avery girl, I never really did.
[Diana: Ah Hannah, thank you so much, but I don't think it's going to work out, friend, these days are very exhausting for me, also Akko left this morning, I don't know where she went, but it must be some surprise, so I think I'll stay here in Scotland].
[Hannah: Ah Diana, come on stop being such a pain, take advantage that Akko is not here and go out with us, I'll buy drinks for all of us including pizzas as well... So what do you think?].
[Diana: Hannah, you know I don't drink, I will refuse friend, my sincere apologies, but enjoy the day with you guys out there, it's not as if our presence is the most desired thing in the world].
[Hannah: Okay, Diana, okay, but tell me... Do you have the number of that handsome guy, your cousin? It would be interesting to call him here].
[Diana: Hannah, you're engaged to Avery and Andrew is gay, you're not going to get anything out of this, by the way, I don't have his number, you know I don't like that guy, Akko does.]
Hannah after that message just sent me an emote with her thumb sign up, I bet she was a bit mad that I didn't agree to go out with her and the girls, now great, they'll think I'm an asshole because I refused to go out, but I don't care, Hannah has been very annoying lately, she has been since the time she picked on Akko.
After answering Hannah the best way I could think of, I decided to start working for today, I knew I was going to have a full day filling more and more spreadsheets, just thinking about it makes my wrists hurt, but what can I do... This is the way I found to give a little more money to the Cavendish family.
POV Laura:
I was waking up in the morning, got out of bed and looked at myself in the mirror, I was a little bit disheveled, looking at the mirror, my long red hair needed to see a comb, so I tried to really comb it, I imagine I would have a long day, I make sure to check my messages and soon I notice an interesting one.
[Akko: I'm coming to Ireland; I'll be there in an hour].
Oh great, the little brat will be here in half an hour, it seems she didn't obey me much with what I said about not coming here before 10 o'clock in the morning, at least today I woke up a little earlier, but how stubborn this girl is, well come on, I can't go out in a robe with these tits waving around.
I take a T-shirt, pants, and my light blue slippers, as well as my necklace with the fertility stone. If Bernadette hadn't left this would be the stone that would make our second daughter... Hellene... Why... Why did you have to leave my love... I miss you so much... Bern...
I hugged nothing as always, thinking that one day that hug would lead to something... But it always came to nothing... All I wanted most was to be with Bernadette now... But let's keep our posture, after all that girl is going to come, I have to show her that I am strong...
I go downstairs and soon run into my sister Chelsea and my niece Holly, they were both in the kitchen eating waffles, I soon sit down at the table with them...
- Good morning girls! - I say until they both smile at me and answer.
- Good morning sis," Chelsea said.
- Good morning Aunt Laura," Holly said.
- So girls, today we are going to have a visitor - I say while they remain unresponsive - Atsuko Kagari, she is my daughter's girlfriend... Diana... I think you have seen her, that little brunette girl who was on the broom with my daughter with Bernadette." I say until they both stare at me dumbfounded, Holly holding a piece of waffle and Chelsea almost overflowing a cup of coffee, which I had to use magic to keep it from spilling all over the table.
- What is it? What the fuck is this Laura? You're kidding, aren't you? - Said Chelsea as if a truck had run over her. What an honor to finally have the courage to reveal yourself to Diana, I thought I would stay 20 years without doing anything.
- Yes Chelsea, but only Diana's girlfriend is coming.... - I say, answering her.
- Wait a minute, Auntie... You mean the brunette who was on the broom? She is amazing! She's a great friend of mine in Witcher! We always talk about the Shiny Chariot... She's awesome! - Said Holly, as usual that girl was a fan of the little Chariot... Lucky for us we went to her concerts during the beginning of her career, before all those crazy concerts where she was suspected of stealing magic.
- That's her... But yes Chelsea, it is very likely that this girl wants to push me to go to Diana, I don't doubt it at all... - I even say that Chelsea completes me.
- You can't spend your whole life sitting on the couch sucking your tits, Diana will fight with you anyway, your daughter was abandoned for 20 years... There's no use in waiting... What would Bernadette do? Besides, you can save the Cavendish family, I know they are in a bad way financially... That bitch Daryl will have to accept your help or not. Why didn't you have her arrested when she did that nasty shit to you? - She said again, going back to that subject.
- Don't fucking fill me up! I know that, I know I could have done all that.... But I just want to forget it and move on.... - I say trying to make Chelsea stop bringing this up, but she was kind of right, even after 20 years I never stopped thinking about Bernadette for a day... I still have the ring on my finger and always will, my one true love is Bernadette Cavendish...
POV Akko:
I was arriving in Dublin, with only 10 more minutes to go, I was already getting very tired of flying at 350 km/h in a straight line, the icy wind, the pain in my arms... How can a witch who races with brooms stand this, it is much worse to fly a broom when you are at high speed... When I was flying with Diana I always stayed behind and didn't feel all this... Actually this is the first time I have traveled this far alone on a broomstick...
The time went by and I could see the city from far away, after flying so much I was finally close, what a relief... It doesn't take long and soon I am getting closer and closer until I was in Dublin, I follow the GPS to where it was indicating the McLaren family's residence, little by little I get closer and I find myself in a more rural area of the city, also with a wall around it, I pass by it, since my interest was only in the house.
I am even perplexed, the woman was eight times world champion and practically considered a local heroine and lives in a big house, but nothing on the castle level where the Cavendish live, it was a big house with about four or five floors, it looked a lot like big houses in American movies, I soon approach the door and ring the bell, as soon as it rings I wait a little.
Who attends me is a redheaded girl and she was quite short, about Constanze's size I would say, she nods to me smiling, as if she knows me before, so I nod back.
- Hi Akko Kagari! I don't think you know me that way, but you must know me from Witches, I'm Holly Chariot Stan! - she said smiling at me... And wow, she is Holly, I recognize her now, from her profile picture which was a drawing you could tell she drew herself and pretty true to how she is in life I would say.
- Holly? Ah yes! Holly! Girl... Wow! You are amazing Holly, you are one of the few people we can talk about Shiny Chariot without anyone disturbing us, what a coincidence that you live right here. - I say answering her and right after giving her a hug, I wanted so much to hug that girl, I blush a little because I felt her breasts a little, which were not small at all under mine... Wait a second... If Holly is related to Laura McLaren that makes her related to Diana! What a fuck up! Now that I stopped to think about it.
After this hug we looked at each other for a while and soon Holly took me to the kitchen, where when I arrived I found two familiar faces, one was someone I had seen on television before and the other was Laura McLaren... I am in the middle of a family of famous people and I didn't even know it.
- I am Atsuko Kagari, but you can call me Akko - I say, trying to create a good impression.
- Ah hello Akko, I'm Chelsea and this is my sister Laura, I wonder why you came here, I was talking to my sister how she should stop hiding from her daughter and reveal herself, it's been twenty years and this woman is still hiding - Chelsea said.... I have heard that name before... Chelsea McLaren! She is an actress! She plays lesbian characters in all kinds of movies and TV shows! Now that I remembered! I love her performances, especially in Love yourself... How incredible the moments Diana and I were theorizing about how Layla would be with Hannah... Now I am facing Layla herself here. Diana would love to be here.
- Hey there, brat, you finally came. You could have come a little later, couldn't you? Well, let's leave it aside, I'm glad you came, but tell me what are your real intentions? - Laura said with her "gentle" way of being, now I am sure where did Diana's rudeness come from.
- Ah hello Mrs. McLaren... I came here to really talk to you, I want to know what happened to abandon my girlfriend. I am not here to judge you, I am sure you had a reason for that - I tell Laura, I just remembered a little bit about my reaction with Professor Ursula when she revealed all that to me? I really hope that this Laura McLaren has a strong motive, just by talking about Daryl having some involvement makes me more confident, I never liked that snake.
- I will explain everything, but first feel the will brat, do you want to eat some waffles? - Said Laura, as they were waffles I didn't refuse, I found it funny how that house had lower chairs, all of them were so low, I felt like a real pole to be there, I sit in one of the chairs and soon I start to eat.
POV Laura:
Holy shit the brat is here, she could take a little longer, she had to arrive right on time for lunch... Imagine just to explain to her everything that happened... Even more with Chelsea and Holly here... Out of nowhere this little Japanese girl comes and shows up... I am sure that she will make me go to the Cavendish family mansion... I'm sure... I swear that if I go there I don't know what I'm going to do... Whether I'll die of panic or not...
After we eat a little, it doesn't take long and soon my sister decides to open her fucking mouth... I knew that this idiot would want to make me confess, holy shit...
- So Laura, are you going to tell us? Or are you going to stay there without saying anything? - Said my sister as always pressuring me, damn it, here comes the bomb, but also I will not tell anyway, so I will try to show with the best details.
- I will! Come with me to the TV, I think it's something I have to show how everything happened more clearly, using a bit of the crystal balls too - I say, snorting a little already, I get up and go to the living room together with the girls, the day has come apparently? Here we go.
I arrive at the room together with the girls, I begin to use my magic on a crystal ball that soon was showing everything on a television, as I didn't want to show the whole story I decided to summarize it in a clearer way without wrapping it up too much and going straight to the point.
POV Narrator:
Laura begins to show flashbacks of her memories, starting with one from June 1990, just as they were returning from the McLaren family residence after they had both graduated. They first stop by the redhead's house where she passed the family's leadership position to her younger sister Chelsea.
After solving this problem they go to the Cavendish family residence and it was there where things started to get problematic, as soon as they arrive they are welcomed by Clarie Cavendish (Diana's grandmother, Bernadette and Daryl's mother), that is until the time the woman brings up the subject of marriage, telling Bernadette to marry the son of a family friend, this one called Paul Hanbridge.
Bernadette obviously refused, but she could no longer refuse using the age argument, which she had always used with her mother since she was 14 years old, this time the girl was 18 years old, because of even that Cavendish decided to hit the table and assume once and for all. She had been dating Laura McLaren since December 1987 and would never part with that girl for anything in the world.
This causes Clarie to end up slapping the girl and getting disgusted, she even tried to lock her in her room and kick Laura out, but since the authority in the Cavendish family was with Isabella (Diana's great-grandmother, Bernadette and Daryl's maternal grandmother), she did not allow Clarie to do this at all, but in a way Bernadette had to obey her mother's demands, but she did not want to anymore, she needed to do something.
A week later the opportunity arrives, it was the perfect day to perform the ritual to become head of the Cavendish family, Bernadette felt in the mood to perform this ritual, since it had been weeks since she had laid in bed with her girlfriend, it had been days since they could even kiss in peace in the ritual.
POV Laura:
I decide to pause that part, because I had to explain what was going to happen next, as I was not present at the ritual part I would kind of just show myself waiting while listening to some music.
- Why did you stop, sis? And what does something that happened eleven years before Diana was born have to do with her abandonment? - said my sister who still didn't even know that much about what happened.
- So, I don't know very clearly what happened, but according to what Bernadette told me, she was going normally until someone interrupted the ritual in the halls, she was alone and was shot down by Clarie and her grand aunts, Marie and Amelia, after she woke up, she was alone in the middle of all that room. Bern continued on and soon came across three trees, they seemed to be covering the three which was really true, at that time Bern didn't know it was them and just continued on normally, coming to get the title of head of the family - I say until Chelsea again raises her hand.
- Okay, but what does this have to do with what happened 11 years later? - Chelsea says, getting on my nerves, until I answer her.
- Fuck you Chelsea, pay attention to this shit, or I won't explain it to you - I say answering my wonderful sister, wonderful is my ass, fuck you... Laura focus, let's go back to showing what happened.
POV Narrator:
After the ritual Bernadette came back and was realized that she was head of the Cavendish family, but things were not that much better, from the moment they started to miss Clarie, Marie and Amelia, with that disappearance Bernadette called the police two days after she disappeared, in this case the magical police since normal people could end up getting hurt.
When the police arrived where the ritual was being performed, they noticed that there were three lifeless bodies, they were the bodies of Clarie, Maria and Amelia, as soon as Bernadette explained everything she was taken as the main suspect and was almost arrested, when she explained everything that had happened and in the crystal ball it appeared what really happened.
As soon as she returns home, Laura was waiting for her, as was Daryl. Cavendish was cleared and the whole case was closed as a murder, but because of this Daryl ended up placing all the blame for these deaths on Laura.
"It's your fault Laura McLaren! Because of you my mother and my aunts died! You had to show up in my sister's life! You ruined all the family's plans! You damn Irish bitch!"
POV Laura:
- Of course, this was pure falsehood on Daryl Cavendish's part, she had little empathy for her mother and aunts, after all, she herself had told them that Bernadette had gone to perform the ritual to become the leader of the family, she intentionally wanted to make her mother the leader of the family, because then she would manipulate Bernadette into forcing her to marry Paul Hanbridge... Daryl told me this before the fateful day. Clarie's death was not a feeling of daughter losing her mother, but for her it was more because it got in the way of her plans... That woman was never any good - I say until Chelsea answers me again.
- Laura McLaren! You are dumb! Look what you tell me, look what a piece of shit this woman is! Daryl should have been arrested! I will always say that. But instead the big tobacco girl there preferred to keep it quiet! - She said as always insisting on this subject... And fuck, even the other two were agreeing with her.
- That bitch could have killed my girlfriend, she had no qualms about using poison spells on me when I tried to save Diana's life... - Said the brat, causing me to go into shock.
- Wait a minute," I say, pausing the TV, "you mean you tried the ritual and... What part of respecting the traditions, didn't you hear? Anna didn't let me interfere even though I heard some screams and magic shots, and I also felt Bern's magic weakening... - I say until the little brat completes.
- I know, but I kept pushing in every possible way, until I saw Diana on the floor, I tried my best to fight Daryl and their daughters... But there are three of them... When I woke up I found Diana, we were in a laboratory, I tried to make her feel better and encourage her not to give up the ritual, since there was time, we went... Daryl and her clones almost died, but during the ritual, Diana kind of sacrificed being the leader of the family in exchange for being able to save the lives of the three - Akko said, which impressed me, but at the same time I hoped that Daryl had died in this attempt to stop the ritual.
- Daryl doesn't learn his lesson anyway, she lost her mother for that very reason and 27 years later she makes the same mistake, if it wasn't for Diana she could have died... If that's so then it means that Daryl kind of owes one to Diana's side - I say until Chelsea completes me.
- You see Laura, it is your time to move, it is your time to stand up for yourself, Daryl can't do anything, she had her life saved by your daughter, let her dare to touch a finger on you... – Said Chelsea completing me so I just shrug my shoulders and decide to go back to showing what happened, skipping many years on television, since they were the best years of my life next to Bernadette.
POV Narrator:
Laura jumped to the year 2001, more specifically on September 1, 2001, Diana was already 3 months old, she had hair a little bit evident since she was born with hair. On that day Laura is called by Daryl. Where she reveals all her intentions.
"Laura I never blamed you for the fact that killed my mother and made me lose my much loved mother, in fact I hated her, I even appreciate you coming along and making Bernadette's head to continue in this lesbian shit, but I was angry anyway, your person was not supposed to be so influential, Bernadette being a lesbian was fine.... What I didn't want is for her to date someone like you.... An imposing person, a moral person, because of your presence, Bernadette became stronger, she wasn't like that before, she was more submissive... But why am I saying this? I wish my mother had succeeded in becoming the leader, not because I wanted to see her alive? but because I wanted to see Bernadette forced to marry Paul. He is the same one who is my lover today.... Poor little Eleanora who thinks she is in a stable union.... But let's get back to the point... With you ruining my first plan where my mother could possibly trust me more, I had to change the course of things... That's when you made the fertility stone and I discovered a wonderful little book Written by a witch named Margaret Ford, this book was about the curse of the metal spheres.... Do you know it?"
At that moment Laura was just oblivious, but she recognized the name Margaret Ford because of her late great-grandmother's past and how she was a criminal witch accused of killing none other than Diana Cavendish III, the great-great-grandmother of the current Diana Cavendish.
"So, I'll be very direct to the point Laura McLaren, you and Bernadette are under this curse, I put on you yesterday, you have one week to leave this house.... If you don't want you and Bernadette to die... In a week the effect of the metal balls will start to work, if you are close to them... The metal balls will move faster and faster inside your stomach, piercing you both... Look, either you give in, or you and Bernadette die together in a romantic and beautiful way... Poor little Diana who would have to be alone in this cruel world.”
After telling all that Laura had connected the dots, she remembered something her great-grandmother told her years ago, that until then it was a curse with no cure, to the point that Daryl didn't even know the cure either, which causes her to have to change her plans.
Laura and Bernadette talk one last time, take a picture together with little Diana in the middle, using a Polaroid camera, McLaren takes a pen and starts to write a message to leave on the picture, it was not a goodbye, but a goodbye, she believed very much that she could find the cure.
POV Laura:
I started to cry... That moment always broke me... Remembering that I would come back... But that coming back never came.... I paused because I couldn't stand crying, I needed to be trimmed by my sister, niece and Akko, they started to do everything to make me feel as good as possible.
- Mrs. McLaren... It is not your fault... It is that bitch Diana's aunt, now I understand why she did all this... It was not your fault... You don't deserve to be like this... We are going back to the Cavendish family residence and I will make that snake swallow its teeth. Please Mrs. McLaren come to the Cavendish family residence, go back to your daughter, I am sure that there you will make that Cavenboring stay cool - Said the little brat trying to convince me ... But if of one thing, she is right, I think I have to stop staying in the comfort zone.
- You are more than right, brat! I'm going to the Cavendish family mansion! I'll face Daryl head on if I have to and let her hold me back! Because I'm coming back! If she tries anything, I've got what's coming to me. I have the cure for the curse of the metal spheres! I got it at least five years ago... If Bernadette were alive... - I say until Akko trims me again, the little brat is kind of nice, she knows how to motivate someone, now I know why Anna let her go.
- You don't have to worry about whether Diana will accept you or not, because you are my guest and Diana should accept, because I'm sure the Cavenboring will be very angry, since on her side you abandoned her - said the brat, quite rightly, that really was what made me postpone my return year after year.
- Okay Akko, I will go! Wait for me next week! I will come! I'll even come with my car with all my bags! And this time I'm not stalling, I'm really going back to the Cavendish family mansion! - I say with all motivation I'm really going.... No more waiting 20 years for this.
POV Akko:
When I heard Laura saying that I started to jump and celebrate and the other two celebrated together with me, the three of us even lifted the McLaren lady, holy shit she might have been short, but she was a little heavy too, after I let her down, I stayed there a little longer, until the sun was going down. When the sun sets I say goodbye to the McLaren, they are a nice family.
- Bye Laura McLaren, I hope to see you next week - I say hugging my mother-in-law.
- Bye brat, good luck dealing with my girl, let's keep it a surprise shall we? - said Mrs. McLaren.
- Bye Akko - said Mrs. McLaren's sister.
- Bye Akko, take good care of my cousin... Oh and do you have a cousin or sister who is as cute as you? Or does Diana have any single friends? - Holly said, wanting to get some hot chicks. Apparently McLaren is full of lesbian witches.
- Bye girls... Oh and Holly, I don't know, we can talk when I get home, a pretty girl like you can get a girl really fast - I say motivating Diana's cool cousin even more.
After talking to them I take my broom and fly back to Edinburgh, Diana must be waiting for me now...
POV Narrator:
The days went by quickly as Akko went from Dublin to Edinburgh, the Kagari managed to hide very well from Cavendish everything she was planning, no one from the Cavendish family residence suspected, which was great.
After this week passes without much happening, Friday arrives where Laura McLaren and her daughter Diana Cavendish were to meet again after almost 20 years, the long-awaited day has arrived.
It was a Friday morning, Laura had already left Dublin at five o'clock in the morning, possibly arriving at noon in Edinburgh, leaving with the Lotus Carlton 1990 that was one of her cars, this one in particular was McLaren's favorite car. Some of the other cars were bizarrely stored in the Cavendish family residence, so it would also be an opportunity for the redhead to review her old cars.
It was eight o'clock in the morning on a winter Friday, it was -2 degrees Celsius that day, but no snow, just a chilly morning as usual. Akko and Diana were waking up together in the bed of their bedroom.
POV Akko:
You don't have to wake me up together, Diana, just give me five more minutes... Oh yeah... Holy shit today is the day! Diana's mother will be here soon... I really hope Diana doesn't react with anger about finding out the truth.
- Good morning my love... Hmmmm... - I say grumbling as Diana kept moving.
- Good morning love, so... Are you going out today? - she said suspiciously.
- I will, but I have a surprise for you... - I say, already making Diana more suspicious.
- A surprise is, if it's like the surprise you gave me at the pillow fort last week I'd love it, but let's do it after work," she said, already hinting at something else.
- You will know what this is all about," I say in response to her.
I go to change with Diana, we put on matching clothes, she with a cabbage print t-shirt with "I'm her cabbage", and me with a white cabbage print t-shirt with "I have a cabbage girlfriend", I put on a pair of red plaid sweatpants, as Diana also put on a pair of blue plaid sweatpants, I almost go barefoot, but Cavenboring throws me a rabbit slipper that catches my head.
- You can't go out barefoot - said Cavenboring, already starting to get on my nerves.
- All right, all right, Bleh, you Cavenboring - I say holding out my tongue and taking my slippers and putting them on, while the cuddly cabbage put on her kitten slippers and put on a plaid jacket, while I went without a jacket.
- Where are you going without a coat? - Again the Cavenboring implies me, this time throwing an orange coat to me, and it wasn't even cold, inside the room it was even warm.
I put on my coat because I didn't want to see Cavenboring pick on me and as soon as we leave I notice why she gave me the coat, I already feel the icy wind in the halls of the mansion, which were not heated so as not to spend on heating, so only in the bedrooms I leave the heater on.
We went to breakfast, this time I was smiling too much, very excited about the surprise that that cow of Diana's aunt would come across, little does she know what is waiting for her... Since I went to Ireland I have been even more careful that this snake doesn't do anything to Diana and me, because she is not crazy to do anything.
- Why are you smiling so much girl, what's so funny that you would look at me and still find it funny? - said the snake in the creeping way it always used to say... Ew.
- You will know Daryl - I say, leaving a mystery in the air, Diana was also looking at me and was finding my overconfidence strange.
- Why are you so excited about what I'm about to see? May I know? Are you by any chance going to give me some lipstick as a present? Or are you going to get out of this house at once? My niece has been tarnishing the family's reputation for far too long by insisting on this lesbian thing, this is all just a phase. Either she marries James or she remains infertile and unable to have a lineage that will continue the family? Oops, I hesitated, I ended up talking too much,- said the crawling snake, which did not intimidate me a bit, in fact I continued to show confidence, while Diana hit the table and stood up angrily.
POV Diana:
- Atsuko Kagari! Stop picking fights with my aunt! And Aunt Daryl, you're already here with me! If you insist on pushing me around James, I swear I'll make a fuss, I love Akko! I don't care if it makes it impossible for me to be a mother! Love is stronger than any barrier - I say in answer to both of them, "I don't know why Akko invented to create intrigue out of the blue, I was so angry that right away I left the table, I no longer had any appetite.
- Diana! Don't go now! Sorry love! - Said Akko, which I just glanced back signaling that I had forgiven my love, she always understood my body language, so I left there to go towards my office.
Arriving at the office I kept thinking and pondering... What is the surprise that Akko wants to give me so badly? Is it something warmer? Or could it be that the something warm that she gave me last week was actually not the surprise and she has something bigger in store? I don't know... All I know is that this week she asked me several questions about my father... She even came up with an absurd theory about my mother being a lesbian... Not that I think it could be a lie... She clearly felt repulsed by my father... I am sure my mother married just to have me My father James was never a good person Besides saying about a hypothetical situation where the fertility stone is real and I am actually the daughter of two mothers.... I admit I really wish this was all real.... She even made a whole theory involving my aunt casting a curse to stop all this.... I have never seen Akko think this much....
Anyway, let's focus on what to do today... I'm going to have a very full day apparently.
POV Narrator:
The hours went by that morning, Akko was waiting playing some video games, so much so that she opened a live stream, this time playing some Yu Gi Oh Forbidden memories, playing in a challenge she called no Free Duel. Which was much more complicated since she couldn't lose since she was also competing in story mode the whole time.
Laura was arriving in Edinburgh, driving as fast as she could, sometimes slowing down in case there were speed cameras nearby, but that didn't stop her from going as fast as she could to reach the Cavendish family residence.
By the time 11:55 arrived, Laura was already at the door of the Cavendish mansion.
POV Laura:
I arrive at the gate of the Cavendish family residence, press the button of the gate control and soon I notice that they open for me, which already impressed me, it was the same moldy control from 20 years ago... Someone could break into this place if they stole my car. Luckily they didn't try, or they would swallow their teeth. I would go inside, but as soon as I start to drive forward I am interrupted by a security guard. I roll down my window and then lower my glasses.
- Frederich let me through, man! It's impressive that you've been working here since 1995, and please, don't say anything to anyone that I'm here, only to the house staff, I want to surprise them - I say until Frederich recognizes me and then releases me.
- I am sorry Miss Laura McLaren, we have not seen you for 20 years, what happened to your disappearance? I missed you around here, this mansion has a very heavy atmosphere since you and Mrs. Bernadette left this place? - Said Frederich, which I just agree and then climb the car window entering the mansion of the Cavendish family.
I go with my car along the path that led to the garage, surprisingly they still had my other beauties, very well kept and hidden in a cloth, as soon as my car parks I am greeted by Anna, possibly she has been warned of the arrival of a visitor.
- Hello Miss Laura McLaren, what brings you here? - Said Anna accompanied by other maids.
- Hi Anna, I am definitely back this time, I have a few things to take care of here... Have you taken good care of my Diana these years? - I say until Anna nodded her head in agreement.
- Of course, I'll take your things to the former mistress's room... May I? - Anna said.
- Please, Anna - I tell her until she and the maids walk past me, I hand them my car key, just as I take my cell phone.
POV Akko:
Lunchtime was approaching, I took the time to procrastinate a bit on Wticher and have fun with some memes, until I get a message from Mrs. McLaren... She arrived that early? So fast almost at lunch time?
[Laura: Hey brat, I'm home, come here we need to play our plan, I'm in the hallway past the garage, make sure you're not seen by Daryl].
[Akko: Okay Miss McLaren, I'll be right there]
I go quickly through the corridors and come across Miss McLaren, she was taking off her sunglasses and also the jacket that she tied around her waist, that almost made her tits fly, I don't know how that woman doesn't fall down with a thing that size.
- Well, follow my plan, we are going to make a shocking surprise for everyone, but before you make this surprise, take this - Said Laura handing me a bottle.
- What is it? - I say confused.
- This stuff makes you immune to the curse of the metal balls, Daryl can never do anything to you. – Said Laura
- And what is the plan? - I said.
Laura tells me in detail how she would follow the plan and how I should prepare the surprise, with a little bit of magic to make the scenario perfect, then after hearing everything, she pats me on the back and I go towards the dining room, where everyone was there having lunch and waiting for me, apparently.
- You were late love - Cavenboring said only because I had more important things to take care of.
POV Diana:
I wonder if Akko is late because of the "surprise" or if there is another context... What is my girl planning? Well, I don't know, maybe she is just late... I don't know, I only know that she is so cute eating with her full cheeks, my little cheeks, after that discussion earlier Daryl even kept quiet, how nice.
I was eating normally, until a piano song started playing... Oh no I can't believe Akko did that, she made a point of playing the theme song from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure... Why I deserve this woman... Hey smoke, why is there smoke? Shame on me...
Until the music reached its climax, the door opened, but the smoke was still very thick, and the moment the piano started to play again, I came across a person. It was a redhead with long straight hair, a little fat, arms crossed, she had very pale skin, freckles everywhere... Wait a minute, that face is familiar... Laura McLaren? What is she doing here... Eh... A... ghost behind her.... Mom? My mother is appearing behind her...
I was stunned at the time, I looked around and my aunt was in shock, she was a stone, I had never seen her like that... I was also trying to understand why my mother's spirit appeared.
- Hello - Laura said in a way that seemed threatening, but at the same time comforting.
- We got Miss McLaren they are in shock - Akko said... Akko? Who stood up and shake Laura's hand as if they were two friends... What is this thing? What do you mean? They have met before... Akko's surprise was to bring Laura McLaren here? That's why she told me she went to Ireland last week.
- La... Laura... What are you doing here? - Said my aunt who was scared, but soon she changes her expression to a more confident one, why is my aunt reacting like this? - In reality, you arrived late, I would say at least 15 years late, how can you simply arrive here and on top of that have the shamelessness to come here thinking that your Diana is going to come to your arms, that she is going to put her hand on your head? - My aunt kept saying... What? What do you mean "your Diana"? I was startled looking at my aunt - That's right Diana, this girl here is actually - Said Daryl until Laura ended up answering her.
- Nothing more, nothing less than Albert Einstein! - Said Laura as if she didn't care about that situation, while my aunt stared at her in disgust - Look Diana, I am sorry for everything that happened 20 years ago, but I will tell you... Your mother Bernadette was married to me, we used magic and then we had you.... That was long before she married James.... Your aunt may even try to stay on top, but what about Daryl? Why don't you talk about what you did to me? Why don't you confess that you controlled your sister by forcing her to marry James? Why don't you talk about when you left Bernadette to die? Why won't you talk about when you put the curse on the metal balls? - Did you say Laura? Is she my mother? What's going on? It can't be... I'm very confused...
- Wait! What are you saying? What do you mean Laura McLaren is my mother? What do you mean she used magic? What did my Aunt Daryl do? Mom... - I say, starting to get weepy... I had memories of my mother Bernadette and I started to run out of there, it was an impulse I never had in my life.
I ended up doing this trying to get away from that situation, many things were going through my head, Laura McLaren my mother? Curse of the iron balls? That James was not my father I already knew, he already did the DNA test... I just want to be alone... So I ran to the room where my mother was staying, I sat down on the floor and cried, it was the only thing I could think of... Traumatic childhood memories came back... Those days when my mother died... If I could go back in time and heal her.... I would give her all my magic...
POV Laura:
My apologies Diana... I wanted to make a triumphant entrance... But I couldn't, I don't think I should pull this argument the poor thing must be in need of someone to make her feel better.
- Do you see what you have done? You think this is going to be okay? I won't let you come back so easily - said my slutty sister-in-law, while I just walked straight ahead, until the brat tapped me on the shoulder as I was approaching the door.
- Where are you going Mrs. McLaren? Are you going to let Daryl say these things about you? I know the real story, I know what happened, she has to shut up - said the brat, until I took her hand off my shoulder.
- Fuck what is more important is the love and care that I must give my daughter, Daryl of little do I care, I'm shitting and walking to that snake - I say leaving that room while Akko was even quiet to hear me, Daryl kept talking and talking, but only ignored, the brat is very brave to stay in this house with that cow.
POV Diana:
Alone in the room, crying, until I feel something touching my shoulder, I thought it was just Akko, so I just ignored it again, until I hear a voice... I had heard it before... I raise my head and am faced with the ghost of my mother.
- Diana... I understand your pain... It seems that your mother Laura has finally decided to go back to where she should be... Taking care of her daughter... Please... Don't be angry with her. Accept it, Laura. This is my last wish as a mother. Laura has given me so much love and care all these years - Said my mother's spirit.
- Why should I accept her? Laura abandoned her just as I did. She didn't even interfere when you married James - I say until she answers me.
- Your mother Laura had a reason; she would never abandon us... This reason she will explain to you, I'm sure... You have no idea how she waited so many years for this moment. Laura tried to find a cure for what caused her to leave us. But it was too late... Please Diana... If you can't do it for yourself... Do it for your dead mother...- said my mother's spirit, which made me a little touched... This time I really think I should forget about this armagure... I wonder if all that theory Akko told me is true.
I just nod my head and smile at the spirit that starts to disappear, when it disappears completely I see that the door was being opened, as I see the door opening I am faced with my mother Laura.
- Diana - said my mother Laura.
I get up and go running to hug my mother Laura, I was still crying, only this time the crying of sadness was changed to one of comfort, I was kneeling and hugging her, since my mother was a little short, I rest my head on her chest and soon I am caressed.
- I have waited years for this moment, my little Diana," she said as she kept giving me affection, while wiping my tears.
- You called me Mom? - She said, all excited, until I looked at my mother's face and she was crying.
- What else would I be yours? - I say to my mother who starts to hug me tighter to the point of making me sink my face inside her huge breasts... But soon after she lets the hug go lighter.
- Now things will be all right Diana... Your mother Laura is here... I will never leave her... I'll never leave you again I will make up for all the 20 years I spent away - She said until I look at her and start wiping my mother's tears.
- Just in these few seconds the lady is already making up for it... My mother Laura - I say this while Akko was watching everything, she was bursting into tears, my mother immediately looks at her and starts laughing.
- Come here little brat, you're family too - said my mother calling for Akko, who joined in a family hug... Brat? I like that nickname, I guess I'll have to get used to the idea that I have two mothers? It seems that Akko was right all along about the fertility stone... Who knew it would be under my nose all the time.
See you, lesbian witches, someday, somewhere!
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everyhowlmarksthedead · 4 years
Obispo “Bishop” Losa x Reader.
Anon #1 asked: Hey girl, I wanted to request and imagine with bishop losa. You Two have a fight and makes you cry and he leaves your home and you think he break up with you. Really angsty.
Anon #2 asked: helloooooo love❀ I would like to request a writing for bishop. The plot about you think he is cheating you but in fact is something completely different. like so so angsty at first but then so so fluffy
Word count: 1.8k
Thanks to my lovely beta reader @chibsytelford 💘
Author comments: I hope you all enjoy. English isn’t my first language, I’m sorry if I have some mistakes with grammar. Gif credits: @thedevilsmoonshine.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 @chibsytelford @dazzledamazon @mara-mpou @sammskellington @arvedua đŸ’„ (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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After almost five days out of Santo Padre because of a meeting with your boss in New York, you're back to southern Cali. You didn't tell Bishop when you were arriving, 'cause you prefer to give him a surprise. So, there you are, walking through the front yard straight to the clubhouse, after greeting Chucky. Your silent footsteps end by the front door. You're nervous, because it's the first time you're out of California, since you two decided to make your relationship something more serious. The MC calls you “Old Lady”, which is pretty fun to you.
But, when you're about to open the door, your hand gets stuck on the knob. Inside the clubhouse, there's a conversation happening that it makes you frown with anger and sadness mainly.
“It's easy, prez. Go and tell her”. Angel's voice of wisdom, note the irony, talks first.
“No, it's not. 'Am sure she's gonna freak out and it's gonna be the death of our relationship”. Bishop sounds upset.
“Well, it isn't something you can hide from her. She's pretty smart”. The scratchy voice of Taza makes an appearance, and by that you know what happened in your absence.
Your eyes are full of tears and your whole body is trembling. You run away from there, without looking back. You don't even know where to go, but pack your things and leave the town sound like something you should do as soon as possible. Your friends told you. Your friends told you that Bishop wasn't someone good for you, that sooner or later he would break your heart. And he did. You don't even know why the hell you're surprised about it, with all the hours he spends in Vicky's place.
Pulling a suitcase on the bed, you take all your stuff putting inside without caring if your clothes could wrinkle or not. You just want to leave. And your heart jumps when you hear the front door getting opened. For a second, you stop everything you're doing thinking that he should explain himself, but you don't wanna hear him, so you continue with your last task in this house.
It takes you some seconds to put the key inside the lock, opening the door of the house that has been your home for the last year. Now, all you wanna do is burn down this place. With the tears running your cheeks, leaving a wet trail on your skin, you walk towards the main room. It smells like him. But you can't feel anything good anymore. There's no affection, happiness or joy. Only pain. Many times you've imagined a possible future together in your head, and how it would feel to have a family, or move into a bigger house.
“(Y/N)? What 'you doin' here?” At first, he sound excited and happy, until he sees that you're packing all your stuff. “The hell you doin', querida?”
“Go fuck yourself, Obispo”. You yell without looking at him, with all the anger that resides inside your chest. Your cry gets louder when he tries to walk next to you, raising both hands straight him to stop his steps. “I trusted you! I gave you the best of me! I never asked about anything! Your loyalty! It was everything I asked for! And you... you betrayed me!”
You're really mad as obvious, pushing him once and again with your hands on his chest. He doesn't move an inch of his body, truly confused because of your words and the reprimands that you are spitting.
“What... the hell?”
“Yes! That's what I said!”
“Who the fuc' told you I cheated on you?” He rubs the bridge of his nose, with a heavy snort.
“I didn't tell anything about cheating on me. So, you did? Right? You couldn't keep your cock inside your fucking pants!” You're about to punch him in the face, when he catches your wrist in the air.
“I didn'! I didn' cheat'! What the fuc' is wrong with you, (Y/N), ah?” Bishop shouts at you full of fury, before you push him away again. “You know what? Fuc' you! Call me when you're not that fuckin' crazy. I have bigger problems to attend than your fuckin' paranoia”.
The door is slammed shut seconds later, leaving you there completely alone. Then, you fall apart supporting your back against the wall until you meet the floor. Your legs curled against your chest, and your arms wrapping them, before you're able to hide your face between both. The tears are soaking the fabric of your jeans and you feel like the shortness of breath in your lungs won't let you breathe.
You don't know how long you've been like this, till you feel some pain in your lower back. Getting up of the floor, you close the suitcase zipper, before rolling it to your car. The other stuff, he can burn it or throw it to the trash, you don't care.
━━━━━━ ïč… â”â”â”â”â”â”
The sun is falling down when you pass the welcome sign of Santo Padre. Maybe you shouldn't drive in that kind of condition, with all the pain pressing your body and the eyes full of tears. You don't even know where to go, but driving to nowhere doesn't sound that bad. You turn on the radio, looking for a channel without interference, with maybe some good music. But there's an annoying buzz that doesn't stop chasing you. Looking through the rearview mirror, you find Tranq and Taza on their motorbikes and even if you're not about to stop, you finally do it to a side of the road. You stay inside the car, pulling down the window when the oldest walks towards you.
“Come with us”.
“I'm not, Che. I'm leaving Santo Padre, and I'm not gonna come back”.
“Bishop cheated on me, probably with one of Vicky's girl, and then he broke up with me by saying that I was fuckin' crazy”. You interrupt him, raising your reddened gaze at the man.
“Chucky told us you were at the clubhouse. And... by the things I think you heard, yeah... It's what seems like. But he would never be with another woman that isn't you, believe me”. Yes, you do it. You know he can't lie to you. So you're doubting, with your eyes on the horizon. “It's exactly the opposite. Come with us. Bishop is devastated, I assure you”.
Taza hits softly your car twice, hoping you will do it. And when he's back at his motorbike, starting the engine, you sigh with your head supported against the steering wheel. You punch it with anger, making the horn sound, before turning back the wheels to Santo Padre. Probably, if Bishop had sent other of his men, you wouldn't stop. But even Tranq seemed upset with the idea of you leaving the town.
Behind both men, you cross the alley from Romeros and Brothers to the clubhouse. The Mayans president is sitting on the stairs, with a beer between his hands and his head down to the ground. Four hours have passed since he left the house, and now he looks like a mess. Getting out of the car, you raise your eyes to the men that, now, are at your back pushing you softly to start walking. Your steps are slow and you keep your hands on both pockets of the jacket, with pursed lips. You're actually intrigued of what he has to say.
But there are no words from Bishop, drinking of his beer before getting up from the stairs and walking inside the club. You follow him, keeping silent.
“I didn't”. He says, once the door is closed. And for the first time, you notice the redness in his eyes.
“Then, what is that, that would be ‘the death to our relationship’, uh?” He laughs bitterly 'cause of your words, shaking his head and leaving away the beer, to free his hands. Then, he looks for something inside the pocket of the leather vest.
“I was about to ask you 'marry me. But I thought it was too soon, and the guys said that never is too soon”. He answers, putting the black and small box on the bar. “I thought you could say that... I'm crazy... or you don't want to marry me, or something like that. And I was fucking scared”.
It's like as if your vocal chords have frozen. You don't know what to say, feeling like the most stupid person on earth. Biting your cheek inside, you take the small box, opening it to see the ring. A fine gold ring with a diamond, something simple without being over the top.
“I know what you have... could hear, but it's not. I couldn't”. He sentences, before your cry appears again. You're sobbing, covering your mouth with a hand. Bishop hugs you tight against his body, hiding your head on his neck. “I'm sorre' about what I said. I just... was stressed because of asking you. And you were... there. Packing your things. At first I thought you didn't tell me when you were coming back, just because you wanted to finish us and you didn't know how to tell me”.
“It's my fault, baby”. You say after some seconds in silence, looking at him. “I acted like a crazy chick. I should have asked you, and I didn't. I was excited with the idea of... giving you a surprise and... I heard that, and... and...”
“It's ok, mi amor”. He whispers, leaning towards you to leave a dearly kiss on your lips. “Just tell me you want. And that you're not leaving, 'cause... shit, I don' know how to live without you, baby”.
You nod with energy. You can't leave him. You can't imagine a life without him. The man takes the ring, putting it on your finger and having a look of how good its looks on it. He holds you, making your legs get wrapped on his waist, before he's able to walk to the nearest sofa. You're clinging to him, while your tears begin to be smooth and are less constant. Having a seat there, you put your arms around his neck, lying against his body to enjoy the closeness between both, that you've missed so much.
“I love you, Bish. I love you more than anyone. And I'm so sorry”.
“You don' have to. It was my fault too, let's leave it in a tie, ok?” He chuckles, cupping your cheeks with his hands.
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ariparri · 4 years
Pairing: Diego x Veruca (With a hint of Tulip x Carson)
Written by cursedautumn on Instagram
A/N: This was written from a story for art type of trade we made on IG. English isn’t cursedautumn's first language, so she apologizes if there are any mistakes.
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Day 1
It was the fall of 1988. This fall, in contrast to several previous ones, was full of sweet aroma of rotting leaves and the hot honey sun covering playgrounds, classrooms, and the forest near Hogwarts; fresh gold autumn leaf carpet lay on the stone slabs of the courtyard and soft field grass; saturated with moisture, the trees are seriously bent and the crystal was glittering with rain drops, remaining after another warm rain. The sky was clear and blue, with a milky foam of clouds, and it was tempting to run out of the heavy walls of the castle and lie under it, roll on the grass, feel the sweet water drops on your tongue, and run to the lake, which shone like pure crystal, and a couple of students even swam there once — although they had to report to Professor McGonagall and serve detention for quite a long time afterwards.
Veruca McQuaid went into the courtyard and sat by the fountain, near the place where everyone usually play Gobstones. After sitting in the semi-darkness of the Slytherin common room for almost twenty-four hours, she just needed a little bit of fresh air. She had expected to skip lunch and spend the rest of the day here alone with her homework and a bottle of cold pumpkin fizz, but her plans for privacy were not going to come true, because ten minutes after Veruca settled down next to the fountain, a voice came from above her head, "Hello, Veruca."
"Oh, Merlin!" thought Veruca with exasperation, and looking up, she recognized the intruder as Diego Caplan, a fellow Hufflepuff, a well-known ladies' man and a very good duelist. He always had a contented swarthy face, a strange yellow scarf, and beautiful dark eyes. He was holding a small bouquet of red roses and smiling. "Caplan? Veruca asked indifferently. "Well, hello."
"I hope I'm not interrupting you," Diego said with a charming smile. Veruca was tempted to say that he was interrupting, but she just smiled tightly and shook her head. To be honest, she was never hypocritical and enjoyed interacting with people, but right now Caplan chose a very inappropriate moment to talk to her... or whatever he wanted to do. "Did you want something?"
"Yes." Diego peremptorily handed her the aforementioned bouquet of roses and flashed his snow-white teeth. His smile was attractive and confident. "This is for you. I thought that such a beauty just needs a bouquet of flowers."
Veruca accepted the bouquet, but she wasn't sure why Diego had done it in the first place. She had never been insecure, but didn't consider herself strikingly beautiful either: a pretty face framed by dark hair, light green eyes, neat pink lips, and a well-formed figure - that's all, so Diego probably didn't want to grab her attention because of her incredible beauty, even though he said so.
She was also Coby McQuaid's sister, and a lot of guys shunned her just because they were afraid that the "crazy brother" would appear out of nowhere and wring their necks for his little sister. In general, she sceptically smiled at the bouquet, and said:
"Thank you. Now leave me alone, please, I'm a little busy."
Diego left after blowing her a final kiss, and Veruca gave the bouquet to Penny the same day — she simply couldn't believe that Caplan could really be interested in her. Most likely, he wanted new sensations, that's all. But if he thinks he's found a goal for one day, he's very, very wrong, Veruca thought with a grin as she watched Penny lovingly arrange a bouquet of roses in front of the statue of the headless knight.
Day 2
It rained that day, and the flying lesson with madam Hooch was canceled. Veruca, who had not slept well last night, was not too upset: she had no desire to cut through the thick, glass-like walls of rain on a broomstick. She spent the entire first half of the day running between classes, listening to Snape's unflattering comments about her personality, her brother, and so on, sitting in madam Rakepick's perfume-and-wood-scented classroom, and spending time with Penny and Chiara. Penny once said, "By the way, you shouldn't have refused the roses, they were so beautiful!"
"Yeah," Veruca grinned and looked at the Ravenclaw girls as they passed. One of them, a girl with dark eyes and fluffy brown hair, mentioned Diego Caplan in the conversation, and several of her friends immediately began to whisper and giggle with curiosity. It seemed that only Veruca disliked him, for even Merula spoke quite favorably of him, and if Merula approved of a person, then it was a waste of time — everyone adored him without exception, and there was nothing to be done about it.
On this day, Veruca couldn't shake the eerie yet strangely pleasant feeling that someone was watching her. Someone's already familiar dark eyes, clear and sly. It seemed to her that someone was staring at her back in class, studying her face at lunch, spying on her during recess... This, however, did not inspire her with any fear, firstly, because Veruca had managed to get used to being watched during her five years at Hogwarts, and secondly, it was a kind of harmless surveillance - as if she was an interesting performance, and she was being watched by a curious spectator. And for some reason, it never occurred to her that it might be HIM...
Veruca shivered and looked up from her potions homework. In the faint greenish light of the Slytherin drawing room Merula Snyde's pale face looked like a cloud of smoky mist with two purple lightning-like eyes. She was holding a small bouquet of purple orchids wrapped in shimmering translucent pale yellow paper.
It exuded a sweet fragrance that overlaid the smell of underground dampness and pine needles (there were scented candles in the living room), and it looked lovely. A cream-colored paper was perched between the purple blossoms.
"What is it?" Veruca was taken aback. She had seen a lot in her life, but... for Merula to give her flowers?.. However, fortunately, the rival muttered, "Somebody asked me to give this to you," she plopped the bouquet on the table, the soles of her gaudy leather boots clattering indignantly, then went into their shared bedroom and slammed the door.
Veruca had no idea, freaked out if a classmate saw because it was torn away from the important contemplation of their own greatness or because Merula handed the bouquet to her and no one thought to do that; but understand she did not and pulled out a fragrant bouquet of cream paper box, which was briefly written:
"It is not good to give the gifts away, Veruca. But I'll try again, since you didn't take me seriously. -D.C.".
It wasn't hard to guess that D.C. was Diego Caplan. Well, then, he really wanted to get her attention for a while. At first Veruca felt flattered by the attention, then offended, because she didn't like intrusive people, and then she just decided to let the boy indulge. After all, she couldn't possibly forbid Diego from sending her flowers, so Veruca just got up, went to the trash can, and threw the unfortunate bouquet in there. The sweet scent gave her a headache. Let Caplan send her his stupid flowers as much as he wants. Let him... It's just a little cruel joke, isn't it?
Day 3
Sunflowers. Bright yellow, like Hufflepuff robes, as if woven from sunlight, they caught Veruca's eye as soon as she opened them. At first she didn't understand why the dark green Slytherin dorm room seemed to have a window that let in a flood of thick sun, but then she looked up and saw the pretty heads of flowers perched on her nightstand. The sunflowers didn't fit in with the luxurious and dark atmosphere of the room, and as she passed by, Ismelda grumbled that she should have gotten them, and immediately would throw them away.
Veruca, oddly enough, felt more alive and somehow light when she saw these flowers. They were so simple, of the usual yellow color, not scarlet roses or purple orchids, but she liked them very much, until she found it in the pile of golden flowers the same small creamy square, on which was written the same handwriting as yesterday:
"Attempt number three. I hope you like it and don't throw them away or give them to someone else. -D. C.".
Veruca furiously crumpled the paper and threw it away. Caplan could be as nice and generous as he liked, but his impudence and desire to use her for his own incomprehensible purposes irritated her terribly, so she hastily changed her clothes and washed up, took the sunflowers and went straight out of the living room with them, catching the surprised and mocking looks of her classmates and others. 'I'll kill you, Caplan,' Veruca thought as she left the common room.
To be honest, she liked the flowers very much, but Diego Caplan was known as a fan of ending relationships as quickly as starting them, and she wanted something more serious than being the one-night stand of a cheeky Hufflepuff.
She found Diego right after breakfast, playing Gobstones with some other Hufflepuff whose name Veruca didn't know and didn't want to know. When Caplan saw her, he broke into a satisfied smile, as if not noticing the girl's grim expression, "Sorry, Reg, there's a lady here who wants to talk to me."
"Hmmm," Reg muttered, absorbed in the game. He glanced at Veruca, who was holding a golden bouquet of sunflowers, and continued to hunch over the game. Diego got to his feet, very pleased, and sauntered over to Veruca. For some reason, she was uncomfortable with the way his gaze slid over the top button of her shirt, and she muttered, "I see you're not going to leave me alone." Diego flashed his white teeth. "Actually, it's unpleasant when your gifts are thrown away or misused."
"You'll get over it," Veruca said. Anger mixed with guilt (?!), and she just watched Diego's dark hair flutter in the light autumn wind. He was beautiful. Very handsome, no matter what... "Caplan, I'm not interested in a one-night stand. And I'm not one of those people who will throw themselves at you. So keep your flowers and give them to someone else."
"Should I keep them or give them to you?" Diego grinned. Veruca gave an exasperated sigh. "Calm down, baby. Maybe I just want to go out with you. And spend more than just one night."
Veruca gasped with indignation. Who does he think he is? "First of all," she hissed, " I'm not a baby, I'm a McQuaid, or at least just Veruca. And secondly, you want to spend not only one night, but also one day? No, thanks. I'd rather be alone than lie under someone else and then get muddied, okay?"
Diego smiled. In a strange, affectionate way, there was something mysterious and hungry in his dark brown eyes, as if she was a piece of candy that he couldn't wait to unwrap.
"I see," he said softly. "See you later, Veruca."
In the evening, after she slapped Caplan, left him and complained about him to Chiara, before going to bed, Veruca remembered that she had never returned the sunflowers, and they were shining in the dark Slytherin bedroom. Well, that's fine. They are beautiful...
Day 4
On this day, the sky suddenly frowned, clouded with a silver haze; a cold wind blew, carrying with it a pile of dead leaves, no longer burning with gold. A bloodless pallor settled over Hogwarts like a semi-transparent mist, as if someone invisible had suddenly drained the last of autumn's juices and warmth, and Veruca, wrapped in her robes, came to Herbology class. Professor Sprout, warm and plump, was as friendly as ever and talked about how to turn the most common weeds into the most common tulips, Tulip immediately noticed that she liked it, and frowned at Carson — they had a fight a couple of days ago. Rowan walked calmly past Ben, who she'd almost gotten into a fight with the day before, and Veruca noted grimly that she wasn't the only one with boy problems.
"So, get ready!" professor Sprout clapped her hands. "Today's spell does not apply to magic plants, but it helps a lot if you want to give your friend or partner a bouquet of beautiful tulips!"
"Carson only needs one beautiful Tulip," Rowan said, and she and Veruca giggled. Tulip pursed her lips grimly, "Well, yes. That's why he said yesterday that he was sick of my eternal thirst for adventure." Veruca knew perfectly well that this was said in a much milder form than the one Tulip had given her, but it was useless to argue: Carson and Tulip will make up tomorrow or the day after, which means it doesn't make sense to take their conflict seriously.
So she decided to take up the lesson and diligently wrote down everything that Professor Sprout said, and by the end of the lesson she had mastered the spell perfectly. As they were about to leave, a familiar voice called out to Veruca. A voice that stretches like hot chocolate. For some reason, she was a little pleased to hear him, although at one time she was irritated.
"How are you?" Diego sauntered over to her and touched his hand to his silky dark hair. "Did you learn your lesson with the-tulip weeds?" Veruca smiled dryly, ignoring the surprised looks from Penny and Rowan. All they probably wanted to do was tell everyone about their little affair with Diego. "And you?"
"I'm glad you asked," Caplan smiled charmingly (if Veruca had been any other student, she would have been nothing but a pink puddle) and, waving his wand as if he was going to show everyone his beautiful hands with flexible fingers, pointed to the weeds — and the unsightly, flabby plants instantly transformed into a wonderful bouquet of yellow and pink tulips with elastic buds and a pleasant aroma. Fortunately, no one was paying attention to them except Rowan and Penny, who were standing behind her, but that was enough: Veruca could feel their eyes boring into her back. Diego took the tulips and handed them to her. "Here. A bunch of tulips will add to your dark dungeons, won't they?"
She stood looking at him for a few seconds, wanting to laugh. How stupid, persistent, and sweet he is, this Diego Caplan! What a fool! Is she supposed to be flattered by such intrusive attention? Veruca didn't like it when someone invaded her personal space, and when she looked into Diego's dark chocolate eyes, she smiled, took the bouquet and said sweetly, "Thank you." She turned and shouted: "Hey, Tulip!"
"What are you doing?" Diego's smile faded instantly. Tulip watched Carson leave, then slowly walked over to Veruca and asked sadly, "What is it?"
"It's from Carson," Veruca said, and passed the flowers to Tulip. She was stunned, looking at the fresh bouquet as if it were the eighth wonder of the world, and so was Diego, and Veruca, smiling triumphantly, took her bag and left the greenhouse, feeling that she had put Diego Caplan in his place. But for some reason, the sweet feeling of victory was mixed with something bitter, like... regret?
Day 5
Veruca didn't know what was happening to her. Honestly, she just didn't understand. Diego Caplan had stopped annoying her. When she woke up in the morning, she felt a gnawing sense of guilt for giving his flowers to Tulip, for ignoring his attentions so actively, which were actually not so bad — it was better than if he was spreading his hands or making obscene compliments.
Diego was cute. He gave her flowers. And she just took it and, without even trying to be polite, rejected it. So Veruca thought the next day as she tossed and turned in the pearly gray, rattling light of morning; the bedroom was dark and quiet, except for Liz, who was snoring peacefully in her bed; Veruca suffered from the urge to go and apologize to Diego. Sunflowers added the melancholy, spreading a bunch of pure gold to the gloom of the Slytherin bedroom — Caplan's gift. Diego Caplan.
So in the morning, slipping out of the soft embrace of the bed, Veruca dressed quickly and went to breakfast before anyone else, hoping to see Diego on the threshold of the Great hall and apologize. Yes, her pride will howl...
Fortunately, Diego showed up at his table, and as soon as he finished and went to the door, Veruca left the half-eaten sausages and ran after him. Diego walked with his usual slightly swaying gait, so unhurried and confident that Veruca began to feel less confident, but she ran up and touched him on the shoulder. He turned around. He looked perfectly normal, not at all sad, and Veruca wondered if Diego wasn't upset at all. It's kind of a shame. "Veruca McQuaid," he smiled a little. "Hello."
"Hi," she stammered. Diego chuckled. "Look, I want to apologize for giving your flowers to Tulip yesterday." she found herself painfully short of words. "But Carson and Tulip made up."
Diego laughed. He had a beautiful laugh, low and clear. "How kind you are," he said. "Well, I will forgive you on one condition: you'll accept the next bouquet of flowers from me."
Veruca looked at him blankly. Does he have metal nerves or what? "Um," she said. "If you accept, I'll forgive you," Diego said, running a hand through his silky chocolate hair. Veruca noticed that they were beautifully, cleanly shining. "Do you agree?"
Veruca sighed. It's not so bad to get flowers. But she was supposed to be apologizing to him, making up for her "sins" in some way, not getting a gift, right? But Diego seemed serious, and she decided that if this was a way to let him know that she, Veruca McQuaid, was apologizing to him, let it be so: awkward, but not humiliating. It would have been far worse if he had asked her to leave him alone, or simply ignored her...
"All right," she said. "Okay, I agree." she looked into Diego's dark, shiny, soft eyes, framed by black lashes. And, for some reason, her heart fluttered with joy.
That evening, a first-year student wearing large round glasses approached Veruca. The girl was sitting on the couch reading a book when a first-year, Elora Dunn, came up to her and told her that she had received a gift. The gift was a bouquet of Calla lilies — white and pale pink, neat, velvety and delicate to the touch. Veruca took the bouquet from Elora and just stared at it for a few seconds, not noticing that the first-year had gone to her dorm and it didn't really matter.
The bouquet of Calla lilies had a delicate and soft aroma, like some ice cream. Veruca lifted the bouquet to her face, and the fragile petals brushed her cheeks. I guess sometimes you need to be able to apologize. The thought made her smile, and when she went to bed, Veruca felt extremely happy, as if a star had been lit somewhere inside her that would never go out...
Day 6
Veruca expected this farce of flowers to end after she accepted a bouquet of Calla lilies from Diego. Now, perhaps, he is tired, and he will no longer approach her with another bouquet of flowers, beautiful, bright, sweet-smelling... It would seem that Veruca should have been relieved — at last he was behind, she should be happy!
But when Diego didn't speak to her the next day, didn't even look back or come up with a bunch of flowers, she felt abandoned and sad, even though, of course, Diego didn't owe her anything. After a few days of pampering, that's enough. But why did Veruca feel that she really wanted to talk to Diego, to hear his voice again, to look into his dark, hot chocolate eyes again...
"Stop it!"
Veruca snapped, brushing her hair in front of the mirror this morning. Today, she had let her thick brown hair down, and it fell in a dark wave over her shoulders and framed her pale pink face beautifully. A bouquet of calla lilies, delicate and pleasing to the eye, stood on her bedside table and gave off a delicate fragrance.
Merula, passing by, grumbled that "McQuaid has already got everyone going mad with her flowers," but Veruca ignored this, preoccupied with her own thoughts, and put an emerald pendant around her neck to set off her eyes. Perhaps Diego might have been interested in her because of her looks, even though she hoped he liked her for more than just her pretty face...
"Stop it now. It's probably over. He's tired of you, and you're tired of him. And it is over."
But now she didn't want it to end so much. It was Saturday, and Veruca had decided to stop by the Hospital wing to help madam Pomfrey — sometimes on weekends she tended to patients and helped the elderly matron with some medical matters. Madam Pomfrey was not in the wing today, so Veruca began sorting through the used bottles of medicinal potions, selecting those that needed to be washed and those that needed to be treated first with a special antiseptic — the potions in them had to be poured into an exceptionally clean container.
Working here was very boring and time-consuming, but Veruca felt that sorting out bottles, bandaging wounds, and so on would help her miraculously put her confused thoughts in order. There was something right and clear about it. Suddenly the doors opened and Veruca turned to greet madam Pomfrey, but when she saw who it was, she froze, startled.
Diego Caplan stood in the doorway of the Hospital wing with a bouquet of pink flowers with crimson cores and yellow petals — Alstroemeria. He was smiling, and it seemed to warm Veruca. She just stared at Diego for a few seconds, unable to say anything, and he stepped up to her, "I didn't specify how many bouquets you should accept in order for me to forgive you."
Veruca opened her mouth awkwardly, "Oh... I... thank you," was all she said. Diego gave her a deep, mesmerizing smile.She picked up the flowers and then felt her nose itch and sneezed. "Bless you."
"Thank you... ah!" Veruca sneezed again. Her nose itched, her throat seemed to narrow slightly, and it was harder to breathe. Diego looked at her blankly. Veruca wiped her nose and looked at Alstroemeria. Then she slapped her forehead and started laughing.
"What is it?" Diego looked startled. "Hey, Veruca? What happened?" he took her by the shoulder. Veruca sneezed again, already trying to hide her slight pleasance at the touch of someone else's warm fingers, and said, "I'm allergic to these flowers..."
Diego looked so dumbfounded that she was sneezing and laughing for a long time, and then stopped sneezing and continued to laugh until dinner. But there were still tulips and sunflowers in her room, and the alstroemeria had to be given to Chiara, who was happy to put them in her dorm, so there were enough flowers for everyone, there was no doubt about that...
Day 7
Veruca slept well that night. She dreamed of Diego, smiling, wearing a light gray frock coat and holding a bouquet of roses. They seemed to be dancing under a vast starry sky, and from somewhere an unfamiliar melody was flowing, light and pleasant; it ran like a stream between stones, harmonious, subtle; then Diego suddenly literally disappeared, the melody stopped, everything was plunged into darkness for a few seconds, and Veruca woke up.
There was a strange, happy peace in her soul, and at the same time an anticipation of something very, very good; outside the window, the morning haze turned the ground and horizon ruby and tangerine, and the dim bedroom was bathed in warm light. Her roommates were snoring peacefully in their beds, behind the drawn curtains, and Veruca was left to her own thoughts and beautiful dream...
Everything went fine in the morning: the weather was fine again, and Veruca liked her own reflection in the mirror very much today — her hair were shining, her eyes were shining, her face was fresh and rested; it was a warm Sunday outside the window, and she wasn't even annoyed by the ever-dissatisfied Merula and the untidy Ismelda. Veruca cleaned her room peacefully, had a breakfast of scrambled eggs, played a game of gobstones with Tulip and Carson, who made up and looked at each other with loving eyes again, and passed her Charms homework.
But the best part, what she had been subconsciously waiting for all this time, happened after lunch. She and Diego ran into each other near the forest. It was empty: the students were gathered closer to the castle. The first thing Veruca saw was a familiar blue denim jacket, and then a bunch of blood — red carnations and familiar soft dark brown eyes. At first, she couldn't believe her eyes: another bouquet?
Diego stopped when he saw her. Grinned. "This is the last one," he said, turning over a bunch of carnations wrapped in milky white shimmering paper. "I hope you're not allergic to carnations."
"No," Veruca said, and then automatically repeated to herself, "the last one." Just a few days ago, she wanted it so much, and now...
"Along with this bouquet," Diego announced softly, smiling, "I want to ask you out, Veruca McQuaid. What do you say?"
Veruca froze. Ask her out? On a date? Diego Caplan? Her?
"I will understand if you refuse," Diego was calm. "But accept the bouquet. This is the last one."
And he handed her the flowers. Veruca picked up the delicate scarlet flowers wrapped in paper and stared at them for a few seconds. They were so beautiful. Fragrant. And from him...
The sun shone even brighter. The foliage is flushed with pure gold. Hogwarts castle suddenly became not clumsy and heavy, but majestic and beautiful. Veruca looked at Diego, feeling her heart flutter sweetly, happily, and sing, and Diego seemed to her the most beautiful young man on earth, and a bouquet of carnations was the most beautiful gift, the most elegant and appropriate...
"Well, so what?" Diego held out his hand. "How about a walk in the woods, an evening at Hogsmeade, Madame Puddifoot's cafe, and the company of a handsome man like me, hmm?"
Veruca couldn't help but laugh. "I agree, handsome man," she said softly, and put her hand in his. They walked towards the forest, through the golden trees, looking at each other and assessing each other anew...
And that was just the beginning of their story.
And the reason for everything...
Were flowers.
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sweetkiwi-vt · 6 years
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Creepypasta OC
Pablo and Lilly #digitalart #creepypasta
About the characters:
Both are related.
The man in the chair is called Pablo...
No wait.
I'll just let them speak.
My name is Lilly Ork and I'm 4 years old.
I like pandas and bears, because they are really cute!
I also like listening to my papa. He always gives me something fun to do!
I don't like lemons. They make me want to throw up, also I don’t like chilies, but I like cakes! Papa doesn’t let me to eat them so much though.
I don’t have a mama or grandpa and grandma. I saw papa kill them.
I don’t go to school either. Papa said that that's a bad idea.
Daddy told me that when I was little I met my grandma and grandpa once. They didn’t like me, when I asked about my mommy he said she didn’t like me either!
I didn’t mind it though. As long as papa gives me Pat's on the head and buys me new toys every time an old one gets dirty I don’t mind!
I have long brown hair made in pigtails, with such cute pink ribbons I took from a girlie I saw on the street. She got really mad at me, her mommy too. So papa took her out that night! Then he gave me the ribbons!
I wear a really pretty one piece dress with paws print on it! Papa bought me that dress recently, but from being nice white color it turned red, the brown. When I asked my papa about it, he told me that red color changes to brown when dry. I think I missed a part then.
One day I got really sick, my eye was really itchy, so papa and I went to see a doctor.
Papa then told me that I had Heterochromia. I'm not sure what that means. He gave me an eyepatch to hide one of my eyes.
I have a story on that too. Little while ago I got lost in a supermarket. Papa and I were out shopping for trash bags and something to eat. An old lady found me there. She told me I have beautiful eyes. Apparently I have one green and one blue eye.
Papa was mad at me for going off on my own, but he praised me for finding another annoying victim.
I don’t speak much, papa doesn’t like noise, so I'm quiet. I don’t really like to speak either. Now that I think about it, I don’t like hearing other people talk. Papa always talks to me and with me but I don’t hate it. Because its papa.
When I'm alone with papa and not haunting annoying people, we usually draw and collect things. I like doing that!
It's really fun to collect rocks and then draw on them!
What I dislike to do is talking with older men. They always look weirdly at me. My papa too dislikes them.
I cant read or write but papa is teaching me!
I can now read headlines of newspapers alone!
I really like my teddy bear. This is 3rd one already.
I like to give poison to people my papa points out to me.
I usually walk to a person papa doesn’t like and then lead them astray!
Then my papa strangles them!
If not that, then I put white poisonous powder I have in my teddy bear.
People don’t suspect anything. That's weird.
Well it was nice talking to you!
Papa is behind you though. His eyes are telling me that both of us were quiet annoying and noisy just now!
Good bye! It was nice talking to you!
My name is Eren Ork. I am 24 years old, a collage drop out and orphan.
Well not to then full extent, as you will hear later on, I killed my mother, father and step brother.
Because I was bored and they were all annoying.
That's what I hate the most, annoying people.
This is my story. It's not short but well, listen to it while you still can.
I've been alone since I can remember.
I grew up in a rich family.
"Next heir of our cooperation"
"He is so smart he can do anything."
Well, I would've stayed if my mother wasn’t a cunt like she was.
She would force me to study and made me spend my hours watching my father work.
Maybe because she wasn't even sure if I was my father's child.
As far as I know, I'm a single child. An only son of the CEO, and like I said only one who can actually take over the company.
So I was adored and respected to some point.
I learned how to act.
How to play a piano.
And how to hate my family.
I never went to actual school. Other then my mother's abuse in a way, I was always alone. So when I turned 12.
I discovered something really amusing.
"We are reporting. The several killings that have been going on. As the reporters from the scene are reporting. In this small house, like you can see. We found multiple bodies. Their skin was used as a canvas, is what the policeman are stating. It is still..."
My face was glued to the screen.
The fact, that someone could do something like that, amused me. It seemed interasting. I wanted to try it.
"What are you doing?! Aren’t you supposed to study?!" My mother was screaming at me from the door to my room. She's so loud and annoying.
"Get away from that. Damien! Take that thing out of my son's room!" So loud.
"You move away from that thing!" She stomped next to me, and grabbed me for my arm and pulled me up.
"Let me go, you loud hag." Is what I told her.
She just frowned and slapped me.
I felt it, I wanted to return her the same favor. But my father was behind her.
"Just what do you think you are doing?!"
That night, they fought through the whole night.
I just thought.
"Oh. This is fun"
For the 1st time in my whole life I found something fun. Yes, the 1st time.
Due to my actions and absence, my father bought me a cat. It was loud so I killed it. Then the dog, then the hamster, then they just gave up on buying me pets. I would always think of some reason on how they died. I couldn't tell them I liked how when they kinda screamed.
So, when the tutors would come in...
I would make them turn away.
Leaving my father and mother the only other option to educate me.
Boarding school.
When I was 15. I got sent into the boarding school. It was a private school, which are usually boarding schools. Unlike other rich boys I was thrilled to get sent into one.
I was away from that annoying mother. But...
Now there were some adults with no real status giving me orders...
So annoying.
It wasn't an only boys school so.
"Hey Pablo is kind of handsome?"
"I know right. His brown hair and eyes are so special!"
To let you know. I have dark brown hair and green eyes. I was told a lot that my Emerald like eyes resemble my mother's, never saw her in color, and my hair kind of resembles my father's. That's why they probably suspect me not being an true Ork, but a bastard child of some sort. And my build, well it was normal. I had height, but I wasn't anything special really. So...
"Ahhh. I wonder how would be to date him." "His family cant reach mine though" I never understand those girls.
So they are annoying.
I want them to go away.
"Hey" I spoke in a normal tone. I didn't want to let them know I'm pissed off. More like "They are giving me a headache."
"Oh sorry." The girls looked at me surprised. Only one of them spoke.
They had sad faces on. I couldn't care less. I would like to see them all cry. Maybe I could mess with them for a bit.
I could only grin on that idea. The fact I didn't think of something like that for so long....
So by the time I was about to graduate. I was considered popular in my school.
People would want to talk to me.
For the first time in my whole life, what my bitch of mother thought me paid off.
I was popular, I had fun ruining people's lives.
Until I mention the rest. For the whole 4 years I haven't visited my mother or father. I couldn't stand idea of them.
I haven't seen them or talked to them for 3 or 4 years. My boarding school didn’t allow parent visits, so I saw them at the day of graduation for the 1st time after 3 years.
"God. You've grown so much Pablo." My mother was standing in front of me. When I was 14 I was still looking up at her, now I have to look down to be able to follow her. She had her hand on my cheek. She was crying. I still didn’t understand it. She was also annoying. But during my time here. Other then good grades and popularity. I gained ability to fake my feelings quiet easily.
Not that I felt any.
I just smiled at my mother. "You've gotten older mother.".
"Well aren’t you mister obvious."
My father was staring at me from the side. He had a grown on his face.
You asshole.
What so I don't take after you anymore so you get all cold with me.
After the graduation ceremony. I returned home. And started collage.
In collage it was the same as high school. This time it wasn't a private school. My father's business was falling apart.
He also held a grudge against me never visiting home.
Like I care.
In collage, I met an interesting girl.
She was from a poor family and liked me.
So we started dating.
It was a good way for me to try out discovering "love".
Since it seems like my mother is planning something. Just to be ready.
One day, she called me drunk and came to visit her.
And we slept together.
And then, the bitch disappeared.
She dare disappear after using my body.
And year later, she appeared. But this time she had a baby with her.
An ugly worm.
Annoying. Annoying.
They are all annoying.
She gave the brat to me and left again. Like hell.
"What the hell?! Just what do you think you just did?!" Screamed my mother at me as I was left in a hallway, door just closed with 2 month old baby in my hands.
"Now no one would want to wed you! You idiot chil--" next thing I knew was that my grip was on my mother's neck. "You are so annoying and loud. Another word and Ill snap that God damn neck of yours." I let her down.
Baby was just looking at me, she didn't cry. Just stared. That took my interest.
"I will be in my room."
"Pablo! Get back here!" I walked away listening to my mother scream my name as I went up the stairs to my room.
I was 20 when I got my daughter in my hands.
Pretty young.
She was the only quiet one. She cried first few months until she turned one. After that she didn't cry almost at all.
My father and mother didn’t like Lilly one bit. So when she turned one I dropped out of collage and was kicked out of my house.
I saved money over the course of my birthdays from age 18 to 20 and had enough money to get myself a apartment and small job.
You think that's the end of my story?
Of course not.
When Lilly turned 2.
I went back to my house. Just to show Lilly her family.
There I met, a boy. He was around 10 years old. Heh. My parents adopted another child. To rise him as their company's successor.
Apparently, my father's company got big after I left.
They didn't even bother to tell me, to visit their only son.
I put Lilly down and snapped.
I killed my whole family that night. Oh how?
Simply by strangling them all to death, wouldn't be enough? Well that’s right.
Despite them being worse the horse crap. They did let me in the house.
We were invited to dinner every weekend. So I thought of a better way to kill my family.
I purchased a slow killing poison, I made Lilly put some in my father's tea when he was playing with her. For my mother, when I was showing her off my cooking skills, I cur her wrist open. I could just grin as she bled out. How did I not get found out? Because I had Lilly with me. I would go out of the kitchen "to fetch something" while Lilly would be in kitchen for a little while then start crying or scream. My plan went just as expected.
My father collapsed after being drugged for weeks on the poison, and my mother would be killed in a matter of hour.
All that was left was to get rid of evidence and then act as if I know nothing.
That day staff was out of the house. So Lilly didn’t have to scream or cry. There was a main butler and maid, but they didn't really care, being occupied in their own business.
So I just gave my mother sleeping pills. She probably overdosed. And the fiasco with my father went as planned.
So my dirty Step Brother, he too was a sleep. All that was left was to...
Bam. Put the house on fire. That's what I did. And...
"The big cooperation of the Ork family has fell under, due to the whole family's death. The whole house was burned to the ground by, how it seems, a mistake from one of maids. She used the fire lamp trying to light the rock over in the kitchen, burning the whole house down. Fire started in the kitchen  making the staff fall unconscious due to the smoke. When the family noticed the fire it was already too late."
I was staring at the screen with grin on my face. Lilly in my lap looking at the screen. Lilly was smiling,
The first words she every said were papa.
After that she never spoke again.
She was smiling this time and seemed really exited. "Papa! We do that again?!" Didn’t expect her to react that way.
"Did you find that fun?"
Lilly nodded at my question.
She is truly my daughter.
I put my hand on her head.
"Of course, well kill lots and lots of annoying people again."
And so
My killing spree as a Black Demon began. Yes. My nickname is only black. I wonder who is the worst in our duo? I gave my precious angel a teddy bear, in teddy bear there was poison. Every time we go to kill.... We are always ready.
Hope you liked them. I'm planning on changing their names , but I don’t now in what.
If you have a suggestion please do tell me.
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