dys-trashcan · 2 years
Hello there!
I have just recently stumbled upon your blog and I have to say, you've got me curious about this Connor x Arno ship.
I saw your asks were open so I thought I'd ask; do you take writing requests? Or just art? If you do take writing requests could you describe the assassin's first meeting? Or maybe in terms of how they inspire and surprise the other in terms of their capableness on the battlefield.
Lots of love! xoxo
DystymiA here, and welp, as much I would love to write how they meet/inspire/surprise each other, i’m not an English native speaker, although I do write fanfics (Spanish only). I’m only taking art request. 
But I can describe a little bit how I imagine Arno and Connor together. I like to place them meeting after Dead Kings (maybe in 1795 or 1796). Arno rejoins the Brotherhood in France, he wants vengenace for Charles Dorian (finally jsdjh). Shay plays a big part on this story, since he knows that Connor rebuilt the Brotherhood and destroyed the Templars in USA, so he is trying to resurrect the Templar Order in America and he stills has the precursor box. 
Shay localized the Apple of Eden that Connor dropped at the sea, and the Templar Order becomes a menace again. Shay is the target of Arno and Connor, so they eventually meet (in France or America, i’m not sure tbh, both are good places). 
(If it is in France) The first time, Connor sees Arno parkouring in Paris rooftops, he tries to catch him since he is looking for the French Brotherhood (Connor did learn a bit of French with Aveline). Arno actually knows that he is being chased and tries to ambush the “strange one”, he guides Connor into Saint-Chapelle. Inside of the church Connor didn’t know where the Assassin was, Arno tried to disable him, but Connor is enough skilled to counter him (he had a mini-heart attack tho, Arno is silent like a shadow, lol).
Arno is very surprised of Connor’s strenght, and Connor is impressed at Arno’s atlethic skills. Connor tries to explain that he wants to know where is the French Brotherhood, Arno understands (even with Connor’s kinda bad French accent) and tells to the American what happened. 
In the course of searching for Shay Cormac and the leaders of the Templar Order, they build a friendship. Connor is more mature and older than Arno, so he is like a mentor/teacher. They help each other to heal wounds (they lost very important people and went through hard times), and eventually fall in love. I like to think it is a slow burn relationship. 
Them fighthig together is fearful. In later years they are in historical events like the War of 1812 - or Napoleonic Wars. 
I’m sorry about my broken English and the long text, but I hope you can understand how I see them together! 
- Love and thanks for asking! ❤
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I admit honestly, I've scrolled all the way down through your tag "dc writes" and I'm AWESTRUCK how beautiful you can write - I adored all of your fanfics, but especially pieces of Starry x Eyed made me forget how to breathe; and I know you said you're not sure if you're gonna finish it, but really, it's some freakin' good piece of work here, you've got another fan ^^
Ahhhhhh gosh I wish I had the words to express how ecstatic this message made me ;;;___;;; First, I can’t believe you read everything in that tag bc omg there’s so much stuff there and you liked my writing enough to read it all???? AHHH??? Second, thank you so so soooo much for complimenting my writing, what you said was so sweet and it made me melt on the inside ACK
Okay I don’t have a lot written for that fic and I really don’t know if I’ll ever finish it but since you said you really enjoyed it……..here’s a section of what I have (please keep in mind that I wrote this when I first started writing hxh back in August)(also I just assumed Pitou used she/her pronouns, I’m so sorry if that’s wrong!):
Pitou doesn’tnecessarily like using Doctor Brythe.She can’t use any other Nen with it in practice, which leaves her with astrange vulnerable sensation, and she’s forced to stay in her given locationfor however long its activated. All and all, it’s a complicated but boringtechnique, one that makes her back stiff from staying in a single place toolong and her claws twitch with impatience.
So she opts forwatching the silver-haired boy laid out in front of her to pass the time.
She commentsoff-handedly, “This is the fifth time you’ve broken that arm. Do you have apreference for that specific limb? Or do you just like having your bonessnapped in half like that?”
The boy’s lips pressinto a thin line but he doesn’t open those gorgeous blue eyes of his. Sometimesshe wants to tear them out and put them in a jar someplace just so she canalways look at them…
“No, I don’t,” hegrounds out, distracting her. “No one likesgetting hurt. You’d have to be stupid, or insane, to think like that.”
“Yet, you stillsomehow find a way.”
He snaps, “That’sonly because you’re making me! As if I’d ever try to take on ten Chimera Antsquadron leaders in a row!”
He has a point there.She cups her chin in one hand as she regards his scar-dotted skin thoughtfully. If he wasn’tbeing forced to test squadron leader abilities, what would he be doing rightnow? She knew next to nothing about this boy she captured. The only thing shecared about at the time was his beauty, and his strength.
She won’t lie; thestrength part had been a little disappointing at first. He was gifted, yes, butalso painfully underdeveloped and inexperienced. She had purposefully submittedhim to these one-on-one battles with the hope he would improve exponentially.
And that he had.
She plops down on theground beside him and folds her legs.
“What was that thingyou did with Rammont a few days ago? I’m just dying to know. You’ve nearlytripled your speed and skill abilities since then.”
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