#I accidentally unpinned this and had to scroll back through my entire blog TT^TT
thatonefatgumsimp · 10 months
Important tags for later reference in case I forget or in case you'd like to scroll through and look at a certain tag:
• "#my art" is for tagging my art
• "#my writing" is for when I post stuff from ao3 that I wrote or just little things I wrote and decided to share here
• "#for later" are things I'm saving for later that might be important or also for cute animals in case I get sad later and need cheering up
• "#shitposting" is for random thoughts I have and shitposts (alternative tag for this: "#random shitpost")
• "#life update" for random life updates and updates on things I'm doing that day...like baking cookies!
• "#songs stuck in my head" is for all the times I've reblogged the "the current song stuck in your head .. go !" post with songs currently stuck in my head that I'm convinced I'm annoying op about at this point by continually reblogging, but I also need to document the songs stuck in my head. for science.
• "#ask tofs" I don't usually get many asks, but I suppose I should have a tag for those, so-
• "#voting time with tofs" is for all the random polls I start because I'm bored and very indecisive. that's it.
• "#last song i listened to" is for the person's post that I rb'd where they so politely asked what the last song listened to was.
• "#a master tag of the insanity" is some random c!mcyt brain thoughts I have occasionally (c! NOT cc!, or in other words, not about the actual real life people, but the cubitos, the sillies, the blorbos, etc.)
• "#tumblr stories of old" are basically like the old legends or old wives tales of tumblr. Myths and lore of old told by great and revered storytellers. Things that future historians may eventually look back on as the Gilgameshes and Illiads of our time... (they can also be found under "#for later", but it's faster if you just use this tag if you don't wanna also be bombarded with art stuff and recipes and cute animals)
• "#rizz for thee not for me" basically the "no b----es" meme for me cuz I for some reason have never been on a single date in my life even tho I've been told by MULTIPLE friends that I'm very cute and my best friends tell me I've got good game and decent charisma...basically me trying to help you get a date if you want one and/or decide to use my pick up lines (also I don't rlly get out much sooooo I don't rlly have any use for them currently-)
• "#dnd stuffs" is for when I post about my dnd OCs that I'm developing my own story for cuz I have no friends (/lhhj...hj BC none of them rlly play dnd-) and autism be damned I'm gonna make my own story! I don't need friends to make up pretend fantasy scenarios!!
• "#out of touch thursday" is for out of touch thursday...obviously- /lh
• "#it's crismin! happy crimis. merry crisis! merry chrysler :p" is what I'm making my Christmas tag riiiiiggt *checks watch* now.
• "#Sasha the Christmas Tiger" Sasha the Christmas Tiger. That is all.
• "#sparkle on its wednesday" is for the sparkle on its wednesday meme
• "#ides of march" is for the day we all collectively stab Caesar again :³
• "#yoooooo happy flesh prison friday" for flesh prison friday
also not all my posts are currently tagged with the corresponding tags, I'm trying to work on it. (← lie, I have pretty much given up on tagging my posts from the beginning/earlier this year correctly. There's too many- ╥﹏╥ )
Oh yeah also I added the hyphens to the tag part, but the tags don't have hyphens so uh...yeah jsyk (EDIT: this ↑ has been changed, there are no longer hyphens in the tags in the pinned post)
Also both picture of the perfect lemon slice (my pfp) and my bakusquad banner are by me (lemon was photographed, banner was drawn, felt like I needed to credit somewhere in case anyone was curious...maaaay or may not be working on a new banner, but shhhhhhh 🤫
EDIT 2: I changed it to the new banner ^^)
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