#I actually do like the idea of Cam going ape shit; but only if the girls turn into his leash
augment-techs · 6 months
Song lyric and fake summary;
If you think you're getting away, I will prove you wrong
I'll take you all the way, boy, just come along
Hear me when I say, hey
Kapri, Marah, and Cam. Maybe as evil cousin trio?
Title: look at this tangle of thorns Rating: T Relationships: Cam Watanabe & Kapri & Marah; Cam Watanabe & Wind Ninja Rangers & Thunder Ninja Rangers; Cam Watanabe/Shane Clarke; Tori Hanson/Kapri; Dustin Brooks/Marah. Characters: Cam Watanabe; Marah; Kapri; Tori Hanson; Shane Clarke; Dustin Brooks; Blake Bradley; Hunter Bradley; Kanoi Watanabe; Lothor; Zurgane; Vexacus. Additional Tags: Cam Gets His Own Green With Evil Arc; Kapri and Marah Earn Their Colors; Lothor Not Being Nearly As Terrible as He Could Have Been; Late Night Baking; Lothor Being a Petty Bitch to Kanoi; Tori Realizing She's Bi Much Later Than She Would Have if there were at LEAST ONE OTHER Girl on Her Team; Lesbian Kapri; BAMF Tori; Girlboss Kapri; Cam Watanabe Needs a Hug; Marah is actually the stable cousin (who knew?); Chocolate Tomato Cake. Summary:
This is such a power imbalance that it is unreal and unfair and the sisters under Lothor's reign and control were feeling...a little bit not great about this thing that their uncle has decided to do to Cam.
Green Rangers are traditionally and eternally easy targets for being made to mind control or turned over to evil because the Morphin Grid might do its best to take care of them, but Green is an agent of chaos. And chaos is all kinds of susceptible to being made into a puppet on a string. Even a Wind Samurai Ranger that spends most of his time underneath the compound of the academy with his father; Cam had to go up top to get himself actually good coffee and check in on the late, late, late ninjas the morning after an important track thing for their shop.
And...it was fun, in the beginning, watching the Rangers cry out when Cam walked away into their uncle's open arms. Observing him in their own little way as he planned battle tactics and made new lethal weapons toys for them to play with. Practiced on the mats with him without holding back like they were told to while out in the field.
Fighting beside him in the field, drunk on battle pride and adrenaline was awesome.
But Kapri has always been a protector type (deep deep deep down). And Marah could never handle seeing an innocent creature suffer without doing something about it (even if it meant doing it on the sly, because no fucking way was she going to get caught being nice when everyone already thought she was a joke).
So Cam is going to go home....it will just take a little conjuring. And a significant entanglement of mistakes.
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When did you find exo and how did you decide on Sehunnie as bias? - becca's drunk Sehun anon from a few weeks ago. Just wondering cuz I'm still pretty new to kpop and exo and I wanna know how people found their way
Oh man ok this is a bit of a story 
I found K-pop at the beginning of the summer in 2015. About a month later I got into EXO. This was after getting into BTS and thinking I was only gonna stan them (though I didn’t know the word stan yet). But then I started to get a bit bored with only having one group so I decided to pick another one. At this point I didn’t know many groups because I was still very new to kpop but I had seen EXO in memes so I knew they existed so I picket them.
Oh what a decision that was.
The first song I listened to was Call Me Baby. I started watching the mv and of course I was trying to count them and stuff and I remember that during the chorus for the second half after they have all shown up on the screen that I was like “nope there are too many” and I closed the tab and went about other things.
A week later I decided to try again, this time not paying so much attention to numbers as just listening to the song and trying to pick an initial bias (which I usually do based off appearance and stuff after a couple videos). So I finished call me baby, found there were 10 people in the video and moved on to Overdose (which is the song that made me decide to actually for sure get into EXO ). This is where the fun starts
So I was watching Overdose. Now recalling back to Call Me Baby there are a few things you should know. 1. Sehun caught my eye right away, though I didn’t know who he was so I kind of ignored him 2. Xiumin caught my eye 3. Lay caught my eye 4.Kai I absolutely hated like wow I did not like him for some reason. So Overdose, I was watching and holy shit Luhan decides to stanch my soul. Cue Luhan being my bias for 2 minutes until… Sehun’s rap. I was like WHO IS THAT I MUST KNOW WOW. And thus, I moved Sehun to the top of my bias list. 
Now for the you don’t choose your bias your bias chooses you. 
I began to watch all the other MVs and then I watched Exo Next Door (where I absolutely fell in love with Sehun he was so precious I loved) and Showtime (which was hilarious and helped set my bias list the way it is now mostly). Then I listened to the other songs, learned a lot of the words, learned about their concert tours. And holy crap suddenly they were coming to the USA. Now before this announcement a couple things had happened. 1. I had watched Go Fighting so I must protect Yixing with my life 2. Nini had somehow managed to wreck his way up from 12 to 3. But anyway I got really hella excited and I kept catching up on EXO things, watching fan cams, learning more about Kpop etc.
I am a self-taught K-pop fan. I had no one to show me the ropes and I had to figure out everything by myself and honestly I have learned so much now. I love so many groups. I love EXO, I fall more in love with Sehun everyday (because he is amazing and precious and I really wanna give him a hug).
My mom doesn’t like that I like kpop so much. She told me she would pay for me to see EXO and then I had to chill a little (which didn’t happen at all idk why she would think that). Seeing EXO is still the best thing I have ever done. I have done a lot of cool stuff, but that takes the cake. 
Here is why: 
I found EXO and kpop at a point in my life where things were going to shit. My parents were getting a divorce after being married 25+ years. I was in my junior year of high school and I had a huge amount of stress from standardized test, college stuff, and AP classes, as well as clubs. One of my longest lasting friendships took a turn that I am ok with now but it was a hard blow back then. The list could go on. And honestly it made me depressed and my anxiety got worse. I didn’t really tell anyone because I didn’t wanna have to deal with that too. But EXO, idk why but they helped. Sehun especially. He and I are rather similar. If you ever ask me I will tell you he is pretty much the Korean, male, tall version of me who ha more talent. But seeing him happy and seeing the rest of EXO happy made me happier too. I could be having a breakdown and a picture of Sehun’s smile would pull me out of it. And I am so thankful to him for that. He has no idea I exist (well a very small one we made eye contact but I doubt he remembers) but he has made such a large positive impact on my life and that is why he is my unwreckable Ultimate Bias. 
I have learned a lot about him from observing. Its a talent I have, I can tell a lot about a person because I’m introverted and extremely empathetic. To me Sehun isnt just his model looks like he is to a lot of people. He isnt just one of EXO’s main dancers. He is the one who saved me. He is the one who is under appreciated and misjudged. He is a kind, caring person who is extremely determined. He is a role model. And honestly, even when people give me shit for kpop or there is a really nasty fandom war going on I DO NOT ONCE regret finding, getting into or appreciating kpop. Because the people in it work so hard, the culture that created it is amazing and under appreciated, and music has no language. 
So long story short, and this has probably been a mess, but I found EXO by chance, an extremely slim chance that I could go into more detail on but I won’t. I found Sehun by appearance, then fell in love with his personality. 
And I can teach anyone a thing or two about kpop if they would like. So if you have questions you can ask. If you have concerns you can tell them to me and I will talk to you. And if you are struggling through a time in your life that is less than desirable, something will help I promise, it may just be waiting for you to stumble upon by chance. 
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powerranks · 7 years
Power Rankings, Week 7
I’m back, I have a few hours to kill since I get a late start at work tomorrow. I really am gonna try to be consistent, but Beshoy, Anthony, Dyl, and anyone who I’ve ever forgotten that has contributed to these can attest to how strangely long it takes. Anyways, the NFL is weird this year. Are the fucking Eagles the best team in the league? How weird is that to think about? There’s so much parity and we don’t know shit about most teams on a week to week basis, making fantasy all that much harder. It seems a new random player explodes for a shitload of points every week, players who weren’t previously consistent are all of a sudden consistent but we still don’t fully trust them because of their reputations (examples: Agholor, Hogan, Alex Smith). Five years ago, you had an extremely firm grasp on who was good and who wasn’t, and this year nobody has any idea. Not even....
1. Scott’s Balls 12-4-16 (Anthony “all your players could die spontaneously, and whoever you play’s players will fumble one time then all die spontaneously” Mendola) (7-0) (LW: 1)
It’s just getting ridiculous. The only thing that’s cool for us is that two of the last three weeks, you’ve looked shockingly vulnerable. Last week you really only won because Amari Cooper turned into 2007 Randy Moss and because Bailey got hurt. I think some of the consistents on your team are strangely slowing down, even if it’s just slightly. Hunt has been 10 a week for quite some time now instead of the 30 point a game guy he was earlier in the year. Cam has looked absolutely awful for two straight weeks (even though he got 21 two weeks ago, you KNOW he didnt play anywhere near deserving that amount of points), Hogan is quite clearly touchdown dependent, you know you can’t trust cooper yet, and Ingram is at the very least losing some carries to Kamara. I’m not suggesting your team is bad, let’s just face the fact that you can’t possibly be as confident in your team as you were three weeks ago. I still think you win this week, because you yet again catch another break since this happens to be the fucking week you play...
2. Fournette About It (Jack “your team looks like this is a 4 man league” Cleek) (5-2) (LW: 2)
This is like if the Warriors and the Cavaliers played each other and Durant and Curry just decided to take the day off. It’s a damn shame that your ACTUAL two best players and the #2 kicker aren’t playing against that fucking piece of shit. But wow, if I were to bet on anyone winning the league right now, it’d be this team. You have absolutely zero holes. Nobody can even touch your RBs, even without Zeke. Brown-Diggs is the best duo of receivers anyone has, and I’m kicking myself for dropping Wentz. Dude is a fucking stud. This is by far and away the best team in the league, were it not for two close losses Anthony would be the clear second fiddle. Anthony literally agreed with this.
The “6 of us were within 9 points of each other this weekend and honestly I am real close to not assigning numbers and just writing shit about each team” Tier
fuck it, im making more tiers within the tier just to make it even more frustrating for myself
The “playing a slumping Chris and tony back to back really masks/is going to mask how much our teams are bad” Tier + beshoy
3. Scott’s Penis (David “I have never been less scared of a 4-3 team” Chinchilla) (LW: 4)
The only reason I’m here is because of upside? I’m currently texting Beshoy and he said I was a poor man’s Anthony and Jack. I think I’m more of a homeless man’s Anthony (not Jack, Jack is better) I have three (in theory) good RB’s, a good (can he keep it up?) QB, and serviceable but wildly under-performing WR’s. Other than two weeks where my team took a total shit, my team’s actually been pretty decent? It’s insane that that’s enough to put me at 3. It all comes with the caveat of the tier though, I’m smack dab in the middle of the least tough part of my schedule (No offense Scott/Chris/Tony this week). Probably gonna lose to Tony now for talking shit tbh. But hey, I have two straight weeks over 100 and that’s something to be proud of considering that nobody fucking scores in this league. 
Also pictured: Me, after trading AP for the number one Fantasy QB
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4. Green Evans and Kam (Beshoy “I can’t stress how much I hate your team name because it’s an Alex team name” Halim) (3-4) (LW: 6)
Second unluckiest loser last week behind Scott imo but you have an argument to be first. So many things had to go wrong. But honestly, look at your starting lineup! It’s SO much better than I think you or anyone perceives it to be. Gordon-Kamara would start for pretty much any team outside of Jack, Anthony, and maybe me. AJ Green and Evans will combine for 35+ far more frequently than they combine for less than 20. ASJ is apparently Hunter Henry from last year. Your QB and flex spots are the only things that aren’t great, which is a huge bummer considering you should have Aaron Rodgers on your team. If you can stream properly and just figure out someone who can get you 8 a week in the flex, this team is WAY better than I thought it was until I looked into it. The way you sulk IRL made me think your team sucked but it really doesn’t.
5. 420 Blountz (Alex “I have never been less scared of a 5-2 team” Ahn) (5-2) (LW:10)
I mean...Beshoy was downright disrespectful for making you 10 but I also totally get his argument. Your team hasn’t played bad but like...this is a boom or bust team that thinks 95 is a boom. (my team is the same way tbh) Again, I wanna stress that your team hasn’t played that bad but you just went through the really soft part of your schedule (again no offense Tony/Chris/Scott) and the teams coming up are slightly tougher outs. You have better WR’s, but the difference between my team and yours here is that you have no RB’s. I don’t trust Jones yet, Blount has been meh for three straight weeks, Marshawn is honestly awful, and don’t @ me about literally any of your other rbs lol. I consider RB’s more consistent than WR’s and my RB’s are better than yours and that’s the difference here. But really we kinda have the exact same team, idk man someone just gift wrap the trophy to Jack or Anthony already it’s wild I can’t find consistently good things to say about the god damn 5th ranked team in my ranks.
Also pictured: Alex after getting Aaron Jones for the Matt Ryan regression year
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The “this might be flipped if Gordon scored on one of his 4 chances from the 1 or if Elliott had made that FG” Tier
6. Anthony’s Golden Taint (Dylan “Legally change your name to Dyl already” Jessop) (4-3) (LW:5)
Jordan Reed’s creamy, chunky nut and Elliott reverse nutting into his own body saved your life Monday night. Let’s be real, you got super lucky. Anyways, I can’t really tell you where you’re good outside of Cousins and your WR’s. Your RB’s are wildly inconsistent (I really think Gilislee is droppable, and CJ is losing touches on a bad offense). You’re in bye week hell, but is it weird that I don’t think you got that much worse because of it? Nelson has to still figure it out with Hundley and Murray hasn’t been phenomenal anyways. Not having Engram REALLY hurts this team, which is honestly all I have to type to show how much you depend on a few dudes. 
7. Mixon It Up (Alec “Trading to make his team worse since 2kforever” Bernstein) (2-5) (LW:3)
I told Beshoy last week that I’d rank you super high as long as the points kept coming. I unfortunately was too busy to write rankings during your good weeks, but don’t think I didn’t notice the really nice run you had for about 4 weeks. Losing OBJ was a bummer, but giving Beshoy AJ Green and Kamara for peanuts was a really bad move. Fantasy Football is a stars game, not a depth game. Depth is nice, but who cares if your bench players do well if your starters aren’t being maximized? Green and Kamara would both start on your team RIGHT FUCKIN NOW. Obviously the trade would look a lot better if Rodgers hadn’t gotten hurt, but even with good Davante I think you lost the trade by a long shot. Martin has been slightly worse than Kamara, and nobody’s ever taking good Davante over AJ Green. I like your RB’s, I like your tight end, and I like Wilson as much as the next guy, but imagine the same team with AJ Green...
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8. Scott’s Jizz (Scott “I am so sorry” Felgenhauer) (3-4) (LW:7)
You were so close. You were supposed to be the chosen one. But Anthony called in another favor to the league office and injured Dan Bailey. Either way though, your team isn’t scary even a little bit, but it has some sort of retard strength. It’s like a poor man’s version of Dylan’s team, Good QB, good receivers. Unfortunately, there is zero semblance of a flex and your RB’s are somehow worse than his. I’ve doubted you most of the year, and you usually pull out a win after I doubt you, but I can’t have faith in a team starting Powell and James White on a weekly basis. I just can’t. You need to trade Kelce or Ertz and make sure you get a RB back somehow. 
The Unlucky Bottom Bois
9. Hammer (Tony “I still think he’ll be back somehow” Mendola) (1-6) (LW:9)
It’s just been the year from hell, Tony. You’ve outscored most of us this year but you can’t seem to catch a break. Your team isn’t bad, it just has consistently underperformed. Brady is good, Freeman is good, Jarvis Landry will be better with Matt Moore, but Hilton is good when Luck is in, and Luck may not play. McCaffrey has underwhelmed. Fitz is only good with Palmer, not Stanton. Tight end is a mess on this team. I think you’re more than capable of winning most of your games from here on out, but it may not be enough. I hope it does turn around, you cheering out at the bar is one of the more fun things to watch. Just start doing it next week. 
10. Smallerwood (Chris “Matt Bryant was a microcosm like Beshoy said” Gatzow) (1-6) (LW:9)
Much like Tony, this team is good it just underperforms almost every week. Brees-Howard-Julio-Baldwin is a KILLER top 4. Delanie Walker is a great TE. Only Brees and Howard have lived up to their name. The falcons are singlehandedly killing Julio, I really don’t get why he’s not doing better than he is. The Matt Ryan regression tour bus has apparently picked up Julio. Baldwin is historically a second half player, so he could turn around, but it may all be too late. It doesn’t help that you have no flex. Coleman should be startable weekly, but there’s nobody else serviceable here. I hope Montgomery comes back and outperforms Jones for your sake. I really thought your team was the best team before the season and after Week 1, it’s just been the worst possible scenario.
Hammer (Tony) over Scott’s Penis (David)[upset special on my own dam self bb]
Scott’s Balls 12-4-16 (Anthony) over Fournette About It (Jack)
Smallerwood (Chris) over Scott’s Jizz (Scott)
Anthony’s Golden Taint (Dyl) over Mixon It Up (Alec)
Green Evans and Ham (Shoy) over 420 Blountz (Alex)
Last Week: 3-2
Season: not even sure anymore
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