why-png · 9 months
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why-png · 9 months
why is it always that the sign that the robot/AI is becoming ~*too human*~ is when they fall in looove
give me a robot who realizes they’ve ~*exceeded their programmed parameters*~ when they get incredibly emotionally attached to their favorite movie and start writing fanfiction about it
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why-png · 9 months
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I've spent pretty much all day drawing @xmaruu11 and @kitsuneisi 's DDVAU
(ft some posts edited from Maruu!! )
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why-png · 9 months
New art challenge draw your oc in these
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why-png · 9 months
i need ranboo to stop bringing up that he wants to put his potential partner through an escape room/saw trap 😭 im gonna start looking more insane that i already do for stanning them
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why-png · 9 months
Pomegranates are the most dramatic fruit ever.
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Bitch you are a piece of fruit why does it look like I murdered you. Why do you leave my fingertips red and stained. Why do you run down my hands to my elbows when I tear you apart. Why must I rip your body into bloodied chunks to get what's inside of you. Why do you sound so lovely when I crack you open. Why must I eat you with a knife and my bare hands. Why is there so much of you and why is there never enough.
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why-png · 9 months
Recommend saltburn to a bitch I hate can’t wait to see her reaction
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why-png · 9 months
the beauty of tumblr’s retrochronological dash is that when you come back online, if the first post you see is “okay im normal now” you know you’re about to witness the most spectacular meltdown a mutual has ever had in recent memory, followed by the impetus that trigger the entire event
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why-png · 9 months
Why I think the “Paul became the new Brain after he blew up the meteor” theory has a lot of merit:
It’s hard to see in the proshot due to the editing but in the digital ticket, at the very end of Inevitable, you can clearly see the rest of the Hive pause and turn to Paul as if taking their cue from him.
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At this point the song feels like it could already end, but then Paul proclaims “the Apotheosis is upon us” and the Hive immediately follow suit.
Thematically it also makes a lot of sense for Paul to become the “head” of the Hive—this way, him blowing up the meteor is “self-destruction” in more ways than one.
(Plus, he is called the leading man at the start after all)
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why-png · 9 months
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why-png · 9 months
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why-png · 9 months
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Oh distance you, oh gorgeous you, oh you..
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why-png · 9 months
If you guys liked the whole "Stephs flannel matches Peter's suspenders and bow tie" thing then this costuming detail is in tgwdlm gonna fuck you up.
When we get our first scene with Paul and Emma, the two are dressed in their respective main outfits. These are the ones people tend to associate with them.
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But throughout the show, as they get closer and bond, their outfits become more and more similar. Pretty soon Emma's lost the apron
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Then at the professor's house, Paul loses the jacket
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and by the time McNamara is infected, Paul has his sleeves rolled up and Emma's bow tie has come undone.
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At this point, the two are at their most aesthetically similar, and also the closest they've been the entire show. This is moments before the helicopter crash and their failed kiss. They remain this way for a good chunk of time...until Paul comes back
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It's like some fast-paced foreshadowing. Emma remains in her changed state, the same as her character, but Paul is back to square one. He's wearing the same outfit he was when they met, and they no longer align. She doesn't know who he is anymore.
I don't know if this was intentional (and if it was, no one explained it to Jon) but it plays out so damn well.
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why-png · 9 months
grace chasity didn't lose her virginity she forcefully removed it from the premises. she took it out back and shot it at sundown
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why-png · 9 months
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did i whip this up in like 40 mins? yeah
was it worth it? yeah
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why-png · 11 months
rip 2014 tumblr you would have loved the lords in black
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why-png · 11 months
Stephanie Lauter is initially defined by her archetype as the popular girl in high school, but she must have been so lonely before Pete. Her mother is dead. Her father hates her and makes no attempt to hide it except to protect his reputation, constantly insulting, belittling and exerting authority over her when he isn’t busy with politics. She talks back to him, but doesn’t deny his descriptions of her. Miss Tessburger is the same. Her apparent friendships with the other cool kids, the kind of people who openly state the belief that looks are everything (not so different a paradigm to the one her father lives by), seem to be shallow and distant. Max rules the main popular clique with an iron fist to the point that they all stop bullying immediately and the school’s rigid social hierarchy crumbles once his influence is gone; and yet despite him having enough respect for her to try to protect her from what he believed were the undead during the prank, she was unaware of how big a problem his bullying was until she saw what he did to Pete, so she can’t have ever been that enmeshed in his circle. She dismisses her kindness to the losers as “the bare minimum” rather than lean into the potential for real friendships with them or leverage it to have power in this new group. It’s almost as if she doesn’t want to mislead them into thinking that she’s worth their time.
She’s cool because she acts like she doesn’t care about anything, and why would she? Life has never given her anything to care about. In fact, it’s punished her for caring. No matter what she does, her dad tells her that she’s worthless and stupid, so she stops trying to do well in school and starts sneaking out to parties full of alcohol and following through on flirting with the football players. She might as well make her body feel alive, as she can’t fix the fuck-up in her skull. Her phone is legitimately what she cherishes most in life. It can’t love her back or hug her or make the real world better, but at least it gives her an escape. It’s her space to control. Her pictures that she likes to look at, her music that drives her dad’s words out of her head. Her private conversations with people she chooses. At least it’s hers. (It isn’t. Her dad has been bugging it since she was twelve.)
Then Pete is nice to her, and in two weeks he becomes what she cherishes most.
Then she has to kill him. And shouldn’t she have seen this coming? Shouldn’t she have learned her lesson by now? Caring just means you have something to lose. That’s why she never wanted to love him like she does.
She pulls the trigger.
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