#I actually have some old artwork of Disney teen Hercules and the other Hyllus
ibrithir-was-here · 4 years
So with the planetary alignment coming up I thought I’d pull out some early Hercules Canon Descendants sketches I made ages ago. I might go back and redo these if I can get a more concrete story down. Some of the movies/characters lend better for stories, this one I just couldn’t quite figure one out for but I love Hercules so I’m gonna post these anyway.
According to the Descendants wiki Hercules has a son named...Herkie. But that sounds like a hickey that somehow horribly turns into getting punched in the stomach, so we’re going with one of his actual sons names and calling him Hyllus.
Hades had a son on the wiki as well named Hadie XP’s But of course luckily he actually does have a son with a waaaay better name so here’s my pseudo Disney take on Zagreus, a good kid who’s grown up in a very volitial split custody situation and could really use a good hearted friend or two.
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The ‘two’ would be Atalanta. I was always disappointed she didn’t show up in the Hercules cartoon because she’s awesome. So in this sequel idea she’d be an orphan kid who’s grown up idolizing Hercules, traveled to his home hoping to be trained as a hero by him, ends up befriending Hyllus and then Zagreus after they meet him on their inevitable adventure to the underworld.
If the movie had a main character it would probably be her with Hercules’s family and Zagreus as supporting characters. Actually his would probably work a lot better as a series as well, we’d get to see how Hercules and Meg have developed, Atalanta would be trying to prove herself as a hero/find out why she was abandoned as a baby, Zagreus would be trying to overcome his father’s legacy/figure out how to run the Underworld, and Hyllus would struggle with feeling like the odd man out, as the only one really normal mortal amoung the group, while trying to also be the voice of reason.
Oh and Atalanta would have super speed as her godly power thing, like Hercules’s strength :D
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And the ability to talk to bears due to being raised by them x)
The main Villain I think would be Hecate. She showed up in the Hercules cartoon a couple of times trying to usurp the Underworld from Hades, and now that he’s been flushed out she’s ready to make her move. Zagreus and his mother Persephone try to stop her but she’s doggedly persistent. (The in universe reason for Hades never mentioning Persephone I’m giving is that most of Hercules takes place in the Summer so she’d be gone anyway, and they’d obviously have a less then ideal relationship in the Disneyverse because Hades is just, he’s just aweful)
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Finally, since Mal is now supposed to be Hades daughter and the point of this project is to adapt each Descendants kid (except Frollo’s cuz uuuugghhhhhh 🤢) I’ll throw in a tiny baby sister Melinoe for Zagreus
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She’s basically all the horror movie children rolled into one and made PG. Even Hecate is a little spooked by her. Basically imagine a five year old Wednesday Addams mixed with the Home Alone Kid (for when Hecate sends her minions to break into the underworld) and you’d be pretty close.
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