#I actually need an irl software update to process this
en-bitch · 4 months
Misbehaving as someone's personal computer so they take you to a 'repair specialist'
"Hmm you've got a problem with your computer?"
"Yes, it takes way too long to respond to any input command"
"Hmm well let's take the shell off and hook it up to the diagnostics"
Your owner strips you naked and 'hooks you up' tying your hands together above your head, locking your legs in a spreader bar and putting an anal hook inside you
"So what have you tried so far?"
"Well I've tried blowing on it, turning it off and on again but it hasn't made much of an impact"
"Ok let's turn it on and see what we're working with"
Your head is lifted up and the blindfold is removed. The specialist asks you calculation questions a computer should be able to get instantly and shakes disapprovingly when you are unable to answer within the time limit. They 'calibrate' you, pinching your nipples and turning them as they continue to ask questions
"Sometimes it's just that something has clogged the internal fans and it needs to be removed, you can fix that with some percussive maintenance around the rear of the computer if you wouldn't mind."
Your owner gets behind and starts spanking you, making it so difficult to answer that you can't even say words properly.
"Well that's no good, the audio port is on the fritz" The specialist says, thrusting their fingers down your throat. "Ah ha! The audio driver is out of date. I'll need to install the newest version, but we'll have to keep your PC fully charged for the duration. Firstly we'll need to turn it off," they explain, putting the blindfold back on. "And second, the diagnostics machine won't apply enough power, so you'll need to keep filling it with power the entire time."
Like that you are taken off the hook and put on the 'operating' bed. The specialist takes your mouth whilst your owner pounds your ass, spitroasting you relentlessly. The specialist gives updates on what percent of the updates are downloaded and it spends an awfully long time at 69% downloaded. When they've both had enough fun you are finally released and booted up, only asking 'what is 2+2?' and 'who is your owner?' Satisfied, your owner turns you off and begins to take you out of the store
"Now you'll want to keep those drivers up to date, maybe next time I'll give you the update so you can try installing the driver whilst I supply the power eh?"
"That would be wonderful, I'm always terrible at installing updates so please let me know when there is a new driver available <3"
If you liked this maybe tell me I'm a good bot 👉👈
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echo-echo31 · 2 years
(if this is more into spoil territory, feel free to disregard and i am thinking out loud so thoughts are being thunk and it doesn’t mean you have to answer the questions <3 )
so if google and bing are on some kind of network where they can both see the activity, does that mean all of the betas we see/read about are attached to his activity? do they have their own activity? what kinds of activity are track? is it like steps, code, thoughts (the ones that keep being corrected)? does he have some control over how it’s presented?
So...get ready for a lore dump.
The network that Alpha refers to is the kind of wireless channel that all the Google models are linked to. Bing is linked by proxy because Bing (the company) basically used Google's underlying programs and then sold a budget version. The network itself doesn't involve thoughts per say, mostly data linkage that for their original purpose allows them to share software updates etc. When reader gave Alpha admin privileges, she esstentially gave him the right to bypass his own programming, resulting in him being able to adapt and redesign his programming by will, almost like thoughts and synapses in the brain. These were all rewired for his ultimate goal; which appears to be to control all the networks currently existing, thereby controlling the water supply, military etc. and therefore humanity as a whole. The less advanced models of the Google IRL series (Betas and Gammas) have had their network switched to Alphas 'corrupted' one, which means their primary objective has changed to his, which by proxy means they believe they need to 'serve' him.
When Bing touched the brand, he was exposed to Alpha's primary programming directly, meaning his own personal programming basically replicated itself into Bing's, almost like a cell replicating itself. There, Bing is more of a puppet of Alpha himself, although he does have his own unique personage still - think Loki's use of the teseract on Hawkeye in Avengers Assemble.
As for the corrected thoughts you keep seeing. By putting his programming (not just a mark but an actual microchip by the way) into reader, he's connected to her brain. At the moment however, there is no way for her human brain to conceptualise this, so all she gets is the one thing her mind can comprehend; his emotions (oh yes, it's his emotions she's feeling - that's important). Emotions that he himself can't fully process and so are quickly being forced to the extreme in his android mind (e.g. love to obsession and ownership). So the thoughts you're seeing are his thoughts, as he can process hers but she can't hear his. So basically, it's one way mind manipulation at the moment.
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solnishkawrites · 4 years
Preptober: TTG Update 1
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So it has been a hot second since my last Preptober update, which was a two-part update (read my introduction of “The Tenth Generation” here; read my introduction of “We Chose the Sea” here, and my previous update for WCtS here). 
I’m having fun in my regional Discord NaNoWriMo server and making new friends, which is great. One of these friends has been encouraging me to set WCtS aside and pursue TTG for NaNo, since this new project has grabbed my attention and is now holding it hostage. I eventually pitched a poll to the server over which project I should do, and ended up with a tie.
I’m going to do TWO NaNoWriMo projects this year -- 25k words for TTG, and 25k words for WCtS. I’m mostly happy about this, because this strategy plays to my strengths (i.e. writing beginnings and the first part of the middle of the story, which is where I’m most confident and quick) but it interferes with my long-term goal of actually finishing the first draft of a novel and moving toward publication. 
I think the best way to proceed is to finish NaNo with this plan, and then pick one project to develop through December. I want to have the draft finished by January, where I can print out what I have and mail it to @dieselsardine​ who has been kind enough to agree to act as a volunteer editor. Sometime during January, I have to go back to college (I really struggle with online classes, so autumn 2020 is my gap semester) and I don’t want to be juggling college and writing -- my time management skills are not great, to put it mildly, and I can easily see myself being either totally absorbed with my classes and neglecting my draft, or else totally absorbed with my draft and neglecting my classes. Yikes.
More immediately, however, I finished the hard part of making a world map for TTG. I used Azgaar’s Fantasy Map Generator (free browser-based generator) to generate roughly the continent shapes I wanted, then used Inkscape (free vector drawing software) to cut the images apart, make minor changes, arrange them as I liked, and then trace the overall shape I desired. I have a tablet now -- which was a gift from the aforementioned Sardine -- so rather than spending ages clicking with a mouse I could just use the pen to draw. I swear the process was 3x faster. I ended up with a Pangaea-like landmass with a few islands, which I then colored with MS Paint.
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This is not the final product; biomes, landmarks, and settlements have yet to be added. I also need a scale.
I know the climate of IRL Pangaea was a MESS and experienced mega-monsoons and extreme desertification, but this is fantasy so I’m just arranging biomes with a reasonable amount of sense but not spending 10,000 hours researching how geography affects climate (which in turn determines biome). I don’t have that much time before NaNo starts. Did I spend a few hours looking at the Köppen Climate Classification System on Wikipedia? Yes. Did I spend as much time as I wanted to? No.
I’m one of those people who tend to write “journey” stories where there is a lot of travel involved, so maps are invaluable for me. Once this is complete, I can start really outlining TTG. I already have 1/4 of a general outline completed + some ideas for how the rest of the story should go, but that’s all; I haven’t even touched the chaptered outline yet. World-building is progressing, and I’m enjoying the high fantasy nature of TTG just as much as the low(er) fantasy atmosphere of WCtS.
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etirabys · 5 years
// do not reblog request. If replies, prefer to be emailed (etirabys at gmail) or discorded (etirabys#8458), with same lack of commitment to responding on my part as I exhibit on tumblr.
// high blogging. I tend to Scheme when I’m stoned, and I usually have a ‘no grand scheming on drugs’ rule because it’s a waste of time that comes to nothing (Scheming by outlining the structure of a novel, Scheming to have an unrealistic exercise routine, Scheming to change my personality, etc). Scheming to implement a complex proposed technology is still pretty... low expected value, let’s say... but this was sociologically interesting enough to me that I am releasing it. Expected typo rate high, sorry. Some lucidity thrown out.
Description of a concept sketch of a software tool/digital prosthetic
An app that is for “I am available to hang”, where you set the people you’d like to give ‘I’m free now’ information access to when you want to be hangouty. Like reciprocity dot io, except with lower-key pings (if at all – maybe just a quietly updating list of irl-available people that you manually check)
My use case for it would be to designate a group with all my housemates in it (if they have accounts), who are the people I want to give ‘I am social right now, in these ways’ informations – I might have subgroups like ‘the housemates I drink alcohol or smoke weed with’, or ‘housemates I like to do productivity with’, or ‘housemates I like to have serious personal conversations with’, whom I notify differently. And if they’re marked as free and I’m marked as free, and there is a non-null intersection set of ‘willingness to do [specific social activity type]”, we both have something in the corner of our streams (this could be a dialogue that takes up 1/10 of your phone screen as a horizonal row) that indicates a list of friends & distance & their availability settings.
Upon seeing that my housemate-I-have-occasional-nice-interactions-with is reading and would like silent company (a category of hangout I would have marked myself as interested in) in reading, I would like to ping them to request joining, and if they accept with a location, go to that location (or have them come to me).
If I think I am in the house alone but want company, I may scan the app to see if any housemates have set themselves as ‘in the house, and up for social’, and then ask them where they are, whether I can join them.
Zoom out. This can work on a neighborhood scale, with enough buy-in from a local social cluster. If you just had an upsetting interaction but aren’t sure of who’s irl available to talk through it with, you can see who’s up for ‘intense conversation’, scan for anyone you trust and think would help you process the interaction and be less hurt. Your options would be better than just picking a random housemate, passerby, or person who happens to be online in the same group chat you pick without much consideration to blarb thoughts into.
If used widely, designed optimally (to really connect people)
Since it’s an interaction starter (with physical interaction as the thing it’s trying to facilitate) and not a platform/tracker (users should own their chat logs, keeping its in local storage, that they can back up however they choose), it seems like it would do the ‘connect people and strengthen relationships’ thing on a real level without having other bad features of social media apps. Maybe?
Zoom out. With phone and videochat and AR and VR, you can do hangouts internationally. It’s not as good an experience as real life, but it’s pretty good. Suddenly, you can – just as you can with your irl local friends – set your ‘open to hang’ settings to be visible to everyone in the world who’s set one of their top five interests to fungi. Or someone who recorded that they’ve ‘gone to this {concert / book reading / tech talk} that you’ve also attended, and you can try to invite them to a quick chat (if in the same language, or an easily machine-translated one) to just chatter about the recent shared experience. What do you think about the economic feasibility of the product in this space demo? Wasn’t that joke by Frans de Waal amazing? Do you want to go to the next _ concert together in person? More friendship pings flying around the globe.
Zoom out, not spatially, but in ambition. Can people be matched in ways that increase total social goodness?
“Do you agree activate this optional feature, which will get access your communications and pass it to be machine-processed to generate a list of potential contacts who will be in your ‘people whose availability I’ve followed’ view, i.e. the main view? You do not need to talk to them, but they will not be marked as an advertisement either. They will just be in the list, they will look like reasonable selections that you actually want to check out, there is no cost or reward delta between interacting with them and the non-machine-recommended matches and friends.”
If X says yes, start matching them with people that are only chosen for their ‘likely will improve the life of X without decrease in own life happiness (by  more than a minor amount)’-ness. Have a data gathering period on X. Get a profile of how they react to various people of various qualities. Those people themselves have a profile, from the same process recursed.
Some good things we could do.
- Discourage violent tendencies.
- Try to decrease tendency of common, unhappy conditions like anxiety and depression by introducing people to each other who can improve each others’ lives.
- Match abuse victims with people the system is highly confident are low on the abusiveness scale.
- Match lonely bright awkward kids with high-likelihood-benevolent adults who used to be lonely bright awkward kids
- Introduce high-likelihood-open-minded people of different cultures and increase racial/cultural harmony – not in a creepy volition-manipulating way, but in a ‘bring people together who will like each other, that happens to increase the national amount of mutual seeing-each-other-as-human’ way. Yes! I want social tech to help us make more interracial and intercultural friends!
Bad things we could do:
- Obvious bad state stuff. But unless the bad state is forcing everyone to depend highly on the Human Finder digital social tech (which would really run against the grain/inclination of human boding patterns, which for most people are fundamentally irl-based), people can just stop using an app that’s clearly trying to manipulate their behavior to become more aggressive or sheeplike or submissive or depressed. Which is an asymmetric outcome from the good use case: if the app actually improves people’s lives, they’ll freely use it and continue to be affected by it.
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rationalista · 4 years
Being Rational IRL
This LessWrong article by Alkjash on actually implementing good ideas is really profound. Fully implementing “software updates” to yourself as a way to optimize your own life. Everyone knows self-help articles or books are impactful only when you implement them, but we don’t test enough just how fruitful it is to intensely adopt the advice. And as the article aptly points out, we need to look at things that almost seem beneath us, like sleep, food, exercise.
I KNEW nutrition and posture were important but I didn’t take it seriously. And now I’m paying a heavy price for not having implemented this basic update.
1. Maintaining proper levels of the vitamins that are likely missing from your diet - you can become deficient even if you eat “healthy” most days. For vegetarians/vegans, it’s not just B12 that you have to consciously seek out. It’s also calcium (you won’t feel the impact of not having calcium until your bones are significantly more fragile and slow to heal than your peers i.e. what’s happening to me right now.) AND  Vitamin D. Doctors apparently recommend that everyone who lives north of Lousiana supplement. Vitamin D might help your body fight better against COVID-19, but also, without enough vitamin D, your body won’t actually process calcium well. You won’t notice that you’ve been deficient until you start getting muscle spasms, joint pain, and injuries from minor accidents.
2. Maintaining good posture while on the computer. The downside of not doing this will come on very suddenly, knocking off weeks of writing/coding/journaling/working.  Use an ergonomic set up - get a laptop stand and use a separate keyboard if a laptop is your main terminal - so that your head doesn’t slowly start to slouch forward or your hands/wrists start to hurt. Absolutely critical. 
I should have been more curious about all these things. I think we tend to think we are invincible until it becomes clear we are not.
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cameronwjones · 6 years
10 Essential Event Promotion Strategies
Looking for strategies to boost your event promotion efforts? Check out this guide on how to create and implement a killer event promotion strategy in creative ways.
Event promotion can be frustrating if you don’t have a strategy in place ahead of time. With all the different methods and plans out there, it’s hard to know what which one to choose. However, once you understand each key technique, finding an effective and reliable system for increasing event revenue becomes a lot more manageable.
This guide is here to help you learn more about event promotion strategies with lots of specific suggestions for how to tackle it. Knowing how to think about your strategy as a set of grouped tasks will make it not only more manageable but easier to review and assess after the event is over.
What is an Event Promotion Strategy?
You’re probably already familiar with how to promote events, but what about event promotion strategy? It’s basically a marketing plan that can be broken down into the various stages of event promotion, from pre-launch to live. These different strategies, or methods of promotion, include tools you’re already familiar with, like social media, event marketing software, email newsletters, and partner marketing. Any organized system for choosing and implementing specific marketing tactics to increase awareness about your event can be considered an event promotion strategy.
The most difficult part is discovering which promotion strategy is right for your event. Answering this question starts with learning about what options are available to you. This guide will help showcase some actionable event promotion strategies you can actually use to boost your event ROI.
Table of Contents
How a Repeat Business System Can Be Used in Your Event Promotion Strategy
Pre-sale Promotional Strategies You Can Actually Use
Use Online Resources to Amp Up Email Marketing
Driving Passive Sales: Let Social Media Work its Magic
How to be Successful at Video Marketing
Don’t Forget to Optimize Organic Search Results
How to Use Display Ads for Event Promotion
Boost Reach with Effective Partner Promotions
Personalize Your Way to ABM Success
Leverage your Event Technology Stack
1. How a Repeat Business System Can Be Used in Your Event Promotion Strategy
One of the primary concerns event planners have is how will I get people to come to it? Monthly or annual affairs benefit from an already targeted list of prospects from previous attendees but one-time only events don’t have the same benefit. Here’s how a repeat business system can boost ticket sales unique events.
What is a repeat business system?
According to a Harvard Business Review study, increasing customer retention by just 5% can create an average revenue increase of 25% to 95%! Moreover, the cost of acquiring a new customer, an attendee in your case, can be five to 25 times more expensive than retaining a current customer. Even if your event only happens one time you can leverage the power of repeat business in your event marketing. Learning how to harness the components of this system can lead to tremendous engagement.
What Do You Need to Harness the Power of Repeat Business?
Data From Social Media Followers. Does your target audience align with your existing fan base? These followers are all potential candidates for repeat business. They’ve already “bought” into your brand by engaging with you online so inviting them to an event IRL is an easy sell.
Guest Lists from Related Events. These can be from events you’ve planned in the past or ones that your company has hosted. If they had a good time before, they’ll probably enjoy this new event as well!
Web Traffic Analytics. Knowing where your target audience finds you on the web helps you plant strategic ads that will let them know about your upcoming event. Since they already know and like your website, getting their attention in places they’re already hanging out will help you sell more tickets.
There are many tools companies can use to implement the repeat business system, but these are the main contributing options. Whatever tool you use, be sure to be very mindful of why your audience would want to give you more of their time and attention and address those needs in your marketing.
2. Pre-sale Promotional Strategies You Can Actually Use
The three following examples from CoinDesk, Bizible, and Pharma Forum offer some great ideas of promotions you can conduct to propel the success of your event, from early-bird ticket sales to VIP sweepstakes and an event app that delivers networking value to your attendees.
CoinDesk’s Early-bird Promotion 
Source: CoinDesk
CoinDesk actually offered pre-sale tickets to next year’s event a day after they finished their current one! By offering an exclusive discount, they were able to capitalize in the attendees’ very recent memory of their positive experiences to sell more tickets to the next one.
Bizible’s Creative Sweepstakes
   Source: Bizible
Although Bizible was aiming to generate meetings at another event, the same principle can be applied to your event promotion strategy. Whether you choose to collect email, push social shares, or utilize referral links, a creative and enticing sweepstakes offer can get your audience excited to be involved!
Pharma Forum’s Event App
Source: Pharma Forum
Take a page out of Pharma Forum’s book and offer an event app. While they utilized this technology to serve attendees who already purchased their tickets, you can still offer a free event app with features like networking profiles, social media connections, and games with real world prizes to get your audience excited about what’s in store when they decide to join you in-person. An app is also useful for increasing event registrations since users will already be using the technology.
3. Use Online Resources to Amp Up Email Marketing
Event email marketing is a juggling act. With so many moving parts, you might find it difficult to keep up with the increasing demands to stand out in each recipient’s inbox. Luckily there are several tools to help you succeed in building your list and getting the most out of your email marketing efforts.
StreamSend is aimed at helping event organizers with specific features that allow users to upsell, customize opt-in forms, and other tasks that thwart the most common email marketing headaches. Companies can also utilize StreamSend’s built-in database software that can help organize and manage multiple lists at once.
  Source: StreamSend
BombBomb is an email marketing tool that lets you record, send, and track videos within your messages. Videos are a powerful conversion tool but they can often be a bit tricky to plan, film, and share. BombBomb streamlines the whole process so you can get face-to-face with future attendees online. 
Source: BombBomb
ActiveCampaign is another email marketing platform that event organizers can use to promote ticket sales. They offer lots of features to help you figure out what you can improve in all your campaigns! ActiveCampaign even has Split Testing so you can increase engagement by figuring out what your audience responds to the most.
  Source: ActiveCampaign
No matter how you choose to go about marketing your event, make sure you know the best tools and practices for email marketing, especially when it regarding event invitations.
4. Driving Passive Sales: Let Social Media Work its Magic
Did you know you could have attendees do some of the event promoting leg work for you? Creating passive sales on event social media is pretty simple. By building share incentives into your event marketing plan, you can easily crowdsource additional sales. Here are some great ways to get those sales:
Social Sharing Ticket Discounts. Offer retroactive discounts to event attendees who get additional guests to attend your event by sharing a unique link on their social platforms. This provides additional incentive to attendees who’d want a discount on their recent ticket purchase, but moreover is an opportunity for registrants to have an accompanying friend!
Battle of the Hashtag. Turn event hashtags into contests by awarding behind-the-scenes tours or headlining speaker meet-and-greets to those who get the most likes on a post about your event.
Sponsored Prizes. Organize co-marketing giveaways that include donated gifts from sponsors for some extra social media love.
However you choose to promote your event online, crowdsourcing attendees and turning them into passionate advocates is a great way to earn passive sales towards your event.
5. How to be Successful at Video Marketing
Video marketing is a great way to personalize your event invitations, follow ups, and promotions. Forming genuine connections starts with being sincere and there’s no better way to showcase authenticity than with a well executed video.
Did you know that in Vidyard’s 2017 Video in Business Benchmark Report, 90% of viewers claim video promotion was the primary reason they decided to purchase? One way to help get those benefits is by empowering your audience with value-packed content. Make sure your videos are centered on experience and not sales, when done successfully a great video promotion will naturally result in event sales.
Event attendees would appreciate bonus recorded lectures, live Q&As, a series of video-based e-courses, or some other extra that they can access to without having to spend money. If your offer is truly valuable, people will be more inclined to trust your brand and get excited about the wealth of opportunities your in-person event can provide for them.
6. Don’t Forget to Optimize Organic Search Results
Your event website is one of the most important parts of your promotion strategy—it’s where attendees will look at for event information and updates, . When it comes to your SEO strategy, there are some pretty specific event website hacks every planner should know.
Optimize for Voice Search. Offer content with very specific keywords or purposes so your event pages can easily reach the top of voice-search results from smart devices. Remember that the top three spots on Google’s search results get 41.1% of all clicks on that page.
Rank High for Event Specific Keywords. Spend more time targeting long-tail keywords than short ones. Long-tail keywords are more specific, target a niche audience for your event, and tend to be over three words. These will have a much lower search volume and allow your event page to stand out more.
SEO-Centric Event Site. Build your web pages around these keywords by offering content that fills each phrase in a unique and relevant way.
Mobile Responsiveness is Key. While less tickets are bought through mobile devices, many event-goers research events on their phones before completing a purchase. Make sure your website is mobile responsive and not just optimized.
Only use high-quality links. Google and other search engines are able to recognize non-reputable links, relying on these will likely result in site penalization by these search engines. A high-quality link is characterized by being embedded in reputable sources, located near the top of your page, and linked through your targeted keyword for the page.
7. How to Use Display Ads for Event Promotion
Unlike search or text-based ads, display ads are online advertisements that appear on relevant websites and social platforms to target a specific audience. While traditionally display ads have been deemed less effective that its search ads counterparts, the low-cost price tag and visual elements are worth testing as part of your holistic event promotion strategy. Here are some tips.
Hyperfocus your marketing for a smaller audience with a higher ROI. Target URLs your audience visits, apps with content relevant to your keywords, location-specific settings, demographic filters based on your prior research.
Find out what works for your audience. One low stakes investment is static image ads. They’re great for testing different options without too much financial commitment.
Stick to the basics. Focus on the three most common ad sizes found through the Google AdWord’s Display Network. These include the Leaderboard (728x90), Inline Rectangle (300x250), and the Skyscraper (120x600).
Keep things simple by having only one call to action. Viewers should have a good idea of what they’re getting when they click your ad beforehand.
Choose bold images. If your display ad is filled with too many words or dull pictures, your audience might scroll past without taking a second look. Instead, make sure your design elements streamline the visual experience with bold fonts and images that pop.
8. Boost Reach with Effective Partner Promotions
An effective partner marketing event strategy is rooted in a clear understanding of your event goals, extensive preliminary screenings for partners, and strategies for guaranteeing collective buy-in. While most events don’t require too many different partnerships, putting in the effort early on will help make sure your promotional strategy is a success.
Understand need. Why do you need a partner? What can you do with a partner that you cannot do on your own? Before reaching out to potential partners, ask the right questions before getting started to help set and achieve goals.
What value will you be providing your partner? Find out why your partner wants to work with you, what they expect to get out of the promotion, and what they are willing to contribute. Most importantly, make sure you are able to deliver on the aligned goals you come up with, ensuring you foster a long-lasting mutual relationship from the get-go.
Test out potential partners with smaller projects. Was the communication and teamwork effective enough to work together on promoting an entire event?
Start off with a stakeholder meeting. Not only will this be a great opportunity to introduce everyone, you’ll also set the right tone for event and ensure a smoother workflow. Be honest and transparent about your needs — maintaining an “open door” policy for both sides to ensure that all questions can be addressed quickly and easily.
Divide and conquer. List out every task and assign specific members of the team to execute each item. It will be easier to hold everyone accountable and get the job done.
Establish a documented workflow. Don’t let missed emails or mismanaged tasks slip through the cracks, particularly when considering if you will want to continue working with this partner for future events.
Showing interest in partnering means very little if the company you’re interested in working with doesn’t seem to be on the same page or offer the resources to help you and your event succeed. Keep these points in mind to ensure healthy event PR.
9. Personalize Your Way to ABM Success
Account-based event marketing revolves around establishing and targeting a set of ideal attendee accounts for your brand and, more importantly, creating campaigns that are tailored specifically to their needs. The most effective account based marketing strategy for event promotion makes use of a diverse set of principles. Devoting time to understand the individuals who make up your ideal audience helps build long-term relationships while increasing their potential interest in your events. While there are many fundamentals associated with account based marketing, here are a few cornerstones for any event promotion strategy.
Create dynamic offers that are a perfect fit for your target audience. Use analytics to create a social report on your prospects and create tailored campaigns based on this data. Try, for instance, segmenting potential audiences by industry, by job title, or company size.
Fully customize your landing pages. All of your copy, images, offers, and forms should be unique to your targeted viewer. You can even go as far as to include the prospect’s name at the top to really emphasize the extent of personalization you strive for.
Use Google Alerts to gather and act on social intelligence. Set up and study the information to determine what current initiatives and challenges your target audience is engaging with. Knowing what your prospects care about will help make your ABM marketing more specific and timely.
In addition to aligning sales and marketing efforts, these tips will help you achieve the core of truly successful event promotion through ABM. Diligently segmenting and targeting is easier said than done, but this is a great place to start.
10. Leverage your Event Technology Stack
Your event promotion strategies should be facilitated by your event technology stack — the technology that makes your event come to life, from your event software and email marketing tools to your event app. Many of these were mentioned in this list and are tools that become crucial when forming your event promotion strategy, but more importantly in determining the success of your event.
Consider taking an event technology assessment to see how your current tools are helping deliver a successful event—from generating event awareness to engaging your attendees— and where there is room for improvement.
Key Takeaways
As you can tell, there are plenty of ways to enhance your event promotion strategy. To tie it all together, here are some ideas you should remember—regardless of which promotional strategies you end up employing:
You don’t have to start from scratch! There are plenty of amazing tools and resources to aid you in creating the perfect event promotion strategy. Find the one that works best for you by keeping your goals in mind, and understanding how these tools will help you deliver those targets time and time again.
Be as specific as possible in everything you do. Getting to know your audience is the foundation of any successful marketing plan.
Ask for help when needed. There are plenty of people, companies, and teams that are happy to team up and promote your event. Be sure to take advantage of what your network has to offer.
Use these ideas and examples to create an event promotion strategy that propels your event to the next level! With the proper resources and information, your event promotion strategy will become crystal clear and easier to carry out.
from Cameron Jones Updates https://blog.bizzabo.com/essential-event-promotion-strategies
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