#I added it to my jimin birthday reblogs but put it in my main account since it’s ongoing
ggukkiereads · 2 years
hey, hope u r okay :)
i’m really hoping u can help me find this fic… it’s a jimin one, where oc and him are exes but they didn’t end in a bad way, and oc wants to have children, but she doesn’t want a son from a “stranger” so she asks jimin if he can be the father…
that’s all that i remembered sorry 😅
and also thank u sm, your blog always help me find amazing fics 💘💘
(english isn’t my first language so sorry for any mistakes)
🌷 I’m good, bub! Just jamming to Indigo and getting comforted by the songs 🥰. How are you? Hope you’re okay too! 
So, if you are looking for one with Jimin as a doctor then it’s definitely Doctor Dreamy by @jungblue. =) 
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xavieryaa · 9 months
Making My Own Tumblr Year In Review
So tumblr is not doing the individual years in review for 2023 like they did the last couple of years :(
This is the first year I’ve really been active on Tumblr and used it as my primary social media, so I was really sad to hear that. But then I decided…why not do it myself?
Tumblr media
I posted 1837 times in 2023. That’s 5 times per day.
1748 (95%) of my posts were reblogs, and 89 (5%) of my posts were original.
Blogs I think I reblogged the most? Not in order.
These are just based on me cmd-f'ing my blog using the names of blogs I remember reblogging a lot. It's probably wrong.
My top 15 most used tags (not 5 because i love tagging and want to show more):
#bts - 1045 posts (yeah obviously)
#bts pics - 803 posts (yeah obviously x2)
#queue attack my heart - 691 posts
#memery - 312 posts
#namjoon - 308 posts (i am so mentally ill)
#hoseok - 167 posts
#jungkook - 166 posts
#seokjin - 138 posts
#jimin - 138 posts (i wrote down seokjin's tag first so i put it higher)
#yoongi - 119 posts
#fic & writing - 108 posts
#taehyung - 103 posts
#bts birthdays - 99 posts
#serious posts - 92 posts
#namjoonposting - 59 posts (my favorite tag)
By the way this was so fucking annoying to do. The archive does not show how many posts you have in a certain tag. For every month I counted the amount of rows in a tag, multiplied it by 8, and added in any rows that didn't quite get up to 8. Then I added all those months together. I had to do that for every tag. Tumblr why is there no easy way to see the number of posts in a tag.
My top 5 posts of 2023:
5. Luffy Tab - 20 notes
Still can't believe we just. got a luffy tab. i just woke up and had a luffy tab
4. BTS Post Search - 27 notes
As it turned out. the poster changed their name to something else so that's why i couldn't find the post from tumblr user soupmoths -- they were an entirely different person. oopsie
Also I ended up being able to reblog it! Someone tagged me!
3. 3D Rant - 32 notes
This post got me my first hate reblog <3
In case anyone is wondering. I still agree with everything I said here.
2. Porn - 99 notes
Not doing the big link preview for this one since that on its own is kinda nsfw. Minors don’t click that link.
But yeah. That makes sense.
Even though there’s only 5 reblogs people find it semi-frequently (especially the past few days, no idea why), so I guess it’s spreading somehow? Which makes me happy :)
The Reddit Post - 2.1k notes
Obviously that was going to be it lol, over 20 times the amount of notes than anything else. My notifications were Dying.
Also, this stuff wasn’t in the actual Year in Review(s), but I’m adding them in for fun.
I liked 21k posts in 2023.
I followed 426 blogs in 2023 (not including the accounts I unfollowed).
I gained 69 followers in 2023 (excluding porn bots and regular bots). Nice.
I started 4 blogs on this account, 1 main blog and 3 side blogs.
I gained 15 mutuals in 2023 <3
All this data was as of December 18th, 2023.
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