#I agree anon I really love putting Joseph in a position where the one he loves struggles with their decision to be with him
aceghosts · 2 years
From one person with a Joseph fucker OC to another, I'd love to see that ship template done with Blue and Joseph. I think they're an interesting Joseph ship and am intrigued by the dynamic. (You may have also introduced me to 'when I watch the world burn, all I think about is you' and now it's pretty much the official ship song for my own deputyxJoseph ship. Love putting that man in a position where the one he loves struggles with the reality of potentially turning their back on him in the end.)
Anon, I've got you! Here is the Blue and Joseph ship template:
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(Originally, I tried to do Joseph with yellow font, but it wasn't very legible. I switched to gray instead.)
I'm glad you enjoy When I Watch The World Burn All I Think About Is You! It's one of my favorite song on my Blue/Joseph playlist, and it definitely gives me such Deputy/Joseph Vibes. A great choice to make it the song for your Deputy/Joseph!
And thank you! I'm really glad you enjoy their dynamic; I'm always really happy to hear that. Haha, I wanted to write a realistic but interesting dynamic where both characters could be themselves.
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nickblaine · 2 years
I had this question for a long time. Figured you are the safest person to ask. Do you sometimes have the feeling that June could be toxic for Nick? Like she’s single mindedly selfish and takes Nick and his love for granted. She never acknowledges how much he’s done for her. Instead she keeps pushing him to do more.
Like when she forced him to have sex with Eden, I believe she contributed to a lot of his trauma. Nick was absolutely shattered afterwards. Then in season 3 she tells him he’s good for nothing and she also tells him he’ll have only one chance to a be father to Nicole.
In season 4, she doesn’t think of him unless she needs something from him. She never as much asks him to leave Gilead and come to Canada. This bothers me more because she even asked Lawrence to leave Gilead but not Nick. I agree June’s going through a lot. But does that mean she can continue being mean to Nick and think of him only when she needs something?
(i just wanna put something out there before the rude messages and vagueposts roll in: June isn’t real. she is a fictional character. just because a character has experienced trauma doesn't mean they are above criticism or that anyone has to like them. it doesn't reflect on anyone's ability to empathize with real life survivors, either. we are all entitled to our own opinions about a TV show and deserve to feel safe expressing them outside of anonymity. just something to think about before some of y'all go around railing fellow Osblaines and making the community feel unwelcome to different opinions. this is something all of us already experience from the THT fandom of a whole and it doesn't need to be reflected amongst ourselves.
if you are a June fan, that’s great! make content. write metas. talk about how much you like her. but dictating how other people should or should not feel about her? uncool, man. just do you and let others be.)
with that out of the way... you're not wrong to feel this way, anon, and i'm glad my blog feels like a safe space for you to express that!
i agree completely with all your examples listed here. many of these scenes don’t seem to come from a place of love, and made me question how June really feels for Nick - especially during season 3 when her behavior was particularly insufferable.
I agree June’s going through a lot. But does that mean she can continue being mean to Nick and think of him only when she needs something?
she can, but she shouldn’t! and this is the root of most of my issues with June. it's not just Nick she takes it out on - it's everyone around her. people who help her. people who love her. people who are loyal to her. like Joseph said:
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and based on everything we’ve seen so far, he isn’t wrong. who hasn’t been fucked up by June?
i would like to be able to root for June. she doesn’t have to be perfect for me to do so. (if it’s not clear by now, all of my comfort characters are deeply flawed.) but when she continues to treat others like shit (and in some cases actively harm them for her own agenda) 4+ seasons in without ever learning or growing from those mistakes, it’s difficult to maintain positive feelings for her.
and that’s ok. there’s no obligation to. it’s a freakin’ TV drama.
but i will say... even though i harbor doubts sometimes, i do believe June loves and cares for Nick in her own way. i haven’t completely given up on her because there are moments where you can see how deep that love goes, like in 4x03 and 4x09. maybe she’s just such a fundamentally flawed person that it’s difficult for her to express it in a way that comes across natural. maybe she doesn’t even fully realize the magnitude of love there, or maybe she represses it. it’s difficult to say because even though she is the titular character we rarely get to see what’s going on inside her head when it comes to her personal relationships.
like sure, we know all about June’s trauma and her vengeance and how pissed off she is at the Waterfords and the patriarchy, but how does June feel about putting Moira in a position to raise a child she never wanted? how does June feel about raping Luke? how does June feel about manipulating Emily’s pain for her own agenda? how does June feel about Nick constantly doing THE MOST for her, without asking for anything in return? the show barely scratches the surface of these things... and when it does it’s done in a throwaway manner before moving on to the next big shocking moment, leaving far too much distance between the audience and June’s real feelings.
so yeah. i guess the point is, i agree June can be toxic to those around her and after 4 seasons of it i expect nothing more. but the blame doesn’t lie solely on her - she was made into a poorly written character, after all. characters can go through trauma and still grow as a person, maintain organic relationships, and invite the audience to connect with them (instead of demanding it “because she’s a victim.”)
but instead Bruce & co prioritize making June a symbol rather than a human. she’s a symbol of vengeance against the patriarchy, of (white) feminist violence, and of devoted motherhood - with little meat in between. this is very clear from the way they all talk about June and the show as a whole, too. and that’s where June’s character flaws really come from - not her personal trauma - but from the writers’ failure to humanize her in a substantial way.
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Yeah I'm honestly a bit surprised by how passionate and vocal people are about hating twenty one pilots? It's kinda upsetting that when I try to interact with content about them I'm always a bit worried in the back of my mind because I'm a pretty sensitive person and it's hard not to let stuff get to me.
I don’t know why it’s always felt like twenty one pilots has gotten a ton of hate for no reason? I’ve been into them since 2013-2014 so pure unadulterated vessel era, I’m a very old fan of them and their music, like one of the oldest picture in my phone is this
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(This picture isn’t important I just love it, plus something fun to look at with a not so fun subject material)
(Long history as a fan rant incoming lol)
I’ve been an emo kid for a really long time, back when all of the emo bands were big, when seeing another kid wearing a panic! shirt always meant you talked to them in the mall, I still remember when I would wear the one twenty one pilots shirt I could afford outside, that anyone who knew who they were would come up and start a conversation with me
And it’s like through the years the hate has changed to be... somehow worse
Back in the early days tøp used to get called not a true emo band because they didn’t have anyone playing the guitar so everyone hated them because they weren’t emo Enough
Plus there was the whole ‘emo trinity’ ‘emo quartet’ infighting nonsense but that’s so long past idk if anyone even remembers it lol
Then blurryface rolls around and fans are being made fun of for dressing funky and going through that one fandom phase where everyone was calling the boys smol beans it was great and cute, we were all really close, we called each other frens, told each other to stay street it was great! So what people made fun of us or whatever we were absolutely vibing
Twenty one pilots felt like the coolest secret gang of fans, we were absolutely huge, more so than most people would think, and man it was awesome!! If you saw a tøp fan you knew that you were cool with that person and that person would be cool with you!! It was amazing!! Sometimes I do miss this vibe!!
But then Stressed Out ended up on the radio...
I feel like it really all changed here, all of the sudden the old fandom things were cringy, the boys were sell outs, and every family member you knew was suddenly the biggest fan despite only knowing stressed out
I remember being upset around this time because of strangers invading my space, this was my group, filled with people who understood what the lyrics meant and knew and understood how much they meant to all of us, and suddenly it was filled with people who didn’t belong
I didn’t blame the pilot boys, obviously they can’t control what’s on the radio, I’m fact, there’s plenty of pilot songs that mention never being played on the radio because of one reason or another, so my problem was never with the boys, it was with the influx of new people, and by new people I don’t mean new fans, I mean news outlets and tv show host, and with that influx came the people who didn’t get it, you know? That were rude and outright nasty and refused to understand anything about the genre and effort put into the story and why it mattered to us
(Tw for suicide mention, and uncomfortable themes involving people making fun of themes involving it, tw for mentions of school shootings)
All of the sudden we were the fans of Tyler Joseph the man who ‘Glorifies Suicide’ and actively is supposedly encouraging that behavior
We were the cringy fans everyone knew in high school and hated who were described as being ‘JuSt So QuIrkY 🤪’, instead of the mentally ill kids we all were, by people who hated us
We were the fans of those ‘white boys who look like school shooters’ (this one honestly rocked me to my core, it still hurts to even see??? Like idk why but it almost makes me want to cry)
At the same time a lot of the old fans were turning their back on the pilots, they didn’t want to be involved anymore, they hated ALL of the new fans whether they were respectful or not
It was a REALLY hard time to be a new fan, very few people were open to having them involved in anything, I think this is when a lot of hatred happened in the fandom not only fan-fan fighting/hatred but also fan-band sentiments weren’t great either
The more songs that ended up on the radio the more the hatred grew, in fact this got so bad Tyler did this
Here’s a transcript in case it’s hard to hear
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Like... this was the state of our fan group.... it was suddenly cool to hate all the songs that ended up on the radio so much it affected every part of our music journey
There was a lot of infighting, it was an awful time to be a fan, new or old
Then came silence era, in which every tøp blog I followed except like 2, became kpop blogs and I’m not sure any of them ever came back lol, I actually really disliked kpop because of this for a bit in like a jokey kind of way in my own head lol (ahh how the turn tables have turned... kpop and tøp are the only things I listen to now haha, actually because of all my tøp mutuals becoming kpop blogs I vowed to myself to not change this blog to another group so I have two music blogs now, which makes me laugh but also shows how important music is to me so it makes me happy anyways you know?)
It was kind of a sad way to have the fandom disappear, everything was strangled, the boys were gone, and no one kept up with the fandom, it felt really lonely
When Trench era clues started back people started coming back, the mood was different, we had something to do and it was fun to work on something with others, we had the Clancy letters, and all the clues, and the tower of silence and the vultures!! It was great! It started to feel like we had rebuilt something from the rubble of what we had been
The fandom started calling Tyler stinky and he called us b*stards it was great, sometimes people were a bit meaner than I think they thought they were being, but it worked you know?
When the album released we had more people come back and things slowly started fitting back ok again, more songs ended up on the radio and a lot of older fans said the same things they’re saying now, but it wasn’t that bad, it was mostly very positive
And then we got to the over the summer drama, which........... is a sensitive subject, but I legitimately do not understand how it was Tyler’s fault that people assumed he was talking about something when he wasn’t talking about it at all... especially when people have been begging him for years to talk more about mental health, he wanted to introduce whatever he was going to do with a joke, I personally never though he was talking about the big issue at the time of the incident, but it blew up like wildfire and the next thing you know he’s canceled because Other People Assumed Something
So now it’s ‘Morally Justifiable’ to hate Tyler because he’s r*cist or something, despite it never being his intention and because people assumed something
It’s literally not even with good reason that people are doing this, but because it blew up when it did and about what it did, no one knows what really happened and people just wanted a morally justified reason to hate them because you can’t just dislike something anymore without it being justifiable I guess? I feel like with all of the years I’ve spent on the internet everything has only become more hateful...
All this to say.... yes, it hurts when people hate the things that you do, I get really sensitive about it as well, especially with how long and how many arguments I’ve seen, and I am extremely sensitive to discourse and hatred, it’s why I don’t engage with much of it online, in fact I was about to delete the post complaining about everyone hating on them before I saw it was really resonating with you guys
I guess my best advice to you anon, would to try to understand where it’s coming from, that’s what’s helped me, I know a lot of people dislike the pilots because of the fact that they became ‘mainstream’ during blurryface era, and people are really upset by that, so understanding that, even when it hurts, I can acknowledge that they feel that way and that it’s ok that I feel differently
It’s easy to take that point and test it against your own morals, ‘do I think twenty one pilots became mainstream, or only makes songs to get on the radio?’ If your answer is no, then you can both say ‘I don’t agree with them but they’re allowed to have their own opinion’ and kind of give yourself a wall and barrier against what they say
I know this isn’t perfect advice, but it’s helped me a lot
I know there are two big arguments against this album, that it’s mainstream and made to have radio singles (the underlying argument here I guess being Tyler and Josh are money hungry and no longer care about the music)
And that it’s no longer lyrically meaningful, but I think this has to do a lot with how involved people are in the Dema lore, if you’re not a fan of lore I would imagine this album being propaganda and supposed to be fake and bright to prove a point would really bug you if you didn’t really get it
To best thing to do is digest an argument (only if you can handle it emotionally of course 🖤) and know it’s ok that think differently than other people, and that the chances of someone being mad at you are very slim
A lot of things I’ve enjoyed have been stolen by the fear of getting hated on for something - while in actuality, the very few times I’ve gotten real hate over something barely affected me
I admit the fear of getting hate bothers me a lot more than actually getting it, but I just want to encourage you to stay strong in the face of it, it will pass, as it all does, but if nothing else in this post resonates with you, PLEASE HOLD ONTO YOUR JOY FOR AS LONG AS YOU CAN! And don’t let ANYONE take it from YOU!!
If twenty one pilots makes you happy, just remember that the only person who can take that true joy away from you is yourself, remove the people who make you feel sad out of your life, I apologize if this is a physical person in your life as this makes it a lot harder, and sometimes impossible depending on the situation, but on the internet unfollow anyone, block anyone, don’t engage and leave them alone, it’s not with your energy or effort, and they’ll never change their minds but they can change yours you know?
Being sensitive in a time when everything is hateful is hard, especially when everyone tells you you’re a bad person if you aren’t engaged, but you really don’t have to be, you get to choose your own destiny you know? Don’t let other people choose it for you
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fandom-necromancer · 4 years
704. Part 2
This was prompted by an amazing anon! I hope you enjoy!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900 (background Allen60)
Connor’s hurried steps as he ran towards his chair as if it promised safety from what he just saw made Hank lift a brow. But the android didn’t elaborate, and he just shrugged and got back to work. Until the archive door opened and Connor visibly flinched. Hank watched the two people coming out of it and frowned even harder. ‘Hey, Reed, what where you two doing in the archives?’, he called through the bullpen, resulting in Nines and Gavin coming over. ‘Trust me, you don’t want to know’, Connor whispered, the evidence clear in his advanced vision, even though Nines had done a good job cleaning them both to the human eye. ‘Err… I had to explain our filing system to Nines’, Gavin bullshitted, surprisingly not growing red. ‘What the hell do you have to explain Nines?’, Hank asked, if not catching the obvious lie then at least the missing logic. ‘I have found some inconsistency in the order of the casefiles stored there, likely due to negligence when putting files back after use. Gavin had to agree I was right, although he could convince me it wasn’t of any importance.’ ‘Bullshit!’, Connor interrupted, surprised how easily his brother could lie. ‘You two were making out down there and holy shit, warn someone before they walk in on you, I really didn’t want to see, hear or know any of it.’
That had Hank staring at them both with wide eyes. ‘Nines? You and… Reed?’ The RK900’s cheeks were tinged blue, but his voice was level as ever: ‘Yes.’ ‘Shit…’ ‘Hank, you once told me you would support my decision as long as it was my decision and no one forced me to choose.’ ‘Yeah, I know, I know, but… Reed?’ ‘Hey!’, The Detective revolted, but was shushed by Connor. Hank rubbed his forehead and groaned. ‘Dinner next week will be a disaster…’
‘Phck Connor!’, Gavin cursed. ‘Phck that tin-can, he is boring, a damn people-pleaser and know-it-all!’ ‘Also someone who can and will knock you out cold again’, Nines commented, watching the street as he drove Gavin’s car. ‘I know’, the man whined. ‘That’s why I got to get a few things out of my system now, not when the idiot can hear me.’ ‘Come on, it won’t be that bad.’ ‘Oh really? Do you know me? Who will be there?’ ‘Hank,-‘ ‘Hates me ever since he began drinking and I didn’t even try to help. Sure, my mistake there, but I am an asshole, okay? Shouldn’t take it that personally.’ ‘Connor’, Nines continued. ‘Do I even need to comment?’ ‘Joseph.’ ‘Who is-‘ ‘Captain Allen.’ ‘So his first name isn’t Captain? Honestly don’t know the man, but he sure as hell heard the rumours about me.’ ‘Sixty.’ ‘Is there anyone Sixty doesn’t hate?’ ‘Sumo.’ ‘I don’t like dogs, but when he doesn’t slobber all over me I can get on good terms with him.’ ‘And myself.’ ‘Finally the one good thing about this.’
Nines chuckled and shortly looked over to his human. ‘Relax, Gavin. You look good. And I don’t care what they think of you, it won’t ever change how I think about you.’ ‘Thanks. Still this will be awkward as hell.’ ‘Maybe’, Nines nodded. ‘But it will only be a few hours.’ ‘I hope so.’
They pulled into Hank’s driveway and stopped next to Allen’s bike. Before Gavin could exit the car, Nines stopped him by holding a small package out to him. ‘Dog treats?’ ‘Gav, the key to Connor is through Sumo’, Nines explained. ‘If the dog likes you, Connor likes you a bit already.’ ‘Oh, nice. Any cheats with Hank and the rest?’ ‘Unfortunately no’, Nines shrugged. ‘Just try to be nice, Gavin, it will make a lot of things easier.’ Gavin sighed heartily as he exited the car and Nines smiled in empathy. ‘Come here’, he muttered, pulling the human in for a kiss. ‘It will be alright.’
It really wasn’t.
They rang the bell and Immediately Sumo barked inside. Then the door opened to Hank holding the massive animal at the collar. ‘Nines! Nice to see you! And… Gavin. Please come in.’ They followed, taking off their shoes once inside and Nines immediately crouched down to ruffle Sumo’s pelt with a wide grin. ‘Come on, Gavin, you don’t have to worry.’ The Detective did worry a bit, but he held out his hand for the dog to sniff, much like he would do with a cat. Of course, Sumo began licking it instead and Gavin quickly went to petting the dog mainly to get rid of the sticky wetness. Thinking quickly, he opened the package and held out a treat for him to evade the tongue(?) again. Then Nines led him further inside and Gavin realised he had never been to his superior’s home before. Not that it changed anything, it was surprisingly exactly how he had imagined it.
‘Hey, Nines! Long time no see.’ That was Allen. ‘And Gavin, hi!’ At least he sounded like he really meant it. Sixty didn’t say anything but stared at Nines intensely. ‘You should use words, Sixty, it is impolite to have a second conversation over our channel’, the RK900 answered. ‘Alright, didn’t think you will like it though. Gavin, I didn’t know you owned something that doesn’t scream giant douchebag.’ ‘Gavin looked down on himself. He had decided to play nice and actually give a damn about his appearance. He was wearing his favourite light blue shirt with smooth grey trousers and brown shoes. He had trimmed his rough stubble to something clean. At least Nines had been smitten and that was all that had counted for him. While Nines looked at him pleadingly no to take the bait, Gavin rolled his eyes. ‘Thank you. Looking good yourself.’ Nines lifted his brows as he sat down at the larger table Hank and Connor had positioned in the living room. Gavin joined him, hissing: ‘Hey, I can play nice, I just don’t like it.’
A few minutes later, Connor came with the food, announcing: ‘You came just at the right time, as always.’ Nines laughed, looking at the blue mass in front of him. ‘Did you cook?’ ‘Of course Con cooked’, Hank commented from the kitchen. ‘You know I can’t get this Thirium stuff right. Either everything evaporates and you get some jelly matrix or it’s just the liquid and don’t start on flavouring.’ Then he came over to the table balancing three plates with human food that looked far more delicious.
Everything settled they began eating, but unfortunately that had only been the beginning. ‘Hey, Nines, I guess I’m not up to date on the DPD’s side, since when have you two been dating?’, Allen asked. It was an innocent question, but Hank decided to add onto it. ‘Yes, we haven’t known anything either, why didn’t you tell us?’ Nines sighed, setting his spoon aside. ‘Well, I knew you wouldn’t approve, that’s why I decided against telling you.’ ‘Damn right I disapprove this. Please tell me you put actual thought into this decision.’ ‘We are together since the Chapman case. You remember? The one Gavin got shot?’ ‘Yeah, I remember’, Hank nodded. ‘You spent the whole damn week in the hospital with him.’ Nines sighed. ‘Well try to think of the reason why Gavin might have been shot while I was present to potentially save him.’ ‘Gavin, you didn’t catch a bullet for my brother, did you?’ The Detective coughed. He had hoped the interrogation would stay with Nines and the question caught him unprepared. ‘I did’, he wheezed. ‘I had felt something for him for a while at that point and my brain didn’t quite realise, he was bulletproof in that second. To be honest, I never told him because I haven’t thought he would feel the same.’ ‘But I do’, Nines smiled and took Gavin’s free hand.
‘Urgh’, Sixty commented, but was overlooked by Connor. ‘Nines, you do know he pointed a literal gun in my face and basically hates all androids?’ ‘Hey, Connor, did you maybe threatened my whole existence by being a plastic detective and left me unconscious in evidence?’ Nines rested his head in his hand. ‘Please, both of you, shut up.’ But Gavin ignored him. ‘Connor, I don’t phcking hate androids, okay? I don’t like losing my damn job and I was scared, and you were just a machine back then. Also, I don’t like you. Doesn’t mean I can’t love someone who happens to be an android.’ ‘Up until now, I thought you couldn’t love anyone. You don’t even love yourself’, Hank joined his son. ‘Hey, real low blow, drunkard! I love my cats and I love my partner. Just because none of you folks made the effort to…’
While they were arguing Allen and Sixty had sunken into their chairs, eating quietly and hoping not to be targeted next. Allen had tried to make some small talk but decided to never try again. Nines just sat there and listened. Why had he thought this could have been a normal family dinner. He should have thought of Hank as their father figure to be overly protective of them and Gavin’s short patience to run out quickly. He just felt tired. This was the exact reason he had wanted to keep their relationship private. It was nothing anyone had to know about. He had asked himself the same questions already and had talked with the man about them too. It had been the first step he had taken once he heard Gavin’s confession. Why did he have to defend what they had again?
‘Nines, you say something!’ He looked up into Connor’s aggravated face and sighed. ‘Con, I can’t say anything that will convince you, so why bother?’ Weirdly enough, that brought some calmness back to the table, as the android leaned back, deflating a bit. ‘I love him, isn’t that enough? Feelings can’t be explained and all that can be discussed, we already talked about. I don’t know how any of this is your business. Gavin may be an asshole and he may be not the best person. But he is to me. He is for me. That and much more is why I love him, and I don’t expect you to like him, but you can at least respect him and our decision.’
He stared at Connor and Hank, an open challenge, daring them to say anything wrong. Nines didn’t care, one wrong word now and they would leave. ‘Err…’, Allen cleared his throat. ‘I do. Gavin is a good Detective as far as I know, and I think Nines is equipped to handle his worst if it should come to it.’ Gavin looked over to the SWAT Captain. ‘Thanks, I guess…’ The silence lingered for a bit, even after Allen broke it. ‘Fine’, Hank said. ‘But if he ever does something to you, then-‘ ‘Then I’ll act accordingly’, Nines concluded with an open threat that made Gavin feel all the wrong things. But Hank nodded and got back to his meal. ‘Connor?’ ‘I will respect your decision, Nines. But I will wait for the day I can tell you I told you so.’ ‘Then keep waiting. Sixty?’ ‘Hey, I hate everyone equally. But I’ll say yes if that means this topic is cleared.’ ‘Good.’
Sixty nodded, groaning a ‘Finally’, then eagerly turning to Connor. ‘Now I can ask, what did you put into this? It tastes awesome, I’ve preferred it unflavoured until now, but I think that changed today.’ Nines reclined in his seat as Sixty had successfully navigated them to safer waters. Gavin carefully rubbed his arm trying to comfort him with a shy smile that spread to Nines’ own face. He caught Gavin’s hand under the table as he took his arm back and brushed over the back of it lovingly, looking deep into these green eyes. He could stare for hours and still find them captivating.
He was so caught up in them, he didn’t saw Hank’s faint smile. Maybe he didn’t like his decision now. But time could change things. And in the end, Nines couldn’t find it in himself to care about the future. He had his human. That was all that mattered.
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