#I almost feel bad for the people in Aether Raid and Summoner Duels
ditzydumbazz · 2 years
I returned to FEH in time for the Fomortiis/Gotoh double banner and can I just say...dear artist who drew Fomortiis, you deserve a raise. My unhinged simp thoughts below:
So I am a lover of all things Lyon. Normal Lyon, Possessed!Lyon, Fomortiis himself...I love it all. And they did the Demon King JUSTICE with this art. He looks intimidating and impressive, and they gave him a massive stature as one would expect of the Demon King himself! The art is polished, and so fucking massive that to see the entirety of his character art you’d need to visit the FEH twitter just to see it! The Lv 40 confession feels like the most evil marriage proposal I have ever fucking heard, and I love it. But that might just be my monsterfucker ass interpreting it entirely differently to how it’s supposed to be presented. And that is FINE by me lol. I’m a big simp for both Lyon and Fomortiis, and I make NO secret of that. So all of this just feels like a very early birthday present from FEH as a whole because oh my GOD did they hit every one of the notes I like with Morti! And I love the added detail of the sprite of Lyon’s body slumping forward before righting itself almost unnaturally - a staple of any cheesy possession scene in movies and tv shows! It’s such a neat detail for anyone actually LOOKING.
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