#I almost forgot BigB and Ren skskdjfjf
froggymarsh · 1 year
Thinking about littles during double life. The idea that you can feel your soulmate’s feelings through the bond but that translates during regression as well. If one soulmate is regressed the other one starts to regress as well. Makes for many tiny ones but also conversations with a lot of people and cgs who have never regressed before who suddenly feel regressed. Idk I think I am not explaining it well but it is in my brain
For Jimmy and Tango, it’s something familiar to bond over. After the initial explosion they’re scrambled and panicking- Tango is small, Jimmy’s freaking out, but through the soul link there’s a familiar sort of fuzz- Jimmy realizes he’s felt this before, and jumps right into Caregiver mode. “Hey bud, breathe for me,” he takes his hands and gives a light squeeze, “in and out, it’s okay.” - it’s something to bond over, something less terrifying than a shell of a heartbeat around their own. Jimmy likes knowing that Tango is happy, regressing because he’s comfortable. Jimmy likes knowing that he’s wanted, that he’s doing something right. Tango likes it because for once he can actually know for a fact how small his buddy is- he feels more comfortable caregiving for someone when he can kinda sorta feel what they need.
when Tango was getting the Warden there was a lot of back and forth of big and little- they were mildly stressing each other out and making each other regress because Tango is. u know. doing something terrifying and Jimmy is trying to cover for him. Lots of excitement there skskdjfjf
Martyn and Cleo feel Caregiver urges- Martyn likes to run around and tease all of the regressors when they’re little (grian and timmy especially), and Cleo is taking care of a mildly distressed little Scott pretty often. they can feel the energy of the other- Cleo becomes a little more playful with Martyn’s influence, Martyn learns how to be more soothing and soft. They ignore the swell of protectiveness that comes from the other that washes through the link when one of them regresses.
Scott and Pearl on and off vent regress- mostly because of Pearl. Any time she’s alone, without people or without Tilly, she’ll get lost in her own head and think she’s unloved- she’ll regress and cry because nobody wanted her- nobody wanted to be her soulmate. Scott can feel it, and that doubled with his guilt has him regressing. It’s a dangerous loop they’ve caught themselves in. Cleo does her best to help Scott feel better- having Tilly helps Pearl a lot.
Etho and Joel are. Ough. Joel tends to regress more when he’s around other people- his friends are safe and fun so he tends to go little brain almost every time they hang out. When Etho’s there, he’s basically got a permanent playmate/babysitter. He’s having the time of his life!! He takes nothing seriously and runs everywhere and he’s regressed and having so much fun. This translates down their link to Etho, who is usually so introverted about his regression. He doesn’t talk about it like ever and only regresses around maybe 4 people, so when Joel’s a little manic and having so much fun being little, it makes Etho want a part of that. He regresses for fun for almost the first time ever and it’s the best thing he’s ever done.
Grian and Scar are uh. Well. They did this back in Third Life, didn’t they? They kept an eye on each other whenever one or the other would go small, learned every trigger both safe and not, learned what bedtime voices were favorites, took turns playing prince on Pizza the llama- but this time they’re holding each other at an arm’s length. Neither are jazzed about being soulmates after Last Life, so it’s a little clipped and colder than the first time around.
It’s torture to feel each other’s emotions.
Grian’s poker face means nothing when Scar can feel how much he’s freaking out, how desperately he wants to be small, to be held, for someone to preen his wings, to be safe, to be safe, to be safe-
Scar’s confidence means nothing when Grian can feel the unsurety- the anxiety, every time someone draws a sword Scar inwardly shrinks in on himself, despite his calm, cool, collected appearance.
They’re terrified and desperate for comfort. And both of them are ignoring it.
BigB learns about puppy regression because of Ren and he LOVES it
i have no thoughts about impulse and bdubs skskdjf
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