#I also feel a soapbox about toxic purity culture and cancellation in me somewhere but that can wait for when it’s not 4am
raelle-writing · 1 year
Build Jakapan Case Update + My Thoughts
It’s the middle of the night for me but I thought you all should know that it was announced that Poi and Build have settled in court. Both have published letters that agree and admit that Poi lied about everything and Build is innocent.
Here is Build’s Letter and translation:
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And here is Poi’s letter and translation:
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(Both translations done by @.yakibbb on Twitter)
This likely isn’t the end as her admitting her falsehoods will have to be a condition of the settlement and there will likely still be a hearing to nail down the damages she has to pay. But her settling like this confirms what I suspected for a long time: she has no evidence. Everything she’s ever accused him of came from her own mind. I suspected that from the start when she came out so strong and said she was going to sue him, and then just… did not.
I have some concerns. I will admit I haven’t been neutral in quite a while because Poi gave me no reason to trust her and every reason not to with her inconsistencies and Pinterest-picture evidence. I like to believe victims but i also firmly follow “trust, but verify” as a mantra. And I couldn’t verify anything she said. I could, however, see the inconsistencies and the coincidental timings and the conveniently cropped screenshots she shared as “proof” of him being so awful.
I digress.
I am concerned that since a mere couple of days ago she was slandering him live on TikTok that she won’t stop now, even with the settlement. I’m equally concerned that a settlement won’t be enough to clear Build’s name in the eyes of his neutral fans. I had hoped he’d take the case all the way so that the evidence would come out. But then again, this is a deeply private matter so I don’t blame him for wanting to keep his evidence private.
I have absolutely no hope that this will change the minds of people who are determined to hate him. But I do have hope that people who went neutral will see this and appropriately change their minds about him and this matter.
I am a bit concerned about what a case like this means for “believe the victim!” Since Poi obviously exploited that exact mentality as she defamed him, knowing it would ruin him to even be accused of something like this regardless of if he did it. I don’t think it’s a bad thing for more people to take the “trust but verify” approach… however I’m concerned that cases like this will be pointed to when discrediting real victims and dismissing their cases as simple misunderstandings. Because at the core of it, it seems like this was a messy break up that went really, really wrong.
I have no real closing thoughts here other than:
1. This isn’t quite over though I don’t know if we’ll get exact settlement details in the future.
2. I’ll be watching carefully to see if she actually stops with her erratic, defaming behavior or not. I’m not entirely sure she’s capable of stopping, so I’m concerned he may end up having to sue again if she breaks the settlement.
3. I think people need to be a bit more critical about believing people blindly BUT should still default to believing the victim in most cases to avoid using bad examples like this to discredit real victims.
4. This will do nothing to change people who are determined to hate Build’s mentality and I don’t expect it to. It was never about abuse for them, only blind hatred.
5. It’ll be interesting to see how Build’s life and career progress after all of this, especially juxtaposed against all the other Thai BL actors who are having problematic behavior come to light lately…
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