#Build and Poi
raelle-writing · 1 year
Build Jakapan Case Update + My Thoughts
It’s the middle of the night for me but I thought you all should know that it was announced that Poi and Build have settled in court. Both have published letters that agree and admit that Poi lied about everything and Build is innocent.
Here is Build’s Letter and translation:
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And here is Poi’s letter and translation:
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(Both translations done by @.yakibbb on Twitter)
This likely isn’t the end as her admitting her falsehoods will have to be a condition of the settlement and there will likely still be a hearing to nail down the damages she has to pay. But her settling like this confirms what I suspected for a long time: she has no evidence. Everything she’s ever accused him of came from her own mind. I suspected that from the start when she came out so strong and said she was going to sue him, and then just… did not.
I have some concerns. I will admit I haven’t been neutral in quite a while because Poi gave me no reason to trust her and every reason not to with her inconsistencies and Pinterest-picture evidence. I like to believe victims but i also firmly follow “trust, but verify” as a mantra. And I couldn’t verify anything she said. I could, however, see the inconsistencies and the coincidental timings and the conveniently cropped screenshots she shared as “proof” of him being so awful.
I digress.
I am concerned that since a mere couple of days ago she was slandering him live on TikTok that she won’t stop now, even with the settlement. I’m equally concerned that a settlement won’t be enough to clear Build’s name in the eyes of his neutral fans. I had hoped he’d take the case all the way so that the evidence would come out. But then again, this is a deeply private matter so I don’t blame him for wanting to keep his evidence private.
I have absolutely no hope that this will change the minds of people who are determined to hate him. But I do have hope that people who went neutral will see this and appropriately change their minds about him and this matter.
I am a bit concerned about what a case like this means for “believe the victim!” Since Poi obviously exploited that exact mentality as she defamed him, knowing it would ruin him to even be accused of something like this regardless of if he did it. I don’t think it’s a bad thing for more people to take the “trust but verify” approach… however I’m concerned that cases like this will be pointed to when discrediting real victims and dismissing their cases as simple misunderstandings. Because at the core of it, it seems like this was a messy break up that went really, really wrong.
I have no real closing thoughts here other than:
1. This isn’t quite over though I don’t know if we’ll get exact settlement details in the future.
2. I’ll be watching carefully to see if she actually stops with her erratic, defaming behavior or not. I’m not entirely sure she’s capable of stopping, so I’m concerned he may end up having to sue again if she breaks the settlement.
3. I think people need to be a bit more critical about believing people blindly BUT should still default to believing the victim in most cases to avoid using bad examples like this to discredit real victims.
4. This will do nothing to change people who are determined to hate Build’s mentality and I don’t expect it to. It was never about abuse for them, only blind hatred.
5. It’ll be interesting to see how Build’s life and career progress after all of this, especially juxtaposed against all the other Thai BL actors who are having problematic behavior come to light lately…
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purple-and-mint · 1 year
The case was filed by Build Jakapan and his legal team in February, 2023 and the hearing was expected to happen in May.
May is here and the matter is finally settled in court.
Below are the statements from both Build Jakapan and Poi Patchayamon.
(Credits to __yakibbb on Twt for the translation.)
Few hours to spread the lies or twisted information. Few months to get the truth.
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scarefox · 1 year
Just gotta say I am glad that my gut feelings were right from the start THAT BUILD IS INNOCENT even though people tried to convince me and all his other supporter otherwise.... in the most toxic ways possible.... Had to get out of that war zone a while ago for my mental health.
Hope it is now reaching the last person in the back, that she was lying about everything.
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roseturnedblack · 2 years
The audio recording regarding the
Build - Poi scandal.
It has triggering content.
The translations that I have provided are the ones currently circulating in Social Media. Therefore I can't verify the accuracy of the translations.
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kerrikins · 2 years
With things finally getting underway in the legal system, I feel the need to finally get some things off my chest. 
I’ve seen some truly disappointing behaviour in this fandom over the last month and it’s honestly so frustrating and eye opening. 
I’ve seen blogs that blew up the initial allegations remain stubbornly, *completely* silent on everything else that has come out since. I don’t care if you posted every drib or drab of information at the start (though I have to say, I’m side eyeing those who jumped on random-ass tweets with no sources, especially since at least one of them was *sued* by Build and turned out to be a complete and utter lie that was INCREDIBLY serious), I care if you haven’t presented anything at all on the other side. 
I’ve seen multiple users on Twitter basically admit that they don’t really care if it’s proven that the allegations are false. 
I’ve seen multiple users on Twitter claim that Build has no rights to speak out because he should be silent for the sake of Be On Cloud or his fellow former cast members. 
I’ve seen at least one user say that if Build was truly innocent then he would stay silent. 
NONE of these things are okay. 
None of these things are acceptable. 
None of these things help feminism or fight misogny or prevent abuse. 
You cannot fight against injustice if you say that you do not care about the truth. (Full disclosure, if you think that he’s a raging misogynist due to his past tweets then I respect and understand that. That’s fine. Implying that the results of this suit do not matter or are not important is *not*.) 
You cannot support victims if you are saying that for the good of *others* Build should be staying silent. This sort of rhetoric can also be used against POI, for god’s sake. This debacle lost BOC 200k followers, it could be said that she should have stayed silent rather than stir all of that up. Is that okay to say? No, it’s vile and reprehensible. People have the right to speak out in this sort of situation, *even if you disagree with them*. One of the foundations of civil and free society is that everyone has the right to their day in court and to speak on their behalf.
You cannot support victims if you are spouting rhetoric that I have seen used AGAINST victims. ‘Oh, if they were truly innocent then they would have gone to the police. Oh, if they were innocent then they would just let the evidence speak for itself.’ 
EVERYONE has the right to speak out, especially if it is with their lawyer at their side in response to having their character damaged in the public eye. If you are advocating for the opposite then you are saying that VICTIMS do not have the right to speak out because ‘the evidence should speak for itself’. There are cases where the statute of limitations has passed, are you going to tell victims that if they can't present the evidence in court then they should say silent? No? Well then maybe keep that in mind here.
Given that I have a feeling that this person did not intend to say that, I hope that if they ever see this post they will reconsider just what they are advocating for. 
To be clear, here, I am not asking for anyone to advocate on Build’s behalf. If you are choosing to stay entirely silent throughout this whole thing, I have no problem with that. If you’re waiting to see the legal results I have no problem with that either, because I do myself think that certain things need to be clarified through the legal system. 
However I am really tired of the complete silence as though only one side of the story matters. There are three points of view: her side, his side, and the truth. 
The truth will out, but it would happen a lot easier if people weren’t actively trying to prevent one side from being heard.
This time it’s someone you disagree with or hate. 
What about the next time when it’s someone you don’t? 
What if it turns out that what you've decided you support and believe isn't the side of truth and justice after all?
Just something to think about. 
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vegasandhishedgehog · 2 years
I've held off posting for a long time about the issue regarding Build and Poi.
A lot of things have rubbed me wrong about the way it went down, how the people involved handled it in the beginning, I am severely allergic to Twitter, and all in all, it's been so much to take in and digest over the past few weeks. I have no real understanding of law for any fucking country and I am not a source blog for news or updates or translations. Speaking in support of anyone, to me, seems perfectly inappropriate and useless. As much as I have my own personal thoughts and feelings, I'm aware of biases and that's no basis for an open conversation.
That, and well....I've been here before. I don't mean with the thing about the dug-up tweets that caused a riot a few months ago. I don't even mean controversial celebrity trials in general. I'm talking about people I personally knew very well being in a lawsuit where some hefty accusations were made and the community got split over their feelings about it. It's a fucking nightmare. I don't need to repeat those details because it was a different case and projecting any of those circumstances onto the one in question would be wrong.
So I'm only going to say this once.
Cut it out.
Stop being self-righteous. Stop taking extreme positions and cutting off friends whose thoughts and views vary. I don't care how convincing one side or the other is to you right now - we do not know the truth and there is a fairly long wait for us to have it laid out for us. If you look at those supporting the opposite side as you and don't think of yourself as also potentially supporting a guilty person, please take a moment to reflect. What is your goal by acting that way? To be right? To feel right? To "weed out the idiots"?
Curate your experience all you like, but cutting people off to such extremes is going to make for very small corners and very nasty echo chambers. This fandom looked itself in the mirror and got so ugly the mirror shattered and we're all just shards now. Little pods of pro-this, anti-that, unsure-something-or-other, etc. There's still so many unanswered questions, and evidence to be reviewed and cross-examined. Some of you will still choose to deny the outcome because it doesn't match the narrative in your head. But before you reach that level of desperation, I simply ask that you put your energy toward making and keeping this fandom a place where people can come for escape.
I won't judge you for being open about who you support here, if you have chosen a side. But attacking and othering people really doesn't make you the better person and you're not gonna get some kind of badge of honor for being woke. A lot of us are just people who come to fandom because it's what brings us joy in a world that is very fucked up, so coming into that space to start fires and burn bridges is really shitty. Making people feel uncomfortable to speak up because they might be attacked or cancelled for merely wanting a proper discussion is awful and I've seen enough.
For those of you who could really use a shoulder to lean on, my offer is here. I can't promise to be a perfect support, and if you're looking for some kind of mediator in an argument that won't be it. But I encourage anyone who needs to get their thoughts and feelings out to take that opportunity privately. Take a step back or a break if you feel like that's gonna help. If you're still unsure, do not hesitate to use any resource you can think of until something works. This has been hard on mental health for some people and it deserves to be acknowledged and given the attention necessary to help people recover.
I still love many people in the KinnPorsche fandom. I still love KinnPorsche. I would love things to heal, regardless of whatever comes out of this lawsuit. I would still love another season of the show if it were possible, for current and upcoming BOC projects to do well, and for the other actors and creators impacted to still enjoy happy lives and careers. I hope this post encourages thoughtfulness and honesty, and most of all, unity. If you've read this far, thanks for at least considering my input.
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chalkrevelations · 1 year
hi! I'm new to the KP fandom and just saw your posts about the Build situation. I agree so much with what you're saying, thank you for taking the time to break it down and explain. I did have one question about it I was hoping you could answer. What is the part about Jeff calling out Poi for sexual harassment of a minor?? No need to get into it I just thought I'd ask because I haven't heard of this and it makes me feel really gross. Thanks <3
Hi Anon,
The referenced incident is some behind-the-scenes footage in which Poi reveals that she taught Barcode "in secret" how to be a good actor - by making him give her and Yok, her Daemi co-writer, massages. She's not the least bit fazed when Jeff tries to point out the inappropriateness of this. Barcode was a minor at the time - he didn't turn 18 until during the World Tour, following the release of the show. So this happened to the same kid who wasn't allowed to even watch some portions of the show when it aired, because of his age. (There were reports of Jeff covering his eyes during some scenes when Barcode was allowed to attend the theater airings of the episodes.)
I'm going to try to link one of the Youtube videos with this footage and hope Tumblr doesn't eat it: here. The relevant portion starts at 5:38.
The rest of the video is a compilation of bts footage showing some of both Poi's and Yok's interactions with various cast members that fans found inappropriate and troubling, and the video itself is titled "The Kinnporsche Authors are Trash," which was a prevailing attitude from all corners of the fandom, right up to the point when Poi detonated her dirty bomb in January. There were a number of fans who said they would prefer never to get a second season of the show if that was what it took to keep the cast from being exposed to further inappropriate behavior from Daemi.
I ... did not remember that the footage of Build was included in this. I also didn't remember the full clip of Poi with Apo, and I'm now wondering if what we see from him at the end of that particular clip is the same kind of roughhousing that both Poi and Build are now saying is how Poi got the bruises that she had claimed were from abuse.
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beyondtheindigosky · 2 years
About this Build Poi situation
This entire situation took an extremely tragic turn. And everyone who harped about morals and justice are making memes . I don't have a high sense of morality but I honestly don't think that this is something to rejoice about. Now so many things have come to light after this whole situation. So many lives are being ruined. Poi, Build , the kids who posted slanderous comments, all their lives have been ruined. Now that Poi is the defendant in the case most people who wanted to destroy Build don't care anymore. Because now that Build has left BOC , there's 'no point in fighting for justice.' The sheer irony of this all.
Now people are coming forward and apologizing to Build for spreading fake allegations. And all who have publicly apologized until now are underage. There's even a 12 year old apologizing. These are children. But now they have obtained criminal records even before they became 18. And they are being dragged all around social media for what they have done.
Poi's plaigarism allegations against Build have been debunked and now ,it seems as if she hasn't even filed a lawsuit against him. Now she has become the Defendant of this case. The charges against her are criminal charges and if undisputed she will definitely get a criminal record. This has even gone to the Thai national media and now her reputation is also in ruins. People are making fun of her contradictory tweets and openly mocking her.
People are making fun of all these people involved. Some hate Build for his tweets,other hate Poi and those convicted children for their actions and now all of them are being dragged to hell and back.
Even though I sided with Build and disliked Poi no one truly won here.
Apo's own fans turned against him and flung racist, homophobic comments at him all because of a filter.
Regardless of what we feel about them, these are all real people who are involved.To make fun of their lives ,to joke at their expense isn't a morally superior thing to do.
What's the point in talking about 'justice', 'morals' and 'victims' if we dump the case the moment the tide turns?
I honestly had concrete beliefs too. I didn't even knowthat there was something called 'imperfect victims' until this case happened. I didn't realize that we have to give a voice to the victim ,(no matter how imperfect they are) first. That was my mistake.
Everyone who made documentations and discussions about it has abandoned it . People mocked Build for crying and now they are mocking Poi for what's happening to her. It's very clear that Poi needs medical intervention.
If Poi can be considered an imperfect victim so Build. If Build is innocent until proven guilty so is Poi.
This entire thing has become a nightmare .With more and more lives being ruined. The court of Public opinion is an extremely ruthless place and we all are a part of it.
What all these people have done might be inexcusable in someone's book but this situation should have been approached in a more humane way.
The court of Law forgives but The court of public opinion never does .The same people who stand by you will abandon you in a second.
There's one thing common in all these people involved ,they have all become social outcasts. We have pushed them out of society with no remorse.Because all of us ,from both sides decided to hate each other and drag all these people to hell.
Most of us just needed a scapegoat to hate .Now that Build seems to be the victim, Build has been replaced by Poi and the other people involved .
We all tried to force all these people to be picture perfect and when they don't fulfill it we get angry.
Build,Poi and everyone involved will have to live with this until they die. There's no escape for them.
At the end of the day everyone including me were complicit in spreading hatred and anger and dividing ourselves and expelling all these people.
I should have looked at this case in a humane manner ,but I failed to do so. We can find their actions inexcusable but they are inevitably paying for everything that they have done.
Degrading ,mocking ,rejoicing about their downfall is not the way to go in my opinion.But then again how can I talk about morality when I myself am not a good person?
This actually showed me that people truly don't care about things like justice and the victim .They will care only care if it affects them. That's the reality and human nature. They will discard the person the moment the victim becomes the defendant.
I am no better either.
The truth is a bitter pill to swallow,but I can accept it when I am wrong.
Poi,Build and the other 3 kids are a product of their society. Their experiences would have shaped them to take all those decisions that they took. They are all imperfect. They are all human.We don't care about the real issue here.
But people can't be imperfect right?
Everyone has to be perfect right?It's easy to mock them right?
It's easy to ignore these problems right?
Build's tears are crocodile tears because he's a devil and not human enough to cry, am I right?
Poi shouldn't be sympathized with because she is crazy and delusional right ?
Those children and their parents should be shamed and mocked because they committed crimes right ?
It's easy ignore their struggles and not care because they no longer matter to us right?
We only need them as scapegoats just to hate them right ?
It's fun to see them dragged to hell right?
Degrading them, Dehumanizing them , sensationalizing this whole situation,dropping them when we can no longer seem to care , Ignoring how they feel because they are wrong feels good right ?
Let's not give them a voice because they are monsters right?
Their feelings don't matter anymore because we hate them right ?
How we failed them all. It took me a long while to accept this all but this is the bitter reality .And I was complicit in it as well. So I am no better .
Initially this was made under a meme about Build's resignation but now I made my own post about it. People shouldn't make memes out of the destruction of a person's life no matter how much you hate them.
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moerusai · 1 year
Friendly reminder that Build Jakapan is an abusive, rape-apologist, homophobic piece of shit who leeches off everyone he knows and shits on them behind their backs.
This post documents the newest evidence of his behaviors. Trigger warning for violence, domestic abuse. Please heed the warnings.
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discluded · 2 years
I think everyone is aware I try to be as reasonable, fair, and emotionally stable as possible in public to not contribute to fandom noise
I rescind my comment about not being mean to Pond and I'm gonna join the hate club now because
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(please keep all comments about pond to this post and not in my inbox. thank you!)
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ladymcres · 2 years
i do hope at least here on tumblr we'll get to keep it civil. Guys, whatever this is, this is not a victory, it's a tragedy. If build actually went through that (and until we won't get a trial and a verdict, "if" is a necessity exactly like it was before), he deserves time and space to heal and grief, please stop thinking about tv shows or fandoms or ships for a minute. Also, someone won't like what i'm about to say, but sending hate to people, poi included, is wrong. She's not fine either and it shows and she might need serious help. Same goes for the two twitter users who came out today apologizing for spreading fake rumors about build. Let's hold them accountable, but do not start a witch hunt. from what i gathered, they're pretty young so let's be careful. Social Media and hate can be devastatingly dangerous, so please, plase, be careful and kind.
Be the better person.
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gillianthecat · 2 years
Although I hadn't been particularly following Build or the Kinnporsche actors in general, that show was my entry point into BL fandom and I still see a lot about it and the actors crossing my dash. I tend not to seek out behind the scenes or "real life" information about actors (with occasional exceptions of hyper-fixations on specific people) and stay well aware that I know next to nothing about what actors and their relationships are really like, that what they show about themselves is crafted and intentional and may or may not reflect reality. And so I was slightly surprised to find myself feeling emotionally discombobulated by the news coming out about Build and Poi.
I do not know what happened, and I offer no opinions and guesses on what actually happened, and who in their circles knew what. This post is about me, not them.
I have the urge, always, to know what's happening, to seek out information, to understand the truth of the matter. I thought could stay "neutral" about this, that is, not seek out information but calmly consume what came across my dash. But I just now filtered all the relevant tags I could think of. I want to understand, but the truth is simply not available to me right now. And may never be. And while a part of me feels like it's disrespectful to the victim, whoever they maybe, to not want to know the truth of what happened, the fact is my knowing or not knowing doesn't change a thing about their lives. They don't know me, I have no power over their lives, and that is how it should be.
I think I find this upsetting for a couple reasons. First, I did like Build as an actor. He was the one in the cast who's acting I found most compelling, who seemed the most skilled to me, and I have been curious to see what he does next. So there is that feeling of loss, or worry about loss, that if these allegations turn out to be true, I will not get that. Because even if he gets to keep acting (although the climate for a relatively unknown Thai BL actor is very unlike that for someone like CK Louis so I suspect if the allegations are true he wouldn't get more work) I would not be able to watch him anymore, and so that would be a loss. And, even though I hadn't thought I'd had expectations for him as a person (and even less so after I'd heard bits and pieces about previous bad behavior of his) I am surprised to find I do have a sense of betrayal about it. He does seem like a nice guy. I do like the way he presents himself, at least in the little bits I've seen.
And of course, abuse is just unpleasant. Thinking about real people hurting each other of course is going to make me feel unhappy. In fiction, it's safely contained, there's a narrative arc, and no real people were actually harmed, so I can analyze it, get in my feelings about it. But with rumors of abuse by real people, there is no catharsis available.
And then lastly, there is the confusion of it all. They both have bad reputations in some way or other, there is evidence presented that may or may not be credible, I'm getting everything third or fourth hand and through at least one layer of translation that may or may not be accurate. Fans have strong opinions on either side, "she is a known awful person and so she must be lying," "she posted photos so he must be guilty," and I get overwhelmed by the certainty they show, the stregnth of the connection they seem to feel for these actors and writers they don't know personally.
Most of the people I follow have much more measured takes, recognizing that we (that is, everyone outside of Poi and Build and their inner circles) don't actually know what's happening, but it's only natural to have opinions and guesses about it. And I'm finding that even reading those makes me feel like I too should know what's happening, even though I don't need to and in fact it's impossible for me too. My internal tension between, believe victims, accusations are rarely lies versus everything I've read about her makes her sound like an abusive harasser versus of course that doesn't mean that she's lying and abusers can also be abused themselves versus I don't know what stories that I've read about any of them are actually true. And perhaps a few of the facts I could verify, but, as I said above, it wouldn't help me understand much more and only make me feel worse.
I was reluctant to post anything, because I don't want to add to the speculations and unfounded opinions about this, or clutter up the dashes of anyone else trying to avoid the topic altogether. But I decided for my own sake I needed to get this stuff out of my head and onto the page, so here it is. Not sure if any of the words make sense or manage to convey what I'm feeling, but at least its not rattling around in my brain poisoning my mood.
You are all welcome to come talk to me about your feelings about this news, and how it's affecting you personally, although I'd prefer not to get speculation about what happened, or opinions on who is telling the truth.
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purple-and-mint · 2 years
So, turns out a big part of those who "were just supporting a victim" didn’t care about the victim thing at all. Poi’s allegations gave them not an urge to "support a victim", but an opportunity to throw hate at Build. As soon as the situation turned out to be not so convenient, the talks shifted from wanting justice to "even if he wins at court, it doesn’t mean he’s not guilty" and "even if the allegations are not true, he still deserves to *insert any unpleasant thing that comes to mind*".
Didn’t those people want justice? The case is going to court, and justice will be served.
So what’s wrong?
The fact that Build was the one who filed the lawsuit? Then it’s more of a question to Poi about why she hadn’t done that first. If Build and his lawyer are confident enough to file a case, I don’t see why they shouldn’t do it.
That Build spoke up about the situation? He has every right to.
Or that now it’s not so easy to hate on him?
It’s understandable to not view Build as a victim since it’s not yet been confirmed by the court. But then the same should also be applied to Poi, no? And Twitter is not a court, and its users are not judges. If someone was so quick to believe Poi after seeing the tweets, then shouldn’t they also have believed Build after the call recording or Build’s interview with the media?
It’s upsetting to see how this victim thing is handled, how these serious matters are used to initiate fanwars, to start hating campaigns on someone who people dislike, to gain followers and retweets through the "hyped topic" (I can’t explain otherwise WHY ON EARTH people would make up stories about rape). It’s not doing any favors to any real female and male victims, and the fact that those things are hidden behind the smokescreen of "supporting a victim" makes it much, much worse.
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quick note: if you're turning on build due to the most recent chat leaks, do me a favor and unfollow, then learn critical thinking skills and ask yourself why you're happily playing into the hands of a known liar and abuser.
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aria0fgold · 2 months
Playing minecraft singleplayer isn't usually this fun but as a system it got really fun in a way where it also simultaneously fixes my horrendous sleep sched by being so lenient with the use of creative mode from time to time.
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sherlockholmeson · 1 year
The benefit of a doubt I have been giving B has run out. People are defending him saying that everyone badmouths their friends (?) behind their backs. Errr.... No they don’t. It would not occur to me unless I had some serious beef with someone. And I doubt I would say it in such a nasty way.
It all amounts to him just being plainly two faced,and I do realize celebrities are not in real life as they present themselves to be but saying such a vile things about people that are actually supportive of you and your success shows his true character.
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